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?t?uPttHB5 wmmm $1 per Year In Advance This Paper Always Stops1 when ronrtlrae'U out. w doat be' Here la forelair n Fper on anyoae. f you do not want to miss a copy, keep the lubeerlp- OLDEST PAPER IN WESTERN KENTUCKY THE HieKMAN COURIER. No oiccptloita to ki.ptilM. OfllV rt n week surely It I. nhitAlt ftllOlllfM. Twentr 7' M; IbU P"tr cot M n;rtr, .No wan U t.Z Minr tnflEMfll1 ttilt rnnmint lor a iupr tlist altcj ll the county and .ion pniu op, a notlee of expira tion li siren bere Local News Volume 52 18 days abead wltb I HICKMAN, KENTUCKY, THURSDAY, MARCH, 28, 1912 Number 38 A Blue Mark UliLiUPiUffH.'W'IFW!'' """M""'W,,,,','aSSSSSSSSSSMSSJSMWSSMMSsasl"SSS RODBINS WITHDRAWS. Judge Barkley Now Unopposed (or Congress. Thu many Hlckiaaa frlonds of Judge j. IS. ItobblM, ot Maytleld, will bo MH-ry to learn, that tho Judge ha ucidod to quit tho race for tho IX'Ui tcrallc nomination (or Congress Tttls leave only Quo announced can didate. Judge A. V. Barkley, ot i'a tlucau. Judgo Robblna says Uiat ho outer .d the race against his will, as Hull M bis flnnuclal Interest. Last July iiu suffered an attack of rheumatism .ind foarvd tho fatigue of an actual . jiupalgn might bo Injurious to his i.tolth. Thervforu, ho fcay. bo brink from tho labor of tho contest jud Is warned that It U best to a mM It. To him, bo nays, tho "play .. not north tho caudlu." Ho further say that ho bolluvea lit had a good chanco to win, but in campaign would bo too oxpeuaho Mud laborious. CORN CLUB TO MEET. Tho Fultou County Hoys' Com Club . valllvd to uiout at Futlon, Tuesday ..wrniug, April ud, at which Umo . nd place lr. Mutvhlur( ot Bowling jivun, Uto orgaulitir, will to into i matter of filial organization with a boys. Miss Virginia LuUn, who . .. chargu ot tho work locally, wiU . .o bo al Pulton, ou that day. All i- boys who huvo uurolleU aro ox i-.ud to attend this uicouug, Vtv total uuinbor of boy o&roUia j dato is 22 J. C. Muucos, ot Cay u, and Ernest Urioo, ot Hickman, bo .b tho last two. It u Sambo that was bemoaning uu fact that ho had forgotten to fas tun tho door ot hi chicken houso iu night buforo. "Wcro thoy stol iu7" ho was askd. "No; thoy went t.ulUO." Tuu man who ) tho sun never fails to ahlno oorno Umo during tho oy on Saturday has tnlss-callud hU .ud. Lost Saturday the sun was ' tor vtslblo, but ou thu contrary n , u lliiiir ndn was on tho iob tho llvi-1 ."iig day. immoral Manager Adams, ot tho Miunnapolls Journal, was a welcoinu .ttor at this office Friday. Mr. Ad bins ran down for a short b-uathlng iU and to look at tho Midlers' trainlug grounds. Ho finds Hickmau cue of tho most progressive ot small titles. Hob Uucha nan dropped In Friday rutd spent a couplo of days with old Hickman friends. Whllo horo, ho drmtod tho show windows of Smith Ainbcrg's bis bargain emporium, r suiting In ono of tho classiest du P'.iy wo'vo over soea. Hob makes a a, clalty of tills lino of work and li n .. artist at tho buslnou. ?ti- f-rJ TfSrr 1 V jj 11 M Jmr" ir4ml lCy Mr In ' ySsJr sJ Irk livc V I wU III I Ml " w 7SjL f vyCj .T l -w ill I Ift II If 111 i Vj-iSW? ' ' -lT-TfWOclsy- lf AJx r v ill i i mil jgBF ' I My Lady of Doubt BY RANDALL PAMRISU A charming drama of a Revolutionary hero and a petite Colonial belle, with a background of the most stupendous struggle In the his tory of our country. Cof-rtfr Ht StlulTr Ac Um YOUR preparations for Ekster will hot be complete with out your new things to wear. As long as you're going to have a new suit this Spring, you may as well have it in time for the good clothes parade. As soon as you decide what it shall be, come in and let us know. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are the kind that give one a dressed-up reeling ; whatever style you decide to have, from the Prince Albert to the sack or Norfolk, you'll get dis tinction in dress if you get these clothes. We have some exceptionally good blue serge suits, and dark worsteds in sacks ; the latest models, with long roll lapels ; style that will please ' " the young fellows immensely. We supply you with suits at easy prices. New hats, fine shirts, the choicest neckwear, lisle and silkjhose.'patent and tan oxfords ; are here, ready. Ili SHOE SMITH & AMBERG This stotc is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes Snkti TOE'-HEEL '-n NOTED CATHOLIC WILL LECTURE Mission at Sacred Heart Church, Hickman, Ky. Beginning Sunday March 31, ed ing Easter Sunday, April 7th( a mis sion will bo given at Sacred Heart Church ot this city by The Reverend Father Devery C. 8. P. on the chief tenets of the Roman Catholic Church. The speaker has won International fame as a scholar and a speaker. The subjects on which he speaks shull prove ot great Interest to the people ot this city. The speaker has won golden opin ions from many distinguished noa Cathollcs in the United States and counts many friends among those who differ from him in matters ot religious belief. As a broad minded thinker and coa nascur of human nature he always respects the sincere convictions of his hearers and has never been known to take advantage of his po sition to moke any remark or Innu endo savoring of bitterness or ill feeling. Father Devery attacks no man nor religion. He simply explains the po sition ot the Catholic Church. He boldly acknowledges that there have been circulated about his caureh false and viclouc stories which he seeks to and does explode. The speaker has been conducting non-Catholic 'missions for several years everywhere drawing large audi ences of the most intelligent people to hear him. Hickman may well be proud that It has this distinguished clergyman and able orator In its midst. A question box Is placed in the ves tibule of the church Into which the audience is invited to deposit any question which Catholics or non-Catholics may bo pleased to ask, and which the speaker, will answer the following evening. a All men-of good will are invited ,to attend this mission, which ee to all. -- - - - '-H.flx- fc CASEY'S PICTURE. ii Casey decided to go into business, so he bought out a small livery sta- hle and had a painter make a sign IfOi- him showing him astride a mule. jHo had this sign placed in iront.o: the stable and was quite proud of it. His friend Finnlgan happened along and stood gazing at the sign. "That's a good picture ot mo ain't it?" asked Casey. "Sure It looks something like you," said Finnlgan, "but who the dlvil is the man on your back!" Cecil Ramer, of Moscow, was bag gageman on the M. & O. train that was held up and robbed near Rlenzl, Miss., last Tuesday night. EKRSCToK ys clothss is So Goal? 7?fAT 7fr e WH-o Dos't Buy j EM STEAL) M TttBY Gor Ml MB"- Pets ( "?VB I -, t M... SLt. s2 . jj PROSPECTS BRIGHT. Capitalists Anxious to Finance Our Electric R. R. .OPENING CHAPTERS THIS WEEK. Major W. A. Calhoun, consulting engineer of tho Kontucky Southwest ern Electric Railway. Ught and Pow er Company who returned Tuesday morning from n three weeks' stay In New York, said thnt prospects for tho lntcrurban nro growing brlghtor ovorj' day. Major Callhoun was called home bccauBo of Illness In his family. How ever, tho trip affonlod him an oppor tunity to moro closely cement tho In terests of tho Kentucky Southwestern and tho financial connections wlUi which tho nbovo company had been negoUatlng for somo tlmo. Major Calhoun stated further that thoro had never for years been a tlmo Hko tho present when capital is looking placement on such a satisfac tory basis. Many of tho financial cen ters arc having difficulty In finding investments for their funds and a bulk of that which Is being placed Is nt 1 and 2 por cent under tho usual rntcs obtainable. Ho said It was very gratifying to observe tho manner in which traction securities were leading In tho market nnd that It only goes to prove tho sta bility with' which thoy are looked upon, as well as tho profitableness. Major Calhoun was especially urged to have tho company complete tho balance of their work necessary to enablo them to determine what a mount of bonds would bo necessary to completely provldo for the con struction and equipping of the road Bnd what terms they would consider. "Tho report and other data of the company having been examined by uoine ot the representatives of those financial Interests, it is to be hoped that our people will do what they can to facilitate time in the completion of the work as every day saved in completing these preliminaries brings the completed proposition much clos er," said Major Calhoun. "Had our pcoplo taken hold of this matter as they should have, Paducah and tho surrounding territory would have recolved tho benefits that much sooner, nnd oven now by so doing without further delaying, Umo can be saved and thoreby its equiva lent obtained. "Press notices show where in throe rlmllar enterprises near by ono In Kentucky, ono in Tennessee, and one In Missouri tho peoplo havo cooper ated without delays, with the result that the work has been carried on moro rapidly, which means a saving 'n many ways. In two ot theso cases the entire amount necessary for pre liminary work was provided in ad vance of tho work," said Major Cal houn In conclusion. When we were boys, mother umiilrl riif- r1rwn ilon'e nM suits Tho last General Assembly increased r tho annual approprlaUon for the ' "' us maintenance of tho Western Stat Today this is false economy, Normal School at Bowling Green ' , i 717s j? ,v. from $50,000 to 76,000. This school for yOU Cim h G is doing a great work in supplying Suits so reasonable and so uio public schools of Kentucky with ' good that it would not pay to well trained teachers. Twelve stu-. bother makinff your boy's dents from Fulton County are attn'.d- i .i . !,, lng tho Normal at nresont. Tho next cltheS at hme' term begins April 9th, at which time Come in with your boy and omers aro expecting to enroll. Tho Paris dressmakers' most start ling contribution to milady's ward robo this year is to be a new skirt, very narrow, with a slit at the side oxtondlng well abovo the knee. If tho dlrectoir stocking, mado of silk en neckwork with largo meshes, is to bo worn wlUi tho dress, as it is days at! antfi tlin AffnMl .tHll KA n,..t1.l,. ... i - .t vuvi vuvn tun uu aui&jufi vci striking. see tne opnng Glomes we are showing Don't buy the unnamed kind ask for yy, No others just as good. Some special values these Light and water bills are due and payable on the 10th ot the month. $2.50 to $10.00 SMITH & AMBERG? r: