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ttMMUttaMfia&tikttit WORKS at BATTLE FRONT. Rev. H. J. Geiger Play a Heroic Part In Hickman Flood. 3 i BE5T SHOE MADE ' fl Your MM amp5 Jfiilfwtt ""PHE woman whose feet are daintily and fashionably clad has gone far toward being well dressed. And the woman who purchases her Spring Shoes here may rest assured that she has the newest styles, the prettiest lasts, the most fashionable fabrics and shapes. t Spring Hosiery COTTON, LISLE AND SILK MILLET & ALEXANDER All of the heroic men and women who wrought and suffered and still suffer In the regions dewistnted by the Brent Mississippi flood never will botome known to the world at largo. opii by name It Is the rulo In such cases that only here and there one Is named above his follows, but when this shall havo tnken place In the present Instanco It Is not likely that ut one name will be more brightly emblazoned than that of the Itev II J Oelger, Kplsropal clergyman of llickmnn. Ky. Louisville nowspuper meii who wer sent to llickmnn to report condition there at their worst are earnest and enthusiastic In their commendation of the Inspirational devotion with which the Kev Mr Oelger bore a joeman's part In the da of agonllug fenr and peril Doffing clerical habllllmenUi for flannel and corduroj ho labored with shool and sandbag on the le vees shouldor to shoulder with no- THE DOLLAR MARK. The universal wall of the age Is "the high cost of living." From ev ery counvy and from ecry social stratum it rises like a dirge, spoil Ing the sunshine of content, souring the ambrctla of life. And not only are the prices high, but there u more to buy; things that were luxuries are becoming necessi ties, luxuries that w ere unknow n a de cade ago are TQe commonplace exact Ions of today. All of these things cost; and to meet the increased demand upon the purse theie Is a madder rush in the markets, a fiercer competition In the offices, a more uncompromising bat tle In iLe professions. The money madness Is in every brain, the get- rich fever is throbbing in every pulse. Under ibis stinging lash men are beginning to have a hunted look the dollar-nmk face Is a verity upon our streets and even in our homes. In every crowd you will see It, the sharp, sinister, selfish stamp that money-grubbing leaves on the human countenance. It Is undlsgulsable, un mlataSabic Men, joung In years are pre maturely gray and stooped; women, who sbou.d still be soft-ejed and smooth of brow are seamed with wrinkles and bard of glance. It gets them all, this stamp of the money devil, and when It gets them It marks ttoin lrdellbly. In modern life there Is no rest, no placidity. The dominant note Is to ouldo yj-r neighbor, to "have a finer house, costlier clothes, a bigger tour ing car. The dollar mark Is becom ing the sign of prominence and of things iat are "first class"; poverty Is scarce y considered respectable. Tho poor In purse, not the poor In worth, are held to bo the social out casts A :ian may He and steal and betray, but If his dollar mark Is big enough to cover the sin the "world does not pause to Investigate. When a poor mn sins, he Is left naked to condemnation; he cannot make the mystic ijilnr sign and hide behind It. The high cost of modern living is not onl? he prices wo pay for ma terlal things; it la the price wo pay In lowered standards of ethics and ideals It lb the eating of the dollar mark ln;o our better natures. WANTS C, M. 4 G. RY. The Illinois Central Railroad Com pany wants control of the Chicago, Memphis & Gulf railroad, a line ex tending fiom Dyersburg to Tipton vllle, Tonn., and Hickman, Ky. Suit to compel the owners of the latter road to sell the property to tho I. C. has been filed In the Unit ed States district court at Memphis The I. C. company claims It furnish ed part of the supplies for ffce ex tension of the new line from Tipton vlllo to Hickman, also rails when the road was built from Tiger Tall, Tenn. to Tiptonvllle. Two years ago this road, then known as the Dyersburg Northern, was sold to John Watkins, of Mem phis and New York, S. G. Latta and others, for $350,000. Latta was elect ed president and announced that tho road would be extended to a point on the Ohio river opposlto Metropolis, Ills., and from Dyersburg to Mem phis then to Jackson, Miss., where a connection would be made with the Now Orleans & Great Northern, giv ing them an entrance to the gulf. Later It became known that the Burlington system wonted the road to make a connection Into Jackson. Tenn., and those closo to the situa tion believe the Illinois Central's suit is a move to block the Ilurlington In Its effort to' come south of tho Ohio river. Ollie M. James has wired the Kul ton County Levee Board that he will be here Sunday when the Mississippi River Commission stops here. Subscribe for the Courier. Home of Quality llouie of (futility My Dear Sir : Our stocks are complete, you can buy a complete outfit here. New low cuts, straw hats, shirts, felt hats, caps, neckwear, silk hose, un derwear, and a complete line of working mate rial, heavy shoes, shirts, pants, etc. Give us a call. H. E. CURLIN. House of Quality. P. S. We have a full stock of rain coats in all kinds and sizes, also rubber hats, tan and grey, black and tan gum hats. Home of Quality House of Qouilty THE REV. H J. GEIGER who did yoemaft service In behalf of flood sufferers at Hickman. grocs or men of birth and breeding and money. When, despite all thetr efforts, the great government H-no 'b?oke and tho Father of Waters surg ed angrily through the breach, the Itev. Mr. Cnlcer was uniotur th first 'o turn rutcuor of the weaker and un fortunate. Blessed with splendid physlcan man hood he waded and swam and sklffed for hours wborover women and chil dren were to bo succored and adding to his noblo example cheery words of unflagging courago and hoje. It Is now reported that, as soon as the renditions approach moro nearly to the norman, nn effort Is to be made to obtain a Carnoglo medal for "a man named Charlton," who assisted in, saving u woman with a baby but a few hours old when the levee broke According to the story, Charlion was taking tho last of his personal posslons from his Inundated homo art was making his way to the hills for safety. Hearing of tho woman's ex treme distress and poxll ho abandon ed his belongings nnd hurried to 'he rescue. The report goes on to say that tho assistance of "the lid Mr Geiger," who hnd summoned him he succeeded In getting the woman and child to safety. Tho house from which she was taken was directly In front of the brenk In the levee, and the bed on which she lay had to br held abovo the two men's heails, ns they woro In water up to their shoulders At tho imminent risk of their lives they succeeded In rench Ing land shelter with their human burden No one could doslre to derogato anything from the honor and credit belonging "to the nian named Charl ton " He is deserving only of the best. But the report serves to show the force of tho statement with which this relation began. Except for the Incidental reference In the dispatches about "tho man named Charlton" no mention has been niado of the Rov. Mr Geiger whoso service has been continuous and not confined to a sin glo Instance. It is not to bo hinted that a rafcdnl f would mean uny thing to the Rev. Mr. Geiger moro than a mark of appre ciation from his fellow men. His servico lias been rendered without thought of reward, simply and as a bravo man does tho duty at hand. No office or insignia could make him Baltzer&DoddsD.G.Co. INCORPORATED We are now doing business at our old stand. For several days the high water had us cut off, but we are now back home and ready to serve you and show our complete line of goods in every department. Millinery, Silks Ladies and Misses Slippers Wash Goods, Etc. .NEW LINE OF; Waists and Fancy Parasols SPECIAL LINE OF: Floor Coverings, Mattings Rugs and Art Squares Both Matting and Brussels, also New Line of Window Shades, Lace Curtains and Curtain Poles Call and See Us' PRESIDENTIAL POSSIBILITIES. 30000000a y " ..sjLiLiLiLiBbt&sLwt. HHflHHt irDfc LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIiLHLIIIHflSSHILIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH ViiiiiiiisiiHQSiiiiBrv TMDWDOZ ADJ. Gen. DICKMAN HERE. AdJ Own. Dlrkman of the 1 division of tlm U 8. Army, nrrlw Hickman yesterday to look ovr " relief work being done at thu ini Ccn. Dlckmun U one of tho mom li tlngulihed army offloers, with lb- 1 cuptlon of Pre Taft, that ovor 11m d Uil city. OSCXRW As bouse leader of the Democratic majority and chairman of the ways and means committee, Mr."Underwood has dlrocted the tariff policy of his party, not always to the' entire satisfaction of some of Its other leaders, but In a way that has gained him the enthusiastic support of n considerable num ber in his candidacy for tho presidential nomination Ho Is a llttlo slow In starting his campaign for delegates, but has been making up for lost tiro since definitely announcing hlmBolf. RIVER." River fell about 6 Inches at Hickman during the pait 24 hour The last reading of the Cairo guage was 50.8, a fall of .8. Kiting at Pitt burgh, Nashville, Kansas City and Chattanooga. Falling at Cairo, St Loult and Louisville. The new game law dni not tom ii ukii tht open and dosed season '"r hunting, tli old law still boiling K"1 Tho new law wo consider a B"i one in in.iny of Its provision and hope thut it will be enforced Kor . you can obtain a State llcemte, whiti entitles )ou to hunt In any ixirt Iho 8tnt A county license coats $1 In order to obtain a llciuy ou itnit be a bona fide citizen of th- Sis'' f'-i ont ear preceding the IimhiIiik o( Hi' Ki'iise On rural routes only Tho Hick m n Courier and Dally MouipliU Com incrclal Appeal (except Sunday) fur only 14.00. FOR SAL.U: Good mare, buggy and harness J no. Klrklndall. U "MORE FOR YOUR MONEY" woro worthy, or is such In nny wise necossary when his deeds shall havo becomo known, Loulsvlllo Times Drink PLEZOL, the new drink. It Itt Healthful and Invigorating, Capt. A. Ilutt, aldo to l'res. Taft, who was hero with the "resident on hla visit to Hickman three years ago, was drowned with tho sinking of tho Titanic Subscribe for the Courier. ROCKER8 Rockors they arc our long suit see our line ranging from $1.00 to $30 8T. LOUI8 FUR. COMPANY (Inc.) Cash or Credit. iaaaiMMDJi .jwejsa mjmmmm0t