t t n tfin 1utning thtr t VOL XXVII NO 140 PADUOAH KY TUESDAY EVENING JUNE 21 1910 TEN CENTS PER WEEK t MEXICO BOILING SSEA S OF UNREST OVER ELECTION r a The Frontier Country is InRi i a Foment Over Wholesale Arrests Opponent of Diaz Ordered tr + Deported From Countrypr pa are arI lT11I SITUATION IS VKIIV ACUTE OH t was watw Iw FI faro Juno 20The frontier The territory of Mexico Is In foment to ha day over the wholetalo 1 arrests of Tho ilcrtd nemio of tho M ox loo tOe filE oi mm tit It It rejiorted that Oku fifty la twined an order for the denoria oJ ton t of Franteco Mkdoro the Lib Tli rrn presidential candidate now In rear the penUfnlbiry at Monterrey Jnlle or on the Mexican tide of the border ° i filled It la claimed literature tens distributed from the United on rar ° The Madero followers atoon nj l to haw t NCI urged to kill l guy III In the different r titunint authorities town If they are denied the right by + 0 vrte Sunder The elluatlon I U In Hull and ttoo are held In read PIn e ba ntP t ntPt IXCli HAM I AHKKII TO 1 C IHILSHHVi MtTlt II TV HI I rn q Juno 250 rurloui bas Ilir revolutionary iltuatlon become 11 j r tin Mexican government has asked the Inltwl Slates to take ntepi to prerervo neutrality alone the bor der according to dltpatches from r61 Raeo Sonora Reports Mate twot tho Itfthi thtroopa aa t 0111 l at Fort lluncliuora have been tae ordered to bo ready to march All 10 Meal It can stile border have fled Into the ed United Staten Mexican troops are v being etatloned at the border towns 11m m 1110 CHOVII A1THXIW ST 111 MUH COMMKNCHMIIXT ion I At the totii > n < itcetnent exerdws of tl t f c Mir 1 1 s Krd iii T there was aad I ige I autlnnc present this ader nr u HI tho Kentucky tboater TbfI to I I viam Mghst 230 ooloolc ando tor r > nuee wti filled with friends orto 1 < nsihutt and tlie Mhool Tim j the the I i ncrjin wtit not limited to tbltb i aira Wit t the student body ter T splendid of her i r paten A program tru cal number was proimntpd It uk the else of thi > flfl > ti coud tea er tin of the aradcmy whkh la one of be the oldest and most aucectul n III1ttParullloblloll s hoots In the city Isle l IIIpr pr prtb the LOUISVILLE of tem r pr rtic Sri tic Attract Many on Illinois Central Mxrunlon Today = Two hundred and fifty p ttengort > Ml Paducah this morning on the rjwial excursion train to Louisville The train arrived from Cairo this I noi nine and left the Union station it t fl50 oclock The excursionists I s will arrive In Louisville late thin JrI I ly t riiOiin and will return to Ilducahy I w e Thin day night The excursion Itw 1 4c ne nt the lint of the summer anden I 1 wax well patronized rhr following Is a partial lift of r fu tho > who wont to Ixiuievllle on the I i II S u xMirrlon Messrs A C Mitchell era Jpe tinier H M DMlon A J Ham I berg W K I Crowe Robert Park II L O tjtllce Frank Rlnkleff Geo Nel to t n It II Orsoy l Gcorgo Roper et Diik Shorrer Phil Kothclmor Vlia II t rn Burko Will Adam K R UlkT tI llntvry Potter Onxir Stark Roy 10 J CL Switzer er Honda < F M 1 Morrison Louis Tlicobold George C abeen ad Mr and Mrs J W Tyler Mr nnd i bl Mrs Steve Jotter and daughter Edith SI rl ¼ Mr and Mrs George Bernard Ifsrl J datiieii W C Gray Bertha Wolff Jn8p Gray W II Seek A J Roth Jalg 0 lenkfl Roy Ilallowo and daughter Alice Jai C VVadllngton Faun k 1 b 4 Manta B J BIlllnRH Misses Loretto a I iJllllngn Mayme Baunham Ethel Icrop I t f j alleyr e Mr Ed Wheoler foreman of the II tin shop hag gone to Louisville on I business t Ired Fisher has gone to Cincinnati I 1 I on a visit to friends t Charles Seamon a machinist has d l 1 gone to San Francisco Before re t II JeftrleI a In I Jchnon fight fightt 1 traveling boiler In I I epector of Chicago was In the city today on business Percy Judd and Frank Browne Io will leave omorrow for NaJivlllo to t attend the army tournament L Eo McCabe aslsstant superin I 1 t tendent ot the Louisville division I pasted through the cUr this morning i Congressional Appropriation This Session Largest in History Due to Rivers and the Public Buildings BillI I Billn Carrying Fifty Million Has Been on Presidents Desk For Some Time Now Washington Juno HThe lj pro prlatlons by congress at this aent + lon the largest In history reaching nOROVKlOOOO compared to 1 OHOGOOOO last year The house s In kettlou till 1 oclock this morning The public buildings bill twenty million dollars won pawed Incrcattt Is duo to the rivers and harbor bill and public buildings former has been waiting Tails rtgimture for soma time It carries million dollars excluding the opening of two pork barrclB There has been a saving over tact of thirty million dollar In the ordinary appropriation Two nrslil > < Wattilneton Juno 21 Conferees tho naval appropriation bill com pleted their work today and their roport was submitted to the hours Chairman Fore of the home naval attain committee This bill makes provltlon for the construction of two batttetlilpt M cost rxchnslVN fof armor and armament not exceeding ICOOOOOO each POSTAL HIM JIALKED Stlint Fur Inmi Axrwnrnt on the HlMIM MeiMlirO Waiblngton Juno 1lnltrad of ranching a vote on the acceptance of e house 11011 mvtngt bank bIH had boon confidently expected the lonato apparently was farther from consummation when It adjourn today than when It convened elate In the day and following speeches In opposition to the house measure Senator Bacon offered an amendment Striking out the provis regulating tile Investment of de posits In government bond and the motion was pending whon the senate adjourned The principal speech In opposition the homo bill was made by Sena r Cummins who contended that measure was a radical reversal of e senate bill Ho urged Mr Oar r to reconsider his motion to con ur and pursue the usual courts of ikliiR for a conference To do oth erwise would be to confess failure raid and he would not have the senate surrender without a struggle struggleIsle yoked especial objection to tho provision of the house bill governing e control of the ravings bank trya > by trustees and the withdrawal deposits depositsMr Mr Heyburn declared the eerve provision of the bill to be a through ticket for the money of tho country to the banks ot New York without any return Ho said also that under tho terms of the bill depositors might demand government bonds which might ren der the measure Impossible of en forcementWashington Washington June 21The rail road law has many eponaors as are auK of a semiofficial statement The Taft Administration deserves credit for the mod legislation ever passed i In one session MOTHERS ATTENTION COULD SOT EARLY NEGLECT Henry the 2raonthzold eon of Mrs Odle Thomas of Shawneetown III died at Ute Home of the FrlenJ less at u oclork this morning Death was tho result of neglect In the childs early weeks of life IChlld Mrs Thomas deserted the boy here at the New Richmond hotel several weeks ago but was arrested lu Cairo and returned hero to face a charge of wilfully deserting an Infant fant She was held over to the cir cult court grand jury for the Sep tember term nod released on her own recognizance The child was cared for by the manager and Cam ily at the hotel and afterwards placed wJ the lIome of the Friend less It Was In a delicate condition Mrs Thomas Is I In the city and has been with the cbHd at tho Institu lion since being released attending the balrr Tho funeral will be held at 5 ooIock this afternoon and burial wfll ho In Oak Grove cemctoryi The Rev 1 I W Fookn pastor of the Dumliorland Presbyterian church Mil officiate GET STRANDED ON THEIR HONEYMOON TIIIKP nODS XKWLYWKOS THE MAYOR COMES TO RESCUE Trouble began for Mr and Mrs Allle Knight early In their married life This morning the groom had the uncomfortable experience of being broke away from homo Vice Mayor Bd D llannan gave the newly weds transportation their home In Glade thlc morning They were mar rigid l a short time ago and spent their honeymoon In the south At Mem phis yesterday en route home some thief stow tho suit caw which con tallied tho money as well as the clothing of Knight from the Union station Knight had tufllclent mon ey to bring him and his bride to Pa ducnh but wore obliged to call for aid to reach home which Is near lien ton 4 1j 1 ij Crop Condition Are Very Promi ring Now IlcCrncken county pas been great I fewn I weeks by the excellent growing I weather and Us prevalence has i J caused n promising outlook to crops t t Wheat has been helped wonder fully and tho harvest has com I munced All over the county farm I n have begun tho work of cutting I lair wheat and this week It U ut 4 Ueveil the harvest will be 01 In 4 every section of the county I A well known farmer Raid today lInt crops were In lino shape and this has been great growing wealhur I From eXl1rcllaons from other farm I ers representing tho entire county Is evident that all sections have been benolltted The wheat this sea son Is l In excellent shape and tree from Injury to any extent It Is prophesied that tho yield will be good Tho market for wheat will threshinga Ak being done now an farmers are yenrsI crop Many can afford to hold their I wheat for some time demanding better prices I A good clover crop Is looked for this year and cutting has begunI I Tho crop Is exceptionally heavy and the yield per acre Is largo The drouth last year resulted In the killI I Ing of much good clover Corn Is good shape all over tho county THE WEATHER The predictions and tempera ture for the part twentyfour hours will be found at the top of the seventh column on page Iteu rK y r e and oats as well are looking fine The acreage and condition of corn r and oats are above tho average this n year One farmer predicts one of tho largest crops for years this yenrt t Tho planting ot tobacco was about c completed over the county last week J and there will bo a full crop It Ist being worked well and McCracken county will grow ono ot Its largest crops this year It Is said over 98 per cent of the crop Is set out prob I ably even more than that C 11 l Vegetables have been fair this season but owing to tho unseason M able weather they have not reached t hero In largo quantities The de mand for them here however Is being filled That rain yesterday was the r1 best blessing providence could have given us said a traveling man this morning at the Union station I make the rounds of western Ken tucky and never have I seen better prospects for n bumper wheat crop In this end of the state and In tho valley of the Tennessee river The stalks are so heavy with the wheat grains that they almost break off The farmers needed a little rain and I II know that they are mighty pleased jwlth tho shower yesterday after noon Western Kentucky Is not regard ed as a wheat growing country but a large number of farmers raise tbeI I cereal The cool weather while n 1 drawback to other farm products h has been Ideal for the growing ojt wheat It Is said that the crop fit the best that It has been In yet s I around Paducah J Dr G O McKlnney left this morn I tag for Louisville where he will 1 spend several daya with frIend t u DECISION IN THE BALLINGER CASE NEAR AT HAND Committee Will Meet Satur H day t te Take a Vote on Verdict Seven to Five in Ballingera Favor Predicted1r log IDDC DC RESULT ANNOUNCKD IX FALL n4rr yet do Washington June 1Tho Bal linger investigating committee meets ill Saturday to take a vote on Its de Cr I lalou as a result of Its probe It hi t will then adjourn until the end ot st summer when tho opinion will be dl given to the public at The meeting Saturday will be per tlm functionary The vote will be seven J 1 to five In favor of Balllnger It is be DOW stated Graham of Illinois will write tho minority opinion aDder Sutherland or Olmstead the ma nl jority Madison of Kansas the In ant lurgent will write a separate opln n4 Ion against Dallinger c ROtS PROMISE TO E D UI 0001 AND UtE DISMISSED I E Upon their promltw to replace the al property Qua Arnold Jack Wooten m i and L O Oyerby three colored boys w ore fined In juvenile court and the rl i tines set aside this morning by i nl County Judge Alben W Darkley his I Yesterday City Engineer L A Wash nl Ington was taking grades and placed his note book on a mall box at nl i Twelfth and Clay streets The boys h 1 spied the book and began trapping Ilaw I 1 over the ownership of the volume VI In the melee the look was torn toh pieces > It was not the value of thed < book but the data It contained that tI worried Mr WAshingtonII tI MSELYA SEEKS SEEKSNEW g NEW TRIAL I of n c tl IS CASE WHERE MISS GREGORY I WON 1000 nUDICTg e Jfiled 6 J filed in support of the defendants motion for a new trial In the suit of lisa Gregory a pretty school teacb er against J D McElya a promi nent farmer of the Maxon Mills vl Inlty At the trial ot the cult bt fore a Jury Miss Gregory was award ed = 5000 damage because of ataten lentd affecting the reputation of the plaintiff alleged to have been made by McKIja to John Hobo Mc Elya filed a motion for a new trial and Judge William Heed has not passed upon It yet of last week McElya filed fix affida L vita to the effect that John Bobo was n not to be believed upon oath and a n general attack upon his veracity n This morning Miss Gregory filed sev E 1 sateen affidavits from Citizens of r c klaxon MUU stating that Hobo was a IJ reliable I man and his sworn state S f manta were to be believed The suit u was bitterly fought and because ot t v 1 the prominence of tho parties In theE I county It attracted much Interest Judge Reed will toss upon the mo of lion for a new trial this week In Johnson Goes to nenoD tl San Francisco Juno lJohnsond will probably leave hero tomorrow l Cor Reno He Is trying to feet traIn Ing quarters Jeffries 1e ready t a < tart to work at the final wordt t hlayor McCarthy Issued aj statement C his morning saying he was sorry shout the orders of Governor allr lotto but there was nothing to d othis low but call the fight off 1 t BROWNE CASE I GOES TO JURY TOMORROW r J 1 DKF15XSE CLOSES TODAY AN 1 T UlJ NEARS END I I C 1raJO Juno IThe refense refenae e I sated Its case at noon today lthI I fcut calling Lorlmer of Lieut Gov Oglesby to the stand Oglesbya ap pearance here today led to the belief I polls t cal plot The case probably will go to tho Jury tomorrow Frederick Bentner a traveling salesman test I I fled White told him be was going on a trip and expected to get 1600 1 Captain Farleys Friends Would Have Him Run For Secretary of State at Convention Next Year He Has Made I Good Record as Treasurer aad Friends Think lie Should Receive Further Recognition The friends of Captain Ed Farley from all parts of the state are urg him to stand for the Republican nomination for secretary of state next year but advices to Intimate a friends hero are that he has not c et determined just what he would 0 0do Captain Farley has as state treas D n urer as Is his wont made a host ofp p friends to add to the great many hol1 I I I has always had over the entire I state Ho has made a fine record during his Incumbency of the officelCI i probably one of the most trying c times any state treasurer has had In Is years and his friends say he should rewarded rewardedFrankfort a Frankfort and the state In gen J eral Is ripe with political gossip Just I now and of course the all Import t nt topic Is who will be the nomi b nee for governor It Is almost a t certainty that west Kentucky will I t urge the selection of Judge James I Breatbttt of Hopklnsvllle aDd Judge t C ORears friends are keenly alive to his Interests Announce 3 ments from Frankfort are that r while Governor Willson did not 1 relish the way ORear handled the tl night rider cases he would support Candidacy should ORear be nominated Governor Willson has already an nounced that he would resume his law practice at the expiration of his term and do all be can to ad vance the Interests of Kentucky It has been Intimated that the presi dent would find a place for him on the supreme court but the governor modestly denies any such aspira tionsAuditor i Auditor Frank James the prophets ear will etand for auditor again That Is unless be Is nominated for governor Ills friends have hopes a tieup In the convention and I James being chosen as a compro I mise Thomas B McGregor of Marshall county will be a candidate for at itorncy general He has made a good record and has received much encouragement for his candidacy t JESSE EDMONDSONI EDMONDSONIS B IS ACCUSED M S ALLEGES HE ROCKFORD ILL l1 SECURED OVER l OOOt 8WI0a Is IIII tLetters from the chief of police n Rockford 111 to Police Sergeant fi Llge Crete of the Paducah depart ment cay that the wholesale Jewelry robbery from a pawn chop there two months ago is attributed to Jesse Edmondson 19 years oldoC Padu rob who was placed under arrest In Detroit Mich a few weeks ago on suspicion A diamond necklace val ued at f 15000 and other Jewelry alued at 1000 was taken from Bdmondson BdmondsonI Is about 75 miles couth I Chicago When Edrnondeon was srnttd teteeiams were sent here hopes of finding where be took tho Jewelry from About two months ago Kdmondson l was In Paw deceit having deserted from the wUnited States army at a western post and left suddenly He was heard from In Detroit where he la Sorgeanlt Cross went to work on the case Immediately mediately and succeeded In tracing the Jewelry A list of the stolen property was sent Sergeant Cross and the list contained several ar ticles of clothing In addition to the Jewel Edmondjon is well known here where his family resides RURXED AT THE STAKE rNtJtIO In Texas Confessed That He Assaulted and Murdered Young White Woman Rusk Tex June 20 Leonard I Johnson a negro charged with haying B ing killed Maude Redding a young white woman near here was burned I at tho stake by a mob near the scene ot the crime Sheriff Norwood and a posse were en route here with tho negro when they were overpowered by a mob near the home ot the murdered I woman The negro stated In his confession that he not only mur dered but had assaulted the woman He was tied toa stake and after the brushes had been piled high around him tho torch was applied I The fire was fed until the negro was dead bMr s 1 q ELEVATOR BALKS THIRTEEN ABOARD CITY OFFICIALS PROVE A JOYAB TO CITY HALL LIFT For the first time since lis install atlon the electric elevator at the city hall balked exactly at 735 oclock last night with a car load numbering 13 Including council men aldermeu city officials and re porters Irter the operator MA Frank Donny had taken on the unlucky number be closed the first floor cage and turned on tho power The elevator etartedbut as It ascended checked and Mr Dunn seeing the danger put on the safety clutch ani brought the lift to a standstill Just a few feet from the second floor landing As luck would haw It there was a little over a foots space between the floor of the car and the top of the cagfig allowing Mr Dunn to climb down Some of the city lawmakers were frightened and had to bo pulled through to the first floor while most ot them waited for Mr Dunn to replace the burned fuse the canto of the whole trouble Then the elevator ascended to the third floor RENO FINALLY FINALLYLANDS LANDS FIGHT EIGHTI I TOWN WILD WITH JOY OVER CAPTURING THE EVENT Ogden Utah June 21ooveraor Dickerson of Nevada Issued a state incut here this morning declaring emphatically he wouldnt Interfer e I with the lightr Reno Nor June 21 Rlckan d announced today that If Reno pay the JlOOa licence and will guaran tee to build the arena It can have i the Jerrrl Johnson fight Governor oovernorlDIlk Dlckerson en route home said at Dole Idaho be had no Intention of stopping the fght He said no laws the state could stop It A mass meeting to raise funds was held this morning Boosters kept the town alive all night with celebrations Following the announcement Weno went fight mad and the wild est days ot gold discoveries were outshone today by the excitement It believed Governor Dlckerson will Issue a formal statement this after noon The executive offices are be telged by persons trying to stop the fight fiRhtRAILHOADS RAILHOADS MAKE SPECIAL HATES FOR MATCH RACE Both railroads have granted spe cial rates to the Paducah races for the special day July 1 when Dr M and Rcelfoot will race Secretary Rodney Davis received word today that the special rate had been granted The tickets will be good to arrive In Paducah June 30 and good to return on July 2 The spe cial rate will draw hundreds ot peo ple to the race This morning ti19 grand stand was Inspected and pronounced In a safe condition However the asso ciation will make slight repairs and place it In thoroughly good condi tion In order to accommodate the I largo umber of people who will at tend the races LIGHTNING HITS THE MKINLEY STROKE DOES ABOUT TWO HUN DRED DOLLARS DAMAGE ILightning struck the McKlnley school building yesterday afternoon during the flurry and about 200 I damage was done This morning Fred Hoyer superintendent of build lags made an Inspection and found that the west chimney was badly dam aged and cracked besides several square feet of slate roofing were torn off The loss Is covered by insurance Nobody was In the building at the tme The building Is the second vhool to be damaged by lightning this year MOST ELOQUENT I MAN IN CONGRESS SAYS UNCLE JOE t Of the Hon James E WitH Who is at Chtulinqna Tonight A Fair Sized Crowd Attciis Monday Night A TOMORROW WOMANS CLUB DAY 1a 1 a large number enjoyed the musical concert given last night at the Ghau lauqua by the famous PIlrl4n New haJl company The company ren dered a fcro8am which was pro flounced one of tho finest ever heard la this chit The same company gave another concert thla afternoon at 35 with an entire cbacge of programThe The Rev James K Griffin the In dian preacher delivered a strong and Interesting lecture and at Ita close many of the pastors and others In the audience went up and per sonally commended and thanked him for bis magnificent address Tonight at 8 oclock the HOD James E Watson of Indiana will deliver his lecture entitled What Will Yu Do With JU This noted speaker will be Introduced bit the Hon Charles K Wheeler wtoo wja y an associate In congress of his when Speaker Joseph Cannon says ot Hop Watson that be Is The most elo quent man In the house of represen tatives It Is needless to ear that tho amphitheater will be crowded to Its fullest extent ills speech will be preceded by a shoot concert to be venby the ParlandNowball company which closes their engage ment In Paducah Tomorrow has been giver over to the Woman club and through the InetrumentaHt of like Virginia Newell a musics j program his bfeea arranged for 345 and another at 716 In which 40 well trained per sons will takes part The reputation of this young teacher In arranging entertainments te an assurance la advance that these entertainments will be highly enjoyed and vela at tended Tomorrow evening between the hours ot 53ts and 8 oclock the ladles will sense lunch and the pub Mc In general is requested to tUron patrotrllxe Shooting Follows Quarrelt Aberdeen S D June 2110 a quarrel over rent Nick DIscol shut Charles Bosley a butcher In the right breast and E M Blrdsey a meat cutter In the butcher shop shot Joe DIscol a brother of Nick behind the right ear Nick fled but Blrdsey Jumped on a horse and pur sued him capturing him and turn ing him over to the police LONE OAK ILls INTERESTING CHILDRENS DAY SERVICE 1 BbatlN1CE SUNDAY + i1 t The childrens musical given by the Lone Oak Methodist Sunday r decidede success There was one addition to the church and two Infanta bap tized Revs E R Naylor preached to a good congregation at the even Ing hour The Woman Home Missionaryt society met with Mrs A J Elliott yesterday afternoon The Massao Methodist Sunday school enjoyed an outing on Metrop olis Jake last Saturday and all re ported a fine time Last Sunday afternoon they had their childrens services The pastor preached specially to the children and took the offering ofY Lovelacevllle has located with his family at Lone Oak He has rent ed ProtoJ S Ragsdales house un tit he can build Proto Ragsdale has gone away to attend the summer school at the University of Indiana Mr Orvell Crows and Miss Ivie Newman both of Massac were mar they Lone Oak Methodist parsonage W J Naylor officiated rf Chicago Market July Hlfch Low Clots Wheat 98 Ti 96 K 98 V4 CO pft 59 Corn I y 59Syyn Syyne Prov 2385 2360 2370 Lard 1255 124212e45 llprov Ribs 01330 1305 1307 J