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WOMEN MY AVOID OPERATIONS U) iaklnjj Lydia H. Pinkham's CftCiaiic v.uiiiuuuu wlnjr letter from Airs. k Mill prove how uiuwmj r'ii to submit to the f ft surgical ojH'rntlon when i avoided by taking J,)clla , m's 'PKvtni)lu C'oiiitNiiiiiil. vi,. u i-lour wi-JiM III tlioliosiildil jul line homo MiflVrliijc worse lli.m ln-rori. Il n is lnr own fltntrmriit. r i .v Mich. "Two ywtrg ntro I i uiy wTcrciy nun a nis. puri'incim i rnniii not Ins on my feet for . long tlim. My physician Iron toil urn for hcvimi montlis without much relief nml nt Inst sent mo to Aim Arbor for an oirntlon I wni WiereiourM'knii(l cmnc home suffering worse iimn wore. My mother ndvliwsl mo to trv I.rill.i t 'i tin 9 ecr t alilo Comnouml. i I Today 1 am well mid strong .il my on ii lioiiM'wnrk. I oo . Hi to Ljnlla K. IMnkhatu's ( niniMitmil mid mlvlsa my - mIki are nffllct-l with any . . mpbilrit to try It." Mm. i iik h. It. It. Ho, 6, l'aw Paw, . .'I .n- III do not tlrng nlon& until il Uncccsunry, but nt unco in 1 I'lnkluini's Veputnblo t years It h.n lKen the is uM(in'R 111a. nml 1ms r. t .nil tlio honllh of tlioti- i.- f guinea. Win don't, voti try UV fj i ' " .K . o:y ; ' .. ' M t i Qovernor Isiues Proclamation. KrankforL-Oov. Wlllson has Issued i proclamation sotting apart Thurs day, November 20. n Ti,nb-i..i lay. Ho says: 'Our country him iu.n pared tho trlau of war and tho bur ions of sorrow and suffering. We havo injoyed tho bloimlncs nf non n.,.i , l high dogroo of happiness and gen irous glfL No civil disorders havo orouKiu sorrow or shame to our com aionwoalth. Wo havo kept tho cove nant of tho law with each other and , with our Maker. Wo havo maintained pcaco. neighborly cnml u. ill n.i t !, ililp throughout tho boundaries of tho Jommonwcalth without reproach. Wo aavo enjoyed the blessing of liberty nd complete freedom undor tho law. ine puuilc peace and tho fair name )f the state have not been marred y feuds or lawless bands. Our peo ple havo worked together with rau ;ual good will and honest respects for ach others opinions, faith and feel ing as they never did beforo. Our :rops havo given rich returns for tbo labor of tho farmer, the factories havo produced a great output and business interests have prospered, and for all these gifts and blessings to our coun try and old Kentucky I call upon our people together In tholr homes and 3hurches to render praise and thanks to our Lord." y--' -T'T r-ri ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! ..hTr,,r1' S"'1 r,,b rul' nnl "cratch until you M (ih if you coulil almost tear tho burning kln from your body -unni it rn-enm an If you could no lonjer endure llirno cncfle days of wfl lorturr those terrible nli-lit il Irpilrsii nuony. Thru -a. few drop of D. D. D., tho .!"?!" 'rxe,"n Breolflc and. Oh! what relief The Itch Kono Inntuntlyt Com- .v.. n.t. ,ai HI lini' I l n Im n elmple external wash that rlramwK and heAla the. Inflamed ekln oa nothing Hue. can. A rrcok-nlicl eprrinc for noxema. 1'norInBln. Salt Jlhriim t,r any other akin trouble. ,' can Klve you a full alzn tyittta of the crnulne I). I). I), remrdy for ft oo and if the vrry nrt bottlo full to Klve relief It will not coat you a cent r hIo can Klve you a aample bot tle !5 crnta Why nufTcr another day wht-n you can rit D. D. D.I Tuc Hickman Drug Co. NEORO KILLS ANOTHER. 1 ... formerly of Hlokraan, who . .'.-M-d oh tho court dock- fr under thu fotnonien ' -idt." t and instantly i ' i irfiK-r mRru at Tlptonvillc, - n.dy aftatrnoon. rouble wnji the rtsult of ndls ' ' a crap gamo. Humboldt ' ' im! has not yt bet-n caught. . '- at Tlptonvlllo offer a ro- ' 1 io for his nrrosl. CAUGHT IN THE ACT Negro Caught Here With Goods On. On UifnrHUo funttehrd from Hkk man county. ShMlff Johson artet. wl 13 It ji Ilay and l-tna .Srwwlsht at Andy Dovvd's place near town Krhlay night Tbo girt Is Ami)' wle and was staylHg with him. Tke oowtrie waa wanted for etoptnittlMit Is Ilay ran off with Ms wife's U ycr okl daughter or hia stn daughter ami wrc found toHhw tat r'rWay night Ih UHMr 4tilMi; anartwents, mak ing a clear case agalnet titm They wr hrotiBlK to UUs crty and pteetd m Jll. The girl k rotHrn to Iwr mother and will Mkely Rt a reform school inotesice. The nmn U about JS jnmrs ohl. lUitk wHI )m hld (or the Jaaaary term of cir cuit ctmrt. MAJORITY IS 31,335. Thf official majority of Governor McCreary is 31.3J6 In tho whole atnto. lie ruoBlved 22C.771 votes, as against IM.mG for O'ilwir. MoDonnott re oetvu 221. 3t, oh against ly 0,890 for Ilrtotow, a majority of 30,Ci4. The total votoa cast in tbo elec tion, th Govonior'a race was 422,207, as compared with 410,909 In the Ha-ger-Wllroii race In 1307. McCrcary rvcived 30,343 moro votes that did ! Judge Hager and O'Kcnr received 19.041 votes Ices than Gov Wlllson, four years ago. M1hh Moors, Orncle Loo Mayes, ToHiiHjte Moss. Ixnilse Nosblt and Meners. Alien Mnyos, Horbert Clark were the guunts of Mrs. It. L. Gray ' Sunday. ! Tho Naylor Mercantile Co. of Cay ft. are putting on a remarkable cut Mice sale in every departmnt In their ! bh; storo. It will pay tho dlscrlmlnal ! an undertaker call Harry I'"- ! with BU Louis Furnishing Co I ,.Tatl. Tk J.ll ... n.. .l.l . ul .Iml about J lVrHnt Morgan failing !o"i last wk while taking up a collec Uon Kolks are nlnays falling down ahile making a rollrx-tloim In Hickman Ing buyer to lnvoatlgatc. Matter grocork's for tbo samo money or tho samo crocreli'H for less money for cash Mathouy Uroe. & PlanUJ Lon rttlc Coal, all grades, from 2 G up. J'hono 186. Every Schwab Suit' I Sell Must Wear Satisfactorily, or Your Money Back Tlmt's our declaration of principles--we say so because our confidence in Schwab clothing en ables us to assume so broad and liberal an ob ligation to you without fear of serious conse quences. Schwab clothes are made of guaranteed all-wool fabrics, and so well tailored and finished that they will "stand up" in spite of the hardest kind of wear and usage. The natural result of making Schwab clothes so extra good is that you get more value for your money than in any other make. Just try a "Schwab $15 Special" and be con vinced. Come in right away and select from my excellent assortment of them. V evwvi A rt M il-1 m m m GUARANTEED To be all wool To wenr to your sutisfuctlon We may not reallzo, perchance, w'hat home means to us until ecas and mountains separate us from tho loved onus perchance not until sick iii'sb and mlsfortuno come pcrchanco not until tho Dreaded Shadow falls upon tho threshold and tho Ilaven croak abovo tho bust of Pallas. Hut whcii some lie Is snapped and somo link Is broken and some chair Is va cant at the flreaido then we reallzo that tho cord that binds us to the homestead are knotted in tho bosom's corp and center then wo realize that U.. poet sang for us and sang for all the world when be sang besides tlif Thames: ' Mid pleasure and places tho' I may roam, He It over so humblo thoro Is no place like home." Tribute to his Mother. "I owe a great deal to my mother. She was soamtressi cook, washlady, and never until Into' In life had a ser vant In tho house. And yet she was a cultivated woman. She read Chan nlng and kept up with the literature of the day. When I was a llttlo tot she Uhed to read good books to mo. "You young women hero havo every opportunity for literary culturo and jou aught to avail yourselves of It. You ought to bo very proud with money earned so honorably, for mon ey that Is not earned honorably will ntver do you any good." The above words were spoken by Mr Carnegie, the Iron-master, whllo taking a largo company of work ing girls to New York City. And then this man of unlimited wealth closed by saying: "I shall never forget how proud I was when I got my first wages of J1.2C a week, and how I felt when I was raised to fl.GO as a telegraph op erator. To tako home that sum to my good mothor gave me such a feel ing of manly Importance." Paying the Shoe Bill a Real Problem YOU don't have to pay more than $4 for the best practical value in shoes if you buy "Endwells." You can get good and stylish "EndweW shoes as low as $3. Jn nppenrnnce, wearing quality and range of styles all "Eadwetl" shoes are all good shoes, whether S3, $3.50 or $4. All three grades get the same careful workmanship the same old fashioned, long-wearing "Forest Oak" sole leather tanned only by Endicott. Johnson & Co. This leather cannot be obtained in any other shoes. Each" Endwell" shoe contains the most obtainable for the price, In wear, style and comfort. Always ask for tho "Endwell" shoe. lip9kMMM91lilitiU& Where Quality Reigns Higher than Price. God gave us happy homes pure homes! Thoy may bo humble enough; but If love be In them, they will keep Uip Bhlp of state anchored In sorono and jwaccful waters. No blot will s'nln the flag. The laws of the coun try will bo framed In wisdom and up held in honor. Tho statesmen will bo steadfast In tho forum. The noldler will bo valiant in the field. The sen tinel upon tho watch tower will be faithful in tho hour of danger; and all will bo well with tbo republic. Some Advice to Wives. Remember that you are married to a man nud not to n god; lie prepared for Imperfection. Anticipate the discovery by your husband that you are "only a wom an;" If you wore not he would not enro nbout you. Onco in a whllo let your husband have tho last word; It will gratify htm and be no particular loss to you. Do reasonable; His a great deal to ask under some circumstances, but do try; reasonable women are rare be rare. Remember that servants aro mado of tho same material as you are; a little coarser grain, perhaps but tho samo Is essentials. Try and forgot yourself; as to your husband forget that you married him and remember that he married you; ho will then probably do the rcverso. Let him rend tho newspapers at breakfast-able; it Is unsoclnble but then It is only a trlflo after all, and bo likes It. Let him know moro than you do once In a while; It keeps up his self respect and you will bo none tho worse for admitting that you aro not actually infallible. Itcad something in tho.pnpor be sides fashion notes and society col umns; havo some knowledgo of whnt Is going on In foreign countries. Do n companion to your husband If ho is n wise man; and If ho is not to tnnko him become your compan lon. Rnlso his standard; do not let him lower yours. Respect your husband's relntions, cpeclally his mother she Is not the k'6s his mother because she is your mother-in-law; sho loved him beforo you did. Homo! Home! To decline this sim ple English word is to exhaust the ro sources of metaphor. It Is tho charm ed center of all existence. It is the goldon axlo-trco around which all In dustry all thought 11 feelings ro tates. It is tho casket of humanity's crown Jowels. It is tho hlvo of lovo's sweet honeycomb for which wo hoard and hopo and hunger. It is the hare of retreat to which wo turn our foot steps when tho labors of the day aro over. It is our bivouac on tho march. It is our woll-sprlng In tho desert. It lfir9r ' I uJ Ml Xtfit . I J2aaaaaamaaaaaaaam I uLi """2mII' Prices $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 ENDWELL SHOE No. 530 Patent colt button shoe. "Swell" last. Soft mat calf top. Medium weight oak sole. Also similar shoe Jn blucher pattern. Just one of 100 aew styles. SULLIVAN BROTHERS is tho anchor that keeps our ships from drifting out to sea. It is the compass which keeps our rudder truo to heaven. It Is tho volco which calls to us across tho waters grow ing louder and clearer and sweeter with the deepening twilight: "Home, Sweet Homo." CONVICT KILLS CONVICT Pat Collins, of this city, Commits Murder. A crust of bread, a pitcher of wa ter, a thatched roof and love; there 1 happiness for you whether tho day be rainy or shiny. Hearts aro the trump cards in life, and the ticket we must present at tho door -of heaven. The heart is tho bookkeeper of our actions. How do you keep it? Is it clean and puro enough for public Inspection, or is It scarred over with bad thoughts and worso deeds! Ah, keep thy heart dil igently, for out of It aro the Issues of life. Good woman try and hit tho nail you aim at and not the ono on your thumb. Matheny Bros. & Plant, on Dec. 1, will change their business to strictly cash. Cash customers do not have to pay forbad dobtsand costs of collec tion. Call for supplies at E. C. Rico's Shoe Storo for your Singer Sewing Machines. Pat Collins, white, sentenced to tho penitentiary for housebreaking committed in this county about three years ago, stabbed a fellow convict at tbo pen ono day last week. His victim is dead, and Pat Is now up a gainst It, with a good chanco of elec trocution. Many of our citizens will recall a Jail delivery which occurred here on Thanksgiving day three years ago today when five men made their es cape three securing a skiff and pull ing across tho river while Sheriff Seat and posse poured a volley of lead Into fleeing prisoners wounding ono of them seriously. One of these men was Pat Collins. Ho is also the man who assaulted our aged Jailor Noonon shooting him through tho hand with tho Jailers own pistol and then beating him over tho head with It until ho was left In a pool of his own blood. This is tho character of tbo man Pat Collins who stabbed to death his fel low convict with a knlfo stolen for tho purpose. He was also Sheriff Johnson's first prisoner to tako to Eddyvllle. WANTED a good man with family to milk In dairy. A good Job for the right man. A. H. LEET, proprietor of Woodlawn Dairy. I Try This Model I I A favorite with professionals. H H Grade Koo, 12 gauge, 30 inch barrels. Right H I barrel modified, left barrel full choke, Weight H I 7 1-4 pounds NEW. L. C. Smith, double safety. H This Gun for rent to any responsi- H ble person. Apply to H I H. E. CURLIN I M Home of Quality. M I '. If i V I V v n iinurnu mmwrnimmm':'