firf i firflatf + tll f > lfX11
l I JJAD f
r 1Y
i j r4I4I 1 n Y
9FRI > j
SEE r the rl new things 1
rMb1 mfiriattu
r the silk woven
ctochettisi irtiour VV WOVenj win i + j
1 dowsr r N j
t f i This is the newest creation
t 1 4jI if mens neckwear They come l
tI inrsolid colors in all the new
1 I shadings and solids with panel I
tI Leffects I l
j Price 50 Cents j
I f I 1 1 1
I > df4tf f f sf ff f fem
J 1 t THE u LOCAL u D
I 4 Dr Gilbert osteopath 400H
Broadway Phone 196
Visit Paces short order restau
rant 123 South Second
Rub r tamps seals bra area
clli otc it ttio Sun office
Tho stcaraor George Cowling
will make special excursion tripa be
tween Paducah and Metropolis ncxt
Sundry April 4 leaving Paducah
wharfboat 9 a m 2 p m and G p
en Returning kayo Metropolis at 1
p m and 430 p m White people
only No Intoxicants Round trip
25 cents E J Cowling
I 4Deicloua lee cream absolutely
I pure SOc quart Nothing better can
bo made Telephone orders to 313
D E Wilson
Bertie Hall 9 years oUi was
taken from her mother Alary Hl
6H lloyd tNot by County Omccr
Jack Nelto and Uio child was placed
In the Homo oft bin Frlendlew
p For wallpaper at bargain trices
fAO Kelly Uiubaugh 32 1 Kentucky
avenueMr T A Downs assumed his I
position as atslstant trainmaster of
the Illinois Central railroad this I
morning Mr own has been divis
ion agent and Is i no stronger In Pa
ducah omcerll of the Elks that were I
1 elected at the meeting last week will
be Installed tonight A smoker will
follow tho Installation
Proto W II U Bartholomew prin
cipal of the LouIsville Girls High
school addressed the students of the
High school this morning at the open
4Ing cxercUo For his address be
f chrse Some Characteristics That In
one Success He made a short talk
full of practical Ideas
Beginning tonight the curfew
will round at 9 oclock which will
give tho youngsters another hour to
day on the streets without Interfer
The Ladles lute roclcty of the
First Baptist church will meet Friday
afternoon at 3 oclock at the home of
Mrs M B Dodd 145 North Fifth
The flnanro committee of the
goneraV council will meet tonight at
730 to audit bills for the month I
Fireman Russell Hughes of thoI I
Xo 3 fire station will begin his vacaI I
y TLrugsJ T 1
Service I
TIIEE Bro two cardl
4nal 4 points in whichI I
our patrons receive theut
tImost tI value for their money
Our drugs are at all
times full stre gtblof
known purity and pre
scriptions are skillfally
compounded by registered
pharmacists 1
Oar messenger service
is at your disposal day and
night We call for pro
scriptions till and return
them without a moments
Drug Store
W tt4 tftttid MM flunk 77
Get It at Gilberts
tlon tomorrow morning He will
leave tomorrow nleht for Central City
to meet Mrs Hughes and then will I
go to New York on a short visit
Mrs J B Rogers and Miss
Sarah Rogers of Hopklnsvillc ar
rived in this olty this morning to ro
side at 201 Fountain avenue Mr >
Rogers iq 1 In business In this city end
met his famll hero
Do not overlook JAI A Glau
bers great offer whes you want a
livery rig Low prices good turn
outs and a great chance to get a
horse and buggy v
Hobokrii Trnnlnal to Glvn Womcji
Kxcliislvc Apartment
New York April 1A plan of
reserving for the1 exclusive uso of wd
men the rear of all rush hour trains
In the Hudsoa tunnel system c nnf t I
Ing New York city Hoboken and i
Jersey City was put Into effect today f
and was pronounced a success by
President McAdoo The first car to
leave the Hoboken terminal was
crowded with womea passengers t I
many of whom were willing to stand j
In order to ride In their own car
Several women however refused to
ride In the special one of them re
marking that she much preferred to
be where the men were The plan
was put Into effect at the request of
the Womens Municipal League
Alnlilji 1 In Distress
Berlin April 1 Gravest fears were I
entertained for the safety of Count
Zeppelin and 14 others aboard his
new airship The ascent WAS mad 0 1
today at sunrise to make a flight from
Frledrichsbafen to Munich A fromI II I
rifle gale arose shortly after tho
flight The airship reached Munich II i 1
In a strong wind and a descent was I
not attempted It was driven In I I
northeastern direction Soldiers in J t
automobiles and cavalry are follow
The Zeepelln airship was seen fly
Ing over a town this afternoon forty
miles northeast of Munich It was 1
headed over the Boohmcrwald moue
O > nl Miner Ktrlkr
MacLeod Alberta April tTho I
International federation of miners or
dered a strike today In Southern Al I
berta East British Columbia as the I
result of a failure to agree on the I j
wage scale I
Old Sick
President Nicholas Drown for
whom Brown University was named
was fond of quizzing small boys One
day while walking In the streets ot
Providence he came upon n little fel I
low who attracted his notice now its I
lo you do my soy said the < prcsll j
lent What Is your namot
My name 4s Harry sir replied t
ho child Harry Is IU returned
President Brown And did you know
ho evil one Is often called Old Har
Why no air answered the boyI
I thought ho was called Old Nickt
Even when her sight Is perfect the II
A fellow doesnt hare to bean ath I
eto to Jump at conclusions Jlng I I
A man may have a smoking jacket lI
+ jjCan Ib I
Can a fellow bring a girl to tlmo by a
arriInVher picture In his watch It
long engagements demonstrate B
hat keeping company Is cheaper I g
hap keeping a wits Ic
You cant always make the head of cj j
he house believe that two heads are Ido
IcDlobb1Ibe I
Dlobb1Ibe man whd Is always t
alklng about his achtcvomcpts mlgit c
employ his time to a better ad htllC j
age Slo bYc ho might PoI
alklng about ouraII
A man deserves a great deal of i
redlt for keeping his troubles to him i
elf remarked the wise guy Yes if
especially when EO many people want c
x o borrow them added the simple i
l1ug 0 J
Party for Visitor
Miss Violet Smith 1132 Tennessee
street entertained last night with a
musical entertainment ln honor of
her visitor Mlso pearl Watkins or
Lone Oak The evening was spent
pleasantly with music and games and
refroshnienur were served Those
present were busses Susan Drane
MlnnJo Martin Leeds Dy cue Violet
Smith Carrie Watkins Janie Drane
and Messrs Joseph Norton George
Graham Rcy Prathcr Stuart Bonds
and Frank Hughes
Mrs Well Popular Guest In Owens
In honor of Mrs Henry Well of
Paducah Mrs J T Griffith enter
tained with a handsome bridge party
Tuesday afternoon at her homo on
West Seventh street The 1 tome wag
tastefully decorated with flowers In
one room plait carnations were ar
tistically arranged and In another
daffodils wero used Mrs Henry
Wile won the first prize Mrs Vance
King the second and Mrs Well the
guests prize The guests were Mes
dames W II Bowman John Thlx
ton W S Dean Donald Tyler Weir
Griffith W F SUrman L D Bear
J Allen Frayaer Martin Mattingly
George V Trtplett Charles Broeker
F A Ames Henry Wile W Q Ad
ams W H Stuart D M Griffith
R E Griffith Benjamin C Koltlnsky
C H Todd Anna Carter Vance
King Elmer LIttle Fllmour Sweeney
Robert Llttell May Oreenburg W III
Wones R B Rutherford Frank 1
Guenther Joe Wile Loren Whltele
Charles Garter and Misses Louise
Mitchell and Sue Roberts Watkins
0A Man Opinion of Spring Until
Easter will come on the 11 It Is
too early to predict Just what the new
bats will be like From the few
young ones we have seen the merry
widow seems to have married the
derby The Issue resembles neither
parent The mlIIb ers > wero deter
mined to make something that would
keep anyone from trimming her old
hat over and they did It owens
boro Inquirer
Mr Ix > ry In Nashville j
ctsman who Is popular In Paducah Mr i
Jack H Lory a former resident lrl l
Nashville who has many friends here
entertained a congenial party at din 1 I
nor last night at the Golf and Counrl
try club The party Included Mr Wt
Ar Stuart of Cincinnati who Is here
with Mr Lory Mr and Mrs Henry
Dickinson Mr and Mrs R T WlUon1
Mr and Mrs John M Gray Jr Mr
Ifand Mrs Edwin Warner Mr and Mrs
Wado Kirkpatrlck Miss Louise Clark 1 I
of Boston Miss Berate Dunbar Miss
Estelle Shook Paul M Davis and Dr
n E i Fort Some of the party spent
the afternoon on the golf links and
tI t
when an elaborate dinner was served I
at a prettily arranged table I
tableI I
Farewell Compliment
Miss Sara Epperson who has spent I i
the part three months In Nathvlllo I
Eppert t 1
ion during her school vacation re j 1
turns to Falrmount tomorrow for el I
years stay This afternoon she Is the
honoree of a pretty farewell complt1
lment given b1 her cousin bliss Mary
Helm Clark of Twenty eighth avel I
kjnue It is an Informal l but prettily
pretya I
arranged tea attended by a small
eland congenial company ot young
girls Nashville Banner
Miss Epperson Is a niece orMr
Edward H Brlnghurst of this city
She has visited In Paducah with lictl
mother the family of Mr B H Scotti I i
KMurjillon OIHII Meeting at WOIIUUIN
Club <
Thu Wonians cub met In regular
blwrokly session this afternoon at
the club building on
Kentucky av < I
true The open meeting at 330
oclock was under the aunpces of ° the 1
department of ediratlon which pre o
tented Prof Vln Bartholomew m
Louisville an ill speaker of the after
Hut it nil bunic out lUght
Hew a sister played a trick that
brought rosy health to a coffee fiend
s II I I
I was a coffee ftcnc1n trembling
nervous physical wreck yet clinging
to the ipoUon that atolo away my
strength I mocked at Fostum and
would haw none ot tOne I I
One day my sister substituted a
cup of piping hot Postum for my
morning cup of coffee but did not
tell roe what lit t waa1 noticed the
richness of It earl retrlied hat the
coffee tasted fine but iny sister did
jnot tell me I was drinking Poslum
far < tear I mlght not take any moro I
Iing She kept the secret and kept glv
Ing me PoetiHh tnstead of coffee until
grew stronger more tireless got a
Ibotter color In m sa1Ma l cheeks and
clearness to my eyes then she told
mo ot duo hoalUtglving nero
strengthening lite savor ffee had
given mo In place of my morning
coffee From that time I became a
disciple of Possum and no words can
cereal drink did ma 1 wI nqt try
to toll It lor only after having used It
can one jbo convinced of Its merits
Ten das trial chows Postum e
power to rebuild what coffee has de
stroyed There1 a 1R lo 11 j I
Look In ptep for the famous little
book The Road to W Jlvllte I
JRver read the above letter A sew
one aipJ eRr frem time to time They
are genuine true and full n f human
Jaler + estr
noon Mb eheme iaTke Child
The program for the afternoon In 1
cludes Honor Story flu Lucy Overby
Vocal Solo Ntee Far a Lanjrnan
Honor Oration Iat Clora HaiJtti
Lecture Dr W II llsrtnur w
n A It Chapter to Meet With Mrs
Paducah chapter Daughters of the
American Revolution will have the lr
regular meeting for April on Friday
afternoon at 230 oclock with Mrs
L S DuBois 113 Fountain avenue
Instead of Mrs Roy AV MoKInney as
first announced The change Is made
on account of It belpg Lent The
program will be
So n gAmer ca
RollCall Quot tl mICurrent t
Events Paper Historic Trees in America
Miss Emily Morrow t
Reading Selected Mrs H 8
Music ik > r
Master Russell GarberlGl8 Mon
roe street has recovered from an at
tack of pneumonia
iMr and Mrs E Av Strowe returned
to Benton this mornlngafter a bus II l
ness trip to the city
Mr W M Husbands state revenue
agent for McCracken county return
ed last night from Frankfort after a
trip on business r
Mr Roy Katterjohn went to Cedar
Bluff this morning
Miss Jennie Barrie of North Ninth
street IB recuperating from her ill I
ness with pneumonia
Conductor J A Numer has been
transferred from the Paducah Fulto n
to tho Fulton Memphla run and will
leave tonight for Memphis II
Mrs Annie Smith who has been In i
Albudqucrquo N M for her health i
has returned add Is the guest of her
cousin Mrs Florence McCurdy 1402
South Sixth street i
Mrs B R Thomas of 902 Clay
street Is better today after a two
weeks Illness with rheumatism
I Mrs II T Grouse wife I of Captain
I CrouBO pilot oa the rJdSFowTer la I
111 at her homo on North Fourth
street t
Mrs F L W liand of 416 North
Fifth street Is confined to her bed j
1with 1
Miss Emily Wood returned to her
home at Evansville todaT after a
visit with Misses Lillian and Loren 1L
Beyer of Fifth ant Madison streets
Attorney Campbell Flournpj left
this 1 morning for Louisville on legal I
Mrs Thomas Clark and little son r >
of Memphis arrived today on a visit t
to t Mr and Mrs John T Donovan of r
Jefferson > street
Dr Beverly Martin left this morn
Ing I for Greenville after a visit to his
parents Mr and Mrs JV A Martin L
Mrs Herbert Martini ana Miss
Mamie OBrien are ataytlnitrlond
at Kuttawa this afternoon
Mr Luther Roberts pt Fulton ar
rived In the cltyXoday babn4o ess
dir Horace Clark went to Prince
ton today on business t j
Mr A 0 Sterling of Memphis ar
rived In this city this morning oa
Mrs Lizzie Walker and daughter
and Mrs Rogers have returnee front j
ited Mr and Mrs J R Walker
Mr 0 G Rice pipefitter for the
Illlnoic j Central railroad Is ill from
malarial fever at his home 1308 Jack
son street
Mrs Guy Park of 1S27 Guthrle I
avenue has returned home from a
visit to relatives at Lone Oak
Medal = tor Edison
Stockholm April IThe Swedish
Academy of Science conferred a gold
medal on Thomas A Edison for his
Invention and development of the
phonograph Crown Prince Gustavus
Adolpjua ended the medal to Mr
haves the American minister t
The ost successful way to be a lu
natlc Is to write a love letter li I
The Lord also helps them that help
others 1 I
JAre S h
Are You
Satisfied With
Your Socks
Do they honestly wear
as you would like them
One ranutacturer has
hit the nail on the head
the toe null at that He
hail discovered a way of
overcoming the punctures
of the toe br the wea o L
resisting INTERWOVEN d
Too and lIeelI f I
lisle thread and tree from
thIS I terrible seams thats Nt
found In other 25c hosiery
Try a pair and youll
never wear OWEr makes
25c the Pair r
Police Court
Gaming Henry Russell dismiss
ed Bob Male Jeft open Concealed
weapons Carl Honders fined 25
and sentenced to ten days in county
Jail Breach of peace Henry Haw
king and John Stubblefield fined n
each upon confession Frank Vozler
soPerry Scott Terry Tucker Eddie Far
row Jim Scott Henry Yates Sam
Moore Walter Buck Boyd Houeer
Jim Wicks Charles Omlett and John
Simpson Jim Scott Jim Wicks and
John Simpson dismissed and the oth
ers turned over to the Juvenile court
Charles Fitzpatrick > who was
charged in a warrant sworn out b y
Patrolman Sngery with speeding an
automobile Sunday on Broadway was
dismissed by Police Judge Cross this
In Circuit Court
Augustus Taylor colored filed suit
In circuit court asking for a divorce
from her husband Isaac STayJor
colored Abandonment la given as
the cause
Deeds Flied I <
G W Potts and Lena Potts to M
E Coke and Emma Coke property
IrIn Lone Oak 125 I
A T Farthering to M E Coke
hand Emma Coke property on the
Lorolaccvllle toad for itS
Io I I W Potts to ATvel1D1ullt prop
arty In the county land 6ther olin
Cora D Peal and Clifton Peal to
IICom Kelly property In the county
W T Pry > r to H W Ellis prop
arty on the corner of Eleventh and 1
Jackson streets 700
d 41
yGtirli Cabinet Faltsr ill R
IVthens April IThe Greek min
istry has fallea and a new ministry1 i
11Is to be formed because of Internal i 1
changes At the protest to the for
1IeliD I office b tho American minister
the Greek government has withdrawn
the bill providing an Increase of duty
on cottonseed oil of which there are
Ion Importations from the United I
rtatea t liUHl 1W I
Glooiii Narrows Over Dog Show
Mnreschcl Jfey II Dead
Chicago April 1Gloom has been
cast over the bench show of the Chi
merit that the noted French bull dog
Marescbel Ney II owned by Lincoln
Bartlett of Chicago and valued b y
Its owner at 10104 is dead
Mh Bartlett cays that the animal I
had teen playing with his children
who had thrown corks tor It to cam
per after The Jog wallowed several
of the corks and died 6f acute perl
toni is In spite ot the efforts of three
doctors to cave Its I life
Intern Star Notice
Eastern chapter No 5 O E S
will meet tonight at 730 oclock
Worthy Grand Patron W H Bartho
mew will visit us alzojnitlatlon All
menibera are requested to attend
Visitors welcome
W Matron
Do not overlook Jas A Glatti i J
bers great offer when you want aI
livery rig Low prices good turn
outs and a great chance > to get a 1
horse and buggy
> t
Subscribers Inserting want ads In I
The Sun will kindly remember that
all such Items arc to bo paid for when I
the ad is Inserted the rule applying
to cveryoBe without exception
BOY WAOTfiD 311 Y Broadway i I
FOR RENT Rooms for light c
housekeeping 313 Madison 1 I
FRONT room for rent 332 N
Sixth street Is I
fINE sHyer laced Ygandotte eggs S
for sale ly Irs l II d Jett RF D 1 o
FOIL R > TTApartment Hecht j j
Fiats 511 Adams I
FOR SALEHousehold furniture tl
Call old phone 668
iMlRIROR pl IT turn re
paired New phone 1496 s
WANTED Two lady solicitors1
Address G care Sun jro j
WANTED Man and wife to go on Se
farm Man must understand farm 3
Ing thoroughly Address X care Sun
BLACK MINORCA eggs sale 1p
Eo Theobald old phono 1427 U hi
per setting Ie I
WANTED Someone for a few p <
WANTED Situation asloulIG I
keeper In small family by middle la
aged woman Address B P care Sun iP
WANTED MWdlea ed colored s
tMoimaa good cook for fatally InF
suburbs Adress C E Wcaro Sun F
FOR RENT 2S4 North Eighth
four rooms and a halls electrIc and
1Ifta =
partlealars apply at 314 North Slxthg I
rpR RKNT 1 apartment In the h
Tandj corner Seventh ndu
tHIS i tho
FOj SALE Car load of work
horse and mares qt auction Satur m
JJda 3
lOA s livery stable I 215 South Third
q 2i
Hans prices certainly are the very goo dest t out for the
I people of this country Why they are so very low
that people wonder how it can be done f
25o Garden Hoes 110
125 G lr I Wash Boller860
Brass Wash Boards 2bo
9125 Ironing Board Stand 60c
boo Wash Tub 430
30o Clothes Fins 30
200 Clothes Llncs160
9200 Curtain Stretcherst166
125 Ourtaln Stretchers 860
450 Step Ladders 3bo
l20 Stop Ladders 810
150 White Waoh Brushes 80
125 Hand SaN r7bc
850 Band Saw4 600
500 RlTcrtlng blaehIDe30c
750 Sheep Sbeiu1 o
30c Tin Shear 160
100 Box Hollow Rivets 60
25c Xcut Saw Handles 120
25o Rakes 160
300 Rakes r 220
50o Steel Bakes 260
100 Door Dolts > 60
rd ono
Remember or cash is worth at Halts from one third to ono
half more than elsewhere
FOR RENTFIve room house
1 1033 Monroe Apply F M Fisher
HALF OF STORE for rent with M r
Solomon 622 Broadway
HAIR GOODS made to order r
Louvenla Miller Old phone 374a
I FOR SALE Suit of furniture and
gold watch 1363 Langstaff avenue
iWANTED Office glrlAt pl1
VI 4 H S Fifth street upstairs
FOR It TT1IO nicely furnished
frogt rooms with board 235 S Cth
i L1
WANTED Lady or gentleman to
Obtain statistics Address D X Sun
loR BENT One 4 room house I
newly pklnted 1253 Kentucky Avel I
Old prose 65a
J E MORGAN Horse shoeing
general repairing rubber tires 40 8
South Third street
FOR RENT The hotel at Norton
vllle Apply to F M Fisher for In
OFFICE counter and partition In
tho Register building for sale Apply r
at the Sun office
w TEDTo buy a good buggy
with or without a top Old phone
HAIR work shampooing and dye
Ing Lillian Jloblnson old phone
FOR RENT Room with board
with couple 326 North Sixth Mrs
Frank it Brown
FOR E0oCd horse tor farm
purposes Apply to Gockels hake
ROOM for ran furnished or un
unturnlshed 1
phone I 1485 t
ver typewriter can be secured a t
Draughona Practical l Business Col
lege 1
YOUR LACE curtains n < ed clean
Ing You will make no mistake In I
sending them to the Star Laundry
Phone j 200
WA 1EDoYou to visit our re
m deUng solo Bargains In every
line Eyie See Jewelry Co Incorpor
ated 315 Broadway
W ANT DYoatoget ouf prop
sitton We sell diamonds on easy
payments Eye Sea Jewelry Co 315
ckeap Tho one formerly used by
the Regfstcr See E J Paxton at
The Sun office
Faf RENTSecond floor apart
ment In Sans Spud apartments
Steam heated Apply to W E Cooh
POSITION as Icokkcfcper wanted
fjr young man gradua to of Draugtu > ns I
Dustess cotta Will begin at rea j
sonable salary address H a H
cart Sun
Grace church Parish House a ladles l 1
silk umbrella gold handle engraved
E W Will party having same callI
old phone 1478 I
FOR RENT Suite of turn shed I
rooms veranda in front iprtvate en
trance bath and all modern con I
pharmacySeventh I
Seventh and Washington Inquire at I
WATEDCent ANTEDGentleman to occupy I
target airy upstairs room in modern
residence Best neighborhood erthI I
SeTCnth street Tetephono 892 or
331 a
WE pays wah for stores city or
ppuotrj Jf you 1wHl1 oU your store I
below IJrlteue Dry goods I
clothing siipM furoltiire and car lI
ets Bustec s Confidential C R
TtothschIM528 Walaut tftreot Cin I
dtreotCIndld I
1oOU SALEFluo Pre stool
miles j > er hour upstream ia Ohio
Ttver flafefeed in brass and hard oak
For iprtee address Wm Pell Brook
port JU5 I
tzvQOO buys good farm 91 acres y
1000 down balance easy terms I f
good mall frame house good else I
frame barn 2 springs one near f
house spring house water runs I
through ft all year round new woven J
Wire fence EO acres fine white oak IT
Umber U acres In cultivation ovenll
mea frflratrpn Mountain Mo 2 S
miles from Belleview Iron Co Iron r
Mountain nearest railroad See Irani a
write A W Stewmen tOIl West Oak D
Oakistreet J
0 f
IiEIGHT horse motor for sale cheep
at The Sun office
URNITURB bought sold and ex
rTblrd Now phone 901a
FOR SALE Phaewa buggy or
iIwm trade for a two carrtege
I Old phone 1440
FOR RENT Aparuneat in Leech
apartments 1408 Broadway See T
C Leech Fraternity building
WE WASH lace curtains very care
fully Get them cleaner and whiter
than you could at home Star Lana
dry Phone 200
FOR SALB Smith Premier type
I writer good as new at a bargain
May Starks 524 Broadway Old
phone 562R
WANTED We put new covers on
umbrellas while rs uwelt Large
stock of umbrellas Eye See Jewelry
Co 315 Broadway
firstclass condition for sale real
cheapE J Paxton at The Sun
PRESSING > OHJB membership n
per month Clothes called for and
dellvwed Jas Duffey Old phone
FOR RBNT 9room house 410
Both hot and cold water Modern
plumbing UJD Sanders 316 BreaJ =
way i
OltJH NrOffice room upper
New Richmond hotel now occupied
with taak fixtures and vault iknJ >
tory plumbing J A Rudy Sow
Wfi STARCH lace curtains last
the degree of stiffness that make
theta baag nicely and dry them upon
frames that make them square and
stretch tarn smooth and e 8D8tat
Laundry Phone 200 f
pang dealers in the best Union mined
coal sold la Paducah Lump est or
nut at 12 cents per bushel delivered
anywhere la the city Office and
yards 16th and Tennessee streets
New phone 733 Old phone 658
EVERY Individual automobile
owner IK United States and abroad
should join International Automobile
League Pamphlet snowing dealers
prices of automobile tires also appU
cation blank mailed upon request
Home office Buffalo N Y
JM RIOKMAN Grocery wood
and coal dealer Lump 11 cents nut
10 cents egg 10 cents Charcoal 25
cents per bushel Bottled In bond
whiskey for family use 100 per
quart delivered W any part of the
cltyNew phone 640old 878a
FARM FOR SALE The boat roil
ing farm In Maasac county Ill eight
miles northeatt tof Brotikport 160
urea Good buildings and orchard
Will exchange for McCracken county
and Hogans grocery 122 Ken
tacky avenue
FOR SALE My country home of
seven rooms bath pantry cellar
hot and cold water sewerage con
nectlon and all modern conveniences
15 acres Two and onehalf mile
from Paducah on Hlnklevllle road
Reason foe soiling moving away For
further Information ring old phonu
135 or address A C Hargrove Fare
the Sun
Stager Darner A thoroughly practi
cal attachment for any lockstitch
sewing machine Darns hosiery un
derwcar etc easily operated eaves
time does smooth iduraWe work
Big commissions tremendous seller
needed In every home Splendid pony
osition for energetic canvassers Par
ticulate at Singer Sewing Machine
Stores 220 Broadway
FOR SALEMy lubluban home
located on Hinkleville road two t ratios
from the city 1 mule Jitim car line
Five acres of land tenced twostory
concrete residence eight room two
halls pantry sad bath room large
front and back oorcb large had
ard twentyflvo flue everg easaai
oral hundred fine northern trust trees
strawberries grapes and other small
fruits Any well beautiful surround
ings Will sell on reasonable terms
Mrs Jaraoa Mattlton Paducah Ky
F J > Ne lr Old phone 22161
S T A CTAJ > A M 3 9tsq Adams i
StacAIkW j6 s 500 pair sat
received liratt > tea SOO 800
and 700 tirades at UO a pair
Best opportunity ypi seer had Brie
l7ahea 14Ik f t