OCR Interpretation

The Paducah weekly sun. [volume] (Paducah, Ky.) 1902-19??, November 21, 1906, Paducah Weekly Sun, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052115/1906-11-21/ed-2/seq-4/

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1i i 1J1Ac1E Faun WITt THE ADV dAI JtVEN ING SUNwKnal4nM roVE I11E > n 91
Ube ftabucab Sun
conrortATin P M FISHER President
N J PAXTON General Manager n
gynsciuiTioar HATESI I
IKntcretl nt the poitofflce at Paducah
Ky as second class matter
Dy carrier per week1 10
mall per month In advanco 40
mall per year In advance 460
t Per year Int mall pottage paid 100
1Per 1 Adi > rtA THE SUN Paducah Ky
i t Dare TUT South Tftlrd Phones SSS
1Payno lit Young Chicago and Now
fork representatives I
TilE SUN can be found at the follow
w hg place
It D Clements lit Co
Van Culln Bros
Palmer House
r John Wllhelms
1 I r
I October 1000
r 43963
fl 3980
r 83962
d 9 3955
r = 103953
1 13959
1 3977
1 3979
15 3960
ie 3925
20 3933
22 4476
23 4490
24 4536
26 4032
26 3949
27 3942
Oo1rr1 3941
Total 108495
Average for October 1906 4018
Average for October 1905v3G12
< f
M t
< Increase f VV 4 ° c
Personally appeared before me
this Nov 1 1906 E J Paxton gen
eral manager of The Sun who af
firms that the abovo statement of
tho circulation of Tho Sun for the
z month of Oct 1906 Is true to the
best of his knowledge and belief
My commission expires January
22 1908
Dally Thought
The evil men do lives along with
them and at their expense
It Is not too early for tho Republi
cans to be considering a candidate for
governor to oppose State Auditor Ha
ger Tho selection oC a candidate
next year Is 1 matter of more than
ordinary concern to the party and to
the people of Kentucky this time
Democracy will enter the ontest ex
hausted from a bitter factional fight
Tho primary struggle was one for ex
istence The administration won
and now those who can not make
terms of peace are nonentities unless
they can defeat thp administration at
the election The formal Democratic
majority In i Kentucky may easily be
overcome under such circumstances
provided the Republican party pre
cents a solid front To do this and
carry the entire party votosa candl
date for governor must be named
who w111 meet with the approval of
all the leaders and tho rank and file
of the party Good men there are aplenty
plenty but the most of them hear
tho scars of other battles and haw
earned tho envy of their coworkers
t No doubt the convention will be able
to choose from several avallables
but just now we aro certain of lint
one man who measures up to all re
quirements for an ideal candidate an
excellent executive and a brilliant
a ileader and at the same tlmo is free
from the impediment of factional all
ance That man Is Judgo James
iRreathltt of Hopkinsvillo Ho has
t noiisujKirlor at the bar of west Ken
tucky and as an orator ho probably
has no peer in all the state He Is a
man > of the people and has proved
his campaigning qualities In his race
for circuit judge furthermore
Judgo Brcathltt has not been an of
floe seeker and is pot now asking for
the nomination for governor It Is
aId by his Intimates that ho has
agreed privately to stand for tho
nomination If the l party wants him
As to tho character of race ho will
make the 1001110 i of western Ken
I tucky feel confident Leaders In this
end of tho state should not be slow in
declaring their choice for the office
v before a few embryonic booms now
dotting the horizon reach anydlmen
t dons
Dr Harris Kelly coroner of Jefferson
ferson county may have good rea
eons for his action In refusing to
e pormlt Anna Etly to testify before
tho coroner Jury In tho Etly mur
der case but we can not see how the
ends of JusttJ ftuld be defeated by
giving the cproners jury a fair op
portunity to Investigate tho wholo
n case nor do wo understand by what
right they were refused The girl
was kept In jail under the ospolnago
of tho matron to whom she confessed
6ho was taken front her i place of sub
sequent concealment to the Brand
jar room and whisked away to a
place unknown In a closed carriage
yr f and now rumor are rife that she told
J different tale before the inquisitor
jjl body The police may fear the In
14uereeof the father on the girl but
+ Y
they are reflecting on the reliability
of her testimony by their conduct
Infetoad of going Into Vaudeville
Count Boat ought to get a position
as private tutor to Andrew Carnegie
Ho might In time build up an Instli
tutlon for tho education of deserving
multimillionaires who want to die
I poor
o 4
Cant hopo to please I everybody of
course but thoso pcoplo who are
complaining that they couldnt sleep
ltist I night because arc lamps haw
been placed In tho streets near their
homes will get used to It after
aruso tlo tenor who was arrest
ed In New York for attempting to
flirt with a married woman in tho
monkey house in Central park iio
doubt was only following the precept +
When In Rome do as the Romans
do 1
Well tho dealers In umbrellas and
overshoes are making money anti
there Is a good lido on the river
which Is still running by instead of
through Paducah So the situation
Us not entirely hopeless
An ambitious youth In St Louis
shot himself when ho learned he
could not sing Some brute told him
or he never would have found It out
Why not reform yourself iMri
HearstT Ins all > fTJendUness wo be
lieve It would pay you In the end
You will never be president of the
United States So why not drop that
ambition and all political ambition
amljffry to do ft litho jguOtlno
sowy seUatfverllslng good but
genuine moral lasting I good Why
not do ono Act ot beneficence with nq
advertising tag attached You nee
to die eojno Wme In tho twenty
years which perhaps remain why not
use your wealth ability and news
papers to Influence this land toward
charitableness and honor Do not
call Judgo Parker a cockroach Tell
him kindly what you do not Hike Do
not ray McKinley Is a despised and
a hated poltroon Roosevelt 1 loose
tonguod demagogue taxdodger and
servant of tho devil Cleveland a
Jiving crime and Hay a guy Such a
spirit inot i Christian Give some
men credit sometimes besides your
self for ordinary human virtue Try
to see to It that the trunks ofmur
derers lees often contain collections
of your papers Teach love Rely on
truth Dont cry Ryan at every
body who opposes 1011 whether It be
Mr Murphy one month or Mr
Hughew another Dont lie about
area to beat thorn Beat them If
they deserve defeat by no weapon but
the truth Ask Mr Brisbane to try
this principle even in such little mat
ters as printing an old photograph
with smoke added for the San Fran
cisco fire or one and the same photo
graph In different pages of tho very
same Issue to represent a clergyman
In PJttBburg and a bogus baton t In
Now York Although contempt for
truth may be worse In larger matters
It is better not to instil It insidiously
even In detail Try giving up the
crudeexcltementatanyprlce mode of
life and tae what you can do for
your country along lines that aro con
elstant with the Ninth command
ment the Golden Rule and the Ser
mon on the Mount Just eo far as
you seek personal advantage for your
self will your power for service be dl
mlnlshed You have shown greater
ability to learn than some of the men
In your employ Heros wishing you
a better and more truly useful life
From Colliers for November 17
Infant Murderess Jlelil In Tombs
Without Ball
New York Nov 2 lj Through the
arrest of Mrs WHhemlna Rcklj the
police claim they have brought to
light ono of the most revolting tales
of Infant murder In the history of
ofI I
thoiclty Tho woman Is charged with I
having killed nt least a dozen un I
wanted now born babies and burned
the bodies In a kitchen l stove She is f
held In the Tombs without hail
Pope Uccolves Thriiitn
Rome Nov 21The i > opo has re
ceived personal letters containing
threats that he will be assassinated
lit the apostolic palace as a protest
against tho present organization of
society The anarchists it Is added
aro ready to employ every means to
destroy all Institutions supported by
religious or by military forces
Dock YimN Arc lUMroyfd
Toulon France NOV nTho
main iK I > rtIon < of the dock yards hero
burned today Foreign warships In
course of construction were saved
with difficulty The loss amounts to
several million francs
itdlidhtg Collapses
Rochester Nov 21 Five per
tons were killed and eight severely
Injured this morning by the collapse
of a building In course of erection at
Kodak park Some of the injured
may die
Circuit Court
Circuit Judge William Reed held
a brief session of circuit court this
morning the first of the week
A Judgment for divorce was filed
In the cae of Will Hughes against
Dora Hughes
An allowance of 35Q was made
to Cecil Reed Commissioner In the
case of A C Bruce against the Peo
pies Horns Purchasing company
Suits Filed
C L Robertson and George A
Gardner for the use of C L I Robert
son filed suit against the Southern I
Bltullthlc company for l12040al 1 >
aged to be due on a subcontract
taken to build sewers In Kentucky
avenue and Jefferson street
No Police Court
No cases were tried In police court
this morning Judge D A Cross be
ing called to federal courtI I
The following cases were contin
ued Henry Mltchcrsnn colored us
lug abusive language towards Joht
Yandell islah Welch and Mollie
Stanfield Eighth and Husbands
streets immorality and Ed Rey
nolds colored Louis and Pete Capo
ral Greeks for engaging In a fight
Miss Ella Banders has qualified as
administratrix of the estate of the
fato Judge 0L Sanders
intll i Filed
Chamblln Murray to L L
Jones property In the Chamblln ad
dition J2750
A W Tate to L T PoIot < rblertV
In the county f 1 and other consldeRJ1
Louise M r Molzger I to Mrs Emma
Cornlllaud property near Tenth and
Burnett streets I and other consid
Marriage License
D B Steele Livingston county
25 and Birdie Doom Livingston
Charles Lovan 25 to Rena Lay
Luther Duffy 22 to Roslo Wilson
1C colored of Oaks Station
Count but In Vnuiicyllle
New I York Nov lA theatrical
firm has cabled Count Bout de Cas I
tellane an offer of 20000 weekly
to demonstrate his swordsmanship In
Its almost an easy to achieve fool i
felines as It is to be born foolish
The straight and narrow path Isnt
wideenough for crooked Jtcople
Quite a jjurnber pf thty fed stars
shoW nipW tho American flag
1 lie who lives for self and rolf
alone Is a successful fallureI I
Many a man who owes his success
to his wife doesnt owe much at that
IINew II Things vxi 1
In Neckwear I
Just In Ii
I 50c I
IJust I in today right
from the east we have
I a big assortment of the
latest creations in neck
wear fourinhands As
cots Bat Wings and
Puffs They come in all
tilt new shading so pop
ular this season chief
1 I among which isjthc Egg
I Plant Purple a very
I unique conceit which
should be seen
And we have Tobacco
t Browns Scotch Plaids
Blues Blacks Red
Green and the whole list
I of the new colors
These tics are excep I
I tional values at the price l
Presiding Elder Pleased With
Tho Prospects
Twenty tut TuMors In District Un
tier rVgillurkiml Stewards
Called Together
The Rev j W Blackard D D
tho Rev T J Newell D D the
Rev T J Owen anti tho Rev J W
Wardlow cached homo yesterday af
ternoon from Rlploy Tenn where
they had been attending the annual
session of the Memphis conference
They expressed themselves as hay
ing had a delightful session of the
conference and that Rlploys hospi
tality was unbounded each preacher
and delegate feeling ho had tho best
home in the conference
Dr Blackard who Is returned for
his second year as presiding elder of
the Paducah district when asked by
a reporter for Tho Sun as to the out
look for the new year in the dis
trlct and its personnel expressed
himself as delighted with each of
tho 22 preachers secured to man the
Paducah district this conference
year They are all faithful l and suc
cessful workers and we are planning
for jagrcat year for Methodism In
thlyd > strict this year f
I The Paducah district Is second to
npno in the conference The new
preachers coming Into It this ycai
are Dry W T Boiling Revs O W
I Banks 0 W Evans J T Hunter
T P Ramsey W J Naylor E A
Tucker all strong men and success
ful preachers
The men going out of the district
are T J Newell W W Arm
strong J W Wardlow C D HII
Hard R W Nowsora W P Hamil
I ton < These are alltruo and good men
and carry with them tho love and
esteem of the presiding elder and
tho people they have served In their
I respective charges
Steward to Meet
Dr Blackard ins called tho dis
trict stewards to meet in Broadway
Methodist churcW Friday at 1 oclock
Tho trustees of tne district par
sonage arc eallcd to meet at the dls
trict parsonage Friday at 10 a m
Vailurnli MliiMcrx
Dr W T Boiling Is expected to
arrlvo in Paducah Saturday to fill
his pulpit on Sunday but will not be
able to move his family before next
week Dr Newell and his family ex
pect to leave the latter part of this
week for their new home Browns
vllle Tcnn
The press telegrams from the con
ference at Ripley stated that Dr J
W Blackard presiding alder of the
Paducah district was selected to
preach the sermon on Sunday after I
noon Immediately preceding tho or1 I
dination of elders This Is always an
esp < clal honor Bishop Duncan
preached the morning sermon II
The Rev J H Evans who last
JJCMI hail the charge of Oreihiiold °
lio v HevJI hlil
r rtn where the Hev
Strong goes was granted a suphran
nuated relation at his own request
Dr Evam i Is 73 years of age and has I
been preaching without Interruption
for 50 years right In this conference
Ho was a pastor of the Broadway
Methodist church Paducah some
thirty years ago and ho and his wife
have a number of friends here
The Rev W P I Hamilton who had
tho Woodvllle circuit last year and
was at Third street Paducah spy
oral years ago was given the Mill
ington charge In tho Memphis dis
Quarterly Meetings
Following Is tho assignment of
Quarterly meetings far the first
Reedland circuit at Reedland De
cember 1 and 2 Third street Decem
ber 2 and 3 Lono Oak at Massac
December 8 and 9 LoVelacovllle at
Owens Chapel December 10 May
field December 16 and 17 Broad
way December 22 and 23 Brlons
December 29
burg at qilbcriivllle
and 30 Trlmblo street December
30 and 31 Mayfield at Wrights
January 5 and 6 AVlngo at Wingo
January 0 and 7 Sednlla at Pay nos
Chapel January 8 Farmington at
Farmlngton January I Oak Loved
at Synuonla January 12 and 13
Clinton at Salem January 19 and
20 Clinton Station January 26
Spring Hill at Shiloh January 21
Mlflburn at Sharon January 23
Bardwell Station January 24 and
25 Arlington at Berkley January I
26 and 27 Barlow and Wickliffe at
WIckllfTc January 27 and 28 La
Center at La Center February 2
arid 3 Woodvllle at Bandana Feb
ruary 3 and 4 v
w M
In England and France the Sale
of Alum Baking Powder is pro
hibited by law because of the in
furious effects that follow its use
The law in the District of
Columbia also prohibits Alum
in food
foodYou u
You may live where as yet you nave no protection against Alum
The nlysu protection against Alum in your Baking Powder IS Co 1
SIIJI plain2I I I
ROYAL is made from Absolutely pure Cream of TartaFjHi J PurcGrapiJ
product Aids digestionadds to the healthfulness of food t
CunlliiutHl from IWIRO one
and that section will Intro a twenty
minute schedule At this tlmo of tho
year the traffic on that part ot the
line Is light and the same number of
cars operated In the summer capnot
be operated now except at a JOSH
Ve of course must try to oi > erato
all the lines l jit a profit and If w < > did
run n full schedule there now In order
to make both ends moot tlu < service
would have to be curtailed at another
polnr l
In the gas and electrlS lightjng
plants sand otherwise on the street
railway system we have not experi
enced any groat trouble with the bad
weather though continued rains prob
ably will affect us
fraction t Line 0 1C
Tho Paducah Traction company
reports little damage The only pin
ces where the track Is bad are where l
new tracks have been bujltand the I
settling IB so slight that no material I I
Inconvenience Is felt The fill tracks I
on Caldwell street sank three Inches I
but cars still run over them
Ibut Fill I supping I I
Tho constant rains settled tho
new Caldwcll street fill and this I
mornlnr It broko and tho edges slip
pod down more than a footA big
crack threatens to widen and slide
half tho fill on each side away Street t
department laborers aro reinforcing
raps to hold tho dirt in place
11 lIs loCity UO
Street Inspector Alonzo Elliott CIt
ti sates the damage done to the
streets by the rains to be SliM AH 1
law fills havo been Injured
Tho principal Inconvenience has I
resulted from the stopping up of the
ewer from Harahans addition This l
sower empties Into Bradshaw creek
she water beIng unable torua off
through the fewer has flooded I
Twelfth street and Monroe street so I
that the residents In that neighbor
hood havo to wade through eight in
ches of water to reach high ground
Ho who floes not get his education
from everything gets It from nothing
The most heavenly things on earth I
are everyday virtues
K trjr dole makes you feel better LaxHoi
keep your whole built rlaht Sold nn the
moneytuck plan everywhere Price to < la IT
Hcllcf for Ulirunmtlsm
Those damp days are hard dn pee
plo aflllctcd with rheumatism and
relief Is sought in all sorts of rome
dies r >
There Is no doubt in the minds of r
people who havo suffered with < tho
dread disease and those who tins °
studied It closely I that probably moro
relief can bo secured I from tho 0 teo
pathlc treatment than any other
Of course some chronic capes
wont yield to any treatment but In
stances of cases of seven and eight
years standing yielding to three
months treatments can be cited If
you aro suffering of rheumatism I
should like to dlscum your case with
you examine you and tell you what
IShOUld do for you With tho dry hot
air treatment that I use with osteo
pathy I am having very gratifying
success with people you know well
Dr 0 n Froago IilO Broadway
Phono H07
Well Known Mrmlxr of I tar OIl1fll
crate Vrttrnn mud Prominent
ltlllnIII U Funilly
Hon Given Campbell onoof the
widest known attorney and politi
clans in this section of tho country
died In St Louis at 8 oclock last
night tho result of an operation a
few months ago News of his death
reached Paducah In a telegram to his I
brother Horn James Campbell Sr
1 He was botn In Salem Ky 71
yearn ago and studied law under his I
father an attorney of great reputa
tion Ho served In tho Confederate I
army during the civil war and when I
over camo to Paducah After a few
years roildcnce hero ho moved to I
St Louis whore ho took up tha
practice of law Ho was identified I
with some Of the biggest political I
moves In Missouri but did not per
sonally seek office lie was a power
In his party and was closely Identi
fied with municipal officers In St
Several years ago ho retired and 1
camo to Paducah to spend tho re
majndcr of his life Ho purchaicd
the Noble property In Arcadia and
hall since been dividing hU
tlmo between Paducah and St Louis
When he left St Louis for Paducah
tho bar In St Louis to show Its ap
cepredation tendered him ono of the
Ho was a man of meant Ho own
ed property In St Louis and real es
tate here lie was owner of the
and Broadway
Ho was operated on severs 1I 1
months ago The operation was a I
potiono t t
was about to leave for Florida when I
he was taken suddenly ill after ap
parently recovering from tho op
oration Death came quickly
Ho Is survived by hiswlto a
daughter Mrs Albert Evans I of St
Louis and two sons tho latter one
a prominent physician In St Louis
Dr liven Campbell Jr and the
other James Campbell Jr an at
torney In St Louis 110 Is survived I
by his brother Judge James Camp
bell of this city and his sisters
Mesdames Mary Alexander Florence
Mocquot and David M Flournoy
Sr sisters
Mr James Campbell Sr left thIs
morning for St Louis to make ar
range menu for tho funeral The ref
atlvoa hero have not hoard whether
ho will he burled In Paducah or st
nrllltl III lIohl
Mr Robert Steele and Miss Berdle
Dooms both prominent young ixjoplo
of Iiikn were married this afternoon
at 1 oclock In tho parlors of tho New
Richmond House by tho Rev JR
Nelson of Big Sandy Tonn They
wore accompanied hero by Mr John
Johnson And Miss Nannie Savage of
Sul rib0forThe 5180I I
POWDER nsold
Continued from IMIJJO our I
tho rains on tho now roadbed between
Inducah and Cairo North of tho
Ohio via Brookport tbol C relortsq i
no damage M fark1 I
Switchmen Hjilf > Swimming N
TIll south yard office Kit on an Isll
land lust night andMurt of the morn
lug Switching was hampered and
switchmen waded in water nearly up
to their knees Pny Train IHlnjnl
kllCCIJt t
ion lit tho IlllnolN Central mad know + I
how to appreciate Old Mother Hub
bards pixxllcanierrt when she mndo
hor famous visit to tho empty clip
board They have wen delayed tn f r
receiving their pay because l of the lied l
up condition of the road In tho lIollthf
holding the pfAr
Ce I
Ioollth four tlaya into It was tied up
with other trains south of the Ohio
and for nearly n week employe east
of Paducah have been patiently awtiH
lpg tho cars arrival Trainmaster L
E McCabe went tip tho division on
the hey i car to ln + vect tho Paducah
district Little damage hM boon done
an his district and ho is taking pro w
cuutloiiH against a possible washout
Truck YVnlkiTM Out
Tho Illlnolrt Central has In UK em
ploy nn extra force of track walkers
on constant duty They are put to 1t
work In tdUfts In districts whore t
watihontfl i > ro possible to keep n close
watch on tho road bed and report anyI I
defect noted This will entail a
groat exiKsnsQ oil tho road but the
precaution in necessary < t
lllt Work Trnlin Out t
Eight work trains with nn nicnlcil
crow are nt work on thn xjj f 1 C J1 < fc St
L I road today repairing damajp < Jnno
1by the heavy rains Two tralmi areI it I
working between Lexington and AVII
ilorHvlllo Tenn and six between Ix > x
Ington nnd Summorvlllo Tenn Chief
Dispatcher Harry Johnston Boated t at
noon thai only work trains are on tlio
dlvlsjon Tho damage done 4iy rains
before last night had boon parity re
paired but lat night all the repairs
blade were washed out again Tho
r ad hopes to IKS l running trains rog
ularly tomorrow y
IIt 0 llolllnso Siiyn
IlAal t l estate values all over tho United >
Sj tcs have increased thJrtythreo and
flvvtenths per cent from 19VM to
1905 Chats over eight tier t cent nld
year you know Paducah which has
pearly doubled In population In the
hilt seven rears 15 certainly In lips
for thin bIg Increase See Hollln
rand tnoreal estate and Insurance man
and get t In on tn9 Krrtyd < floor 127 L
ills l telephone number if0 lrolu
Trueheart bulldtngOf
lips Trlleheart building u
Put Vt or Shut Up
Minneapolis Nov ITho exec
utive council of tho American Fed
oration of Labor was today fold onJ
the floor of thrt con orlfon by a woV
man delegate that It was time for It
to t put up or hut up on the ques
tlon of organizing women workers
It Is safer to do business wjth n
crippled mulo hnn an uhfoaded sun

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