OCR Interpretation

The Paducah evening sun. [volume] (Paducah, Ky.) 1906-1929, May 20, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052114/1910-05-20/ed-1/seq-1/

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I 4 I S t nbutn 1Ebtning un4F F
Southern Church Meets in
West Virginia and Cum
berland at Dicksoa
LaUer is Celebrating Ctnten
ial ol Church
Lcwliburg W Va May 1111111
sn old Mono church uncial hero
In 17II5 by a few btmorera In Gait
w the cornoretwio road the Prosh
l riin chtirtb convened today In its
flfil ilh general assembly
Mo than 200 ctimmlMrfonorfl
wen pn rtnt when Dr W E Bogs
of Atlanta Ga the moderator for
the lat assembly called tho organ I
MI on 10 l onler
It wa a historic gavel he wloldtnl
It our made from a wnlnul Imo that
KTW on too farm of Dr John Mc
stye 4
cliurlt In which tho nnMjmliVy wu
inrciinc The oarly hours of the I
servlrr w ro ronmuied try ndI1I i
of welcome and responses and tho
annual fi4mon hy Ur 1W1 JWi
ilIA 1 1 Kitbjoct was tho Bible First
hr pjKjko of thu source of Mho BUiluii
power IIP laM it routed In its roM
lion to Cod Next ho emphanlml
tho rtcheo of the Bible In da power
to supply all the nctdc of mUD
Ho sail It was not from thn I
Crook with ApoHog tHvor lute
and the rich gifts of the nine
4miser nor from the Roman with
the pH conquering spear and Meb
blnic sword IMI often burled to Its
hilt In the quivering boiomn of na
ton woo oppoiod them In defonsu
Int t but
i from the bated and dovpbcd Jew
that wo but oetrdbllSt duty and
> our weetwi hopw of the llf bo
Jl > tond with God finally ho r plksl
I to the n wot Inndlillly and nwk t of
I On < st as fps guardian and defender
of the HIIlo
k The 1 ipenlng Mtrnios of Dr DoffR j
4corrup 4c < l iicaijr an lnn r and one
blf ntatI ywottngeunul
rfcv lion of a m 4ralor until utter
ii < > rk tbs afternoon Dr J W
II ii < timun of CtMttMMOga Tens
0l I i < ii bbh tw Oloetud
eluthtdI I
TIll rnmtnlMlonora from tho Pa
tint ah Presbytery selected to attend
Hi the lout meeting Wero J II Mc
Cullougli of Henderson the prlnsi
pal and the Rev C N Wharton of
Morganfiold the alternate From
tho older were appointed C It
4 Bkinncr of Morgnnlletd principal i
I and James II Lntchor M D of
Henderson tho alternate Tho Rev
II W Hurwcll pastor of tho First
Presbyterian church Is I not attend
1 ing
Cumlxrlfliid A winbly
Dlrkwm Tean May 20 The
eKbtlfth general awothbly of the
Cumberland Prctbytorisn church con
vn > fd here In a largo tad t whkh has
a alins rapacity of 3v00 Tho
c nt w h cumtMol ly filled at the
tn < > hi rotvonUon wan called to
or f I T by 8tal d Clork Goodknlght
Iv I 1 T Ilarbe moderator of Howl
a mg I firrtn Ky preached < IP 01M1 i
n i in nn tw which hodnaU oxtcn
iA v t w Ui the ristoryof Iho church
from UK Inrrptton Its growth and
per cn4 ftattin The sormoni was In
the nature of r contonory addreM
4 Tlie futnlnrkind IVmbytorkin church
1wa 1 < organized In this county Ibru
f nrr 4 tsio From tbnt little begin
1nung the church ban KTOWII to Its
present enormous proportloni cov
Bring practically thtrtyflvo bates
Eighteen of those states are lypre
rented In ihto cnnvontion AmoB
the lekicJiti are four full blooded
Injlmi rfln4Crlg < tho Choctaw
anl l Chlrk < aw flatten
MrhHltt Conference
A hevlllo N C May 1 OFor the
fire Mm > In the history of the < Meth >
odist EfiiHroiHil church couth a w o
man was allowed to addrow the
f general confnrenco By uoanlinous
4 content of the conference MiBede
H Rcnnett preuldont of the Wom
an Homo Mir Ion eootetyi woo In
vdfxl to nddre > the doIoRate on
Ibo BiibJct which has been consid
ered ono of the most vital questions
u before Iho conference the right of
women to sit In the councils of the
churclr and for equal rights with Ihc
laity For some lime It wee difficult
to judge which way the conference
would vole but after many pcocliM
the members voted to adopt tho Ve
d port of tho majority of the commit
tee which denied tho women the
right asked for
ltUluiH Ortlnlnril
Tho most Impressive eorvlco of the
t general conference was tho ordlna
lien of seven bishops In the Central
r rI
COUl1utdoarI > + fliltci
Most Magnificent Funeral Ever
Witnessed Was That of Late King
Edward TodayBrilliant Scenes
Uniforms of Kings Medieval
Costumes Military in Gor
geous Array Myriads 01
London May 20Ity United
PrewTho body of Edward VII
Mho foremost among rulers of tho
earth Will laid to rest today at St
Georges chapel Indoor where
BOVQII Drlttsh kings are burled
It was the snort liiiioniiiK funeral
the world has ever seen Tslno
ruHng monarchs and a host of loroor I
royalty and roprosontiillvos of other
groat powers are jiarHdpatlng In
the obsequies InI I
Thu procession left WoRfnrfnztcT
lit 960 DoHplto tho preronco of
35000 Koldlors and thoutandif of po
lice tho crowds were w > denmv that
numerous panics wuro narrowly
averted It Is estimated that 2iOQ
000 persons MW the proosslon
Many fainted from the all night
vigil The weather to warm nod
Simultaneous with thin atnrllng of
tho procession every railway train
street tar and factory In Groat Hrl
taps sloppoil for 1C minutes and
Off bell In Ixndon 1 tolled
The chiof interest centered In tho
nine kings George wearing n gen
erals uniform canto first with the
kaiser Immediately bohlinl In the
uniform of n HritUh Hold manhall
The oilier kings CirorK of Greofo
Albert of Holghim Alfonso of Spain
Mmiucl of Iortvgal Frederick of
Denmark llaakon of Norway nnd
Fordlnsnd of Bulgaria wore ro
splendent 4inlformi with crapo
The royal mourners were alonb a
pow mlnutuB with the body before
Iho start
It look two hour and seven mln
ylos for Iho procoMion to cover the
three miles to tho station Itooco
velt clad ta conventional black
lode with IMclipn of Franco and
Bans Khan of Iorfitn
itiwet cots tlonotICl
As a mark of roitrlnsy to Irs I
Ko < Hvvolt and Ktnoi were admitted
to St Georges chnpol with Ambass
ador Hold Among the manv tourli
Ing Incidents that marked the fun
ral nOM affected Iho crowds mow
than tin act of Aloxandra the queen
mother Before entering tho car
rte Iho stopped and stroked the
nmln of the kings favorite charger
111111111 batted Ibo terrier of which Kd
wvril I was very undoA giant high I
lander led the dog In tho procession
eulonI I
aliKiwI of Iho carrlosos
A moment of excitement occurred d
nt Ibe start of the procwwjon The
pore ridden by tho Duko of Con
laualit a brother of Kilward frlghtr
snot and roared violently Tho duko
was noarly thrown
At Paddlngton Mntlon the remit
wan quickly I transferred to the train
and Iho Mill to WHndior wits made
III half an hour Mum born of the
nabMlct with tho exception of John
Iturim went to Paddlngton In auto
moMlofl not participating In the pa
Ai the Duke of Norfolk rodo down
Ihn platform all rows to their feet
and uncovered Windsor itnthin pro
Sditod a beautiful fcpootaclv It was
decorated throughout with choicest
Itowers from the ro > al conservatory
Eades Divorce Care
Heard on Moton
Arguments in the demurrer filed
by tho defendant In the divorce tnilt
of Mrs Woodcon Coles Kadea against
her husband Nathan WUllom IJadec
were heard In circuit court tbls
morning by Circuit Judge William
M Rood Mr Eado filed demurrer
to the petition on the grounds that
the McCrackin circuit court does
I not have Jurisdiction because lira
Bade Is I n nonresident Attornoyo
for Mrs Fades Minouwcd that If
Judge Reed decided he did not have
Jurisdiction to tnji 1 the divorce cane
when suit was filed a second suit
win be filed as Mrs Hades has now
resided in Paducah a Sllffi enl
length of tlmo to establish her rest
dence beyond question
Tho motion filed by Mrs Fades I
attorneys for an allowance of 1001 1
a month for tho maintenance ot her
self and two children pending the I
litigation waR taken up Mrs Fad ox
testified that It would require JlOfl I
a month to provide for horwlf nnd I
I two girls flvo and eIght eats old
I y
t Tho predictions and tempera
lure for the past tKTntyfour
bourn will be found at the top
rIof the seventh column r op page
t Jfh v r r
Because ho couldnt speak
English and was not good at
pantomlno an unknown Greek
poddler lay between life and
death on a cot In Hlckman
county until yesterday suffer
ing from a fractured skull pro
duced by Jako dicker a won
known farmer Tho Greek
S flopped at a farm house Bolng
thirsty and not knowing Eng
dish ho undertook to describe
the physical l distress to the lone
lady of Mho house by signs Sho
screamed for holp and Jake
thinking the fellow was about
to araault her emote the Greek
upon the cranium with a club
As Ibo royal rein drew up all stood
nt attention and then marched slow
ly to Iho chapel Tho Insldo pre
nonlcd nn Impressive tccne Nearly
M > 0 < > 00 floral tributes contrasted
Continued on Page Four
Anderson Mejrrx t
Murray Ky May QSpeclat >
Anderson Meyers 50 years old a
prominent farmer of Calloway coun
ly died last night after a short ill
floss with pneumonia and measles
Ho has been a resident of Calloway
county nil of his life Mr Meyer
was a prominent farmer of the coun
ty and a nun of good circumstances
The funeral and burial took place
this afternoon
feat Indluaage I
t1mrjc of the Concern
Indtanapolls Ind May 2fl On I
petition of Simon J Adler of Evans
vlo the Peru Trust company was
today appointed temporary receiver
for the Norris k Rowe circus by
roderaTJudgg nW l2tjpt Attorneys
on bofh I sldos argued for the sale of
the property which Is valued at 140
Tho bust company will have
charge until tho referee In bankrupt
cy ran take up tho cape The circus
la l now at Peru
The state board ot tho Farmers
union was In session today at the
office of State Secretary R S Bar
nett In the Thrco Links building
Tho board took up the Inducements
offered by several cities for the annual
nual state convention which will
meet In July A decision will not
bo announced for several days as
tho board will Investigate every
offer It was reported that two
largo frame warehouses In Kuttava
had been purchased by tho Farmers
union Tho buildings are valued at
8600 nnd will bo used as storage
houses for the produce of the mem
bers Present at the meeting today
wore State President A L WIN
sou State Secretary I L I Hnrnett
L Thomas of Mtlbcr M B Tapp I
of Heath and O F Hughes of I
I ltchlield
and other testimony was Introduced
to pubstantiate her clnlm Mr > Fades
testified that he thought 50 would
be sufilPlent for maintenance Cir
cult Judge Reed announced that he
would not pass on the demurrer and
motion until tomorrow morning and
In the meantime ho will consult au
Cotton Leak Caws
Wathlngtoir May 20 Indict
meats against Theodore H Price of
Now York In connection with the
cotton doport leak l was set aside
today by Justice Gould of the u
preens court The case dales back
to 1905
Illinois Mine Strike
Peoria III May OThe strlk <
of 72000 Illinois miners la believe d
Inevitable Tho special commute
of minors reported a disagreement
on three points with tho operator
Body ol Clerk Col Baker
Comes to Surface Far
Down Stream
Mr Cook Husbands Returns
to Paducah
Fully satisfied that none of the
mlBsIng bodies aro In the wreck of
tho sunken steamer City of Saltlllo
Mr Cook Husbands uncle of Fowler
Post third clerk one of tho wire
covered victims returned from St
Louis this morning after being at
Glen Park tho scene of the disaster
for one week Mr Husbands was
provoked over the slowness of the
underwriters In clearing tho wreck
age and finally look tho matter In
his own hands and dynamited the
I see that the papers Raid Col
Bakers body was found In the
wreck said Mr Husbands today
That was a mistake Tho body
camo to tho surface and was float
Ing down tho Mississippi near St
Gcnovlevo Mo 35 miles below the
wreck when it was caught by Mr
A M Patterson and his son in a
gasoline launch l
Mr Husbands said every mile of
tho river between the wreck and
Memphis la I being patroled by motor
craft and It any of the bodies rise
to the surface they will be seen Ho
said ho went to the wreck for the
purpose of finding out whether
there wero any bodies there and
being convinced that there are none
returned home The packet com
pany first secured a diver and then
the Insurance underwriter employed
them No progress being made by
the undornrltiTH Mi Husbands and
others had the boat dynamited All
of the bodies arc evidently far from
the scene and tho river will be
watched closely for them Rewards
have been offered for all of them
Doom of Pell Family
St Louis May OTho wreck
of the Baltlllo and the filing yester
day of charges of negligence and in
attention to duty agnlnt her pilot 1
Edwin Poll by tho United States
steam vessel inspectors recalled toI I
old rlvermcn the warning given to
his five sons by Polls grandfather
a famous river captain On his
deathbed he asked his five sons to
stay away from tho river but all
five became pilots Polls father
James Pell was one of the pilots on
the Robert E Leo in her celebrated
race with the Natchez from St
Louis to New Orleans
The 111 luck old Captain Pell fore
saw skipped ono generation foreI
rlvermcn say but has pursued the
socond Edwin Pells brother James
Missouri when she went aground on
the rocks at Wolf Creek Landing on
tho Ohio river In April 1895 and I
sank drowning three The accident
was almost identical with the
wreck of tho Saltlllo
The charges against Pilot Poll
call for his appearance for trial be
fore Inspectors Gordon and Mac
Donald at 10 oclock Saturday morn
ing May 28 Copies of the findings
Wore forwarded to Washington
Tho investigation into tho sink
ing of the Saltlllo so far by the In
spectors boa boon in the nature of a
grand jury investigation to fix the
responsibility for the wreck
The inspectors arrived at tho con
clusion that Poll was guilty ot reck
less navigation and he will be tried
All the witnesses hitherto examined
and probably others will bo sub
poenaed Poll may call witnesses
In his defense
Tbo Inspectors can only suspend
or revoke his license as a pilot
Tho City of Savannah in com
mand of Capt P F Hall which will
replace tho Saltlllo in the St Louis
to Waterloo Ala trade arrived at
St Louis yesterday morning with a
barge loaded with freight recovered
from tho wreck Capt Harry Crane
of the Saltillo and his crew returned
from Glen Park on the Savannah
Captain Crano nnd the other mem
bers of tho crew of the Saltlllo who
survived the wreck will man the
Savannah with tho exception of
Miss Jo Miller Return
IIf6 Jo Miller will return this
evening from Unlontown where she
has been a student at St Vincents
academy and will spend tho pum
raor vacation with ln > r parents Mr
aCId Mrs Joo A Mi tirr < W South
I Sixth street M I > s Rosalie Potter
I who Is also a IIllIdn at St Vlncenta
return nnd
expected to
e academy Is
with her par
l will spend the vacation
wants Mr and M 1 3Ii A Potter of
South Fifth street
Victim 01 Pool Road Murder Case
May be Wit 1 Wilkins Lynn Grove
Galloway County Has Disappeared
Ills Father May Go to New
Decatur Ala to Disinter
Body Mrs Lum Thompson
Buried as Her Son
1I I
WU WllkliiH nn auburn Imlrrd
youth 18 years old of Lynn Inure
Cnlloivny county left l home the night
of March M and bas not Irma heard
from Mure lib father will go to
New Dccnturv Alik and disinter the
body of tho KIIIIIIII inunlcr
buried there nil Luther Thompson
IP I tho name of tho unidentified
young man found murdered near
the Pool road on April 10 Wit Wtl
kiM of Lynn Grove Calloway coun
Since March 28 nothing has been
heard from young Wilkins and his
father S A Wilkins boHevcs
strongly that It Is his son who was
murdered The description of the
lead boy almost convinces Mr Wil
kins that Uio body Is that of his
ron and If no further word la l heard
In the next few days he will go to
New Decatur Ala and have the
body burled there by Mrs Ijum
Thompson exhumod for the purpose
of Identification
Wit Wilkins was 18 years old and
was attending school in Murray
For some unknown reason young
WHWnB sent an express wagon to
the residence of W A Chambers on
March 28 and bad hla trunk re
moved to tho statlca Wilkins board
ed a Nashville Chattanooga St
Louis train that night and neither
hh destination nor reason for leav
lag have ever been disclosed
At the tlmo of the Identification
of the body as that of Red Thomp
Eon Mr WilkIns felt convinced that
It was hIs BOO He boarded the
train and came to Paducab By a
curious coincidence ho boarded the
Same train that brought Mrs Lum
Thompson to Paducah and cnroule
to the city they talked about the
dead boy At the station Mrs
Thompson was met and hurried to
the morgue leaving Thompson out
of II After tho body was Identified
by Mrs Thompson as that of her
son Wilkins visited tho morgue
where the body was held but It had
been placed In a casket preparatory
to shipment nnd he did not view the
body Ho was not urgent them as
It had been Identified aa that of an
other youth
Since Mrs Thompsons son has
appeared alive and no word has
como from his bo > Mr Wilkins be
gins to believe the murdered youth
Is his son
Wit Wilkins had always resided
En Calloway county and was a
young man with a good reputation
Ho worked on his fathers farm dur
ing the summer and was attending
BcfhooV n Murray during the winter
Several citizens from Marshall coun
Il t viewed the body tho day after
the murder and said they were con
fident that they bad seen the dead
lfidnl but could not recall his name
The Murdered Youth
I Tho description of tho murdered
youth Is Height five feet six Inches
weight about 126 pounds hair dark
t teeth small and round face ruddy
and thickly freckled nose broad
and slightly turned up marks scars
of burn on top of loft wrist two
wars on loft knee scar on outer
bone of left ankle scar on side un
dor right armpit near one Inch long
on fourth finger of left hand tin
noticeable circular scar on right
cheek a
The thocs found several foot from
the body wore black button of the
V L Douglas make and apparently
size Xo 8 The underclothing was
heavy and palo yellow and ho wore
a top shirt of khaki material with
the brand of Ferguson McKin
ney on the Inside neck bands lie
wore a sort of green changeable silk
1 ourlnhand tie and a book of cig
arette papers was found in the thlrt
pocket A pair of dark green trout
ers with a small stripe were found
not far away
Capt Mason Critical
Captain J E Mason the veteran
river pilot and Bteamlboatman Is in
a critical condition at the home of
his daughter Mrs Thomas Gtynn
1C 1 8 South Sixth street His death
is expected at any time Captain Ma
ron has been seriously 111 for soy
eral months
Pittsburgh May 2oDr H C
lleaslng former president e
ommon council otrt ffa
barged with bribery Jcted
Ibis morning The Jury r 9lIend
ted the extreme mercy of tbe court
Carllnvllle III May 20
An express train or three
cars and a sleeper on the
Illinois traction cyctem col
aided headcn near hero this
morning Motorman Bobbitt
S and Conductor Thompson of
the express train were kill
ed Motorman Klolfeltcr of
time sleeper was Injured
The cars were set on fire by
o tension wlro and destroyed
Washington May 20 Evidence
before the congressional Investigat
Ing committee In tho BalllngerPIn
hot controversy closed this after
noon Tho testimony covers 47GO
pages Arguments brief of counsel
and letters arc yet to bo added to
the record
A political conspiracy Is tho
main feature of argument of the de
fense the attorneys laying great
stress on the meeting of Garfleld
Pinchot and Shlpp Today Vcrtrees
submitted a list of the papers which
ho wished added to the record They
are agreements of Glavla and W W
Barr a land epeculato of Seattle
who testified for tho prosecution Tho
agreement shows according to Her
treed that Glavis had a pecuniary
Interest In securing timber hinds
From the government Following
the addition of tcstimonr mlto < the
Cunningham cases Vortreeo onnounc
rdho had completed his case Thl8
caused surprise Brandela called
Frank L Spalding stenographer In
Blavte office He refuted a portion
of the testimony of A Christensen
tho field agent who succeeded Gla
The predicted vote at the Ballln
gcrPlnchot trial of the twelve con
gressional jurors will bo seven to
five for Mho acquittal of Balllnger
It is believed they will withhold
their verdict until December not to
have an effect on the elections
Vertrees surprised the committee 1
again when he announced that he
was willing to dispense with argu
ments Brandeis asked for permis
sion Tne committee decided to al l
low each side five hours to argue on
Friday and Saturday ot next week
May Out Standard
I St Paul May OThc Standard
011 company may be ousted from
Minnesota Tho supreme court reversed
versed the decision of the owCJ
court that the Standard wasni
guilty of unfair competition The
case was remanded for a new trial
Dr Robertson Better
Dr Jeff D Robertson was much
Improved today after a serious attack
tack of heart trouble yesterday
i afternoon He was stricken sud
denly and several physicians worked
with him several hours before ho
finally rallied last night
Blueflelds May 20 Marines with
machine guns from the United
tatos gunboat Paducab threw up
a line of defense about the Amen
call consulate today They will ro
main on duty until tho crisis in
tiadrlz add Estrada armies aro facing
Ing each other within throe miles of
the city Outpost fighting started
this morning American citizens aro
Docking to the consulate The Mad
riB faction claims tho Americana
started the war and say they will
sack the city
Another Earthquake
Port Limon Mny 20An earth
quake struck Costa Rica today
causing great property damage It
Is believed tho greatest damage was
In tho Antilles A tidal wave struck
e u
Kentucky Town Raises Ma
zuma and Marion Will
Have No Trouble
Season Will Start Thursday
as Arranged
After all the Kitty league may be
composed of six clubs after Juno 15
according to the news received today
from President C C Gosn ll by tho
local baseball boosters Henderson
has raised tho necessary money to
secure the berth and steps will be
taken to get llaIonv III ln > line
This was tho frameup of the league
last Sunday when Henderson disap
pointed the official by announcing
bat It was Impossible to raleo tho
money r
Thta morning Treasurer W E
Cochran received a special delivery
letter from President Gosnell aod
a conference was held over the long
distance telephone Mr Gosnoll eahj
Henderson had notified him that tho
money was on hand Owing to the
fact that the four club schedule baa
been adopted and the season la due
to open In a week It was deeMed to
begin the season with four clubs It
Henderson posts too guaranty a
meeting will be held at Marion next
week with the baseball enthusiasts
It Is proposed to admit Henderson
and Marlon June 15 and finish the
Deason with six teams This would
give Henderson and Marlon plenty
of time to secure players and ar
range their parks
The news that Henderson had
raised oho money wilt plea ethoo
cal fans wbo desire a ctx league
chub If possible Ma ionf IM4fcavo
no trouble in raising the necoseary
funds for a team and will bo the best
drawing city In the league
The sale of tickets to the opening
game Is progressing fairly but the
fans aro not responding 00 readily
as they should The season will open
next Thursday and the Jocalclub ex
pact at least 1000 tickets at I
each t
Wonts F Backer i
I Manager Harry Cooper la after s a
fast firstBacker for the local baseball
league team Ho has written several
letters to first base players and has
signed a player named Payne for a
tryouL On the Initial corner It1s
expected to secure a good mam
Marshal Brings In Two
Elwood Neel deputoi United States
marshal returned from Mayfield at
1120 oclock this morning with two
alleged bootleggers who will be
given an examining trial before
United States Commissioner W A
Gardner this afternoon They are
Zack Harris of iMayflold and It
Oliver of Sedalla both colored
Mr E J Coleman has resigned
his position as assistant treasurer of
the Paducah Traction company to
accept a position In Cleveland He
ivtll leave the city June 1 to become
BEislant credit man with the She
IllWUIIanu Paint company Mr
Coleman came to Paducah About
six months ago from Minneapolis
where he was in the employ of the
Stone Webster company ami elnco
wWSng In the city has made many
friends who will regret to ceo him
leave Mr H1 A Arthur of Ponce
of the Philippine Islands will mic
ceed him He is expected to ar
i rive in theclty next week to assume
his duties Jlr Arthur baa held a
similar position with the Ponce
Street Railway company
Washington May 20Speclan
The senate confirmed Postmasters
Readies at Fulton J George Bury at
3Hntoir and Martin Lamb at Prince
tonChicago I
Chicago Market
July High Low Clot
Wheat 103 W2H 10C
Corn 61 G0H 60H
Oats 39 39 3Hi
Pres2307 2297 23
Lard 1265 1257 taCO
lUlls 1257 1250 U53
New York May 201n respect to
the memory of Edward many stock
exchanges > throughout thq world
closed today The Now York ex

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