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' cl "WW""" Ui it UIHIIWH sSST T M n- . v The Girl of My Dreams.. lope with that!" She pointed ft leorsful finger at the count. "Don't trr to palaver mel" the gea ,rl shouted. All thU noli and shouting f count wa heard by thoet In the "Oivt Me the Hatl" Mrs. Bluet Ex claimed. "Qlrf Me My Ring," the Count Replied. home, and flrtt Harry came running ou followed by Lucy and her father. "What In the world la happening!" Harry asked, ruihlng up to the ax cl'rd trio. I hare trapped this wretch!" Gen rral Mate yelled, indicating the count with a geiture of hli clenched flit. Harry, helplett, looked from one to the other Mra. HIaiee, deiperate, glanced at him and laid' Mr Swlfton can explain, I hare nothing more to ay." She assumed an air of supreme in difference to whatever fate might hold In abeyance for her. "Well, Harry," the general at Id. If It'i up to you. tell me how thla hap pened " "Tell you how what happened I" Harry asked, daxedly. "How doee It happen that I Cnd my wife trying to climb Into your houie, aailited by this noodle." "Noodle! Oott In Hlmmel! I for get myselluf yetl" the count gritted between his teeth. "Oh! What? Trying to climb Into my house!" Harry repeated, brushing hit hand over his brow. "Why why It roust hare been tome kind of a Joke, general. Yes surely It was some kind of a joke." "Joke!" the general blurted out. "Hut why should she want to get Into thy house, Harry!" Lucy asked, with a bit of mlschlevousness, for now she knew the whole story. "Test" the general barked, turning to his wife. "Why should you want to get Into hla house!" Mra. Dlaxes saw light ahead. "My dear. If you will only calm "1 will tell you everything. I know you will think I am a foolish woman but, darling. I hare been Jealous el you." "Jealous or me!" said her liege lord. "Forgive raol" she pleaded. "But when I heard those report about yvu. "rleporta! What reporter "That you were Infatuated with a milliner Mile. Daphne." "I! I Infatuated with a milliner!" the general asked, with a look of ter ribly Injured Innocence. "I! Rldleu- UsssaMi'' i MfssnEbl I If you want to sell your Land or House List It M. B. tour "And X mi her ester t&to hooee thU afternoon," Mr. Blace oontln Bed, "and then I heard that you were here and oh, darling, forgive me! I came to py on youl" "Perfectly amarfng I" Harry said to himself. "I'm In the primary class, compared to her." "Why." the general tald. "My own little petl" He took hli wife Into hli " "",,,"'easBBaBiaBai "New," He 8tld, "I'm Retdy to Ex. plain." arms. "I I forgive roul I want you to forgUe me. The Idea of my giving you even a moment's unbapplness of that kind!" T-take me ho-homel" pleaded Mrs. Biases, from the shelter of his shoul der. The twain, reunited, went slowly down the walk and Into the street. Mr. Medders observed that Harry and Lucy looked as though they bad something to smy to each other, and said to the count' "The yeung man whom they call Hereon U tlttiag In the summer house with Oarotya, tad Ceutla Socrates Is agaia la the attlo writing a soaaet. WUt fee come In with me and see if thee can find a cigar!" 1 thank you, from my heart," the count replied. "Cut I haf mm writ ing to do und Iff you excuse me, I go down to der hotel now." "Then I will say farewell, until we meet again," Medders observed, shak ing the count's hand and returning to the bouse. Count von Pits stood before Harry and Lucy a moment. T vant to say ohooet dlsa," he spoke. "I vant to say "Diets you, my children!' Und I cant make a pres ent off a hat. but iff you Till honor me, Mr. Swlfton. by allowing Miss Lucy to accept a llddle token of my good vishes, I Till glff her diss." He slipped his finger Into hi pock et and produced a little case, which he opened and then took out a ring not sucL a ring as either of the one he had recovered but a beautiful cluster of diamonds surrounding a ruby. "Diss," he said, "Is a ring I vas keeping to gtff to der most beautiful, der sweetest, der truest girl I shouldt fled in America. I naff found her und now 1 lose her, because you found CBe!lSfc!I(2e!lflc!le!lc!ISISiaiB31i?SiaraiBiaH EaEJ2E'SEEI35J5JHiaJaaB3SISiaSIBSS3.' Notice W. 0. W. This Is to notify members of Elm Camp No. 3, W 0. W., that your dues may be paid toT, C. Bondurant or al the St. Louis Furnishing Co. to T A. Stark cr H. C. Barrelt. Regular meetings on Wednesday night of each week. YOU are urged to be present. H McMULLIN.C.C. T. C. BONDURANT, Clerk fgaaiaaseEiaaiSEEaafEi and Lot with Shaw, cr. O. STUBBS $ i La Cltde Building, over Brevard's Store 5 Phone No. SI C her, Mr. Bwirton." He dropped the ring la to Lucy hand, and was gone. Harry led Lucy to a seat. "Now," he said, "I'm ready to ess piatn." "Nay," Lucy said; happily. "The need not explain now, Harry, dear. I I know all thee would tell me of that. Tell me something else." And he told her. THE END. Sweet Pea Not Royal Chofoe. In vain did gardener and horticul turists In England try to push the claim of the sweet pea a a corona tion flower. Queen Mary ha decided that the pink carnation la the blossom she will carry. The Windsor, which Is a deep pink, 1 the carnation she particularly far ore, but tho Lawion, a cerise carna tion; the Enchantress, which I pal pink, and Uus Mrs. Jollffe, which la sal mon pink, will also be fashionable du ring the season. The Worshipful Com pany of Gardener have begged to be allowed to present the coronation bou quet and the queen ha agreed to ac cept It from them, so they will keep the rarest and moat perfect Windsor carnations obtainable for the royal bouquet bf tv 1 Ih-d rdlu rdl rdlouoouo One of her reasons for preferring the carnation to the sweet pea a the flower to be used Is that the weather will probably be very warm at the time of the coronation and the sweet pea fades very easily, while the car nation does not droop in the heat. An Eye to Business. "John." said the butter dealer, "al ways put in a couple of sheet of pa per when you weigh. Cuitomers will think you neat and cleanly in your business. The don't like to have their butter slopped onto a scale that, for all they know, has never been washed. And, besides, there's a good profit In buying paper at three cent per pound and selling it for IS cants." GLORIOUS NEWS, come from Dr. J. T. Curtis, Dwight, Kan. Ho writes: "I not only nave cured bad cases of eczema In my pa tients with Electric Bitters, but also cured myself by them of the same disease. I feel sure they will benefit any case of eczema." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric III tiers Is a most effectlvo blood purifier. Its an excellent rem edy for eczema, totter, salt rheum, ul cers, bolls and running sores. It stim ulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expel poisons, help digestion, builds up the strength. I'rlco CO cents. Satisfac tion guaranteed by Helm & Ellison. CHURCH NOTICE. West Hickman Daptlst Church. I'roahlng first Sunday night In each month at 6:45 and every third Sunday at 11 a. m. and 6:45 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday morn ing nt 0:30 o'clock. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Everybody Is cordially Invited to at tend those services. Services held opposite school building. Itov. W. L. King, Pastor You can use Uucklen's Arnica Salve to euro chllrden of eczema, rashes, tetter, chaflngs, scaly and crusted humors, as well as tholr accidental Injuries cuts, burns, bruises, etc., with perfect safety. Nothing elso heals so quickly. For bolls, ulcers, old, running or fever sores or piles It baa no equal. 25 cts. at Helm & Ellison. SPEAKING OF GREAT HATS. T. It.'. Cocked (a la Woodrow Wilson). Medicine Hot. Tho ono that you converso through when you don't know what you aro talking about. Tho ono that tho fellow wants to know where you got It. Tho ono with much willow plumes that you will havo to pay for a fow days beforo EaBter. Tiio ono between you and the stage (Physically considered, this Is tho greatest of tho lot). "Merry Widow." The ono the bees buzz (though It's railed a bonnet.) Handicap. Tho ono that Lord Klngsalo ac quired tho right of wearing In the royal presence. Tho Worshipful Master's. Tho ono that's off to you. Your own hat. It Is economy to havo your clothos cleaned and pressed. Thoy will glvo you better servlco and present a much nicer appearance. Our prices are reasonable. White Bros. phono 195. Prof. Sap Spradlon says tho rea son lead is so heavy Is that there is so much of It In a small piece. HOKE SMITH IS WILSON BOOSTER Former Cabinet Associate of Judson Harmon Enthusias tic for Governor. STANDS FOR SANE PROGRESS Life's Study Fit Him Peculiarly for Duties of President No Other Can didate 8o Certainly Insures Democratlo Victory. United State Senator Hoke Smith of Georgia, who served In President Cleveland's cabinet with Judson Har mon of Ohio, ha come out strongly for Gov. Woodrow Wilson of New Jer sey for the presidency. In a statement lust Issued at Washington. Senator Smith says: "I favor Governor Wilson for no per sona reason, but because I believe hi nomination and election will beat serve the people of the entire coun try "Governor Wilson stands for oane) progress, for a square deal, for Justice to all, and at the same time for a government by law under the consti tution. "He is the most profound student In America of the history of our country and of Uie great economic problems now to be solved. With the Informa tion gathered by a life of study, fit ting him peculiarly for public service, 8enator Hoke Smith. he wa called to the governorship of New Jersey. There he demonstrated unsurpassed capacity to handle the practical affairs of government. He proved that a ripe scholar could pos ses rare executive ability. "Under hi administration New Jer sey ha obtained pure election laws. Intelligent regulation and supervision of publlo service companies, legisla tion to promote the, health and the educational progress of the people, and many other measure of similar nature, yet no invasion ha been made of legitimate property right. Inaugurated Many Reform. '"The splendid reforms which he led to successful completion are In line with the work which will confront him a president. "As the nominee of the party he can be relied upon both by speech and pen to teach Democratlo truths with a clearness which will carry conviction to his hearers and reader. He 1 a master of the tariff problem. Ills speches upon this subject are mod els. He ha captured an immense fol lowing throughout the entire country. "As a result of discussing the ques tion with senators and congressman from different part of the country, I do not believe that any man can be presented by the Democracy who will so certainly insure success. "I am assured that the party could not name a man with greater strength In those states usually relied upon for a DemocraUc victory, and that In ad dition thereto a number of middle and western state, usually classed a safely Republican, will come Into the Democratlo column. "He expresses in what be has writ ten and said and done more nearly than any other man suggested for the nomination the aspirations and hope of the great body of the people. I fa vor hi nomination both on account of hla fitness for the office and on ac count of hi strength a a candidate." Gruesome Tower. A strange monument of modern bar barlam still survives at Nlsh, in south east Servla. During the War of In dependence In 1800, a Servian gar rison there exploded a powder m&ga ilne and perished therein rather than tall Into the hands of the Turks. A battle had previously taken place, and the Turks commemorated their victory by erecting a rude tower, ornamented with the heads of their enemies. Old people will toll you that there were once 1.200 heads, but as the tower was never more than 25 feet high, thla 1 probably an exaggeration. Lamartine and other traveler give descriptions of tho tower. Visitors were In the habit of carrying oft skull as souvenir, but when Nlsh became Servian the remainder were taken away for decent burial, all save a Urn that were too deeply embedded. On rural routes only The Hick nun Courier and Dally Memphis Com mercial Appeal (except Sunday) for only 4.00. ittiiBiigftii,. rfPr jffifetok. mm l Hill ryFKr vr TO date Hill Hill ficiutt ion' the Hill COLLECTION Of Hill Hill DRAFTS. OUT OF Hill T0HK ITEMS. .f"D HIJI Hill T"E HANDLING ' Hill HICKMAN Gztoi.5q.O Four House Plants FREE We have four beautiful house plants to give away absolutely free to our lady readers in this section. These plants consist of 1 MRS. LAWSON CARNATION 1 GERANIUM 1 FLOWERING BEGONIA 1 BOSTON FERN By special arrangement with the Farmer and Stockman we can offer the Hickman Courier one year ; the Farmer and Stockman one year, both for $1.30 and give these four house plants, postage paid, absolutely free, The Farmer and Stockman guarantees these plants to be in growing condition when they reach you. They will be mailed direct from the florist's greenhouse to our subscribers, all charges prepaid. We are only allotted a few hundred of these plants therefore we urge you to take advantage of our offer at once if you want this collection. It will doubtless take only a short time for us to give away our allotment. The papers cost $ 1 .00 each and the plants are easily worth $1.00, so we offer you the lot, worth $3.00, for only $1.30. Address all orders to THE COURIER, Hickman, Ky. I "WE USE" BlslsssiiH6ilft Made in Louisville by CHAS. C. STOLL OIL CO. The Light can be beautifully settled by using the electric You will find it more convenient, more cleanly, more adaptable to your needs, and of course more ef fectivein Hght-givingVqualities. Why not arrange with us to have the light in your place, the same as other modernjhouseholds. Hickman Ice Coal Co. Incorporated. JOHN DILLON, Jr., Manager. fVERr Vr TO D.ITE F1CIUTT TOR' THE COLLECTION Of DRAFTS. OVT OF TOH ITEMS. .fVD THE HANDLING OF IOC.1L BUSINESS SEE VS ABOUT THE L O A N , J BANK ANO TRUST CO. (I QimswpfM 32j?0Qggl DANIEL BOONE AXLE GREASE And don't have to grease but once a week. Question 1 !' 'J Jgjt-jafegi.rliilJilui,k1fiVfV1- -r ,-&! . ii. t.X aakt j. l. -jjJ -it. o2X-- tsSjS