Incorporatedi i I
V M PISHEIt Pmldrnt U
Eo J PAXTONt General SlannBcr I
Entered at the poitofllco at Paaucan I
Ky aA second clan matter I
nr Carrier per week 10
By Mall per month In advance 25
By Mall per yc rln advance 8 100
Per year bjrnall postage paldi 100
r Address TilE SUN Paducah Ky
Offlce 115 South Third Phones 35S
1 Rdltorlnl Ilooml
I Old Phone l37New Phone 888of
i Payne and Young Chicago and New I
York Representatives I
iItj iIt
= I
16675 16 6744I l I
26676 176798
36676 18681
4 6699 20 679s J 1
6 6708 2167 S7oC
76711 226783 I
8671 2367 i3a1111
98253 246782 a
10655 27 7Uthe
11 67f9 28 67 1tent t
136750 29 67 12I1OW
14untai747atr 306767 f
166711 31 G7 6legr I
Total 176966
H Average December 19096806
4Average 4 December 19085116
Average December 1907 38 19Iv
On this day appeared before mew I
n D Mac lt1en business mana gotreels j
of The Sun who affirms the above I
best Istb 1
statement Is true to the of
knowledge and belief 1
Notary Public McCracken Co Ky 1
My commission expires January i
10 1912
Dally Thought
He who sets his sails to tho wi ndtho
L of npplauto steers with his back toIf
tho future
= =
Howard Chandler Christy had em
braced Chrlittmn Science and now < I
his wife Is trying to give him absent j
treatment I
treatmentSomeano a t I
Someone has Introduced a bill In I
tho Icg Maturo reducing tho pay of I I
Juvenile officers from 10V0 to 7 < OO 1
Gee ours has been drawing 1209 I c
Dr Nuttall formerly superintend l I
ent of the asylum who fled u onaro j
he return of an ludfcment charging I
hi mwlth unseemly conduct with an
Inmate te now occupying quarters I
In the Institution as an Ibmato being s I
found a sufferer from paresis
+ It is quoitlonablo whether all ofdry
Senator Eatons constituents w IUoral I
agree with him that the proper wP
VIto VI adjust the states revenue to ex
pendtures is to ralpe the tax assesse
manta Farmers and city men down t j
this way who see hundreds of tho 11tho
sands of dollars appropriated f Jrb
other sections would prefer to seer
taxes cut down by Iwulng bonds toE
pay for tho now capltof
Repubt 11that
t cans jnado tactical blunders In conI
grass ibefcfdos disgusting tho people 1 I
with a show of petty politics In a n
serious Investigation In the fir streal
place tho Democrats glvpn tho prlvl I
logo by the majority ofnamtng mem te
ber of tho Investigating ayee
should not havo placed a man Ilk o
Ilnlney obviously for tho purpose ofnrtifl
making political capital out of th 0dt
case on tho committee It Is too w
sharp a leseon to the majority to re Ieupon
tram from further jlbcrallty of th atthe th
Jdnd Jloroover It is bad onough f fIthe
K > serious a situation to observe theUJ
friends of Balingcr and Plnchot tryte
Ing to pack tho committee with part j te
sans without the minority party try ac
ing to take advantage of the occa8U
slop to sling mud at tho wholo ad
ministration All the president and I I
tho people want 10 a fair hearing and I 1
tho truth about tho conservation ofso
national resources The public con W
fused by the complications may now st
well doubt the fairness of most an y tho
committee finding The Republican Kr
caucus exceeded Its prerogatlvea po
when it undertook last night to select L ra
I a committee member for the Demo t re
r crate Ing
a re
Itotttlrlam of tho old school are tic
drawing paratlote for the situation a ta
Vashhigton for the most part dovn
plorlng tho evidences of Jndepond stj
race of Republican congrewmen and iBono i I
predicating predictions of dlro catam g
fly on former rc oHw against gag va
Practical prtlitWaiw are almost tobo I
boa n
equipment the average man brings
Into his business eKrIenco and oc ce
qualntanco with oontemporary loon lout
As oKtican rfcos
ho In hrowc1wi I
gains cxporlenco and shrewdIm
J as and acquires n working knows 1m
I rffio of human nature but urttose po
li1 tiax read history and ke pe an eon
cti nuitUira that Ho deeper than the bo
thmuddx i
3he will ovoutually find Wmsolf water m
igged or aground Ho forgets that an
t me flows on like a stream amid do
ol inn clmnging scenes and cllj liars j
maic and geournphocal aeHIoga An and
c4 r > rr man may acquire groat wlslclc 1
m concerning tho causes of odltei 1
cdJ J
INdils and wiWrlpoolft and currents
but If sty he goes down the river he
tails to now that tt is widening and
deepening and the current growing
strongerand that new people lino thoU
banks with now hopes nnd desires
his craft will be in danger and his l
abcargo unsalable
Any assistance tlio city of Pa
ducahi may give tho schools of
100Iadumb In a financial way will
be money well spent Now
Heres a matter on which wo all
seem to agree It is not a matter of
more sentiment cither but a eon Gtrrand
of common sonar economy
Jt makes little difference now of
course how tho floating debt of t l1eto
schools came about but It puts us t
to begin 1thln a Httlo moro sym
pathetic attitude toward tlio present
trustees when wo understand that
they had nothing to do with Incur
ring it that they are mon of the 1
very highest business quaBfloat mss
who consented to give their Umo at
the urgent request of distressed C ill
zees to the school problem nnd that
In addition to restoring harmony I
they actualy ma mi cod with theIr
98meagre revenues to pay off part of
tie existing debts during the year
Just ended Knowing the character
of men composing the board wo f eel 1
B3more like entrusting money retie n
and more like wtpJng clean tlio slate
and giving them a clianco to Improve
the schools at least to the full e X
tent of their Income part of which
now goes to paying Interest on the
floating debt
That interest account la what ch J
tegea our common sense The
li6schoo board Is an entity distinct
06Crom the city to be sure and a 5and
cent levy out of this general tax
levy Is apportioned to it by state law
so the city government nuturaM I y
0fteJs no drect responsibility for ta0who
HoveAcltoos However brushing all d I
hsthese artificial distinctions erected
by fiction of the law the same tax
payers who support the city govcrn
raent support the schools and that
yannual Interest on tho floating debt
mutt be met by them and ntiethw
the city does or dot not pay off the
fGOOO1 remaining for tho schools
tho JGOOO to pay eventuaty only I
If the money Is paid this year the to
torest will stop
That te the taxpayers point Dfas
view we take It Ho desires the
ne1leapcet and most effective admin
IntraUon j i o alWe It will bo made
cheapest by stopping the interest
fprthw tti and made most effective
by saving tho Income of tho school
for the purpose for which it was In
tendedi the current expanses of op
eratK > n
When men of the character of
dthOse composing the school board
aro wimng to give their time and
nstaloots to the public that is the
onUmo when tho pubHc sliould be
most liberal toward the schools as
giured that the money will be prop
priy spent For that reason too we
hope the general council will keopI I
down tho annual charges against the
MI oft v
itay n
Iportanco ax ro j
completed and the charter Is > amond 1
shv rt t j
11term special asessment bonds by
for tho I
0udget may bo cut and fifteen cents
0moro of tho levy added to the public n
toseiner fund
A new High school Is needed and c
when the city limits aro extended
11wetiard a new school building out d
that way will be Immediately de
Iemanded but with the new property d
assessment next year and the added
real estate wealth these affairs will L
not greatly bother
our school trus
tee If the floating debt IE out of the b
eeThese Is Involved owing to tho B
artificial distinctions between tho
city school board a legal question i 1
owhlcb we wMI not pretend to paras ra
upon That Is whether the city fi
e legal right to transfer funds to ai
the school trustees but with all ot r to
agreeing as to the moral pocUtude
the transaction a way around tho
technicality can be found by lawyers n
accustomed to guide parties through
such labrynths
v 1
As a bit of satire
some wholesome truths and a clever
way for the state legislature to side
stop responsibility for tho deficit In
e state treasury caused by fla
appropriatinga I
power without adequate means for f >
raising extraordinary revenues thot
resolution of Senator Eaton declar c
g that there Is no demand for d
remedial legislation and reciting the m
fact that county boards of cquallza W
tlon do not assess county w
fair valuation Is worthy ot presor at
vatlon but to be of value to the t1
state nnd taxpayers It should have g <
Bono further and elucidated Senator M
Eatons views of how ot
Moreover there Is a w
bonds should bo Issued for the state tI
oft nltl la I of
ns w
century or moro was erected with go
a bond Issue when tho four or or
e generations who aro to use it
be deprived thereby of other
Improvements Just as essential and pay l
perhaps compelled to pay Interest InB it
floating debts Instead of onpr
J pr
bonds while deserving creditors of h j
e tato aro compelled to wait
years there has been an annual I
deficit of a of million
quarter a dolar
for two months preceding tho co
election of Governor Wlllson school I Are
teachers pay was held up as the of
teachers well remember while the
money left In the treasury was moro
than used up within a week after
Wlllsons Inauguration by warrants
that had been made out in tho sum
andhis lJr
that there might bo a cash showing
January 1
caplIE WI l
IEmay have been responsible for this
deficit and tho J500000 appropria
tlon made by tho last legislature for >
tho normal schools without provid 1
ing any means of raising tho rev iJ
nue accounts for much of tho bal t
11an co of the deficit but Is It good
statesmanship to create floating
intersGtrr st
and Injure the credit of tho state by I
ofeletaultlng In payments rather than
to Issuo bonds at a small rato or
ISInterest and pay current expense
debts promptly
ntIs it not fair besides that those
ntwho como after and enjoy tho bone
irfits of tho new capitol should bear
110their pro rata share of tho expense I
ISStates aro suposcd to bo perpetual I
atwith annually recurring expenses
and annual revenues that may be
approximately estimated Conse i
quently It is good statesmanship to
apportion > these expenses In such a
manner as to match as nearly as
possible the anticipated revenueS
having at all times of course con i
sldcrntlon for economy
Naturally tho burden of the ox
pease of tho capitol did not become
pressing until the building was near
Ing completion so there wad eat h I
Ing bravo or statesmanlike In the
idea of starting tho building on cur
rent revenues getting Into arrears i
dodging creditors and paying Inter
cst In order to deceive tho people
Into j believing that great economy
and good financiering wero being ex
hlblted i when in reality floating
debts and Interest accounts and deft I I
ycite were being laid up for those
Thatd is
like j sweeping the dirt behind tho
ddoor It Is tho doctrine of After
tThe deluge has come Tho natural
atresult of such folly Is apparent In I
tailing state credit eofaults In pay
hewent of bills big Interest accounts
Ieahead with other enterprises thai
are sadly needed
0And what do wo get An Impos i 1
ing resolution reciting that whore
as It is reported that Iho count y
10bOllrds of equalization do not assess
property at Its fair valuation Iho
stato legislature which Is using
money designed only for tho current
expenses < of the state to build an Im I i I
posing 1 capitol Is not responsible Corn
tho I deficit and no remedial leglsln I
tlon I is required
Dave Flak dies at Farmington
A J Conant of Kuttawa dies
Big Umber wolf near Hopktnsvlllc
Danlot Brown 76 dins at Hondor
Two killed In railroad accident at
Wootea Morris Fancy Farm i
Infant of Charles Underwood Ful
ton dies
Green and Darren rivers now open
for navigation
Jlattlo Dmnn and Ford Butler
marry nt Fulton
Newton Ford frozen to death Jn 1
creak at Tompklnsville
Mr and Mrs AUIo Roper of Ful
ton parents of girl baby
Mrs Nancy Smith 90 butted toy
death by ram at Glasgow
Ernest Wraj detective shot by
Laban Burton at Fulton dies
Ed Hoffman Honderran ruptures
blood vessel coughing and desI
Miss Cornelia Walker and Mr
Black Nance of Farmlngton marry
Miss Bolltlo On of la1field nnd I
Mr Fred Thompson of Fulton
William D Wilson of Mayflold
and Vivian Mayo of Dresden Tonne
o marry
marryt 1 i
marryr I
Ed D Hannan president of the
board of aldermen will tonight ap
point a committee of three aldormon
compose a surveying team with r
City Engineer Washington and COlin A
dlrnan Wilson Bowers and tally to
map out now territory to be annexed I
toIaducah The committee probably
will begin l work Friday or Saturday
and after I sMcctfng tho ground to too
taken In will jnako a report to the
general council If the territory 18
satisfactory the council will adopt an
ordinance for the annexation
The aldermen will have a tussle
with tho Soonlo < inth street propoKl
tlon tonight and afeto the disposition
tho B street wrangle probably
will lake thO > lImo action as the
council In bringing In an asscsument
ordinance taxing tho property own
e for tho cost of tho Improvement
Tho proportyownora havo refused to
and tho contractors nro threaten
ng to bring suit against tho city
However tho city will cite the
property owners to petitions bearing
their signatures nnd asking for the
Improvement which was mado with
an ordinance by an oversight
The question of Increasing tho ml
oriel of the police and firemen and
ratifying the action of tho finance
committee In selling tho old central
station will aim bo in tho routine I
11IId IU3 FlltST AMI Tllim > MON
When Furniture Arrives truth
llonnls Will Moot nt the
Hnino Time
IgTo relieve the ordinance committee
ot a largo amount of unnecessary
bywork and to tench members of then
general council how to draft an ordl
nance an Important change was
mado In the rules governing the
council last night by tho special
committee that mot with City Solid
tor James Campbell Jr
When any member desires to hero
an ordinance brought In he will
draft the bill himself In tho future
Instead of referring It to the nail
nance committee to bring In an ordi
nance This plan was adopted by
tho committee In order that the df
partmont under which tho ordinaiKf
originates may see that every detail
Is perfect Then the ordinance after
being rend before tho council ran
be referred to whatever committee
it should go before and If t there be
any changes necessary tho city solit
tor will make them
+ Monday was deemed tho proper
day for meetings and tho committee
cat aside tho first and third Mondays
of each month for both tho upper
and lower boards to assemble They
will not begin meeting on the same
night until till aldermanic chamber
Is fully equipped With tho new
plan of meetings a bill may receive
passage In tho council chamber
Then the president will appoint ono
of tho councilmen as a messenger to
convey tho ordinance to tho alder
manic body with Instructions If
tho aldermen see lit to adopt tho law
It will bo Adopted fully the same
One Important action taken by the
committee was to compel the enroll
meat committee to do Its duty In the
future A rulo was adopted making
It necessary for nil ordinances to go
through tho enrollment committee
hands and for It to bo properly en
rolled before It la signed by the
mayor approved and published
A fow minor changes were made
In the rules also but not of much
significance ill clerk for tho board
of aldermen will have to be author
Ired by ordinance
Meeting of Fair Assoclnlloim
In I order to arrange dates for the t
fair anti races In western Kentucky
and Tennessee a meeting of the of
ficers of the circuit will lip held in
Jackson Tenn next Tuesday From
Paducah Messrs Rodney Davis and
A G Thompson probably will at
tend It Is certain that the Paducah
Fair association will bo represented I
at the mooting When tbo dates arc
arranged the local fair association
will begin work of getttlng out nd
vcrtlslng matter for tho fair next
Every dose make you feel better Lax
1os keep your whole insides rlRlit
Bold on the MoneyDock plan evrry
where Price 60c
IXotc of First Metallic of Creditor
In the district court of thin Imted
States for the western district of I
Kentucky In bankruptcy
In the matter of Benjamin F
Smith bankrupt
To the creditor of Benjamin F
Smith of raducah In the count > or
McCraoken and district aforesaid a
bankrupt Xollco Is hereby 11 < n
that on the 20th day of January i
D 1910 tho said benjamin F I Smith
was duly adjudicated bankrupt and < l
that the firm mooting of his orojiloi
will be held at my olllcc In radu < ah I
McCraoken county Kentucky on ti <
31st day of January A D 1910 al
10 oclock in the forenoon at wliliji
time tho said creditors may attend
prove tholr claims appoint a trufN
examine tho bankrupt and trana < t
such other business as may come
properly boforo said meeting
Referee In Bankruptcy
Paducah Ky I Jan 20 1910
Why CornelUons Heal rho Ltv > r Illl
will cure that 10 cents Uuurant id
by all druggists
Marriage License
J O Frlok of Marlon 111lal l
road employe and Bertie Si rrvnrr of
Venice III
= = = =
Lists LaGrippo Capsules
Curo Orlp Colds and Coughs
Lists Red Salvo
Cures Frost Bites Eczema l and
all kinds of sores
Lists Lettuce Lotion
For Chapped Skin
1 JIM II Broadway
Phones 108
> i1
1tti 1t
Sensational tit
Iw TAG 4 t
OpenedThis Morning
The opening was of precisely the character you would
expect from a sale of such farreaching f magnitude The
buyers were not frenzied bargain hunters but thrifty people
who knew they were getting unusual values for their
Vou dont often have such a chance to buy such
high grads merchandise at the prices which are quoted in
this sale Ve offer you choice of our entire stock of
clothing including blues and blacks such makes as
Roxboro and H S M clothes
Below you will find the prices quoted on Mens
Clothing Trousers Shirts Neckwear Mufflers Hand
kerchiefs Hosiery Suspenders Fancy Vests Sweaters
Underwear Hats Boys Clothing Waists Blouses
Knee Pants Caps etc are offered at like reductions N
Now is the Time to BUY = =
Green Tag Sale Priced on
Mens Suits and i Overcoats
Lot 1Contains Mens and Young Mens l
o 1 Suits and Overcoats that sold up to 5 8 5
1000 NOW = =
O Contains Mens i and Young Mens r
Lot 2ntains
Lu 65SuItS
Suits and Overcoats that sold up to 7
1500 NOW =
L oMens O Contains Suits Mens and and Overcoats Young ifl 11 45
that sold up to 2000VNOW = xy
Lot 4 Contains Mens and Young
JUI T Mens Suits aid Overcoats 13 85
that sold up to 2250NOW = it
Lot 5 Contains Mens and Young
JIJL J 5Mens
that sold up to 3000 NOW =
Lot 6 Contains Mens and Young
Mens Suits and Overcoats 20 85
that sold up to t 4000 NOW S
Every Suit and Overcoat in Our Stock is d
in This Sale