t t
We will close
Mondal Jillll 4
4 at lll
tC t3O7l1
It 1 I r 1
t j
Dr Jllbcrt OstHopath 642
t llroadway Ilionoa 100
I Rubber stamps alII brass
tHCll utr Ml Till Sllll OfllCU
i For ecsewa nr liupiiry blood
1 1 lake Hays BplHllfB
I Mao eltyiaiHl Inrm real estate
i prke I list VJQiltlemoru Fraternity
UulWlHg Phonos SdBf t
Ior HlHHiwattaiii take Hays
Hi < ine
Sign writing U IL Bnxten
Plionur 401
For Malaria and chills tako
411s7I Speellre
For Stomach Trouble Indlges
HHM Dr > H > riln take Hays Xpwlllo
The greatest variety of type
t writer r Mimi Emus imlnn skin to
heavy lednr lUll In tips Irwin half
Mter to legal nt The aViu olfko
Telefthane The Iii n oUleH for
saaiidM Mist 1 price of nil kinds of I
typewriter paper I
Fur r ntlnalBti or Torpid
Uvrr take Ilajrf peelno
lInuu markers for sale at this
Evergreen llraml Plant 00111 I I i
< fcures sick Illut i t makes al plants
stxrow Brunsons 5 19 Broadway
Nino years without lumping
hirhatiana rr traut 219 Ken I
tacky avrnur Always at your 1
I service
1 The MIsiMh mtaslflR on HIIM
leolr I
r I f t ream stivtMr E to Its I members Tube
r day KvnHlnB July II at 8 oelnek
I Dalton Dye Works bar moral i
lo 114 South lfi I street
Kxeurslon ki atreetI I
rr Ohio Ptrtnl Jelly t 1911 for
W < r t unly Fare n > HM hill
M 1 Vrrun MrKlBMer who
fc c n lprll to locate I at Km r
i k < nn io pod over at Parts
t T fjihT W P Vamhn
r i iino IN aM l bs keen
i r i n hrr Host of tile
V lobo Add VtetM
i t ii9 f lay slrpet aN
n ily after a recent Nl <
rra ii I > >
I ll hall m Up 1 Work Nuts moved
t 1111 I I Somh I FIftk Wi
There will be a I bnrlieoiin t and
picnic at J It llayiiM plenlc
itroanils at Melnijiellt lake Monday
July 4 1 Best of order will be main m
The Ramsey aorlety of the
llroadway Ithodlt rhurrli will
meet Monday afternoon at 4 oclock I
ut tho cllurchI I
I j Hot Weather
Toilet Necessity
e PER8PIRO II n dainty tollut
cream for dainty puoplo n I
delightful preparntlon for euuli I
mar use since It noutrallxoa
and ilfxiilorlMM ofTunvlvu odors
from pcmplrlatlon
Its perfectly hnrmloss and
inarvfloiisly effcctlvo If you
nro not aatlslled with It your
0mouep will bo clinerfully Tot
I 0 I
t rlfutded I
ei Generous Jar
Drug Store
F Fourth and Itronilivny
Both Phones 77
o = J
Mrs Kllsa Orimth who was
orlously In u riil several week ago
by being kicked by n mule Is Im
proving rapidly at bur home near
Mnxon Mills <
Mr Charlie Jllhoro prlWt uan
on The Kvurilns 8uh41wDo wad oLpur
Bted on thin week atRIvorsldu hos
pital for anpimdlcltlgi lir Improving
mllhllrII condition Is so hn
provrHl that liu will bo moved to hfs
homu OdiMutb Sixth trout tonight
Mrs 1 Hfirbort I C Hlllott Is l III of
malarial feiiir
Pollen Hiiiy
The jtoUre mild > 111 arrests for
Jua comiMred wMk 19S for May
The rblrf offtli5ra were breach of the
peace naiHiuk ana four arresta for
taert4et Thaa Turret night drlvor
of lie iMtrol came ind t 52 ruiw
Cly Jailer JMmw Clark flRttred out
tottajr that lie hd fed I4M IIWB H to
prle m i In tM city leclrup ttorlog
In > ninly Court
T M Meows I qualified M admlRta
tratcr ot lie lIletatu of Ruth McGee
McGeelaird J I
R > V WWUwmoTfl qualified at nil l
mlpWratflr Alary Gray and axft
C tl jMHMl of Soot
OMtmk MkWhlrtw qtMMflwl M
atfwltf4nMrlx of HM estate of K Me
Whltt r aid uueorU a bald at
i MO
lctI 11111
J C itweq nf MaKin Mlle to I
N Bummer if Hlnkhr4ile Its
seer OmlNimTrlle ll 111
I N luiniiisrs Ie BMinuel Babe
property near Orahamvtlte 1WO
In lUiiikrnptr
The Art meettng of crodltor was
held tWi mornlnc In tho banknipte
fatas of Po If OHrtwrl bt Attorney
Arthur Y Martin win elected tIM
of t Male > The meetScg ft f the
n lltors a4JHrne4 until Mxt Wed
In police hurt
Urterli lnrdlann eOlIOrItP
UoOwn fined 10 B P INIett
fined U on inoUon of protewiUnic
attorney i
attorneytale TreMurer IW 11Oa I rVnr and
8 cretaryi of State Dr lien Bninor
of Frankfort wore Ui the city yetrn
day attTHlbir the IMN ami wls > r > >
main lit Paditra until after Monday
Tbry Will lnVM d by the P 4umh
Fair l sr iHation sal 1 a < vopt d tho
invitation WhHa In the cty Dr
tl r u nor is I the guilt of Captain Par
ley at hula homo on Farley ptacu
So powerful the of a
weep Hut the Insect has been known
to puncture a Hn shell
Theyre married now
Wo used to sell him allowing
And candy and cigars
Shin bought perfumes face
And cold cream In fancy
Were dollgjited
For now wo know theyll need
and buy
A lot of other things
Wo keep a lino assortment of
Baby Teething Rings
Just telephone 237 Wo nro
aa Coiilldtiitlal and as tactful
na Undo Mun
Seventh II I
1 1t
llurnhtg HIIIIo forty
Mrs Jacob Wallomtulu enter
tamed with n delightful brldgg
party yewtorday morning nt her
homo on North Fourth street In I
honor of Mrs Philip 11 Wnclitol
of Mncoti Ua tho guwt of Mrs
Molvln Walldntuln The rooms
were pr + ttllr docoratod c with pink I
cAkog rondo by ilrg Milton Uono
were gorvod with fcos hioldudlH
pyrumldi Mrs Louis JOy cap
tured the tlrat prize a beautifully
Illustrated book Loves Young
Dream Tho second prize six
handkerchiefs was won by MISS
Tessltj May Uomiiols The guest of
honor was also presented with
beautiful handkorchlffs The gucxts
wore Mrs Philip II Wnrhtel of
Mason Uo Muss TeMlo May Sam
UflR of Columbus Tenn Mrs
Melvin II Wnllcrsteln Mrs Frank
Lloyd Mrs Milton Cope Mrs f Louise
Levy Mrs vietor Vorls Mrs IUr
man Wallerstoln Mrs II U I Itcy
nolds Mm Joseph Laovlson Mrs
ramphell Klournoy I Mrs Jnmtw C
Htterbnek Mrs Max II Nnhm ot
liowlliiK Orofn Mrs 1m l Hoonc
Mm Jamw Wellle Mrs W II Me
Phur an
Iliilorliiln Tliilr 1ilciiiU I
MlM Nona and Pwirl Cothran de
IlKhtfully entertained a few of their
friends last night at tludr home 415
South Third street During tne
evening datiFlug and mush were en
joyed and delicious refreshments
woro served Those present were
Mrs Delia Pitman Mrs Marvin
Akin of Nashvtllb Mr and Mrs
Will Iurran Mires Ituth Kettler
Gladys Plttman Lllllo Yopp and
Mrs Virginia Cothran Messrs Lu
ther Council Clarence MrKaddon
Thomas Heath huff Fort Clarence
Itwlwlne Ilnel alt Perry larvoy
Dalton Voslor Hal Purd Ilraek
Stanford Charles Wilson Mr llloh m
ardson of Nashvlllo and Dr Allen
Ijiun Party
A most enjoyable lawn party was
given last owning by Miss Mary
Kennedy at her home 9X8 Jefferson
street UglU refreshments wero
served dnrlnic the evening Tho
party Intituled Misses Dixie Halo
Kliiabth Terrell Dorothy Rowland
Hebecca Smith Nell Cave Bdlth
Cope Mary Kcnnmly Messrs Pit
men Ilarth Fred Lark Armour
Onrdner Douglas Couts Iloytl Shel l
ton Ltielen Ilurnett Jack Cave
Mir Louise Flynn left this morn
tngfor Purl Town when she wHI
t teitlea
MtM Amy Ixivy ana Mrs 1 JuMut
JSWbren of St Louts arrived today
rrf a Ms4t to Aim Jaaa4i Vllsr
ills Mbert Mayer and Mrs Oscar
tiCMMl IMV tJ ramraed hoe Ten
Msis e rltor after mating the nmmJ
trt > to Wauirhw Ain
Mte I MMUM Cps has returned
irom Terre Ilauto attei n visit to
Mrs I hl hither and rhlMren of
j Port Worth Texas arrived today on
Q vMt to Mrs Ktttr WiHta of North
fclxth street
Mu IUII i Morrow rt II MMIII test
nltlit from New York after a visit
to Mat D 0 Watts
Mra I Robert Hokum of Ixwto
vlllp Is oxiMxMed lo arrive this even
ing on a vWt to Mrs J BxaU
Mrs Win Orr aM children wW
have today for M < li4ile and from
tboro they will go to Hat Kprlngs to
join Mr Will Orr who baa locotwl
Min 1 Marvin AWn of Nshvllle
Tenn Is I vUltlug Mis 1 Ulhuliedi 1
Yop of 741 North Teeth street
Mm Win halibut tteiwliler Mtes
Cnrlyn amid rOn Phil I arrived last
owning to visit MM Kittle l Willis
Dr O II Powell malinger Padu
cnh Dental Co has gone to Chicago
to take n postBrodunto Bourse In
dentistry and will return about tho
Mr and Mrs K II Kelly 1 ot 121C
llroadway loft this morning for
Florida I for a ten days visit
Mr and Mrs Arthur Y Martin
left today for Oreunvlllo on a visit
to relatives
Mr and Mrs 1 John Brooks loft to
day for Princeton to visit Mrs Duke
Puttll Mr Brook will remain Over
the Fourth and Mrs Brooks will ro
tiitiln for n month
Mrs David Koger will leave Tues
day for Wichita Kas I for n few
weeks visit
Mr Warren Sights has accepted a
poiltlon under his father at tho
Hopklnsvlllo asylum and will leave
In a few days to aMiimo tho ilutlua
of tho placo In the fall ho will nt
tond more Johns Hopkins school at Haiti
moreMra D F Smithson of Hopklns
vlllu who has boon visiting tho fnmJ
111 of Mr J 11 Hogera 201 Foun
tain avenue will return homo thU
afternoon accompanied by Miss Sara
Rogers who will visit her
Mr and Mrs Charles II Lofflor
of San ford Fla have arrived to
spend tho summer In I Paducah
Dr H P Sights In l expected homo
from Hopklnavlllo tomorrow
County Attorney and Mrs San
tiers IL I Clay returned homo last
night after n visit In llendoruon
Mr and Mrs 1 Hobort Herring and
win Robert Herring Jr will return
to their IUHIHI In Memphis tontnlit
after n visit to friends and relatives
In tho city
Mr and Mrs T MIMor Slseon of
Clark street will lonvc July 10 for
Mackinaw Mich where they will
remain for two months
vMr = I Wolff left thin morniiiB
lor Henderson on a visit to Mrs u
Can This Man
Read Your Life
The rich poor exalted mil linmhln
seek Ills nilvtro on HiiNliiws Mar
riage Jrlcnils InoiiiliH Changes
Speculations Ixivc Affaire I Journeys
amid nil events of Life
Puce TIt KciiiliiiKH Will Ito Sent Tor
n Short Time In All Inilu 1 I
rail KvcnliiK Sun Headers
Hmlcrll1ti i
1111 the veil ol roy lery that has to Inns I
hntideJ the ancient sciences been l tnae4Il l
hn l can It bc that A ijttem hll beinjxtlrct
al 1 that tcTenln with rriMiuble attune rctI I
ttltr and dlopooll16n olin lodlyl M ual l 01 I
08 Mil nn the life as to mitt In celillBKrirr 0
mil king dale ol oppoitntiltlcf
Kftirejr mat wkc has let Iwentr yrars been
< 1loK i i lelo mjitftfni tl the occult nuking t
wiffilllk olttr1 d the yar1 mdhodl of tal 1
Ihl Ihtlietsoflepleleematoharenaehrd I
hlitt roimd In UWrr of lame f linn his ptrrt
ecoaerr Ltllrti ate peutlnc Inn hiilllce
horn all patty ol I the wake telling el the brnrnti
detlied I OMI hit adrtc Many el hit pair us
took upon him u a man K I al 1 with some
It an e myntrtl u power At he modtiliy ai
eats the what ItcanAtBpliihia U I due alone to
ID uodentaaiilng ol natural lawi
He li a mm ol Kindly lieinlewaitl humanity I
and Ma rainnrn and tone Immediately im
rest ens with hit ilerere KIM In his wont A
huge a aek ol Rrntefol Utter Irein people woo
hue received readings Irons him adds to o 101 1
convincing proof ia to hit ability From Attro I
lOReri and lalmiMi admit list him > jr > lcm
iurf ue < aIMn yrt lnttoduce l
IheKev O u II HtHiarl rim D who is I
I TwUr ot t fe ft Pahl a Ifvuniirikal
Uuthetao Chuicb In a letter to Prot I
Homy Say Veil are Certainly the irrat it
prdiHtt and loader or your Ioleilioo Kverj
ekoroakullnx you ulll JRIOycj at thc collect
am of sat detll > l pewonil ieedlng a d ad 1
rice Tho aetptlcal will consul IOu shin
tsd again alter cnreapondlac with ytu once I
Ilyoa with to take mltaulage ol Konoya I
< enereuf Beran1 tbtalna tree rradlttjr sent
tour U4lc month and year el tilttn stale I
whilhet tMr Mia or Mm and alto copy the
1oI1Iog yne In Jour on handwrllla
Ih hetid ol your pnerI
To read poplea lire + I
And world sk wbs lor me >
Vem hate IJ ajntr
He Mr to give your correct came bl > th dale
and utdresssetwrite plaint Send tp > r ht >
lerto 1t0XKIIY left t1Dlle ITfk KNlllltltlb
UUh Sltrrt London W K eltim If son
wish yu ray luckier 10 cent CU < 8 A stamps
OMrntUc > eltrWal work etc 111 not in
etosecYlaw llrcr In letieia
NnU tot r thr new pcmal rIulll9t you
etA amt a sisal t Utter to llHRkhd far only
twuetnti pn > t > Ke
MlfB Mary Hnnnnh Mock ot
Clarendon Ark will return home
tomorrow after a six weeks visit to
Mm Bihvnnl WntOre 616 South
1 hint street
Mr P C Mr ki of Clarondon
Ark who has boon nn a btiil
IIMH trip through central Kentucky
lopped over In Inducfth today be
fore returning homo
Miss Irene HodrtiB of 221 South
Third street ii visiting her nunt
Mrs ClmrleB Shoomnohor In Mc
tropolli III
Mrs John W Commute linn ro
turriod from a vltlt to frlunds In
Mrs U I K lhlllln and ion Joe
wont to Sniltlilmid this morning to
petitl n few day
Mrs It I Rowland will leave
thug ovonlng accompanied by liar
SOUL Lloyd and Pall for several
weeks visit In Clarkevllle Texai
MlM Cleo Kelly of 1 < poor Mich
arrlvwl last evening to ho the guest
nf her cousin Mir Helen Illlla
The lion Iluinrlcli Stulnkiitilor of
Ioli lg Germany who came to this
niMntry with David l Ammnnn tho
herman nuil tnUor will arrive in
Piduenh Tuesday to visit Mrs C U
M1 HtaUM Ilra < l liv will rutttrn
llrta evening front AtteuU and
Athtni Ca after a visit to friend
Mr Katie tlaye IMrtiMind loft
bat nl lIlt for Cfckwfo and other
anrtlnrn tiUn to n ieud l wvcral
fttr OHderoy McIntyre of Okla
lionrn City OKI 1M I UH guest ot
Mr and Ira BIwooU Neel l of Cm
lattlo MlM Ruth Freemen of
XQilnHIo ii the IIiNt of Mm Law
teoqt G14MVM of North Seventh
ctre t
Mr end Mat S I Duke left I laM
nlflht for Ch no an a visit to
friends Sir Onorn Ilofrlrh Wt lousy for
FMimrtlte en a vltlt to relative
Mr SInwn Pole to xv actevl to nr
rio today from California on a visit
to rokUUom anti frtonU After n
vMtln IMluorh I he will 10 to
Tupelo Mlw 1
Mr and Mrs Robert IOKUO and
daughter KlWlwUh of iMayHsld nr
rhel l this inornlfl on a vlrit to Mire
Mouilo Andurton
Mr Ilrrliort HoHit rtliirnixV Ihk
morning from St U > ui aftir a trip
co hllfJnton
hllfJntonIr IIiimi > hnv ronirnwl to
Columbia Rldtf Phone 221 I
roaoatI I
a luau 1T L18TiC t
I iC D9
T And Rocks Pumps and Low tel
Fullr = I
j stock of atylrwidths and it
1si os All leathers and canvas it 1
1I WU KIT Til 13 FOOT it f
IjY e1 1 Ye YY eY lY e1 Y1 1 e1 eY e r Y1 Y e
his home atM llIrrllJ this morning
nflfr a trip on bustQecs
Mr Nay ISrwin county attorney
of Oallowny county returned to t
Murray this morning i
Air nimo Hay roturntil to Murmy
this morning
Mr 1 TE Thompmn left this
morniag for Mndhtonvlllo for a
tttk1It I before returning to her
1omo m at KIWcn after a vtott to Mr
and < Mrs Loon Cleaves and Miss
Mr and Mrs 1 WlUtam M 1 Tucker
will leave tonight for Fulton to
pond tovrnl dnjw with frlomK
rrlollillI will
have this jtt14nx for Princeton on
r vlllit 10 rolalhN
Mr So BMger has returned from
nvsnsrllle ntlltr a visit to friends
Mr Want AWonnn county JaM r
of OaMowny county returned to hit h I
home In Murray tits I morning I
Mr W 1 Holden of Murray ww
in the oity tardy on business
Wr Jecco s Thompson ot Mom
phls will arrive early tomorrow
l onrllg to spend t several lay with i
his sister Mrs I leon Cleaves and
Mfr Fannie Thompwn
Die small boy who want lo client
inrowurk on tho Fourth can have I
hit fling for the nmnaiim nt of
Wallace perk hAS arrsnued to tttiri
over an ample section of the
grounds for the esprene > use of those
who wteh to enjoy till sort of ox
cltnunt A tic s ortment of
firework will be on hand for pale
iWatrhful attendant will guard
against danger
But Funeral Preferred
The Hnll4 trul Comedliin thiHT lipI
old man We nil tin vu our trlnln
Tin 11110 111 liitP I < l l1I1tllllnnlts n
comfiirtithlr rilliftlon 1 shall ccr
t a Inly attend UllrNI I
Attmrllvc Euchre
Miss Cone Morris entertained with
a delightful and attractive euchre I
party this morning at her homo InI I
tho Tandy apartments In I honor of I
Miss Polly Sullivan of Rlkton Mlsa
Norlno Harrison of Clarkvllle and 1
Mice Carrie Trueheart of Louisville
Mir Lena Shelton won tho first I
prize which were beauty pins and
Mir Polly Sullivan captured thoI I
guest prlio a douse pin After tho
ame a delightful Ice course was
served The party Included Misses
Polly Sullivan Norine Harrison
Carrie Truchonrt Cleo Kelly J of La
peer Mich Marjorle Loving Lena
Shelton Rosebud Hobsou Mabel
Shelton Helen Van Mater Helen
Hills Sadie Smith Rlennor Hays ot
Jackson Ton Ethel Sights Jane
Stevenson Mosdamos Harry Single I
ton Guy Martin I
Knights of Road
YM faddy 1 was nearly killed for
11tJliIU i mil of n poker garni OIKC
Ili W wan dntT
Why It was In a balloon an I had
er ilmp about WX Pct
Rvery doi a makes you feel hotter La
Kn l keeps your whole IniUlei tight
Sold on the Mon yn ck plan every
whine Price tOe
Will flay Wllli MnjIUhl
Dorrl Carroll the outfloldtr for
merly with the Indians and Mason
a lIt sacker will KO to MsyneUl
next weak to play with the Moyflold
toim Ile a writs of games with the
Clinton and Jackson Teen tennis
Noco stv Limowe no law wealth
werely Ignores Jt
o A
fwIttitiv weLeWwra
T 4
DIAMONDS on oasy paymonts
Rye Sou Jewelry Co 315 Broadway
uuuM OIL JtIlNjurnlJlbell
or unfurnUhed 1732 Jefferson I
FOIL HUNT Apartment Hccbt
flats 511 Adams
UNFmiVraHRD room for light
housekeeping 322 Madison
Alit liJJllatUo Da90II
Old phone 711a I
WANT1DTo buy a young gentle
IWANTKD row D care Sun
A ROOD home for the right boy
Apply 1711 Madison street I
t1o fRI Toood stock pasture
at JlOO per head por month Lleber
man Vogt Doth phones C93
FOR ItI mUno apartment San
Solid apartments SOS North Ninth
street See W Jo Cochran I
WANTKD Colored girl 1 for gen
oral houio work In country Old
phone 1484
UMURHLLA8 Covered whHe you
wait Eye See Jewelry Co 315 and
4 OS Broadway
FOUND Rofngerator ranges
stoves etc at WrUlams C01 South
Third street
FOR SALK Two medium size
ice boxes a bargain h mellor the
FOR RBN1 = a moanrn unfurn
ished rooms for light houwkecplng
72ft > < Madrion
lMThIt NOTUSame one
left one at the C4KUitaunua Identify
It at Hummel Brother and Its yours
FOR JlKNT 2story brick resl
dance 330 N 9th 7 rooms and bath
Apply K A Cave at the Sun olHco
FOR BALK 136 OQ aide board for
I12SO HnrknOalo Bros 121 South
POR SALIO J1860 gap stove for
750 Bsrksdato Bros Co 131
South Third > I
lOIt I SAII1 ApJlollo Illanolo at I
a bargain Including 33 pieces music
M B Rogers 1203 Broadway I I
W ANTIUTo furnish your um
brella with a new cover or handle
W N Warren Jeweler 403 Broad
way I
IiOIt SALK A live room cottage
with city water Cheap for cash Fort I
further Information call on or Write
to I B Garner Brookport JIII I
WANTKI I > To do your watch
and Jewelry repairing All work
first class W N Warner Jeweler
403 llroadway
YOUR LACK curtains need clean
Ing You will make uo mistake In
tending them to tho Star Laundry
Phono 300
c yl 1
TFOIl HE > 1Fnrm on Cairo roadt
15 minutes rtdo from the oily Apply
to Mrs Qlrardcy second floor J A I
Rudy G Sons j
Rubber Roollng < fThe kind that
Noah would have used Phono
1218A j
Iron RENT OR SALB One coal
yard good location and established
trade Will eoll or rent reasonable I
Address W Y care Sun reasonablel
iOVIitJ1T employee wnuted
Write for Paducah examination
Bchedulo Franklin Institute Dept
Stilt Rochester N Y I
WAXTUD = By exiwrlencDd 1 man
position ali shipping clerk bill clerk i
care or assistant Sun In I office Address clerkl
WI3 1 WASH lace curtains very care
fully Oct them cleaner and whiter
than you could at homo Star Laun
dry Phono 200 LallnI
want ldoil l agency of your own
AtUIrotn Security Life Rookery 1
BldR Chicago I
FOIL T8 room brick ot
togO on Kentucky avenue between I
12th 1 and 13th SIll Apply to Mrs1
Glrardoy second floor J A Rudy
Sons I
S II it I STEN the tailor Clean
log pressing dyeing and repairing
neatly done Ladles skirts and suits
a specialty 121 South Ninth Old
phono 33Sa I
WANTED Last summer straw
hats to clean 25c to 50c Gents i
suits pressed 40c dry cleaned = 150
French Cleaning Pressing Co 113
South 4lh Now phono 480
FOIL TIlI South Tenth
street nine room home bath hot
and cold water Eighteen dollars
per month Telephone 102 J Ai
Rudy I
NEW PKACHUS big Juicy plums
Valenciennes oranges now apricots
all tho choicest and newest tropl
cal 1 fruits Somo fine specials for
tomorrow Louis Caporal next door
WE STARCH lace curtains Just
tho do roo of stiffness that makes
them hang nicely and dry them upon I
frames that make them square and
ctrotch them smooth and oven Star
Laundry Phone tO I
Any person wanting hauling done on
short notice telephone me I will
pond wagon and reliable driver at
once hones already hitched and
drivers waiting Baggage wagon
meets all trains and boats Skeltona
Baggage and DoJvory tiervlco Both
phone 22R
111 rRnon to earn barber
tirade Practical training FOW
weeks complete Voter graduates
command hbht i wtgolll Our dlI
plomaa recognized everywhere Shop
experience and wages before com
plellng Caialcuue nailed fre t
Moler Barber College St Louis 11uJ J
1902 1918
Eight Years
in Paducalh
Our anniversary sale Is now
on and Wo offer tradogc tlng
prices in every part of our
Thty tell you what wo havo
Full of good values
I They are bargains
This cleanup cutprlco Halo
continues during JUliO SavlP
money while It lasts
Tho place vbcro Rood tlllngi
to drink are served clean I
Ifl I
j FOR RENT6 room flat bath
12 Apply 632 North Seventh
I j FURNISHED come for I light
housekeeping 1111 Monroe
1STfiA 1 ritIlII dlulil sized red add
white ininglydcOW Return to A
F Farroll 22d and Adams Howard
1 S1Ialr SOld now glateog be
tween toot Bros grocery and mar
ket Finder return to L Roof for
forI I
I FOR SALE Coffee mill A large
and modern coffee mill as good as
new cost 2B wholesale will sell it
for JIB Apply 115 N Second St
LOST Pocketbook containing l
4060 two S20 bible and fa dollar
Finder return to this office and re
ceive liberal reward
iuyi < Ass front of a bras
automobile lamp last night Dear cor
ner of Slxthj and Clark streets
Finder will peaq phono Tho Sun
WANTBDiA Tfot ltpl6 to take
room anti board at 1014 Clarks
house > larpc and shady lawn and
porches An ideal stimnler home
Phone 9D3
ftJEyPVCHES 1 blKJl1cr plums
VAloncIonnes orangos now a Pr s
oil tho choicest and newest1 tropi
cal fruits omo line specials for
lorfiorrow Louis Caporal next close
to KOzy tlioatur i
WilYGO 1I0MFln tic i t sun
for your dinner when you carl go to
tho Market restaurant 123 South
Second 1 whore It Is cOol and tom
fortable and where1 you cariVg t
what yon want to eat at a price you
can afford to pay
WANTED Pardner In I solo of
farm lands and out ottown real
estate Must have 100 to Invett In
office Prefer stenographer with
somo ability M Mlesmcui Returns
are largo hock box C57 Paducah
FOIL SLI i 10 acre truek and
fruit farm = 1600 down 1500 per
month price 37500 5 acre
truck and fruit farm 200XXO 10
down 10 a month Lock box CB3
P liah
1achtahKills ctJ 1 s big juToy pinrr ii
Valenclonnes1 I oranges how apricot
all tho chpjcost and newest tropic
cal fruits Sonic line specials for
tomorrow Louis Caporal next door
to Iozy theater
R1ThrllAi Intelligent man to
solicit highclass life insurance for
one of till beta > of tho old lino com
panics a company which stnnds at
tho tip top for results and whboo v
policies are tho most attractive
offered today Its pleasant and
easy work for tho man of tho rights i
temperament No 10 cent nwook
propositions but policies that qrjpoal r
to time provident Address insjr
mice care Tho SunI
I i wt > <
Picnic July d 1t I 1
Basket picnic at Motzgors ajpyp
two blocks from Guthrlo avenue oar
lino Speaking by well known speak
ers on topics ot vital Interest to all
working men Music and other en
tertainments Speakers for thoday
Hon George Howell Rov John
Hobbs I O Ford and Mrs Llrzla
Wlckllffe Rorroshment9wll be
served by local All profits to ho
used for propaganda purposos Come
bring your basket and got acquaint
ed with each other Barbecued
meats pork and mutton for sale
Local Paducah Socialist party com
Why Cornellxoni mauacbe hlvtr Pills
trill cure that 10 rents UuiranUM
b7 all druggists
Collon Report
The apart Issued by time bureau of
0latttU department of agriculture
on the condition of the wiyoil crop
June 25 was 807 seven per Coat of
normal pomr > ued to S2 May 2 < G
74 C for June 10J3 and 812 for
Juno 190S The average for tea
year Is I 795
> 111 Timtmcnt IK IIIUR our and sp rillT uivn
FAC Bill lliiiie tummr month
111 M I himi + reYg uu open
tJiilL rrrmti s fcvriiciitrmriit
Nu Lnul Auclln
thoot tol R Futornlljr Uiuiding