OCR Interpretation

The Stanford interior journal. [volume] (Stanford, Ky.) 1911-1912, September 08, 1911, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052022/1911-09-08/ed-1/seq-2/

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Tiie Interior Journal.
Established 1872
HELTON M. 8AUFLEY,...Publiiher
Kate red at the postotfice at Stan
ford as second clati mail.
For Governor Jarnoa D. McCrcary.
Kor I.leiiL governor E. J. MrDc-mctt
For Treasurer Thos. S. Ilhea.
For Secretary of State O. F. Crcoe-
For Attorney General James OarnctL
For Auditor II. M. Boswnrth
J-'or State Superintendent ot Schools
Uarksdalo HamletL
For Commissioner Agriculture J. W.
For Clerk Court of Appeals K. I.
Kor Railroad Commissioner W. F.
For Circuit Judge Charles A. liar
Fo' lieprcentntivc W. II. Shmiks.
Absolutely Pure
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Crape Cream ofTartar
sivo wanderings n Augustus
first nnd tlmnk God the Inst.
Lincoln County, one of tho three
.into which county Kentucky, stnte
of Virginia,, was divided in 1790,und
one of the nine constituent counties
of the stnte of Kentucky, at the
time of its ndnnssioii to tho union
of states in 170L though it litis fig
ured prominently in tho history of
tho Stnte from the beginning, yet n
representative of Lincoln county hns
never been called to the speakership
of the House of Hcpreseutatives.
The county will, this year return
as its Legislator, lion. W. II. Shanks.
n kinsman of David Shank, who
iepreented the county in 18.TJ and
3840, a nephew of Thos. II. Shanks
who represented tho county in 1875
nnd 1877, and who himself most
worthily represented us in the Inst
General Assembly.
Mr. Shanks who is a large land
owner, and who is primarily interest
cd in agriculture, has had that train
in and experience which eminently
qualify him for the speakership of
of the House, to which position he
aspires. In early life he received
that systematic training of the mer
chant which qualifies him for a pro
per appreciation of the needs of the
commercial interests of the state.
He has the benefit of a regular col
legiate education, and his power for
influence has been broadened l a
thorough training in the law and nt
the bar, where he gave promise of
unusual prominence, and developed
a convincing and effective style of
The coming session of the legisla
ture is to deal with some of the most
ituriortant questions that have come
before the law making body of tho
state in the last quarter of a century
and there will be no man in that
body better fitted to guide its de
liberations than W. II. Shanks.
With McCrcary of Madison in the
governor's chair, with McDcrmott,
of Jefferson, to preside over the
Senate, and Shanks, of Lincoln.
Speaker, of the House, three of the
original nine counties of Kentucky
will give the state such leadership
nnd such brand of democracy as
will not be excelled in the whole
sisterhood of states.
Judge O'Kcnr's race for governor
if bound to stand or fall on the per
formances of the present republican
state administration which is em
phnticnlly indorsed in tin republi
can plnform. Heres just one in
stance of how WiiUnn nnd hU cuiwd
have taken care of the people's in
terests: While n republican franchise
board reduced assessments of banks
nnd corporations a lcpnblicnn board
of equalization' on tho other side of
the hall was raising tho assessment
on form hinds everywhere from 5
per cent, to i!0 per cent. The peo
ple voluutnrilv rnisid their own as
sessments 'd,000,000 00, but Go.
Willson's board increased the assess
ment on farm InmW ifdl ,000,000
Wliv were the people thus taken
by th" throat nnd fleeced of their
hnrd earnings wrung from the soil?
Here is the answer: In n little more
than lliree years Gov. Willson spent
$'J77,15S.S7 for tin nrtie militia that
nmatetir soldiers might, in answer to
his ridiculous innuifesto, roam the
state and. in idleness, cat the money
of the tnx-pnyers. It was absolute
ly necessary for this sum, in excess
of ono quarter of a million dollars
to be secured either by nn increase
in the tax rate, or by an increase in
the assessment,, nnd preferring this
cowardly subterfuge Gov. Willson's
board of Equalization raised the ta
able values of farm lands $6l,0')0,-000.00.
Books for your state nnd county
Maxes are now ready. Please call
and settle. W. L. McCarty, sheriff.
Phone No. 168 for (ire Insurance
on your tobacco in barn. R. M. New
land Anent.
Lost, between Crab Orchard and
Stanford, ring with several keys,
one of which is number 40 to safetj
deposit box. l'lensu leave at Lin
coln National Bank.
Wanted. -Good Housekeeping mag
r.inc requires the service of n repre
sentative in Stanford to look after
subscription renewals and to extend
rurulntioii by special methods which
liuu' 'proved unusually successful.
Salary and commission. 1'rcvinus
experience desirable, but not assen
tinl. Whole time or spare time. Ad
dress, with reference. J. F. Fair
banks, Good Housekeeping Maga
zine, .181 Fourth Ave., New York
City. OII-'J.
For Sale. I will sell at public
outcry in front of the court housn
door in Stanford on Monday Sept 1 1
county court day, nt 1 o'clock 1'. M.
10 shares of stock in the Hank of
Morelnnd. 11. W. McGuffey, Adm'r
W. L. Dishon. US-1 p.
For Sale My bono on Cist kIiiui
street. II. C. Il.iiigliiiiiin. OStf
Judge O'Rcar has forgotten to tell
the voters just how he is going to
jam through the Legislature nil the
various half-baked measures that
are forming in his brain, when nine
teen of the hold-over senators, just
one-half the Senate membership are
democrats, nnd with the probability
that the democratic maionty in both
houses will be ovjr ouo hundred.
They hae the votes in the Legisla
tive to curry out the wishes of the
people, expressed at the polls, und
hey huve cundMu'es who will ic
dcHra their platform pledges to lhc
letter. If by any catastrophe O'Rear
happened to be elected Governor, he
would havo to sit in the governors
office for four years, und do nothing
but suck his thumb and appoint no
taries public.
We wish to serve notice upon the
Lnncastei Keeord that Mr. John T.
Wanks who took the blue nnd red
tie on wnter melons is a Lincoln
coutitv man and his melons a Lin
coln county pioduct.
The banks and post office closed
up n usual on Labor Da v. .Most
everyone cUe around here worked a
little harder, than usual.
W. S. Fish presents only fa nest
and strongest insurance companies.
Let n,m keeP yu protested. 34 If
The Lincoln County Medical So
ciety will meet in Dr. Peyton's of
fice Tuesday Sept. 12 1011 at 10:30
o clock. Program: Dr. O'llnunoii
essayist. Dr. Hammond?, counsel
lor for this district will be present
All members me urged to be prcs-
nt. M. .M. Phillips Scc'y.
Lost. Plain gold ring with inscrip
lion, "from Walter to Lulu." lic
vwitd for return to this office. 71-tf
The Dry Fall Outing To
Mammoth Cave,
For the Home Circle and Private Parties.
Round Trip from Stanford and
all Way Stations Regular train
4:40 A. R, yy R
ALL EXPENSES At HOTEL ONLY $5.50. This Includes vour board and admission to the icv-
eral routes in the Cave. One evening for a promenade or dance.
A GRAND TWO DAYS' OUTING. Write or Phone L. & N., Ticket Ancnt.
Look at ojt cutaway dtso harrow
next Monday, lightest atrougost Mid
most durable disc harrow on tho
market. Try ono and you will be
satisfied. W. H. Higgms.
An optimistic hobo, who was some
thing of n philosopher, wrote during
the recent drouth, on a freight car,
in which he had slept on the siding
at Hemp, the following good ad
vice: "Don't worry, nothing was
ever so bad but what it could bo
Lost. 3'J caliber automatic Colts
volver between Carter's store nnd
Highland. Five dollars reward to
finder who will return to Buford
Meredith, Ottenheim, or write to Bu
ford Meredith, liouto 1 Wnynesbarg.
Havu your lubber tiroing done at
Ponce Pros. IL ?lo und $10, best
tires. 0711
County Clerk Geo. II. Cooper has
appointed Mr. K. G. Gilliland of
Wnjnosbiirg, deputy county c'.erk for
that section. Mi. Gilliland is em
poweied to write mortgages deeds,
prepaie pension papers nnd other
legal work and do notarial work.
Sec him if jou need anything in that
line Cl-lp.
a Stanford Reader Will
If you nrc considering buying a
cutter or silo filler of any kind see
C. L. Dawes or phone 40 und he will
call on you with the best cutter pro
I nsition on the market. G9-3.
There will be nn ice cream sup
per and entertainment nt the Hub
ble Christian church on Friday, Sept
3th. All arc invited.
The wanderings of Gov Augustus
L Willson prove embarussing to his
fellow Kcpublicans of the state tick
et when they realize that his neg
lect of duty is daily making votes
for the Democrats. The official re
cord shows that he has been absent
from Frankfort 239 days in his Inst
three years and a half. He is now
on his way to Wequetonsing for nn
additional thirty day's vacation, and
it is safe to predict that before
his term expires he will have spent
300 days away from his post of duty
Every day that he is ubsent, the
state pays him f20 in uddition to
the $10 that the Lieutenant Gove;,
nor draws for acting as Governor
In other words, Governor Willson
will draw from the Treasury C,
000. for services he never rendered
and acting Governor Cox will draw
$3,00 additionaLfor doing Willson's
This is the sort pf extravagnnco
und neglect that the Republican
State Convention endorsed when it
nnnounced its approval of Governor
Willson's administration.
Judge O'llear says he stands in
every ,plan,k of that platform, nnd
necessarily he endorses the expen-
Arrangements have been com
pleted whereby we ore enabled to
offer the daily Courier-Journal until
December 30, 1911 and THE IN
TERIOR JOURNAL one full year for
nnlv S1.80. The regular price of
the Courier Journal is 50 cents a
month. This is a remarkable offer,
and the sooner you send in your or
der the longer you will get the Cour
ier Journal. The political campaign
is on, keep posted by rending the I. J
All orders must be sent to tlie Inter
ior Journal not to the Courier Jour
Mr. W. W. Pitmnn, who lives on
Route No. 3 had his fine bull dog
shot nud killed by some one last
Sunday night in his yard, lie will
offer a reward as he valued his fine
dog very highly.
For Sale. 3-horse power gaso
line engine; used less than a year
and for sale only because too light,
lor work required; a bargain. Ap
ply nt this office. 71-tf
For Sale. First class Indies' bug
gy horse; guaranteed for Indies.
John Cook. 71-tf
There will be pleaching service nt
the Baptist church Sunday morning
and evening 1:15 and 7:30 P. M.,
Sunday School at 9:30 A. M.,
A gold watch fob wus left on tho
dining loom tablo at the Huptist
Association in Stanford Wednesday.
Owner can have same by applying
nt this office and paying for this ml.
Tho Interior Journal and tho Week.
Iy Cincinnati Hnqulrer one year for
11.30. The weekly Enquirer Is n spun
did farm and family paper. a.
When people read about the cures
made bv a medicine endorid from
lnr away, it is surprising that thev
wonder 'f the statement? are true?
lint when thev rend of cases right
here .it home, positive proof is with
m their rcneh, for close Investigation
is nn easy matter. Read Si an foul
endorsement of Doan's Kiiluev Pills,
Dawson Harnett. Rowland St..
Stanford, Ky says: "Some tune
(Igo I hud a severe fall and this, to
gether with the jarring to which I
urn subject in my work, brought on
kidney trouble. For several dilys I
could hardly get about on account
of the puins in my back. I also no
ticed that the passages of kidney s
crctioiis were very irregular, especial
Iy nt night. 1 decided to cure this
trouble before it become chronic nnd
as I knew that Donn's KiJucv Pills
were good for such complaints, I
proeuied a box ut Shugars and Tan
ner's drug store. Befoic I had fin
ished the contents, I was entirely
cuicd and I have had no kidney
(rouble since."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the Tinted
Retni'inbVr the name Doan's -
and take no other.
September 11 to October 1
' - - i il-
i mil I -jrjBK'P97r'Xitfk. . V
Main Building Containing 0,000 Squart Faet of Eihlblt Spaco.
A Most Magnificent and ftovel Exploitation of
Resources of the Entire Appalachian Region
Mw!?fv00SJfJi';r,',8. V,.r,let,c.'" Vlr"na " varl.ty. Innumtrabl. high clatt
Midway Ftaluraa. Aviation lournamtnv. Panoramic praatntatlon of tht
hUtrie """ "B, '" Mountain," In p..rl... pyrothnlca.
,. i?'000 '" """MV"1. ,eS " 'totk' ho't.tultural and agricultural dla.
,pi57,?K:r;.r:'crrnb;,rrM:rV;(:.r",B-s "'
h.,Trr..m;.ViTnpi,i,.b?:s!t ' umb4r -d " "" -
Pnaldant Taft. Spaaktr Chaai Clar. Oo. Woodrow Wiltan Gov Ju
i Harmon, Gov. Bn W Hoopr, Col. William J "DryTn and rnjnJ JttZr
n of national and Int.rn.tlon.l fam" wTll b. guV.t. and . J.,.
Remember tht Dates.
September 11 to October 1
Ramamkor tti Rallrwaal Rafts,
Th iHt Ever SWmi t Any
Tha Ona Best Method.
There are Innumerable methods ot
courting, but tha best method Is to be
rich. Frank Richardson.
Deputy Sheriff T. S. Reynolds, of
Waynesburg landed Roy Littrell nnd
Harrison McCoy, aged IS and L0
respectively, in jail here Saturday.
The youths were guilty of throwing
rocks nt the Waynesburg Ii.iptist
church during services. The boys
were ineu aomre Singleton's court
which gave them a .?1C fine, not
paying same the boys will serve their
time. Shermnn Mav. also guilty.
caught n .like fine which he paid.
Wedding presents in great varie
ty. W. II. Mueller, Jeweler. C7tf
For Sale Second hand wagon; as
good as new. Fence Bros. G7tf
J. M. Cartci, Sr., while building
fence had his bund so badly inured
that Dr. O'Dnnnon had to lance the
injured member.
We nre paying market prices for
white oak and chestnut lumber by
the wagon load at Crab Orchard or
carload lots. Cash on grades. J. If.
Collier, Lumber Co., Crab Orch
ard 71-S.
fA . AT 12M
Rev. J. J. Dickey will preach at
Mt. Xeuia next Sunday at 3:30 P.
is the only
UtetL The reMOBM plain--it's
the best Insist upon
hmTW Scott'ail' ,the
world's standard flesh and
strength builder.
We havs a buyer for a farm et
about 100 acres well improved and
on pike. If you have anything near
this, list it with us. Hughes & Mc
Carty, Stanford. C2tf
Aids Nature
Tba treat success of Dr. Pierce's Golden Mediesl Dis
covery la curing weak stomachs, wasted bddies, weak
luas, aad obstinate aad linjcrinj coughs, is baaed oo
he recoSaltioa of the fundamental truth that "Golden
Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with body-build-iaf,
tiaaue-reoairiai', muscle-nukinf materials, in con
daasad aad ceaccatratad iorui. With tlria help Nature
supplies the aacaassry streotth to the stomach to difest
Jood, build ot the body and thereby throw off linferinf
obstinate ooafht. The "Discovery" re-ettsblithea the
tStestive and nutritlre oriana in scuud health, purifies
and eariebee the blood, and nouriihcs the nerves in
abort establishes sound vigorous bealtn.
it roar efeai otrera aonefAfnd "aaf aa fod,"
M H probmbly bttter FOR HIM It para Serrer.
Mm yen rc tlmmaa ot tac euro not tha prottt, to
tmara'a mtmjm lutt ma goad" tor you. Say ao.
Dr. Pierea's Camsaen Saasa Medical Adviser, In Plela Bngllih; or, MeeV
laiaa Siasalifiad, 161M pages, over 70S Ulaetrations, newly revised u-as-dasa
Edttiaa, Baaar.bound, seat for 21 one-cent stasias, to cover sost oi ssaMiag
aaaV. CUah-heund, 31 stamps. Addreas Br. K. V. Pierce, BuOsla, N. Y.
TSr a mor o.urrt u. ism mtiiou ( Ik. rtuQti
Sua ail iar SeiaM aul Uvtil, miI UkUl ISv tiu
tw yean waa luppoatd to b lururabi. fur a trt
aaay inn dortora praaowatS It a lacal dlataar iu
jraKnlMd loral rtBaSM. aad J rauuatir Ul.u.
to rura wnktocit uaatawat. proaeuand It lucurath
fetenca taa pnirM raUrrk la bo a asaatltuUoul da
vae. aad laartlara arstdraa iiaawaoaatl Urataieat
HaUa Caurrb Cura. iaaaaar.i1 kr T 1. Ckaat)
t Co. Talado. Okaa. a tha aaiy Caaatilutlaaal rurt ot
bt aulil. II a takas kHaraaJlf la daaai tnm II
Imp. to a taaaaooanu. II urn diraMir oa tba kload
ad uurgua aarlacta ( Iba ajaliM. Tbty aSr aaa
iualrl SaUan tar aar aaaa M SO la aura. Base
tor riraaro aad tiaiiaiaafcia
aadnaa' r. J. CHSKBT CO. TaUda. ttsjla.
Sold kr Draasaaa. rw.
Taka UaMa fmmr TUt am aaaasaadaaa.
Foley Kidney Pills.
Will reach your individual case if
you have any form of kidney and
bladder trouble of urinary irregu
Iaiities. Try them. Shugars und
For Sale. Good
uugon and hsraetw.
second hand
Pence Bros.,
For Sale My homo on lower
Main street. Possession at once.
Mrs. L. U. Cook. C7tf
A Bargain. 12 Jl. I. Foos Gaso
line engine; replaced by Elect rio Mo
tor. P. O. Box 353, Danville, Kv
For tho Kentucky State Fair the
Southern railway havo named ruto
of ono fare plus 25a fa rtho round
trip. Tickets on sale September 0,
to 10, inclusive, with final limit Sep
tember 20th. Seo local agent for
full information, J. C. Beam, Jr.,
A. Q. P. A. St. Louis Mo.
Joe Hnzelett, of near Turnersville,
enught a fine of $50 und the trim
mings in Judge Bailey's court for
shooting at 'Fred NickW Jof the
same section. Tom Hazelett, a broth
of the above., who was churged with
u previous offense, caught a similar
fine which he paid. He had been ab
sent from the county but came in
Monday to the triul of his brother
and was arrested.
The following delegates were elect
ed by thu local Odd Feljows to at
tend the grand lodge which convenes
in Louisville Oct., 2: W. L. McCnr
tv, T. W. Pennington, J. I). Wearen,
nnd E. C. Gnrman,
"Molly and I agreo that counter
feit money and substitute good
como from the amu parents. Tho
coin and the goods may very closely
TCMcmulo the genuine but behind them
Is neither honor or nooesty. You
will find no substitutes, only the
genuine of standard quality at CotTey
& Coleman's.
Now Is the time for that ice Cream
Freexer and Water Cooler. We hav
hone 1M. Prompt Delivery.
C. W. Lovi-11 writes the I. J, that
the camp meeting at Juttilm is mov
ing along fine and bids fair to be
the best meeting ever held thcrr
Foundation Important.
tvery triumph of Ufa leada back by
various P.U., t0 ,ar,r rr.pilTtt,
Mil AKM fall: Make your home as modern for your family as a ir.
.7.'nCv ;" fr6 Jrou.ne,f,n r;ili?" to B h latest market ouoUtioni
81 anv time. Una ran ho nin.M.i..i:cl..l I.- .. ... iuii
l-r i , "-"T"""' " wvaiiBoi our toiep tone eerwr
which you and your ( neighbors can get for a sun, that is small con.,,arl S,
the oencfiU receive.!. Call or address our nearest olhY nr .,:,. ?i:"' '
i our nearest ollice or write
can immediately interest you
Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana
lirect to
ledtdquartcrs, Nashville, Tcnn., for information reganling our Hml"
mere Lino rate. If you are not at present enjoying telephone sorvir.
n immeiiaieiy interest you. Our lines cover the Slate. n k-- .-!.
TwipVVwfe CSri0De f In,lia'm U''
Hays Foster resigned this week as
assNtuut cushisr of the State Bank
eV Trust Compnnv. Ho has several
nice offers under consideration.
A Great Advantaqe te Worklnq Men.
J. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th St.. Steu
benvillc, O., says: "For fivo yearn I
suffered from weak kidneVK nnd a
severe bladder ttouble. I learned
of Foley's Kidney xPills and their
wonderful cures so 1 began taking
them and sure enough I had us good
results ns any I heard about. My
bncknthe left me and to one of my
business expressman, that alono is n
great advantage. My kidneys act-
td freo and normal, and that saved
mo a lot of misery. It is now a
pleasure to work where it used to be
a misery. J-oioy kidney Tills havo
cured mo nnd have my highest praise
Shugars and Tanner.
One Dollar
To Start
Yeu do not need a
with which to epntt a
bank account with the
Lincoln County
National Bank
You can start with $1
or more, deposit as of
ten as you wish, and
in any amount. Call
to see us.
Capital $100,000
Surplus . $100,000
Corner Next to Court-House
Stanford, Ky.
" -mmmmamBmmmBmmiaaMBBBmmBmMmmmmmB
Ten,,y,,n r I.oni.ft,iw. ,.ouI(1
take a worthless sheet of p,ipPf,
write a poem on it and make it
worth f (15.000.
That's Genius.
Morgun (an write a few w'.irds
on u sheet of paper and make
it worth $5,000.
That's Capital.
',!lr.wifo l'a" bl,.v a coat for
T10, but prefers nun (hut
will cost $50.
That's Natural.
Anyone can write a cheek for
t50,000,000, but it wouldn't
be worth a dime.
That's Rough.
Some millers mnv tell you
thev cun make better Hour than
That's Gall.
Our Xo. 1 Fancy Patent Flour
1 ns god ns can be made,
nnd is sold as low s such
finality can bo offered.
On sale with
every groceryinaii in

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