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1 1 1 JJCA ComiIiM lttt.W CE. ZlnauaiaCc ' The Old Cabinet Maker says: Whenever you buy furniture, whether it be a bookcase which is an evidence of refinement and today a necessary accesso ry to every home or whether it be a com mon kitchen chair, your selection should be made so as to get the required pieces in perfect harmony with the balance of the furniture in the room. That is what produces true homeness, that sense of comfort and contentment so de sirable. Our stock enables you to select the furniture that goes well with any kind of surroundings and is good, strong and durable. Think what an advantage this is over buying away from home where you simply see pictures and vague, cxageratcd descriptions. Come into our siore and you wil find the pieces of funiture you netd, of the right quality and at the right prices. HICKMAN FURNITURE CO. WCOIU'ORATPD UNDERTAKERS Next Door to Post Office SHINGLE AT MILL PRICES htATVjn TTTT1 3VXXXX3XjX23VC3lOJ' JPHOPIT by buying direct from the Mill. I manufacture the best thinglf s in the State All are nlmott half an Inch thick, an 1 guaranteed. Best Heart Shingles, per 1,000 $3.00 Best Prime " " 2.G5 Economy f V 2.00 Kept in stock at-at my place in West Hickman, or may be had at Mill at Tyler. Ky. Don't Place Your Order Until You See Me c. H. SMITH STEAM AND WATER FOR HEAT s$ Indication! Are That 8omo Method Will D Developed to Discontinue Use of Radiators. The main objection to the use of, steam and water for beating In tbe use of tho radiators, tbo appcarancu of which must necessarily occupy the most conspicuous place In tbe room.' Tbe Indications are that this will bo met at no distant date and some method developed which will dla-i pense with tho uh if radiators. The Itouians heated thoir villas by a sys- turn of double walls and floors, be tween which the heat found Its way and the apartments were malntnlnod nt a comfortable temperature. An, attompt to heal a bouso by an entirely now method will bo mnde In tbo Cos mopolitan club houso, now being erected at Cornell university. Steam pipes arc laid In chases loft In the up-' per surfaco of the floor around tho edge of the room After tho plpo Is laid the opening was flllod with a weak concrete and covered with a decorated tile Hint rises and tbe effl elency of hcntlng the room by radia tion from the floor Is evident. Cold roncrcto floors have been held up ns a bngaboo, and tbe method suggested eliminates this drawback. TO MAKE IN CROCHET DIRECTIONS FOR WORKINQ OF EFFECTIVE TRIMMING. Lover of This Form of Ornamentation Will Be Quick to Recognise Ita Worth and to Copy It. Work 7 chain stitches, turn, pass 1, a double crochet In each of the other 6, turn with 1 chain, S double crochets, 9 chnln into the end stttch of the previous row, turn and work under tho chain loop, 3 double cro chets, then a plcot (4 chain back to the first), 3 more double crochets, an other plcot, 3 more double crochota; HOME-MADE TINNER'S STOVE . tr rirtyrf wjmiMmofjstmrjTM7 1ya Large End of Piece of Ordinary Stovepipe Can Be Used Metal Lid Controls the Draft. Tho largo end of a 6 or C Inch or dinary stovepipe Is cut so as to form three-cornered notches nbout 1 Inch deep Tbo remaining parts of the metal are turned out and nailed to a board as shown In tbe Illustration. Tho bottom part Is filled with a 3- Jn. HICKMAN, KENTUCKY svccusrtL HLN ,fRK r.lTROSS or THIS B.INKf C.F.T IS LINK ,fV ST.1KT voomino rov PRosrr.KiTr nr orr.Niso ,i nusts'csi ICCOUST HERE writr t.ictuir .ii tOV'K SE'KI'ICE Charcoal Soldering Iron Heater. Inch layer of clay and a few V4 Inch boles made In tbo mctnl Just above the clay for tbo draft Three sides of a rectangular piece, 2 Inches wide and 3 Inches long, aro cut In tbe pipe and tbe metal wlt.iin turned down. This forms tbe door and hearth for the soldering Irons. A circular pU-oj of metal laid over the Up controls tbe draft. all theso 9 doublo crochets should be under 7 of tbe 9 chain, then a double crochet Into each of the other two and 1 Into each of tht noxt 4 stitches, leaving tbe last two unworked, turn with 1 chain 6 doublo crochets, turn, 3 chain, pass one, a double crochet In each of the other 2 chain and 1 on each of the next 4 stitches, turn with 1 chain and repeat from for length of lace roqulrod. Second strip: Seven chain, turn, pass one, a dou ble crochet In each of the other 6, turn with 1 chain, 0 double crochets. 3 chain, turn, pass ono, a double cro chet on each of the other 2 chain and 1 on each of the next 4 stitches, leaving the remaining 2 unworked, turn with 1 chain, and repeat from until tho second strip la of the same length as the first. These two strips are connected byt catching 3 chain across from point to point, first placing the strips so that the ribs or rows slamt In opposing dli rectlons. See Illustration. On tbo top of the second strip work 7 chain from point to point, and upon this row work 3 chain from the middle of ono loop to the mlddlo of the next one, and finishing with a double cro chet In each chain stitch of last row. wiv-viiri J VEGETABLES PRODUCE C. II. MOORE Phono 0 FRUITS I SAMUEL ADAMS, Assistant Secretary of the Interior. All you who have torpid liver, wea digestion or constipated bowels look out for chills. Tho season Is here an the air Is full of the disease germs. The thing to do is to get your liver in good condition and purify tho stom ach and bowels. HERBINE Is the right remedy, it answers tho purpose completely. Price COc. Sold by tho Hickman drug Co. Sheet Music at Fethe & French's. OR. I 0. LOMGMECKER Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Chicago Vet. College 1893. Office at Steve Stohr's Livery Barn BOTH PHONES Residence Phone, Cumb. 194" - Calls promptly answered night or day. Satisfaction guaranterd. Tax Notice. Pay your State, County and School taxes now ad savo costs of collec tion. Ooalder Johnson. Sheriff, Fulton County Phono 105. THE LEAN DOG OF DESPAIR MINEVER follows A MAN "V A TREATMENT OF DARK ROOM n IH&AN BANK AKO'lRUsfcoHH .CyvA,)50.0009.s,7.'Mi3a50()ggl See Our Agent Saad Salamy for high grade GOAL OIL andMSOLINE Lowest prices and prompt delivery. Absolutely uniform. Q-l-vo TTim Tx'XtiX INDIAN REFINING CO. EVANSVILLE LOOK!- LOOK! I furnish my medicines and guarantee a cure in... Founders, Colic, Bots Ring Bone,'Bone Spavin Curb, Fistula, Pole Evil Weak Eyes, Sharbon and Lockjaw. I own my hospital and am ready for business. Xlotla. Pliouo R. R. ROCjERS, Veterinarian HICKMAN, KY. TOTAL QUANTITY OF CEMENT Total Production In United 8tatei In 1009 was 64,108,386 Barrels, a Big Increase. Tbe total quantity of Portland, natural and Purrolan cements pro duced In tbo Unltod States during 1909 was 64.196.3S6 barrels, valued at J51.232.979, nn Increase over 1908 of 21 per cent In quantity and IK per cent In value Tho Puxzolan cement Is mado by mixing blast furnace ring with slaked llmo, but Its output de creased from 657.252 bnrrols In 1907 to -160,646 barrels In 1909. One of tbe newer developments In cement manu facture, says a late bulletin of tbe geological survey. Is the production of white non-stalnlng Portland ce ment This supplies a growing de mand for ornamontal work and sur face finish INDUSTRIAI, MECHANICAL NOTES American conl production In 1910 was nearly 490,000,000 tons. Pressed sheets of aluminum aro used for wall covering In place of paper. Matches have not yet displaced tbe tlndcrbox In certain rural districts of Spain and Italy. Tbo city of Paris owns a macblno which can grind out nearly a quarter of a million wooden paving blocks a day Tho asphalt deposits of Cuba, when dovelopcd, are expected to prove su perior to all otliers throughout tbo world. Tho collection of dust from vacuum cleaners and selling It for fertilizer has become a recognlxod business In Paris. Sumatra Is famous tbe world over for Its cigar wrappers, and tobacco plantations have spread to neighbor ing Isles. The aluminum of this country from a production of 83 pounds In 1883, Its consumption of 1910 amounted to 34,210,000 pounds. The new metal known bb Lingo mct nl Is said to bo 40 per cent ligbtor than nlumlnum. which makes It par ticularly useful for airships. Tists made by a French railroad of a dovlce for heating water before It reaches tbe boiler by exhaust steam showed a fuel economy of more thaa 12 per cent White Paint and Enamel, With a Sun ny Wall Paper, Will Do Wonders With It. In nearly every city house there Is always sure to be one dark and gloomy room. It casts Its depression upon all who enter It and yet one Is often nt a loss as to what should be dono to dissipate tho lugubrious ef fect V. I.... .... I.a .ImhI. ...I.t. v...hl Aa1. Jl BUUUIU UO UDUlk nilil lUfcuiUBO.i white paint nnd enamel snouia ne used with a generous band. Dark woodwork should not be tolerated and dull or gloomy paper should be avoid ed. Hang tho room lu a paper of aunny yellow hue, put up only curtains of thin net nnd decorate yiur walls with pictures framed In white and gold nnd slUcr grny frames. Many mirrors, If possible, should be used, for they aid wonderfully In brightening n dark room, but they must not bo bung too high, as they will only reflect the celling, while they should catch the cheerful flamo of an open Are, wbero there Is one, and repeat Its gleam. No ono thing Is m" j successful In destroying tbe depressing atmosphere of a room than an Inside window box. This box can be made attractive by a thin covering of brass or copper that will add to the brightness of tbe room,' and the plnnts should be 'hosen with an eyo to their color. When the furniture In your dnrk and, depressing room bns been covered' with a gay cretonne, and magazines, books nnd papers have been strewn nbout this room, which previously filled every one with aversion and dis comfort, then will It become tbe favor ite resort of the family. r vj i M riii i tr iiiri i i HiiiiH av irm Zrjm&r -v LOG 3 , Coeiucbt !09. k C. E Zitnmeiuuo Lo.-o. 21 THA BANK ACCOUNT TTHE man with a bank account is al ways fortified against hardships. The man without one is sure to meet adversity sooner or later. You earn enough if you only save enough, which you can easily do by putting a little in our bank every week or month. The Peoples Bank Will Appreciate Your Business. Waist Measure at Present. According to feminine statistics, tho walBt measure Is more normnl at tho present day than any time since woman began to wear corsets. When one quotes a waist measure of 26 or even 28 Inches the lissome corsetlero no longer raises nor brow In that cultivated sort of covert dismay that she was once prone to assume and when the general Improvement In the health and comfort of tho "weak er" sex Is taken Into consideration It Is to bo wondered nt that tho ateliers of the Paris drapers did not sooner come to tho conclusion that the women of today do not want 13-lnch Catherine dl Medici suicidal waists. Changeable Blips. Tho sheer dresses of this season are, useful, becauBO by changing the slip underneath one has practically a new dress. These slips come In soft, cling ing satin of various light shades, such as blue, pink, yellow, mauve and rose pink Thoy are beautifully mado. Tho neck and Bleeves are edgod with lace and have wide satin flounces. They cost )8.50. A number of linen gowns nnd coats have been reduced tho coats to $3.98, the gowns, in one piece and machine scalloped, to 97.50, f 12.60 and $17.60. L H L For tbe Composing Room in a printing house electric light is the best, and for factories or shops turning out typewriters, clocks, watches, parts for bigger machines, it will aid in getting better and more work. Whatever your lighting or other electrical necessities fur ther your own financial interests by con sulting us. Our diagnosis and prescrib ing will help you a whole lot. Hickman Ice Coal Co. (Incorporated) T. T. DHjXiOTJ, afx-., 3VTBX'. $500 IU3WAKU for one largo sorrel horse, wblto bind feet, saddle and brl dlo on. Tbe aulmal lost his rider trying to follow a drove of horses to Gray's shop to bo shod. Get your mower bladea ground for 25c. When tho chest eels on fire nnd tho throat burns, you have indigestion you need HEIOJINE to get rid of tho badly digested food, strengthens tho stomach uud purifies the bowels. Prlco COc. Sold by Hickman Drug Co. J 4 ') XJu 5! "uron j ?' i ;. it