OCR Interpretation

The Paducah evening sun. [volume] (Paducah, Ky.) 1906-1929, January 28, 1909, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

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i iJ4 nbntn 9111tning un
Pa1 l MortoH Named to IJ6 ad
CommissieB ia Charge of
To Emphasize Military Pur
pose of Department
Washington Jan 28 President
Roosevelt Is of tho opinion that the
organization of tho navy department
II not such as to bring tho best re
sults and ho Appointed a committee
whoso announced duty will bo to
consider certain needs of the navy
WhAt IVculdnit Want
The president has sent Identical
letters to each of the eight member
of tho commission which Is headed
by Paul Morton a former sccretar
of the navy the other members being
Justice Moody also a former seer 1
tary of tho navy Judge A < 1 Day
ton formerly chairman of tho hour
naval affairs committee and Hear
Admirals S n Luce A T Mahait
William Folger Robley D Evan ana
William 8 Cowles all of whom are
on tho retired list I
Ho sets out certain subjects for the
commission to consider under two
general beads first as to tho funda
mental principles of an or Kan I rat lot
that will Insure an emclent propara
tlon for war In time of peace and
secondly specific recommendations as
to the changes In the present organi
zatlon that will accomplish this rev
The Jflter is as follows
Division of IhllllOlIslhllltyI I
January 27 1909
My Dear SlrrI have appointed you I
I a member of a commission to conI
rider certain needs of the navy Tho
organization of tho department Is
now such M to bring the best results
arid thero 1a 1 failure to coordinate
the work of tho bureaus and to make
tho department servo the ono end for
which It wal created that Is the
development and handling of a first
class fighting fleet With this propo
sition In view I will ask you to con
which tho navy department is now
organized including especially tbo
detects by which the authority thoI I
chiefs of bureaus Is mado In certain
respects practically equal tothat of
the secretary or tho president
2 Tho division of responsibility
and consequent tack of coordination
In tho preparations for war and con
duct of war
3 Tho functions of certain bu
reaus as to see whether it Is not pos
sible to consolidate them
Need Military Advisers
4 Tho necessity of providing tno
secretary of tho navy with military
advisers who aro responsible to him
for preparation for war
B The newwlty for economical
allotment and disbursement of appro
priation and for a system which will
Insure strict accountability
C Finally I twant your views av
to how best to recognize and empha
size tho strictly military character of
tho navy so that preparations for
war shall be controlled under tho
secretary ot t the military branch ot
tho navy which bears tho responsi
bility for tho Successful conduct of
war operations
I with to have tho above subjects
considered under two general heads
lrat4As to the fundamental prin
ciples of an organization that will In
sure an omclent preparation for vat 1
in time of peace a separate report
under this head to be submitted at
tho earliest practicable dAleI I
Fucllltlctt of farts
Second Specific recommendations
as to tho changes In tho present or
ganlzatlon that will accomplish this
result tho report under this head U
be submitted later
In addition to the above reports I
doslro your recommendations as U
the number location and general fa
cilities of tho navy yards whldi aro
required by strategic considerations
In time of war nnd for maintaining
tho fleet Iri constant readiness for
war In time of pence Sincerely
Preceding by several1 hour the
presidents announcement was tho Is I
suance of a general order by Secre
tary Nowberry which had been ap
proved by tho president designed to
carry Into effect the secretarys naval
organization plans so far as they per
taln to navy yards and naval stations
dewberry Had 1jiui
Its general purpose Is to consoli
date tho manufacturing force at the
navy yards and Its effect wiy bo to
make the commandant while as here
toforo paramount resemble In his
connection with yard work the pros
dent of a large industrial plant the
prlncivAt ttchalcfcl MI Itant beconv
Illinois Deadlock Unbroken and
Legislature Adjourns Again Till I
Tuesday toVote For U S Senator
Hopkins Makes No Headway
Against Opposition Test of
Stcphonson Missouri Con
Springfield III Jan 28Atter
ono vote the legislature today ad
Journed until Tuesday The leaders
Foss 19 Stringer 74
Tho administration bill providing
I for twenty millions for a ship canal
from Lockport to Uttpa was intro
ducal In the senate today and refer
red to tho waterways committee it
provides for a coramjwlon of five
members appointed by tho governor
to servo six years
r Deserted by Senator Jones and
Representative Hull two of tho Do
noon leaders who said they < had ful
filled their caucus pledge Senator
Hopkins found no encouragement In
yesterdays battle In tho Joint session
Ho toil on every ballot
In the eighteenth Representative
Hull went front Hopkins to Foss
saying that ho considered himself
no longer bound by the caucus ac
tion and Dlack changed from Hop
king to Sherman and Tofrlll from
Hopkins to Sherman also
I Senator Jones deserted Hopkins for
FOil and on tho nineteenth ballot
Senator Henscn changed from Hop
klnn to Shurtlcff on tho twentyfirst
from Shurtlcff to Lieutenant Coy
ernor Oglosby
I On the twentieth ballot Senators
Downing and Potter changed from
Hopkins to Shurtlcff and Representa
live Yates on the tvlentp first
f On tho twcntynrit Senator Funk
cbangcd from Hopkins to William J
Calhoun and Representative Lane
from Hopkins to Shurtleff and Rop
rescnUUvo Wright from Hopkins to
Monumcntto Ilms
Topeka Kas Jan Z8Tho Ken
MS legislature introdf l cod a Jblrif
resolution to erect a bronze tablet In
honor of Edmund Rose The senator
whoso vote prevented tho Impeach
ment of President Johnson was ex
died from his state br public Bonli
meet and died a year ago
I Iment 3llM > url Contest
Jefferson City ideJan 28TIe
joint contest committee probably win
meet Into this afternoon It is said
there Is little prospect of anything
being done
HtrjilicnMitid Hlmiglh
Madison WIs Jan 28A test of
the strength of Senator Stcphensow
came today It was expected If ho
Q There are so timny cases of
jj contagious dlM ages In the city 5
5 Just now that time board of 5
health deems it wisp lonilvlscn
S every housekeeper employing y
5 servants to investigate Uio con
t ditions surrounding tho home y
J of such servant Tho boanl J
f luu records of smallpox scarlet
A fever tuberculosis and other 2
5 diseases being transmuted inij
6 thin WilY 8
didnt show enough votes on Joint
session this afternoon a deadlock wIll
follow Before the session began It
was eaM ti his friends ho would have
the vote lid failed to produce yester
Trenty Unfilled
Panama Jan 28Tho Panama
United State treaty was ratified by
tho assembly and signed immediately
by President Obaldla
fescue Mission Revival
Tho Interest attending the revival
that has been in progress at tho Res
cue Mission 431 Trimble street for
several weeks continues Large
crowds are present each night and
manr are being reached There aro
conversions at every service Mr and
i Mrs Chiles havo the names of a
number of people desiring employ
I ment especially as cleaners that thc >
can give on inquiry
I Latest Night Riders
Murray Ky Jan 28 Special
Twenty five loads of tobacco parsed
through Murray from tho east sldo
of the county between midnight and
dawn this morning on their way to
Paris Tenn and Mayfield This
comes out of the nIght rider section
and Is suppowd to bo association to
Jiacoo going to the open market It
Itiald pearly all tho Kirlrecy night
riders have dumped their tobacco
Toklo Jan 28lrlvato messages
unconfirmed say Pu Yl Infant em
peror of China Is dead of smallpox
The report Is given wide circulation
and caused great excitement Pu has
been sickly for long time
Flora Clark Young Profess
Ion ally Known as Lillian
Lancaster Will be Burled
1r6 Flora I Map Olark Young
known on the stage as Lillian
Lancaster and a popular Paducah
girl of great promise died suddenly i
this morning of diabetes at Denver
Col 1 where the had gone for her
health Relatives here were notified I
today by telegraph
Her slater Mrs II IL Cleugh of
Regina B C was with her at the
time Her husband Mr James
Young of the Loula Jarae company
had been with her but she become
better and ho rejoined his company
It Is not known whether no was reach
ed In time to return to Denver be
fore his wlfo died Tho telegram
stated that tho body would be brought
to Paducah for burial arriving prob
ably Sunday night
Mrs I Young was the youngest
daughter of MrsrS H Clark 301
pay street She was a sweet lovable
girl and moro than usually gLUed
Eho had achieved distinct success for
one eo young In hor chosen career
tho stage and had retired unly
Thanksgiving day at Buffalo on the
Ing under tho commandant tho gen
era manager
The purport of the order was out
lined by Secretary Newberry In a gcs
oral statement Tho order Itself pro
scribes In detail tho methods b >
which tho plan Is to be put Into effect
and tho assignment of duties to re
spective officers On February 13 the
I commandants are to forward to the
navy department a report of what t
has been dono in compliance wltb
the orfer
UU1 1
At the request of Mr L Vlvl
nun who has been requested by
ire Ilnlliin consul at Louisville
tll collect und transmit to him
fund Qt the irftlf r At the Itullnn
rurnniinin iuijcnr I Tho Sun
will receive any Hitch donations
nnd f that they are properly
forwarded to the consul at Lou
isvllle 1 Any readers of The Sun
therefore who wIsh to contrib j
ute mny send tho money to Tho i
I Sun and announcements of the i
contributions will bo made from j
day to day j
advice of four physicians who order
ed complete rest She was Bcqvt to
Denver Mrs Young was with the
Itactott company playlpg Class
mato and her popularity was at
tested by the ovation given her both
by the audience and tho company at
her farewell appearance
On her visits to her mother In Pa
ducah although they wore her vaca
tions vho graciously mot every de
mand mado upon her by her friends
tho churches and charitable organlza
tloqs and generously contributed her
talents and time to hejpjiqrborae
town vt V r
Sho was winning In > personality and
had a wldo circle of warm friends In
Paducah where tAle was born and
reared Deep grief will be felt that
her life should be co suddenly cut off
Several years ago fho was married
to James A Young a talented r or
and tho manrlagJ was an Ideal oho <
They ufcycd l In different companies
part of tho time but Mr Young spent
his vacations hero with Ms wife Be
sides her husband and her mother
I Mrs Ytoung loaves two sisters Mrs
dough and MTS Heart AVoelkewKa
ot St Louis She was n devoted mon
ber of tho Episcopal cKureh
Will Offer College Building
and Ground For 5000
a Year
Arcadia Offers Grpunds and
1000 4
et t
O Jf
Lono Oak iota l the heat of tho fight
for the location of Uio county High
school should tho board of county
school trustees decide to erect ono
The little town will be represented by
a delegation Saturday and the propo
Bltton to donate a building and four
acres of land will bo II1CrC ted With
the collogo building tho Lone Oak
citizens feel that the county will not
be put to any expense for a building
and the High school can begin Its
Missions next September without de
lay The coJlogoVjias been in > n
at Lono Oak several 1 years and this
year baa an average of 70 pupils but
It has been decided that the county
Hilgh school would be more valuable
and Lone Oak wilt pun hard for It
If the county will put up 15009
Tho interest In tho question of es
tablishing a separate county High
whodl has set the farmers to talkfour
and It Is tho chief topic of converse
Ion In tho rural districts as the en
tire expense will have to be borno by
taxation of tho t county exclusive pf
the city Many farmers have alt
pounced themselves opposed to the
plan of a separate High school and
will fight it Tho meeting of the trus
tees will be held In the offleo of aun
ty School Superintendent a J Bid
Ington but already there have been
rumors of so many delegations going
to attend that it is probable the meet
ing will adjourn to the county court
room or eom placo of t sufficient size
to accommodate tho crowd
Tho county school trustees will have
thrco plane to pick from The first
la to cooperate with tho city High
school and pay tho tuition of all
graduates of the county schools that
may attend the school In Arcadia
the Gregory Heights Land company
has offered to donate a block of
ground and property owners of that
vicinity have offered toraako a dona
tion of JUOOO The latest proposlr
lion of tho Lone Oak citizens Is to
give the college building and campus
It is tipped that the county school
board will decide to erect a separate
High school as a sufficient number of
trustees have expressed their views
However after this dCMhsIon a lively
fight Is expected as members of the
fiscal court by whom the money will 1
haw tobo allowed are opposed to the
plan as Is County Judge Lightfoot
At least three trustees are known
to favor arrangements with the city
and Supt Canragoy has been Invited
to address tho beard on the subject of
sending rural school graduates to taro
Finding In WJlllitnis Case
Wo the Jury find that Oscar Wit
hams came to his death by a pistol
ball fired by Wash Bussell accident
ally fired S S Howollt foreman Q
K Holland J 11 Asho O A Chand
ler l Elwood Smith and JW Clark
jurors This was tho verdict of tho coron
ers Jury i
Appropriation Is Approml by Presi
dent ttoostTcJt
Washington Jan 28 > President
Roosevelt sent to congress a message
approving tho recommendation of
Governor Magoon thatan appropria
tion bo mado to removethb wreck of
tho battleship Maine from Havana
harbort 1
Showers tonight aeilU 2 probably Fri
day warmer lcmlW45 S
Second Cuban Republic Begins Its
Existence at Noon TodayMagoon
Leaves This Afternoon For States
Tomorrow ulll bo McKlnley
day and the pink carnation tin
favorite flower of tho martyred
president will bo much In evi
deuce on tho streets Pnducnli
florists have a good supply of
the pink CArnation on land
and anticipate n hang demand
for the carnations
Union City Tenn Jan 28 The
Jury In the Marshall case disagreed
and was discharged It stood ton for
acquittal and two for murder In the
second degree Marshall ono of the
richest men In the county took part
In the murder of Quentin Rankin at
Reeltoot lake
Mm Kmnm Johnson
News has been received hero of the
death of Mrs Emma Johnson 92
years old at her home In Cayce Ful
ton county She was a grandmother
of o Mr Arthur Johnson ot this city
Youthful ibuik Cashier
Paris Ky Jan p8 Although
only twentythree years of age Mr
W C Bryan of this city was elected
today as cashier of the new Citizens
Home bank at Little Rock this coun
ty Th1 bank Is located In ono of
the ripest agricultural communltes
in the Bluegrass and will have a cap
ital stock of 17500 John L Solver
was elected president and J Elmer
Board man vice president
Mr Rid Reed who recently pur
chased the pant of lie Kentucky
Printing company has been appoint
ed by the board of prison commis
sloners es register clerk at the Eddy
vllle prteon for the purpose of inaugu
rating tho BcrtBlIon system of meas
urIne the prisoners
Mr < Reed was editor of the Smith =
land Banner and hold office under tiltS
Brckham administration
On tho Occasion of Ills Half Century
Berlin Jan 28The fiftieth acid
versary of the birth ot Emperor Wit
liam was celebrated in an unusual I
manner AM the crowned heads of
the German states excepting tho aged
Lultpod Regent ot Bavaria came to
Berlin to present their congratula I
tions The city Is decorated withI I
Six of tho alleged nine gamblers
have been arrested by the police who
are after the other three NO trouble
is anticipated as It Is agreed that the
men will submit to a fine The men
cited to appear in pollco court for
gambling were Aaron Tiiley Tom
Holand Green Poplin Ike Cohen D
RlUoff and vuby Veal while the war
rant Includes the names of Richard
Howard Bob Farmer and Gus Veal
but they are out of the city Tho men
are alleged to hlvoJ played In ttoo Ho
tel Belvedere but tno men deny that
Mr Robert E Mosboll proprietor
of the hotel knew of the purpose for
which the rom was used No onc < has
been arrested for setting up the game
Tho cases aro set for trial In police
court tomorrow morning but 4t Is
thought all of tho defendants wilt set
tie out of court
W 0 Britt and T Cv Britt who
wrro at the head of tho Southern Pea
nut company which was involuntarily
put In bankruptcy have been > sued by
certain creditors ot the bankrupt pea
nut company In tho state courts of
Tennessee at Nashville The amount
of tho suit Is J20 < KW Tho Tonnes
see creditors claim that the Britt
misrepresented tho company Attor
ney K W Ross of Savannah repre
senting tho creditors end Attorney J
B Daniels of Nashville representing
the BrUte were to tire city yesterday
taking depositions
Government Turned Over to
Gomez in Red Room of Presi
dential Palace at Havana
Festivities Continue
Havana Cuba Jan 28Cuba to
day began her second experiment in
solfgovernmcnt Governor Magoon
turned the government over to Presi
dent Gomez the second president
The ceremonies took place al noon In
the red room of the presidential pal
ace A hundred Invited guest rep
resenting a dozen countries saw the
ceremonies The presidential oath
was administered on tho balcony so
the peoplo might see ftfagoon left
for tho United States this afternoon
and the battleships Maine and Missis
sippi will leave the harbor The fes
tivities will contlnuo till Sunday
Dig Tobacco Shipment
Paris Ky Jan 2SFour hundred
and five thousand hogsheads of the
107 crop of Equity tobacco in Bear
bon county were shipped last week to
Louisville The shipments will con
tlnue till the entire crop Is delivered
to the American Tobacco company
Tho amount of money duo Bourbon
farmers will aggregate close to 1
Suit Over Republic
Now York Jan 2SThe White
Star lino today filed suylt for two
millions estimated damages against
the Italian steamer Florida
Chief in Cairo
CWef James Collins left today for
Cairo where cal RIley and Shelby
Ward both colored arouwder arrest
Riley Is wanted for malicious cutting
and Vord for grand are njv Thone
groes were arrested a week ago but
refused to return to Paducahi without
renufcttlori papers Chlt > fCollih9 will
return tonight
Erwan is 111
G W < Ervnn who la in tho county
Jail for obtaining money by false
pretenses by pawning a phony dSar
mond toIko Cohen la ill of malarial
fever at the county Jail Ervan is un =
der treatment of a phystelan andtt <
Is thought that bis illness will not be
serious His relatives have agreed to
go his bond but a chock has not been
Hopkins Company Bad
Chicago Jan 2STho receiver of
the defunct Illinois Surety company
declares today that threo surety
bonds for 30000 each have been
fraudulently removed from the as
sets jThe surety company filed affl
davits htimatlng thojionds wore de
troycd Senator Hopkins Is vice
president of the company
This company was on the saloon
bonds In Paducah last year and Was
subject of an Investigation but pro
nounced O K
Keiran Appears
New York Jan 28P J Keiran
former head of tho Fidelity Funding
company voluntarily appeared before
United States Commissioner Alexan
der for examination rehUtvo to the af
fairs of tho company
Kclran said ho had no property
and Is living on borrowed money
Ho had bank accounts In many parts
of tho country one In Nauvoo III
but said he thought less than a hun
dred dollars in all Ho charged that
other financial Interests broke faith
and aro responsible for tho condition
ot the fidelity company
Nashville Jan 28Juror Leigh
was excused by Judge Hart today In
the case against the Coopers for kill
inS x Hon E W Carmack on the
ground that ho had expressed an
opinion in the Cooper case Tho
Judge did not rule on tho drunken
ness charge saying tho other is sum
clon to excuse Leigh Leigh was
arrested at the Instance of Attorney
McCarn on the charge of perjury
Ho gave bond and his case will go
directly to the grand Jury Charges
aro being heard against Juror Jack
son Juror Whltworth is seriously
111 and probably will be removed
Widow Denounces Her Bequest
and Will Elect to Take Her
Dower Interest
Fattrell Attempted Assault
Case Promises Sensation
Murray Ky Jan 28Spetfal
By agreement of wdsfteopened
ander will case was1 reopened In
county court rind the matter has been
settled Mrs Alexander withdrew her
objections to tho probation of tho
will but renounces the Instrument In
sofar as it affects her interest This
Is permissible by the state law which
allows a wife that privilege and she
may choose to tako a childs part or
the widows dower
Futrell Caso >
Tho friends of Tonl TuttcIl tk
farmer of near Almo who was bold
to the grand Jury ori a criminal assault
sault charge preferred by Mrs Babe
Dixon promise sensational develop
ments when the case Is finally tried
in circuit court Mrs Dixon claim
that Futrell came to her ouso while
she was alono and attempted to as
sault her This Futrell denies though
ho admits going to the Dixon home
and asking for a drink of water Ho
says the woman began to accuse him
of coming to her house to Insult her
and screamed for her husband
Mr Futrell stood for law and
order during the recent unpleasant
ness in Calloway His homo is near
tho infected district Ills friends
claim he will be ablo to prove his
lnnocencovand in doing so promise
the sensation Tho defense Intro
duced no proof at the examining
County health Board
Tho new county board of health
met Wednesday and elected Dr P
A Hart health offlcerJland county
physician to succeedi > Dr w ir
Graves resigned The board is com
posed of Judge Patterson Magistrate
S S Holland and Drs C N Craw
ford E B Houston and P Ai Hart
Huford Brown Case
The examining trial of Buford
Brown who seriously cut Arthur
Denham during the holidays will be
held at Hazel Saturday Brown rea
cently surrendered and gave bond
1 11 S
Personal Mention
Senator Conn Linn will go to
Bowling Green Thursday to attend
tho meeting of tho board of regents
of the Stato Normal college ot which
board he is a member The faculty
of the Bowling Green college havo
asked the board to buy several acres
additional grounds
Bernie Stubblefield son of Nathan
Stubblefleld left today fonNashvlllo
to accept a position with the Cum
berland Telephone company
Attorney F F Acrce and A Q
Knight went to Hazel yesterday
Miss Stella Lannom Is visiting her
sister Mrs 1U S Hills at Puryear
Mr and Mrs A B Bealo arc vis
iting In Nashville
Mrs Carrol Etherldgc of Joplin
Mo Is visiting Mrs Robert Simpson
People With the President
Washington Jan 28U President
Roosevelt over tad a doubt that the
people would bo with him In his ef
fort to prosecute tho publishers who
hava criticized his manner of conduct
Ing the Panama canal negotiations
that doabt has been removed The
president Is In receipt of letters from
all over the country telllmj hint he Is
right and that the publishers Are
wrong and expressing the hope thu <
he will succeed In having tho editors
Indicted and punished for criminal
Hard to Get Rich
New York Jan 2R Rockefeller
to an article In the Worlds Work to
day declares ills difficult to get rich
He says ho owes much lit hl3own suc
cess to the training his father gave
him After ho started IIJI 1 business he
frequently borrowed from his lather
who demanded cadujon i short notice
to test the credit oThjs son
Chicago Market
May 1II1h1Qw Glow
Wheat 107 107 107
Corn C3K 62 C2
Oats 52K 52 53
Vov 1720 JC95H 1720
Lard 9111 i 965 967 5
Ribs 8 7K 8211 vIHl t

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