'- e
The Interior Journal.
of Mercer county, la n candidate for Com
monwealtli Attorney of this, the latli in
dl ilillsiilct, subject to the notion ot the
Inn cnmtldnto for ell cult Judge of this. th
tilth district, st'inccl to t.ie nct'oii ot fie
It n cnndldntc for circuit Judgo of thli, tbe
iami jutiicini ni.mci, .uiijcci 10 mo ncuou
of the Democratic party
Democratic Ticket.
Kor HtnleHennior,
of Lincoln county,
l'or ltcprentntl.o,
Kor Obuniy Judge,
Kor County Atto. ney,
' Kor Circuit t'lei",
Tor Hit HrT
W. L. McCAH': Y
Kor County Court Work,
For Jailor,
Tor AMMof,
.For Huperlntendent of Hehools,
For Coroner.
For Mnglstrnte'Htnnfonl Dltirlct,
For Constable Htnn.'ord District,
For Magistrate Crnb Orchnrd District,
For Msglstrnle Hustontllle District,
For Constable Ilustonrlllo District,
For Mnglstrnfu Wnyooburg District,
ForComtnble Wayneburg District,
Wm. H. Taft, president-elect, 13 a
Master Mason. The impressive cere
mony which brought him that distinc
tion was conducted by Charles S. Hos
kinson, the "Most Worshipful Grand
Master of the Grand Lodge of the MoU
Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of
Free and Accepted Masons of the State
of Ohio." The highest .Masonic author
ities of 17 States witnessed Mr. Tnft'a
admission into the order, as did a body
or men representing distinguished citi
zens of Cincinnati and the member. of
Kilwinning Lodge, of which Alfonso
Taft, father of the president-elect, was
a member, and in which Chatles P. Taft
was inducted under the auspices of his
father. The Scottish Hi to Cathedral,
Cincinnati, an ancient edifice devoted
to the higher degrees of Masonry, was
the scene of the ceremony. The nro-
cedure, which culminated in the decla
ration that Mr. Taft was a Mason, oc
cupied 35 minutes.
A correspondence schuol to teach
the criminally incluud how to break
jail and slip oil hand-cuffs 13 tho latest
A young womin in Boston. Miss Lillian
Rice, was coming money at $5 a course
when tho Kederul authoiitidd caught on
and put the enterprising younjj woman
under arrest, but sho got permission to
go into tho bath room a moment and
disappeared, thereby hhowinjr sho
onto her job.
There will be live candidates for
Speaker of tho next House: Will H.
Shanks, of Lincoln; Georgo Willson, of
Union; J. C. Pirtle, of Htrdin; Lillard
Carter, of Anderson; Clarence U Mc
Elory, of Bowling-. Green, and Hai.y
Schoberth, of Woodford. We hopo rnd
believe that Hon. W. II. shanks, of
this place, will land tho plum.
The police judge of Jellico is in jail
for non-payment of an old judgment.
A man sued him for sending: him to jail,
as ho charged, to keep him from voting,
and secured a $100 verdict. The jud"e
refused to pony up, so ho languished
durance vile. If all Jhoso who won't
pay judgments were similarly treated
more debts would he collected.
Kansas was always noted for Hi
cranks, political and otherwise, of
which this is further evidence. Tho
Senate has passed a bill prohibiting tho
sale of liquor for mcllcal, scientific or
other purposes. If Kansm has a con
stitution, such a law ought 'o be bat.rd
by it.
Gov- WlLLfaON p4.I up tho AitU
Saloon Leaguo Convention. Duubil-
ho wanted to av.-ld enfinlernonls U
tweon what tho goviii.ur in South Cer.
olino said t th cpui.ior of Noil", Cur
ol'na. Mil. TAiTuay. ho never taxes medi
i i.u "at . ",0 RCcrot i l''s fine
iisauu, unuutiess, tno tKing of medi
fine is the banu of most livti.
Tiib Cincinnati Commercial Tribune
isstil harulogoiiour old fj.end, Abo
Lincoln, beems ta us it is about time
to give him a rest.
Chicago women are appealing to the
I.l.1.t,Ir .. Uw nrnvldinjr
somo way that will distinguish a mar
rled man from a single man as "Miss"
and "Mrs." show the social relations
of women. They do not suggest a ti
tle, leaving that to the inventive gen
ius of the solons. As thero la no law
providing the titles of "Miss," "Mra."
or "Mr.," legislation on tho subject
will bo in tho initiative. The Legisla
ture of Illinois can do a great deal, but
it may be doubted whether it could se
curely attach to unmarried men n title
that would indicate thrlr celibacy. It
might be mor6 easy for tho law to re
quire all married men to wear a badgo
for tho Information of tho young wo
men of Illinois, or perhap3 a collar
would bo moro appropriate to show
their condition of servitude. Tho sub
ject is a deep and important one and Its
solution by the la.v makers of the Gar
den Stato will bo looKed forward to
with interest. Chicago men at least
should have their social condition desig
nated In some way.
The New York World's editor, who
has been indicted in connection with
tho charges against tho Panama Canal
steal, soys that Roosevelt is pro:titut-
Ing his great ofTice to justify personal
malice. The libel proceedings have no
other object than to enable Roosevelt
to use the machinery of the United
State to satisfy tho personal desires
for revengo. "Wo say this reluctantly,
but say it without qualification, be
cause it is true. Roosevelt is an epi
sode. Tho World is nn institution." If
the masteryof the courts can Lc subor
dinated to tho suppression of freo
speech or a Tree press, this country is
in a bad way, and wo shall scan become
vassals 'nster.d of peers.
The mail order journals havo flood
ed tho countiy and now cornea n
"An,ti-Mail Order Journal" to coun
teract their efforts. Its object is
briefly stated to promote tho prospei
ily, welfaro and happiness of the mer
chant and dealer in small towns and
communities. The immediato result
sought, and toward the accomplish
ment of which this publication is to
be directed, is to break tho hold of
the Mail Order Monoply and turn the
business now being sent to it to lo
cal channels. A great desideration
will be accomplished if it succeeds.
Ordinarily Congressmen elected in
November do not havo to serve until
the December following a year. Thiy
simply look wise in order to make their
coctituents think they have done the
propar thing in eKcting them. They
aho draw their pay with religious reg
ularity from tho 4th of March after
their election. They have got to get ti
wortc or act like men who do work. Tho
extra session of Congress to be called
for the 15th of March will corral them
in Washington and make them try to
do somethirg for their per diem per
Whev our peripatetic battle tquad
ron returns, it is said that it will fire
over two thousand guns saluting the
President on the occssion of the forth
camintf review at Hampton Poads.
Tins will make tho sweetest music
'the Pr -idtnt ever heard; it will bo
almost as good ct a real battle. In
cidentally it emphasizn the import
ance of dissolving tho Powder Trust
rnd fcetlin competitive pnen on ex
plosive. It will also call uttention
to the.uielc-s wasto of money e cvS
ory shot C03b a numbsr of dol'o' j.
Little Lotta, who used to jump on
tables, do kittenish tricks, and kick up
her heels to tho delight of us who are
old enough to remember it, is now ck-
ins out pn existence on tho income of a
million of dollars worth of property,
mo.'t of which she made on the stage
and by gold investments, Sho Is very
fond of horses and usually has a string
at the Lexington trots. She has grown
fat and gray, but still retains some of
tho appearanco that made her so popu
lar a quarter of a century ngo.
Vou'VB heard of tho story of a finicky
old maid who said sho had dined hearti
ly on tho wing of a humming bird, a
species of the feathered class generalty
thought to bo too small for eating pur
poses, and unfit for it besides. Howev
er, a man in San Antonio has just or-!
dered COO humming birds from a game i
dealer in Mexico. These arc to be serv
ej as a course at a banquet, which. If
the rest of tho menu is of a kind, will
furnish mighty slim pickings for the
We regret to obscrvo that In tho list
of the olllcers of tho National Congress i
of Mothers there appaarn the name of '
ono "Miss." It is to bo hoped, how-1
ever, for her eak and tha sako of tho '
Congress that it is a misprint. Again, '
too, she might havo trouole in oonvine-,
invc tho other sinten that " uy" waa
at home with the children. I
Gov. Vilu.on oi.nouncec on
that ho wotil I r 'railt no wrrui '
p 1 fur pjridi'i. md the mux ui; ,
"permitu I'o . r & Co. to rwrKitj'.
ly uppeal. ilo dou'UI . . mirtnt in his
order that fugitives urn ju3t.ee in i
Cj?bcl i.tv ru excepi ' '
' SEKATOR-ELECr W. 0. Ukadlly says
that if th republican party can not gel
along without tho olUce-holdcra itought
"to go to h-1."
Public sentiment la dead down on po-
litlcal bribery and that means that It'
has got to stop. A bank president in
Pittsburg has been convicted of giving
a councilman $15,700 to procure tho
passage of an ordinanco making his
bank a depository for city funds. Only
a few weeks ago a railroad president
was convicted of offering $70,000 to a
Pittsburg councilman to procuro n frnn
chlso for his company. The peniten
tiary is a lamentable end for eminently
respectable business men to reach, but
political bribery has got to bo stopped.
Tho man who gives a bribo is as bad as
the one who takes It, and tho vicious
practico can only be stoppped by mak
ing it too hazardous to demand black
mall or to offer corruption money.
1 Judgk William Howakd Taft said
farewell to his Cincinnati home Friday
beforo leaving for r.t least four years'
residence at Washington. He made a
speech on tho floor of tho Chamber of
Commcrco in tho afternoon and that
night wns tho guest of honor at a ban-
nuet given by tho Knockers' Club, an
adjunct of tho Business Men's League.
, Mohb than 31.000 men will march In
l,'e Taft parade at the inaugura ion,
22.000 soldiers and 9.000 civilians. Thero
are r, organizations of whlto men, nine
of Negroes, one of Indians nnd
Bradley special lot of admirers.
Only nine more days of Teddy. It u
sad to think how bad tilings will go
when he no longer holds the country up
by the tail.
' The Sunday school nt tho Christian
church Sunday morning was tho largest
I for two years, 162 being present. Tho
collection was $6 47.
W. W. Ramsey, former president of
the German National Batik of Pitts
burg, wrs found guilty in connection
with the rc:cntgraft exposures.
The Secret of Long Life.
A French scientist lias discovered
one t-ecret of long life. His method
ilea's with tho Idood. Huti long ago
millions of Americans had proved
Electric HittOM prolongs life, and
makes It worth living. It' purifies, en
riches and vitalle" the blood, re
builds wasted nerve cells, Imparts life
and tone to the entire system. Its a
godsend to weak, sick and debilitated
people. "KIdnoy troublnhad blighted
my life for months," writes W. M.
Sherman, of Coshiiv , Mo, "IwtKleo
trie Hitters cured mo entirely" On'y
59c. at Penny's Drug Store.
Eczema is Curable
ZEMO, a scientific preparation fot
external use. Stops itching instantly
and destroys tbe germs that cause skin
diseases. Eczema CJickly yields and is
permanently cured by this remarkable
medicine. AH Druggists. Write for sam
ple. E. VV. Rose Med. Co., St. Louis, Mc.
1'eiiDy'h Drug Stor
Elevator, Residence
Land For Sale!
T!i mill pioH.'itv, Vnnun it. tho I: id
fnUille Holler Mills. N n luuoj ilv
i'il''pii l nit wil.i r vip. city o ,1 i i I.
o. Hour ii ll, ! ldc uiei I i nl (. at us
iIomi. 1 au plant U In oiillv ope jtJoti. firo
Uuciiic lii.mu iii til. ni' ! ii mi, , on not
I'ICl'lIrt, 1)1 . uv 1 .If KIl'N to IV. l.'llt 11
V (.iuiiu c.i, Kiel ty of ' ',( I liu.iirK unit is
iiinlpiHil ilii t,m liitv.t linpios, il am litis
ol V me iuhIiii'sh Hj.ettnblKlitd In ls.onnil
ii ml. In ood fanr wltli it liuite, steady
IIIKI lllllllll,ll IlllUf.
'1 he I slilenrei.ii nen tHo.toiy, 10 loom
flume ltil all neeess.ii) outhouse.. Im n
tniKK'klietl.coru-orlb, etc., all In zihmI iu-
p-lr.ona lot l&lfeet fiont liy oTafiet diip,
iiwil ieuiii'iuiiy .uiiuim oy niru muiut s,
II") Uvl of colonial isoicli around fiont nnd
.Idea of iioiise. One oft lie most comfort. ilim
andilislralileliouie. In SlailonUouiity. At
tached to 111 Ian plot of alxa.il u jiures ot
the mt.v imeit iMittom l-i'U, t'.ian Iilcli
tlieiolinonu Latter III the t-tto.
TliHWliole pioe tv lies to 'ether In the
edgi of t,io tovtn of Cu'iroinstllle. Kv.,n
bcHUtlful village vsitu ood chuiche. and
school. In tliu Mtllev of luo i:olllnx KorU, 10
mile, fioiii Lelnnou.KT.. tliekeatofllnilon
ounty, where the nearest mill t loc.iteil,
nndwliere till, mill Ii.itn eood tr ule. This
I. an unusual opportunity for n bi iuIsoiiib
homo aiulnp.olltalile.wdllestJiilUinil luisl
tie... Tbe whole proiwrtv w ,11 Le sold to the
iniKiie.i oiuuer on mo pieuiise..
wki)nj:hi)ay, m.viiuii iotii. iku,
nt h'xccatoi. sale. Teim. tnnde ktiown on
ilayof ilu. l'or f wit lur Information, cull
uu ur iiuuivbs,
T. U..t 11. K. Tkuiiu.nk Kxicutors.
JlraJfoiilsvllle, Ky.
We, whose name, appear below, strictly
forbid liuutlne. II.hlliK or uny kind of tre.
I passing on our places mid w ill prosecute vi
olator. 10 iuu iuii uxiem 01 me law.
Mrs. Walter Wurren. M
1. M-lttlu White.
1". V. Curie
M. K. Lawrence,
J.H.lIocUi ,
.1.1,. Hoi. t w,
Mu.J.I'. ' Jl' il
Me. eri. M 00
Jann-r.C J,
M. 11. 1,. e.
J.l;. 0 'Del' '
Tiio'U I'ei ".
l-s ii i;u jr
M.O. r c . .. oi
11' " llBWl
rs J I HI' 'Ml
1 U.. I IC..CJ,
J. W. UiiiikUiimu.
J. I!. Urine,
lianTra) lor,
1 ii ieHpoonumoie
Leu t. Jiursiu.
J. il. I'ettus,
.in "uli Ilillou,
',V. Hasty,
1'.. 1,. I'ulllnm.
I is. II. I,. Williams,
.,. .im iu urn ier
Ifis. Jas llnlnes.
Dr. J. l. Carpenter,
j, is. i, run ii,
A. li.'riioiiiison,
J. SI. Ware,
(luleheiituiub llro,,
A.T. Truylor,
N. 11. 1'lummer,
ll.O. Nuniielley,
J.W. I'eck.
j,,, t. r.iiiitjrv.
Kreil llnndorf,
I . II. Anderson,
Mr and Mm, Jus. 11. Kails
J. J. Iiiontisou
J. K. Moser.
W. It. lMiiilierty,
Kav. I'atlierl.io,
It. W.dHlne.
Mr, in. J. llurton
Mrs. Ueo. loian.
Kiunk I'oruler,
Ir. ii. tl. 1'ii-r.
H II. nallhtiuun,
itrlHh AllirlHht.
Mrs. H.irssHret (loooli. Jaww dander
Jt LT. 1'UUI.
lse.Q. (Iltii,
W. H T ylor
Mini "olwru.
j mi n ju i ,
i. I. Ho iu nn,
A 11, Mntiitjiiv
ail. J. IS. Husky,
11 ).. Knaiilev,
ll.U. Wutkin..
Aiii mi HeIBe ...
K.T. i.tuxley
1. H (lariiei ,
M.J. Moruttl,
n, i . iiiirris,
J.O. Ilundlov I' II daw. '
M' a. Nannie L.Good, ('. K. HcCluro,
AndeisoiiC ., Hum lloiK'cLi'r,
W. M. Disiioii, Krrd VonUruenlnun
T. h. .'ii..uuian. Mis. KnteAdor
Nledlutx, M;. Itsbeccn It C'arpouter
W. KopuU. j.-, MoserV
John b. Lee,
Is I Alfalfa, lions nnd entile come to 'flutlf r Co
neni lur s,:ss in iiniirotru inriiiB,suii'irv..,
J. K. WKHT, Augusta, Km.
Lincoln I-odga No.ffl. K. A A. M.wlll meet
In tinted romimiiilcntlonunrnch first nnd
third Monday nlitht. of rnch month, nt T:.l
o'clock In their hnll on Main afreet, Htnti-
SVI1I M JM SIIIII-Unui einn .
ternnlly Invited to on prevent.
W. M.,T. W ruintngtoii,Hof,
fnrd.kr. Memlier. of sister Iodize, lire frn-
.-;.....-. . ."."". . .
u. 1,. renny,
Notice U lierehy glcn thnt nil f.lnroln
county bond, of .trie. "II." Issued Mnrch I,
liw. redeemable In lijenrs with prh liege of
imylng In loyenrs from nld ilntsf, will In;
jiiild on tho lit Uny of .Mnrrh, h'V, on lire.
entntlon to tho Lincoln County Nntdnial
ltimkHiiil thnt Inicre.l tin, .nme will .top
litter .nld ditto Totiil iiliiutint II3SM.
Thl.Jnn.2l !!..
Junto. McUvchnlo.ti II. Cooler nnd W.H.
I hnve opened 11 lilnck.mlth nnd Koncrnl
repair .hop nt my home, the old tollgntv
nrciiMTly on tho Htniifortl like nenr I
1 lonwno, nun n.K annre 01 inn punno
h llo on-
tronnste. l'.M 1, JKK, HlKtoiiWIlo, Ky
Now Livorv
Dopot Stroot,
Phono OO,
Wenre In nosltlan todonll kind, nt con
WltHK, such ii. lllock Work, rurement.
nnd. In fnct. wo can luuke nny thing from n
house down ton fence oo.t. We enli aeru
)oii promptly nnd gunriuitee. nr.t-cln.a
work nnd innierlnl. ("nil nnd nt our price,
before ) ou !uy your matt rial ut least
Stan ford, Ky.
Mahony & Rankin,
Fire, Life, Accident
and Tornado.
Farm Property a Spe
cialty. Kllihl of the lending rompmile. of the
world representeil. Comjiete In rule, with
all the companies of tho world. Um-ia-Initncord
unsurims.nl. .Never lind it la
suit lit the history of thl. iii(ene. Ixissr.
promptly paid nnd without discount. No
wattlm? tldnii fur lour tiione). Ileforu In
suring, cnll on
The ltiMirnucc Men of i-"lnnforl.
fain In tho head rata anywhere, hat lu rnnM,
rain Is com estloo. lain It blood pmsura oothlnf
else usually. At least, to tan IT fchooo. an,l to
roT It ha ha created a little rink tablet. That
tablet called Dr. bhoop'. llnulacba Tablet
coaxes blood pressure airay from pa'n centers.
iurncii,cnarnunsT.pirasuislrdellxmiuI (iently
uujuaa miicij, ii surety snjuaiue i
lib blood circu.
If you hara a headache. It's blood rrcasum.
If It's painful periods with women, ainw osojw.
II rouaro sleeoleu. restleAL n,nr-ui. It's Ucuii
CoagesUoa blood pressure That surely Is a
certainty, for Dr Snoop. UrAilacbe Tabhustop
It In SO minutes, and the tablet simply dliirlUji.
the unnatural blond pressure
bruise your flnrer, and doesn't It ret red. am)
swell, and pain you? Of course tt does. It's coo
ruUon. blood pressure. Y
Is always. It s simply Oo
Y tall at 23 ccau. vui i
You ii raid it where pais
Oommon snse.
cbtriuuy recomnwvi
Dr. Shoop's
Weekly Courier -Journal
The Interior Journal
ONLY $1.50.
Ftw wop.. i In tbe United htatr hays rut
heard of the Courier-Journal Democratic
Id all thing.,' fair In all things, cloan lu all
ttilugt, t la esaontlally a family paper, liy
a special arrangement we are, enabled to of
fer the WEEiaV COUlMEU-OUUNAL one
year and this paper fur tbe price named
above. Bend your subscription for tbe com
bination to us not tc tbe Oourler-Jouwa
If You Wartt To Crown
Alfn.lfn, hogs nnd entile come to 'II
Just to keep things a little lively for a few
more weeks, we are going to put on sale some
special things in
Boys' Clothing f
at a rediculously low price. 50 pairs of boys'
50-cent knee pants at 25 cents;
of boys 50 and 75-cent knee pants at 35
cents, and a few pair of $1 and $1.50 one at 75
cents, $2.50 suits at 1.50,the $3 Suits are re
duced to $1.90, a fine lot of $3.50 and $4
suits at $2.50 each, a few $5 ones left at
$3.50, $7.50 ones at $5 and the $JO ones at
$7. These are plums worth your picking and
you better do your pickingquick.
These Prices Must Be Cash.
M New Ledgers, . Journal's And !
$ Cash Books $
ty In Great Variety of Styles'and Prices. fQ
M T T7S. . T i... Dal
kv xii x avt a v cry vumpiete Yy)
ttf Line of Stationery 0i
g? Generally. $3
f V oioniora,
Highest Market Prices Pai'd For .
Eggs, Hides, Furs ' .,
Hens lO to 10 l-2c.
Roosters 4 to 4 I-2c.
Chickens 9 to lOc? '
Ducks lOto 10 1-2c.
Geese 6 to 7c.
Turkeys lO to 12c.
Scrap Iron.
Guineas 20c a Piece. Rubber.
H. B. NORTHCOTT. Stanford, Ky.
SS-iiori power lailler und engine nnd suw
mill (or sale, Will . II tltheror lotli.
Oil A. r.Hl.lN,l)lteihiiliu, Ky..
1'ostonice, WuyiK.buiK, Ky.
Wo ship liest ijuallly Held nnd rariliii
et'U.illrtct to farmers ut lowest wholesale
Wo sell elm or., wrasses, sesil oats, seed
corn, cane seed, millet, low H-ii,soja Ihiiii.,
iMiimits, mil ixitalots, cablui;e plants, mi.
tutu nnd tomato slips, onion seta, garden
iH'aus. icurdeu uens. all kinds LHirden. Held
mid How er seed., land plaster und fertllli
era. Write, us for iirli.ea and siiiuulis. Htuto
wlint oii wunt.
110 rkcond Ave., North,
ls'asuvllle, Tenn.,
HcniucKy., fit
Thorouglibrid H.O. Ilrowii la'sjhorn ckiis.
from teleuteU stock.
HUMhV.M, UltOWN, '
Htanford, ky.
Stock of. Merchandise
for Sale.
I desire to .oil prhntely my stock of (Jro.
cerliaiind lliirilwiire. Imii.c n goi.t Inlsl-
i'iYV' .W" " "ut WW. lU'usoii-.
III lienllh.
Hilt), I. HOi'l'Klt. Stanford, Ky
The, furm ot iKlHuns, of kooiI blue iirn.s'cS
l,,i,l lvl,,r .,.,., .,.11.. KIj.. 1. .., llrtl'l....u. n.. ".
the Htanf
mint ouu llillu North of MeKlnne v.on
the .Htanford ulku. Improvement, nnd
fencing uood! plenty of water and fruit.
Also 13 acre, of timbered land ouu tulle
Kastof MeKlnneytlialf under fence plenty
of water and good tobacco land. Hie grow
n crop.