4e n = LI 0 d I I
IF you are looking for the
clothing house that will
certainly give the most for
your money you wont
I stop until you reach this
store who have no com
petetors it is absolutely
the greatest valuegiving
institution of its kind in
the city and tangible
convincing incontrover
tible proof of it awaits you
H here 4 ii i I
Largest and most varied
display of highgrade
clothing in Faducah
Nbte this well the advantages this store en
joys over the smaller stores by reasons of
is colossal purchasing powers are mali
fold pronounced thereis ample evidence of
this in our clothing department where the
I saving on the garment you select regardless
t of price is both substantial and certain the
1new 1 convertible overcoat is tremendously in
I voguethe prices range from
815 to 35
TV7 f V r t
Hull line of Holiday goods on display
gcvcrbon Chicago
Lord Talbot de Maiahtde at a
l dinner at Rye criticised American
ways I like all your ways he said
except perhaps the cruel derision
that ono city visits on another This
derision however isnt to be taken
i seriously Im sure
It Is very remarkable neverthe
less You hear it everywhere Thus
the other evening at a Now York
club one young man said to an
Anything on tonight
tonightI the other
Thensald the first ilh1I
yawn suppose we go Up to the
Plaza and hear the Chicago million
alres eat soup Louisville Times
How many servants have you
asked the census taker
Well r plle4 Mrs Crosslots tw o <
have tbreatcntd to leavoone has pro
relied to come and Its overybody a
afternoon off aayhow Warfjlns
ton Star
Blfhcp and puff sleeves are th °
favorites nt present for shirt wait
I bum and fermentation caused by indigestionand had no
I noi i
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co Rochester N Y
Gentlemen I used to be troubled with a weak heart also indigestion
S fermentation of food heart burn loss of appctiteimost everything I ate
distressed me For a short time obtained relief from doctors and from
the medicines my friends advised me to take then I would become just as
sick again until a Doctor prescribed Duffy Pure Malt Whiskey I began
to take your medicine and it did me a world of good When I began
taking your Malt Whiskey I weighed ISO Ibs now I weigh 178 Ibs
and can cat anything without being distressed I have sent many bottles
to friends of mine in the country who were troubled with indigestion and
who have been cured by its use It has been several years since I found
relief myself but I always keep Duffys Pure Malt Whiskey in my family
for medicinal use
it 428 New East Yor 149th City St rffa f A
Thousands of such cases arc being cured every month The genuine
T r Duffys Pure Malt Whiskey is sold in SEALED BOTTLES ONLY by
a11 druggists grocers and dealers or direct 100 a large bottles
trpy 1lif1h NWiYili
Irl Y
TO PAY iOOtt ItOIe sr
Learned Today That Cook JUs
emitted Explorer Visited I
America In November
New York Dec IDr Frederic
A Cook who now confewes that he
does not know whether ho reache
the north vole or not had no easy
task in disposing of what he dt
scribes as the story of Oookte trip
to tho north pole + according to reo
ports x cochins Now York from
London Tho Brooklyn explorer It Is I
stated is living in seclusion in an
obscure boarding housw in Dtoonu
burl a London suburb and their
hod written the story which ho hopes
will restore him to a degree of favor
in this country
It appears that for weeks Dr
Cook eager to return to his home
In Brooklyn sought through n liter
ary bureau to tell his latest story to <
London magazine publishers Ono
thousand dollars It was snide was
asked for Uie story which tho Lon
don editors declined to ac t
It was learned today that Dr Cook
was In the United States earl t In No
vember and came here to conkiud
the arrangements with Hampton1
Magazine for the publication of h1I
story Ite camo by war of Canad
and met the pIblb beTS at Troy X Y
After concluding tho arrange
ments tor tho publishing of his con
fesrion Dr Cook returned to Europe
t > ed Assumed Name
Mr HamjrtSn wW today that a
representative ot his magazine met
Dr Cook in London and returns
with him fey way of Canada whence
thC8 came to Troy
Dr Cook had written part of his
story Mr Hampton told and it wag
thought best he should remain In
New York to conriude hs arena
Mr Hampton paid that Dr Cook
was in and around Troy and Pough
1 keepslo tor approximately two weeks
and that no precaution was made to
keep his presence a secret Dr Cook
took automobile rIde ovwjr day with
one of tlC editors ot the magazine
Mr Hampton Md and mtvor oro <
any dtsgulres of made any effort to
hIde his Identity other than to uc <
an assumed mole
Malaria Makes fate Sickly Children
The Old Standard GROVES TASTE
LESS CHILL TONIC drives out ma
Icrla and builds up the system For
grown people and children EOc
grownL S Ni ISSUED
James Wants Railroad to Pay State
Sum Omitted from Its
I Frankfort 15 Dec 2TI dlrec
Uon of State Auditor James suit was
I filed in tho circuit court against the <
IxMitevMie NashvlHo railroad fo r
640000 franchteo taxes on property
alleged to have been fraudulontl
omitted by tho railroad In Its report
to the auditor during tho past flv o
years beginning In 190C
The petition alleges that the omls
sons wero made as to the correct net
earnings correct mileage and wrong
fully deducting the dividends pald
each year from the grow earnings
when they wore not paid out of this
News of Theatres
Tonight Ynnkeo Doodle Stock
omimiiy at ixipular prices
Saturday inaUnro and night
ankee IH > o < llo Stock roinimiiy
Mondny Frank Jlclntyro In uTho
traveling Salesman
The opening bill of the Yankee I
Doodle Stock company at tho Ken
tuckY theater last night drew an 1m
menro house and tho double bill Idea
ha caught In Paducah and proven
popular Two short dramatic produc
tions one a bright comedy the other
of more Intense chaTacter Inter
spersed with excellent vaudeville
features comprise tho bill each night
The program tonight will be entirely
different from last night Tomorrow
matinee and night performances con
clude the engagement
Frank Mclntyro In Kvniisvllle
Under the heading The Traveling
Salesman Delivers the Good the
Ivansvllle Courier yesterday said
Big fat Jolly good natured FrAnk
J McIntyre made Evansville last
might and disposed of a big bunch of
laughs to the appreciative audience
that assembuel at the Wells Bijou
theater to look over his lines In Tho
I Traveling Salesman It waA a
laughable play < wllh a good plot and
some mghty interesting charactonr I
especially the knights of tho grip
It Ig a play by James Forbes who
made such a hit with his play the I
Chorus Lady and 1ke that play the i
Traveling Salesman dealt with a I
wail known character The opening
scene located In a waiting room of aI I
rail taUon at n smalj town rag
if j
Somd Interesting Knots Regarding
Health Statistics
Few people realize to what extent
their health depends upon tho con
dition of tho kidneys I
The physician In nearly nil cases
of Bcrlous nihcsB makes a chemical
analysis of the patients urine lie
knows that unless the kidneys are
doing their work properly tho oth
or organs cannot be brought bark
to health ond strength
When tho kidneys are neglected
or abused in any way serious reI
suits are sure to follow According
to health statistics Brights dlscaso
which Is really an advanced form of i
kidney trouble caused nearly teal
thousand deaths In 1909 In the I
state of New York alone There
fore It behooves us to pay rare IltI
tention to the health of these inbst
Important organs
An ideal herbal compound that
has had remarkable success nsa
kidney remedy Is Dr Kilmers
Swanl Root the great Kidney Liv
er and Bladder Heracdy
The mild and healing influence ot
this preparation Is soon realized It
stands tho highest for Its remark
able record ot cures
If you feel that your kidneys re
quire attention and wish a sample
bottle wrlto to Dr Kilmer Co
Ulnghampton N Y Mention this
paper and they will gladly forward
It to you absolutely free by mall
SwampRoot is sold by every
druggist In bottles of two sizcaBOc
and 100
Mite was
MIra was delightful as tho young
lady ticket seller II D Blakcmoro
was a typical colored porter and true
to life The balance of the cast be
Ing in good hands
One of th < J best things in the play
t AS the pokerTjamo In the drum
mers room It was most natural
and splendidly presented Tho room
was a typical hotel room assigned
to a traveling man with samples all
laid out the rope flro escape and ev
cry little detail carried out In a real
istic manner
At the Star
The Star theater U ofTerinK one
of tho best vaudeville bllla of tho
season for tho laSt part ot this wrote
It is music from start to flnfch nnd
thoro is not a duU moment Tho two
Lees young musician mode a de
cided hit lnst night before a poked
house Their act is fall of Jifo and
harmony Ono of the most clever
acts seen hero this seen ttt that ot
Curry and RUoyv featuring a 9kk on
nublnstdnii Mctody in F and Rood
singing nnd dancing Miss IVurona
Smith the popular rololst fns In
Sunny Italy a tuneful iUoetrated
song with good v tures The mo
ton pictures are good
NINE Look for the signature of
E W DROVE Used tho World
over to Cure a Cold In One Day 25c
The largest aqueduct In use Is Uo
Croton thirtyeight miles long but
the Jargostj J oy r bullthf ln lecu3CO
miles long
Face veils appear In much moro
open inesh than haa boon soon for
many years
Its OIlvo Tabled for Tout
DCrore of the habit of cons l1a
lion It develops from Just a few
constipated darn especially in Old
People Jess you take yourself in
rCoax the Jaded bowel muscle
back to normal action with Di Ed
wards Olive Tablet dont force
them to unnatural notion with to
veto medicines or by merely flushing
out the Intestines with natty sicken
ing cathartics
Dr Edwards believes in gentle
noe persistency and Natures awH
Dr Edwards Olive Tablets arc
gentle yet poultlve There is never
any pale or griping when Olive Tab
lets are used Just the kind of treat
ment old persons should have
Try Olive Tablets and have no
trouble with your bowels or stomach
All druggist sell them in neat
pocket packages IS tablets for lOc
45 tablets for 2Ec
Made by thto OHvo Tablet Com
pany of Portsmouth Ohio Dr P M 1
Edwards President
Have an Oil Heater
To take off tho chill when It Is
too warm to have tho furnace
going Wo have them that lire
nil pretty as n picture take very
little oil and are guaranteed to
bo free from smoke ami smell
Dont wait till all the family
have colds Also let I us Hell
you your coal oil AVo deliver
It to your liouie
Wo also have Coal and Wood
212 Broadway
Doth Phones lUIS
v w 1 4
We Have Taken the Exclusive Agency for 14
the World Famous Guaranteed forott
Dross nunlneoo
or Work UhoeD
From now on the men of this town will have an opportunity to buy guarantied shoesII f
We have made it possible by taking the agency for Dcsnoycra Six MontlisbUoes
the tint and only shoes ever sold under a written cunmntyoJ
The Only Guaranteed Shoes on Earth i
l Never before has it been possible to buy guaranteed shoes because never before
Heretofore it has boon absolutely hnposlibloof I
i have guaranteed shoes been made C
A for manufacturers to make R shoe geM enough to guarantee Their enormous
V selling expense prevented it High wilaricd traveling men big hotel bills etc
cost shoe manufacturers over Five Million Collars ii yaw
But the Dcsnoyers Shoe Coalidnay with traveling men nnd their biLe I
expenses Thcy sell direct to dealers by letter and put the thousands of
dollars saved into better leather nndothcr materials Thus they can afford
to make a shoe thats far superior to < others nnd good enough guarantee
Desnoyers Six Months Shoes t I
cuiRAxnza 70 CSVE FULL six MONTHS WEAR 1
These shoes will be a revelation to
tho people ef this town racy are
marvels of beauty style anti shape
Never bforohav you sf n such leather
and such wearing qualities
Heres the Quirantao
If either the soles or uppers wear out
within four mouths Wo agree to furnish
a n < w pair of shoes entirety free qf
charge If either the soles or uppets
wear out during the fifth month wx >
agree to refund 200 in cash If oitbor
tho soles or uppers wear oat t1urlng the
sixth month wo agree to refund Jl 100 In
cash In other words If these Ghee s
should not give full the months wear
Louisvilles Leading
Always 400 main floor scats
at 0100
Nov 24 25 2GCyrU Scott
In Tho Lottery Man
Nov 2829 30Tlm Mur
phy In Mr Opp
Dec6 6 7IJarry Bulger
In Tho Flirting Princess
Dec 8 D JO Kddle Foy
In Up and Down Broadway
Special train 100 people
w 1
wo refund mow than the proportion
they fall short
fiesi i Lea hsv in the World
The manufacturers of the Sis
Months Shoe send way to thvlller
land and Franc for the hide from
which they make these shoes
The Swi + sex Soles are tanned from
Switscrland hlde l which are thctough
Mt and finest bides for fiolo leather pro
duced anywbw in tho world owing
to Swltsortacds hlfeh attitudes and tlw
extreme care whh whkh the Swiss stock
is I raised It Ie protected from all
weather conditions and kept clean and
Six Months Shoes ere vronderfel in appearance ao well
as la rearing qualities They combine style finish and
quality In a degree never before equaled In n shoe soiling at
anywhere near tho same price
l Qualify Shoe Gliar Through
Six Months Shoes arc made with sole leather box toes
to give extra strength at the tip Army duck lining is used
which costs twice as much u ordinary lining but It is tho
I strongest and smoothest lining made
l The upper are stitched together by lockstitch machines
ITho I the very highest grade silk thread Nothing but the
best IrUh Linen thread Is used ht tie vIng the soles These
method All cost more but they make the shoes last I
much longer
longerWt lake Good the GuaraniI
You dont harffto send yourshoes to the factory to be reo
deemed or to secure the refund ttt make good the guar
I anty and the manufacturer pays us You have no dealings
whatever with strangers
You dont risk ono cent when you buy Six Months
Shoes You know you will have six months wear for your
JJOO or tho equivalent cf that In dollars and cents
DIinDAQP Ueoyen Slit HoothtM ahote are m4 la the Wry stem dries ter ert j I
IA STYLE FOR EVERY PURPOSE purpose Twre r work ane tMMorit ltou iii dm shore And tIe Ut t 1
styles ot each to choose rom You 5S Aw oa a pair 10 why rennet can i au Whit our tock U coupleti I
fYf Judy ions
fc n
trae to life with the old clove
banohos signs and even a wel hsig
and cum slot machines 8Tornl Sa 1
tfrofttlnR characters Including chil
dma seen in such a place hurry
about to make tblr ral A 1e bbl
happy drummer Bob Blake comes In
and star tM ball rollln He fete
Intoretttd mad fats In Jove with U6
eharming woaua ticket Miter At
first sight
TIle plot ot the plaY centers around
tlite yooos lady and a MtUo piece of
ground also own Two sbarpors who
try to get it from her are betted by
DIke IIU Irut In her and their
effort furnlsb tplendM action cad
Hood climax for tbe story Ot
court the jolly drummer wins out
and the curial tile white he ic tole
phoning for a minister and witnesses
for by marrying the young lady who
naturally has fallen In lore with him
they taro tko property which will net
them a neat turn from tho railroad
that needs it
McIntyre was Immense as the drum
mor he Is I the typical jolly fat man
a good actor In every sense of the
word and perfectly at home on tho
stage and lit the role Gertrude
Coghtan a very sweet and pretty
Bookbinding and Ruling
Thlnl and Kentucky Ave
Old Phone COO
At Ills office 110 S ltli St
opposite water works ofllco
hall a nlco selection of flue
tit + ntchc Kings Jewelry Etc
that lio In very anxious to dis
pose of at bargain prices In
looking for your Christmas
presents In tho jewelry Huo It
would pay you to sco Mm
ITheatre I
Principal farts
IIrncltlil I
Tommy was called upoa In tbe
Latin elMt to 1fT8 lie prlMlfMl i
parts ot the verb delay Wllk a
blank look upon his face ho MiHlged l
hid ronpanloo and Hid Sr wl hat
Is It
Ill schoolmate replied Darn if I
knowTommy I
Tommy eye brightened and with + i
Tho Paris Veal hides used for the
uppers In Six Months Shoes are ex
tr utly tough yet closer fibred softer I
and moro flexible than tho hides grown
in this country
Tho cost ot Importing these foreign
bids makes It absolutely Impossible
to two them 11 mnderatvprlccd shoes
selling under tho old system <
Flexible l and Waterproof 1 N
Not being satisfied with merely the r
beet Sole leather in the world tho
taaienef Six Months Shoos tan all
their solo leather by a secret process
which make it remarkably flexible
and enllrriy waterproof
Best Looking and Best Wearing Shoes Made I
a relfl111 lprMlloa 01 his f fare he
tItuHkreal oat rltIkItow dIIru
IMMr earsUlaarl 0r 4Mn e
1111alas Antique lilt to nvo
the Itnprvwrtoo that she lift a iivijj
pad Il ItI dont lBtKtn < > It its >
11I I 11
Theres Another Seasons Wear in Thai Dress or Suit
IIt I i needs some export attention from a competent cleaner It is
II I true but wo are as well equipped to do flno work as any cleaners
In tho state And a dollar or two will work wonders with gar
ments which seemed beyond repair t tlr tl
1 41 dim Suits Cleaned and presser o flBO to to1liOt
IjidhV Stilts prr i liiR only 75c to I iI
I Slenn Stilts cleaning AntI pressing 9lr 0
Orcniontu clrnnltig and pressing 9100 to 930
New Phono 1083 III South Tlftli Street New Phono 1081A
Evenings 81C Matlneo 230 Saturday
Three Nlghta Commencing
Thursday Night
Doc 1st
Saturday Matinee
1rlcrs lOc SOc 30c
Two Ladles or ono Lady
and ono Gent on ono 30c
ticket bought before C30
Bargain Matinee Saturday
Any part of tho house lOc
Beats ready Thursday 10
a m
Curtain 815
Carriages 101G
I S II io
Seats ready Friday 10
n m
Irrr I
Tho Original
Introducing Miss Hither Evans supported S
ported by OscAr oShoa and a
Notable Cast
Clyde Long Bubo Russell Dane
Dardon Ruby Do Bergen and tho
Curson Sisters In UptoDate
I iloV tlresH Rlvrn away Saturday
The Great Comedy
The Traveling Salesman
COGIIIuXX and tlio iirlKfnal