OCR Interpretation

The Paducah evening sun. [volume] (Paducah, Ky.) 1906-1929, May 16, 1910, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052114/1910-05-16/ed-1/seq-8/

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ravorabto Itllect iif Uirk of Ilillr
IUSH iii the Ililtdra Slat
New York Mny I 1C 61Ioc1alf f
Thi tock market has had a num j
ber of advcrc influences again
which to contend The disturbed po
htical outlook the frequent hgl > la
tin attacks upon capital the pros
pect of tariff revision the tobacco
and oil case bfforo the suprim1
court the death of ling Edward th
conttutioul crliU la England IhI I
itirronso of from 50000ooo to
lioniiinu ° n9 In railroad wage thtI I
high cost of commodities the unfav
evabii bnrf > In our foreign trade
th > rapid multiplication of new H
nniticg the growing conservation
among bunk > rs at the west the land
boom In that section of the country
ih 1 curta 1m nt of pig Iron produc
tion and th abutting I down of cotton J
mill The1 and other adverto tnI
fluences wlufh exerted a depressing
pffrit upi n the tock market were I
we undthod t by the large holders
of tfiiirltif and ble been unques
fnnably I d > < ouwed by the tfcrink
dT in an i whtah hal taken plare I
rinse C the opening of the year As a
rc ur of these tendencies a bear
wall I
party of considerable Influence was
coated and ito success stimulated
nntanre i to all upward reactions I
I r hound be recognized however
tt di iiretifng conditions of 118
fot have probably exerted their full
cfT I and that other and more far
criliU factors are counteracting
Hum A sharp decline In exchange
ftniiharzed the fact that gold rhin
rocDg are over It must be admit
< that our gold having gone where
it wa < most needed has much im
Tovid tho situation in London and
v > > rottttnoht The death of the king
s now an affair of the past ad
thNP it no doubt but that the nrltI
ii 1 Mibfects will loyally support the
now king The death of King Kd
warn moreover has tended to soften I
political asperities and through <
pj tponPinont of the oeotton which
is practically decided upon timo will
be afforded for settlement of ther r
grave problems of state with lose ex
ctempnt than had the crisis come to I
a head I durlug the approaching rumI
m + r This oMmu tlon or blttrrr < > JU
from nrltlitt politics will Inevitably
have a favorable effect upon financial
affairs in London It la I quite Ike y I
that the young king though at pra
tnt naturally less popular than his
trval father will lYe the British
rfitn a wire administration and toe
ft iman emperor will doubtloee bo
jahiui of hts young couln than
t I ems to hBO been of his Influen
t ii aorta who did so much to fortify
Iltih foreign relations I
The outlook In this country d < >
pcTrd chiefly upon the crops Thus
fa the outlook ID this respect is eat
fire y Some damage wa done
II rrrcnt uofsTorablo weather but
only in pots and tho Injury was
irttth exaggerated Should till r < < i
oils or the crops reach 8ltfloI nyt wt
ooo to OOOWKIOOO M I Ir I now
plrtPd I good times for tho Unit d
tintr will b contrmied Io sib >
our farmer may not 8 tnire quite I IF
large profit Is in 1010 11 In lOOfl ow
ing < o the declines In s
In their inarfcin IIOK be n aniiKuatlv
w fie end a moderate roroftlon wi
ttfi yield the Xgr > uturNt good Tr
lurn at the same time affording
rents reef to the consumer who has
been compelled to pay lnordlna > >
high iirices during the part year It
is live that western bankers bow a
mom comorvative spirit than was
cntirlpitod a monh ago arl y om
what tiiphT i raiH of ninny arc x
Bulletin b
Spring and Summer
Season I
The Blr Dick Fowler often
the following reduced rates to
Cairo and return
Single round trip to Cairo
and return = 126
Parties of five and over Jl l 00
Elegant orchestra on board
to furnish music all times
Sir John S Hopkins
Round trip to Evansvlllo
and return 100
Special Inducements to parties
of five and over Servlco un
excollol J For Information ana
rcservi lions sec or telephone
to S A Fowler General
Agent Both phones No 33
f 4
You Have Every Advantage Here That is Possible tp Make
Your Home Cozy and Comfortable V
Large Assortment to Select From Best Quality Lowest Prices and Terms to Suit Your Purse
t L
Dignified I
p I
Credit at nliodosllur
forda Is differently
planned than at other
Its a straight for
ward upright dignified
plan find none who do
alre need hesitate to ask
for It
Qredlt accommoda
tions will bo gladly I ex
tended you and there la
no rhnrgo for tho ao
commodatlon I
Solid Comfort
in This
Can You Vlnil Solid Condom for
Much Iicv
Tho cut shows exactly thus iplon
did Uocker eqlld psik quartar
saw ed rich goldonoak flnlsla
good sized roomy comfort Rocker
of neat design and splendid finish
Vnluo extraordlnarrut 3Bo Dont
you think youd bettor have one
IIW three > Piece PorchSet 950 I
I t
Horos a very excellent thrcoplece I
Porch Sot consisting of Setteo
Rocker and Chair all solid well 1
made pieces ned most comfortablo toI I
relit In There all solid oakfor
est green finish At the price bore
named 160 for the thrco piece
wo truly believe It Is without excep
lion tho very best value In Poreh
Furniture over offered In Paducah
Just drop In and sec If It Isnt
Id I < I to p i canINrY11i7e1eY i
MqnPMi1 N Vi I iliclev nioniy W 1 i
b1 fairly abundant and easy unti the
nw crops begin to move wblcb will
be about September 1v A area nl i >
stated stocks have bid a very 1 ron
siderable decline from tIe hh mark I i
and it li evident that itowrfu 0nac I
riil Interest rice uaJtr th < markt r I
Ihr support being rind r d 111
nary by the issue of large amount
of new bonds l and borttfrm notr >
during the current month At pres
ont the outlook U I comparatively free
of breakers ahead The discouraging
Influences which attracted so much
attention In the public mind have
boon amply discounted 11ollr linen
Storing cars per monthiOp
Cleaning cars per month 700
Any Size Machine
Repairs 30 cents to 75 cents per
hour according to nature of work
to be done
Completo line of auto supplies
and accessories at your service day
and night
The Kentucky Auto Machine Go
Phones CO Sixth and Jefferson Sts I
Joo J
1 1fIItIIo
1adoTs I who foresaw their ap a
> ah some weeks ago and adjusted to
ilimtelves accordingly
nilliOM io generally quiot de II 1
uiliif commodity markets having
aiiivd more or IOM hesianey among
biif rs A period of roil In commor
cl Iet shores will provo beneflclal In
a jrti0h afl It wH avert the danger
of ovgrconlldcnco and enable all
patties to a quire a clearer and more
oorVi t porvpoctlve of tho general 1
ikuiUon The country baa been go
hag ahead at tremendous epced too
fast In some respects and time Is de
sirable to that the laggards may
have an opportunity of catching up
Should the crop outlook continue
satisfactory burfnees Is euro to ro
e later on and there Is as yet no
reason for taking any but a hopeful
view regarding the future Bofore
OIIK congress will adjourn and the
Country will then have much needed
reief from tho too frequent attacks
upon butlnett which emanated from
that quarter The gucccuful placing
Ifi i nrnnrtart amounts of American
jips I 1 abroad Ivptrtally in Paris
e ftnflftint and helpful It chows
m our credit li In good standing
and that there Is plenty ot capital
By All Means
Come to
Rhodes = Burfords
And n sploidid Refrigerator too for the
money harlwood raw iwrirloiil Its perfect
Imtulntlon mom perfect prittervntion of food and
economy in Jo romnnifdlrp capacity 110 Ibs
TJte Uliwon make of which wo have n Iflrgo
and complete line in gal anlzed and porcefofu
linings are na tonally famous thuro are none
Vhite Enameled
Gas Ranges
Regulation lys four burners and itmruerlng
burnorv whit > rnaiupl lined oven anil broilers
mndo east Ir > n llnlnRi which norcr put A
great fiiol saver and the most perfect bakly
3 it
waiting rrrment i i rovidii < < d
forms are rul6 rally altrariv i
Ktnnore and wjilhltidta let their 1
Mng from th > sell
For Rheumatism Stomach Trouble Con
Upatlen Eczema M UrU Chills Blood
Lher and Kidneys take flays Specific
Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded
1 he womans friend
clays MedicineKtn erporatc
News of Theatres
At the Star
Tile femur act at the Star for
Monday Tuesday nnd Wednesday
1 ili be i the three musical Daloa in
in I art entitled A Trip Around the
World A very funny farco Intro
iiuiiiK < a numbor of musical numbers
mi the t bujo and BOIUO very fine trio
Iortou and Iorano In n comedy
vich fuij of fun and nonsense will
nmk you laugh
Armada comes to the tSar gfcsh
III the Orpheum circuit where her
i > inj le fold to havo made the hit
r 1 very vaudeville bill on that
+ ct I circuit I
Mi 1 r husk ling will render one of
I iKJimlar Illnttratud tongs and two
rV of moving pictures will com
i > what should be an excellent per
rniance Tin > price of admission will bb
aillls lOo and children Gc
maw JCrlaiiitcr Withdrawn lr iin
Cow York May 16Tho war be
A Bed Davenport
Of Exceptional Merit
1875 al
This fled Davenport In the autoumtlr ntyln may to operate
and time attest durable roiutrurtlon the frnmn II l solid aokRold
tin IInllhit mid bark uphoUturod In fens lolllhllr I whlrh
mnkoB n most sorvlnablo foverlng spring ronitrurtlon And box j
titular M at for bedding Tin equal of thin that Davenport multi t
not bo duplicated elsewhere for less than 3000j 4
This Porch Swing 450 J
Made 1n mild oak four foot length rlrh fortiit green fin
IlkLbe l rut reprndueo Uie exact Kyle n solid substantial well
trade nnd well flntahtnl Parse Swing and n plendld article for i
the iHOnoy Voiiro gpjng to SIYII the pouch somas now furnliur i
tills tummar Then coma to UkodMHurford the article your
porch ncedoare ralUng tqt you
twtcn the ihcatrunl tcyndicato and
ho niingfnid took a strinK turn
when K > w Kriangor I and the par
diicor of their cllqua wlUidrew from
tho National Association of Produe
Ing Manager which ornanltatloi
has agreed to moot the NaKn al Th <
ater Owner asioclation within a i
few days for a conference looking t
an adjustment of uxUtlnc dllflciilttos
Those who withdrew wMh Klaw d
Krlanger aro henry II Harris Jos
oph Hrook secretary of tho ttstocla
lion Oiorgo M Conch Sam Harrlfl
Jiunos Forbes Joseph M Oallcs Wl
Ham Harris Prank MoKoo Kredor
Ick Thompson and W A Ilingwall
Charles lYodman Daniel Frglc
lan David Holasco and CJmrlos DIn
Ingham never have baon moiubnrff ql
the association
The reason assigned for the with
drawal of those moinliHm as sol
forth In a letter from Henry n I Har
ris was that tho ethics ot the aMO
elation were violated whoa the flap
penings of last Thursdays meeting
were given out for publlontlon
I do not core to hold office 01
membership in an association thai
has members who hBO to little to
gard for their pledges to ItllIdr my
reslRiiatloti d president and member
to ako effect linraedlotely said
MI 1 Harris
John C ort president 1 of the ta
llonal healer Owner aoclatttm
declared afterwards lbat the 11 A
Krlnngrr clique were actuated by
other reasons In withdrawing
Sir Twjlor lwivrtt L I 1
Notion have been received In = the t
city oHtiontirlnij the rtiHgnatloii of
John M 1 Taylor as general attire
keeper of the IHMrla Owutml rail r
I road Mr TalorI1 JJdllUW
were In Chlengo but < hg vBUei Itiidu
c 11 frequently pn Itttineaa lHii >
lIon cpnneptej with the Illinois den
ttial l for nbotit SC ors TTio buli in
annditniws Uiat W A SOmiUprhhiif
oho lias been amJatont gannrol Hiore
koopmwtll wiecoed Mr Taylor Mr
Taylor jiau many triads In IMdurah
lloiie Ancliorx Hew
Fxciitlng an order of court Mi
wood Meel deputy Unltetl Slntoi
Marshal brought tho C118Qltno launchis
hope from OrnrvUIn to IadiioRh
yoHtordny Time launch U one of the
best thvt ever rounded Into the Ia
ducah harbor Tho launch la tho
property of W L ifouetdn and was
Itod I up on a debt alleged to uo duo
I its t i 0 Bauer of Qolcondo fli

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