OCR Interpretation

The citizen. [volume] (Berea, Ky.) 1899-1958, June 28, 1899, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052076/1899-06-28/ed-1/seq-3/

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1.1111c Urine flirt's Qnrallnn llrlnaa
Aliout the llrf nrmallnn nf llrr
IlnafSoftkrcl Kalhtr,
.lint j rlrrclny n Knclly Welt h liuly rr
Intnl tninr tlir n mnrknblr nml touching
Ineitlrnt vvlilrli tltwl usril In crush Jlir
tianl, sinful heart of licr ilnmknnl fa
llirr nml In transform liltu Into n rlrnn,
ilrvntnl nml iiftcf ill 1'lirlatlnn:
A lKiiutl(tit tlaiightrr vtna liorn Into
tlm liomi' unil lirrnmc the lilnl (if the
fotlirr'a hrnrl. Iltr tiny nna lirlrf, lint
full nf imrponr. Tim Ural unfnlilinRi
of Iht rlillillsh nntiirr were fragrant
with tlir lirnith of llravrn. She knrvv
.Trans lirforr alir knew the world;
Irnrnril to lisp III niinir with thr tlnvvn
luff of lirr third jrnr. rilic vvn. ilitlnrly
(im-orlou. llrr tiny tirnttlril Hie
inrn(r of purr lovr. HerniiKrl volcr
Mini; 1 1n nvvrrl ntriilna nf hrnvrnly
hong, llrr trmlrr lirnrt lirrnthrcl nut,
In rhllilish Iniioccnre nml slinplr fnltli.
the Jtrnyrr: "(iml blesa tnaniiim mill
Mipn," Hint "Dear Iiul, make jwpii to br
In lirr fifth uimmrr tlir tiny tut wn
stricken with n fntnl Illness. At tlir
brtlslilr, ft ronatnnl, iinxliiti wntrhrr,
Mt lirr rum-scwikril nml hlontnl fnthrr.
Tlmt rhilil hnil hern nn iuijrl nf iiirrcy
to him. Jinny timer, the hnil piloted
him from tlir drink dm to hln home,
when the drink ilr.iuuu had rendered
him told of rrnMin nml even lirntr In
atlnrt. Timr upon time hrn the "hell
firm" of passion I ii tin in r-.l liy rum Irnprd
nut to devour nil tlmt vvn Mirreil nml
dear In thr home rlrrlr the hnil thrown
herself In thr very hrnrt of thr burn
Inj;, never fnlllnp to nllny It. Thui, by
the limbic Influence nf her loilnp ef
furti to lrnd him nway frnni dnnprr
nml Into the accurlly of n Saviour's
love, hr had thrrndnl n pnrt of hrrown
bring Into thr very hrnrt-llfr of that
reckless, tMllrrn fat lirr. Now r. tic Man
nbnut to Irave him. llrr going mrnnt
to him n los of nil thnt vvnn north m
rmllijj; the win hl "licUer. rrlf."
There hr Mt undrr tire ttrrihof a rp
oration that drove hrnrt pimps more
Iff ply than hr hnil r vcr before f Xpert
rncnl. The fountain thnt hud been
enled for year were brokrn ojH-n, nn J
those rum-lilcarnl c)rn were flooded
with tears.
The child' Up moved nml the fnthrr
drtw ncurcr. "1'npn," the Mid, "I mil
going home to Hem en now; if you hnve
no whisky brruth, come to me and kiwi
me good-by."
Thr futhrr stixiprd nml pressed hi
trembling llj iihjii thosr purer onr
that vv ere ulrendy touched with the chill
of drnth. Hot tenrs gushed from hi
ryes nnd broke iimmi the le, illmple.l
cheek of hi dying child. In n fnlnt yet
dlstllirt whisper the child used hrr Inst
earthly breath In prrsslug iion Hip
mind of her fnthrr this senrchlng In
rjiilry: "l'npn, denr, whnt shall I tell
Jrsu when I see. Illm. Viiuso you (to
not loir nnd serve IlltuV"
Tlmt tiny form now rest In the silent
tomb, while flic child dwells In man
sion on high. 1 1 h eurth'ktny wan brief,
but It frultngp nliiiiidaiit. The fnthrr.
n redeemed, trnusformcd drunkard,
now thing n life of great usrfiilnes In
the Alnter' service. Is n most beautiful
monument to the child's memory. liev.
C. V. ltccnrd, In Wntihuord.
Kiiit lis Terrors.
No one can know, nn he who hn iuf
fercd from It, the dreadful experience
of u ilruiiknrd's life. The morning pa
prp In u brief paragraph, oyn the In
terlor, khowed the terrible tragedy of
drink when It told of the llrcuian who
wuk thrown from hi truck unil fearful
ly Injured, "doing tit fullupccdiuound
o'corncr upon u pined Mrcct, the hook
nml ladder departim nt made some balk
und wo i thrown. The firciunn who had
been seated Uxn the top, holding to
the brake, won hurled against thecurb
Ing with mieh force lh.it the Ikiiics of
his leg broke, nnd protruded through
the flrkli, ''1'he eotnpanloiiK who picked
him up ttirrlcd him to the neiirest phur
mney, nnd with their own notion of
'firat tild fo the Injund' proceeded to
flit him up with the bin! brnndy. Hut
to their iiirprlse hi llpii were set with n
flrmnes thnt excluded f very iVop; nnd
thru It wa re memberrd that tic hud
once been n drinking man nnd wnt now
reformed. To hi mind, tortured n he
wo by jrnln. n broken leg wn nothing
to nn open bottle. No pfrumilon could
Indue him to tnte the liquor that wiih
brought, not even to uceept nnae thf t
lc: nnd he bore the netting of the
broken bonf without Ulinuhwtn or
?plate, rather than Incur the lightft
risk of a ni.ipf from ubtlnence. How
much that pfnki for hi flrmnm nnd
the tf rror InipIreJ by pat fxpsrlence
Trila and Arxararnt (Inlna tn "linn
Thnt It lines Mol, bur lloes II
Alt! In (he I'rarrsa,
Wlue I simply n mixture of nlcohrl
nnd water, with mine llnvnrlug sub
stance ndded. The proportion nf nlco
hoi I sonirtlmrs an low nn pirn bt
right er cent., nnd ngnln at high n. Z
per rent.
Cnn blood be mnde from nlcohoW
Thl I n very lniMirtnnt ipiestlon, nnd
one nu which thrre I n grenl dhrmllj
nf opinion. I'nrnrelsn llrst inndp list
of purp nlrohol for the prepnrntlon ol
hi elixir i line. Thousand of plnsl
elnn tinlay rrrominrnd thnt. tuothrtf,
luinllds nml other feeble persons drink
wine nml berr, with the Iden thnt Hicm
liquor tnnke blood, IVrhnp thl no
Hon grrw out nf the similarity In coll
of wine nml blood; nt nny rate. It I tl,
rrd wines that nre largely consumed fo.
till purMise.
Hut wine rnnnot tnnke blood; wlnt
Intrrferf with tlir bloodnuiktng proc
ps. To be coinert i d Into blood, a sub
stance must contain sonic of the prop
prtlr of blood. Winrdors. not rrsembl'
blood; It I diluted ntcohol. Ilenre II
ennnnt be converted Into something k.
radically different, from Itself ni
IiIimmI la.
IIIcmmI Is Just n much flesh n nnj
other part of the Ixxly; It U llrpild tlx
sup; It Is liquid flesh; It I n vitalized
fluid, nnd I ns much nllvc n the brnln
or n nerve.
Alcohol I lifrtrss, consequently It
cannot be chnnged Into blood. Noth
ing but good food fruit, grains nnd
nut cnn tnnke pure blood. These
food lieconip blood through digestion.
Let u test it: Suppose n man call
brrnd, npplr nnd iotntorH one day,
nnd the next day joii examine him;
you find none, of these substance.
'I hey have been dlssolvrd, converted
into Mood nml organized Into tissue.
On the other hand. If von should dis
sect thl man, and discover brrnd, nw
pic nnd H)tntors In hi miitvlc, vou
would rightly conclude th.it that food
had not made blood nnd tissue.
Thl I prrclsrly whnt happens when
alcohol I tnkrn into the nvstrm. K
umlnatlnn of men who have drunk nl
eoliol hnvp mealed the liquor In the
brnln, lhrr und miisclrs; Indeed, the
whole body was saturated with nlcolinl
n m onge with wntcr. The poison has
been delected In the perspiration nnd
In the secretion of the khliievs. lly
distilling the breath nf such persons It
tin been imssihlp to obtain the nlrohol
ngnln. Si alcohol doe not make blood
nnd tissue.
Another nnturnl ipiestlon Is: Can it
be used In any othrr wny for the benefit
of the iMidy? Invrstigntion luite an
swered thl In the negatlvp. We huve
devised nn Instrument by which we
ran determine Just how long It tnkrn n
tnnn to see, nnd experiments with it
have shown thnt it tnkrn n person
longer to sre the letter A, forlnstnnce,
nftcr taking alcohol than before. Not
only doc alcohol render n innn'n sight
Irs kern, but it rrtnrdt nil hi other
We hnve experimented to find out the
efTccl of liquor on digestion, by giving
n young man n trst breakfast to whtel,
four (inner of simple elnrrt of wine
hnd been added. As n consequence, lib
reenid vvn down In the "hypo" terrl
tory. Thrn he was given two ounces
of brnndy with hi test breakfast, and
the record showed almost n pepsin, ot
no digestion whntever. This ngrecs
with the experiment of Kir William
Itobcrts, nn eminent I'ngllsh physiolo
gist. He put food Into u test tube nnd
ndded u little hydrochloric acid nnd
epln, making nn artificial gastric
juice. Next he tried nlrohol with the
test breakfast, also ten nnd colTcc nml
various allied uhlniicc. Hi conclu
sion vvn that alcohol certainly doc in
terfere with digestion.- (iood Health.
We nre right no farther than we dart
to do right. Lever.
A draft of the wntcr nf life Is the he's
liquor cure.Knm'n Horn.
I.lfr I n enniialgn, not u battle, nnd
ha It defeats a well ns It victories.
National Advocate.
InteuiHTiincc In mi uceurhrd thing
It degrades thr mind. It demornliei!
the whole moral being, nml, if not re
nounced, means everlasting ruin.
The hick of courage of attack nnd
elenn-cut decision of purpose nml ob
ject to be re.icbcd, luim-Mring many n
young man from the start. - Men.
There nre over 800 brand of wine pro
duced in Trance, but more wine li
drunk In Hugliind than In Trance, and
London Ik the greatest wine market In
the world.
(Jreiit mornl courage may be culled
forth by very amnll duties. It some
Hum require more moral courage ta
sweep u room without neglecting the
corner than to take u city, HaptUt
Due of the member of the Massa
chusetts iMMird of pharmacy in re
ported to have mild that the snlri of
liquor In drug store bale decreased CO
per rent, since the board bus certified
to the Utiles of applicants" for drug
gist.' license.
Almost, without exception, nil great
Inmloii physicians nnd nil great Mir
geonn nre In favor of total abstinence.
Some MirgcoiiH will not undertake to
perform oihtiiiIohh upon persons who
hnve bcctuiddictcd to drink; lliey vnlut
their rcnutatlons too highly to risk
- i
'rrinprrnnrr !lallu)'',Car.
There Ik one prtvute railway car In
tide of which thrre never 1 any liquor.
That l the ear of (ienrrul Manuger
Steven, of the Chesapeake A Ohio. Mr.
Stevens Is not what I iikually called n
tf mperanee man, but he la so opposed
to drinking thnt he will notnpprovrn
bill for supplies purchatrd at a (tort
that handlra liquor In any form. Or
Inlrrnnllnnal mn4r eliol l.eaaoi,
for Jnlr . lMMs-Tc, llosra
HH-ts-Mtmnrr Verra4T.
Iflprrlsllr Ailnptn! from reloubet'a Notes.)
UULHKN TIIXT.-Come, and let us re
turn unto Ilia tord. Ilo.
Ill: At) the whole book of llo.es.
IM.ACi: IN ItlllLi: IIIHTOHY -2 Kings.
Chap. It.. It, 17; Chron., Clup. M. 71, S.
lltlonRlnir to JuJsh. hut prophesying In
lsrJ. Isaiah. l'ropheinR In JimUIi
HKCULAIt IIIHTUIir.-Durlne lloseai
ministry authentic history lirxan In (licrrt
with the Ulymptsds, II. C TTfi. Home wai
foundcil It. C. 74. Assyria was the domi
nant, overshadowing powrrtlurln Homs'i
life, and was the Inslriimrnt of the execu
tion of th Ulvlna warning.
The Mission of the 1'rophct llosen.
Ilosen hnd fnllcn ii jkjii evil times, nml
hi mission vvn to make them liettcr.
Like Tllsha nt the bitter fountnln ol
Jericho, lie was to cast the salt of right
eousness Into the polluted social nnd
religious fountnln of Israel's life, nnd
restore the waters to health. Tlir
1'rophct Amos preceded Ilosen. Ills
message was ono of denunciation ol
sin, of "Woe unto you," of punishment,
of warning. It was of Divine Justice
The 1'rophct Hosua follows him with
n new motive, the mightiest that can
Ito brought to bear upon the heart ol
innn the lovii cf fjod, the deepest, ten
dcrest, strongest love possible. "Tc
Amos' proposition 'God Is Justice,' Ilo
sen mid, '(5od is Iove.' "
I. Hosen's l'crsonnl Hxpcrlencc Mnkci
Illm a Living, Visible Sermon on the
Tower of Lovo to Conquer Sin. Chnps.
II. Hosen's Appeals nnd Warnings.
Chnps. 3-14. He shows how the people
nre decaying morally, nnd ns a natural
result kj11 Icnlly.
III. A Vision of the Tast. Clinp. 11.
The warnings nnd woes ngnlnst sin are
Interrupted by two visions; one of the
past, chap. 11, and one of future poi
bilitles, chap. 14.
IV. The Vision of Hope. 11:1-0.
Kirst. The Trophct'n Appcnl (vs. 1,3).
V. 1. "Itcturn:" like the prodignl win,
niter his bitter experiences, unto the
lord thy Cod:" whose child you nre,
to whom you owe nllcglnnce, gratitude,
love, obedience. "Tor thou hast fallen
by thine Iniquity:" Agnin like the
prodigal son. They hnd found "what
nn c II and bitter tiling" It Is to forsake
Jchovnh their God (Jcr. 2:19). V. 2.
"Take with ou words:" Kxpress vout
feeling of repentnnce; make public
confession of sin, so thnt your penitence
may oo known as widely as the sin;
put your vows nml promises on record;
as It were, sign a pledge. Such thiugt
are the natural accompunlmcntaof true
repentance. "And turn:" II. V., re
turn, to the Lord. This Is the new birth
of John 3:3, 5. It is, and always has
been, the essential condition of salin
Second. The Penitent' I'rnyer nnd
Confession (vs. 2, 3). "Tnkc nwny nil
Iniquity. Ily free forgiveness, nnd by
taking nwny the sinful nature. "So
will we render the cnlvcs of our Hps:
The enlves, or bullocks, were the largci
sacrifices of their ritual. Their vows,
their praises, their expressions of love,
their confessions and promises were
their true offerings to God. Compare
Isa.5S:5-ll. V.,3. "Assur, Assyria, shall
not nave us:" They will no longcrturn
to Assyria for help, ns they hnd done
before (3:13; 7:11; 6:9). "Tor In thee
the fatherless:" "Lo-Uiiliatiinh" ol
chnps. 1 nnd2,"flndcthmercy:" (Com
paro John 14:18). I will not leave you
"comiortlpss," Greek, "orphan.
Third, 'he Lord Speaks In Ilcplv (vs.
4-fi). V. 3. "I will be as the d"cw:"
Itathcr, ns the night mist, 1. p., the
masses of vaor brought by the dntnp
westerly vvlntla of summer. The baleful
effects of the sirocco nre often felt in
I'nlesline during the rainless heat of
summer, but by the beautiful provi
lion of night-mist all hnrdy forms ol
vegetable Ufa ure preserved, Cam
bridge Illblc. "Grow:" blossom, "as
the lily:" In glorious bratitv nnd pro'
fusion. V. C. Whnt n beautiful picture
tills Is of the kingdom of God on earth
the ideal which every Christian church
should seek to realize more fully.
Tourth. The Prophet Pictures Isroel
lliiler tlio 1 n I II I nun t of this Promise.
V. 7. "They tlmt dwell under his,
Ureal', shadow:" The people of
rncl. "Shall return:" lievlvi ns the
bam branches revive in the springtime.
Minll grow, blossom, "ns the vine:
Hcnutiful nnd fruitful.
Tilth. Hcpcntnnt Israel Speaks. V.
8. "Whnt have 1 to do any more with
Idols?'' Israel renounces idols forever,
Sixth. The Lord ItespomlK. "I have
heard (nnswercd) him, and observed
him:" nnd will regard him. The Lord
nccepts Israel's repentance, nnd will
tnko him under Ills care.
Seventh, licpcutnnt Israel rejoices In
the result, "I nm like n green fir tree
"Evidently thluklngof the splendid for
csts of Lebanon. Cheyne.
KIghtli. The Lord replies In words of
IxJth hope nnd warning. "From Me is
thy fruit found:" All these blessings
coma from the Lord, ns the life nnd
fruit of u tree conies from the enrth
nnd nlr. So In John IS, the frnlt on the
branch comes from the vine.
Mine 1'rrlrrl Hut Christ.
Ho who boasts of being perfect Is
perfect in folly. I never saw n perfect
man. Kvcry rose hns Its thorns Nnd
every day Its night. I.'vcn the sun
shows spots, and thebklcsarvdarkenrd
with clouds. And faults of soino kind
nestle in every bosom. Spurgeon.
Huston Cunarralulatra llrrarll.
lloston congratulates itself on
marked decrease In drunkenness dur
ing the last thrco years. In 1B90 there
were 20,450 nrrcsts for this otfensc. v
1697 thu number declined to 19,11;, and
iu 1S9S to 10,n:'s. The probation system
Is working well.
ui liuiiit llulr.
Christian people should be slow
about adding to their list of Ilcatitudrs
the modern one which rends: "lllrssed
nre those who row with the st renin,
for they shall get vhat they want."
Uoiton natch man.
Clarrnrr Wn Week nn "pelllng aa4
stir HrnnKlit It I'p In
llril Ink.
"Oh. Kleinor. I am tn clad to find v-nu
here 1 went tip to lour limitp, and jour
mother said vou had cnnie litre to lie fitted.
and as Llpanor grnsiKil the speskrt'a hand
I lie dreomakrr frovviird, fnrslieilidn t want
lie nt of tiir new gun n intcririni Willi.
" el . Wsisv. ssiil l.lrnnur. "I am glad.
Ino, for I see by yonrejra that you've some-
llnnjt to tell me.
l rs. mis morning I went ovrr 10 see
Kit. and I ran un to her room, ai we
always ft, ion know."
r. arntrd l.lranor.
Anil the was rrvini. All around her fcn
'lie floor werp letters, and nn the hfil more
letter. I said: Wit icy. Kit, vvhat'a the
matter? I.vrrv now ni d thrn the would
make a vinous jab nt a letter and appear to
be v riling.
Oh. D.il.vl I nm ahnoit wildl I m so
"What are ynu lining! I akeil.
" 'Well.' said Kit. 'vou know Clarrnrr and
I have had a uilarrrl- and I'm clad of it'
and hrrc slip rnhhed the cUdd(t kind of a
ol "and and lie sent all my letters back
-and the silvrr honknink nnd the lovelr
pipe I save hun vlth his name engraved on
it and-oh, Daisy! I ran't lire any of them
how ran ('--and so Tin petting his letters
ready to return. Tin I'm correcting them.'
and then she laughed and made another Jab
with her pen.
i orreding them; l gasped.
" 'Ve correcting tlicm. You knowCIar-
enre Is a terrible speller, so I have gone over
rath letter in red ink and made him sec that
itwas fntrntionat. Humph' I'll hct lie won't
tell another man he broke it ofl!'
I eouldn t lie n mistime, hut wssn I it a
fine revenge!" Ixindon Tit-liiti.
These two great spurts go hand in
hnnd. The links arc perforce situated
at some distance from town, and tlu
easiest and quickest way to reach them
Is with the bicycle. I-or golf good links
are needed; for cycling tiooii j.oaus.
(lolf links can be made anywhere by
digging holes, and making artificial
barriers. On Long Island Nature has
been particularly kind. Its North
Shore is all lolling country, In many
places glacial action ha formed hills
anil hollows of perfect delight to the
followers of this sjKirt. The level nnd
beautiful ocean shore is broken In
many places by rolling hills covered
witli grass nnd shrubs which go to
make up links so close to the Scottish
ideals that nil who have played in the
old country nre struck nt once by their
wonderful' fitness for the sport, nnd
ndded to this the fact that the cool
South lircee comes up every day
throughout the Summer from neross
the ocenn anil brlngn with it u bracing
nnd exhilaration that nothing else can
glvp. Nowhere but on Long Island
do these condition exist. It is unique
in this nt it I in Its varied scenery nnd
Its unsurpassed nttractions in every
line. The roads nre good nml mnny
beautiful side paths nnd cycle paths
wind through the woods. The tour
nrnund the Island which cnn be made
In three days Is most enjoyable, nnd a
week tnken to the tripcan Ik filled very
full of pleasure. The camera should
not be left nt home, us the scenery is
constantly changing, nml its beauties
arc well worth preserving for future
"How it it Wilkin over there looks so
cool when ever) thing else I sweltering!"
"Ah, Wilkins is .mart. Do you sec those
old papers lie is reading? Well, they contain
the account of TebriMry's bliizard. Kvcry
time Wilkins begins to feel the Iest bit
warm tic reads about the twenty-some lie
low zero and shivers. His scheme i cooler
than fans and cheaper than ice. Chicago
Kvcning News.
Tlir Top li f Politeness. I
The most polite man in four counties has
been discovered. He is (Iroige A. Tracy,
the milk dealer. When you call on Mr.
Tracy he takes you down' cellar ami seats
roil in a chair in noni oi a lurrei oi cuier.
Then he starts a siphon-like arrange inriit,
therider flow nig in an amber st leant iliiough
s small hoe. Mr. Tracy then plares the
business end nf the hoc inynur mouth and
goes away. Willimantic Weekly Journal.
Drift: it is iut as pleasant down the rirer
as up. Atchison lilouc.
Jfrom 9ffrs, Suntor
to 9ffrs, tPinkham
iLSTIta TO MIS. riSKUAU mo. rrfjiil
"Ono yenr ngo lat Juno three doc- ,
tors gave mo up to ilio, anil ns I nail nt
different times used your Vcgctablo
Compound with good results, I had too
much faith In U to dio mii.H I had tried
It ngaln. I was npparcnlly nn invalid,
was confined to my bed for ten weeks.
(I bcllcvo my trouble was ulceration of
"Aftor taMng four liottlcs of tho
Compound nnd using porno of tho T.lror
Pills nnd Sanatlvo Wash, nt tho end of
tw-b months I hnd greatly Improved
and Weighed 155 pounds, when I never
before weighed over 138. Lydin R.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is tho
licst incdiclnu I ever used, und I recom
mend It to nil my friends." Mits. A.N.VA
Eva OuxTEit, Hiooinsville, Mo.
Mrs. llarnhart Knjoji Life Dnro More.
"Deaii Mrs. Pixkiiam I had been
alck over tdnco my marriage, seven
years ngo; hiivu given birth to four
children, nnd had two miscarriages. I
nad fulling of womb, leucorrlucu, palna
In back und legs' dyspepsia and a
nervous trembling of tho stomach.
Now 1 havo pono of these troubles and
can enjoy my life. Your medicine has
worked wonders for mo." Mes. 8.
lUtwiiAUT. New Cabtlk, Pa.
F.thltilta nl rati.
There will he a Uree exhibit from thl
country st the Paris eipositinn In U4-3,
much win prove very interesting to an wno
may attend, hut no more to than the newt
that the famous American remedy. Hostel
ler's Stomach Hitters, will nnsitivrlv cure
d)Spruia, indigrstinn, constipation, bilious
I nrss and nervousness. To all suite rers of
the above complaints a trial is rrcomtntniV
nl, with the assurance that when honistly
ued a cure will be effected. It also tones
up the entire system.
Would lie Had Farm.
"No real gentleman, Mr. Hopkins, would
ever have Ins" photograph tskrit in a dress
"What do J on mean, Miss Simpkint?"
"In older to do to l.e would hare to wear
it In dayligl.t."-Tlic Kival.
Ilo Yonr Keel Arhr and rtarnT
Hhakn Into your shoes, Allen's Toot-Knse,
a powder for tho feet- li maROstigiiioriNcw
Hlioc feel Knsr. Cures Corns. Ilunlons,
Kivollcn, Hot, (Pilous, Sore, and Hvvratlng
Feet. All Dnicglsls und Hlioe Htnre sell
It, SV. Sample sent FKKK
Allen 8. Olmstcl, la Roy, N. Y,
far Ilnrk.
-What a faraway look that poet
De Witt Yet; he's thinking of his last
meal. Cleveland Leader.
Thr neat Prescription for Chills.
nnd Fovcr Is a bottle of Quote's Tastkum
Chill Torcia It I simply Iron sndnulnlnnla
tasteless form. No cure no pay. Prloe.Mc
We believe, in spite of statistics, that
more girls kill thcm-clvc eating pickles
than kill themselves skipping rope. Detroit
You do not have to dry goods in the shade
colored with l'utnam rude ess uyes. iney
are fast to sunlight and washing. 10c per
Some people are like clocks; they show by
their faces what sort of a time they are
having. Golden Days.
I cinnot speak too highly of Piso's Cure
for Consumption. Mrs. Frank Mobbs, 215
. oi., .ew iork, uci. a( isim.
Laziness makes all tasks seem hard; In.
dustry makes them seem light. L. A. W,
Hall's Cnlarrh Car
Is takes Internally. Price 75c.
Money is an uncertain quantity; it's to
changeable uolden JJajs.
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects oi t'-c well known remedy,
fsTliui- or Flos, mcnufocturcd by the
California Fio Sviiup Co.. illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative nnd presenting
I them in tho form most ref resiling to the
! taste and acceptable to the system. It
Is tlio one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the svstem cffectcally,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
nre used, as they are pleasant to tho
taste, but the medicinal qualities of tho
remedy arc obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Stbup
Co. onlv. In order to pet Its beneficial
effects and to avoid Imitations, plcMM
rcmcmbcrthc lull name oi tneiximpany
printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all Druggists. Price SOc per bottle.
Insured against
Chain Troubles for
"poller" Is a "VrmtttV
The oalr iceunio and sitlsfactorr ehsln
rninu'Kiured. rend lor one. delivered FBI. a.
on reeelpt mt prlee. Htlte Dumber 0( Hols
and wldib. wbclhrr am H or 1J centers
14a South Clinton Street, Chicago.
headers ok this paper i
desiring to 11uv antti11no '
advertise!) in its columns
hhol'1,1) insist i'pon having
Coltf jf llllt, U under the dlrtrtlon cf the C1-oIboiU
t-xtavT riltltmfnt, (lack l.riturM oa Ultrsviira,
lltitory, Sr lencf tn4 Krunnmlci, by frf. P. V F.
lliorta. Vrnt. J. 11. lortr. l'iTf. J S. Vta Oefi nl
mnj olhf ri. LiM-tvifd In budding of Oh I Mil. IniU
tc t-ot of lh moi butiful mbwrb of Claflnittl.
I)cra fr"m a wfk up Opcoi 3u Jul? l.clvita
Auff. 1. Yot clrculir and Infornuiloo .ddria,
K. K, At HHKIUr.K, BuilNfM Htmiffn
lUp't A. alntloo O, CINCINNATI. O.
aura. aaaa, tmmw ak, tmwa
0IUB1 Uh 1 niravio
. i Grcaff Tammany Leader.
(The Catarrh of Summer.
Congressman Amos J. Cummlngs.
New York, Oct. 11th, 1898.
Pe-ru-na Drug M'f'g Co., Columbus, O.
Gentlemen Pe-nt-nn Is good for ca
tarrh. I have tried it and know It. It
relieved me immensely on my trip to
Cuba, and 1 always have a bottle In
reserve. Slnrc my return I have not
suffered ftom catnrrh, but If I do I shall
use Pc-ru-nn again. Meantime you
might send me another bottle.
Yours, Amos 9. Cuiumings, M. C.
Summer catnrrh assumes various
forms. It produces dyspepsia and
bowel complaint. It causes biliousness
and diseases of the liver. It deranges
the kidneys and bladder. Summer ca
tarrh may derange the whole nervous
system, when it Is known to the medical
profession as a systemic catarrh. Pe-ru-na
is a specific for all these forms of
catarrh, rc-ru-na never disappoint.
Address Dr. Hnrtmnn, Columbus, Ohio,
for a free book on summcr.catnrrh.
Sour Stomach
Altar I was l4a ta try CABCA
RETS). I will Defer tw wllbont tbtm la the bon.
My llctr wit la a very bad ship, and my btal
ubd oa I bad stomacb IroofeU. Now, sloes tak
ing Cisciril. I tl Una. lly wife bat also atasr
tbtm wllb Dsns Belli result! (or soar itotnscb."
Jos. KBtnuxa, 1331 Cooircu su. tu Louis, Ilo.
rsADi sum snjonsiw
ritisint. PiUtibls, rxenl. Tattt Good. Do
Good, Ttr Sicken. VreaXn.or Gripe. 10c BcaDo.
ftltrllaf Uimij tmnfj, fklMt Mrvl, Rtv Ttft. Ill
Sold and rnsrsnteed by att drag
glsuio ct'KK Tobacco IliblC
Oklahoma I
rec r 1 j. m
uiicrs upuicni
To Ihoee who desire new lands and
s homes; also unsurpassed chances
(or industrial iitaeslrneata by capi
talists and maaaiacturers.
Its Farm Products in item include
25,000,000 bushels of wheat, IWM
bales of cotton, and millions t dol
lars worth of other grains,! ruils,eto
fiend for free copy of pamphlrt
entitled "The Truth Aboat Okla
homa." At stated timea low rate
Homeseekers' Excursion ticket.
are told via Santa Fa Kouta to
Address Oentral fuiiiitr one,
lb AUhlaoa, TtfMka SaaU fa laltwar.
"Tlie Sea Level Route"
President. Pats. Trafflo Uf
AstL QeaL Pats, k Ticket Alt,
W will furnish duplicates of LIVE ITOCf
CUTS or any OTHER CUT anown In any IPECIMEal
BOOK, at or below quoted prtcet for tama.
333 W. Firth, aiM Cluclnsatttl, o.
A. N. K.-K
lessa that yaa taw tka JLvrUm
teat la thla Mltr,
Aids Dajotlen,
RegmiUB Us rjowtu,
Mates Teetldag Euj.
TEtTHlNA RtUerts tk
Bowel Troubk6 of
Chlldrea of Aoj Ije.
(loata IMI as Canta,
ak Teux JsruMUt tottft

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