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A II1IIV tUM of mwt trofl nnd am A
Dailv Ono month
fifirfc celeryy
m an bi n bj i - t
irtty afternoon
Sunday by
9 H riinm r tiT
A R smith Turn rnntnut
JJ Dorian ich taut
W r Pjto TMAmmin
r MFVW J K Hmtth R rntT
mtlUaMoo J J Dorl n
Will i1t ntcll tntlonto all tol hip-
Molntioflntprrslln lanen ana Ticinuj
ni wiatinff nral nAWi wfalch will M
lTa at fully at ipw wilt rrtnll wllhoul
U dTOll to h tnrt of onr eonntrr P
ton ami will al all tlniM tx new- and n
tartalnloir while fplnj l ralf ra poaiNl
on all political aRalra and lorlrwhlU II will
I a renins and tlrelem exponent of lh doc
irlne and techlns of th National llepubll
ean party
MA apcclat fetur of the weekly edlllon of
Turn Attn will txttn Correipondenc Depart
ment In wnleh it hope ably to represent
ererr locality wllbln tbe Ilmlta of IM circu
Rates of adfertjslrg will be made known on
Standard Block 115 North Fonrth
Subscription Katoe
per annum 460
Six months 226
Daily per week 10 cents
Weekly per annum in aci
Specimen copies freo
MONDAY NOV 30 1896
Thr gain in the Republican voto
in tho South this year was more than
600000 Its good bye solid South
TrtH government is pushing for
ward tho fortifications on the South
Atlantic coast with all possiblo speed
working night and day with three
shifts of laborers
Whtlkb has gone on another hunt
for Maceo Ho said ho could not
find him before but all tho same
several thousand wounded Spanish
soldiers have been returned to
Tns treasury deficit for tho cur
rent year already exceeds 40000
000 andstili continues to grow It will
stop growing in tho course of two or
three months after the 4th of March
Assasshutios is tho only term
that convoys an adequato idea of tho
manner in which General Woylcr is
nuttlntr to death by drumhead court
martial hundreds of Cubans merely
suspected of sympathy for tho in
surgent cause In tho namo of com
mon humanity tho United States
should interfere
Tub Globe Democrat is of tho
opinion that it Kentucky West Vir
ginia and Maryland should unite in
recommending a man for a cabinet
position ho would bo apt to bo ap
pointed That is probably truo but
it is a violent supposition that they
should possibly so unite
TnKun are on tho United States
pension rolls seven widows and seven
daughters of revolutionary soldiers
tho youngest widow being 80 years
of ago and the youngest daughter 75
years There aro on tho rolls four
teen survivors of tho war of 1812
tho youngoat of whom is 90 and the
oldest 104
It transpires that Spain has made
overtures to Chili for tho purchase of
the new Cruiser Esmeralda 5000
tons 28 knots tho small battleship
Congress and a number of torpedo
destroyers building for the Chilian
government and almost completed in
England Evidently the Spaniih
government sees trouble ahead
Tub proud position occupied by
our neighboring stato of Illinois as
the banner Republican stato of the
West has been well earned Illinois
is the third stato in the union in pop
ulation and wcalthbeing surpassed in
these respects only by New York
and Pennsylvania In per capita
wealth she is exceeded among the
states east of tho Missouri river only
by Now York and Uhodo Island the
per capita wealth of tho thrco stales
being 81324 1430 and 1460
Rhode Island leading Of the states
west of tho Mississippi seven of the
mining states havo a per capita
wealth exceeding 82000 and three
exceeding 83000
Tue Joint Uouudary Commission
appointed under tho conrontion of
1882 and continued by various sub-
quent conventions to fix tho boun
dary between tlio Unltd States and
Mexico has just completed its labors
and submitted its report through
Col J W Barlow of tho United
States corps of engineers Prior to
the date of this treaty boundary dia
disputes were not infroqusnt on ac
count of the defcotivo markings
many of tho original monument
having been destroyed The monu
ments erected by tho commission
bar 268 over a dlatanco of near
Jt to 114- tavernl tbe Illo Grand to
feet in
hctehU llKjIWMpnMm
h to be Treble owe frAMuMeler
throughout the entire clfetoftce The
land through which the lino tosses l
mainly desert nntl the nork was nt
times it very difficult one
Governor Hramlkts delay In
calling together tho state legislature
may cost tho Republican party n
United States Senator Should death
again invade the ranks of tho Repub
lican majority we have no assur
ance of tho election of a Republican
to fill the vacancy thus created
There Is now the best opportunity
that has ever existed to send to the
United States Senate n Republican
from tho stato of Kentucky There
Is no question whatever that a Repub
lican could be elected now to succeed
Senator Blackburn wcjo the legisla
ture convened We are only sure of
tho present what the future even
tho near future may havo in store
for us wo can not tell Why then
should tho opportunity bo frittered
away by unnecessary delay A
month or six weeks may develop a
state of affairs that would render it
impossible to elect a Republican Sen
ator Tho Governor is accused of
delaying tho call becauso ho is him
self a candidate for tho Scnatorship
and feels that his strength at this
timo is not sufficiently assured We
do not bcliovc tho Governor will be
a candidate for tho United State Scn
atorship He knows the Interests of
his party demand that ho retain the
governorship and tho Scn believes
ho will not permit a personal ambi
tion for higher honors should bo
cherish it to induce him to placo the
party supremacy in peril It is
hoped Governor Bradley will make
up his mind to call an early session
and that the business of electing a
United States Senator will bo taken
up and promptly disposed of
In the days of quietude since the
excitemedt of the cloction our Demo
cratic exchanges arc often hard
pressed for something to talk about
and accordingly indulge themselves
in frequent speculations on probable
appointees to offices within the gift
of tho President and to which some
of our peoplo are eligible The
names of Mr Frank Fisher Capt
Failey Major Ashcraft and others
have been mentioned in connection
with the Postofllco here and that of
Mr Fiiher in connection with the
collectorship at Owensboro The
federal plcms within reach of the
denizens of the First District are not
numerous the two mentioned being
among tho most important ones not
within the civil service requirements
It is too early as yet to form an
opinion as to the probabilities
in either case An interview
with Mr Fisher reveals tho fact that
any statements made concerning his
candidacy for either office are unau
thorized as ho is himself undecided
as to what ho will do While ho may
be a candidate for one or tho other
positions ho considers it too early to
enter the fight even if he had made
up his mind which be has not Mr
Fisher naturally feels that his servi
ces to tho party aro entitled to recog
nition but docs not expect to engage
in a scramble for placo
For the Mayfleld post office the
chief aspirants arc Messrs Wallace
Keys and O B Happy Messrs
Clark and Hail will be the chief con
testants for tl o Fulton postmaster
ship while Mr W II Long T T
Hanberry and Mrs Belle M Baker
of Eddyvillo will be the candidates
for the office in tho town of the
branoh penitentiary
The idea that nil trade between
nations should bo free and untram
meled by duties collected on imports
at ports of entry originated with
England whoso manufacturers had
developed to such an enormous mag
nitude as to render the home con
sumption of their products a mero
bagatelle as compared with the
amount produced It thus bocanic
absolutely necessary in order to
find a market for her surplus that
she should seek markets abroad Her
commercial marine liko her manufac
tures has developed enormously co
that her ships penetrate to tho utter
most parts of the earth and her llag
is met on every sea Sho knows full
well that the employment of her com
mercial navy depends on tho patron
age of her manufacturing industries
Seeking markets abroad sho at
once soes that her interests will bo
semdcbest by tho freest markets
For whatever duties she pays must be
added to tho prico of the articlo when
placed on the market or bo deducted
from the profits to tho mauufacturer
and thus tond to cripple her
power of competition In order to
secure open markets in other coun
tries she must cultivato n sentiment
in favor of freo trade To this end
was tho Cobdon Club organized lly
far tho most desirable market for tho I
aurplus products 0 her looms her
furnaces and I
United StatM
V n24tl I nuuipuvuv f
lirrork shops Is
l JbyWon of Its 1
peopnrtfuli w an U eounur OC t y mm VvV
Th white
ivlhqw 1 dtopcilUoo to Interfere or I lun Wwlicvejnd ljjol
4iM ww for
the itoetriirM of t
eowRtty whose trade
t Accordingly tho Insidious sophls
tries of tho British free trader arc Is
sued under tho direction of this or
ganlzotlon and freely distributed on
this continent whore they find convcrU
first among those whose Immediate
personal interest makes it desirable
for them to purchase goods cheaper
than they can in the homo market
and who aro not broad minded
enough to place the greater common
good of tho people above their Im
mediate personal advantage those
who will not look into tho future but
calculate only for the present Of
this clastft first the cotton planter
of the South was tho principal expo
nent IBs chief markot for his raw
cotton was in England tho cotton
factories of this country not having
been sufficiently developed to furnish
him a market Ho was not broad
minded enough to see that a protec
tive tariff would build up tho indns
try at homo and thus furnish him a
far better market than that of Eng
land Another important coadjutor
of the Cobdcn Club was tho importer
and manufacturers agent who saw
in tho free importation of foreign
goods the best opportunity for his in
dividual advancement
A third important factor in tho
dissemination of this ruinnous doc
trine was our schools and colleges
which adoptod English text books on
political economy and thus in
stilled into tho minds of tho youthful
students the doctrines of English
authors written from the standpoint
of that peoplo for whom freo trade
was desirable they having all to gain
and nothing to lose by Its adoption
They did not tako into consideration
the different conditions of the two
These influences gradually under
mined the foundations of the Amer
ican doctrine and eventually built up
a sentiment in favor of free trade
which has become a very important
fcaturo of American politics
One consideration alone however
should be sufficient to convince an
American that free trade or if you
prefer it a low tariff is not good for
this country and this is the fact that
England so much desires it and puts
forth such great efforts to secure it
She is working for her own and not
our advantage In addition to this
however tho history of tho country
shows that every tariff law framed o
the lines of non protection has been
quickly followed by a depression in
all kinds of business and especially
I manufactures Our recent depres
sion is directly traceable to the samo
causfe aggravated by the free silver
George Jones Charged With
Kane Goes Back to Jail
Ills Allojrotl Victim Has Recov
ered and Ills Attorney
Advised His Action
George Jones colored
with rape waived examination In
Judge Sanders court this morning
and was held over to the circuit
The case may not bo so bad as re
ported The wifo of Jones was not
half gone of consumption when the
outrage was committed but was in
court today bearing every evidence
of a healthy robust woman Alice
Mitchell the alleged victim has never
been in a precarious condition as
reported in a contemporary but is as
well as most other girls of her age
The witnesses were recognized for
their appearance next Monday before
the grand jury and in default of bail
Jones was remanded to jail
One Woman Probably Cannot
Constitute a Ilutydy
Those women who live alone and
are guilty of immoral conduct cannot
be fined according to Judge San
ders decision this morning on the
charge of keeping a bawdy bouse
This is an old common law offense
ho said but there is no statute on the
subject and no decision in point rel
ative to what constitutes a bawdy
Judgo Sanders gave a good roast
to assignation houses and to thoso
who keep private resorts Ho said
the ofllccrs should he vigilant enough
to catch the woman for immoral con-
duct if for nothing clso
The last day for payment of cjty
taxes beforo the tttualty goes on is
Nov 30 After that date thero will
bo a penalty of 5 per cent Olllco at
Ii Weillo Sous 411 liroadway
Ofllce hours from 8 a in to 12 in
and from 1 p m to 4 p m every
day and on Saturday from 6 p ra
to J p m in addition
V V Kattkujohn Jit
nlDtf Cjty Tw Collector
Dr Bells Pine Tar Honoy curat
coughs for young and old Most
cougu medicines simply liolpa you
cough Dr BollB Pino Tar Honoy
helps you not to cough Sco tho
difference Would you llko to try
it 25 cents gets you tho biggest
quarter bottlo of cough medlcluc you
ever saw ft is particularly yaiuauio
for thoso who can not stand tho
strain of cjp qhlng Ask your drug
gist for - Take no substitute
Thero Is ns good as Dr Bells
itnw jacket btfijty iv ojjh
Hcconu street
v o
r a wl js
Onion Central Life Ins Co
Commenced business in 1867 This company
has its assets more safely invested and
GUARANTEES bettor rosults to its pol
icy holdors than auy other life
insurance company
Amcrlcnn Gcrmnn Bnnk Bldfj
Dock Olden Presented for
This Morning
Aldon Was Cnpturcd and Claims
He Acted la Slf Defense
An inquest was held yesterday af
ternoon at Coroner Nances estab
lishment over the remains of George
Fitzpatrick colored who was knifed
by Dock Olden last Saturday on
Dry 111 ver Front near Fifth and
Jones streets After being con
veyed to the city hospital tho victim
lingvrcd until 830 in an uncon
scious stale then expiring The
wound was but three inches long
was inflicted with a knife blade about
an inch and a half long and ono of
tho arteries was cut
Olden was captured Saturday
night at 11 30 by Ofllcers Crow and
Bond at the home of Grundy Smith
colored not far from the scene of
the fray He was armed with a shot
gun but made no attempt to use it
claiming that he had determined to
como back and surrender as he was
justified in what he did
Hewas locked up and slept well
throughout the night not being told
of Fitzpatricks death until yesterday
morning He made no reply when
Dr Troutmaa broke the news
Later he was transferred to jail
The inquest developed no new fea
tures in the case Four witnesses
were examined all colored and be
ing related to the prisoner the testi
mony was of course favorable to
him His wife was allowed to
cbarged I tify but will not be competent in the
suDsequcni iriais
The cutting took place in front of
Jim Brooks house where Fitzpat
rick boarded when in tho city
Brooks wifo Is mother of Oldens
wife According to eye witnesses
Fitzpatrick and Olden had been
across tho river unloading tics They
returned Saturday and Fitzpatrick
began drinking He sent a bucket
of beer to Oldens wife who det
clined to drink it and gave it to
some men wno were in tuo nouse
When Fitzgatrick learned this he
went over and began abusing the
woman right before her husband A
sick child began crying and Fitzpat
rick struck it The woman re
proached her husband for allowing a
man to abuse his wife and child in
tjejr own house and Fitzpatrick was
ejected Ho dared Olden out side
and when tho latter went out threw a
brjck at hjm
Tho fight on ncd and tho outtlng
took place Fitzpatrick walked into
the house and began groaning dis
closing tho wound from which the
entrails protruded
The verdict of the coroners jury
was pat the deceased died irom a
knjfe wound Inflicted by Dock Olden
and recornmenqcd that further in
yesfigatjoi bo mode by a court of
iprjufry or grand jury
A warrant was worn out this
morning beforo Judgo Sanders
acalnst Olden clmrclug him with
wilful murder
Tlo prisoner was brought into
cojfrt and stated that he was ablo to
employ an nttnrupy and asked for
Judge Campbelj The witnesses all
being absent the case was continued
Olden afterwards consulted with
his attorney and waived examination
being held over without bail for grand
Jury action
oy of Fulton
II B Uandloyof Fulton a brake
man on the I C had an arm ampu
tated at tho railroad hospital here
Saturday night He was on tho sldo
of a freight ear at Fulton Saturday
swltolilnc in tho yards when a box
car loft too uear tho main track
pushed him off He fell beneath tho
wheels and his arm was crushed and
he was badly bruised The unfor
tunate man is 35 years old and his
parents resido in Cairo Ho Is get
ting aldng very well at tho hospital
JUyiwu i
fcdSl Vi1
Gen A trout
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fresh Meats of AH Kinds
New Canned Goods
New Crop Molasses etc
Homo Mmlo Lard u Specialty Cor Jllh ami Trimblo Sts
A LUInc Toml That Didnt Trl Nil
luchrt fur THonnnili of rar
In tho mining district mhiio tlirrt
inllcft froin thlft rift tJirtc inn liiNLliren
Trial nindo a tnot novel and viewed from a
fclcntlflo RtamlKilnt a most Interest
litf and vnlualilc dlcotrry Half wnj
up tho mountain n prospector wai
working in n six foot 1ci1k of calcareutii
rock every evidence of the nil
iirlnn ape Ho hnd progressed fully flc
feet into the ledpc when n blow of the
revealed to Ids astonished pnze
Jive toad smiply esconced in a cavity in
the solid rock nltout the size of n ijunrl
cup The slue of this cavity wore ior
fectly smooth and bore no evidence- ol
crack seam or crcUco
The toads position was about cqunil
distant from tho upper and lower rut
face of tho ledge Above the ledge Ih v
stratum of puro whlto mindstonc thro
feet thick and immediately over this i
layer of soil out of which tower groal
oak trees two fevt in diameter
The find wnn made by 1 1 lield
formerly of Topeka Kan and an ex
perienced miner who has for foiii
months lcen prospecting in the mm
eral region In this vicinity Asked as tc
the accuracy of the above account Mr
rield slgnitled Ids willnguis to nt
tach his signature thereto under oath
The mayor or any prominent citizen o
Kureka Springs wdl vouch for atij
Matcmcnt he limy mnkr and any mini
ber of Towkn people will testify to lit
reputation for truh ami craelty
When first ohumcd from Ids ad
amantlne tomb tho toads eyes wen
closed and thrrr was little manifest-
tlon pf life other than a imlpltatinB
motion of the throat Shortly after hli
advent he opened one eye and begun t
move his front legs Gradually hb
stiffened memtvrs regained tlieli
strength until now he is a decidedh
lively batrachlan Ho refuses all food
however and has forgotten If ho evei
knew the art of hopping lint he Is ai
expert crawler and s eekii and evident
ly enjoys tho light of w hlch he so Ion-
bad been deprived
Time though has set lightly on hli
batrachlan brow He seems to appreel
ute too the Importance and prhilegn
which attach to great age and mo pi
about with a sllemn and arrogant mien
Hut when you scratch his sides with i
lead pencil he readily yields to tbe so
ductive sensation places ono front foi
on his heart or stomach and an hi
rocks one eye up ecstatically seems ti
eay Oh If you woind only make l
my back Unliku Shakespeares tond
he does not sweat venom nor molsturi
of any kind his color a lurid copjKM
iiuc mruier marxs nis personality n
distinctive from any batrachian yc
Some years ago near Peorlo III i
live toad was discovered in a sub car
boniferous formation under similai
conditions except Jmt it was of a pah
slate color Mr Tield will endeavor ti
preserve the life of his little ward an
It will probably be sent to the Smith
sonian Institution fit Louis Globs
Mr Xewrich in the opera box to
hi wife My dear you must not lie
ten to thcsiDgcrsEoniucborrlsepcoirio
will think wc came here on nceount of
the music Fllcgcnde lllaetter
Well nald Sammy Snaggsnftcrhe
had worked for ten minutes in trying to
tuuie tnc Knots in a cord about a bulky
package if theres anything I dislike
Its a birthday present with u string to
f Pittsburgh Chronicle
r Popper asked tho young woman
why is It that you hate never done any
thing to tnako you fnnioua7 Never
thought of It -aid theoldmnn What
had I better do bolt tho ticket or take
even bottlea of patent medicine
Indianapolis Journal
Sensitive So you havent any
cjergyman Xoj tho first ono left be
cause wo didnt want him to take a va
cation ami the next one left becauso
vc told him blasermoim Indicate that
be ought q tako u vctlon Chicago
Sho takes very llttlo interest In pub
fp ol her father and
brothers hod disturbed her reading
Dear me nlm pxulaluied d0 stop
talking about McKInlcy nnd Urvan
pybody would think from tho way
jrou keep discussing them that they
wara baseball hiycr Washington
Tho Washington 1oRt tells a
pf a young man In Washington who
eame to New York the oilier day not
pecfluw uo warned to see the city or lx
cause he had any business theic but be
cause ho hod a pass on one of the rnll
roods and didnt mean to let things llko
that cscopo him Ho came bncc thr
other day Everybody awketl him what
he had seen over in town He lindntscen
anything Well didnt you go nny
where iikcd somebody tlnally Not
on your life fcahl tho boy Dyo think
I was going to nay two dollars a dav
for room and not iuo It oil the timor
Mr Sparks Sir I Ion your riaught i
o that f ronnot live without her
Old nruftly Ooodl Then go awny
lomewhero and die Theres another
toad off my niludl Cleveland radr
Of American Hour 15208805 barrclo
went abroad last year for which tho
hungry Euroucnna disbursed f 31031-
nna - - - i
m i
Ollt to llit HllsllRSH
Hveeptlnnnl lliirunltis In livery
iltiiii t limit Throughout
tho Stock
Wo Can OIo Only n Few Items Be
low to Indicate thoSpoolnl Vnlites
Single nml split zephyrs at 2o
Good sclithi In nil colors nt do
Good soft llnMicd cninbrlo nt lo
Good cnntoii Ihinnel nt I vo
Kxtrn good canton llniiuolnt 7 cts
Btirkoleys 30 In cambric 8o
Hope Fruit Pick of the Crop and
Lotidsdnlo at prices to close
10 1 blench shceU neatly bound
ut 36c
10 1 bleach sheet neatly bound
extra good Ilc
10 by 12 in Pillow Slips extra
quality 8 cts
Ten quarter whito honey comb
quilts at IJo worth Iiuc
Ladies Jersey ribbed vests at lbc
Ladies nil wool medicated vests
and pants 01c
Mens and hoys uulaundricd shirts
bought to sell at fit cents closing
price tt cents
Serpentine Grope in light blue
pink scarlet ricidi green umornld
and Old Hose nt G t c
Nearly cvorv color in choose clolh
nt 3jc
Our drww good salt have been
wonderful for the past few vu els It
Is your misfortune if you do not reap
any of the huuellts of this great re
duction Mile
Capes and Jackets
Take any wrap in tho department
at cost What more would you ahk
Model Form Corsets
Our immense stock if Model Form
Cornets will go on fllo thii week at
manufacturers prices Thin is n
great opportunity to buy the bent cor
net on earth for much lets than it i t
worth Dont wait until Micmium are
all broken Come enrlv mid often
HIT Broadway
Wc hnve known for n long time
thnt we had tho largest Drcs fJoodi
business in the city but w did not
expect four weeks ago that we would
bo buying new dross giods at tl U
season but our solus in this line have
been so largo th V we i e taken ad
vantage of an offer from an over
stocked whoosolo house ond are now
showing lot of
at prices Ios3 thin wo piid for simi
lar goods earlier in tho season Pat
terns that would havo sold at 10 to
15 aro now otfered at JO to tf
Is it n plush cape orn cloth Jacket
If 3ou havent made up your mind
about a new cloak drop in and look
at curs If you wish a swell coat
we have tho very thing If you wish
a quiet looking one better wo have it
too with the medium sty os between
Jackets from 2 to 20
Capes from 275 to f 1 5
Blankets and Bed Comforts
Have a warm cosy sound dont
they Tlieso frosty nights naturally
suggest such articles Wo havo big
stacks of them which will move with
these prices attached to them
11 1 HankeU in while or grey at
12 I HlaiiKcU in tai at 1 I5
11 I California B ankets spei did
value at 1 V
Heavy calico Comforts at 1 00
SilkHlino Comforts ut 175
If you want an oxtra valuo at 5 or
10 or 25cts take a look nt ouri We
havo better ones too got them as
high as as 1175 each
Did you oor use It Do you know
what it is If not stop In and lot us
show you Price loot pur piece or
- ur siuis
Ladies Mackintoshes
No ono Is Justified in going out in
bad weather and getting wot who i wo
arp soiling ladies gossamnrs ut 75o
and mackintoshes at 50 and 105
AjjentH for Nut crick Patterns
aHn aVaVfUv
t120 South Third Street
Now Fall Stylos up to
dato Boo our now Fronoh
cult Trir7 to only
i -
v fl
All Sizos All Widths from 0 to E
Mens Ladies and Childrens
Shoes Exclusively
Mens Shoes 2 to g
Trilby Orient and Razor Toes
Sam Stark Distilling Co
2 iFrPiirlflle Rmirhnn anri Run
ftA E I Willi V I Lama
n i
Wo also distill and well the best Sour AInsli 2 00
whiskey in tho stato Mall orders given social
attention Jugs Boxes ami Miles furnished
free No 120 South Second Street
Fumir Tfn Verein Co Q Jap and Midget Havana
Strictly l lavnnn filler HAND MADE
1 am rying the largest nntl moil select stock of Imported ami
mcslicfr A in the Citv
LO BUG and 16 TO I Silver Mounted Pipes are Beauties
The Inttcr are Novelties Havo also an iiumeiHo lot of Chewing and
Smoking Tobaccos
It will pay you to call and examine my entire stock
Cortwr SnJ and
llre dwajr
Ladies and Gentlemens
Elegant Place
EverythingFirst class
Staple and Fancy GROCERIES
Produce Provisions
437-430-441 S Third St PADUCAH KY
Wc have fought the good light the battle Is over nnd tho
Mctory won now for lKOtlllKSS lHOSlKKITY
and lKACK Come down to business and come to
to r
lifpf ilf
Dry Goods and Fine Shoes
Ladies Shoes Mens Shoes
Misses Shoes Childrens Shoes
Ladies and Mens
Furnishing Goods
Bibles Prayer Books c
Wo want tho pationago as well as good wishes of every friend nnd
neighbor and everybody else Honest vnluo and square dealing guaranteed
for your inoiioy
Oppjsllo Langs Drugstore U05 BHOADWAY
and 12C 128 North Fifth Street
Nkah 1almku IIousk
High Grade Bicycles
and Bicvcle Sundries
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