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Image provided by: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
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..DEMOCRATIC SPEAKING.. Hon. R. L. Smith, of Clinton, will speak at Montgomery School House tonight; Sassafras Ridge Friday night and at the City Hall in Hickman, Satur. day morning at 11 o'clock, Be sure and hear him. Take your neighbor with you Bob will tell you some things you should know before Tuesday. Hon. Finis Garrett, Democratic Congressman from Tennessee, and Judge A. W. Barkley, of Paducah, will speak at the City Hall in Hickman, Mon. day night at 7:30. These are of the best stump speakers in the country. Everybody invited. Tell your neighbor about these dates and COME. J. Stamp XJrxdLex tli.e Rooster is a Vote for Ollx Janaes JO . lit Ii. I TAFTSEES MINE BLOWN UP Graphic Exhibition of Dlsaittr and Rescue Work Given Before Pro- Ident In Pittsburg. Pittsburg. Pa.t Oct. 31. Exhibitions of mine explosions anil rescue work were given to-day before President Taft, Socrotary of tho Interior Walter L. Fisher, Governor Tener of Penn sylvania and 30,000 miners and mine owners and mine superintendents, un der the direction or H. H. Wilson, en-glneer-ln-chlef of the federal bureau of mines. The his feature of the program was the miniature explosion of a coal mine on Forbes Field, the Pittsburg base ball park. The oblect of this explo sion nan to demomtrate to mine op erators that coal dust is highly com bustible and Is to blame for some of the greatest mine disasters that have taken place In year A steel jrallery was set up in the p -k, coal dust was placed within and charged fired from the outsldo by means of electricity. After the explosion, trained corps of rescue men entered the fumes with apparatus tested by the federal bu reau of mines and brought out the supposed victims of tho disaster, giv ing a demonstration of resuscitation. The rest of the morning was given ov er to rnendiy competition between expert rescue teams from the prlncl paf coal mines of 'he country and a arade of miners which passed In re view before the president The tests and demonstrations, which began yesterday, are the result of ii i ears of fxperlment by the government corps of experts and it is believed will effect i great saving of life throughout the United States. PECULIAR ACCIDENT. F M Allen, residing in part of tho house with Marvin Flippln, nloug tho eee in West Hickman, is suffering from ii very unusual accident, and a Kerious one. A few weeks ago he got a piece or Iron in his left hand working at tho Mengel plnnt. from which he has had a very sore hand, but nothing serious. On Saturday night, while standing close to a stove and holding his hand above the stove, he poured medicine over the hand, vhlch was bound In cloth, when sud denly tho medicine being some kind of easily Ignited stuff, but unknown to .Mr. Allen, tho cloth all Ignited In flames, and he Is suffering from a very serious ami deep burn, ine hand was badly burned and the arm was burned nearly to tho shoulder. Ills condition Is very serious, nnd the suffering intense, and there is somo fear that ho may loso his arm. WORKING NIGHT CREW. Tho saw mill, upper plant of tho Mengel IJox Company, was put In op eration Monday night. Doth plant are now running dny and night, und the cable ways for unloading logs from barges havo also put on a night crew Lights hno been put all through the lumber yard, 200 candle power lights, and search lights put on the cable ways, until tho grounds aro nil ablaze with lights and make a much better showing than tho city proper. It Is feared by some that passengers com ing into Hickman at night over C. M &G.. will take that for tho main part of town. Mrs. Luclle from Memphis. White has returned Sentenced for Embezzlement. St Louis, Oct 31. Allen P. Rich ardson, former superintendent of the Industrial pchool. was founded guilty and sentenced to two years In the penitentiary for stealing J 2,075 from the city. Miss Frankle Peavler has returned from Memphis where she gradu ated from a business college. Miss Lucile Itoudurant was in Un ion City a couple of days last week. Call for supplies at E. C. Itlce's Shoe Store for your" Singer Sowing Machines. Give us a trial. Wo will save you money on every article you buy from us. Sulllva Bros. FOR SALE: A few cholre lots in Kofcers Addition. For particulars In aire at this office. Save from one to two dollars a thousand on your shingles by buying direct from mill. C. M. Yates Shingl Co. Monday was a great day for democ racy In West Kentucky and as a re sult the party Is In better sbapo than any time during the present campaign. Harry SamuoU, of Columbus hero Friday. was Singer Sewing Machine E. C. Rico Shoe Store . office at Mrs. Percy Jones returned the lat ter part of last week from Cairo. J. A. Crozier, of Mound City, was here soveral days the latter part of las week. Your state, county and school tax U now due and payable. Goalder Johnson, Sheriff. The littlo four year old son of Cor man Vanco and wife has been quite III with pneumonia. The Charleston (Mo.) Courier has resumed publication after a suspen sion of about six months. Tuosday tho November election oc curs. It Is already written upon tho walls that the Democrats aro to win Get ready, therefore, to Join In the shouting. Mrs. D. U. Wilson will entertain tho Krabroldery Club, Nov. the 10th at 2:30 p. m. All members aro cordiall) Invited to attend for importance bust ness to transact. We Bear fV)?! uie w ailonggfo. fc w Burden WpijA OU run no risk whatever V Wflfm JU "f I r when you buy INTER- f Ur vffifKdim A NATIONAL Made-to-Meas- VlBMf' ok ure Clothes. mlH A fsWu Everything is pledged to 58MmI J 'If'i'aWl be right, from the wearing fifjOm 111 ill 1v?Ij qualities of the beautiful all mMuWliX I ' II IfB wool fabrics and the correct- WmLJBM ll'll 111 gj llm I ness of the styles to the most W MB fll if 1 lfj trivial detail in tailoring. B hBh ilFfj TO MEASURE ONLY lflSf 1 ' ImT IWJk Mr MILLET fraMl LDAnui:K nnrn l c ic dcpiiu roll of honor IIIIL.II ILiL Id ULDUII See Oar Special Window Display of , ; Athena UNDERWEAR THE NEW KNIT UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN in which have been developed the special features that answer every objection commonly made against knit underwear. ' In just a few minutes of any woman's time we can show her more about these features than she could learn in an hour's reading. In brief: 1$ Athena garments are measured to the figure in a way never before attempted in knit underwear shaped to the body's actual pro portions; they well may be termed tailored. J Athena garments cannot stretch over the shoulder both neck and armholes are held securely in place by a strap of the fabric set in lengthwise. C Another feature found only in Athena Underwear the specially shaped seat, the most important contribution ever made to com fort in knit undrwear. ATHENA UNDERWEAR IS MODERATELY PRICED We will gladly welcome the opportunity to show women all that has been accomplished in bringing Athena Underwear to its present high standard of perfection. SMITH & AMBERG CENTENNIAL OF NAVIGATION OF THE OHIO CELEBRATED. Copy ef Nicholas Roosevelt's Steam boat New Orleans Starts From Pittsburg to Crescent City. Pittsburg, Pa., Oct SL Tho groat centennial celebration of tho steam navigation of the Ohio river, which will be continued all the way down that river and the Mississippi during the next six weeks, started here to day. The occasion was graced by the presence of President Taft, many ether government officials, Oorernor Tener and thousands of visitors at traded by this event and the mine tests that have boon going on for two days. It was on his honeymoon trip that Nicholas Roosevelt, grand-uncle of the former president, s urted the era of team navigation on the western riv ers by building the New Orleans and piloting that two-masted, single smoke-stacked craft down tho Ohio in October, 1811 Yesterday Mrs. Nlih olas Longworth (Alice Hoosevelt) christened a copy of that little ves sel, and to-day the New Orleans start ed grandly down the Ohio on hur long Journoy to the Crescent City. A hundred othor ve.iols of all kinds es corted her out of the harbor, and thousands of whistles and sirens shrieked a noisy God-spocd to hur Sho carries a big car&o of historical and commercial souvenirs and literature booming waterway improvomont. Tho New Orleans will take hur own sweet tlmo about making the trip to the gulf, for it will be one grand round of welcome, entertainment and God-spcod at every point along the river between Pittsburg and the Cres cent City. She will not be hamperod by schedule, but her approach will be heralded early enough for every port to allow historical societies and river craft to get busy with calliopes and speeches. The first lamination of Koper School has Just clomd and the follow ing ascended to tho shining jwnks of honor I Eighth Grade Myra Shclton 91 Hoy Shclton M Pattlo May Trvas 33 Flora Henry 92 Sixth Grade Tonimle Clark 98 Fannie Henry 9G Fifth Grade Mary Johnson 3C Clem AtwlH 91 Ituby lroueU 91 Fourth Grade Johnlo Trous 97 Prloe Ilonry 9G Ilopor Fields St CARD OF THANK8. Wo take this means of thanking our friends and nolghbors who woro so kind to us during the illness nnd death of our darling littlo Harry, and liopo thoy may bo long spared a liko sorrow. Itobt. Gamons and wife. Hickman Baptist church, Sunday, Nov, C, 1911. Our usual services will bo bold. Sunday School at 10 a. in. Preaching at 11 o'clock. Evening ser vices at 7 o'clock. Wo extend a cor dial Invitation ta all. Spurgcon Win go, pastor. Meeting nights of Fulton Lodge, No. 83, I. O. O. F. Thursday Sept. 14-28; Oct. 12- 20; Nov. 9-23; Doc. 7 21. New and cheapest line of China la the city. Hickman Hdw. Co, Mr. llorine, of lxulsvllle, arrived here Friday and has been tho guest of Miss Annlo Cowglfl for several days. Uonnett F. H!ggs of Martin, with partv, wns hero Sunday onrotito to I loci foot Lnko. Go to Sullivan IJro. Thoy w1H sell jou tho Old Woolen Mills pants at half price. Walter Hlggs, of Mnrtiu, was hero Monday. Otcrconts 3.C0 nnd up at Sullivan Ilros. It I.. Mnith Commonwealth my for this district, will i-. Sassafras llidgo Friday night u a utur) body In this county him, can tuaku n rousing Iuo i speech one that Is worth gota i to bnr and wo sincerely buiM ut frUoiU in this end of U- ty wilt go and hear him in ml mi he is Uio logloal man i . cxh1 Olliy M. James as CoRr. - from this Jlstrlct, upon the la election to the Senato which u -to happen next Tuesday. Prank Von Itorries, Jr. n-im kut Friday from a two week In lxulavHlo where be took Mm v ltarrfea for operation. She Is r-" much Improuil and will probata In Ioulsvlllo until Christmas. Winter Is almost here. Photx- ' ' and wo will call for your winter r ; tng and put them in first class ih , Whlto III os. Hmum King and wife, of Clai e horo tho guosts of iouln T'r H kld and family ad S m wily. M. Naif, h ' ) If you nro going to got a s. w -mnehlnu, get the boat. The Siw wiiy, of course, from U A. Hrwk See thoso fall any stylo; prices van Ilro Suits; nil rol . to suit all- Su John Faulks, of Kldgoly, was he' Snturday on business. ootaeje; J. J. FREEMAN'S BLACKSMITH SHOP In East Hickman where you will find you can get all kinds of Wood and Iron Repair Work done at reasonable prices. If your horse inter feres, forges or cross fires, or knee knocks, bring him here and let us make him go clear or get your money back. L. A. WOLVERTON tn,e practical horseshoer, who has been for some time employnl Wii i k Gray is now with me and will be pleased to meet all of his old patrons and do their Shoeing and Repair Work. If you have a bad horse or mule to shoe bring him to us. Shop South of W. T. Sudberry's Grocery Freeman & Wolverton -