ADTJOAH EVENING SUNrataf Tnnie s r LKA EROG d r r IlAYtiI > IJV PONY AM MONKEY ix TIII nixo l1 4Lj I Aiilmnlft I In Gentry IlrotliriV Arena Strnistiel njbyhlfatl oft Clillilliood I w3a The games of childhood hare been appropriated bj the O htiy Brother shows which Institution will give two ehowi herd Saturday In making their performance ope of the great est in4h9 history sf tha trained ant mal 1 world J thong he Sports that njanklml play > J In youth IB leap frog Thlb game lie been1 tinght to a day i a pony and a monkey and the way these unlmale execute the trlcto will mow the MHaJl boy that be has muth to learn aboiit dwigame > With ltte Tdiy uhd the dog the leap frog rfckMira serious thing Dut wHhJfeli6K I liliU I fin ntf4 tho monk IB the clown for the occasion The dog and tie t pony plat the gams ncordlrig tt rules t Ut the monkey raaTctfr his AI he COM along Of all the < rck s the Gentry Broth era oyor uttempt d to tench ariliriale thin ono took 1014get They bad to overcome the fear of the dog for the I ponderous pony as he lacked xto be Vp the caplne Them they had to break tilt monkey from doing things liable to sheet > the discipline arid peace of mind with his playmates Pers Vcfence a nd KlniJiiois1 how ever triumphed a1 d as a result the leap frog game baa beet pronounced by the prert 10 bo thff most maivel + pusrgver Jftught Iqwer animals Another wonderful and entertain h g jwrformance i with the Gentry how Is the military company of ponletji Twenty tour of these little animals have been broke to execute i a11 i the drill knq mwmmv of dhe regular army The RO through tho maze of the drill with rourvejou perfection It Is conspicuous bocaiwe the tUb pays no part Itf tho game t c COAL COMPANIBS < pL 10 p > SAID TO JH 1IttlUti0 TO COX 1 SOUDATK r q Kxtcnsre Land IlirrliasrH Oho Dolor If torHlll it to 4IWi01PItepnwt7tfnthe I or CurlKJrnoll Louisville April 2Thc extensive purchase of coal lands In southeastern1 Kentucky by the Continental Coal corporatlop of Chattanooga Tenn lirti belief to the rumor of a consol idation between that company and the Sewanee Fuel and Iron company That negotiations are pending for a consolidation was practically admit ted last night by John E Patton of t Chattanooga who Is jn Louisville for the purpose of tompletlng details lot establishing a sales branch and retail department here Numerous Kentucklans are Identi tied with tho American Coal band company the holding company for the Continental Cdul corporation and It is practically certalte that unde veloped coal ands near Plnevllle will lfdpectiredtthln short time and the cbiUfiany operated upon a large scale Mr Patton stated last night that h Continental Coal corporation was capitalized at fSOOOOO while the American Coal Land company Is cap tall zed at < 200OVT > The latter coh cern 6htrols the lands where tie former operates Its mines head quarters arpreteut aril + ln Rim Boll county and the two Highland Rim mints were recently purchased Tlic Black Raven mine In the vicinity olio were secured In January The capa ltyof hetllanfs If I hst mated dt lOdo tone a day J I Prom a reliable source Jt Is learned that options have bt n secured on un developed coal lands In llaHart Perry and Breathltt counties and the coal combination affectlnB the Tennesc6 companj aTid the l Continental In 11 I which nranVKentU Iftuii Ire heavily interested Is most likely to follow The Secret of SUCCTM v The rhott tot success wa1 given In this tale told at a banquet A Swede among the Miners in the west was noted fur striking pay dirt Ills fellows thought that there must be some BecreTlo tn lfsuar kits ccs of the Swede and questioned him as to how be always sueceededlB And lug the Spot where th6 oltf cropped out Veil Ay dont know ef t Ay can tell anytanls bout 04ti answered me t Ay only know dat Ay must keelson dIgglh t3lilwaukee Free Press TIT Hi Sfah for Jot nork 0 0 I T 0 H 1 i i w f c II I 1 i tqI SPBTO J 1 s li EASTER TOURDOOR i 1 11 IfJf 4 J 1n t t k r th 41I 1 916 tt n k M A s1tc tatJ L 19 ffO t Jfi JU Jl W 4 L I WTH t t orie wee 1fr rpmniQg after I tomorrow M for the se1ec J itid > n of f8Hf Eastere t anticipate t an unusual de I mand for mens newest models in spring clothes furnishings and hats and we are prepared fofAJf with a new array of styl ppri l t t ot fly charming and tasteful throughout J The young non seeking ppveltjs vyill find There the latest J and most exquisite styles shown this season not tjc1orsy kilicjwcith lace aid spangles but rich extreme ye t dinifle4 i ST W clothes such as any youn F man who cares about his per pnal appearance well 1 be proud to wears < 7 r1 1 iV ft IV J fl at We have not overloDked the conservative styles for l11 rio more quiet tastes t These styles are shown in bright new patterns also neat effects which willappeal to gentlemen of refined tastes The selection represents the belt products of the foremost makers I r MT rI I I RQXBORQ r off 1 I f r j I 11 and to HART SCHAFFNER MARX s f c t R 4 iClotHt3 < 4 > iwhicN i 1 you Know trelhe best taclolhescralt u 10to4Q tI II Tc n J FINE FURNISHINGS for EASTER I t 7 i i V > t Ii a k K In our EiWter lN dlcv ar beauty and richness i if bolorare splcnaidly l blendetl with quality and style 50r to S leg > i Bljr Variety In Sprint Shlrt Iltch or low priced the aTaudanlof tit ode iii pus ahitta iV the same B i 5 14 8M r and Bluett makes J 100 to 350 tt SfiI the Handwome Half Moss > Lqf colors I fanorclocked 1 faacyclockedfree t t f Vi < x t free fzet hose in every color gauze anti medium welffhts Lb t r = 500a I Ii 2 > JU J a 1 ytyo c lkiad Under n Now Sprang Mat Jsuraprpp styles of Ludlows at 366 theyre the knit for snappy chapsfor I re Padt too tit I peciflH J Hrtt ta at 200 Stetsons at 400 and I 500 Knox at S500 4 I pj OFFERINGS QKA TBR i I > el The Bogs 1tovi iaXnllof i good things fprEastor t Suits of dependable quality in especially pleasioBftbrioi 1 25O to S 1 5QQ Staodartl brands of shirts and blouses in new patterns paid colorings for the boys Values are unusual at 1 50c 1 f 66 5QQI I Largoyarityin washable spits with ajl I the clever little touches that stand for style and In make and jnalgfia thai stand jfor t aervlce e1PP to 500 io 1 If WHERE SHE STYLE COMES FROM vL t 1 t I I = r r aPfN BRUDW lY 81I I l t p llp IacorrporaWl t t OBcorv Jat 1 rJ t 14 t 9 h y Cf w J J 4 oJ ut eaVV fq 1 tFldAf rizr za