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'"wj'tp'' 4) ! h $. k f ft I Wfe Bring Everything with us when we start on a job of plumb ing. No sending back for a forgotten tool or an extra piece of pipe. The time we charge for is spent in doing your actual plumbing work, not sitting around waiting for things we should have brought in the first place. Make us prove it Hickman Tin. & Plumbing Co. Both Phones Mo. 73 A. M. TYLER Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public Will practice in all Courts of the State. Hioituiftii, iacy. Office with Judge B. T. Davis QUR TIME, kaowledee Oil ! experience ia tie pnHtiag buiBets. Sale Wkaa jrou are in peed of some thing in this lino DON'T FORGET THIS Business Directory ASK FOR RATES ST, PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services: Every Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Holy Communion Every 1t Sunday. W. J. McMURRY Attorney-at-Law Office In LaClede Building on corner. Hickman, Ky. OR. E. M. CRUTCHFIELD Dentist Davidson's old stand. Phone No. 2. Hickman, Ky. HICKMAN FURNITURE O. Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Phone 20 day or night. Hickman. Ky. THE ELECTRIC STUDIO Everything in Photography Style, Quality and Prices Right Next to Price House WOODLAWN DAIRY A. H. Leet, Proprietor. The only up-to-date dairy In Fulton County. Rough Lumber for Sale... Dimension Stuff cut to order on Short Notice. Mill located on Dresden Road . 2 1-2 'miles east of Hickman. If you are in need of anything in this line, see ( Dr. J, M. HUBBARD ' wbr tmt ilia dustiest coal for cook- lag.. A. FarU has the real article at the right price. ,' nen'i aone class) to Betteraworth - ft VnXkm'm 36o Granger coffee. Have you iri RT , : - tSM !: i ' L '.! ' B SCE-IUkE ten j .sc.u. MJ"i BRIGHT COLOR GIVES RELIEF Applied to Take Away Effect of Som- berness In Dressss and SulU of Young Girls. The vogue for reversible fabrics and color contrasts Is applied to the fash Iocs for girls of all ages, as well as to those of women. Mack seems rather a somber color for a girl In her early teens.'but when you rellove a blacH coat of heavy, woolly Roods with huge revers and cuffs of light blue, then It becomes at once a girlish garment ' White or cream color Is liked for contrasting with the dark colors on girls' dresses nnd suits. Ono of the smartest suits brought out recently is of dark blue cloth a threo-plece model with a sailor collar and cuffs. on the coat and inch-wide bands on the blouse of creamy ratine. Plaid also Is used to a great extent for facings and trimmings on every sort of gar ment for young folks. A shepherd's plaid dress, which would look severely plain, Is bright ened and made distinctive by a yok. front, shaped band and cuffs of red serge worked in black soutache. A scarlet patent leather belt matches tho red trimmings on another drees of shepherd's plaid. A coat of dark blue serge for a child of twelve or so has a shield and collar to match and a broad belt of dark blue suede. A black velvet hat for a miss of sixteen or so has three immense ro settes of velvet, each with a heart of gold, which touch at the edges, com pletely encircling the hat. One is of purple, one of Alice blue and one of brown. Small boys will blossom forth in gray raiment this full. If their natural boyish Instinct does not revolt against some of tho rather effeminate styles prepared for them In stockings they will wear real silk In gray colors' Roman plaids and such solid shades as garnet On some of the rough finish hats there are stuck perky Ut-i tie bunches of Yankee Doodle feathers at one side. BOTH HANDSOME AND USEFUL Book Marker Made of Ribbon and Elastic, With a Silk Tasssl Ornament This useful marker is made from1 ribbon and elastic; the strip of ribbon at back Is about l'-i inches wide and 7H to 8 Inches ln length; a strip of buckram the same length but rath or narrower, covered with plain ribbon, Is laid at back and all aro stitched to gether at edges. , A strip of inch-wide elastic, samo length as ribbon, Is attached on tho Inner side at each end; a silk tassel with bow of ribbon ornaments lower end and a bow only at the top. The elastic can be easily slipped over tboi edges of book to keep tho place re JUred. BEST f I unwocnico ji Phone 4 C. H. Moore A "J 3M i C -J- -rf n .3 M ilM -ciV 1 : tsTM J i fill ,: '& I of' fnC- w f V- i ' vu V' ' i r.;ff'.;v-?.;v..i?,iyY: The Courier's Weekly Scrmo ,f -C" I'l I'AhTOK III hrl 1' M 1'.-VIjSJ' SUBJEt.T ttZtiKfiitSrt: "PEACE AND SAFETY" A GREAT DELUSION, God's Timss and - Maturing, Seasons A NEW DISPENSATION 0PENIN6 Pastor Rusttll In Glasgow Th. Divln. Plan Diversified but Orderly Age Follows Ag. In an Uplifting Process. Not Evolution but Restitution. Glnsgow. Oct 2y.-Pastor Uus xell gave two tlls otirsex today nt St And row's Ilnll to lurgo nnd attentive n u d 1 oil' e Wo reort hM (llscoumo from the text. "Of tho time nud season yu li n v n no need that I write unto you, for you r- -exes kitmv piTfe tly that the iluy of Cii- Lord so cuineth n n thief lu the night And when tliuy shall xay, Feme nml Kjfuty. then sudden dostruc . in loUHitli upon thorn ns trnvnll u)on i womtiti with I'hild nud they shall nut Mi Rut ye. brethren, are not In darkness that that day should over !.ik t a um ii thief Ye are children f the lljMif "-1 Thetlotilans v. 1-5. Hie uorid In not expected to un- 'ermmul tin- Divine times nnd sea- KonH. tilniix nml purpoes. Tho Ile- Iwimt di Isnut tlmt the father hntli (liit-n tl-w Ililiiim from the worldly l-i- mid Tudit nml hni revealed lm uulo IIkx- tin humble-minded, if r'itti follower of Josn. (Mat 'ic xi 2.. i "The fii of the Lord ".-It li ihriii tlMit retweu-e Him, nnd " l! nAr them lib Covenant" -Thj Viti Shall Understand" 71.1- Proi it Dttulel, referring to tho ihi-k'hi da., drt lined. "None of the !.! Hiuiil uixiervuml. but the wtxo '. .1 iiiKierMtniid " (DanM xll. 10.) To 'iJftirt.iuU tte secret iiunxwe-t of the rv-.t In nlrn'(' of their necompllsh lui.leM a nemerH and touch nnd iui.iutam- out f the ordinary And . lio I' i lilldrmi. bogutteu of the Holy 'I'llrlt. nr (irtvilegiMi to know the li'ntf of iiHlMii, the deep things." I'l -"(Hwl-er likened thin relntionxblp I't'iecu (.mI shiI Ills Ntlnts to wlre-.-. t'iirntliy. Cud's pvoplo hnvo co-.'t-M-rs tuned in Imnuouy with lllin Mk.r bj 111- Word nnd Spirit. These nil rit'hf uihi h of the deep things it Gixl I'lw worldly have no co-her-cr Mt all nti tntMiM. therefore, of oi'.n .inlpntloti with tho Infinite. The like .irm Cbrltlii (ins. Indeel, a co .Ti" In I 'ip Holy Spirit, hut It l not lined tci t'u irsr key mid is, there (rv. not rit'iwrvil to reot'lie the deep liiiihx of I'ivlnc cmniiiiinlcHttnn Our wiir'd for six ihmisnnd yean ins li.fii h I'jitllcllcld on whlrh the aiMts of dnrknens lmvi largely pre .aliisl "ur li" lotnpnmllvely Hinnll uiiiiitii-r of i-hMdr'-n of the light, who CHANGE IN WOMAN'S LIFE A.ade Safe by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Granltevllle, Vt. "I was passlnc tliroiiRh tlietliaiiRiiofl,lfo.iiilsulTi'nil from m'rvoiisiioss ami other nmioyitiK symptoms, nnd I can truly say that Lydia K. PJiiklmin's ogotnulo Com. Iioiiiiil lias proved worth mountains of gold to me, ns It restored mv lienlth and stroiiL'th. I never forget to tell my friends what Lvdla U. I'ltikham's Vefretablo Compound has dono for mo during this trying period. Ccmpluto restoration to health means ho much to mo that for tho sake of other suffer ing women I ntn willing to make my troublo public so you may publish this letter." Mits. Ciias. IUklxay. lt.P.1)., Granltevillc, Vt. Xo other medlclno for woman's Ills has received such wide-spread and tin. qualified endorsement. Xo other med icine wo know of has such a record of cures ns has Lydia K. Pinkham'u Vegetable Compound. For moro than SO years it has been curing woman's ills such as inllainina tlon, ulceration, ilbrold tumors, irreg ularities, lMjriodlo pains nnd nervous prostration, nnd It is unequalled for carrying women safely through tho penou oi cuango or mo. Mrs. Pinklinni. nt Lynn. Mums.. invitcti nil Nk'k wonion to Avrito her for nil vice. Her utl vice Is free, und ulwnyu Jiclpl'uL fl'ASTOK. gu&sttQ ySJsk. T'Mr'h V . im.-A'msM. : mmm Ey. Lump Coal A Kifi A Ton tivw HBrOTEXaa Let me save you money on your coal. STEVE STAHR BOTH PHONES i ii in"! r' mum lMVt stood forth i iinl ihf Hiitefiiwr. the hrethreii d h.- Truth hc ilnst the "Prlnre of li' wi''i'" Siitnii Slnreiiver the Mtdr-ii f Irhi hnro Ihhmi hlndensl rim iislin- ih- "'sriml weons" of i-tillilivi of ilnrkni They nuiy pit ri'iider evil fur evil nor slander for 'lander. They uuiy only do good and i'i --s thnm who rtvlle them. Harvett Time Is Her I this rendition of things to con Imif forevvr? Ms Ood Intend that o ill eternity there hIhiII le this battle HMwivn tlsHtt shiI ilHrknesx, with tho lHrkuert In the ttsennitiitit nud controlT Vo' The lllhle divlnres that a great 'bange nud a New UlHKnsatlon Is nt innd. In wlikh the order of affairs ivill be revennsl. The Lord Imn Iwim doing it work dur ng the Kirto uf tin reign of sin nnd lentil He has Ih-vii koI- ting two Ihhs of rhltdren of the light, both "o Im uctsl in the gnt wnrld-wlilo .vnrk of tlie next .e fSod refers to flis w-nrk In agrkultural terms; for nstmn-e. with the Jewixh nation. He lid a pknvtnc. twrniwlng. sowing, cnl Ivsting mimI nsiplug work. Their llowlna ttne pris-isled the entrance of he unttaii tntu Cnunnn. The Ijiw ik'U tout ten was ttu sewing The wiping of the Age w at Its cloot lesus nn tUe Chief Ueaper. His istHi werr aaoritte Te them 'It- nakl. "I Kent yni fiwin tn nsip that vhi-rron vi Imd Itewtowed n talsir ither men lnt"Wi swl ve err entered nt. the fmlt- if irtp'r latmes" Tlw spitu e rt-eiHil ntlhereil IiiIk he (Jwtel rnrtier at I'eh!iHt niHl ifter ft -n trMiu'itilons Hh- tluttl IVsnsul of Its . hsff This ;orwt Age Ins linltnrly been i time of plowtitK snwtug ami reap ng The trlliHiMliits of tln inirlr 'hnr'b were inleil wtlh the is ug of the np'i.itts mwI AkbIh we t' la n harvisit tlm The hsrvt s the end f i he ir ' This time tin mltinrttig of the 'riltai' 'lll te to i stilt blpher ti-'rii' "ti clr'. honor mil lmrtftiirr l.v iwrtlrliwitlnii In he "flrst irhiofi resMrriTthm." Then vlll fallow the i leitostiur of the Held ignlli liv Hen trmiMes "a time of roiiltle sin It as Meter wn Mine then' an h nation That triHtUle time : t h pfHwIns "ivt tniT"Mlng time of " tew ilhts)strti for a worldwide rnp under the iwtst fariirahle rondl ions. These three different ages towever. produce different rrops ns llffercnt as are their conditions. DON'T EXPERIMENT. You Will Make No Mistake If You Follow This Advise. Novor negleot your kidneys If you hnvo pain In tho back, uri nary disorders, dlzlnoss nnd nervous noMMa It's time tn net and no time to experiment. These are common symp toms of kidnoy trouble and jou should seek n remedy which is recommend ed for the kidneys. Doau's Kidnoy I'l lis Is the remedy to use. It has cured many stubborn casoe lu this vicinity. Can Hickman residents demand fur ther proof than the following testi monial? Mrs. J. L. Jonos, N. BIrIiIIi St.. Mayflold, Ky., say: "It wns five years ago that I first used Doau's Kidnoy I'llls, and was cured of an attack of kidnoy complaint which had annoyed mo for noino time. Today I can stato that during the years which hare elapsed since this cure wns effected, thoro hns boon no re eurrouco of my trouble. Other mem burs of our family havo nleo taken Doau's Kidnoy I'llls with gratifying results. It Is with plensuro that I confirm the public sntemunt I gave In 1003 lu pralso of Doan'sKlnoy I'llls, for I fctlll hold n high opinion of thorn." For solo by all dealers. Price COc Foster-Mllburn Co., Duffalo, N. Y solo agonta for tho United States. Ilemember tho namo Doan's and tuke no other. Itov. J. A. Jose, who hns been pa a tor of tho Christian church nt Dyers burg, Tonn., for n year nnd a half has reculved a call from the Cchis tian church nt Fulton. He hns ac ccpted tho cnlt. Who Is your clothes doctor? No better placo than White Bros. Wo know our business, do our work well and guarantee satisfaction. What mor do you want. Fulton 1h dickering with Texnr knna, Ark , for tho purchase of nn up to date flro fighting outfit, to ho used by the Fulton department. STRECKFUS STEAMBOAT LINE 1 ' ski . r Iv Or I i I-. "WWewBBBBBBBBatfcSSBIWJCTwyTRft '" ' K BBBaaDHlBl aBBHstflBBBBVaBBVaiBBfaBVtil Sf L- r St. Louis New Orleans Service An olecaut Sldo-Wheel Passenger Steamer Qulucy leaves St. l.oulj O ; 10, Nov. 2-19. Faro ono way ,15,00. Ono way. Including Meals and lK-rm $30.00. Hound trip 1&5.00. A BEAUTIFUL IS DAY TRIP Via thio lino you can reach Southorn compared with first class hotels. Accommodations ror suo rirst oIsm passengers. For further Information apply to General Office, St. Louis, Mo. The Everything You Want ' tjBBBaBBBBiBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIaaSlBBBBBBBBBBalaBniaBf BJsaf aaUMMeWll MMPSsM Grocery Snow Flake Flour. Best Meats in the city, fresh and tender. Full line of the celebrated Curtis Bros. Canned Goods, guaranteed to please. Fresh Vegetables of all kinds. Full line of Hcinz's, 57 varieties. Deliveries Prompt Telephone orders receive our personal attention. MATHENY BROS. & PLANT Phone 74: HICKMAN MARBLE WORKS aflH fSBBBI .jSBBBBBBbVSBIBB Farmers and HICKMAN, It. M. IBItKIl II. T. IIAVIH llr.J. M. HtJIIIIAUIt IIKN'UY HANOKH We combine absolute safety with satisfactory service, ami offer our depositors the most liberal treatment consistent with sound banking. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS r f i1 ItfsMfilMI A VT t.l,l.n t a Ttf Att uunvf H..I,., w w va "" '- a ( tit f. I 111. 11 I PUti ' II. O KAMAOK. A1 Cmhlrr II Try Our 1 ii FRESH MEATS? o o. n. Moortn ! I 'hone 4 We aro authorltod to announce Virginia Luten a candidate for Superintendent of Schools of Fulton County, subject to the action of the Democratic party. Election Nov. 7, 1911. Hi WWl-m' tfiTi-r imrns -vhlte, clear ami steady to the last drop. For tlio sako of evcryon In tlio lamUy, insist on having Solite amoicelcss ..-a V.UHI no Saves eyes: save, moneylSr deX.IJIn Ki. rrom". MAb. C. STOLL OIL CO.. LOUISVILLE, KY. winery at Mantn, Ta. mh.Orad. MoTor aHi.. ""ofc. ,b" Aota " winter resorts. Our service to b H BSCl KHT.MII IHIIKIi 1A TOM DILLON, St., Prop. iriuccr.Mjr to It. it. ItiMiiinstff, iIkhwiI Marble and Granite Monuments CURBING, STONE WORK OF Ml KINDS, IRON FENCING. li:.L.-... y iiiWKiiiuii, ixiiiiuini sm Merchants Bank KENTUCKY DIUKOTOIIH J.J.ailONIItniANT nHO.ll.THHMI.KItl.H T.A.I.HDFOIlli 4444444 I orjiuyw.Ji' LAUNDRY j i -AI- I Bradley & Patau's Basket leaves every Tuesday afternoon n.4tif..i. t .....i n.t.t e H 1 1 IIMILJTIFJi.l M ii'S'i..iiir!iiitiriii" Lamp Oil Bootlcss-Oilor- moro than in