Newspaper Page Text
'jF K MI88 LIZZIE AMBERQ DEAD Popular Hickman Lady Die Sunday of Pneumonia. V Council Proceedings ta w. w. dxujaa ? f t4vwff1 ' Council met persuant to adjourn ment of the Sth Inst. Present, Mayor D'Uon, Councllinen-elect Isler, Brad ley, Schlenker, Dillon and Powell The election commissioners filed their certificate showing that the following named parties had been e lected to the office of City Council men for the year 1912 and 1913,towit R. M. Isler, R. M. Bradley, C. O Schlenker, J. T. Dillon. O. B. Powell and C. P. Shumate. All of tho Coun-cllmcn-elect being present, oxcept C. P. Shumate, the oath of office was administered to them by H. C. Helm, Notary Public. Whereupon tho following business was transacted. H. C. Helm was nominated for City Clork, and there bolng no other nom inations, on motion nominations for City Clerk were closed, and II. C. Helm was elected by acclimation. V.. C. Johnson was nominated for City Treasurer and there bolng no other nominations, on motion nomi nations were closed, and W. C. John son was elected by acclimation. Jno. Wright was nominated for City Marshall, and there being no other nominations on motion nominations were closed and Jno. Wright was e lected by acclimation. On motion tho salary of the Police men was fixed at $75.00 per month each. Whereupon tho City Marshall John Wright, appointed Sid Hornby and Bun Hackett as Policemen, and on motion tho appointment was con firmed by tho Council. J. W. Webb was nominated for Sex ton of the City Cemetery, and there being no other, nominations, on mo tion were closed, and J. W. Webb was elected by acclamation. Tom Dillon, Sr., was nominated for Superintendent of City Cemetery, and there being no other nominations, on motion nominations wero closed, and Tom Dillon, Sr. was elected by ac climation. The Hickman Courier presented their bid of $50.00 per annum for the years 1911 and 1913 for printing tho Council Proceedings, on motion their bid was accepted. The Mayor appointed the following standing committees, towit: Stree Committee Isler Powell and Dillon Isler Chairman. Finance Committee Schlenker and Bradley Schlenker Chairman. Building Committee Dillon, Islor and Schlenker Dillon Chairman. On motion Garrett Kirk was grant ed lesso of the ground north cf the railroad at foot of Cumberland Street for a term of flvo years for purpose of erecting a building similar to tho Halo Building on Water Street to bo used as a candy kitchen and Ice Cream Parlor, rental $10 per year, lease to terminate when ceased to be used for said purpose, and all Im provements on said groound to rovert to city at expiration of this lease. On motion Isler, Bradley and Schlenker were appointed as a com mittee to confer with the Hickman Hardware Co., as to repairs to bo made on tho City Hall building. Report of City Treasurer for tho year 1911: General Fund Account. To bal from year 1910 $1925.52 To amt. ree'd from all sourc es to Dec.. 1st, 1911 9005.57 To amt. ree'd of H. C. Helm during December 717.35 To amt. ree'd from John Wright during December.. 185.00 To amt. ree'd from Tom Dil lon, Sr. during Decomber. 442.01 $12270.05 By amt. paid out during 1911 1133G.12 Bal. to credit this acct....$ 879.93 Water &. Light Bond Account. To bal. from year 1910 $ 945.08 To. amt. ree'd from all sourc es during 1911 2359.C1 $3304.09 By int. paid on bonds during 1911 1800.00 Bal. to credit this account.. $1504.69 W. C. Johnson, City Treasurer. On motion tho foregoing report was received ordered spread upon tho records, published and filed. Tho following accounts wero pre sented, properly approved, and on motion allowed and checks ordured issued for amounts: Dr. L. P. Baltzor, Service $12.00 11. C. Holm, Insurance 123.14 S. T. Poper, LIconso for Opera Houso 11-50 iMengel Box Co., Lumber 7.20 West Tonn. Gravel Co., Gravel t.SG.CC John Ray, Extra Police 24.00 John Wright, street work 01.95 Tom Dillon, Sr., Amt. paid Gll- ber for Street Work 24.75 J. A. Nooonon, Dieting Prisoners 54.00 Lightning Self Rising Flour If You'll Try a Sack And say it isn't good It Wont Cost On motion tho City Clerk was in structed to order 400 feet of flro hose and two ladders On motion Council adourned. Attest: H. C. Helm, City Clerk. Tom Dillon, Sr., Mayor. A bill has been Introduced In tho State legislature for tho purpose of regulating and conti oiling tho rates of flro Insurance premiums In this state. If ever a state was held up and deliberately robbed by Insurance companies, it Is Kentucky. Our rates are from 25 to 200 per cent higher than in neighboring states. In Mis souri it Is about one-half; but In that state tho law takes the burden off, while in Kentucky tho rate-makers pile It on. Tho Insurance trust works In this state similar to tho beef trust territory Is divided up and all compare rates. In Hickman tho rates are all out of reason, and tho Cour ier hopes our representatives at Frankfort will drive the harpoon deep into tho hide of tho malllod thief. If Interested in this matter wrlto your sonator to support Senate Bill No 21, and your representative to support House Bill No. C2. They will lower your insurance rates and durn the companies; let them live on what they havo already squeezed out of us. Gov. McCreary has appointed Esq. It. A. Browder, of Fulton, a Colonel on bis official staff. The 'Squire is right there with tho goods, alright, and tho Courier is glad to see him land In the state's dress circle. But, 'Squire, bo careful of tho "turkey trot" and some of tho other now soocloty stunts. RIVER: Registers 24.8 on Cairo guage, rising slowly but will begin to fall soon. The river Is full of Ice at this place on account of gorges In the Ohio breaking. Navigation Is practically at a standstill. Miss Mary E. Gardner and M. J. Campbell wero married In Clinton, Monday. Tho bride Is an attractive young lady from Texas, while Mr. Campbell is a prosperous farmer liv ing near Moscow. Tho two main buildings of Union University, the Baptist educational institution at Jackson, Tenn., wero burned Saturday morning, at a loss estimated to bo $50,000, with $20,000 insurance. Miss Thelma Jackson, who suffer ed a badly frost-bitten hand during tho recent cold spell, Is able to bo at school again. Porter K.t is tho namo of tho little son that arrived at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stubbs, Blodgott, Mo. Due. 30. Pulton pays $150 a year for print ing council proceedings; Hickman pays $50 a year, Alvln Jackson and Miss Ruby Itus Bell, of Wingo, were married In Ful ton Sunday. makes the lightest, the whitest and the best of biscuits, bread and cake, without using any Baking Powder, Buttermilk, Soda or Salt. Just work in the lard and mix with water or sweet milk. A saving: of $2.00 on every barrel you use. You a Cent. a Ellison" Bros. THE BIRTHPLACE OF JOHNSON ThU Hlttorio and Crudo Old Building U Still Standing In Ra leigh, N. C. Raleigh, N. C ThU old and simple building, erected sometime during the Intter part of the eighteenth century, still stands In Raleigh, a historic building, attracting the Interest of strangers, and held sacred In the hearts of Americans. Within Its rough and crude walls, In 1S08, the eyes of Andrew Johnson first w the light of day. "-'"" " Looking today upon the simplicity I Will Hamblln and wife aru the of this structure, we are reminded of proud parents of two baby girls him whom It onoo sheltered Plain, even homely, yet so staunch as to Mrs. Leila Williams was tho guest withstand the shocks of storm In aum- of Mr. and Mrs. Vlrtlo Mooter Sntur mer and winter through all then day night years, even as he withstood the Jibes and sneers of his enemies during th Miss Calllo Barnes, of McAnnn, s strenuous period In which he held tho visiting her sister, Mrs. Kloy Askow. -..-. . Bv . ,,,. iiuuperai wiui ine illiteracy, com mon with those of humbler origin at that time, even unable to sign his name until after ripe manhood; yet. Historic Memorial. with the grim determination of Mi race, ho surmounted all obstacles, till ho stood upon the highest point to which the American, politically speak ing, can obtain. GIRL ORDERS BABY SISTER Little Tot Calls at Doctor's Office and Says It Is to Be Sent Imme diatelyTell Mother. Wlnsted, Coniu Amy Bull, three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry 0. Bull of Center street, called at the ofllce of Dr. D. D. Reldy on Elm street and inquired if the doctor was home. Sho was informed that he was not and asked If there was any word sho wanUd to leave for the &- ft ejrjgAjrj fern nf i .M.TT-T I HI ifpg fe &r3 fcWWOWC'! J -Hfff ffl Sr doctor. "I want to leave an order," the child replied. "Tell the doctor to bring me a baby sister at once. Thoy havo got one In the next house, and I want one. You won't forget to tell the doctor, will yout" Assured that the doctor would get her order, little Miss Bull continued on hor way to High street to visit friends. Upon her return home Amy informed hor mother that she bad stopped at the doctor's ofllce and added: "I left an order Cor a baby sister." I to $4.00 of flour R0UTE F,VE Dr liar Clover was In thia vicin ity Sunday. Dal Cray, of Lako county, was this vicinity Sunday. In MIm Annie Barnes, of Clayton, via Ited Mrs. Bill Coole last week. This section has been covered with water for tho last day or two. Miss Virgle Butler was tho guest . of Mln iiin itm-n e, ,,, thU wcck Mrs. Earl Partlow, of Hickman, h tho guest of her slstor, Mrs. Ennls Williams, this week. Miss Uuth Caldwell, of Clayton, ipent Sunday night with Misses Myr tle and Dora Howard. Cy Forroll and son, Owen, of Horn beak, spent Sunday night with Hen ry Howard and family. Miss Ira Wilson returned to her home near Newborn after spending a i'ew weeks In this vicinity. Miss Earl Hayes, of "Possum Trot, was tho guest of Miss Beth Rogors the latter part of last week. Tho party given by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Askew. a fow nights ago was en joyed very much by tho young puo ple. Ground Hog Day is near at hand. Tho Baptists of Cayce aro prepar ing to erect a now church in that city. It Is to bo located near the public school building. Tho work will piobably begin next month. Tho Barrott Lino steamer, Fred Hartweg, stopped nt tho Menglo plants Tuesday evening ahead of the heavy ico, and will harbor hero until tho ico thins out so sho can continue, up tho rivor. No. 3. As sure as day is brighter than night, WEST HICKMAN Is go ing to bo tho center of the new CITY OF HICKM'AN, and lots In G. B. Bond's Subdivision will be worth 10 times what ho asks for them now. PROPHET. On Friday evening of last week, Miss Annie Leo Brown entertained n fow friends at Rook in honor of Miss Eron Roper. There wero three tables. Refreshments of fruits and salted nuts wero served. Tho guest wero Misses Eron Roper, Thelma Bait zer Anna Lynn Dodds, Helen Rico, Rachel Klmbro, Celeste Roberts, Mil dred and Ireno Thompson. Lucilo Gabby and Mary Burnett. At one o'clock Sunday morning the Death Angel took from our midst one of the purest and sweetest ladles wev'e ever known-r-MUs Elizabeth Amber. The aunouncinent came as a great shock to her many friends She- had been HI for name time of pneumonia and tho crisis had passed, but additional complications develop ed an abscess of tho lung nnd her untimely death quickly followed. Miss Lizzie nnd her mother both had pneumonia at the samo time, and greater fear wero entertnlned for tho mother's recovery last week than for the daughter. Until tho nbeess de veloped, MUs Lizzie seemed In fair wny to recover, nnd Inquiring frlonds little thought the end whs so near Deceased wns born nt Tlplonvillo, Tenn Dec 13 1S70, making her age a little over 3C years. Tho major jov toln of her life was spent In this city She was a daughter of Mrs. M. Ainberg, by whom she Is eurvltcd; also one sUler Mrs. Guy Itobblns. of Mayfleld For a number of years Miss Lizzie held n ioltlon as sales lady In tho ladles departmont of Smith & Ambcrg's store, and ho wa doubtless more familiar with the bus iness In her department than the managers themselves Hundreds of people, lit whose confidence and hearts she had grown, sought MIhs Lizzie when doing tholr trading Her disposition was winning and oherry, dispensing winshlno every moment It Is hard to reallzo that this good lady Is no longer among us Sho was n devoted member of tho Baptist church nnd practiced tho gold en rule at all times. Her kindness sympathy nnd comforting words wore to those in sorrow what tho dew drop U to the famishing flower, and her noble Christian characlor cannot fall to leave Its Impress upon the heart nnd lle of those who knew her Hut she lint laid down tho burden of life, which Is of times bard lo bear; the shndow of death's gloom tins pass ih! away with the frailties and uncer tainties of life, and the gates of pearl havo beon reaqhed that home eternnl in tho heaven. Brief funeral services were held nt the family residence Monday morning at 10 o'clock, by Rev. W. O Block ton. Tho largo attendance nnd beau tiful floral tribute ben poke the es teem in whloh she was hold In ao cordanco with her expressed desire, Mrs. II. L. Amborg sang "Whsn I Shall Mcot Him Faco to Face." fol lowing Rev. Stockton's remarks. The pallbearers wero Messrs. I). Owen, Oco Harris, Terrell Sullivan, A. E. Owen, N. R. Holcombe and Robt. De Bow. Tho remains were laid to reel at tho City Cemetery. The mother ami alstor havo our sincere sympathy. The store fronts of Mnthuny & Plant nnd Percy Jon wero treated to a new coat of paint this week. The little 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Harrison died Saturday. Burial nt Brownsville. Walter Dunkln, who has had pneu monia several days, Is not expected lo live through the day. Several members of tho local bar and county officers aro attending court nt Fulton this week. Miss Lucretln Lashlcy nnd Harry Rlddoll, both of Fulton, wore united In mnrrlngo yesterday. Kentucky Democrats aro endorsing Henry Wntterson for President. Mrs. T. A. Stark hna been on tho sick list this week. Mrs. Dan Brlggs wns on tho sick list lost wcok. WEATHER: day fair. Unsettled today; Frl- Mlfe Thelma Oliver has whooping cough. You Can't Afford to Forget Our Sweeping Out Sale of SHOES It's of paramount interest to everybody who wears shoes, because in it are shoes for everybody men, women and children shoes at cut prices. Come and see them. Millet & Alexander U tied. Building, 0.r tlrcrd's Slut. J I'hona Nu. 51 FULTON CIRCUIT COURT. The trial of Bert Wallaacw, churs ed with killing Oscar Dlggs, m dunco in tho lower botton, two jmi, ago, resulted In a hung Jury Tie case will be tried again at tho May term. T. L. Fox, charged with taking m..r ey from the American Express Co was found guilty, nnd ho will g.i from one to flvo years In the peoi tentlnry. Allen Scruggs was acquitted on th. charge of knowingly receiving stoi. i, property. Curlln llondurant, n negro. . Iroin one to flvo years for lum. breaking. Andrew Canines, olinnsd with rur ulshlng liquor to a minor, wu s quitted. leo Jnvksou Bob Copeland, I'urur Wright, Terry Jackson, Tom loon nnd l.uzono Wallace, nil Indlctrd on the chargo of maintaining a common nuisance, were acquitted. No. 5. I don't want too .-u .ill of my lots before Fob. 1st, 1mhu. I haven't many left and l&.uu u.or. on each lot will help Home inn, i think I am going to stop at SOOraUr though, as this Is Just a starter I nm selling lots now for IS Oo u' are easily worth $170. 1 will rsin gnln xoon. G. II. BOND. SADDLER MATHENY. Another surprise wedding oecun.i Monday afternoon nt 4 o'clock at Ralston, Tenn., that Is of local ln' r est. Mltui Hazel Malheny. of that . daughter of S. L. Malhouy. !,. the wife of Robt. S. itaddler, of Mar tin, Tenn The bride Is woll known id His man, where she wus reared. smI is a t, modest ohnruring younc la dy. The groom stands ntgh tn tuiw mma circles of hU home town M imwent tho couple am in Hickman to vpend a few di)J, after hh they will make thoir Item tn Mann Tht Courier Joins Ike many frt. .1. of the bride In wishing them all ; plness. No 4 The C. M. & G K K o has the greatiml faith In the wtrid m WHST HICKMAN. They beHetr HirH man will be a olty nnd WHtT HK K MAN will be the omUt of H. 'lo L O. II. BOND. According to evidence glwTi In tti- trlnl nt Cincinnati ThursdR). Uir or ter of the Hurley Tobncto 8oct-iy were nn exponaho bunch Ojm- f them got $1000 n month, two net I"'"' n month and twunty-fl of Uirtu "t $260 a month each. Pretty stiff i". e for the innn In Joan to M) tr oratory. With the addition of WIIHam -" nlngs Bryan and Col. Theodore !( volt, who wero Invited to address tie Genoral Assembly in a resolution dopted by tho Sonata Thursday, m ar ly nil the national celebrities been asked to come to Frankfort snd nddros the solonn. Tho list no comprises, beadles Teddy nnd the N braskan, Gov. Judson Harmon, of " hlo; Gov. Woodrow Wilson, of N' Jorsey; Speakor Champ Clark, in '!. National House of Roprosentaiiw. W. R. Hoaret.of Now York; and l 1 1' ed States Senator John W. Km t Indiana. It is regarded as hi.iu probable that tho most of them will accept tho invitation. No. C. Finally; this Is my last ' tico of the ralso of $5.00 per lot on Fob. 1st. If you want to buy ww lot at the present prlco see 111 SELL JOHNSON quick. O. B. IUJNU Mrs. Oco Harris has sick for twvoral days. been i"'t