t Vabuiab tnin un + + VOL XXV NO78 PADtJCAH KYt THURSDAY EVENING APRIL 11909 TEN CENTS PER WEEK MANY PLANT BEDS INDICATE LARGE CROP OF TOBACCO No Depredations Are Reported IR Calloway County This Year Bnildfag Boom Strikes Mur ray Tax liaise Unpopular CIRCUIT COURT NEXT WEEK Murray Ky April 1 Special Judging from the number of plant beds anti VbfIr condition a bumper rfoV 6 C r1 wlll be put out In Calleway county thd year If the weather continues favorable until transplanting time No beds have 114eu scraped or other night rider depredations reported as yet though aomn anxiety Ig I felt because several men have been making mysterious visits In some nections the given reason for their activity being to se cure evidence against dumpers to pro Kept to the grand jury but sinister motive are suspected suspectedCircuit Circuit Court Circuit court meets tho second Mon day In April and It la likely that sev eral night rider cases will be tried and If so the course of court officials will be watched with Interest because of the Impending primary in the Ju dicial district Jack Hanberry of Christian coun ty will be Judge Cooks only oppon ant and at present the race Is unin teresting Many strong law and or der Democrat l will remain out of tho primary that they may be free to vote for whom < hey plea o in November while It Is said others will enter the primary with the avowed Intention of retiring Cook at tM primary and Hanberry at the general election should ho be nominated WIftlIUJWAr The state board of equalization has announced a tentative raiselof three Pr cent on Ca1l way farm property I and ten per cent raise on town lots A delegation headed by Judge Patter son will go to Frankfort and endeavor to convince the board that the raise Is unjust A iluUttlng linens Murray 11 i enjoying a building boom and a number of residences are In courte of construction The burned Mviinn of asDylteet I t will be rebuilt ai soon si brick can be secured Work men are now employed in clearing the debris debrisPersonl Mention Mrs Dollle Curd and Miss Wade Miller who have been teaching school at Mineral Mound Qat are home for vacationDr Dr JO Hart baa been III ravcral peernlcia daysMiss Miss Cora Graves has returned from Boomer Tenn where she taught school A little child of Jesse Wallace has been seriously III but Is Improving Improvingp p a M MEMPHIS IS LUCKY CITY Wax MM i Next Conference Clilltl halior Comes CityNew New Orleans La April ITho xecuHvo committee appointed by the rhlld labor conference just before ad journment tdday held n meeting this afternoon and practically decided to Iold the next gathering in Memphis The Tennessee delegation were very urgent In their invitation but Gov Patterson will be consulted by Oov Sanders and If a formal Invitation romes from the Tennessee executive then the next session will be held In the Bluff City WATERWAYS BILL Illinois Legislature Mnjr Help Lakes toJulf Project Springfield Ill U April IThe waterways committee of tho senate hat decided to prepare bill for carry carryIng lakes to tbeOult deep waterway to he constructed If necessary without government aid but with It It 1 pos sible The waterway Ja to be at least 14 feet deep and through rock cut the depth will bo as near 24 feet as the means at the disposal of the builders will allow These two pro vision In their policy harmonize with tho administration waterway bill In troduced In tho session It Is diamet rically opposite from the reconmend atlons of Congressman Lorlmor whose advice has been toward Rafting for help from tho government and taking no active step until sutjh aid be given The pending house bill pro fides for construction of a waterway with tho cooperation of tho g < jvern sent Petroleum Ship Explodes While Hold is Being Inspected by Agent of French Company at Marseilles Deck Torn Away and MaRY Hands Killed Outright or Fatally Injured Cause of r Accident Not Known I Marseille April 11111 three t masted schooner Jutes Henry of Philadelphia was blown to kindling wood today by the explosion of a cargo of ISOOO1 tons of petroleum Bight were killed seven mortally wounded and three dangerously Jules Henry the tank vessel was owned by Captain M Encoder Tho cause Is not known It occurred dur ing preparations to unload The explosion followed tho entry to the tank hold of a representative of the Vorttas agency and second of fleer who were Inspecting vessel The deck lifted off the forward part of the ttilp and wrenched under The heat made aid Impossible Mliw Explosion Charleston W Va April tFOUT men were Jellied and two seriously injured In an explosion at Echo mine of Beury Brothers Coal and Coke company Beiny Fayetto county late last evening The cause was gas corn ing In an abandoned part KiiKliuvr Kroldrd Now York April 1Two engl veers of Ana liner LaToufalue which sailed for Havre today are reported seriously scatoe1 1 and possibly willI I die The chip anchored off Staten I Island It was disabled as the result of the accident KHOUTAflK IX OIl tcl 01 HAIriMOUK IlKfllSTKIt I I I Baltimore Md April IAn ex amination of the books In the office I of the cttyreglster tqnlght showed lnI I apparent siortaie pf more than 07 J 000 in the funds of that office 1 MI i 11atq FfJgg n4 aptoFk LerkwII11vR j I flee Is under arrest I d Miner CVlebnite I Scranton Pa April tTOOBY Is 1 tho anniversary of the enforcement of the eighthour day secured to the United Mine Workers of the bitumin ous districts Also Mitchell day is c ob rved throughout the anthracite J regIons They are holding mass meet ings with prominent speakers I a I Historic Temple Destroyed Toklo AprU IThe historic Tu guawa Shogunates temple was de i stroyed by Ore today < The loss was t 13000000 e 23440000Most Most ot the priceless art and his I tory treasures were saved The tern i pie attracted thousands of students n world and trawlers from all of61l1denlsj I I nT 1 e I HOW TO DESTHOV FLEET j Washington April IWright luiitlipnt will demonstrate how to ileMroy bnttleshlx when they finish the fpivcniment nits of the aeroplane In June at Fort Jlyrr i Virginia They will take a lmtlcslilj outlines on tho ground Ju chalk nnil drop pro jectiles AGED LADY BURNS AGHDLADYBURNSTO TO DEATH AT HOME NEAR ALEXANDER FuH6h Ky April lDellth In a horrible manner overtook Mrs A O Ktmbra Sr 1 78 yearn old of the Alexander section when her drew be came Ignited In a bonfire of leaves she had kindled In her garden yester day afternoon When she felt the sting of the flames oho screamed and ran toward the house but became ex hausted and fell In the yard where she was found enveloped In flames She died at midnight Besides her husband she Is survived by the fol lowing children A G Klmbro Jr and Allle1 Kimbro and Mesdames Hi ram Kearby Harvey House Henry McClanahan and D Molston Left Many Bardwell Ky April 1 Special James Brown 88 years old died here today He Is surged by l 13 children 75 grandchildren and 35 great granlcbndren S A Drowp the druggist at Brookport 111 IB a grandchild 1asrirdr 1 trial I aaearilic hy April lSpe clal Receiver Pedlej Is testifying In the ParrIsh trial showing the worthless ascots of the bank Falco RweRllnjt Charge Frankfort Ky April 15I1e ialGarnett Rlpley assistant nd jutant was arrested on a warrant charging him > wlth false swearing It Io the result cf an old night rider trlnl in 8her Little Uklwnl Yeliemn Rkhrtrd Henry Yeltema the 10 monthiold son of Mr and Mrs Rich ard Yeltema of 83S North Ninth street died at 615 oclock this morn Ing after a several weeks Illness The funeral will bo held tomorrow after noon at 2 oclock ot the residence TCSldcnceITbeburlal DroveI PUBLIC INTEREST IN CIEANIHG UP CONTEST SHOWN BY MANY INQUIRIBS Interest In the contest for cleaning up the cty I was shown yesterday by Uio fact that several telephone calls were received by the ladles commit tee while they wore in session to con alder rules governing the contest Quite a number of people said they Intend to plant trees but some of them with to plant In the fall so the rules have been modified to Include bona fide contracts If the boys get agencies for nurseries wthout delay uia t will make some money this month canvassing the city besides standing a Rood show to win a gold watch WEATHER iI fj tllll1 Partly cloudy tonight anti Friday slightly warmqr Highest tempera turn yesterday 57 lotvCxt today 45 One lady said her husband had purchased a rundown properly on the south side and would begin flxr Jtuyp U up immediately She asked If she would have a chance with such property and was assured she would vA humorous situation has devel oped In the fact that some people especially landlords who are liable to bo arrcstol for permitting accu mulations of trash on their premises are expecting tho city to send men around with the wagons to clean up their premises To get around these people the committee adopted a rule that the trash must be in boxes or barrels on the street JIlss Hnnkoll Writs Guthrie Okla April 11l1s1 Frances L Haakell daughter of Gov ernor Haekell was married tonight In the Oklahoma senate chamber to Leslie 0 Niblack a Guthrlo newspa per man manIns t Ins Companies Lose New York April 17he attempt ot the big life Insurance companies to nullify by the courts the section t of the hew York laws Hmltlns the amount of business they do annually failed Justice Ogorman today In the supreme court rendered a decision declaring the section constitutional Todays decision Is a heavy defeat to the companies Who are expected to appeal Tho section of the law objected to most limits the amount of now business written In one year to IliOvO 00000 The companies argued the limitation Is exceptional and hampers operations FT LBAYENWORTH MILITARY PRISON ALMOST CONSUMED t Big Stockade Catches fire Late vNjlKtAll i Prls over Saved A Saved Flame Fought by Soldiers OR Qear4Thero QUAItTllil Mff10N IS THE LOSS I t Lcavenworth Ka April 1Tbe I military prison ntrfort Leavenworth was partially destroyed by fire last nIght The tirlsoners were re moved from the cejl 1 house under a heavy guard of United States troop aMd confined In the stockade None of the prisoners escaped so I far as a hasty resume ot the sltua tlon shows after midnight bat this may not be definitely known until Uay4Ight Oflflng fo the low water pressure the fire department of the I fort was almost useless The ere I was fought by the soldiers of the fort who were ordered out of their quar ters and those who were on leave In the city were at once called to the post Two Soldiftu Injured Two soldiers were Injured while fighting the flames but none of the prisoners werq Injured In any way Much excitement attended the re moval of the prisoners many of whom were desperate characters and It was feared they would make ELl organized break for safety < The fire broke put at lOoclock In a tailors shop and 1I00n U was seen that the main building was doomed A great outcry at once broke out in i the prison the convicts fearing they would be burned to t death They bat Continued oajpage Four > < V Jt Calheu1 + Ciise San Francisco April 1Prose cutor Heney expects the presentation of evUenco In the Calhoun bribery COM Monday One hundred perma nent Jurymen are secured The open Ing address to the jury will be by District Attorney Langdon Factories Busy Industries in Paducah have begun to feel the upward trend of business and some of the factories are working time The Wisdom Hosiery mill at Eighth and Jones streets Is working Orking8everal several nights In each week in an ef fort to fill the orders Over 100 gIrls are employed at the mill Card Sharps Aboard New York April 110 striking looking women and three men form ed a group of card 11 rperwho fleeced passengers of the liner Amen ka out of several thousand dollars on the western trip which ended last night BIRDS POINT HO VISITED BY FIRE FOLLOWING FLOOD I Cairo III April IBIrds PoIntI I Mo the little town directly ncros 1 the Mississippi river from Cairo WRSI I almost completely destroyed toy Ore The fire which orlgC C this morning origi noted In the hotel bout t2 oclock I spread rapidly 10 a umbel of tare buildings in the I > mediate vicinity and sewn of them wtro destroyed only one remaining IW flames soon reached the icsldence a > orTlon of the I town and over a do z oh ofthem were I laid low The monetary loss will nan In the thousands l3vUh very lltte Insurance I lj S II 1 The town has bwn 1i So terminals point of the Iron Mountain and GJI I ton Belt railroads orr a number of years and cnly a few mouths ago tao 1 river cut away a large porilon of the bank carrying away theIneilneg and seriously ettJanserlnffTthetvlUage ne cessitating the movie sof theudepo I and track of the railroad a dlstauce I of scverni licndred t fret t The roundc c hOUIe was Indermld an entlnlol tho river 31 that time Now that t the town KS been 10 nearly dwroyed by fire 1t llsproba bye tbat tH alIroasjWlU abandon II IiI town n < enear future I There has ten a fight jn congrew I I over allp11 atone to save Bird I 10 nt rrrnn ue rlvepa ncroacluntrlfjt t Ihlth > ci 01 now aeited t I New Theory of Panic Cause Given Forth in Course of Tariff Debate 4 in Lower House of Congress Today S e BALLOON DESTBOYEU Loa Angela April 10 W e Slrcli today announced Iio has Invented a dirigible balloon lie Ktroyer guaranteed to destroy fifteena mllej Ho says ho will use n iKwcrful electric spark to ignite tile kris In the balloons i t s COLLECTIONS FOR MARCH SHOW LACK OF LICENSE PEES I I Owing to allure to collect licenses i which became delinquent February 1 Ilhe report of the city treasurer show 5 redecrease from February The cash balance March 1 Was 33CW74 collections during the month 3 j OC5SS disbursements IITSSTLOS I cash balance March 31 W26797 I Burial Icrmlts Burial permits issued during March Mcnture e i I wero 27 In all whites 16 cOlored 11 r I I Revenue Stamp t I issueds 384 wboleaile liquor dealers stamps i t I and collected 1272633 I Police Department March was o busy month for the police department as 148 arrests I were made which was an Increase I over the month of February The > I patrol wagon had 50 runs at flight while 2C calls were answered in the i day The month closed with n heavy 1 run last night and the number was I I mad JrgeJbt lle wltoieaaleartr J 1 1 or boys The arrests were DrunkI I 25 drunk and disorderly 18 breach of peace 54 malicious shooting 4 j petit larceny 30 loitering 1 ex c posure 1 vagrancy 6 carrying weapons concealed 3 conspiracy 3 breach of ordinance 7 suspects 2 disorderly house 1 presenting a pis lol U flourishing a gun U gaming 11 adultery 2 housebreakIng 1 fugitive front Justice 1 mooching li robbery 1 S J Fire Department Thirteen runs were answered by the fire department which proves that March was a dull month Tor tnc fire laddies The firemen were anxious for a false alarm before midnight gj but the gong refused to ring ant the II t thirteen went down on the books a The property loss for the month j amounts to 4125 7 tl Marriage Licenses cI March had a record almo equal w to that of June as I7topupl loere ttj married during the month according II to the marriages issued at the county th clerks office Ten of them were for th negr srE I C 1I0vltalw I U Tho following is the monthly Tew I port of the Illinois Central railroad fo hospital Patients March 12tt ad al mitted 42 deaths 1 Patients April I 1 21 discharged 44 lllverslde Jlospltnl More cases wero received at River side hospital during the month of March than February An especial showing was made In the number of private patients treated during the month The report Is City patients March 1 13 private patients 4 Re ceived city patients 13 private patients 27 Treated city patients 26 private patients 31 Discharged city patients 22 private patients 23 Deaths city patients 1 Births at city patients 1 April city patl t a ents 4 private patients 8 He w Illvcrslde Hospital pI More cases were received at River 01 side hospital during the month of m March than February An especial SU showing was mode In the number of b < private patients treated during the cc The report is City parents March 1 PI 13 private patients 4 Received III City patients 10 prlvate patients 27 ce TreatedCity patients 2Gf private ol patients 31 Discharged Cltyi pa w r tlents 22 private patients 23 di Doaths aty patients 1 ntrtba ja City patients 1 April City patients III 4 private patients 8 M at Helen FaulkncrH Hearing of Sharon Pa April 1lIelen Faulk m Iler will be Brought here for pre lml w nary hearing before Jurtlce of the b Peace OI bert Immediately after the 01 return of James P Wbltla according H to attorneys connected with the case for today CE Report Circulated That Ways and Means Committee Will Change Schedule on Lumber Tariff Commission Certain I Washington April 1 Protection for tobacco growers In the Jjlaj kro patch of Kentucky and hemp pro ducers of that state was the pleas made Jn the house today iby Cat y of Kentucky in his maiden epeeoh I He complimented Uncle Joe as the Tonbroecfc of American ipolitlcs It was the first time Canhon was ever referred to as a race horse Oalnes or west Virginia main I tamed In the house today that the worlds conditions produced the panic I of 1907 He declared foreign manu I facturers felt the depression IIndI I I sought to evade H unloading their j I materials on tho United States noodI 4 I Ing I the market and reducing prlcelI I It is announced today + that theJ J l house 1 way and means committee de elded to modify tho lumber provision j Vof the Payne bill The changed max s Imum rates will apply only to party m e cular lumber products taxed for ex m t port by a foreign country or province I Vlll Agree to Debate Washington April 1A compro mice Is to 00 agreed to < by various factions < of tho Republican side of the house regarding the consideration o fin the Payne tariff bill and it Is confl dently expected that the measure will be voted upon April 10 There wast t noticeable disposition of the stand U Continued on page 4 TAX COLLEOTOnS AUK KILLED I I Telephone Wires Cut and San An drras Terrorized by Indians iEI Palo Texas April irHeel Moue j at the attempt of the authorl ties to collect taxes and confiscate property the TemqsachU In4la Jn the state of Chihuahua broke Into open warfare today killing several I I I tax j officials terrorizing the town of N San Andreas and cutting telegraph I 1 I wires Illinois Deadlock 1Thrdeadlock e i deadlocks unchanged Hopkins 671 f > Stringer 31 Sburtleff 18 Alderman I P J Johif Powers of Chicago 27 FOBS 1 4 nod otheraunchangeds s otheraunchangedDog Dog and Pony Show In < 3enti j > Brothers dog and pony show arrived early this morning from j jthe the headquarters Bloomington Ind1 a and the fonts are attend up on the p lot back of the Washington school g The first dress rehearsal was herd 1 B Bthis 0 clans and employe3 are new and g while the animals are up Inr all tlielr parts H la necessary to train 3 the men so they will get through r their parts without a hlWh to disturb u the fourfooted performers mother a rehearsal wilt be held tomorrow MId MIdI then Manager Austin says PadUcah T wilt have a chance to eee the show with all the paint fresh qnd the per y formers In the best possible condition and eager in their work NEGRO TRUSTY ATl l JAIL IS CAUGHT BY DECOY LETTER to l on William Hamilton a negro trusty c the count jail Is charged with t tampering with the malt of prisoners b I1eV8s caught In the jail yesterday n pith a decay letter by Postbfflce Jn specter Morgan Grlawold and Chief b Olerlc Jami9 Paxton Much of the mail sent to prisoners conjalns small sums of money Hamilton who has been in Jail about two years has re cently been recelvlrigvthe malt for jhebl theprleonersrluey bl prisoners Tliej + complained that they mlseed mail with money In ITh t etrl ra trl complalntst reached the local potr offlco nuthoriUes and a letter was pi written iby Inspector Grlswdld ad r dressed to William Splvey at the jail It contained two I bills Ham plop received U and last evening Messrs GrlswoM and Paxton called the jail and demanded the letter Hamilton I thought it was mine was > Hamiltons explanation WI hen under his Corn when he pulled it from bunk mattress The envelope was Oats opened bur the money was In it w Hamlltow was sentenced to five years Ribs r theft but Is awaiting further proP P r ceedlngs In he case FREIGHT HANDS JOIN lGnBRKS IN CHICAGO STRIKE Three Thousand Go Out This Morning and Hundreds at Noon Building Trades May be Af 80011k EMPLOYERS WILL STAND FIRM tOhlcago April 1 Three thousand rWren of various trades struck today todarrJ1C Thej threaten the trottfe xv tf sjirett I 10 j several thousands not 11 Five hundred railroad i frf btAa diets quit at boon today In synjiatlp with the striking wholesale grocery dclerks Several hundred teamsters re fused to handle freight and struck to today tole tow Employers Involved IB the various strike declared today there Is l no chance at settlement They propose to continuo with nonunion tabor It the threat is sustained Chicago build Ing construction will to i tied up for the summer King leterV Dilemma > Bal rade April l8ervlaa pout cians < belleve King Peter will decide In a few days whether he will con tinuo on the throne It the present angry temper of the people continue the king witll abdicate the throne re gardless of whether the government grants him an annuity The belief Is general that Peter will abdicate It is said he already has asked the good graces of the RUB stan and English ministers in an at tempt to have the government grant an immediate annuity People hold Peter primarily responsible for tho reverse in the Balkan Icsue PltlKST DRAGGED IX > CHAINS Humiliated j ncCnHse lie Preached a ar IretcfHler Fez Morocco Friday April 1 = The priest Klttanl who was captured and brought Into Fez early this week weekwas streets of Fez bareheaded and in chains KlttanPs offence Is that he preached a holy war In support of thepretender to the Moroccan throne The eccleslasts who Interceded wjtt Sultan Mulal Hafld In KlttanlV behalf bekllltwere 1TobllcO About 1000 hogsheads of the 1908 dark tobacco crop were graded today at the Planters Protective association raleroom Second and Jefferson streets by Graders Miller Glover god W B Blakemore Grader Bell of Cobb was unable to assist In the 1 grading of tobacco today In the last month a few hogsheads over 3JOO have been graded at the sales room In charge of A X Veal Tho tobacco graded has shown up well and all of it la of the 1908 crop TO LOWER STIIKKT OVIS STKIS WonktPS Federation of Club Start IVomein Asltatlon1110 ilil > i San Antonio Tex April 1Amer icon club women are planning n vigorous national campaign for the lowering of street car steps lAt yes terdays sessIon of the biennial coun cil convention of the general federa tion it was declared that car steps In the majority of American cltlea are now loo high and the women propose see what can be done to have them lowered In the report of the outlook com mittee a genera boycott against mer chants who do their advertising by the display billboard was suggested but ID the end It was decided to take no official action This proposition was meant alP a suggest fen toward beautifying cities rltlsk k J Bread Goes Up Local bakers advamwtf the price of bread today holesaje prices were raised from 3iitd4 cents ainl retail fronv4MdBAentsTTl > e iriseJn the price ofltotiVftlllaiBed for tbs In rease Chico tqT May High 1ewClose Wheat 12014 L19 120 an C7Vi f74i 24 24 24 Lard 1007 lOnj 100S 9 37 OJ55 9 Sf July nt hIpWt Close Prov 1780 X772 1772 l