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December 18, 1010 T11R CITIZEN Pago Seven IMflOVED UHlfOIM WTIMATIONAL SuWSQIOOL Lesson lly rtKV V II MT51WATKII, D. D.. Trnchtr of Kmtlitli Hl'.le In tti Moody H'lilc Institute of ChtrHfto ) Co.ynhl llll ttnn, Nwt,.p.f l-nlnni LESSON FOR DECEMBER 28 flEVICWs THE TRAINING OF PE. TER AND JOHN. (IOU1HN TKXT-V. limit t,t my wit nr,r Ail I si:i.i:ition koii ukadino-i jotm I'ltlMAItr TOPIU-Two ltrJn Frtn.l Of Jfllll JUNIOR TOVlC-WHnt,.,. for Jfiui INTKIIMKDIATi: TOI'IC-Htpt In Hi. Tmtnlnii of IVter am! John. HKNIOn AND ADULT TOPIC-Quell Hnl lo Brr A Rood wny lo review ttie lessons of the six months' course of study In Hie live of Peter nml John will he to nr range them under three heads, as fol. lows; I. Their Call; II. Their Train Ing; III. Their Service. The first half of the studies, the pnrt we hnve now conipleted. have find to do with the railing nnd training of Peter nnd John. The lout half, the logons for the first qunrler of 11(20, will have. to do with their service. 1. Their Call. t. To be, disciples .eon 1) John 1:21M2. Hefore Christ trains for service he rails to salvation. 2. To he flhers of uien (Lesson 2) Mark 1:14-20. It would seem that afler their con version the disciples had gone hnck to their trade of Hulling. Thine who re called by Christ unto salvation should jto hack to their ordinary call Ing In lire. If they be honorable, until he definitely calls them Into special service. II. Their Training. 1. Jesus In Peter's home (Lon 3) Hark 1 :21KI9. Christ's entry Into Peter's home and the heiitliiK of his wife's mother showed to his disciples that he was sympathizing Saviour. 2. A lesKon lirtrust (Lesson -I) Matt. 14:22-33. The pressing and abiding need of the disciples In their ministry was to trust the ford. 3. Peter's great confession (Lesson 0) Matt. 10:13-24. The Lord had been revealing him self In various ways to the disciple. He now examined them to see what they knew about himself. Peter, as spokesman for the rest of the disciples, confessed both the Messlahshlp and Deity of Christ 4. Witnesses of Christ's glory (Les on 7) Luke 0 :28-3fl. The disciples were offended at the revelation of the cross; thslr hope were shattered because they could not aee beyond the cross. The transfora tion convinced them not only of his es sential glory, but gnve them a fort- gleam of his triumph In his coming kingdom (II Peter 1 :10-18). 3. Jesus corrects John's narrowness (Lesjson 8) Luke 9:450. ' The disciples needed to know that all who are realty doing Ilia Lord's work, casting out devils, and casting them out In Christ's name, should be received Into fellowship and bidden Godspeed. Religious Intolerance Is displeasing to Jesus. 6. Jesus tenches true greatness (Les son 0) John 13:1-10. The truly great are those who take the lowest place In service for others. 7. Peter and John asleep In Geth emane (Lesson 10) Mark 14:32-42. Though Christ was suffering the aw ful agony In the garden, his disciples were asleep. Because they did not watch nnd pray, they failed In the hour 'of temptation. 8. At the trial crucifixion and resur rection of Jesus (Lesson 11) John 18:15-18; 10:25-27 ; 20:1-10; 21:15-10. Teter's presumptuous self-confldcnce kept him from heeding the Lord's warning. He played the coward and even Indulged In oaths. Note the steps In Peter's downfall: (1) Self-confidence (Mark 14:20). Jesus had Just told them that all of them should be offended, but Peter wns determined to show the Lord that he was mistaken In htm. (2) Failure to watch (Mark 14:37). Self-confidence Is always fol lowed by unwntchfulness. One who thinks himself strong will go to sleep. (3) Failure to pray (Mark 14:38). It la the one who realizes his weakness who always seeks the communion of God In prayer. (4) Zeal without knowledge (Murk 14:47). Peter thought now to make up for his lack of watchfulness . and prayer by out ward acts. Many today are equally foolish. (5) Following afar off (Mark 14:54). Christ's rebuke of Peter for his Ignorant zeal cut him to the quick. He was not ready to forsake him, but followed afar off, no doubt wondering what would be the outcome. (0) Warming himself at the enemies' fire (Mark 14:54). (7) Open denial (Mark 14:00-72). Reaching City of Fortune. Would you reuch the city of FortuneT Catch the car marked Perseverance. Position In Lift. Tour position In life Is high or low as your Ideals, are high or low. Strength of the Soul. The soul thut Is not strong In soli tude Is not strong In a crowd. Frankness. There Is no wisdom like frankness. Disraeli. Christ and Nicodemus Dy REV. GEORGE GUILLE Eiltfuion Department, Moody Dibt IOftitut. Chicago TI5XT Ye muet be born again. John i:t. The moon nnd nil tho stars nro out to light n trembling traveler upon darkened rond. One of tho best of Ids time Iiiih come to Jesus Christ n man of the highest mor ality nnd tho uti moHt devotion to religion. Hy com lug ut nil to this Prophet of Nnzn retli his) rrpuln lion us it religious lender In Imper iled; so ho comcit by night. Hut he has coino to the Light, and night for him can bo no more; In future he'll walk In tho light "A man of tho Pharisee, named Nic odemus," so upright, so good, so re ligious, such ii charming gcntlemnn, surely tho Lord will welcome him with open nrmsl Hut no. Abruptly ho de clares that this splendid ir.nn has not yet begun to live: "Except u man be (torn ngnln, he ennnot perceive the kingdom of God." He ennnot even h.ive right thoughts about It, to say nothing of his entering It. He tins come, saying: "We know that thou art it teacher come from God, for no man enn do these miracles thnt thou dnest, exceptOod be with him." And, oh. what n lesson this Teacher come from God has for him I "Here,' thinks he, "Is one who enn teach me something thnt shall mnke me a better man thnn I nm," nnd he lenrns thnt the flesh does not need teaching be cause It -lias been Judged; that all thnt Is born of It Is still but flesh; and that n.nn In Hip flesh ennnot ho mnde fit for God. He must, by second birth In the power of the Holy Spirit, be brought into the new creation. And nothing short of this can ever meet the mind of God. Nicodemus speaks of miracles, but the Lord will not stop to discuss such trifles. He will tell at once of the greatest and most Important of all mlrnclps: the regeneration of a soul. Men think that If they can understand miracles, they could understand Christ nnd the new birth. Oh, If they would only believe what Is written, that "In him was life t and tho life was the Light of men I" Onco yon have the life that Is In Christ Jesus you are In the light forever, and shall never have any difficulty about miracles or about anything that you find In Holy Scrip ture 1 Striking It Is that the only place In all Scripture In which the new birth Is pressed Is here, where tho Lord presses It upon this upright man. Ah, If he, wltfi his goodness nnd religion, must bo born again, what folly to claim ex ception from this necessity for any man that lives today 1 nut howt nc Is bewildered by the thonght of such a chango. "How can these things be 7" And tho Lord makes no answer. Ho Is not nt pains to ex plain the, workings of the Holy Spir it. The question Is not, "Do you un derstand!" but "Do you bellevo what Ood snysl" If so, there Is another "must" In this dlscourso that explains It all: "vcn so must the Son of Man be lifted up: that whosoever belleveth In him shall not perish, but hare eter nal life." , "Rxcopt a ronn be born of water nnd of tho Spirit, ho cannot enter Into the kingdom of God." Water Is In Scrip ture tho symbol both of the Won! of God and of tho Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit works through the word to accomplish tho regeneration of the soul, bringing the sinner fnee to fact With Christ. In this regeneration a Judicial cleansing is effected. It Is that of which we read in Titus 0:5, "the washing of regeneration," and of which tho Lord spoke to Peter, declar ing that It cleanses "overy whit." lly the Spirit's ministry in the word the sinner is brought to seo what the Lord pointed out to Nicodemus, that ho Is tho antttypo of tho brazen serpent, en during on tho cross of shame the Judg ment thnt was the stnuvr's duo. The moment ho accepts that he Is born agatn. Ono came to mo saying, I cannot understand about tho now birth nnd am so distressed over your Insistence upon tho necessity of It. "It is not necessary to understand It, In order to attain it," I replied, but simply tq bollovo in him who has wads It possible." "Hut I have boon taught alt my life that If X wns good I would go to heaven when X die." "And jo was I," I said, "but it is not true. Hut do you bellove the gos pel 1 Po you bellovo that when Jcsua died It was for you and that because he died for you be la exalted In heaven V "I do with ail my heart." Then you bellevo that Jesus Is tb Chrlstr "Ym" "Very well, then, read this," aud ai I placed my finger on I John Oil, stti read it aloud "Whosoover belleveth that Jesus Is the Christ la born ot God." And with a cry of Joy she ex claimed I "Oh, I see It now I I see M now 1 I am fuvMdl" HSKSaSM A COIfrintmau "Hitrnlarij" Bf SAIDCE E3TEU.E BALCOM eMr iCoorflitiU) HE nlght-wntrhninn at Plympton (unseated of a due sone of his tin portiince. whs culled "Sergennt" Moore. He hnd become nwnre thai the distinctive title wns one In gen ernl vogue with metro politan police systems nnd he wns proud of Hip designation. G The day preceding Christians was always one looked forwnrd to by the doughty sergennt, for It wns upon Hint occnslon thnt his conscience al lowed him to accept little marks of approbation. "Hey, there, sergeant I" generally prefaced the bestowal of something In the shnpe ' a gift. "It's duty I have to attend to all night long." he told his wife. "They sny there's a regular band of burglars on the move." Now two problems of fnte were to work out a strange series of circum stances. In the Christmas eve events appertaining to the redoubtable ser geant. The first wns that the little town Jnll hnd burned down the week previous. The second wns thnt a new family had moved to town early In De cember, comprising the Waynes---fnth- er. mother, a charming daughter of seventeen nnd three young children. As Moore pnssed their place he noted thnt It was all dark, the family prob ably absent at somo local entertain ment, and he caught the echo of a sound resembling the tipping over of a piece of furniture. Then from nn open window a form protruded. 'HurglarsT muttered the sergeant. and mnde a dash for the presumable dcspollcr. "Hold onl" spoke the latter excited ly. "It's all right" "Oh. Is It 7" purred Moore derisively. "What's thatr and he made a grab at tho protruding pocket of the young man. "If you'll allow me to explain," be gan the latter. "I know the people who live, here." "Oh. yes. very particular friends I Cordlnlly Invited yon to break Into the house at any honr of the night I And this a new mufller and a pair of gloves. Say, you come with me," and the sergeunt marched his captive from the spot. "If you'll only let me explain," pleaded the young man, but Moore was deaf, blind to all but duty. Fifteen minutes later the captive found him self locked Into a stono cellar, and the sergeant handed Its key to his wife, saying: "You might pass In a Jug of water and a plate of bread to my catch through the window; It's got no sash to It. I'll drop around again soon." The young man In retirement was pacing about In tho dark and anathe matizing his officious captor when Mrs. Moore timidly approached the window. Here's some water and a little food," she said, "so you won't suffer," and Just as she passed the things In she uttered a shriek and crouched down trembling. Two men had sud denly appeared, real burglars this time. Oh, sir 1" whispered the woman through the cellar window, "they may kill the children I And then there's all Tim's half yearly pay In tho bureau I Pltnse help me. Here's the key to the cellar door," and something tinkled on the floor. Something elso then tran spired. The released captive located and knocked down and tied hand and foot the prowler within the house. Then coming unawares upon the armed bandit outside hejoppled him over, rendered htm helpless, and seemed to enjoy the excitement of It all. "I am Itoscoe YYalden and I am en gaged tti Ethel Wayne," he explained nn hour later to the bewildered ser geant, after the latter bad transferred the two criminals to Umbo. "This Is the first time I have visited their uew home, nnd I got In surreptitiously to place a present on (he Christmas tree as a surprise to my lady love. I don't want the Waynes to know 1 am In Plympton until after she finds it" There was a rare spice of adventur ous excitement for pretty Ethel In ber devoted lover's unique experience when he recited the same the next morn ing. And meantime Sergeant Moore was gaining popularity and the com munity's good will by detailing his heroic act which bad signalized Christ mas eve In the apprehension of two desperate criminals who, but for him. might have bad the entire town at their mercy. Blouses Increase in Importance 5Ktfj y e dEH' Be A An excursion through the shops In search of new blouses Is as Intriguing as an expedition after wild flowers. Where there Is so much variety and beauty to be found there Is an equal amount of zest In making selections. The autumn brought variety In styles, In materials, In methods of decorating the new blouses and, for several rea sons, their place In the wardrobe Is Increased In Importance. One of these reasons Is the ''high cost of dressing." The suit blouse ls not confined to tail ored styles nowadays, but undertakes to fit a suit for many occasions. In the company of a handsome separate skirt, lovely blouses arc iblo t 'ace any occasion with assurance. The overblouse and the smock style are the important new features In the season's showings. In tho over blouse, two materials or two colors of one material nro used to make the blouse as crepe georgette over chif fon, or net or satin. In the smock style the blouse has n peplum and n girdle, as shown In the figure nt the right of the picture above. This par ticular model embodies several details of the mode In the flaring sleeves, the shape of the neck opening, the rilk cord and tassels forming the girdle, and the management of the embroid ered decoration. It Is mnde of georg ette crepe and embroidered with silk CHINESE WOMEN STUDY HEALTH Three Doctors Return From America to Begin Active Health Campaign Among Women. ALL AGENCIES COMBINE. American Y. W. C. A. Will Support Women's Part of Chinese Health Campaign as Part of World Service Program. As a result of the Y. W. a A. Inter national Conference of Women Phy sicians, held during September and Oc tober, Chinese women are to have a far-reaching health program. Dr. Ida Knlin, Dr. LI Dl-Cu and Dr Dau, three of China's half hundred women physicians, who attended this HIR IDA KAHN URGES CHINESE WOMEN TO WORK. conference, are to take an active part In promoting this health program foi women which will be the share of the V. W. a A. In the big health move merit In China. The funds for establishing thesi health centers, for demonstrations ol bow to care for babies, for health lectures for the women, for babies' dls pensarles and for a general educa tloDaJ campaign, will be raised by tbr American Y. W. O. A. as part of Its program of world service for women and girls In 102a Dr. Ida Kabo, In a recent appeal to modern Chinese women said. "Let out floss, In plnce of silk cord nnd tas sels, short girdles of gold or sliver brocaded ribbon odd their brilliance to eome of the models and gold or silver threads are Introduced Into silk em broidery, maintaining the season's de votion to rich, metallic decorations on about everything we wear. Another Item '.9 bo noted Is tho Inconspicuous ness of fastenings;' they are not ap parent and leave us guessing as to how blouses aro got Into. Illgh-neckcd blouses nre not as plentiful .is others, but they are good stylo and favored by matrons, to whom the ' prove moro becoming thnn round or "V'-shnped neck openings. A georgotte blouso with high neck and long sleeve?, nt the left of the two models pictured, Is carefully designed to prove becoming. It has shoulder yokes to which the body Is gathered back and front, and r. narrow plain vestce with groups of little buttons set at each side of It. Silk embrold ery Is responsible for a touch of rich- looking decoration, to which scintil lating bends are often added In blous es for dressy wear. women of education In Peking and elsewhere gather themselves together to work for the schools, Jted Cross and Y. W. C A, and everything else which bespeaks the betterment of the conn try, Instead of staying at home to play poker and 'sparrow,' and going out to attend endless dinners, tea parties and dances. "Let us rally our forces and help the ship of state to move safely. One per son cannot accomplish much, but one or two hundred millions of women ran work wonders. Let us go back to a more Spartan-like simplicity of living and let us build up social service until every city In China la sanitary, every section of tho town has Its proper schools, and every child, whether boy or girl, Is sent to such schools. True poclal service brings democracy In Its train, 'and we who are citizens of a new republic can help to mnko It truly great by preaching and living democ racy ell the time. Why not learn to do our household duties, deeming It effeminate to be waited upon by maids and slave girls all the timet "The status of women in China, while leaving much to be desired, still Is .quite hopeful when we consider that she Is Just emerging U)to the sis terhood of the nations. Our men can depend upon us to tear the burdens of tho 'day, for nowhere Is there a more Industrious, diligent and persevering womanhood than In China." Dr. Rabn is lecturlngjn this coun try on the needs of her fellow country women, In the Interests of the Y. W a A. Educational Campaign which plans to acquaint people with all phases of Y. W. 0. A. work In the United States, South America, China, Japan, India and Europe. This educa' tlonal campaign will bo followed by an actlvo effort to raise the 13,000,000 needed for service for women through out the world. CHINE8E WOMEN HAVH FINANCIAL ABILITY. They Carried Y. W. C. A. Campaign "Over the Top." Much has been said about the hon esty and skit) of tho Chinese buslncsi man. The world has neglected to men tion the financial ability of Chlncsi women. They proved this ability lo the last financial campaign of the x. W. a A. In Tientsin. Ordinarily three weeks are allowed In which to raise the budget by sub scription after the finance committee has decided upon the sum necessarj to carry on the work of the comtn year. The Tientsin campaign was car rled on entirely by Chinese women and broke all records by going over tin top In ten days with a large surplui over the budget "Rcughlno It" Hostess Now, everybody, you'll have to drink your champagne out of Burgundy glasses and the caviar hasn't come, but I know you don't mind roughing It Life. FATHER JOHN SEMERIA I-inner .lulin iSemcrl.t arrived from Italy on the Dante Allghlnrl with n message to Americans from the war nrphiinx r Smith Italy. He Is here to solicit the aid of both Italians -nnd Americans In the welfare work which hp Is carrying on for the thousnnds of children left fatherless nnd motherless by the war. RADICAL AGITATION IN THE UNITED STATES Legislative Investigation Shows Rus sian Reds Are Back of Great Soviet Plot New York, Dec. 10. Itadlcal ngltn Hoik in this country with Its resultant fcocliil unrest Is not due to economic conditions, but to an organized, artifi cially stimulated movement under, the inspiration of the ltusstun soviet gov ern men t. This opinion will be submitted to the New York legislature In an exhaus tive report by the Joint leglslatlvo committee, which hns been Investigat ing activities here since Its organiza tion last May, It was learned. Three big groups of the radical ele ment hnve been supplying the forces for wholesnlo dissemination of bolshe vlst propaganda throughout the depth nnd breadth of the land, the report will assert The anarchist group, In cluding the Union of Russian Workers and other organizations; the syndical ist group, the main body of which aro the Industrial Workers of the World, and the communist group. Including he communist party "of America and the communist labor party. In each of these groups the over throw of government by Illegal means, Including violence. Is the weapon urged upon the masse, the report will state. Ne-r York city Is one of the big headquarters for the organized move ment, nccordlng to the report with Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit and vim ally every Industrial center from tho At. antic to the Pacific harboring a headquarters for the radical cam paign. HIGH EFFICIENCY IN ARMY Major General Haan, Director of War Plans Division, and Others Boost Educational System for Soldiers. Louisville. KyM Dec. 11. An amy educational system that will place the American soldier on the highest plane of efficiency Is the problem receiving main consideration of the convention nt Camp Zachary Taylor of repre sentatives of the army and educational Institutions. 'This Is the first time the United States has made efforts to evolve n logical and systematic courso of education for the army," said MaJ. Gen. W. O. Haan, director of the war plans division, general staff, Washington. "In war or peace, tho soldier eventually reaches a position where he must show qualities of lead ership. Vocational and educational work is the easiest way to such an end." 68 REBEL PAPERS IN THE U. S.' That Number Openly Advocate Over throw of the Government Alto gether 200 Are Radical. Washington, Dec 12. Slity-clght newspapers In the United States open ly advocate armed revolution to over (hrow tho government. Twenty-eight of this number nro published by tho I. W. W. executive committee or con trolled by the committee. Altogether 200 newspapers In various parts of the country can be classed as extraordi narily radical under the second-class mail regulations of the post office de partment. Theso Rtnrtnng facts were given to the house Judiciary commltteo by Rep resentative Ityrnes (Dera.) of South Carolina. HIGHEST FIGURE ON RECORD Spring Wheat Quoted at $3.40 a Bushel on tne Minneapolis 'Change. Minneapolis, Minn., Dec 13. After a steady climb for many weeks the best grado of spring wheat No, 1 dark northern, equaled tho highest figures ever recorded In this market's trading, selling for $3.40 a bushel. Among other causes said to bo responsible for this record figure is brisk demand by millers here, who are said to bo con siderably behind with their orders, In cluding export demand.