mt afbiwajj El1tuiug un Lt VOL XXIV NO8PADUCAH KY THURSDAY EVENING JULY 9 1908 TEN CENTS PER WEEK c EQLDEN HOARD UNCOVERED IN VACANTHOUSl SteVy Told by Two Colored Girts Sets North Side Busy With Shovels Hearths Arc Demolished in Search Fok4 < Treasures r r SOMEBODY TOOK MONEY I I I r reY Ii iv > I a < gold wa < discovered burltnl lu 1 bucket and wrapped in Milk under tho honrjh In a room of an old brlrl hotfky at 820 North Seventh litrlttp yesterday afternoon at C oclock Hj Hazel Smith and Pansy Colo 14year ojd colored girls who live In thnl ncrghbbfbood but tho money was takcn btQ unknown white man they JayT who appealed at the mo ment they made the discovery Thp story tins excited all the north send of ilio oily below Campbell + sirifl and searching partlfe have ransacked the old houn sinN then digging up ovary hearth tearing off plaster and prizing up the floor In their efforts to llnd hidden treasure The colontd girls can give no Idea of the amount of money they found but It was new and tome coins were yellow 4f Story books never dwmrlbcd a more fitting place to bury none + than this old double brick tenement which In J Inhabited now only by owls bath und snakes Weeds have prawn up around It and liiHldo broken battier fragments of brick and planer ncraps of old clothes and tlu varied litter that accumulates In I house long vacant give It a spooky appear ance and so little Inviting Hint ultra caution penons seeking n raft hid lug place might readily choose Ii Iri old by thY ngtghlorw the sjQQ runiTUmt a colored woman named OKqvyrnrst entered tho houw yet + r + diy afternoon and setlng the odge of O shit rag protruding above the earth at the hearth In the north front room hulled at It until a stuldon ro lease sent her lack n Mop or two and n clanging round made by nomcthlng dropping en n w < l her hufrlod bxlt Then the two colored girls ventured In and dug up the earth In one corner of tho hrarth dlecloclng tho money m n galvanized bucket < rlnl Aloud Thoir I astonishment canned thorn iq uclnlui aloud and according to thflr account n white man jmwlng hotird Ihem and wnterod to oo the cause of the outcry Ilmignlzlng Instantly the I value of the discovery thoy ray IIP hlrougIi1 roughly ordered them away and later Ml hlnuclf No Intro of the tnuI I has been found since though the bucket remains and the deep hole In Iho earth corroborates tho digging lorurlll Before dark tho HOW had yireud I for blocks und this morning an In j + vrEtlgallon Miowod that every hearth vln l It byon dug out by unarchrrs and 4 even lice rnrth under the floors has Qihciin tampered with It Is certain It Mliat I no money la left there unless It Is many fool burled In the earth > llnzcl Smith liven with her mother Ullon Kiiilth at sVir North Seventh 1 ulreci and Pansy Coin llvia ftt 814 NVirUi Sixth street They ctatid up Htoutly for tho truthfulness of their story and among the colored real t pr dcns In that section It In generally j accepted FARMERS I UNION f tr rm 1JH < ons id MAHSIIALI < A r a tXllXTV Tll > OIIOANIXK 1 1 It i I Neal WIII Slllllk + III Rcslero 1i11I r liirky Unlll After Slate iidIsig t III I AiiK1 4 I t aJlr B n I Carter an ors or for pun Banners Union with head imrlrrs at IhpNcw Illchmond HouioJ will leave today for Marshall county lo organize county union A county Jiiiust has h titfvVlacal ilnIc iwbefore the COllllty or > < > Kaiilzatlnn can be ixjrfcctedl and Mar tbnll county has nearly 20 tech local tihlous Mr Carter will bj In west ern Kentucky until after Ijo state meeting hero in August whin he wilt t KW to Tennessee to ill epeawng dale for the BtnUr board Mr I I L I liar ntitt tate Organizer will rl ualn In Dawbon SjirlnKS a week Ion ors TIIOtHA NUH 1HKISir IX 1 iIXXD IN AHrAfMINOU Constantinople July 9 bulletin Teache lberp that lJOO pensJoB were drowned In a flood that deslibyed thi town of ToYal l In Asia MlnF TRAVELING SALESMEN FROM THREE STATES TAKE CITY i FOR p REMAINDER OF WEEK I I W ItJ J FAIR IIsingl I liilr + lonlglu dud bridal mhl l Iriiiptiitliirr highest limpfrattit I t etunluy till taunt uulny 111 I = = SNAKE INDIANS CAUSE SOLDIERS TO BE CALLEDOUT Outline Okla July 3 The milt tau wan ordered out this afternoon from Cnandler lo Honryetta to pro trot citizens from tho Snake Indians who havo been holding a corn dancB + at llffKory camp NIt Indian are reported lo have risen and tho sit uation to regarded as sorlotts rAJ jiitanl < onornr Canton U on the ground and asked for soldiers Act Ing Governor Bellamy Is going with the troop INCENDIARY FIRE A small house on the corner of Clements streets and YoUor avenlio was damagud by lira this morning at 230 oclock The house was vacant and It Is believed that tho blaze was iif Incendiary origin but when the firemen hit tho blaze It was out after possibly M damage had been done Tho house was owned by Sheriff Pete Bley of Hotiton Companies Nos 2 and 1 I Including the steamer an iworod Iho ainrm NELSONS THRIFT i San Franeltco July 9Tol lane I and llsttllng NVUtn signed articles to I fight on Labor day Nelson gets 20 000 of tho 100110 regardless of tho result Clans Iii I fora over thq terms und rays he will make the Dane oat 1lrt In this ring Jipltu Work III Clmrgr On the motion of Arthur Y Slar tln city attorney tho charge against danders I Hull tho liar witness In tho Hollowpli trials and Miss Emma Dean was dismissed In police court this morning Hall and lIrl Dean wore boarding In tho city and It Is said through spite a warrant was worn out by Halls wife charging them with Adultery An Investigation was made and no nvldohro was so nirod to establish a case llormt Kriitlitvniil Molbor Ky July 9 Special While returning homo from Inducnh yesterday afternoon tho bono of Mr Walter Hcovw bccnmo frightened and ran away He wits thrown from the buggy but fortunately was only lightly Injured The buggy was wrecked wreckedholler K holler SilN t Wnrriint The earn against George Hnrdkon hargod with breach of peace was railed In Magistrate C W Emerys out yesterday aftornoon Hardlson went to the homo of Efflo I Powers In C uuun and broke out tho windows wah s worn out ugalnst him and at the trial ho was ilhd 5 and costs Tlion he swore out a warrant against Etna Powers for conducting a disorderly house but the trial hut not yet been let Chicago Market July t High I < ow Close Wheat S93i 87 + 1 891 Corn 72 714 71W Oats 4S 40 Y 48 M Prgv 1GQ7r 1CC7 y 1666 Lad 800 aai ai 940 ltiii4 r 8724 65s72 4 i Trains and Boats Bring Merry Throngs of Jolly Drummers and Their Wives to Enjoy Hospitality J of Paducah Headquarters Open V C = c C = 3 = = = = S = = IIts I too raveling iiiiui its the traveling man Wild n iinllo very bland nut flue nhvnys glad liand IIN kc ravillng man ICs tho traveling titan the girls think him grand and they all have tq Iimul IIho I It In tlio traveling man ° f Tills Miuppy rlioniH from Mr Boyle 11oolfollpTrnvellug Man I will tic featured by Prof AVIlllnni Deal ilnrlng Iho meeting of the 1C T M 1 li < I I Hrllllantly decorated t and cordially waiting Paducah will extend the hand of fellowship to Kentucky Tennessee and MIsslMlppI traveling men this af ternoon at 0 oclock with the flint event on the three days program a band concert by the MurphyBboro ill military band at Fifth street and Broadway Arrivals Into morning and last night I numbured ptfliaps i 75 many ol whom have not registered and lIIaUY of whom arc traveling nlou not mem hrs of the K 1 T SI TJirv Just drop ped In to enjoy ho c1 llrohlltJ for tile association mid w I be wpl come Secretary Unrtlott at the head quarters Sixth street and Brqodway this morning1 made all callers feel very much at home and decorated each with the ofllclal badge These badges are becoming familiar sights along Broadway President Harry Hzzoll I of Jackson Tinn arrived today nod was lollght ed with tho spectacle tho city present ell and with the plans for entertain lug tho K T M Leo Livingston first vice president J It I Washburn of Jackson second vice president and F L Bartlett secretary arc here and Tom C McCulcheon treasurer Of Jackson will arrive today HUMS ItogNtcntl Registered at noon today wore A J Wcldon J U I Wathburn J 11 Smith W C Dlffoo C n Collins J J Palmer S T Tunim of Jackson Tenn J C Ileam St Ixiulu A J Johnson Momphlu M r C Reams lien dorson Tenn 0 W Upblnson Dyer Tuna J H I Crown Tennessee It I < Montgomery Jackson II T Orlzznrd CJarksvllle J 0 Shoup Dayton Oi Lou Allenberg lames Loako Hot Stelh B J Ia I fKiro n II Dutrgan Ad Rasrh JII Sullivan A n Yates U D Robertson of Kentucky Ono Interesting feature of this meeting In the large l number of wives who have accompanied their husbands hero The traveling men say thoy do not git to see their wives much so they take advantage of tho yearly meeting to give them tin outing and enjoy iholr company Mrs K L f Bartlett hag aided her husband In bin duties as secretary and lies acted as hoMofu to Ole women visitors Tonight will see mirty more travel lug men In the city but the heaviest attendance Is not expected until Fri day night and Saturday morning when they will como In from all di rections as business always In dull with the grip fraternity on Saturdays Advices from Jackson Dyersburg and other West Tennessee njid northern Mississippi points Indicate great In terest In tho meeting and tho travel Ing men will Como In bunches of 100 to secure railroad rates Hollowing lire band concert this af ternoon tho cars will bo taken at 7 oclock for Wallace park whore Mr Karl l Politicly In behalf of Mayor Smith will uuikethtj address of wel come Mayor Smith must attend a meeting of the aldermen tonight Mr John It Smith uxr > resitout will ro Bpotid for the K T M I In behalf ol President Harry Kzzcll who Is hero but will not address tho meeting Ir S A Fowler secretary of tho Com mercial club will bo dtalrmnu of the program In the Chnutauqua pavilion and fireworks music and the park concessions will entertain the dele gales for tide rest Of SIlo evening The InrmK Ample suplillcs of white fhlrts and trousers wllli red tiesi belts and can i hands have been laldm Ur j tho cloth ing stores and tho delegates are ex pected to don tlteqptor tine parade tomorrow morning at 11 oclock Forming at Sikh and Jefferson streets the Murphysboro band will lead fol lowed by the city civil autliorttlw hoKP MK Dcal > bund and the Au tomobllo club Thoy will march to Mnth street down Broadway to Firs street thence to Kcotttcky avenue thunco to Fifth street and to the CUB tom house where toe ideUfeftie will 1 make 18 group on the stepa to haj = c their plcturo taken B W COrnelison Is grand matvlial M the parade Talk about the next place of meet log has not matured yet but Union City Dyorsburff or Fulton are In the lead and will have enthusiastic dele gations working for the prize The smaller towns arc favored as they give themselves wholeheartedly to making tho meeting a success In the election of officers Paducah will be remembered again and iierhaps with the office of president J C Beam of st IxMils a passen ger representative of tho Southern railroad will address the traveling men Saturday morning in executive s on lo explain the reasons for the ruling by the railroads requiring traveling men to Interchange their mileage for tickets at local stations Tho K Ti M I has officially protested at tlilp ruling and will bo glad to hear an explanation It Is hoprd bjFtllif promoters that all the merchants along Broadway I will kop their windows and store fronts lighted every evening now tile better to show off the decorations and to give tho visitors a fine Impression of tho retail district Among tho ninny Invitations tho K T 01 r lifts received from local stores and Industries the Paducah Brewery company has given ono for all tits delegates to visit Its plant imme diately after tho parade Friday morn Ing which they will do In a body Klmmii Ikcurate To welcome the traveling men to tho city the fire department has done I everything possible although funds of the department are low Tomorrow I every piece of apparatus will bo In the big parade and Chief James Wood will head tho section by riding Mr his automobile All of tho stations have out their flags and are utilizing what decorations possible The Central station Is decorated prettily and the firemen show such latent in arranging colors that they may try their hand In trimming a Merry Widow hat Across the direct tho flro laddlea have strung two lines of wires nUll tonight 10 electric lights will blozo In glory Tho globes are red white and blue and at night the station will pre sent a gay appearance The regular station flag line been swung across the street and Fourth street looks al most ns pretty as Broadway with Its streamers Kill liens Control Exciting times are looked for III the contest between Fat Bill Tucker of Memphis and Jn Smith of Jack son as the biggest delegates Mr Smith weighs 110 pounds and Fat Bill Is 93 Inches In the waist tipping the scales at a figure ctpso to if not exceeding Mr Smiths avoirdupois Each Is exercising precaution to keep from being weighed Inadvertently ns they want to gain a few more ounces before tho contest closes ROOSEVELTS TRIP Now 1 York July DIt la an nounced that Roosevelt has contract ed with Charles Scrlbncrs Sons for publication of his account of the African hunting trip Ko prlcq Isan nuunird but It Is stated that the president wUI got largo royalties ASSOCIATIONS OF TOBACCO GROWERS HOLD CONFERENCE Bowling OrcevV Ky July 9 Site jcfeil = OnicIaIstf five tobacco asso II salons are l eonfereuco hero to ropos a totivmC coafederatlon of all tignrf taeky Tennis Ir ntire cr Resolutions Committee Delaying I f l MurdeftClew Leads to Paducah Philadelphia July 9 Special whom they searched at Atlantic City light upon the murder of Dr William the seashore today and held a confer Taylor Tho latter considered tho In City of such Importance that ho ins for Paducah Ky where the home of sisterinlaw of the physicians slayer I tho Paducah woman as well as her sis for which Dr Wilson was notorious Inlaw until a few days before his wi him Distracted with grief he Is bel of the doctor by means of a bottle of brought Into tho case last night Sill woman small with yellow hair and I i lioreewhipped Wilson on lip streets I < first effort was made tai 1111 him but law has been traced to Jersey City the wife soy it Is said of a wealthy ALDERMAN MILLER PROPOSES 1 LAN TO IlIl1adelphlanover REDEEM LOWLANDS BY STOPPING CREEK Would Erect Concrete Wall nnd Make Fill Where Broad Street Bridgets to be Built Over Cross Creek Alderman W T Miller proposes an engineering feat which If it proves successful will redeem a great terri tory In the southwest section of the city and will give the people west of1 the railroad outlets to downtown and Oak Grove cemetery without going ID a roundabout way Ho suggests that when the city bulds the long contemplated bridge MAYOR SUPPORTS PROTEST AG4INST I SALOON LICENSES The meeting or the board of alder men tonight probably will bo well attended as the saloon license will be up for consideration and an expert from St Louis will talk about tar and gravel streets The aldermen de sire a representative gathering of citizens to hear this discussion It Is probable that Jefferson street Broad way and Fountain avenue may be used for an experiment I Complaints are filed against four saloons two of them on tho north side where citizens are trying to get rid of disorderly houses and the others lu tho vicinity of Ninth street and Kentucky avenue Mayor Smith frankly declares himself In favor of Reading the complaints lie said Out ot 7G applications citizens have complained of four and have given reasons I thing tho solemn petition of respectable citizens regarding affairs In tho Immediate neighbor hood of their homos should bo re spected Xo Itfiliiced lutes At a meeting oT the K T M last night It was discovered that the Illi nois Central railroad had not 7anle I an reduced rato for visitors to at tend the meeting In Iaducah While In session n long distance telephone message was received from Dyersburg that the IHInols Central refuted a special rate to 76 persona but most of tho traveling men and their fami lies will attend anyhow At Jackton Tonn the railroad was asked for rates on special coaches it Is said but no reply was ever made Three months ago tha Mitinnbcrs of the ox pcullvw committee secured l permission from the Interstate gomuicrco com mission for the railroads to make the special rate but the Illinois Central did not respond Low rate excursions are advertised to St Louis and Louis vllle and why the low rate should not bo granted to Paducah has not been learned AH of the local officials did heir best In trying to get the rate DyerslmrB Arrives Dyersburg Elks will arrive tonight at 1 oclock to play tho local Elks baseball team Friday afternoon at 330 oclock The game will bo largely attended by delegates to hot I K 1 T M Paducah won the Fourth of July game from Dyersburg and that team will strive desperately to win Friday FIday evening the EJks win entertain their visitors at The Elks building with a qmokcr rise lineup fpr the local 1 team will be Ewoll erf Hbckorschmldt ItWeUJ head I6r Barrlager 8b Martlnj f f c a and cY Y 1 two Unable to locate the woman for In tho hope that sho might shed II Wilson detectives Teturned from nco with Superintendent of Police formation they gathered at Atlantic ruclcd them to take tho first train tho woman who Is believed lo bo tho 8 situated The detectives believe or were victims of Illegal treatment This was not known to her brother fes death when sho confessed to I leved to havo planned the poisoning ale The Paducah woman was first a i Is said to be a beautiful southern always well dressed A year ago sha at Philadelphia Subsequently the It failed The suspected brothcrln rhc Paducah womans dead sister was Philadelphian over Cross creek at tho end of Broad street a concrete wall and fill be constructed between the high banks there effectually preventing the waters from the fIver backing up over the low lands through Cross creek A look at the map will show what a vast territory Is l flooded In wet times by tho branches of Cross creek and the ramifications of Bradshaw creek Alderman Millers plan con templates a big pipe to carry off the water with a valve at the lower end so that tho backing water from Island creek would shut the valve I agaInst Itself Competent engineers have pronounced the scheme feasible It Is proposed to extend the street through the bottoms to reach Guthrlo avenue It might go under the rail roads If the water is drained off THREE YEAR OLD SEWS HER FINGER ON THE MACHINE Playing seamstress resulted In a serious accident for little Miss Edna hello Landram tho throeycarold laughter of Mr and Mrs Ii Lan dram 1018 Tennessee street est r da afternoon at C I oclock when she ran a needle through the forefinger 011 her loft hand Tho little miss while not watched by her mother climbed up to the sowIng machine and was making her dolly a pretty dress when tho wheel was turned and the needle came down Oil her finger It pierced tho finger nail and went through tho flesh Her screams attracted the attention of her mother and she released the needle from tho machine and carried the girl over to tho residence of Mr John Peoples who resides across tho street The needle was pulled out but the finger Is quite sore today i but no serious results are expected SISTER DIES I on w c CAVE nrccEivns SAD XKWS FROM VIRGINIA Mrs n I K Vunier Passer Awny After Lingfrliig IIUuss nt Jiimenvltk In That State Dr W E Cave pastor of the First Presbyterian church has received the ad news that his slater Mrs D K Varner of Jamesvlllo Va had died last evening rather suddenly though she bad been In feeble jtealth for sev oral years Mrs Varncr was aged 59 rears and had made her homo since the death of her Husband flvo yoarif ago with her brother Mr Macon ave and sister Aks Alolllo Cave whit are the only remaining members nf the Immediate family other than lev Dr Cave Hid funeral time haft not been not but It will likely take jaco ere Dr Cave could reach James Tlllo but ho will leave for that place Monday to visit his brother and sister I I MADISONVILLE DRY I 0 Madlsqnylllc K11 July p i gpe clalladlonvlIo weal < Jry Uy J7 majority In the cictlpn 1eMitliif There was great Jelllflcatlorf J ojt c tliq part of thetetBp ra c0 Jot ow last night AYpmtn and children paraded he streeti with fconsM and banners all day I yes tlldaI SL t THE PLATFORM TAKES TARIFF REFORM ISSUE Declares For Revenue Only t t Basis and Would ThusI Crush the Trusts 1 I Assails Republican Congress For Alleged Extravagance ExtravagadceT STANDS FOR BIG NAVY I 5koriiliif ijKnt in raacl eftti Assembled at 1131 Siml adopted permanent cry twlrfUor j Adjouqiwl until 7 tonight to adopt platform and nominate liryan I tall road plank Is carrying trouble Labor leaders not satisfied with antiInjunction plunk wins Ilryna New York takes no action OB vtcc > presidency t OK 0 JnmcN Is floor manager tot 1I11U1J BryanConvention Convention Hall Denver July 9 + Long debates In the resolutlonscom i t mltteo caused such delay that It was announced at 11 oclock that It might bo three hours before the report wa ready Tho railroad plank Is crest Ing trouble Judge Parker Senator Daniel of Virginia Senator New V lands of Nevada and Thomas of Colorado are opposed to a declara Lion for the physical valuation ot j 1 rdads Thin caused the matter to be again referred to the subcommittee The committee rejected the decla ration against polrgaiaH Mtor T DuBois of Idaho declares he will j take It before the + convention and dr mand a roll call I While aompors accepted the anti Injunction pank ill H Fuller anj II E Wolls representing1 tho train mens organizatlohs want wore deB < nlte notice They wired Bryan te s nT order but got no response Thefuit1 committee adopted Ufo plank unauU raously An enormous crowd was tow hand early but the delegates wer late so It was 1130 when they werw called to order Habbl Samuel KerschS offered prayer Chairman Bell lhalf great difficulty In bringing the con l ventlon to order He then recognized Senator Mc reary ot Kentucky whop presented the report of the t commit tee on permanent organization j oniliwto liryan Tonight Congressman OJHe James anl ij nounced that the purpose of the lead ers Is to complete the organization K and adopt the platform this after j noon and adjournment until tonight when Brnnf nomination win be made Tho vicepresidential nomina o Linn will be tomorrow v t 1 Since Oklahoma vas given four more votes the number necessary for nomination Is C7I out of a total rota of 1006 Bryans friends gave utt figures showing where Ke has IS J 31f pledged voles which were nofr cast for the majority report OB credentliil3 committee They hre Callforcl 6i Colorado 9 Illinois lih Iowa 2 y I Missouri fi 0 South Carolina 4 Ten nessee IS Virginia 32 Wcit Tlr V glnlo 23 and District of Columbia 0 This gives Bryan 738 altogether Many New York delegates Jola di Bryans cause and it is believed ° lit entire vote will bo cast for him under the unit rule Bryans friends nil cule tho claim that the vote on the credentials report G15 to 387 shows the Ncbraskans strength This ft less than the required twothird foXr nomination Friend still claim they have over 700 voles The ousting of duffeys dele iwi Is regarded as eliminating him fVoi afl notional politics H Missouri dplegales1 are bbpmlntj t Francis hard for vlcoprCII ldenl tho question Is still attracting IL l < attention e ontI VirvrrealilrneyVyw hltL the vicepresidency le or minor matter until the platter raa and presidency are tettledrf i fjrm4 < axe booming Illvorltel 14 wife Iteved iNow York will preee iat fthe > Towno or Cougrussman Fraei OBurr ton Harrison The bourn 41st t 4 > Ute James ot KentuckY Ixpietag James Getfl1G will securd p nI nomination Friends Je1lexl his speech 1 will SivA hlmt mlarttlau The states with canOWai ae lIJ hOQmln Utom Tits + ojiof prevaltvul that Bryan will dictate the eandidait when the tJl1l1s coate4 ° cy The Coadecflcdt EehuiaJao eeissedtasd sawed iv1wi W atiEi l of 1k lo jiomh AtcllNebt AtcllNebtT T gaxlb IIMJNi to rapport f 7ae t I J 1f t