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Ml lV -Mr, n -i jrtft 0 kU;ki V ..,. :.-i:il,. v 4 1 fm0 JW JPff' wsgjft'1' 'V TS "N "i ' The Paducah Daily Sun. VOLUME 1H(5 WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED AGAINST SPAIN. The Climax Is Reached McKinley Orders American Sqaudrons to Move at Once. The best equipped retail drug; store in Paducah is NELSON SMILE'S Lowest prices, quality considered. Courteous treatment. Prescriptions filled by graduates of pharmacy. Telephone 313 for .your drug wants. GOMB5I Wo urn hoIIIiir a vory koo1 comb for 'Jte. Former jirlco Vih 40c. It in tho bout comb wo over saw for tho money. J. D. BACON & CO. PHARMACISTS n J J I'Mi Ai!it. SYlh and Jiekon OPINION OF HIRAM MAXIM. London, April !M. The Daily !Mall has published an Interview with Illratn Maxim, iuveutorof the Maxim gun, in the courao of which lie is described as saying that both Amctica and Spain have purchased war material to the utmost from his firm, and that if he had had the material he cnnld hare sold ten times as much. "The coining war,'' ho says, "will lio a great test for modern weapons and Inventions. I believe It will proe the moultor typo superior to battleship, and that this type Is in fact the best lighting machines yet produced. So far as torpedoes are concerned, I am positive that no Spuuish torpedo will get north of Cape lluttcrus. According to my iden tho torpedo boats will be at the mercy of fait cruisers like the Columbia or the UrooMyu." IS TliTs RECOGNITION? Washington, April 21 The U made on high audioiity that Tntnas Kstrada lV.uin, the representative of the Cuban tepubliu in this country, in company with one of the lirigadicrs la Gomez's army' has been in consultation vvi'.h Gen. Miles, arranging for co-operation in the conduct of the campaign in Cuba against Spain. This is taken as a virtual recognition of the Cuban republic. It is stated that l'ulina was summoned here for thteconfcrcnce. CHICAGO REJOICED. Chicago, April 21. As soon bb the news was received here yesterday of tho president signing tho Cuban resolution nml tue ultimatum oiopain manufacturing establishments in different parts of the ei y were notified, and tho action of the president was communicated to tho people of Chicago and suburbs by the blowing of whistles and the ringing of bells. If yoiflfettnt a scrub brush, white wash brush, or any kind of a brush, i'ome and see us. Hank llros. & Jones. 21a3 New line, newest styles of Join Poster's shoes at Geo. Bernhardt. A TRUE TONIC A tonic to assist nature is not one that biiuply gives temporary stimulation, but one that commends itself by the effects. ' A substitute will not prove satisfactory to people no often ALLAN'S CELERY WITH IRON Strengthens the vitnl forces, invigorates and cleansen the entire system and dispels that UnguM feeling. Sold by "fcYtfE & L YNE j. URUUUXOIH HAVANA AND PORTO RICO WILL The President May Notify the European Powers This Afternoon That a State of War With Spain Exists. CONGRESS IS RAPIDLY PASSING WAR The Volunteer Bill Will Be Passed Tonight, and the First Call For Volunteers Will Be Made by the President Early Tomorrow. Spain Ablaze With Patriotic Enthusiasm Over the Approach of Hostilities With America Christina Idol of Spain. SPAIN'S BIO FLEET OF WARSHIPS HAVE SAILED. The Fleets Are Thought to Be Hurrying to Porto Rico and Havana A Naval Battle May Open The War. MINISTER POLO HAS DEPARTED.' Will Go to Spain via Halifax. He Will ltenmin h Short Time lit Toronto. WOODFORD WILL LEAVE TODAY. linn HoiiKlit 1 1ckcts Fortbo South of France for Himself uml His ltd- Inuo. WHEN WILL CANNON'S ROAR BE HEARD? Tbc First Cliwh May Ho u .Mutter of Hut n Few Pftjn or Majlio Hours. SPANIARDS STILL HOPEFUL OF SUCCESS. Key West, April 21, 3:48 p. in. Tne gulf Eipiudron sailed at 2:15 this afternoon. It is believed the squadron will bombard MorroC tonight, and will certainly do so if the port at Havana is not successfully blockaded a hnixMl for hi- thennvv inent. Washington, April 21; 3:19 p. m. Flying Squadron sails before 4 o'clock for Havana. It may bombard Morro Castle before daylight. Has been told to do scif not ired. Jr Spain ollleially announces war, and its fleet is now moving to meet our ships on the high seas. Later 4:00 p. in. It is probable that the flying squad; ron will bo held for fear Spain's fleet trying to get to the New York harbor unobserved. Schley has orders to sail tomorrow. It is thought he goes to New York coast. Spain is full of fight and many warlike moves have been made by this government. This city is tho scene of tho greatest excitement ever known here. Tho United States is at war with Spain. A state of war has virtually existed for several days ; only actual have been delayed by the uopo that peace might be reached by some form of diplomacy. The passage of the joint Cuban resolutions by Congress was in reality I'V -' a?-. J; Ln,. fii. JL,, juiStstf i v a war declaration by the American people, the ultimatum of the President being merely to allow Spain one more chance to make peace, by a full compliance with the demands of this country. The speech of the Queen Itogent before the Spanish Cortes was a declaration of war as far as the Queen could go. The action of the members of the Spanish senate and Cortes in agreeing yesterday afternoon to reject all demands of this country and to vote the necessary war credits was a verbal declaration of war. The action of I'remicr Sagastn in giving Minister Woodford his passports before Woodford could present the ultimatum of President McKinley was unprecedented and a declaration of war on his part. As a matter of fact Spain has declared war three times within the past 3G hours. The action of President McKinley in ordering an advance ami hostile movement of the American squadrons is a declaration of war on the part of tho president. Nothing remains now but n formal declaration of war. This may or may not be made. Tho president has asked congress to pass the formal declaration at once. Washington, April 21. It is dally announced today that Minister Woodfordwas given his passports be- fore he could present McKinley 'a Umall)ini ThU lu an miprecedentcd action and is tantamount to a ration of war on the part of Spain. There now seems to be no escape from an immediate opening of hostilities. The Ptttfhotswants congress to noss a'furiKcHirallon of war at once. Ilfcfe requested the admin .... istratlon lewqera in both hoi uses of laralion uougiuas u iiatu iuu nmt prcparcajinmeiiiaieiy and ready to be introduced at any lime. Washington, ApriUSl, 2 p. ra. The senate today passed a bill putting coal under an embargo. Also tho senate passed the sundry civil bill and took up the naval appropriation bill for immediate passage. A volunteer bill will also be passed tonight and tho call for volunteers will come tomorrow. Washington, April 21, 1:30 p. in. War has been virtually declared. Tho climax is reached. Tho president is acting uneler the advice of tho Can mTailor FADUCAH, KENTUCKY THURSDAY.. APlilL 21, 1898. BE THE FIRST PLACES TO HEAR PREPARATION BILLS. war board, and orders hostile movements of our fleets today. The Key West emtadron goes to blockade Havana. The other flying squadron goes to Porto Kico, nnd the auxiliary fleets to aid in backing up the Iargecr fleets. Kvery movement and order is with the knowledge that war is 'ipon us now. Washington, April 21; 11:32 n m It is said that Minister Woodford made a serious blunder In allowing so much time to elapse after getting the ultimatum, and before presenting it to the Spanish cabinet, this causing his summary dismissal from Spain. He gave the Spanish minister here time to cable the contents of the ultimatum. The ultimatum can not be gotten to Spain now, as the diplomatic relations have been severed. War will either be declared today or tho blockade to Havana begun. The situation has reached the climax. Washington, April 21, 11:02 a. m. Congress is asked to make an open declaration of war today. Loading members of the house aud senate have been called for a conference wtth the President. It is be lieved that this policy has been agreed on and that war will be declared be fore night. Washington, April 21, 11 a. m. Extras here this morning print cables from Woodford, saying that he has presented ultimatum to Sagastn; that he was given his passports and notified that diplomatic relations between the United States and Spain arc sev ered. Spain is standing llrm. FIRST ACT OF WAR. Madrid, April 21. Tho Spanish papers today enthusiastically approve the action of Premier Sagasta in giting Minister Woodford his passports and claim that Spain's refusal to accept the United States' ultimatum was tho first act of war. Spain is today abla.o with excitement at the approach of.hostllitics. Today the Queen Itegent is the idol of the Spanish people and nil talk of a Carlist revolution seems to be forgotten. ANOTIIICR IIANMUAL. Madrid, April 21. Advices from Cadiz yesterday say the commander of the new Spanish squadron now being formed thpre recently visited tho Shrine of the Virgin with his men, and there addressed the crews of the ships, offering tho choice of remaining behind to whoever felt fear. The crews it is added, declared that they preferred to go to battle, whereupon tho Spanish commniandcr and his men knelt and ) took a solemn vow never to return to Spain unless victorious. I MILITARY OFFICERS CONFKlt. Frankfort, Ky., April 21. Adjutant General Collier and Col E. II. Gaither, of the Second regiment, Please You it 333 BROADWAY held a long conference yesterday with Gov. Bradley in regard to the mustering of new companies. Col. Gaither said ho thought it certain that the Paris, Maysville and companies would be mustered in at once. Other companies would be mustered in if the call for 80,000 troops was made. Col. Gaither said that if the call for o0,000 men were made this would take the First and Second regiments. If a call for 80,000 men was made it would take 2,000 Kentucky soldiers, and new companies and members of old militia would he called on. After a conference with the Governor Gen. Collier, Col. Gaither, Major Allen, of Lexington ; Lieut. Howard Gaines and Capt. Julian Kersey, of the Bradley Guards, had a conference in Gen. Collier's office for arranging details. Col. Gaither said he looked for a call not later than Friday. The Louisville Legion will be first called and the Second regiment next. SPANISH FLEET SAILS. Washington, April 21. War is now upon us. Spain's fleet sailed last night from St. Vincent for an unknown destination. arc on the lookout for them, and also injeadiness for the work to mo) c on Cuban ports. The first shot remains to be fired as a necessary prelude, in tho mind of the President to a formal declaration of war. Butwhcn hesigned the act of congress yesterday calling for forcible intervention and dispatched an ulti matum to Spain he knew full well that war must follow. WILL NOTIFY THE POWERS. Washington, April 21, 2:10 p. m. The President will probably notify the Powers this afternoon that a state of war exists with Spain. GARY RESIGNS. Washington, April 21. Postmaster General Gary resigned today on account of ill health. Charles Emory Smith, editor of the Philadelphia Pi ess, will probably be his successor in the cabinet. Til ANSP011TING TltOO I'S. Washington, April 21. Arrangements are being made by the War Department for the transportation of troops from Southern ports to Cuba, and it is expected that they will be peifected tomorrow or soon thereafter. Col. A. S. Kimball, Chief Quartermaster of the East, will open bids at New York today for the charter of steam vessels for this im portant service. The government will have no difllculty in securing a sulllcicnt number of first-class steam vessels for the transportation of the army to be sent to Cuba. AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY Is the latest fad. Get you a camera and he in the swim. This is the most beautiful time of the year to take pictures. We handle all kinds of instruments, for films or plates. We can furnish you with all supplies if you have a camera. If you contemplate taking a trip drop in and see the Havvkeye, the most compact pocket instrument ever produced. Cameras $1.00 up. M'PHERSON'S DRUG STORE FOURTH AND UROAIiWAY Tailor-made suits to order for less money than rcady made ones of same quality. Everybody can wear a tailor-made suit at the prices charged by Dalton's Tailoring Establishment THE ROAR OF AMERICA'S CANNON. Among the companies which have offered vessels to the government for this service are the following: Iron steamboat Co. of New York City Taurus, capacity 2000 passengers; Cetus, 1800; Perseus, 1,800; 1800. Plant system at Tampa Mascotte, 1000; Olivette, 1000; Florida, 1000. oiipe aiay auu uelaware Bay Nav- gatfonJo. at Philadelphia hi. New ork and Texas Steamship Co. at New York City Colorado, lOOOjLeona, 1000; Alamo, 1000; Lampasas, 1000. Southern Pacific Co. of New York Aransas, 1000; Gussie, 1000; Mor- gan, 1000: Whitney, 1000. COMING HOME TODAY. London, April 21 The Madrid correspondent of the Daily 11 o'clock last evening, sajs: "Gen. Woodford's family left tonight by the ordinary express for Biarritz. The American minister Uimself has token tickets for the south of b ranee express tomorrow. He has received extensive dispatches of instructions. It is doubtful whether he will have an opportunity of presenting the American ultimatum, since, in all probability, Senor Gullon the foreign minister, will send him his passports at 8 o'clock Thursday morning with a declaration that diplomatic relations between the two governments have been broken off. "Gen. Woodford has handed the archives of the legation to the British Embassy, where he diucd tonight. "The republican minority met this afternoon, and agreed to grant tho government whatever measure might be necessary for war. Some uneasiness is felt at the movements of Don Carlos, which are being closely followed. It is asserted that the gov ernment will not resort to POLO HAS GONE Washington, April 21. The Spanish minister, accompanied by six members of his staff, left Washington nt 7:30 o'clock last night, and the Spanish government thus terminated its diplomatic representation in the United Slates. The minister and his party left by the Pennsylvania road, going northward to Buffalo and Suspension Bridge and thence to Toronto. After spending n few days in Toronto, he will go to Halifax and sail on a British fclcamcr. INSIL1S 10 AMERICA. Montevideo, April 21. A sou of the famous Dictator Santos, who is a i Lruguayan naval ollicir, is now ing on board the Spanish cruiser Vizcaya. Other Uruguaynu oillcers I arc about to enter the service of Spain in her army and navy. I The police are now guarding the United States consulate in Asuncion, 'Paraguay. The Spaniards have made .demonstrations acainst the United States. They have been prohibited from burning effigies of President McKinley and other American statesmen. TRIBUTES OF FLOWERS. ChicagoApril 21. The Third In fantry, U.,S. A.,f0 strong, en route from Fort Snelling, Minn., to Mobile, Ala., arrived in this city at 1 a. m. yesterday, over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. Tho cars were transferred to the Pan Handle tracks at the stock yards and resumed tho journey south nt ." o'clock. A stop for breakfast was made at Kankakee, 111. Thousands of people greeted the soldiers at every station through Minnesota and Wisconsin. At Lake City, Minn., the soldiers were loaded down with flowers. The Union Station at Milwaukee was jammed with enthusiastic people, who waited until i 1:30 a. m., being entertained mean while by evolutions of the first and second baltallions, Wisconsin national guard. Most of the regulars were asleep when their trains reached Milwaukee, but the cheering and music brought them out and they remained up until the trains reached Chicago. PLAN OF OPERATIONS. Washington, April 21. The following plan of operations will be Carrie 1 out: Havana and other Cuban ports will be blockaded by Capt. Sampson's licet. Commodore Schley's squadron will look after Porto Kico. This action will be taken promptly after the expiration of tho time limit given to Spain. Secretary Long has SPRING Necessities The warm weather lighter shoes. We have are prepared with a full misses' and children's strap sandals, in blacK and tan, in all the nowest styles and toes. No better made. There are shoes which cost more money, but none which will give greater satis faction. r 321 BROADWAY UINCUB SAM'S CRAVATS! ARE YOU PATRIOTIC? Are you for avenging the fate of the Maine and American seamen? Arc you for Free Cuba? If so wear one of UNCLE SAM'S CRAVATSI Price 50 cents, in silk. Tccks, Clubs, Ascots, Four-in-hands, etc. For up-to-date and advance styles come always to THE FAMOUS! GO M H O M H O - 3? OEILLE & SON, 409-411 BROADWAY -: ....--. TEN CENTS A WEEK ! fied Capt. W. T. Sampson, Com- (....... :.. -! ... .l. x- .1. . ui inu .ui in Atlantic cquadron, and Commodore W. S. Schley, Commander-in-Chief of tho Flying squadron, of tho decision which has been reached by the government, nnd these officers will lmvn the vessels of their fleets in readiness to move the moment the word is given that Spain has declined to meet the demands of President McKinley. As soon as the blockade is established shiploads of food will he sent to Cuba to feed the starving people. It they are tired on the lire will be returned, the forts will be attacked and the war will be on. From this time forward war preparations will go forward with renewed activity, and both the army and the navy will be put in position for active opeiations. ATLANTIC STEAMERS WILL RUN. Liverpool, April 21 The officials of the Cunard Steamship Co. here declare there is no. truth in the statement that they have decided to change their ports of call. They add that their vessels will continue to sail from here to New York and Boston as heretofore. At the office of the White Star lino it was also announced that the members of that company will continue their steaaiers if war breaks out between tho United States and Spain. ADMIRAL WALKER THE MAN. Washington, April 21. Hear Admiral Walker will probably back into service from his retirement. He i- now a member of the strategic board, and peiliaps is as well acquainted with all tho important naval matters now uppermost in the inimla tit flin tnmiln na nnv nnt'nl nil. lhoritVtlt is Ba,d lhat Allmiral wa)Ucr may succeed Mr. Theodore as Assistant Secretary of the Navy. a Berlin, Apiil 21. Tho officials of the foreign office here confirm the report that the Spanish government lias asked Germany to sell ordnance and army supplies. They ndd that the request has been refused. The articles 3011 need for house cleaning can be gotten at Noah's Ark's special House Furnishing sale I tomorrow and Saturdoy. The "Siberia" refrigerator sold only by Hank Bros, k Jones is the genuine charcoal filled. 21a3 Li un wood, Linn wood, nothing else. tf bring9 a demand for anticipated this, and line of ladies' oxfords, & "a w o H Q H H GO