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The citizen. [volume] (Berea, Ky.) 1899-1958, May 04, 1922, Image 7

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May 4. 1922
THE citizen
Pace Sevna
East Kentucky Correspondence
News You Get Nowhere Else
No nrrvonnndrnf nuMtslsMl aakostirnnd la full by Iks writs. Thtntiw
I art for auMimtton, but M an orMsnro of Bood faiib. Writ plainly.
McKee, May 1. Fishing season
has opened here. Dr. and Roy
Homby and Superintendent Creech
have just returned from a fishing
excursion. Doctor had an unusual
ratch an eel 41 inches long, weigh
ing five pounds ant! some fine perch
and rata. J. K. Hay and family are
also on ftohinir trip and having
splendid result. Wesley Anpel i
entertaining a fishing party this
week from Richmond and Lexington.
The Jackson County Board of Kd
u at ion met here Saturday and
teacher of thi county will lie inter
ested to know that the Hoard voted
a nix week training school for teach
Farmer of thin place. K. R. Flanery
made a business trip to Richmond
thia week. Othmer Flanery i home
from Dayton, O., for a-few week.
Robert Akemon of thia place has
moved to Bond. James Iiavia has
(rone to Norwood, O., to seek employment.
Next Saturday and Sunday an re,
ular church days at Clear Creek.
Everybody Invited to attend. Sue
rena to The Citizen and it many
Sinkinf Valley
Sinking Valley, April 29. The
j weather still remain cool here, but
not cold enouyn t kill the iruit.
The propect for a hounteoua fruit
crop ia very propitious. Only a few
J early garden have been planted.
Ewen Isaacs was the week-end guest
of J. B. Kindred of Panola lat week.
Mr. Mary Isaac visited Mr.
era. Thi will take the place of the I Nannie laac Friday. Tyra Lain-
Teacher' Institute, and teacher aro
urged U attend, a it not only mean
better trained leather, but an in
rreae of salary for those attending.
The ritizen of McKee wish to ex
prea their thank to the Roard of
Ftlucntion and fim.rr Superintendent
Mirter for irakir? t possible for u
ti have such a tine school here last
year, anil we are looking forward for
a fine rtrp of well trained teacher
thia conui.(r year. Citizen of the
district showed their hearty cooper
ation lat year in the school work
by contributing sufficient fund to
purchae a tlfiO library and paying
the salary of one teat her at ISO per
month for a period of three month
ami mostly hearing all the expense
t.f the commencement exercie. The
King' Daughter, three clae of
our Sunday-M hoid and titizcn of our
town, have purchased a new church
bell for the aum of $K.V It i hoped
that everyone around town may be
able to hear our new lull and that
more will answer the call. Friend
of Harry Collier will l interested to
know that he ha resigned hi posi-(
tion in the service of the govern
ment and ha accepted a position in
the auditor' office at Frankfort.
Roy Homt-by is visiting his brother,
I'r. Ilomshy. Roy motored thru a
far a Livingston front F.lizal'eth.
New Jersey, where he ha been for
the pat year Hugh Collier and
Vernon Fowler have been calling on
friend in Cincinnati thia week end.
It i presumed that the friends are
of the fair sex.
(Too late for publication last issue
Hugh, April 2.1. Farmer of thi
section are busy turning the soil and
getting ready to plant the grain.
We have a good prospect for fruit
providing Jack Frost stay away.
Gertie ard Fairy Abrams, accom
panied by Mis Vena Hamilton of
Berea. spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mm. Mart Abram. A party of
young folk went to the Howsley
Fork rave Sunday morning. All re
ported a nice time. Sim Hobh of
the Sinking Valley country purchas
ed the Bronce Powell farm for
f'.'iMK) and will move shortly. Mr.
Millard Kindred spent Saturday af
ternoon with Mr. Mart Abram.
Nancy Fowler ia visiting her sister,
Mra. Shird Reece. Vernie and Dosha
Tarker were Suntlay guest of Nan
nie Clemntona. Mr. and Mra. Sim
Hobba have been visiting Mr. and
Mra. Will Reece the past week.
Sherman Stewart and family of thia
place spent Saturday and Sunday
with T. Wilson.
hart and a revenue man were in thi
vicinity thia week on business.
Dewey Smith ia having good aucres
with hi gasoline mill at Sinking
Valley. C.ood luck to The Citizen
and it many reader.
Drip Rork
Drip Riak, April 29. We are hav
ing some cool weather at present.
Mm Nannie' 1'arsnn and two daugh
ters. Bertha and Fthel, of Station
Camp, visited her mother, Mrs. Jane
Powell. Saturlay night and Sunday;
also visited her sister, Mrs. Maude
Alcorn, Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Bud
Isaacs visited Mr. and Mr. D. C.
Alcorn, Jr., Sunday. We have the
prospect of a tine fruit rrc.p thi
year if it doe not get killed yet.
Mr. and Mr. Roy B. Williams. Jim
l-aai and Joe Everole spent Sat
urday night and Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. N. H. Isaacs. Mr. and
Mr. A. C. Alcorn visited Mr and
Mr. Abe Coffey, Sunday. Lewis
Isaac had a clearirg Saturday and
got a tine day's work done. Roy D.
Na attended meeting at Sand
Spring Sunday. Mr. Jane Towell
ha gone to Ixington after her
daughter, Fdna. who is in the Char
ity Institntion there. Mrs. Maude
Alcorn visited Mr. Anna Alcorn
Threelinka, April 30. The Sunday
si hool at Sycamore is a great auc
res to the community. Easom John.
son wns in thia part last week on
business. Dan Gabbard I still in
Alaska gold mine at work. John
Donley i farming in Jackson thi
week. W. A. 'Phillips was in Berea
last week on business. Frank
Spark wa in thi part last week.
Arthur Peters of Boone was In
Goochland last Sunday. Thomas
Harris passed thru here on business
latter part of week. Alllie Phillips
visited at Mr. Wm. Sparks' last Sat
urday and Sunday. Thad Drew
passed thru here on hia way to Be
rea last of the week. Daisy Ph'Ui"
is some better at thia writing. A
Klot of the boys have been fishing; on
Rockcastle river recently.
Herd, April 29. The farmers of
thia vicinity are very bad behind
with their crops on account of so
much rain. II. D. Farmer of thi
place has gone to Iexington to seek
employment. Mrs. Cora Akemon of
thia place died last Sunduy. Her re
mains were laid to rent in the Davis
cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Frost
spent lust Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Simpson at Mummie. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Moore spent Easter Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Far
nter. Mr. and Mrs. Haru Farmer
have returned home, after a few
weeka' stay in Uuiavillv. Miss Ruth
I'ierson of Annville is visiting her
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Noland, May 2. Mr. and Mrs.
June Warford and Mr. and Mrs. Ani
Winkler spent lat Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Lay. Ernest Walton
was in Irvine last Saturday on busi
ness. Mr. and Mrs. David Lay were
at Panola Saturday, shopping. Rob
ert Winkler of Noland and Miss Bes
sie Cox of Reagus were married on
April 20. They moved in the house
with Amoa Richardson, near Panola.
O. B. Garrett was summoned to
Irvine Wednesday to go before the
grand jury. We had a frost Satur
day night, April 22, that killed lots
of the fruit. There has not been
much corn planted here yet on ac
count of wet ind edd weather..
been hindering the farming clement
In thia part this spring; no new
cases at this present writing. The
people are fearing Jack Frost will
come and destroy the fine prospect
for fruit It is reported that men
are in this neighborhood looking af
ter the coal industry, leasing land.
Two men and two horses were shot
in Clay tounty last week. One wag
said to be a deputy sheriff, the other
a marshal. One man and one horse
were killed dead, the other two seri
ously wounded, moonshine being the
Mullins' parents last Sunday. I. L.
Martin of Harts was down to hisj
sister's Sunday to see his little sicki
baby. Will Rowlett is in poor health.
LICAN the Illustrated Weekly Magazine
Newspaper Published at the National
Capitol. Special Bargain Introdue
tory Offer to readers of thia paper
FOR TEX CENTS, In stamps or
currency, The National Republican
ill he sent six weeks to one ad-
Slate Lick
Slate Lick, April 23. Jack Frost
visited this section Saturday night,
biit we hope he did not do much
damage, but can't tell yet. Profes-
Blue Lick
Blue Lick, April .10. Are you a
dweller in the lowlands. Then came
"The frost, the clear cold frost as I
falls the plague on men" and scorch-!
ed the tender leaves and promising. rtmn
buds to Mack and withered pen- Rnow M o(T(,r your friendg,
rants registering another failure of xhe Nationa, R,.pubjran is a na
fruit crop. However in higher al- .:., weeklv review of nolilir. and
titudes cherries, peaches, apples and I government, printing" more interest-
retry crops promise an inlf current an,i historical informa-
all the
abundant harvestFarmers are busy , tjon ab()ut nati,)nB afraj,, eat.h week
planting corn, plowing all day with
their coats on, as the weather con
tinues cool. Mr. and Mrs. Tibbetts,
Mrs. Thurston and little daughter
from Boston, visitors in Berea, came
sor Dix was out today and was talk-J out with Mr. Hudson In Ms car last
ing to the folks about a schoolhouse ( Sunday, 29th, and by their interest
here or at West Union. We don't i ing talks and delightful singing con-
know what will be done yet, but we tributed largely to the services. ,
than any other paper in America.
It is of special value to children
studying history and civics in the
schools, to new women voters desir
ing to familiarize themselves with
the facts essential to a comprehen
sion of public questions and has
much worth while information for
every member of the family. There
do know it's badly needed, as there Mr. Frazier of Berea was a visitor , ou.ht to be on every homJ na(ling
are so many cnimren mat snouia DC j in mis wriron i"r two ounuays Ps-. table
in school. June Fowler went to Mt. ) We have not discovered the magnet (jona
Vernon Monday on business. R. or attraction yet. Mr. and Mrs. F.
Parks and wife spent Monday after-1 A. Campbell visited Lloyd Powell at
noon with Mrs. G. Kinnard in Be-' Livingston la-t week. M. B. Flan-
rea. Mrs. McGuire and Mrs. June nery and nephew, Clayton Rowland
of Owsley county visited T. J. Flan
nery last week. Mr. Campbell has
accepteil a position at Lexington with
a building contractor and plans to
move there soon. His leaving will be
sincerely regretted by those who
know him, as a fine estimable char
acter and a valuable asset in the
Fowler, also Mrs. W. D. Parks, visit
ed Mrs. Kinnard at Robinson Hos
pital last week. Mrs. James Hudson
spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.
E. N. McCormick at Slate Lick.
Mrs. Parks attended services at M.
I r nurcn nunuay and iook dinner
Island City
(Too late for publication last issue)
Island City, April 24. Judge
Johnson is rendering the law viola
tors an unhappy life since court be
gan at Manchester last Monday.
Robert J. Bowman is contemplating
attending during the term as a wit
res). A federal officer arTested Eli.
as Moore, W. M. Bowman and James
A. Bowman and took them to Lon
don for trial. They were bound
over on bond of $200, $.100 and $!i00
respectively, to answer further ac
tion May 20. The parties were ac
cused of dealing in moonshine liquor.
Grant Frye was around taking the
census of our graded school children
recently. He thought the number
would be large enough to hold our
district as a graded school district
Andy Huff got a fine day's work around his garden. Let others fol- her mother when a young girl, chron
done, Wednesday, with plenty good, low the example. I icling the events of a tour in Europe
nourishable food served. D. B. 1 in 1R-19. It is highly interesting and
Peters was at Island City Wednes- Walnut Meadow deserves a place in literature as a
day of last week doing some shop- Walnut Meadow, May 2. Ben gem of art. Jas. Barrett, who un
ping. R. H. Powman. merchant, and j Brown, Sr., who has been so sick, i;derwent an operation for appendi
J. W. Baker are serving as jurymen improving. Little Paul R. Martin ' citis at the College Hospital, is re-
wit h her sister, Mrs. Thena Ruther
ford. Thomas Jones of Rockcastle' community. Mr. Vaught of this sec.
county and Miss Cordela Anglin tion found a gold watch, but It does
were united In marriage at the home not fill the requirements of the one
of J. W. Lambert, April 20, Rev. advertised in The Citizen last week.
Lambert officiating. We wish the Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kimbrell
youn couple a long and happy life visited their daughter, Mrs. Millard
together. Mr. Bamett has improved Mulliken, Sunday. Miss Childs has
his place with a nii-e wire fence ' loaned us an old M. S., the diary of
n America at least one na
periodical intended to fur
nish information about the nation of
which every citizen is a part and
devoted to the stimulation of serious
thought The National Republican
fills that bill. Just send in the
names and addresses, with remittance
to cover at ten cents each, and our
mailing department will do the rest.
(The regular price of The National
Republican is $1.50 year.) Address,
Circulation Department, National
Republican, 425 10th St. N. W. Wash
ington, D. C.
at Manchester this week. Bom tj
the wife of B. L. Gibson, on the
11th inst. a i-e girl. William Beck
nell and wife were the guests of T.
A. Becknell Sunday of last week.
It is reported that a still was found
on the land of Nathan Sparks of Sex
tons Creek and several who were en
gaged were exposed. The flu has
does not seem to et any better. A. ! ported better.
H. Kidd has purchased a Fordson
tractor and says ten of his horses I Bobtown
must go. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Moore j Bitown, April 29. Rev. J. R.
of Spoonville are moving to the home I Parker preached for us his last time
made vacant by the death of Lafe ! Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday
Moore. Mr. Freeman is much bet-1 night to a large audience. We re
ter at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. pret very much to give him up as
Dillard Mullins were visiting Mr.' he has been with us seven month
Disputants, May 1. The farmers
of this vicinity are beginning to plant
corn. Mrs. M. A. Phillips and little
daughter, Barbara J., of Harlan, are
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. M. Tayne, here. Dempsy Hart
visited home folks Saturday night
and Sunday.- -John McCracken of
Johnetta wnj visiting at W. S. Shear
er's Sunday. -Mr ard Mrs. A. C.
Hart have received news of the new
arrival of a little granddaughter at
the home of their daughter, Mrs.
Mark Settles, of Hamilton, O. They
named the new six pounder Fannie
Agnus. Eva Shearer and brother
spent Sunday with their cousin, Sill
Shearer, in Jackson county. Sunday
school has been organized at the
Hammond schoolhouse. Sunduy
school every Sunday at 2:00 p. m.
Kvervbodv invited to attend. Mis
May Andcrkin and brother, Cecil,
sK'iit Sunday at the home of T. C.
Holt. Mrs. Hiram Thacker visited
1.... XI.. rkam Itvuur C.m.l.iu 1
Mr. and Mrs. I). VanWinkle spent
Sunduy with Mrs. VanWinkle's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Iee Montgomery.
The cook U all smile,
The bread U light and gay,
A tack of PotU' Gold Dust Flour
Made them get that way.
rUf 1S4V3
For Sal By All Grocer
Wkitti Static, Ky.
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and has pained many friends. We
wish him God speed in his work, for
ro young man ever went out for a
preater cause. Friends are triad to
know Marie Moody, one of our last
year students, is fretting along so well
after undergoing an operation for ap
pendirits at the College Hospital.
Several of our club members attend
ed the speaking Saturday at Berea
and enjoyed the nice dinner. James
Neely and son, Zach, sold a nice lot
of corn to the Berea Milling Co.
G. B. Angel, Miss Etta English, Mrs.
Green Bales and several others from
Berea attended Sunday-school here
Sunday and went to Pilot Knob
church to organize a Sunday-school,
but a small crowd was present, so
next Sunday at 3 o'clock, May 7, we
invite everyone to come out and help
in the good cause, for we feel a
Sunday-school is needed at that
place. The little daughter, Annie
Mae, of Mr. and Mrs. Jona Alcorn
is very sick at this writing. Mrs.
Leander Hazelwood and Mrs. James
Alcorn of Lockland, O., were called
to the bedside of their brother, James
Barrett. He was taken to the Col
lege Hospital Thursday night and
operated on for appendicitis and is
getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs.
Hiram Baker and little daughter,
Velma Frances, spent Sunday night
with Mrs. John Lawson. Cover
Gabbard visited his parents last week
at Franklin, O.
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Nam .
City . . .
. BUU.
Wallaceton, May 2. Farmers are
very busy getting ready to plant
corn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wallace
and little son visited Mr. and Mrs.
Fwl Shockley Sunday. Rev. Literal
held the quarterly meeting at the
Methodist Church Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Willie Kindred is spending a
few days with her mother, Mrs. Rob
inson, this week. Mrs. Eliza Ogg
spent Monday with her daughter,
Mrs. Wesley Calico. Felix Eatridge's
father and mother are making an ex
tended visit with him while Mrs.
Estridge is in New York with her
daughter who was hurt a few weeks
ago. E. E. Wallace ia very ill The
Junior Agricultural meeting that was
held in Berea, Saturday, April 29,
was a great success. There were ten
from here to receive their Certifi
cates of Merit for 1921.- We are
glad to hear that Miss Florence Es
tridge is still improving. Grandma
Hill ia viaiting her daughter, Mrs.
Jas. Guino. Mrs. Wesley Calico and
little son were the guests of Mrs.
Jas. Tutor, Sunday.
Christmas Ridge
Christinas Ridge, May 2 Ladies'
Aid of Silver Creek Baptist Church
will have a sale of food and produce
and refreshments for the benefit of
the church and community, Saturday
morning, May 6, beginning at nine
o'clock, at Scruggs' office, on the
corner of Main street and Dixie
Sugar Crop Damaged
New Orleans 1 .11. A breuk In MIn
taaippl lUter Iftet-s at Myrtle (irova,
Lu., W mill's smith of NVw Orleans),
flooded more tliun lidui acre of suttar
cans- iiliiiiMlloiiK. with an estimated
daiiutire of f-l.OKUNK). Kvery effort to
fit, the breath has been utiautve
ful and 1 lie water, at luat report,
was spreading over rultlvuted luDdd
two inili-a above the hrvuk ami tu a
point tliree miles below.

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