I rSVrU1111AV JULY Id 9rIu 9 1 1 1ADUCAft EVENING SUN AtiThat I > 1
vr L bIIIIi II
i I
Department Store
Hair a Hqnaro From llnmdivny
TIio Store That Kirps tho
Prices luau I
o r
Tlllt AMimiCAS Girl I
tni Itty J OOTMM Miller
tshh the gray Atlantic heave and
north >
I tilt iii I < fitful TS ot u MMtt
Iahle i Masre
I r I1d < lit I M ear alto I
nII 1
Mt III I Ih 1 r lati irlrU IB I a ItI I
Irbit sameI I
II 1 1 n I htpe alias tU the very MHMI 1
in Icae 1 a quevN HIM IIII I
dr1e t whirl I
Ana Uukii aid prince breath her
uh tile gterlotM chum ot le
AmerU n flirt
In thr aotuiy BonUttaml too she
dwell i
And fclstory My no folw name I
Han ever roaHKd th w chusls dells t 1
Wh > re natnre grovtt het with ae
ctalm 1
roiuprnloc gUU of mind bor fame 1
Is I world wldr but the saucy air
or her maUkhnw balr to most to
blame I
till tIll Klorten charm of the Ua N I
et nu ctrl
N liir the NnrthW < Hd eowta rroM
try fH
Where wtater sports are aevfr
HIT merry laugh cuts Vltclilui I
I spells
On heart encaf d In a meacullae
In the Wttt too where Truth I
laHM 1
1 At It l w Humor alter the
lIr I very imlle can brarv heard
Oh the orloui ctmnibflf the Ame
1ken OtPi
I OtPi1lmul
fit 1riiirenf you bhtsh tfcouehttot for
CIn ionth long women youre a
l arlr
i 11111 you gaa tt I Loves
Oil the xlortoiiM charm of the
Anwrtau Girl
Antmulttnnmd s
Mi be Noll IIe Ulck wHI entertain
t tl Mardi club rul morning at
in oclock at fter lionie 809 Ilroad
The young earl ty men will give a
deem Friday wvetrtHK at AWnoo
park In honor of outoftown guests
I Mls Fred Iaxton will entertain
with a card party on the atcnniPr 0
W Holieriton Monday afternoon 11I t I
t I
JI 1 i
1Jr 1
Many t rFurther f Reduced for
v Next Weeks SaleR I
White Dresses for Children
Ages 2 to 4 > 1
716 kinds for1Dci
1JJP hind for flOc
A Great Sale of Womens
Clearing out ono lot of 300 long
ordpon Kimonos for llBO
One lot of 500 long silk Kimonos
at Un
atJ370ne lot of figured lawn long
Kimono will be on sole hpre next
weik > at Oc
Qgo lot of cotton elmlllo and lawn
long Kimono worth 150 for OSp
A Groat Clearing Sale of
v Womens Waists
Ui o assorted lot ot while lawn
VnIsU worth JlSB and jl80 next
woptc fat 95
Ono Miorted lot of Wattle worth
200 to L25 on sale next week at
one assorted Iott91 Waists worth
300 to L5 on aalo nfcxt Wcetc
at 195
Are being cleared out at bargain
100 Skirts at70c
100 Skirts aLOlJc
2CO Skirts at 150
300 Skirts at 5J05
375 Skirts at fSIoa
A groat assortment among them
advance fall styles Wool Skirts aro
obtalhablo hero at 295 375
495 59b 075 worth about
Othdr Sklrts may bo had hero at
760 850 1000 1100 1200
1350 add 1500
Wo are clearing out linen and
pongee Coats at reduced prices
6 linen Coats at 295
10 pongee Coats at 695
A11 other pongee Coats at rela
tlvely low prices
Bishop Hendrix May Withdraw From
the Conference of His Colleagues
fit Iouto July 10A a rwult of
the dispute or the conjrol 1 of Van
derbflt TJalverstty at NM ytlle 1ena
eehhm la thrwateood in the Jfeiho
I dlit HpUcopoI church South and ac
cording I to hl frlenxli Dlihop Bu I
8 ens U HSfldrti of lanas Olty K
coasWerlng the poMlbtllty or with
drawing I from a conference of Utah
cps I at NatihvJHo after botng atyued
or eaac Uy to the Interecto of the I
church a ebonll g to Uhh jf E EI
Hen of MMfcvIHe who passed
through It Lotito ThuVwluy
Otshop UOM told a St IXHito church
j nwtt tint tile dtoputo probably wduM
crash In n HIt to determine whether
the I pr MBt board of trustees of the
ultrenltr of which BMop Hendrix
II chalrnwn shall control M > uncoail
loser or chat be subject to the au
tftomjr of the general conference
The direct point at June U whether
the geiMrrel oqcnferetice mar elect
members of the GRird of trwilow
It ha been reported that W K
Vllderbllt l Is Jo sympathy with the
board of trusisas lo I dta rebel Uon
CsbiEt I the gsqeral oonfweaee
Ulshoti floss saW but It this le true
It I U because only one side of the
case has been p reseated to him
Vten be has heard both aides I be
lie that he will SM that the gen
eral conference to In the right
Vlt timlljr n Rebellion
At the meeting ot bishops In Nash
vttie DUhop Wltoon who we pro
wIng told Dtahop Hssdrix that he
UUMn would not consult Dtetjop
HMdrix about the matter nadir dls
emn because thai would be too
muth like unfolding Jaw plata to an
1ta was virtually a eirnrgo of 1e
beHtoii ngMwt the chureli ahtj flab
op llendrtk ptomptty arose and Ht
tho room1
Although nithop How did not say
Te all knowlnjr miffrrrra of rheutnii
ttom whrtber inumTulnr or of the
Joints iKlaUca ortieur ifa
n ain In the kIn y or neuralgia
palm to wrltelo hr for A hors treat
I ment whlrh has repeatedly cur ct nil < U
I I three tortures trhe trr It bar duty
to Bend It to all sufferers FROM YOU
I Pure yournelf at home as thousands
will tmtlfy no change tit rllinnt l
InK nrceary Thin nfrnpl dl cpv ry
cullhe uric acid from the bleat
loosen the itirrciwl joints purlBM
the blood and brllhlna the flSM Uv +
Ilig elasticity and tone to the whole
lyflfOm If the ahov InI you for
t jof aililreiH Mrs M Summon Box n
Itouth fund Inil
Our Own Make
a A good corrective In diarrhea
j t and Intestinal disturbances duo
i I
i i to excessive use of fresh vega
tables Ice water etc Ours
Is very palatable and It Is I
puro being made in our own
laboratory from select black
berries pure whiskey anti flno
g Me 40c nud 75 llotllcs
to 1tt
Bishopflleadrix i
Heodrlx may withdraw from tho
church a e a result ot tho dispute
Mid if It results Jn a legal t suit the
church may split Into factions thaClt
will be difficult to reconcile The
situation is regarded by Methodists
ao the gravest shoo the schism of
UH I when tho Methodist Church
South epllt from the parent body
How Dispute Started
The dispute over Vanderbilt Unl
ratty arose from the refusal of the
board of truatee to accept three
members elected by Uje general con
fsrenco at Its session In AcherUle N
c test My At a meeting In June
the board refused by a vote of 19 to
S to aeeejrt tiara truetees and elect
ed three others on the ground that
tho board was an autonomous and
wKporpetuatlng body not subject
to say eoelectastlcal control
DMiop nenorix waR ono of those
who voted against receiving the mem
I VMS olouted nt the general confer
ence oil took the stand that under
i tbe deed qf the gift from Commodore
Vanderbilt founder of tho university
the board Ijps tile right to elect iCe
own membSlL Samuel Cu plo of
St Louis Dted with Bishop Hen
MolliodNt liistltiitlon I
This was construed by members of
the church who took the opposite
view as a repudiation of the right ot
tau Methodist Bptssopal Church
Bouts to control the university
which has been from It foundation
a Methodist Institution and as a
more toward secularizing it
If the university were made non
iMtarlM Its faculty would bo eligi
ble to pensions from the Carnegie
foundation for retired university pro
tenor It 10 I said tbat the factulty
derlre to accomplish this The found
ntion mikes no provision for teach
ers In sectarian Institutions
Bishop Hendrix speaking for him
pelf and his associate la a recent
contribution 10 a religious publica
I loll gars M tbe rearon for tho
board acitoM UM fear of Imiwrlllng
the title to 30A0000 worth of prop
arty fceht In trust by tine board for
the unlwrsUy
According to Bishop hors tho
board of bishops were unanimously
opposed to Bishop Hsndrlxs eland
clad feeling rail Mxh culminating in
his withdrawn from the meeting
If tile question goes Into the courts I
4t probaWf will be carried up to tho
supreme court of Us United States
lending churchmen say
lluylcvcr linll l Asthma
Bring dtooomfort aad misery to
many peono but Toleys Honey and
Tar gives wise and comfort to the suf
feitac oetn It relieves the conger
lion in the bead and throat and Is
soothing and hftriVug None genuine
but Poloys Honey and Tar In tho
Jrellow package Gilberts drug
ire you me lawyer who has Ee
cured dlwr eee for 00 many peoplo
L hare hen quite successful
How much dow a divorce cool 1
DcixTufs on clrrumstanioB Or
wlnt priiiirils do you want dvorco
i Oh WINV i dont know In
II i not tnnrried yet ony engaged but I
thik His a womxxa duty to fa
nrtllarlEo herself with cv < ry phase ot
domestio life Good iriorunij
J Department Store
Half a Square FrOhi Hrbddtvay
The Store ThAt Keeps the
1rlccs Down
Wash Goods ami other Dress Fabrics at clearing sale inducement prices Summer Millinery at exceptionally low prices Attractive offerings await you in the Ladies i Ready to Wear Department Great
1 I bargains in Muslin Undorwear big savings in Hosiery and Summer Knit Underwear humming low prices in the Clothing Department attractive style arid ValuesIn the Shoe Department dependable atI I
Bags and Suit Cases under value Splendid specials all through the store s
ClrarinK out one lot of 8 1Se
yard wide Mt lliiltfhftl bleached
4 Muslin at 7 lie a yard
Clearing out a tOe lot at X 1Jc
Clearing out a 12fce lot at lOc
eIearlng out Ic Dress Olnghanw I
ut H l3r a yard
narlng ml llfc 1rsia ling
ham at Jfye n yard
baring out an 8 le Aprun
CiliiKbam at br a yard
CNorlui out UdlM and Chll
drins Pnnmota at r dujl prjjfcft
WOIUMHS silk ItornMto I worth
I if to I a at f IM
Weve secured another MM ot
Kiimit VMU for next weeks sole I at
cine cur of lOc Gauss Veal next
v Ik at flu each
i iIl i > ow fnrvextra large
v 111 n at lii 1 a each
Our prices on Muslin Underwear
are nearly nil bolow what the ma
terials would cost you
Clearing out all sizes of Cull
droni Muilln Drawdsre at lOe 1
Clwtring out Womln Muslin
Skirts at lOe 76c 80o and 100
Clearing out Womens Gown at
lOe 108 Tic and 100
Clearing nut JBc Hun IlonnpU at
tic and lOe each
Me Iullllll I Mercerized Inee Hose
I IN blacks tan and pinks at lie
A broken aMortmont of blank
and lirtii tlmt have been lie next
wk at le n pair
Lot Childrens Sle Morc r1i l
Hose In Marks and tons at lOe n
These Ladles summer weight rib
bud top Mix kings being cleared out
I i t
7 The Week In Society j
h f K
S oclock la honor ot M1sa Georgia I
Mar MeG tatltel of I > BM Christian 1
Mia 1I I
Jllss Sllimit ItmpllOII I
MM Kiisatatk flinnott colic I
talaitl MOM d Jl itfulr y t > r < tor
ittiWon Wtdt n re optl a In honor
III seism aUreedri visitors MtnsM
takfe CHon of rUr8kroa
loved s ei UUiel Iteysold OyrMfclMn
Marte Drlsklll Lontoriiiit wtHiMtli
Dam led awlek Oeae Goldth
salte 0 IIQtIIIIII Carrie Tmt
of lotfteylli cud Katy 1
Infnrtiinl Hiirliro
Mss fey U I Martfci mtortalami
wttrtay fteruooH ltfc as lI
aural eedws party at tact both IB I
he Dachas sparuaeatp v A Osllcloa I
sled nurse WM wrvwl after the
lama The liNt prize WM estptvred
b iy Miss Ullisn Ilobton and the net
wntf piles was won hr Mtos Louise
larrlson The nu ets IneJudod r
dea rT1 May SdlDitoln of I
otumMs Tenn Norhm Hwrlson
and IxnriM llarrlioa of Osurkwllle I
UUsji Abbott Oorlnoo Vlnsteal
MaMt ehelbok Nell flbrur UMMbeth
kttra USM SheltoH Mrs WWI c
llahllir aid AIr tarry 81telol1 I
s I
Inloy liuytkla
Mra AM Stewart end Mrs 1 meta I
lewtorry gave an e Joj ble bop >
Itfu last evening la honor of several J
Isltors Those In the party wen
M1ss Xslda atrt Katie
mvsrt Veta molt iltosty McDowctl I
Dr HradsnoH Town IMeM IotteC
of Nsshville Thin Jennie Las l y
Ift sad rues 6tnllb of MotropuJIs
III Messrs I OtmMfe TldweU Oscar I
De6 srry Ray Jones Alexnniler b t
lei > Hnno1 MeVoady I
Pete harry and HUM Allison Mrs I
Ida Stewart nud Mrs I 1eeln DewI
terry I
terryerautrs 1
icriimn Club Diuiro 1rldny MuM
TIle Ostnwn club gave the third
at ftto vertss of summer dances on
tbe new ferryboat the O W Uobert
son hut Light and It w s one ot the
most deMchtful affair of the season
The csbla sons probably the host
dancing door In went Koatusky wd
the great roomy deck Ire ejozy and
cool for those sitting out the dances
or not inducing HillnmUa bud
furnli4i d the music and frappe was r
nerved as rofreshmeMs Those pres I
ort were Dr and Mrs Victor Vorto
Memri and Mesdamea Harry S weU
James C Utterlmck Luke UuHoll
I Will ninklff W P Bradshaw Jr
MFdaini W J Hills II O Itoy
nolils and BxaU Mae BHznbotli I
It is I a well known fact that it I i < harder to digest cold food than warm food
t and as most of the food eaten in hot weather is iced a great amount of diges
tive suffering results It is well to lie careful about what you eat in hot weather
USEand not to overeat but it is more important
rD CALDWELLSslill H I you arc suffering from indigestion to
DR CALDWELLS have l It > cured 1 Promptly It is I hard enough at
SYRUP PEPSIN best to bear up under terrible heat but when
s 4 Sthe stomach is loaded with food it cannot digest and the bowels arc clogged
Ju I twith decaying matter the whole system become + congested You become subject
ti TO headaches colds fever constipation and a dozen and one ailments that make
ale I burden Take a few doses of Dr Caldwclls Syrup Pepsin and you will
id immediate relief and in h short time a permanent cure It will cleanse
lip I Momarh and bowels and give your system a new start Appetite good
jiirit sound sleep and energy will soon return and your dyspepsia will have
vanished The cost is only SO cents or 100 a bottle and there is sufficient
for you and your family A TRIAL BOTTLE FUEE OF CHARGE can be
at 2 pairs for 16e are not buyable
from other store nt so rfdisulous a
Wo scoured a lot of Ladles highly
mercerized silk gauze lisle Hoio for
next weeks sale at Sffc a pair
Another exceptional merrorlzud
Stockings for le
A Great Slaughter Sale of
Womens White and Col
ored Lawn Dresses at
About Half Price
One Ipt worth 70 and 10 on
sale next week at 495
Ono lot Lawn Uressos worth 5
on solo next weak at 296
We are clearing out Linen Coat
Suits nt about half price
1500 values for05
1000 values for 9105 t
500 value for 215
Are being cleared out at big priro
reductions at 7601 1000 and
1800 worth nearly double
JaI IndlAMiitolis Carrie Trite
heart Ixjutovllle Hulda Ol Ijn Karl
krona Swedelt Louise Harrison and
Noriua Harrison OtarlwUI Iarle
bristcllt of Ix > ulsvJUe lithe Itey
nolde of Cynthtana nnd Alary
Wheeler Fred Paxton HatUo nitre
tMhstheOi Slnnott Nell mw Faith
LMBMaff Helen IUH KtoUo Drad
claw Munle Cobb lhthe l Morrow
> M1 llatry MeMra A S Thompson
Itoecoe Ito 4 Charles mek8 Louie
Itlek Jr Frank Dourne Charles
Tmeheart IMMott SOtehell Warren
titgble t Morton Hand Jima I xox
staff Clay KWU Stow I1rt Slnnott JooI
Ball Jury liMlar and Hdwla
Mnilcr lijr One of AilIcrlons Hnrllcst
IIMt to K gmsrtiainiir rtveolherVBHe
whIM to sot only QUO of tho oldest
raiM In Ute country but 1a famous
M the i reil iet of 81M at Ameriea
earliest wood carve and rattaatis
Mi em Drowns of yosion
Drownet skop was o > Ann net
In t ftotth Md
Of the many raw he made only
three are now known to be In exist
cuesthe MM oa Uw Sbent IoI
mortal church In CambrWi wlileh
fo merty wee on the steeple of the
Now Ilrtek ofcuroh OH ilanovertyeel
In tliioty Mid known an the reo
wnav vice tie oho tit tIM eoUeotloo
of the MMRMIMHOU Htotortenl M
eivtr a ratio flf Us old Beaten Prow
Ice house and the one on Ptanustt
The grawhon er of copper ham
mend out by hand hM wrge skeet
eyes which In the sunlight shine like
Are It was mnda In 174S at th
or of Peter PanwH When the ImH
bltf gift to the town WM noarlng
ootnpleUoa and for the kilt 10T
years U IIM been 11 Inqdnmrk
It has not however lived a Mfe of
unbroken pence for eftwral time l e
ha s hn l near de rucUou In 17MJ
when Huston WAS shaken by nit
earthquake the VMM CoM to the
ground but alter beluj mipptled with
a new lee by the son of the matt
who made It the vane > was replaced
live years hue Pnneull Unit wae
seHously damaged Ly + fire but the
vaiio reiiwlnwd Intact had when thai
hall was rebuilt tho grasshopper wad
once more given tho IQCO of honor
Another disaster IxUoH It when
In 1880 a fag woe hiring raised to
celebrate the anniversary of the ovaov
ustton of the city by the llrKish the
JtoIJtlllr bopt > ed to thus street h l JoJ
tmek usda anti there It linu remained
ever allleo l with the dxMplion of an
ocrwrtoiKil removnl for repairs
Boston Gobe
Alono In I luKFllcd
A young Chicago nnn went to
western town In the ant dare ot
Ute oil excttenwat out there to t
what was stirring
Tbe day aftor he arrved he wvtit
Into a restaurant to get his break
t fart and found nn old friend aHttng
it the table to which he was as
Hellov snld the mnn at the ta
ble When did you come In
I got here yesterday How long
tiav vau been here °
Sx months What ore you KO
DR to dog
Ob last look around and try t
make jn honest dollar
W l I t 1
Loducnh Curriers Aro Promoted In
I Postal Service Patents
W Javhlngton July l 15 Sgnator
Bradley has recommended to the de
partment that the following Ken
tucky banks ho made postal savings
depositories l Citizens National of
Danville Citizens National of Lan I
caster United States National of
Owcnsboro LoulsvHlto National
Ranking company of Louisville
State National of Lexington ami I
Citizens National of Lebanon
Other applications from Kentucky
banks that were sent directly to the I
department and given out today aro
First National of Louisville Citi
zens National of Lancaster Hen
derton National of Henderson and
First National of Somerset Texas
Is now sending la more applications
thanany of the Southern states
Letter Carriers Promoted
Wafhln ton July IGPromo
long ot Iet6r carriers for Kentucky
ostofnccg wero announced by the
eparlmont today ns follows One c
Lt Ashland from 1000 to 1100
line at Covlngfon from 1100 to 1
1200 and ono from COO to 800
it Georgetown three from 800 to
DQO at Ttewftort ono rromGOII to
800 and two from 800 to toI I
at PadWoah one from 800 to 900
one from 1 > > QOO to 1100 and 13
from 1400 to 1200 at Paris one
rom 000 to 1000 and one from
LOOO to 1100 at Richmond
our from 800 to 900
Kentucky Postnmstcis Appointed
Washington July 1C Kentucky
ostmnstors havo boon appointed kyI I
follows Elkatawa Brealhltt coun
ty Cwldwoll Oakes Sr vice 0 W
Little reslgno Josephine Scott
county M L Hughes Tlco J M
Oalnoe removed Klrbyton Carllee
county V U Robertson vice O K
Hobbs resigned Peach Orchard
Lawranco county WIlliam W See
tee C B Wilburn resigned
Patents fop Kentiicklaim
AVinhlngton July IGPatents
Iio J > SttlslBlJ4 4P Kenmcklans as
ows Fred rick Barry Louisville I
et oul moiil working machine Louts
A Big Reduction Sale or Mens
and Boys Wear
A tremendous clearing ot Shirts
Collars Tics Straw Hats Knit Underwear
derwear Pants Suits etc at the
lowest prices In Paducah Easy said
Let us prove it Come and give us
a chance Tho saving will be yours
and tho reputation ours
Did You Get a Pair of Our
Slaughtered Price Shoese
You dont know a good thing un
less you get In on this Lots of
people have taken advantage of the
prieD reductions Wo havo other
price slaughters to make so you
may come with blgfexpccUUons next
week itad
Dlttmar Ixmlsvillo change
waking device FredJ Frantz
Louisville sand box EmU M >
Weber Loulirvlljo pipe cleaner
e 4
Must Bo Above Suf = plclon
Kidney and bladder aCaenta are
so serious la theIr consequences and
If unchecked < so often fatal that any
remedy offered for their cure must
be above suspicion Foley Kldaey
Pills contain r o harmful dru9 and
have successfully stood a long and
thorough test GSlbertB dnTgEloro
Didnt look Klfcht
rA negro a new assistant on a
farm down south was asked > to hold
a cow while the farmer across
eyed man was to hit her lathe
head with an ax The tiaey ob
serving the mans eyes In some
fear Inquired
Is you gwlno to hit whar 3ol1l 1
lookln boss
Why certainly answered the
farmer > <
Well den you hold de cowyoui
self sahShort Stories
Foley Kidney Remedy will cure
any case of kidney and bladder trou
ble not beyond tho reach or medi
cine No medicine can do more
Gilberts drug moro
It latqtter to he born a fool than
to attain to this height 11 l snri expen
slue education
educationnianowlnd I
A mans WInd In church lvesno
clew to hilt weight outside 1
Tonight i
t x It v
N 11 4 t di
WaaPark Ii
Bund Concert Tomorrow After
t noon Free Moving rlctures
tutu land Concert at Night
I JULY 17 1910
i I
17 tho steamer Dick Fowlor will run oneI
II Sunday nflornoon July
I 1 of those delightful afternoon Outings leaving the wharf at 230
P m passing on down to Metropolis nnd Joppa returning at
G p m thus affording an opportunity to tho people of Paducah
to spend the hot afternoon on the river free from heat and dust
long enough to make
to tiro but only
Inot being out too long to one
the afternoon pleasant and shOrt I
on board Go spend the after
intoxicating liquors
Son with friends at Metropolis or Joppa the boat stopping at
both noon places and passengers can thus take their cllolceI
= v
Go and Enjoy theOntIr on the Hirer