OCR Interpretation

The Paducah evening sun. [volume] (Paducah, Ky.) 1906-1929, November 16, 1910, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052114/1910-11-16/ed-1/seq-6/

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i Chrysanthemums
Wo have tho finest assort
liienl of flowers In the city
California Privet Hedge the
best hedge for this climate
c t
Hyacinths Tulips Narcissi
and China Sacred Lily Bulbs
nil Imported Cut Flewcrs
Floral designs our specialty
Phono Us Your Onlers
Either Phono 102
Sciimaiis Bros
Y The Villain Still PnrMicd tier
Chnnnlng Pollock cites a certain
melodrama produced a tow years
ngo on Fourteenth street as contain
ing tho busiest and most Inconsistent
villain ever created
In the first act ho tied the beauti
ful heroine to a railroad track Just
as the Ifmlted was dee In the sec
ond he lured her into an old house
locked her In an upper room and set
tho place on fire In the third ho
strapped1 her under a buzz saw and
set the machinery In motion In Ute
fourth he tore tho planking out of
the Brooklyn Bridge to that her
automobile plunged through to the
raging floor below
In the fifth act ho ptarted to make
love to her She shrank from him
Why do you fear me NellleT he
asked Success Mngailno
People who are poor often say
Wolf wo have good blood in Us
A Reliable I
Elys Cream Balm
II quickly absorbed
Civet Relief at Once
cleanses soothes
heals and protects
the diseased mem
Crane resulting from
Catarrh and drives
away a Cold in the
head theryeckly RtoHAY
stores the Senses of
Taste and SmelL Fall tire CO eta at Drug
cists or by mall In liquid form 75 cents
Ely Brothers CO Warton Street New York
The remedy for
Catarrh bill HIT fever
and tllmmstionlrrltatione
> rulccntwn of all l mucous mem
iranct unnatural discharge I rcra
nose throat or urinary organ
Sold by Druggists
er la plain wrapper eipreu
prtpuaonrKtipt of 1 1
ori hrc abottles 127i
noukkt on request
IU tral Ooiinl b
has played havoc with the tresses of tbe
fair our and druggists everywhere com
went on the fact that they are selling
large quantities of sage for making the
old fashioned Mage tea such at was
used by our grandmothers for promoting
the growth of their hair and restoring Its 1
natural color Jhe demand for this well
known herb for this purpose has been so
treat that one manufacturer has taken
advantage of the fact and has placed on
the market nn Ideal sage tea contain
i jag sulphur a valuable remedy for dan
druff and scalp rashes and Irritations
This preparation which In I called WyetU
Sage and Sulphur Is gold by all leading
druggists for BO cents and 1 a bottle or
will be sent direct by the Wyeth Chemical
Company 74 Cortlandt St New York
City upon receipt of price
Kcr sale and recommamded by W
e I nUbflrtI I
Nero Fiddled While
I Rome Was Burning
Criminal Indifference yon
laY And you are right But
hew much worse Is 1 it than
what you are doing every dayT
You have read these advertise
ments f tbe
Fire Insurance Agency
for a year or more telling
you that you ught to know
all about the company that
carries your fire insurance
but have you done anything
about It Many have but the
majority of policyholders have
done nothing about the selec
tion of a company They are
fltlll fiddling
In the history of fire In
I auranco in America a large
majority of the fire Insurance
companies organized have
failed or retired from bust
ness To be Insured in com
panies like Wells that have
been in business a hundred
years and will be in business
a hundred years from now
costs no more than to be In
sured In ono that may go out
of business next week
14Lw ii SCO
ttill tirs bier IttUMCl72f
k J
1 bAl W ilLLu JM
Greatly Inrrrasttl Cotton Yield Is
lixprrtvit to Increase Foreign
1nI tlc
New York NOT 16Tho recent
mcctltlga ot tho nallotiaf monetary
commission and the bankers mone
tary commission were at an oppor
tune moment since the members
were able to scrutinize the statistics I
sent from Washington on the day
after election which ate practically
the final reports that tell of the
harvests of last summer and of the
early fall
And the meeting of men who have
gained prominence In banking and
financial circles has given abundant
opportunity to base opinion as to
the effect of these crops upon In
dustrial commercial and financial
conditions in the year 1911 I
Having authoritative reports from I
Washington telling of the aggre
gate of tho harvests tho bankers
who were in this city on Thursday
Friday and Saturday were able In
comparing notes and opinions to
form a fair estimate of what the re
flex movement namely that which
Is Illustrated by tho conversion of
tho crops Into cash or credit and
tho utilization of this cash or credit
for business needs would be I
For Instance one of the more
prominent men Identified with
finance and banking with an em
phatic gesture said t
Wo cannot fully realize at pres I
ent what a corn crop of 3122000
000 bushels really means It is
easy enough to take pencil and
paper and figure that If this crop
can bo marketed at 60 cents a
bushel it is to yield In tho United
States some millions over a billion
eight hundred millions Uut we can
say with confidence that no small
portion of this money will become
available as new capital and we
shall need It all I
The figures themselves are beyond
the power of the human mind fully t
to grasp excepting by comparisons
Uut the really startling feature of
these Crops one which staggers the
Imagination is that found In the
reports of other agricultural pro
ducts The dealers In foreign ex
change say that the cotton crop
probably will create In Europecredlt
In favor of the United States of not
far from six hundred millions
There Is a superb crop of hay and
few people realize how great the
money value Is of the humble bay I
crop Probably we shall export no
great amount of hay for the do
mestic demand presumably will be
fully up to the supply Ono of bel
estimates heard Is that the bay crop
will be found to have a money value
of about six hundred million dol
lars Wheat oats and other grains
have done well and oats are har
vesting a record crop
The bankers tire of tho opinion
that an estimate of nine billion dol
lars as a money reward for the har
Vests of the summer and fall Is not
excessive and is most likely to be an
under than an over estimate
William C Brown president of
tho New York Central and James
J Hill the creator of the Great
Northern system will be likely to
find in these figures some proof that
lint it Won a Hard Pull
It Is hard to believe that coffee will
put a person In such condition as It
lid en Ohio woman She tells her own
ItoryI I
I did not believe coffee caused my
trouble and I frequently said I liked
it to well I would not and could not
quit drinking It but I was a miser
able sufferer from heart trouble and
nervous prostration for four years
I was scarcely able to be around
lad no energy and did not care for
anything Was emaciated and had a
constant pain around my heart until
I thought I could not endure It
Frequently i had nervous chills
and the least excitement would drive
sleep away and any little noise t I
Would upset mo terribly I was grad
ually gottlng worse until finally one
time It came over me and I asked my
self whats the use of being ricK all
the time and buying medicine so that
I could Jndulge myself In coffee
I So I thought I would see If I
ould quit drinking coffee and got
some Postunv to help me quit I made
It strictly according to directions and
I I want to tell you that change was
tho greatest step in my life It was
easy to quit coffee because I had the
Postum which I now like better than
the old coffee
One by one the old troubles left I
until now I am In splendid health
nerves steady heart all right nnd tile
pain all gone Norer have any more
nervous chills doirt take any med I
icine can do all my housework and
have done a great deal beside
Read The Itoad to W HvlIIe In pkgs
Theres a Reason
Ever rood the above letter A new
ono appear from time to time They
are genuine true and full of human
Tried Many RemediesbiitGrewWoiie
Impossible to Do Housework
Cured by Cuticura Soap
and Ointment
IAbout I fix para ago my hinds began
to crack and l j > eel afo tried ninny rem
edleebutthey I grow
worse all tho time
At hut I they became
BO tore that It I was
Impossible for mo
to do tnr IIOIHW
work If IpuC my
hands In water I
1 was In agony If I
tried to cook tho
heat caused inlenro I
pain I consulted a doctor but without
the leut satltf action After a first year
euferingtioIgoottmy mlhf
of thll suffering I cot my fittt relkf
when I tried Cuticura Soap and Cuticura
Ointment After using them for a week
I found to my great delight that my hands
were beginning to feel 1 much better tho
deep crack began tohealupanditoprun
nine and In a little while my hand were
cured by using only one cake of Cuticura
Soap and ono box of Cuticura Ointment
I am very thankful to say that I have
had no return of tho skin dfocste since
I shall be glad if you will publish this
sO that others may know of Cutlcurn
Mn Minnie Drew 23 Danforth Stl
Jamaica Plain Mass April 20 10101
For thirty lara Cuticura Soap and
Cuticura Ointment have afforded speedy
relief to tens of thousands of akln tor
tured and disfigured sufferer from roo
I zeroes rashes lIhlnlS Irritation and
chafing from Infancy fo ap bringing
I comfort and peace to distracted bouso
i holds when all else failed
Cutlrnn Bcn < 2tM art nod throughout the civil
Iud wottd Potter flrue a C i mcx > rpl 1Io Props
p < > r Utltoil tree lpM Ortkura Book
How to Cut tar tad That Ut Bltn ud Betlp
recent warnings made by them have
had some effect
Both of these men appealed last
year earnestly to the American
farmers urging a higher cultivation
and a more economic and systematic
method of sowing growing and har
vesting Mr Hill going so far as tot
say that American agriculture each
year should produce crops of the
I money value of at least fifteen bil
lions and President Brown pleading
the same cause but taking another
lino of argument anotherI I
American farmers that from statis
tics in his possession he was justi
fled in saying that unless the Amer
Ican farmers produced more the
tlmo was near at hand when no
ships would leave American ports
for other nations carrying any
freight but manufactured products
That is to say the exports of Amer
ican agricultural products would
r 1 Apparently It Is some answer tOi
these two men that this year we
hate had two record crops and on
tho whole excellent crops which
when marketed will be found to
hare created new capital available
for railway Industrial or agricul
tural expansion
The Her tK Y Mulling Elected
Pnsident oflMucatlonal
Cjnthiana Ky soy CTlbe
fiaptlst Kducatlonal Society of Ken
tucky convened at the First Baptist
church here this mornIng with E Y
Mulline of Louisville presiding De
votional exercises were conducted by
M D Earlyand enrollment
followed enrdllmentI I
The election of officers was heM
this mornIng and resulted as follows
for the ensuing ficor
Dr E Y MulUns reelected prod
dent vice presidents President < Vr
thur Yeager Georgetown College A
GaUlff Wllllamaburg and O W Nor
ton of Louisville A Y Ford of
Ixmltrvillo treasurer and W E
Mitchell of Pembroke secretary
Tho report of the education so
ciety shows 48830783 expended
for Baptist education In Kentucky In
four years Screntyflvo thousand
dollars Is being raised for tha Dap
tlct Semlrrary at Louisville which Is
about made up
This wild mako A grand total of
J5C3OOfl for Baptist olucatfon In
Kentucky expended since the organ i
ization of tho education society at
Richmond 1n ISrOC at the meeting of
tho general Association
Three hundred and fifty raes
fengers arc In attendance and the
indications are for a very successful
JUg Hats in France
Womens big hats are giving much
concern to railroads in France The
companies wish to raise the tariff
for shipping them and they applied
to the minister of public works for
permission to do so The public
officIal Is in a quandary because he
appreciates tho mobility ot fashion
If ho makes a rule It must stand for
a year whereas he says the fash
ions In hats may change overnight
Tfti trouble Is that a few dozen hat
boxes are of Inconsiderable weight
but they leave no room in a car for
anything else Their fragility makes
them a further Inconvenience and
now the railroads complain that they
are losing money in shipping hat
boxes Exchange
LotS of mon would rather be con
sld rod mean than ordinary
Ieiderod hit I the target of success aim
1 J
1AVblt lUX
Pnynter Crnml Prolwbly Would
Onixtfte Irtcn mid Oinlwt
Miiy HiMill
Louisville Nor lIiTh Evening
Coat fays On with dance Out of
one campaign Into another Tho
smoke of Ute battle of last Tuesday
at the polls hndt not died nwaoi bee
toro the wise ones were dleouwlng
the effect tho various contests In
Kentucky would have on Die earn
paign for state offices which Is I now
on Tho Democratic Mate conwn
flan will be held > next June In addi
tion io the nomination of a candi
date for governor and other stale
Offices tho fight for tho senatorial
toga t now worn by Senator Thomas
H Paynter will manifest Itself In tho
workings of the state coitvontton
and combinations of all kinds and
characters may t > o expected Tho
candidates for this office are Sena
tor Payntcr who would succeed him
self and Congressman Ohio James
of tho First district
Followmg the success which at
tended the plan fo have the Indiana
state convention nominate a Demo
cratic candidate for tnltcd States
senator tho frkinds of Congressman
James nro said to be behind a nfmllar
plan for tho Kentucky Democrats
Tho argument will be made In favor
of this Sltron that It comes
nearer In the end expressing the
wishes of tho majority ot tho pro
po ot the state than could 0111 i other
plan uolertj ft too the election of a
United States senator direct This
of our Is ImpoepfMe at present
Precedent chows however that
the will of the people is not binding
oh Democratic legislators Governor
neckbam was nominated for senator
In a state primary but enough
Democrats In the lt l gl 1attiro repud
iated the obligation Imposed to elect
a Republican senator
Whllo the friends of Congress
man OBlo James have boon keeling
It very quiet It Js known that much a
plan Is seriously under consideration
This proposition naturally will
carouse an avalanche of opposition
Mr James friends however irtll in
skit that It Is tho Democratic plan
that It makes It possible for the i > eo
pie In advance of an election for
senator to express their will at the
polls even though 1nd4rvctl and
that it was tried with much mice s
In Indiana Senator Payntor and his
supporters prcauhwijjy will oppose
the project vigorously One argu
meat against the proposition already
being beard la that it would tend to
confuse the gubernatorial and other
state race with the eenatorehty
Others May Enter Rare
Many who express the opinion
that former Governor J C W Heck
town wltl yet Ijo brought tnto tho
fight for the senatorshlp eapecJjiHy 1f
former Senator McCreary U elected
governor ant < pointing out hat a
nomination by the state convention
In Juno wouhl close the bars too
earlji In the senatorial race and that
It would not bo right to deprive those
from entering who might after the
election of the legislature want to
shy their castor Into the ring Not
only Governor Beokhanii but John C
0 MayoXof Pnlnlsvflro and others
continue to be mentioned as eena
tonal possibilities
Marriage said the serious man
ta an education in IhoUIYes
commented old Grouch It teaches
you what not to do after youve
done itDeston Transcript
Good Advice nrgnnllng tho rcven
I thou of Coughs and Colds
If people woUld only fortify and
strengthen the ystein the inajorl
of cases of coughs wIde and pneu
monia might bo Avoided Tessa
troubles arc frequently duo to weak
n which produces a catarrhnl con
dition of the nvucous membrane
which Is an Internal skin of the body
When this skin la weakened H be
comes easily Infected with sornltf
which cause many of tile diseases to
which flesh la heir Healthy mucous
mennbemnea are essential safeguards I
of the bodys general health
Wo have a remedoi which wo
honestly believe to be niunirpastvd
In excellence for the prewUloiv < jot
coughs colds and all cntnrrhal con
ditions It Is the prescription of a
famous physician who bas nn en
viaMo reputation of 30 years of
cures galnod through he use of this
formula Wo promise to make no
charge for the medicine should It
fall to do as we claim Wo urge
everybody who has need of such a
mc Uclne to try Keocall MucuTone
It stands to reoaoh just t we could
not afford to mako such statements
and glvo our own personal guarantee
to this remedy if wo were not pre
pared to prove the reasonableness of
our claim In every particular and
we see no reason why any ono fchoukl
Instate to accept our offer and triI I
It Wo have two tin ot Itexall 1
MucuTone prices 50 cent nncJI I
t100 Sometime a CO cent bottlo I
II sufficient to give manned relict
AH a general thing the most chronic
caao Is irelleTd with an arcing of 1
three largo bottles You ran obtain
Rbxall Homedlca In Itochvster ont
at our moroTho Hoxall Store W I
U McPherauu
One Would Not Full OH Fast Soul I
ns North I
XorthII II I
A man falling from a threestory I
building In New Orleans will not
fall as fast as ho would if bo were
In New York City In fact In hard I
ly any two places will ho fall with
the same speed This Is because as
wo go toward tho equator tho force
of gravity gets less and less and
consequently tho acceleration of a I
falling body becomes less and the
force of Impact la therefore less I
While It docs not make very much i
difference In the Injury to a person
falling from n height It does mako
a difference In other things Take
a rifle and fire It exactly horizon
tally and It tho gun Is sixteen feet
above the ground say at New York
the bullet fired from such a rlflo will
strike tho ground In exactly one sec
ond after It leaves tho rifle It tho
bullet has n horizontal velocity of a
thousand feet per second It will
strike tho earth exactly ono thou
sand feet away Lot ns take the
same rifle to a place where thc force
of gravity Is not the same as at NOW
York but a good deal smaller say
twothirds smaller We find that If
the gun Is placed sixteen feet above i 1
the ground as before and absolutely
horizontal the bullet will not fall t
tho sixteen feet In ono second but
will take over ono nnd a half sea
onds tp fall thus enabling the buti
let to be In tho air that length oft t
tlmo Therefore It will strike the
ground about lCOO feet away Thus j
It is seen that thc range of a rlflo Is
Increased as it Is taken toward the
Of course there Is no place on
earth where the torso of gravity Is
twothirds smaller than at Now
York but there are many places
whore the difference Is considerable I
enough to affect slightly tho range
of rifles Harpers Weekly
Robbed wruuieu mo fans in the
grandstand The umpire merely
glanced nt them Hut the boy who
was trying to sell mouldy popcorn
at 10 cents a bag turned and fled
Chicago Tribune
ifor I I Even the straphanger stands up
for the street car service
The Famous Ravo
The Lamp with Diffused Light
should always be used where several
people sit because it does not strain tho
eyes of those sitting far from it
The Rayo Lamp Is constructed to give
the maximum diffused white light Every
detail that Increases Its lightgiving value
has been Included
The Rayo Is a lowpriced lampYou may
pay 5 10 or even 20 for other lamps and get
a more expensive containerbut you cannot get
a better light than the Rayo glvU
This seasons Rayo has a new and strength
ened burner A strong durable shade holder
keeps the shade on firm snd true Easy to keep
polished as it la made of solid brass finished
In nickel
Once a Rayo User Always One
Am II 0 01 IlItrpIfIIf
DIltr JIll mayafoMssearrvnerydnr
crnur tt tin mtrtil jt qr eflki
X Standard Ineorportttd Oil Company 4
1 I
C L Van Meter Manager
All Kinds of Hauling Storage and
Both Phones 499
499I I
Theres Another Seasons Wear in That 1 Dress or Suit ti1
It needs some expert attention roil i a component cleaner It I Is f
true but wo aro as well equipped fodo fine work as any cleaner
in Ilia stalo And B dollar or two will work wonders with gar I
menu which seemed beyond repair j
Indies Stills Cleaned and pressed ssno to 150 l
Indies Suits lnIHIIIt > only 7Bc to 5121 t J
JUns Rulm cleaning and pressing SIJ50 I
Ovcrsonts cleaning mill pressing f 100 to 9 260 II I
New Phone 1083 114 South Fifth Street New 1Iiono JOH1A 7
o f
1tT IHXUtlMl
IcrtiNtl of Attacking Colored Mnn
with KniickM In Court
1IIItbu Ytill
Ell Gregory 19 year old of near
fnxon tills who walt arrost > d yctt
orday afternoon by Patrolman Eng
land on a oi rgv of mnlloJouH as >
Sault was given hit dismissal 1 this
morning try Pollco Judgo Cross
Henry Cole a colored restaurant
proprietor who was assaulted tier two
white iwm in mo court norm yard
Sunday night BOW Gregory yesterday
afternoon and told Patrolman Eng
land ho was one of the pair who used
irons knuoks on him Sunday night
> orgory WAS taken to police head
iiurt ra and wan later recognized to
appear thki morning Ho establMied
an alibi proving bj Several witnesses
that be attended prayer mwtlnR with
its family Sunday night near hIlt
Gregory l t a brother of Mini
Georgia Gregory a pretty school
eacher at High Point who com
premised her suit against J D Ate
Sha yesterday In the circuit court
for ISM She sued for 10000
lander Orvpory tame hero yester
day to attend the trial of his sister
Rod It was a plain case of mistaken
A Lively CMinpnlKii
In 1 small New Jersey Iowa tho
local political campaign was being
fought to the bitter end and both
faction claimed the Election as their
own One of the political leaders lit
met a prominent merchant of theti tt
town and they began to discuss the
How Is I tho campaign coming
along down In your ward asked
tho merchant nakedf f
Very exciting said tho politic
ian Next week wo are going to
have a Joint debate In the town hall
between n phonograph and a gropho t e
phone Llpplncotts
What Every Womanc
Ought to KnowI > it
FTerr woman knows that noihlnc Ii mortani
nosing or rtlIecl8 mora ulrro her wxiuilon M
k artful bouMkMinr thin nU aloe cock
roaches safer bogs eta In the bout It I t
Every woman should know of the Pei able rx
UrmlDitor for all tcrroln of Uh nature t I
SK rni KJfctrlo 1UI and Roach Iulc TbH
11Ue tirct0ir lorUM sad drltn rata sad mica
out of the house la die lol la Blah and on
ibtlret at nltbu eockroMbea and water Was
are dead In iti inornlof
ttuuvrtfmd HfltfaUt oune tiazaSett
ouneebot Lot Sold ydruatllltverrwbera
er MaL tipreM lll4 on rtcelpi of i > rlte
Steams KMelrlo TatM eo Cblewo 111 1 e
T > uUvlllc Ky
The Best ttithe t
the City
Convenient to Union Depots
Wholesale and Retail Stores
Moderate Price
Excellent Cuisine
Headquarters for Western
Kentucky le plo I f
The New LwlsrlHl Hail Cef IICoj
O H IUUHOW8 Manager
t t
T i
If you uant to hit alien you aim you Must have the right kind of
nmmunltlon and loadrtl Just right Wo lucre liotli In any quail
t1tallll all sizes of loaillf i I J I t II 1 i
v 1 wy I
Try Our Goods nnd You Will Ue Xo Oilier I
212 Broadway Both Phones 195 r
Ferry Boat Ge W Robertson
Lee Paducah for Owens Landing at t w r 800 a m
Leave Paducah for Owens Landing atr r n 846am
Leave Paducah for Owens Landing at 200 pm
Leave Paduch for Owens Landing at 600pra
Leave Paducah for Droekport > t 1200 noon
Leave Paducah for Broekport at 415 pm I f
Leave Paducah for Livingston Point at vw 845 a m 8v
Leave Paducah for Livingston Point si anaaasrrw J9aM <
Table furnished for and parties on application
All Afternoon ride for lAdIes and Children for 10 Mttl
yid 1
SIB Kentucky Aye
The Plumber
We ire now located in our new
Home opposite the new fire
> rtg11s1fIM
e 5a

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