OCR Interpretation

The Paducah evening sun. [volume] (Paducah, Ky.) 1906-1929, December 01, 1910, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052114/1910-12-01/ed-1/seq-5/

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Jki18 ±
t o place on sale today fifty ladles
tailored skirts plain solid and
fane cloths valees worth 750 to
t 9V50 a few worth moreSome
4 <
blacks in lotsPriced sty 590
I c
1 ° tie It < it 9ludl 8
Order taken for visiting cards
and I monogram stationary
1 v Dr Gilbert Osteopath 642
I Broadway Phones 196
Rubber stamps seals brail
Itonclll1 etc at Tho Sun omce
Dalton Dye Works have moved
4 to 114 South Fifth street
Free city and farm real estate
r price Hit WhUlomoro Fraternity
building Vhonee 835
I Sign writing G > It Sexton
Phones 401
s Dalton De Works havo moved
to 114 South Fifth street
f Wo serve Booths oysters day
t 4We I
s 7 and night Buchanan restaurant
219 Kentucky avenue
1clothing for gentleman CIO Broad
way Shamrock Bldg I
This years crop of Fall Bulbs
direct from Holland now on sale at I
t 4DrunflOn E29 Broadway
4 If reliable taxicab service Is any I
I1 r object to you take tho car with yel
I low wheels Phono 915 Smith I
j Dlmmlck Sunny Hollow still bouw whUky I
11tilling Co
r t BCGr1S
S liar Ai QrtmtJi 31414 Broadway
1 The Womans Christian Tom tr1
nnca Union will meet tomorrow after
neon nt 3 oclock at the Baptltt I
ohurab All member aro urged to
attend I I
rOwitvp to the cold weather last
4 nit tin Ilk cllnr of the stewards of
L > tho Draadwv Methodtot church was
fI1C1IORod f until Monday evening
C1dnglI I
C1dnglf I
f 1 and following the meeting a banquet
I will bo iwvod
V + Preston the little ton of Mr
rorredJ J
And Mrs George Yapp 905 dark
street U rerlourty 111 with tonnMlttw
Jamo IL Spark filed suit
ngninkt the INtnol Contra railroad
value ot a horse that It U aXoKcd
W WI MMod by a train
y There will bo a rehearsal of all
of thoto perionp who have promised
to take part In tho musical enter
tt8lnm < nt to be given for the benefit
4of tho Hotpltal League tonight at
I 750 at tho Knights of Columbus
e hall In tho Campbell building
i In lightening ropes to prevent
barges ot the AynrLord Tie company
from blowing away this morning J
W Gully who rId s In Mechanlct <
burg caught lib left hand and tract
urd his fingers Dr W II Patrons
drtlt iv > d tho Injury ant Gully will be
1 Irott duty for several weeks
r d
of Yours
+ 4
t Will yield mighty quick to the
4 t the soothing Influence of OLD
ft COUGH DROPS Theyre made
up according to tho formula
of an old plantation doctor
flor healing herbs am purest
f r ti sU1tarno a suspicion of
rdopo ina car load Got
toilet today fry
LBig L
14id i I
I 5c
jDrug Store
wFourth and Broadway
> w
I l tlll fBoUa f PboaM 77
Cull Old Phono 838r
823 Broadway
e The Evening Sun charges
1j cent a line for all notice of
entertainments or social events
to which there Is any admission
fee and owing to tho difficulty
had in collecting these small ac
count Ills neccsfary to require
cash for such advertising
1111 11111
Jaml Bowling and Mrs Bowl
ing have charge of the Shelton board
inc I house 219 North Sixth and have
iomo nice rooms and want more
boarder Good meals at reasonable
reasonableI I I
JUlt received tho flirt barrel of
new crop > N O roolat tes It 10 Just
fine at Dlederman0 on Seventh
o Marriage Llconson
John Furnan of Iaducah fleam
boat empjojxj and Jennie Belie
Crouch 21 of Paducah
Elvis Ford 28 of Graves county
farmer and Annie Bridge of Ken
Deed Filed
Glp Husbands to J S Radford
ten aercs on tho south side of tho
lIubandlt road UoQOO
In Iollro Court
Breach of pca e ManIn Farmer
fined 20
Marriage Ucinsw
E K Ford 2C of Paducah ma
rlno engineer and Mabel Meyer 22
of Brookport III
Snits Filed in Circuit Court
Fearing Whiton company of
Boston filed trait against tho Wisdom
Hosiery mills for 1310 GO alleged I
duo on account
Melon TaftVi Ikhnt
Washington D C Doc 1lIolen
only daughter of President Taft was
formally presented to wclety law
these afternoon at a reception in tho
white house in tho east room Tho
president briefly greeted tho assemb
lage Miss Taft III tho fourth de
butante of tho white house the oth
ers bong Miss Nellie Grant and tho
MlKcs Alice and Ethel RoooovclL
Mr Lynn Boyd has returned from
Des Moines la
1 I
Rock Rye and Honey Com
pound speedily relieves that
annoying early season cough
and cold
Price fOe and 9100
Malarial Tonic Capsules are
guaranteed to break up any
caso of chills They dont
mako you sick like tho sweet
syrups do They aro splendid
1 Price BOc Per Box
Seventh nnd Jackson Streets
llotli Phones 237
Johns toil Tu rcll nse
Mga Flora Johnzton and Mr
James Purchase were married Tues
day evening at the parsonage by the <
Rev D W Fooks pastor of the dim
be land Presbyterian church Tho <
brldo Is a popular young woman or
Salem avenue Mr Purchase la 11 i
bollormaker helper rt too llllnol
Central hops and a son of Mr and
Mrs Joecph Purchase
D A It Chapter
Paducah Chapter Daughters of
tho American Involution win hav
its December meeting Friday afUir
noon at 230 with alias Emily Mor
row 633 Jefferson street
The program features ace
1 005 America
2 Roll Call + Current Events
3 Paver Matthew
FonUIno Moury the Pathfinder ot
tho SooDr Delia OaldiwelL
4 Reading Selected Mrs
George iU Hart
6 Music
Womans Club Clirltmng Shop
The Christmas Shop of the Worn
ans club will open tomorrow at the
mimic store 618 Broadway and con
tinuo through Saturday evening In
addition to tho many attractive
Christmas articles tea will 4w tarred
each afternoon from 4 until G I
oclock Mrs Victor Vorln and Mrn
John Q Taylor will bo the houtcsse
OEHlitod byi a number of the young
society girls 001 Saturday evening
from 8 to 10 oclock there wllli be a i
muscat program will be featured
oivrnslx > ro Wedding of Stnto Interest
A brtHant tnriety went wan the
marriage of Miss Janet Gilmoii
Reid and Mr James M Pondlctor
which was BOtommlred at the First
Presbyterian church Wednosdaj
dnyI I
officiating The attendants were
Maid of honor Mica Mary BrodJe
bridesmaids Mlafos Margaret Smith
Bay City Michfl Mary Do Movllle
IUW Na hvttJo Tenn Janet Wood
eon Martha UtUo and Ethel Wit
llama The beet man was Mr
George SJ J Fuqua Groomsmen wltt
Ibo I Mcsira Robert Reid brother of
the bride Harry Ray James Hodge
Henderson Levy Fowlkca and
Joaaca Bolger
The bride is the youngest daughter
of Mr and Mrs Alien Reldi MA i
P nd1cton Is well known throughout i
tho state as managing editor of the
Owenefcoro Messenger theI I
Arkansas WtCMII I
The Texarkana papers make rectal
mention of a woodIng there that has
Itt interest hero where the bride re
cently Visited
Sunday morning at 930 oclock
at the residence of the grooms uncle
and alrdt M11 taM 3rt J T J DIllard I
Mr Frank Oonwnyi Booby and Miss
IXoJlo Iohno9 woro married by lIs81
JU D Crandall of Central Christian
The bride U the beautiful daughter
of Mrs Holme and a niece of Mr
R1A Casey of Walnut Hill who re
moved hero from near Paducah Ky
this DeoonVbor two years ago She
numbers many friends among her
acquaintances at Walnut HAUL The
groom Is the wn of Mr and Mrs T
J Dooley of Walnut Hill a great
grandson of James 8 Conwaji tho
first governor of Arkanms and Is
known and admired by nearly all tho
people of the vicinity Some very
beautiful presents have beam given
the happy pair
Mtas Holmes had just returned
from a five months visit to relatives
In Kentucky and was met im Lewis
vllloon her return byi Mjr Dooley
and accompanied to his aunts homo
i In Texnrkana Sunday where they
wore married They returned to his
homo In Walnut HHV Monday
I Miss SrottA PlnnoKrcltnl
Charmingly artistic was Mss Mary
Scotts pianorecital on Wednesday
aftornoon at tho Womans club
house It wag an Invitation affair
and the auditorium was filled with a
brlWlatrt nwmbinpo of friends
Ilpallli Rrgalmil lit lUKlit Pood
The average healthy man or wom
an is usually eager to be busy at
some useful task or employment
Hut set dyspepsia or Indigestion
got hold of one and all endeavor
becomes a bunion
A year ago after recovering from
an operation writes a Michigan
lady my stomach and nerves began
to give mo much trouble
Attlmes nnji appctlto was vo
melons but when Indulged IndLges
tion followed Other times 1 had no
appetite whatever Tho food I took
weaker than ever
I lot Interest In everything and
wanted to bo alone I had always
had > good nerves but now tho merest
trifle would upset and bring on a
violent headache Walking across
tho room was an effort and pro
scribed exercise was out of tho ques
III had coon Grape Nuta advertised
but did not bellcvo what I read at
the time At hut when 4t seemed as
if 1 was literally starving 1 began to
eat GrapoXuta
utsI I been able to work for
a year but now after two months on
Q rapeNuts I ami eager to bo at work
again My stomach Rives DIe no
trouble now my nerves are stead 1
as ever and Interest in life ands am
bition have come bark with the re
turn to health fI I
hlwthI I Road to Wellville iw
I > kgs Theres w nca on
t Ever rend the above letter A
now ono appears from thno to time
They are genuine true and full of
liiuiiao Interest
b W i
I niuulc lovers and mud critics The I
tago was effectively nrrnwgcd with I
palms ferns nod flowers i mnny OfI I
the latter being glftf lowers to the 1
I popular young musical artist who I
also received ah exquisite sheaf of I
pink roses < at the close of the re I
cital Receiving the guests at the I
door were Jlttle MIeees Marie Derry I
Frances Sugg Kathleen Palmer and j
Francos Adama Misses Mamlo Pur I
ijjoar and Uulla Slnndrod were the I
ushers ill j
lit was MIsrf Scotts first appearance I
In public since her return fromI I
Nashville whore she recently spent I
several months Ini taking a opcclal 1
courso of piano and organ She IsI I
a Rifted musician and interprets 1
with a sympathetic charm as welt as
a perfection of technique Miss I
Soott was assisted by her brother Mr
Robert Scott whoso taUsfylng Oleo
was never heard to more splendid
effect His rendition of Mrs Drown
Ing cxqulalto llttlo lofepoem
Unless was especially beautiful I
Tho program which was odmlrablj
arranged to give pleasure mowed a
fine talent of selection an fallow
1 1 Mountain Scenes Dennco
a In a Oaoijon
Cb Forrest Sounds
2 a Venetian Song TosU
Cb Unless Caracclolo
3 o Reproach llaberbtor
b Condolicra Moszkownkl
4 Jo Nocturne Chapln r
b To tho Sea A Song <
a M Mac Dowcll I
C An tho Dam mentor I
When Lore i Is Donollawloy < I
C Etudo Arabesque Lade I
Cro anII II I
tMUg Jenrmle Belle Crouch and Cap <
tain John Furnan weje married last r
evening at tho home the bride onJ
parley plaoo locllnDl burg Miss I
Crouch Is tho attractive daughter ort
popular young woman with a host orr
I friends Captain Furnan Is a well I
I known Ohio irlver pilot and has many
friends In tho city j 1
D R Clinajd and MOSS I Daisy
cokes were married last night at 7t
oclock at 319 Husbands street t > y
tho llev J B Pearson pastor of theI
South Third Street Methodist chlUrchs
Mrs Belle bow returned last
night from LaCenter after a visit toi 1 i
friends iAttorncy 0 C Orassham has re
turned from XashTllle where ho has I I
been on business
Mr and Mrs W I A Berry have re I
moved from their country homo Ini
1Arrodla 1 I I
iMUs Margaret iBlckle of Lots
vllle will arrive tomorrow on a visit
to Mr and Mrs Guy D Martin of j I
Fourth and Monroe streets
Mrs J A Crouch deft yesterday I
for Goldwalte Texas on > a visit tow
herldluahterM I j y Bu kSJj
Mr If Reeves passed through tho 1
city yesterday en route from Enid j
Okla to Benton on a 1sJtd
lrO A Wallace of Kevil wasw
In the city ycetMtJay on butnCE1tn
Mrs Clara Fehr of heclcr burg
0 arrived last night on a visit tow
her sister Mrs A L BarkJey orT
Clark streetJ
The Fbv N 0 Hall of Gilberts
vlllo passed through Paducah yesterdays In
where he will lead a revhl11c
Miss Elizabeth Edrington former
ly deputy county court clerk sift
last night tor > Los Angels Cat t
whore sho will reside
Mr J S Pattre of Grand Rivers
Is In the city on business
Mrs Edward Wurty of Dyersburg I
Tenn arrived last night on a visit to
her parent Mr and Mrs U Rebor
Mr J R Lane left today for
Princeton and Dawson Springs on an
business I Is j
Mr aiarrsv Mercer wlU leave to In
morrow night for a several weeksE
trip through tho castm j 1 E
Miss Mamdo Young returned to hw t
homo at Martin Tenn today after ad l
visit to her sister Mrs A I Oovlngb
ton of Seventh street and Kentucky b
avenue III I
Attorney J D Mocquot president 61
of tho Kentucky Bar association re 1
turned today from iLoulsvlllo after
attending the conference of the T
figovernors 1
Will Moore Easily Dofcntwl In Ten
Hound GD In New YOrk
New York Doc 1Abo Attel of
California easily defeated Will
Moore of Philadelphia ln a ten
round bout
Moore was outclassed from the
start by tho featherweight champion
and at the last boll Abes only mark
was a slight trickle of bood from the
note while Moores face was terribly
bruised and both eyes closed
In tho fourth round Moore wont
down for the count of nine Attel
went down In the seventh and cat In
the middle of the ring with his legs
crossed waltlg for tho count of
nine then ho Jumped up Moore
landed loft and right to the head in
tho opening of tho tenth bringing
blood from Attels nose This an
gored tho champion and he fought
furiously for a knockout but with
out avail
While there Is Ufe l < there is hope for
everybody but the undertaken
f11A1E IIfeIlfe1fe > life 13i1T111AiJuT t1 I
ai Why There Is Nd Better Xnuw 5
4 Present Than Hock s Shoesr
5I 5
g your fellow man They make iI
3 your disposition sweeter and It
H Ka
KM I 4
more gentle TheY save youI
= money because the stock L I
I iThe
They fit the foot of every
4member t of tho family Many t f
4 ttell tI t i I
tt i J 1
goods Rocks Is tho to j i
way a tei
I ate
I tehnppy I 1
4 821 Broadway 4 I 1
Clothing nnd Liquor Are Seized Upon
hT l Freezing Men
umerous cases of theft have been
reported to the police who say that
cold weather is responsible In most
Instances clothing comprise tho
articles that attract thieves who aro
desperate entering houses and tak
ing chances
IJIabOO9 are operating in the rail
road yards Last night Inn Illinois
entrap caboose standing on the
switch tracks near lied Row west ot
Ten lee street crossing was broken
Into and the following articles
token Two suits of clothes one
shirt and a book containing 250 In
meal tickets on the > Mitchell restaur
ant Memphis Tenn
jA thief entered dohecns boarding
house on Kentucky avenue near the
city hall yesterday and stole an > over
coat belonging to John Mitchell a
hoarder Liquor thieves are also ac
thou A caso of pint bottles contain
ing whisky was stolen from John
Elrods ratoon on South Second
street The police are working on the
1 M A1 1 A1 MM I AI fti MMMMI AM
Grandma taints a pair of
IOrnmlma Warm Slippers for
Xmas n
Millionaire Heaves Him Books
Money to Former Domestic
St Louis Dec IThe will of
Co Moses 0 Wetmore former
Democratic national committeeman
was filed for Probate here this after
noon Mrs Terra G Thompson at
whose home he lived for several
years prior to ids death fast Satur 1
day is tho principal beneficiary and
will draw450 a month for the re J
mainder of her Kfe 1
William J Bryan was remembered 6
with tho Life and Writings of
Thomas Jefferson while Senator WI I
Stone received ca cane whkh ho
gave to the former Democratic leader
The value of the estate is not dis
closed In tho probate proceedings t
4 e44 eeoooo4 4
Give Brother n pair of Walk
over Shoes for Xmas
YW WI YI YI 1 1 WYI Y1 1 1 Y1 1 Y
At The Star
The change of pro ram that goes
onl1t the Star theater this afternoon w
a headed by the famous two Lees
a fine musical act Miss Lee Is <
exceptionally pretty and Is a real EI
Curry and Riley have a clever net
iolrg tome singing and talking that c
brings forth the hearty laughter that t
makes you feel good This act is 1
sure to be a big go at the Star
Miss Anrena Smith Is singing in r
Sunny Italy beautifully Illustrated l
Two new motion plot res complete a a
line program Admlsion lOc chll
Iron 5c on
The Gem has Imported 0 new eng e
Miss Hacah Gentry who goes on h
for the first time this afternoon r
Mr R L Reeves returned to Pa
ducah this morning from Phoenix j
Arizona where he has been for soy g
oral weeks with his daughter Miss j
Asllee Mr Reeves la very much en
couraged with the Improvement Miss c
Aslleo is Etoowms
V w
ahowmLISTS 1 I
Lettuce Lotion 1
For Chapped
25c Bottle
Phones 108
412414 Broadway
1 t i0s I
Hereafter The Suns advertising
sates for lodges and churches char
Ity organizations and societies will
be tho same as to all other advorj
Users Also on account of difficul
ties la making collections from many I I s
of these ncounts all publications of
this character must be acompaniedl
by the cash I i
DIAMOND on easy payments
Eye See Jewelry Co 315 Broadway j
FOR RENT Four room house
CIO Adams Apply 601 South Sixth
HAIR WORK Ada Pultun 605
South Eighth Old phone 200GI I
FOR SAL ETwin baby buggy
now Apply 921 Clark j I
EXPERT piano tuning only
200 C W Hahn New phone C47
yUR SALE Cuttings from 11dU1 i
nh Cooperage Co New phone 2258
FOR GOOD FITTING suits go to I
M Solomon 111 Broadway
FOR RENT Dwelling at 232
North Seventh Call old phone 3 1C
for appointment to Inspect I
FOR SALE Good dry country
stove and heater wood 100 Now
phone 1611 i I
at 218 Broadway Moneysaving
Chrstmas goods are bore
Williams Furniture Depot 601 Soj I
Third New Phone 981a
WANTED iou to bear In mind I
that Bradley Bros are sole agents i
agentlfor I
UMBRELLAS covered while you C
wait Eye See Jewelry Co 315323 1
Xmas gllt8 10 1260 to 30 I
Parrish the Jeweler 218 Broadway
WANTED Small electric motor
onehalf or one h p motorll
care Sun J
SunI I
Christmas gifts from Parrish thell I I
Jeweler 218 Broadway I
WANTED CouP c to room and i I I I
board at 217 North Fifth street I I
Also day boarders wanted streetI I I
FOR RENT Jtoom 117 Broad 1 I
way fitted out with bank fixturesle
fireproof J A RudYS t
WANTED To rent a nicely furni i
ished room In a private family Apply
424 South Third
Di1S9 MARY MIX will make spe
cia prices in dressmaking during the
next few months Evening dresses a i
sp la1ty Od phone 1167
STRAYEDBlack mule lame in
left hind leg Halter burn on nose s
Return to 1003 Boyd and receive 8
liberal reward 1
YOU are wanted for Government j I
position 8000 month Write for c
list of poritlonF open Franklin In p
etltute Dept 104a Rocterter NY D
YOUR LACf4 curtainS need cleanI
Ing You will make no mistake lng
sending them t > the Star Laundry o
Phone 200 F
WE WASH lace curtains very care
fully Get them classes and whiter
than you could at home Star Laun t
dry Phone ZOO p
WANTED You to give Old Tay Of
lor Ceal a trial We guarantee ton
please you Bradley Bros 339 I
3391both U
W ANTE > To furnish your um U
brella with a new cover or handle fr
W N Warren Jeweler 403 Droad st
war L
waySNtAYEDOne jersey oow with
white spots Frosted nose left horn zl
shorter than right Call 207 1a Er
LaGore ISI
FOR SALERhoda Island Red c
cockerels that arc red Put new bl j
blcod in your stock C L Faust s
1502 Broadway Old phone 1509a OJ
LAST Black rug mutt Saturday tI
night on Ilrondwny or on south Mile dl
Finder plcoso return to this office be
and receive rowan if
FOR RENT Five room cottage
n Washington street has all mod
ern conveniences including toilet
hot and cold water sink etc J A j I
Rudy FOR SALEoA 16acre improve
farm ono mile from city limits on
Husband road Will sell cheap If dl
sold at once DA Want R F Di
No 7 City nl
WANTEoAt once experienced U
carpenter for forming etc on Cltyt to <
National Bank building Fourth ands I w
Broadway Apply to W H John of
ston Superintendent elI
UECElV1IDA lot ot imported dl
goods for Christmas suits Prices
are reasonable Suits made up in
fine style M Solomon 111 Broad w
way Under New RIchmond IIQuse
room house corner Eleventh and
Monroo streets Has furnace and all
modern conveniences See F M
Fisher andl l
TOR SALE or tra aMy place
27 acres 5 miles from Paducah on i
Cairo road New phone 71C or call
1631 Broad etreat George J
Jones A
WANTED You to remember l
when placing your order for coal =
that Old Taylor Coal is by test the
best and at the same price of the
other inferior coals sold on the Pa
ducah market r
WANTED Men to learn barber g
trade Few weeks completes Money t
earned while learning DIg demand
for our graduates Wages 12 to
20 weekly Llttlo expense Bo In t
dependent Catalogue mailed free
Dialer Barber College C
J ty
Make the Best
Christmas Presenis
Come select a few of the
most popular magazines as
gifts for any of your family
or friends There Is nothing
most of us appreciate more
and they make such frequent
calls and bring such pleasuret
that the donor Is remembered
quite often and cordially
We Make Cut Rates on
Wo will duplicate any offers
IWo have from any cut rate
agents and assure you prompt
IThis deliveries means much
Tho Hook Magazine and
Music Man
FOR SALB New 25 grapho
phone never used Call phone 335
fold AIphone WORK Mattlo Dawson
old phone 71 1a
1On RENT Three room haulm
118 Farley street Gco Rawclgh
WANTED Five girjn at the Home
HOUSEKEEPING rooms 322 Mad
jUon Phone 2950
945 Clay
GROCERY for sate good stand
Apply to Covington Brothers
LOST Brown mink scarf be
tween Ninth and Fifth on Madison
Return to Sun office for reward
WANTED To purchase heating
stove In good contiiton A D care
FOR SALE Fourhorse Kalr
banksMorfo gasoline engine and saw
rig New phone 1079
8 IL HOSTEN Dyeing prewlns
renovating French dry cleaning
Work called for and delivered Club
IOO per month Old phone SSSa
FOR RENT 1201 South Eighth
street Good location for grocery
Both phones 154
> UND iA gold watch Owner
can recover same by Identifying and
paying charges See Caipt Floyd
Barrels care Steamer Glcanor
LOST1 The addresses of 500 per
sons who would be glad to know of
our charge account system Ask us
Farley Askln Clothiers 217
WANT EverYbody to know
hat the Farley Atkn credit plan
places good clothing within tho reach
if every map woman or child Costa
nothIng Ask us 217 Broadway
WE STARCH lace curtains Just
the degree of stiffness that makes
them hang nicely and dry them upon
frames that make them square and
stretch them smooth and evQn Star
sundry Phon 200
WANTED Cosmopolitan Maga
zinc requires the services of a rep
esentatlve In Paducah to look after
subscription renewals and to extend
Irculatlon by special methods which
bave proved unusually successful
Salary and commission Previous
experience desirable but not creen
tLl Whole time or spare time Ad
dyers with references H B Camp
mil Cosmopolitan Magazine 381
Fourth ave New York City
Mary Gaidcn Cnn Not Dnnco There
Says Mayor
Cleveland 0 Dec 1Mary Oar
den will not be allowed I to appear In
Salome here Mayor Baehr so an
nounced today when the manager of
the theater at which she Is booked
appear soon asked him if he
would interfere with the performance
f tho Strauss opera Tho mayor
raid he would do as Chicago has
done p
Mr and Mrs George A Ftournoy
will leave tonight for Memphis to
spend the week
Columbia Bldg Phone 231
Now is the Time
To Have Those Fall and Winter
Garments Dyed or Cleaned a
Bring us your Plumes Hats Sultf
Skirts Waists Etc Wo will rcstori t
them to their former brightness
Model Steam D e Worka
109 South Third Street
Old Phone 286K New Phone 28j
S 1 tic

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