PricesI I
Geraniums 4inch pots per
doz 75c
perldoz perl
doz 50c 1
Geraniums 2Vinch pots
per doz 25c I
Jfy geraniums are the finest
that have ever been offered to1 l
the Paducah trade I c
Caunas 100 per dozen d
plants at GOc dozent t I I
Altererantheras 2c In 1
Alyssmn 2ct
4inch lOc
Abutilons pots IDeII I
AsparagnsPlnmosns 4 inch n
pots lOc Ig j
AsparagusSprengire 4inch 10
pots lOc tAsters
Asters 2cd
Begonias in variety 2V
inch pots 35o dozenth j t
Begonias in variety 4inch I
jlllCaladiums j
Caladiums started plants C
4lOe 10
Caladiums bulbs 5c to lOc
Chrysanthemums 212 inch gl i
pots 50c dozenII
Cosmos 2Y inch pots 35c d
dozen Coleus 2c each Ih I j
Clemates Japanese 25c each s
Cobea Vines 4inch potsU
JCobea J
Cobea Vines 2V inch pots ed
35c dozen J
Dahlias delivery May 15th J
I have these in 40 beautiful l J
cut flower varieties at from j
lOc to 50c each Easy to grow SI
and nothing finer for summer S
cut 1I0wersEI
Ferns 15c to 50e each
Fuchsias 4inch pots lOoi E
each 81
Fuchsias 21iinch pots 2c 0
each I I
Geraniums ivy leaved 5c re
and lOc eachs
Heliotrope 2 ½ inch pots H
2cII i
Heliotrope 4inch pots lOc 1 b
Hydrangeas 25c iJoc 50c M I
750 and 100 eachal
Hardy Hydrangeas 4inch E
pots 15c yI I
Lautanas 2 ½ inch pots hta i
35c dozen
Moon Vines 21 ½ inch pots1
aye dozen I 4
Vines 4inch eo T
Moon potseo
JPansy J
jNasturtiums j
Nasturtiums 21 inch pots 11
Ic ezchII i °
Petunias 2V ½ inch pots 2c
Petunias 4inch pots lOc nl
Each b
Parlor Ivy 25c dozen
Salvias 2 inch 2c
2V pots tul
each 1 w
Swainsona 3inch pots 10c CE
iach I
Snap Dragon 3inch pots of l the
iOo dozen the
Snap Dragon 4inch pots bE > <
me dozen K
Verbenas 2inch pots 20 tba1
iach I I bl
AYandering Jew 2M > inch u
pots 25c each the t
Vilicas 4inch pots lOc 01
Hoses 2year plants b >
dozen fl
Hanging Baskets rl
Nicely plaited large size a
50c eachw
Baskets refilled 35c to 40c a
Lemon Verbenas 2Jjinch 3
pots l 5c each
Hardy English Ivy 21inch
pots 50 eachI i
Let me give you estimates t
on your Baskets Window or I
Porch Boxes Beds and Bor
Oors s
Cemetery Planting a Specialty t
You can see my plants every i
day at the Market House My
wagon is on the street and atl
Walkers Drug Store Also 1
Remember I am as near you
as your telephone and my I
number is 127
I respectfully solicit your
w 0
U < > 1
spiuxa ox OKIWIS
Those TliorouRhfnies Which IIa re
ITlioso Aml Will II telv I ContliiR
Of Dust IKiwii
When the board of public works
Inaugurated the Improvement of oil 1
ing tho citys streets last year the
NoOPle kicked against It Now the y
are beginning to appreciate tin e
dustdown and aside from a few
kicks now and then over the tic 1 1
dental damages nearly every resl I 1
kilt Is clamoring for the oU It 1 is
Impossible for the city to oil all of
the streets and the board of works
using Its discretion in picking out
the most traveled highways
WhtW the board is marking this
Improve nt It la simultaneously
fighting mo xiult < x > s by olllnc tin e
gwttere en low ground where stag1
nant water stands nearly all cum
mar OU Is also betas spread beta
tween the street car tracks to keep
down the dust I
At the meeting of the board last I 1
night it was figured out that allln 6of
Ihe streets this year will cost approx h
moiety tUCOO Over fifty blocks I
ave been sprinkled up to today at a
cost of IIGO per block and 915
0 has been paid out More streets
ire to be oiled and the remainder
KK cost about 700 About lGOO
gallons of ell are < o be spread aMo 1
jether between the car tracks nndc
the city gets a rebate from tho 13J
ducal Traction company for nndI lot I
One hundred gallons of oil nee be P
tng llread dnl1 + In the gutters and I
Street Inspector Bell raid last night r
that as soon aa the oil was spread a
over small pools the bulls frogs and
hugs came to the top and vatnoopl I AC
d It will put an end to the pesky I C
Jersey mosquMo and other varieties a
The street department has been at a m
henry expense during tho past two 1
months but this will i > e endedi the t
last of Mar when all graveling and d i
iprinkUng will have been completed J <
treets that have already been
iprlnkVed with the < crude petroleum
H ore North Fourth Sixth Ser
sail < South Fifth Jefferson and
Broadway Broad end Clements I
streets Mechanlcshurg North Sec I
Mid and Fountain aicrrue I c
Following are the other streets to I
receive a coat of the oil Jefferson w
from Fountain avenue to city limits t
South Sixth and South Fourth from IJ <
Kentucky avenue to Norton street I I
Ihaee blocks fn North Eighth two r
dock a on North Ninth Monroe C
street west from Ninth three blocks j
ilatllson west from Third six blocks J i
ind Broadway from Fifteenth to
ilghttenth streets I
Sheet Inspector Bell submitted s j
l8 monthly report for April laM h
night It ia as follows Payroll 11
April 1910 tG39C5 April 1909 r i
5 470 Expenses April 1910 M i
C4805 April 1910 13254 GmvIl
GmvIleAprJl I
eAprJl 1910 C02 April 1909 J
5715 This Includes 350 < ex
tonded for oil M
Gutters and Market House 3
City Engineer L A Washington c
vas authorized to have reinforced
onnrete gutters placed at all rtreet g
orosurngs where there are sidewalk 1
mprovemerrfa to be made this fuma
rer Those gutters wtti be perma c
itnt and win care for the drainage A J
better than any other method He
ubmltted plans of the gutters lost f
night and they are proving success n
ul In different portlcn of the cAy
here they have been constructed rep I
entry reII j <
Bids were opened last T Vght for I
he painting of the outside woolwork 11
the market house and varcrfjijlns
he benches but the contract will not
awarded until Members Lack and I I
Colb make a careful Inspection of x
ho market to see If painting Hls c
absolutely necessary The city hash j
been put to considerable expense I
his year in installing new lights atII
he markethoute and If Messrs Job t
tend lack find it necessary to have It 4 j
painted the contract will be awrdt j t
edby them to W F Perry wjioee 1
fire other bidders The city Is tot 1
furnish the vomlsh which will 1 I t1
amount to about 6 gallons and two I
coats of paVn1 are to be given the t
woodwork The bids submitted wo iew
as follows c W Warren 97 n I i
Tyree 98 C J Pojper 130t t
Walter Pell 112 George Hoerncr C
107 > i
Marketmastor Albert Sensor re j
ported that repairs were necessary I
the to roof and gutters and three neA l
drain pipes were needed He was I 1
authorized to accompany a tinner
over lire building and find what tina ew
repair will met and make a irctport
at the next meeting I
Permission was given E K Bonds I
Storing cars per month 9300
Cleaning cars per month 9700
jCleanlng Any Size Machines
Repairs 30 cents to 7G cents per
hour according to nature of work
to be done I I
workIto Ito
Complete line of auto supplies
lead accessories at your service day
land night
Tin Kintucky Auto gMaci Ci I 1
Some of the Prominent Women CJ
and Work of the Orgunlzn I
CtlouM I
1 With only ten days before the I an
opening of the Biennial Convention 50
of Womans clubs In Cincinnati 0 tU
ythere IB responsible work for each I I
chiilrman and members of commit 8j
I 1
tees I
The biennial opens t Wednesday
evening May 11 and after ad J
dresses rl y the distinguished speak 3
ers on the program nn Informal reln I I
ceptlon will be held In south hall
and the great convention of the at
General Federation of Womens
Clubs will be formally openedJ I
Thursday morning In Music lIallt
following reports of standing com 11
nilttees will be devoted to art Mrsi 1
Irslyr I I
Everett N Pattlson of St LouIs
Mo general federation chairman 11
on art under whose capable dlrec the J
tlon the clubs throughout the COUtlal
try have made an Intelligent study courtdi
of art and the traveling art libraries CJ
have received added 11
ave an Impetus
The address of the morning will be g SI
by Henry Turner Bailey ot Iloston t
In the afternoon at the Art ql
academy In Eden park will be held CJ
an art conference followed by a reI
ceptlon at the Art museum given °
Arto M
club The evening session will bec
of special Interest to civic workers ID I
with an address by Alvin DayIdsonl
Ph D Lafayette college Pennsyl M
rains on the Drinking Cup In Ha re
ItsIRelatlon MI
address of the evening wilt bo by nn
the Rev Dana W Bnrlett of Los ad
Angeles Cal on Progress In duI
Civics Betterment These evening dent <
addresses will have Interludes of A I
music as the organ In Music Hall EI
will be used throughout the convcn n
flan The leading features of Fri III
day morning will be the addresses
on Natural Resources beginning fag
The Forest and the Family by of
Mr Gifford Plnchot Our National
Waterways by lion Joseph FL will
Ransdell Louisiana and Other and
Wastes by Mrs Emmons Crocker d
Crockerloj1VMassachusetts time
Conferences forestry and water in
ways will be held In Memorial Hall blb
the same afternoon beginning at 2 Ih
oclock df
At 6 oclock FrIday afternoon the W
river excursion by courtesy of the ml
Citizens Entertainment Committee dll
will be given to the officers dlrect te
ore delegates alternates guests Dc <
and visiting club women I
Saturday morning May 14 Con with
sorvatlon of Vital Forces House pr
hold Economics will be taken up lag
by Prof Mary F Rauscb of Colo gjj
rado Education of Girls by Miss pr
Martha Van Renssalaer Cornell W
Adulterations by Mr Harvey W n
Wiley Washington An address by Pc
Miss Mary McIntosh Hervey on Aor
Sane and Safe Fourth of July will
close the session 111111 I
The afternoon of May 14 will be
given over to receptions There
will be one at the Cincinnati Wom
ans club and the other at the Cin
cinnati Country club Grandln road
At Music Hall Saturday evening
Social Problems will form the
theme of the addresses Arma
ment vs Disarmament will be dis
cussed by Lieutenant James J
Maycs Twentyfourth Infantry Ft
Ontario N y and Miss Lucia
Ames Mead of Bostin1 I
The Franchise for Women will
bo handled by Mrs Carrie Chapman
Call of New York Mr Rudolph
who ocuple a box stall to the south I I
end of the market to tap the market
house efccunlc light wires for the ptiTi
pose of stringing one light In hi 1 I
stall I The workmust to done under j
the supervision of City Electrician
McPheanwn and Mr Bands must 0111
tats the consent of the Paducah
Traction company PulurohI i I
The patchwork to tho Mtullthte
streets made by the Southern Bitu
dlthlc company of Nashville Is BItU1
satisfactory according to the city
engineer and he was Instructed to
write the company to this effect
The street Inspector was ordered
to furnish Albert Carr colored with
enough Alpo to repair a drain on his
property at Ninth and Caldwell
streets He will be allowed to pay
for the work in IntallmwtJi
A communication from the Green
Bbaum company of Louisville relative
to street signs and house numbers
was received end led None are
needed hero now
nowI catl hPg for tlde
walk Improvements were ordered
held up until City En Lnc6rr Worh
kvxton has time to make grades for
tlie work and prepare BpectfloaUona
Superintendent W H Force of the II I
light plant was given further time I
M wicck to gt bWs tor a now en
sine for the light plat Omar one
bid has been received and as soon as
the others arrive a special meeting
of the board of works twill be held
and the bids submitted to the gener
al council A > now engine to badly
needed at the plant The old one
Mn Forces monthly report was
aiwertyed aod 11Iwk v J
IL emu
Try Tlil her Cnltirrli
Get a iryomcl pronounced JUgh <
mo outfit today
Pour a few drops from the loft
Jnto the Inhales that comes with ear
utfil and breathe it In 4 or G thne
Immediately jx > u will know tha
ifyomol soothes and heals tho Inflam
ed and Irrrltated membrane
Put Homel docs more Ulan sooth
dad heal It kills the goring those per
terverlnsr pester that are at tho roo I
04 all catarrhal ccndtttons
IInst year I suffered terribly will
catarrh I used one boltto of Hjx >
nx > l and ply catarrh was better
Mlsa Hoton McNalr Loyal tan Cal
A complete HjTomoI outfit includ
ing A bottle of Hyomel a hard rubber
pockot inhaler and simple direction
for use costs only IM It you now
owe s Hyonwl Inhaler you can get
extra bottle of Hyomel for only
cents at druggist everywhere and
Gilberts drug store
Guaranteed to cure catarrh croup
asthma and soro throat or nxxieji
Blankcnburg ot Philadelphia and
Miss Alice Hill Crittenden ot
In Music Hall Sunday afternoon
4 oclock with Mr Sidney C
Durst organist and Miss Margaret
Evans of Minnesota to conduct
the vesper service there will be a
restful hour after the strenuous
week I
Monday May 16 the committee
work will receive attention under
heads of Civics Literature
rind Libraries and Education A
discussion on > clvll service reform
committee work under the leader
ship of the eminent worker Mrs
Sarah Plait Decker will bo held
Mate presidents are particularly re
quested to take part In this confer
ence Monday afternoon at the Wom
ans club house Oak street will be
jven over to conferences Monday
evening In Music Hall will be state
presidents evening
Tuesday morning May 17 In
Music Hall there will be tho llnnl
report on Credentials by Mrs D I I
Murray and the report of the noun
nating committee followed by two
addresses Tho Death Roll of In
dustry by John Mitchell expresi
of the United Mine Workers of
America and Industry From an
Employers Point of View by C
Carpenter president Herring
HallMarvin Safe company Ohio
The closing address of the morn
will be by Mrs Nanette n Paul
Washington D C on Influence
Women In Legislation
Tuesday afternoon In Music Halt
occur the election of officers
oclock to C oclock during which I
several conferences will bo
1181d namely Industrial and Child
taboF under tho tlireotlon ot Miss
Helen Variclo Boswell The Bureau
Information Mrs Mary I
Wood manager Household Econo
mica Mrs Olaf N Guldlln of In
diana Literature and Library FJCl 1
tension Mrs Mary Alden Ward oft I
Boston chairman
Tuesday evening In Music halll I
Mrs JosIah Cowles first vice
president general federation proud
education will have n large
share ot interest and place on the
Ward Mrs Richard Burton Mrs
Alice Williams Brotherton Miss
Laura Drake 0111 Miss Julia Stuart 1
Points and Mrs William E Allen
the program Very special In
Folding Collapsible English
and carriages 50 styles from
911H up
30 Steel Range
IIIIgh clottpt and Rood slzo oven
9100 per week
BremlH I j
Ihe new Window Shade Material
that wont crack worVt wrinklo j
c 5iir35irardeqt
I Retiring from 53118t11e33tt w
In order to tlieposo of my large and carefully seleetdtl t 1 slock of
hlillinerl r
nt tho earliest possible moment on ntvonnt of leaving the city I villloffcr un
Monday May 2f and continue until everything is sold milliii Pltttit rii Hats
1Bhniius Flowers I Feathers Ribbons Etc
< l
ft cst
Your opportunity Second floor J A Rudy t ors
t s
Mls lllirkloyK Cniiliu Arlont at Tin Kentucky the rest of HIP 11cJ J 1
terest will center In Miss Julet
Stuart Points who has but recently
won tho English scholarship
A very Important feature of
Wednesday morning May 18 will
be Glimpses of Rural Conditions In
America From the Hoard of rest
ore opening by tho president and
followed by the well known Mrs
Carpenter Mm Uawiton Mn
Hlankenburg Miss PopponbelmMrs
Allen Mrs Klnnoy Mrs Sherman
Mrs Johnston Mrs Welch Mrs
Kcefe Mrs Shlok Miss Hancock
Mrs Evans and Mrs Cow log
The afternoon session will again
be filled with conferences and a
round table led by Mrs Kllen M
Henrotln an honorary president of
the general federation
The final evening with Mrs
Moore presiding will bo Prufll
dents Evening Tho topic for the
evening will be Twenty Years of
Retrospect and Action 18901910
Yesterday the Magic Motto
tnlly In Diversity by Mrs Joseph
C Mumford Today Us Spirit and
Opportunity Mrs J L Washburn
Tomorrow n Vision of the Fu
lure Mrs Sarah H Platt Decker
After the Introduction of new nIB
cers adjournmtmt
It order to take HHcal work
mhv Annabel Acker a teaoher nt
IhT n othlngton butldlOK 119 l not en
applicant for reelection Next 8t > p
t Wmb r she will leave I for Lexington
whr she will eater Trany lvai < A
untvonlty to tike a clawiloal courts
far four years MM Acker is one
of the mH iuiKt Btof the joang
or teachers In U e inibltc noiioota and
to a graduate of the llftjli eoliooL
Before M ctag the city schools she
took a SHiiil txmne at the Woatern i
State Normal school at llowllns
Why Willie jon dont seem to
be enjoying yourself
No undo Im having a miser
able time Auntte told me to cat
lns much AS I wanted and I cant
WE have everything to make home
cozy and comfortable and our easy
payment plan is the most liberalof any
house in the city House cleaning time
you may need something to brighten up
and it will pay you to get our prices be
fore buying
SIMM up 1 special
low iilrc on all
SlilrlxMtnltt liuf
fcls end Dining
room furniture
this week to re
duce our large
r tOek
Six Foot Oak Ex
tension Tables
roiinil or qlln + cthbt tvtfk
111110 worth 9iuno
Water Coolers and
Ice Cream Freezers
at liarKulu prices thin week
I 416 Broadway
7 T
c f m r
Item Luck 1I11t
Two young women went to tha f
matinee Tbt y could not eel seats
together but were told at the box
ortko that oarh could have an and
sent center aisle In adjoining rows
und most likely somebody wind wino
aloiiK and hnll l n rhalr nexj tp one4c
of thorn would obligingly eiianjo
seats Near thu close of the ant r
art one ot tho young woman tl antuifd
ly wldaporcd to n heavy m1ddohet
man at her side who hadbern Jlt
Are you alone alr7
Tho man burled one side of Ida
1451 in lily program and breathed
ShY Wlfo oo8vtlr1bod1 MBRa I f
tine oftltma
af f of
I should likw Bomu rather Joyful s
hosiery said the slangy young
manI r
Ye sir how about a sleek
spud the brisk haberdasher think
ing of what always brought most r
Joy to himself lluffnlo Express l
North Star I
Have Koviii tvatlw plain oimmrf
and 1 opal llnnl uno ICHH I Ire limn
other makes 1108 up
Cleveland Crescent
Columbia Crown r
Cyrus 4 Clipper t
Bicycles 1750 Up
Old wheel In erlniie Coin
pitto Hue lit niliulrliM and t parts
wliolntalo mill rvtnll UlrIch