THUISDAY UfltST u 1 1 M 11TIIE PADITAII E FATNjG SI1rPA > THESE n = f T = r I i I llaitelrestu lI1lg > l Specaals for Friday Monl11J lI1lg 0 11 PADUCAI1 KY r 1 Why Specnltlll SaKe MeSlJ11l5 bo Much at This Store It is a mighty easy matter for any store to say saletalk values extraordinary but how about the values to backup their sayings with It is and always will be the policy of Ogilvies store to backup every statement that their advertisement contains and when we say sale we mean exactly exactlyyh t announcement to Oqilvies Friday morning and share the splendid offerings Ladies Suits that were 2500 for 995 e 4 Beautifully rnsliioneil i Ladies Suits of cream serge and cream serge with black t 1stripes were 2fi 00 Friday morning < 9 9t5 Alterations Extra Wash Tics at Half Price Men Von rInH and Wash TieR special r for Friday morning 5 lli Mcxi Sox Greatly Reduced 10 dozen Mens Llslu Lace Halt Hose blue Bray and tan a 2Cc 25morning C I 1 Ladies Black Hose specialt peolnlfor t for Friday morning OC r 1 2 pair for morning25c Hair Nets Fringe Hair Nets a lOo value Friday morning 5c A J TCENDLING LOSES I HABEAS CORPUS t 1ICPIORTA 1 OP ATTOIIXHVS TO 1IAVU HIM I nmI SIn FAIL i J Lii vlllc IJjlcctlve In Chant < > f 1rfionrr Illutu of Kvlilrnrn to ll h llnuiftlit Out i 18 STAUTHI FOIL IOU1SVIUK f St IJ lilf Mo Aug 11olrcult Judge Hltthcock refuted a write of 1 s Imbenn corpus yetterda afternoon to JOMPU WondJIng charged with Int IjOtiMMllc Chief of Detectives Car ney bald he would leave for Lout vllle with his prisoner on tho first trainWandUng WandUng won tho friendship of Alma Kellnor according to Carney V Sheets Pillow Cases Domestics 84 Bleached Sheets hemmed value QQ cliOc 104 Bleached Sheets hemmed value 7Cr 75c90c Plllqw Cases 42x36 hemmed j 121tvalue value 1 lie for M 72 C Yard wide Bleached Domestic value 11 Do for 7 I 11C Womens Fine Hand Bags Ladles black leather lined Hand Bags a 00morplng 1 by giving her and her schoolmates candy and present Carney said ho received a long telegram from Louisville Informing him the par cntii of two of tho murdered girls schoolmates have told tho police about tho school Janitors treatment of tho girls Tbo parents htsltntcd about re vealing this according to Carney on account of the unpleasant publicity U Involved Carney would not re veal their name but said they would be wltnos o against Wood ling when he Is i orrlgnoU for trial Ciiniey Kwirti Prisoner Frankfort Ky Aug HPrivnto Secretory Jackson Morris in tho ab sence of Coy Wlllaon who is at Wcquctontlng tJeh raid that no action would be taken on the quest of attorneys for Joseph Wendllng that tho governor send a sheriff to St Louis to take charge of tho prisoner Mr Morris said Capt Car nay was regular appointed as cus todian of tho prisoner and ho raw no reason why ho should bo dis placed at this time freshly cut tark of tho cork tree If heated gives off a gas that can bo used as an Ulumlnant 1 I THEATRESTAR 15 THEATRE Joe Desbergor Manager I V Change of Program for t THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Motion Picture Chinese Johnny Williams > J Company Assisted br hiss Edith AVillinms and their 4 Talking Kyoodlo FOO LISII xvj4 FranK Long Illustrated Song Isabel Howell Singing Act Tom Kerr Comedy Violin Act i Motion Picture 1 Admission 10c Children 5p A Complete Change of Program Monday f GET REWARD IMTItOIjMKN1 aillTKK AND liES SIAN DUAW U5 Cnpttirc Iultlo Moor Wanted at Pails Tenn on Larceny Ctmrgu A reward of 25 offered for tho apprtherwlon of Lottie Moore col ored wanted at Parts Tonn on a charge of grand larceny was paid to Patrolmen Elmus Carter and John Hossan who arrested her last night by Sheriff n H Compton of Henry county Tenn who arrived to convey Lottlo back for trial The woman is accused of tho theft of Jewels from Qllss Lucille Lomb a young society woman of Paris and Patrolmen Carter and Ilecuhm recog nized her from the description yes terday afternoon Sheriff Compton was notified and arrived last nightt taking his prisoner to Paria at 740 oclock this morning Ho was the guest of tho Pt Ice department wWk In Paducah last night ModolI think I shall spend a week In Paris Artist How the dickens can you afford to do thata 1I10dol1 cant but I can afford to think I will Illustrated Bits NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Paving ctcDoard of Public Works Paducah Ky will receive bids until August 23 for contracts A B C D E for sidewalk improve ments approximately 24720 linear foot granite curbing 29195 linear feet concrete gutters ISSfrQO square feet concrte watks 530 square feet concrete driveways drlvcwupJ 1000 linear foot castiron drain jilpo G50 linear feet sonar pipe 10 to 24 Inches and 5CC linear feet 10 colicreto creto reinforced retaining wall bids accompanied by certified check for 250 which will foe returned to un successful bidders successful bidder required to execute ibond 40 per cent of bid for faithful performance of contract to extend during con struction period and after work is cpn pl tod and accepted to execute maintenance bond for 25 per cent of cost of work for period of live years Per Plants and specifications at city engineers office Board of at city engineers office BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS By L F KOLD Secretary L A WASHINGTON WASHINGTONCity City Engineer The United States fishing Industry onjpiloyed 229119 persons at last report II A Surprise for Even Those Who Are Acquainted With Our White Goods Values White Goods Sheer Croas Bared Batitte 1C Inch white and cream Voile a 3 9r pieces extra good value for 2Cc 1 j Cft 15rooc I I C Marquisette Sheer Plaid Linon White Marquisette a 25c valueI 15 I 7 Pieces of Sheer Llnon a ICc 1 fl 0FrldllY 1 I C Black Silk Jersey Waists Black Silk Jersey Waists were J400 O0 andIiOO Friday morning 40098c Underskirts C Dozen black Heatherbloom gQ 9S 1 Gingham Petticoats C Dozen extra wide Gingham Petticoats a aliOe 39morning < C < vttttrattttQaacx xS pgppC7CtCA1q CCtpCxXlppt pL I The Evening Suns Daily Markets J I w I nnn i LOCAL PRODUCE f WeolfolkDowers Bowers t company Butter packing stock 15 cent Eggs dozen 13 cent Spring chickens pound 12 cents Hens pound 10 cents TOBACCO 11BV1KV Louiivllle Apg 11 Offerings wore of the usual volume for this reason of the year on the local breaks In quality and condition the tobacco t was hardly up to the aver age There was a fairly good de mend for nearly all grades and prices showed no quotable change hogsheads heads of Hurley at 1050 to S1B25 and 5 dark at J950 to SC no rejec bona market good Tho Dark house sold 27 hogsheads at 550 to = lfl20 3 rejections + market about the same The Farmers houso sold 11 hogs head Burley at 1350 and 3 dark at = 595 to 740 no rejections mar ket strong IItrongTho The Ninthstreet house sold 40 hogsheads dark at 730 to 740 10 rejections market strong The following Is tho report of the Louisville tobacco market Including nil warehouses Burley r 42 Hhds Dark 2C Total r It 1 178 I Original Inspection IOC Reviews k 1ro 1 72 Rejections yesterday 7 I LIVESTOCK S I ljulsvllle Aug 11Cl1tUcThe receipts of cattle today were 132 head for the throe days this week 1515 there was a light attendance of buyers limited to local traders and butcher tbo demand extremely light and the market quiet from start to finish but little change In the general conditions of tho trade choice light butcher cattle are selling readily a steady prices others more or less neglected and drooping with n slightly tower l tendency feeder and Plo ker trade steady excellent demand for high Shades bulls III III A M J r Store Closes Friday a1l ii 30 p m I I I I steady canners and cutters dull I I milch cows slow no prime heavy cattle here feeling rather easy I steersI I = C2oC76 shipping steers 560 Cfro beer steers 35 0 575 fat belfers = 352C fat cows 3 475 cutters 23 canners 1sJ 2 bulls 250Q415 feeders 3T5 choiceto I milch cows 35U common tot fair 1535 CalVos Receipts 18C far the three days 533 the market ruled firm bulk of tho best 77c medium 57c common 2p5c 2p5cHpge the three days 2355 tho market opened early and steady prices were pre valent selected heavy hogs 204 Ibs aim up SCO 1C5 to 200 Ibs 2890 90 to 1C5 lbs 9 light pigs = 89 roughs 785 down closed steady with all sold LlInblnecelptsGOI2 C012 for the three days H > S73 tho lamb market was slow in open ing this morning and a shade lower the bulk of the best lambs selling at CCHc varying in prices as to quality seconds 505Vic culls 3 i I 5Vic fat sheep 3I4G > 39ic down common ewes slow sale From no on there will be doubtless consider able variation In price of lambs as the quality of some of the lambs coming is not good and each lot will bo sold on Its own merits St Louis Aug lICatlleRe colptu 6000 Including 2300 Texans market steady native beef steers < < 575S cows and heifers f 3iiO7 stockers and feeders SSDfpBSO Texas and Indian steers i 4250050 cows and heif ers 3605 calves In carload lots = C850 Hogs Receipts V8500 market steady pigs and lights = 80 920 packers = 750890 butchers and best heavy X7400890 Sheep Receipts 4000 market steady native muttons 126004 lambs 550C75 Hope Is expecting something we know wont happen PILES I have suffered with piles for thirty bes I gap taking Cascarets for constipation In the course of a week I noticed the piles I began to dsapPcar and at the end of six weeks they did not trouble me at all I Cascarets have done wonders for me I am entirely cured and feel like a new newman Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Good Never SlckeaWeaken or Gripe leer5o Sec Never sold la bulk The Rea ulna tablet lamped C C C Guaranteed to euro or your Booty btci no 1 i Summer Parasols Half Price o Parasols solid colored linen and silk Para sols at HAJP ImO No old stock nil fresh and new iw Handkerchief Specials Here arc soino Inexpensive Hnndkerchlers wo JrnlllkcrchlerftlIrHclI Ladles Shamrock Hemstitched Handker chiefs very sheer and worth lOc OK 25e C 1 Lot Ladles Handkerchiefs with dainty em timbroIdered 25worth C I RAILROAD HOTES i u J Thu regular quarterly meeting of the hospital board of the Illinois Central railroad will meet tomorrow at the hospital The usual routine business will be transacted The machinist helpers unloa will meet tonight at the Central Labor Union hall Two special excursion trains en route from the south to Cincinnati I will pass through Paducah Saturday SaturdayTrains trains No 104 and Xo 102 will be run fn two section to accomodate the excursionists while the regular trains will carrp extra coaches for the accotnodatlon of excursionists from way stations Many hundred popple will make the trip to Clncln waif natiThomas Thomas Watson Is officiating as day ticket agent at the Union station whllo nor Prather who left lastI I night for Michigan Is spending his I vacation J L VooIdridg is work I Ing the first trick and lulus White I r is tho night ticket agent Excavations are being made for the construction of a concrete cul vert qn the Cairo district Just north of the Union station The Nashville Chattanooga St Louts railroad railroadrecently recently completed a culvert at tho same location and now the Illinois Central will Improve Its road bed by byremoving Acute or Chronic Which No matter If your kidney trouble is acute or chronic Foleys Kidney Remedy will reach your case Mr Claude Brown Reynoldsville 111 writegus that he suffered many months with kidney complaint which baffled all treatment At last he tried Foleys Kidney Remedy and a few Jarge bottles effected a complete cure lie Ears It has been of Ines timable value to me Gilberts Drug Store Though Hope Is naught but an oft convicted liar yet she had ouch a sweet voIce that whenever she peaks nil the world willingly lends an ear TIME TABLE Ferry Boat G W Robertson Leave Paducah for Owens Landing at Ct 00am Leave Paducah for Owens Landing at B4G am Leave Paducah for Owens Landing at 200 Pm PmLeave Leave Paducah for Brookport at 700 a m Leave Paducah for Brookport at 1200 noon Leave Paducah for Drookport at 446 pm Leave Paducah for Livingston Point at 845 a m mLeave Tables furnished for card parties on application All afternoon rido for Ladies and Children tor 10 teats A Twenty Mile Jtlde for 10 cents centsJOHX JOllY E ROLLINS Master MITCHELL MACHINE ELECTRIC CO Try Us Thats All 123 Broadway Old Phone 43t1aa New Priori 41I ft