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The Hickman courier. [volume] (Hickman, Ky.) 1859-current, October 22, 1908, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

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Information nn.1 ttos.in Picked U
anil Thrre In WnshtniJIon.
in ricked Up Ifrr
jsjew Furnishing in the White House
i8I55N.TON' llwe ;rmp nj
for Mrs U-s' ':
It j' r of ah iK'nm-u nut
j:r lwe itiljnntl hnvo nn
F -i. r,,n.t In hn nlllcd.
Lj f ' flf 10 1110 IIOUIU B1IH-U
. - I'.'M licr smnnirr '""'
. - Thero I probably
l tt... Innil urhn
. I ( Irnit 0110 tilfCO Of
I Mcr." rJ a room Pfd, huKnt
-i fir nt rut ono room.
1 I . i tho children' bedroom
I.. .. ..mfdilnc of that kind.
K has no addition 10
L, c I-c So no round oTcry
' j It was when sno worn
'arn rulnilnc had been dono
It -J cat but that la nil. It
lt ,-' as II uot navo necn
tho new jmini n juii
llko that which It replaced. Whero
Irory whlto rcrcolcd her eyes Inst win
tor It will do ao URaln this season.
Whoro tho tint was crenm or burr It
will still bo cream or burl at thn tlmo
when aho Rlre It up to Mrs. William
on March 4, 1903.
Now wouldn't It Rot on your nwos,
careful housekeeper, to know thnt you
could not do anything to chango tho
took of things; that you couldn't moro
tho chiffonier oyer Into nnothcr cor
ner, or Rot rid of tho curtain In tho
dining-room thnt looked ao Rood when
It first enroo to your view, but now
has crown almost hideous?
Hut that Is Mrs, Ilooscvelt'a fix pro
clsely. Congress Inat winter did not
mako any allowance for new furniture,
carpots, rugs or hangings of any" kind.
Tho nllowanco was merely for mainte
nance. That, of course, covers any
repairs that may bo needed to furni
ture, hanglnga or drnpcrles, but It
does not permit tho Introduction of
now things.
Every vnse, every chair, every sldo
tnblo and every picture Is In exactly
the place It occupied when Mra. ltoono
vclt went nway. Tho same old
"throw" covers tho piano, and the
Florentine mirror hangs at tho very
nngle It described when tho family
went to Oyster Hay.
Ganges Likely by Coming New Mistress
IS rr.m can, rules the furnliuro
-J the a-Tincrtnenl of things In
r,l 3 M;ac In tills instance, mo
r ria Ii Ccl ( harles 8. Ilromwell.
li i t rK -Kini-cr so youiniui in
i"a 'hat tho silver eoglo on
r !cr rar. Indicating tho
' i -! certainly looks llko n
t Ho Is a colonel only while
iiti so of the While House.
fci-jrj i frnineer It would be Inv
f - lrcmcll to havo the
vases In tho wldo entrance
iikr. 'r Home set more than
:- h cf an Inch out of line. It
II be Ircpotilble for him to
lie r hung at an anglo never
it I- wi In tho Whllo House.
z ;i In falling to provide for
: w fjrr"ure or anything elso
i jcar remembered thnt It Is
" a hcn there Is a new first
'be land the Whllo House
" 'V t.'hrltles to low low and
l- i -3:j-e In regard to things,
r. ; .H choje tho present un-
cf the bluo room to re
: l . -a'o baby bluo brocade
on tho walls of that apartment during
tho McKlnley administration. She also
solected furniture less ornnto than the
Louis XVI of the McKlnley regime.
Col. Ilromwell In submitting his es
timate this year for tho probable cost
of maintenance and renownla nt thn
Whlto Homo during the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1910, set the figure at
J 00,000, or IIC.OOO moro than the cur
rent flscnl year.
That means that I1S.000 will bo at
tho disposal of tho new mistress next
summer. Inasmuch as tho appropria
tion bills for tho year beginning on
July 1 must all bo passed before
March 4, n mere nod from tho new
first lady of tho land. If sho has any
particular Idea of how things should
bb done, will bo sufficient to get moro
money for her, oven It her husband
has not been Inducted Into olTlce.
With I1C.000 to start with, tho new
first lady will bo able to get now
dishes If sho does not llko the kind
used by tho Hoosevctt family, and
probably havo tho wall coverings In
soveral of tho rooms changed. In a
pinch It might bo mado to cover the
cost of a few bits of furniture to take
tho plaro of tho ugly stuff In tho cast
During the first year of a new fam
ily in tho Whlto IIouso tho cost of
now furniture and maintenance runs
up to about 11,000 a week.
Ipital Laundry War Is Taken to Court
I GIF !i war among tho washera of
A".c-kan s'atrsmen'a shirts
V -n s.r l cuffs. Alleclni? that a
'-' t has been formed among
" .---Iry concerns of Wnshlne-
've t "pise of which Is to drlvo
lll t -en all romtietlntr t'ntnh.
"'s. "n vklaMon of tho Sherman
"' s" tho Model Ijiundry Conv
I " i c 't throuch Its nttornev.
I" i rc-,jrs in tho form of an
h 'he smirerao court of tho
ra jng the court to restrain
aircr i - the Washington Uun
'3 M-timBc, from interfering
"s Cher Inundrles of the city
r-SKtd ns defendants, It la nskixl
s that the Injunction bo
' . " U,I(H Hiilfc 111 IliU
Ma'i efforts lb ruin the busi
ness of tho Model Laundry Company
they havo nttempted, and In some In
stances have succeeded. In employing
drivers of tho Model Laundry Com
pany, through whom a greater part of
the laundry business Is controlled, and
havo mado threats to establishments
selling laundry supplies that they
would bo boycotted In tho futuro by
members of tho exchange If they con
tinued to sell tholr goods to tho com
plalnnnt. For many months tho laundries of
tho national capital havo attracted the
attention of tho official olenu-nt In the
city. Dinners seven nights a week
hnvo mado n great demand on Immac
ulate dress shirts, not to speak of the
other accessories of a statesman's
wardrobe. Last winter a Pennsyl
vania congressman Introduced n bill
making it a jicnal offenso or some
thing of that kind to tear shirts, etc.,
in tho wash. This Is tho first tlmo
tho laundrymcn havo sought tho fame
of tho railroads, nnd tho Standard Oil
Company in Jolfilng tho trust mngnato
Tho Chlnest- washy-wnshees ore
watching tho affair with smiling coum
my Disasters in Coal Mining Industry
(WNT8 In coal mines of (ho
W'i States ilcrin. ihn i.
I. v W(U IUai S.4-
';-ng to sfadatlr.
hK''Slcal.urvnv """"
U rerord among tho coal
c-nis t10 year was greater
i-Ll ?? In ,90G' anJ ealil to
I of i, ,BB or5 fr In tho hi
r C1&' minus Industry.
a'fMr, -l-.ui MIO
,uu w asu.rg ropor g
f mine !r,ectnrs.
T'lila r. 'u,rt. 11. i
' 8 In lao? i2 !; ,.r . cnn ,
ii.. w Mexico stood uuxt
f w, a death rate of 11.15
and a production of 7T.322 tons for
each life lost Alabama was third
with a death rate of 7.2 per 1.000 and
a production of 02,635 tons for each
llfu lost. Missouri had tho lowest
death rate, heading tho roll of honor
with .95 nnd 499,712 tons of coal
mined for each llfo lost.
Statistics do not bear out tho popu
lar Idea that most mlnu disasters ro
sult from explosions. Of tho total
number reported during tho last year
917 deaths and 313 Injuries resulted
from gas nnd dust explosions uutl 201
deaths and 41C Injuries waro caused by
powder explosions.
Tho chief causo of death among
tho miners, tho report explains, was
duo to tho falling of inino roofs and
coal. Such dUaators causod 1,122
deaths and 2,141 Injuries.
i:. W. Parker, chief statistician of
tho survey, (inserts that much benefit
will result from tho action of congress
In appropriating J 150,000 to Investi
gate mlno disasters. Unsays ono of
tho greatest needs of -tho coal nilulng
industry Is the enforcement of mili
tary discipline lu the uiuutlou of tho
Now York With tho assistance ol
two carriages, several Iron ladders and
a Janitor, Miss Daphno Dame Dlctcr
leli, who had Just been mnrrled to Mr.
Schuyler Imbrle, n young broker, cir
cumvented 1B0 woddlng guests who
had gathered In front of tho apart
ment building to toss rice and old
shoes at her nnd her now husband.
While the custodlnns of tlia old
shoes and tho rice waited for the ap
pearanco of Mr. and Mrs. Imbrle, nnd
while a carriage also waited osten
sibly for them, Mr. and Mrs. Imbrle,
piloted by a Janitor, left her father's
Th Bride Descended the Fire Escape.
apartment by n rear door, descended
an Iron ladder ftro escape to a court
In tho rear of the building, crossed the
court, ascended another Iron ladder,
traversed an unoccupied apartment
nnd left tho building at tho rear en
trnnco In Hlvorsldo drive.
Thero another carriage was in
waiting, nnd In this Mr. and Mrs.
Imbrlo wcro whirled away to a rail
road station, from which they de
parted on their woddlng Journoy.
Tho wedding guests waited In front
of tho apartment building for moro
than an hour. Then ono of tho moro
Impatient friends of the bridegroom
went to the door of tho Dietrich apart
ment and rang tho bell.
Mr, John V. Dietrich, fathor of the
bride, answered tho ring.
"Aren't they over coming out?"
"They left nn hour ago," Sir. Diet
rich answered.
The disappointed ones wcro not
willing to glvo up so easily. They
re-entered tho apartment building and
searched through til tho corridors.
At an cntranco In West Ono Hundred
nnd Nineteenth street they camo upon
a Janitor polishing brass-work and
whistling ns ho polished.
They'ro gone," said tho Janitor, In
answer to inquiries. "I helped 'em."
New York Physician Barely Escapes
with Life.
Avalon, Santa Catnllnn Island, Dr
W. A. Pratt, a prominent physician ol
New York, had an experience here
which camo near costing him his life,
ln an encounter with seals whom
hunger had driven oavago tho doctor
was compelled to strugglo for llfo 40
minutes. The only weapon ho had
was nn old broom handle. Ho wns
about ready to glvo up tho struggle
when help arrived.
The doctor went fishing early In
tho morning nnd returned to tho Island
with 22 alblcoro, Whllo at lunch uear
Iho wharf half a dozen hungry seals
appeared on tho quiet surfaco of tho
bay nnd In a moment they wore strug
gling furiously to got aboard his
launch. Defending his catch with n
broom handle, tho doctor succeeded In
getting his launch to tho pier, but the
seals wcro not yet beaten nnd ro
nowed their nttnek moro savagely
than before, attempting to snap his
legs and arms and trying to throw
themselves Into tho boat.
An old blind seal rocerCy brought
to Avalon from West Lulu park, Los
Angeles, led tho attack. Thr doctor
struck It across tho faco a dozen
times before It dropped Into tbt water.
Klnally, when JUBt about exhausted,
tho doctor dropped four big fish over
bourd. Whllo tho seals wcro seizing
these, help arrived nnd tho doctor got
away with !ho rest of his catch.
Horse Commits Suicide.
Sioux City, la. Alleging that al
though his horso deliberately commit
ted sulcldo lt could not have dono ao
had lt not been for tho hugo embank
ment loft by the city fn n dangerous
condition, K. Hppstutn called at tho
pollen station to ascertain tho best
method of instituting proceedings for
recovery of payment for tho animal.
That tho horso really Jumped over the
embankment with oulcldnl intent
there Is little, doubt In tho mind of
ICppsteln, who is a peddler. He said
that for several days tho nnlmnl's
teeth had been so affected, that It was
next to Impossible, for It to mastlcato
Its outs, and tho beast ut frequent In
tervals would stand upon tho ledgo of
the bank nnd gazo for several mln
utcs nt the roadbed CO feet or moro
below. Tho horso deliberately trotted
to tho edgu ami jumped oft ha said
Tho animal was about 19 years old.
"Hullo, thero goes old Itlchmnnl I
hear he's got two lovely daughters."
"No, he hasn't, only ono. I'vo got
tho other"
' Riches Found by Accident.
Peter Tcrreros, a muleteer, discov
ered by accident tho Ileal del Monte
deposits In Hlda'go, and at tho end of
12 years had won $16,000,000, and a
Spanish tltld of nobility: and, to give
another example, two brothers named
lloladns, who earned a mlserablo live
lihood by carrying fuel, found ln a
crevlco opened by earthquake, an
enormous block of silver worth 11,250,
000. A Marvelous Eye Remedy.
Thoso who know what Intense pains
conio with sorno diseases of the eyo
can hardly bcllovo Mitchell's Eyo
Salve Is ablo to do all that is claimed
for it, but a trial soon convinces ono
of tho extraordinary curatlvo powers
of this llttlo remedy. Sold all over
tho United States. I'rlco 25a
He Apologized.
Henry, aged throe, was left alone
with his three-months-old brother. His
mother, hearing tho baby cry, re
turned to And out what had happened.
"Oh," said Henry, "I choked him a
little, but I asked him to 'scuso me."
( HIM, TOMU. Von know what Jon an lkln.
Tb formula it plainly rrlnt4 nn etirj botiia,
twwln ItU tlmplr Ja!nfnaDd Iron Id a taiilu
form, and th niokt trctual form, l'gr crown
Iupl and children. 6O0.
Advice from a Wise Man.
After getting the best of a man In
ono deal steer clear of him, for he
will begin to sit up and tako notice.
Hicks' Capudlne Curea Headache,
Whether from coMn," heat, itomach or
nervoua trouble!. No Acetanlllil or dan
crronn limits. It's liquid and acts Imme
diately. Trial bottle IOC Itegular ZjC and
Wo at all druggists.
The World m Blank.
We feel aorry for tho woman who
has no confidence In either her hus
band or her dressmaker.
aTarXBaTaw- 33aTBafl
SIUs Helen Baurrtiler, of 81BM alnSL, St,
Joiri'h, Mich write nn Intereatlnc letter
uu the subject of catchlnc cold, which
cannot foil to be of vol no to all women who
catch cold wutlr.
It Should be Taken According to
Directions on the Bottle, at the
First Appearance of the Cold.
St. Joski-h, Mich,, Sept., 1P01. Last
winter I caught a sudden cold which
tic eloped Into an unpleasant catarrh
of t'le head anil throat, depriving' me of
inv uppotite utiil usnul pooil hplrlts. A
friend who had been cured by 1'eruna
lulvNed 1110 to try It ami I sent for a
bot'lo at once, niiil 1 am glad to bay thut
in thtvo iIuvn tJio phlegm hail loosened,
uml 1 felt better, my nppotltu returned
and within nlno days I was lu my
mualgvod health.
Miss Helen Rnuerbler.
lVruna is an old uml well tried remedy
for rolils. No wonmn chould bo with
out It,
Throat and Lungs
lust tU xotarlin ffclnU toU
rui LttM th4 U cAAaiocvI from
IWtCura. U yvti Uvtt couth
Off CfU, jJigiH: cff tCllCVb Ufc-i ui
ng 1mi Cui loiiy nd cooUaim
I UAiil you 4r welt CurtlKtcouvh
vluU ii I htfJi, Ua jfw dutw
U IWtCtjrtnuyU vW iKljri
will IimiL Kuoui lin lutt B rats
I lury, 1MntoUalf. I t fiooi
I At U drutsUU. 25 eta.
Farmers and Merchants Bank
Clinton Street, Hickman, Kentucky.
That we offer to depositor!.
Othtr ladncomenta are of' secondary importance.
Upon this Guarantee we Solicit Your Patronage.
H. BUCHANAN, President. J. A. THOHPSON, Cashier.
IL Duchanan, J. J. O, Bondurant, O. D, Threllceld, 3. W. Alexandsr,
T. A. Ledford, R. M. Isl.r, Dr. J. M. Hubbard.
Nico.eo IUTS
It will pay yH ft Imstlf ati this plan.
It will iRtirttt yii If yiH art paying rant.
I carrr the onlr complete line of bulldlnr material, builder's
4 war, cash and doors to be found ln tb city, ilj prices arsarlght.
De ma juage; call and se.
-Absolutely THE BEST-
Hillionaire Canned Goods.
Heinz's Varieties of Pure Food Products.
Chase & Sanborn's Coffees and Teas.
Call on or telephone us when ln nd of GROCERIES, FRESH MKATS
Telephone 6.
3 Deliveries.
Ledf ord & Rand I e
TOM. DILLON, Sr., Prop.
(Successor to B. O. Ramsge, deceased.)
Harble and Granite
kinds. IRON FENCINd.
Davidson& Stubbsl ;Meet Your Friends
1 Lauderdale's
DENTISTS. Ton,son PnariT,f
Best ln Hickman. Hot and cold
-- baths; electrlo lights and fans,
-j3?2mf5!v hydraullo chairs and everything
vNvN lor ootntort.
Sl I Y Clinton Street, Illckraan, Ky.
OFFICES: Woxl door to Jones' Cafe.
Hickman, Ky. Over CowrUI's drug- '
store. -
Union City, Tenn. In C B. A. mmnnimitHf
" Z ZT J. W. Roney. W. J. McMurray.
Cash Book Store Roney & mcmu,
Splendid Selectioa . . . LAW YERS
New Books,
C.-.i . Practice ln all the courts ln ihi
btationery, Btate. M .. , t
T-v s i Deeds, mortgaccs and all kinds ol
Jrost L.aras, contracts.
-T , r-f. Notary Public In oSce. .
Notions, EtC- HICKMAN. KY.
JSaStaT-yiS: Offlc over Holcomb's drug ri
Man Berendes&Company ?)

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