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fm -. -.flsv"r- ' II WHY NOT GET THE BEST ? THE OLD RELIABLE, LIGHT RUNNING If your dealer doesn't handle it, write for prices. Hickman Wagon Co. Incorporated -Eixa.KiMrA.iEr Kentucky vvvvvvvvvvnvvvvwvvv A. M. TYLER Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public Will practice in all Courts of the State. IIICK.MAV, KENTUCKY Practical Fashions The Man Who Disappeared . By Rev. J. H. Ralston. StcrtUty ct ComspnaiSrtK Dt pftilmtol cf Moody Bilt Itxiluto AN EMPIRE WRAPPER. Office over Rice's Shoe Store The Purpose of an W Aninrrirnmnnr is to serve your needs. It will help sell your goods talk to the people you want to reach. An advertise ment in this paper is a reference guide to those whose wants are worth supplying. J Business Directory -ASK FOR RATES- 6T. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services: Every Sunday 11 c. m. and 8:00 p. m. Holy Communion Every 1st Sunday. W. J. McMURRY Attorney-at-Law lOlflce In LaCUdc Building on corner. Hickman, Ky. DR. C. M. CRUTCHFIELD Dentist- Davidson's old itul. Phone No. ' Hickman, Ky. HICKMAN FURNITURE CO. Funeral Directors and Embalmsra. Phone 20 day or night. Hickman, Ky. WOOOLAWN DAIRY' A. H. Lest, Proprietor, The only up-to-date dairy In Fulton County. ST. LOUIS FURNISHING CO. Undertakers Hearse and driver furnished on short notice Rough Lumber for Sale... Dimension Stuff cut to order on Short Notice. The Era pirn style Is always becora Ins to the uncorseted figure and a wrapper such aa tho one Illustrated will undoubtedly be worn most often under these conditions than when a woman Is doslrous of appearing dress ed. The waist Is cut on tho peasant lines with the slvca In one piece with 1L The seam in the center of the back makes the design possible for eren narrow materials. The neck la trimmed by a contrasting matt rial and this is the only ornamentation of which the gown Is capable. Printed crepe, silk, challls and cashmere of rarious shades are all materials suit able for a wrapper of this character. The pattern (5:74) Is cut In sizes 32 to 44 Inches bust measure. Medium size requires (ft yards of 38 Inch material. T proem thl pttm iund to ont I to "Pattern Dtpinmint." of ttilj ppr. Writ nam and addrtu pUlnlr. and b i ur to alva tit ami number of pallcra. I TKXT-Enoch walked with Ood: and ha nan not: for Ood took him. Genesis 6:2. In tho patriarchal days a Tory prom inent man, a preacher who giro the startling messago that the Lord would coino with ton thousand of his saints to ex ecute Judgment upon nil, disap peared. What commotion thin disappear nnce caused wo aro not told. There waa no record of tho fact, as far stm we know, for nearly two thousand years, and then it was merely eald, "God took him." Then anothor period of about two thousand years passed, when the mystery was furthor cleared up, the record, showing that tho man lind- been translated that ho should jiot eco death. He was tho only man of tho patriarchal era, as Hoses was of the Jewish era, and Christ was of tho Christian era, to bo taken to hoar en by translation. He walketh with Ood lllich In salvation and the climes of bllM, Exempt rom death. Possibly tho same queries wero raado then that would be made now, as to tho mysterious disappearance of. a person, and among others this ques tion would bo asked, "In whoso com pany was ho last seen!" Our text tells us, and tho answer presents to us fact that is of practical Interest and which we will consider. Ho was last seen walking with God. Can a Man Walk With GodT Why not? Is not a man created In the Imago and likeness of Ood, In righteousness and true holiness? Al though the features of this common likeness aro battered out of recognl lion, yet tho purposo of man's crea tion that he should hold tho closest fellowship with God remains, and If, rocognlzlng his marred condition be comes in penltonce to God as David came, he will be received as on after God's own heart and walk close with him. As to tho fact of walking with Ood, we hare, first, the case In question. Then we hare the clear statement that Noah walked with God. Near tho end of the Old Testament we hare the statement that certain priests -walked with God in peace and equity. Tho Psalmist said, "Though I walk through the ralloy of the shadow of death, I will fear no erll . . . thou art with me." If we bollove that tho fourth person in the furnace into which the threo Hcbrow children were cast was the Son of God, again do we hare men walking with God, for the king said, "I soo four men loose, walk lng In the fire." All through the cen turies mon and womon hare walked with God, and no picture of touching elbows or linking arms Is too strong Engraved Calling Cards, Wedding Invitations, frc. See samples. Jit Courier Office. to express tno contact. vvalKlng witn God U the Christian's, goal, aud ho alngs: Go ihall mr walk be cloie with, Ood, Calm and.aereno my frame, Bo purer Unlit shall mark, the road That leads me to the Lamb. Walking with God Inrolros separa tion from tho world, a negative re sult It then Involves congeniality in personal qualities. "Can two walk together unless they bo agreed?" In the case of man walking with God, the qualities In God must Indlcato the nflitua! qualities, and (nose which man may possess aro holiness, merciful. ness, the spirit of self-sacrlflce, and lore. Enoch Walked With Cod 300 Years. Walking with God Implies prolong cd and constant companionship with him, and In tho case before us, the walk continued for 300 years. When Jesus called his disciples ho said, "Fol low me," moaning that ho would hare his disciples attach themselves close ly to his person, and at the end of his ministry he commended those who wore then with him. We cannot ask unselfishly. Is this walk for man'n benefit? It Implies a mutual conferring of benefits. A natural consequence of walking with God will bo closo Intimacy with out any suggestion of offensive famil iarity. God holds trysts with his peo ple. Chrhit and his people have com mon secrets; all that Is Christ's be longs to his followers. How sweet It is to havts God take us into his con. fldence, and reveal to us the depths of his lore for us! In the caso of Enoch wo hare a ug. gcstlon that a prolonged walk with God will result In something better than any communion to bo realized on earth. Knoch was translated, and God took hlui to himself and redeemed as bo was by tho blood of Christ yet to be shed for him, he had blessings la God's presence greater than those of angels. Walking with God Is a proph ecy of heavenly translation. Do Not Require Alcohol. "People In ordinary health do not require alcohol In any form, and aro lot benefited by It even In very small quantities." -Surg.-Major II. Cayley THE BEST PROOF. Given by a Hickman Citizen. mx 527. NAMB BTREXT ATtt KO. BIZJL. ...... New Color Schemes. Nary blue and rlolet are dominating colors in millinery, and are mixed very artistically with light threads of cerise, orange, green and gray straw. Even the new flowers show tho influence of theso contrasting mixtures, and often tome novelties In their arrangements. Popples of shot taffetas succeed the white popples of velvcL Each petal rests on another large petal of green crepe de chine, forming a border all round, while tho heart or center of tho flower is in ostrich feathers, either black or yellow. This Is an amusing "orelty for the spring millinery. WIFE'S HEALTH JESTOREO Husband Declared Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Would Re store Her Health, And It Did. Skirts and Panniers. Skirts are fuller at the waist, but this Is merely that they aro cut rath er straight in shape than curved, and Ashland, Ky. - " Four years atro I seemed to have everything tho matter vyiui jut:, i lliui ie- maleand kidney trou ble and was so bad o(T I could hardly rest day or nigh L I doc tored with all the best doctors In town arid took many kinds of medicine but noth ing did any good un til I tried your won derful remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege 5 SEN Si R' aMlrtZn7Tl table Compound. My husband said it the fulness is put in in gathers, not In , would ntn heaUh nn( ,t haa uaiia ui ncauia. aiuuuu wo iuui lue are still as 'narrow as ever, though more width is predicted. Panniers nre not in any way prera- Doan's Kidney Pills were used they bronchi benefit Tho story was told to Hlckwan res idents. Tluio has strengthened tho evidence. Has proven the result lasUng. , Tho testimony is homo testimony Tho proof convincing. It can bo investigated by Hickman residents. Airs. it. craves, illckman, Ky., says "I still use Doan's Kidney 1M1U wheneter a-cold or any other cause ilifrdtrs iny hoihjh and they al ways cure wo. You are at liberty to use my statement as heretofore." Tho atoo was the substance of Mrs. Graves covnoraatlon when shd was interviewed on January 20, 1912. llor endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills was In substanco as follows: "I bad intense lameness and weakness Ju my back, was tired all tho time and had depressing headaches. Head ing about Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a supply from Helm & Ellison's Drug Store and their use rid mo of my iruuuie. uoaaa jvmncy mis aro onoro ofiecUve than any othor kidney medlcino I over took." For sale by all dealers. Price CO cents. Koster-MUburn Co., Iluffalo, New York, sole agents for the Unit ed States. Kumember the name Doan's and iiikH no otbtjr. LUMBER! We have taken charge of the Lumber Busi ness purchased from T. W, Reynolds, and are now in position to take care of your wants for everything in Building Material AT THE LOWEST PRICES We have a car load of CEDAR POSTS See us when you need anything, ephones. Both Tel- HALE LUMBER CO. Th( Courier Hickman , and Memphis Commercial Appeal Both a whole vear for l- HICKMAN W?' --mSni ysjstaw ' .iJjK m I ZT MARBLE WORKS KriTAIII.IHIIKIl INU TOM DILLON, Sr., Prop. HuceriKir to II. O. lUmmase, doi4j Marble and Granite Monuments CURDING, STONE WORK OF ALL KINDS. IRON FENCING. C Hickman, Kentucky Farmers and Merchants Bank HICKMAN, KENTUCKY muKtrmiM It. M IHI.KH It. T. DAVIrt Dr.J.M. IiyilllAUI) J.J.U. ISONDUKANT OKO. H.THHKMCKM) T.A.l.KltrnitP IIKNHY HA NO Kit We combine absolute safety with satisfactory service, and offer our depositors the most libera) treatment consistent with sound banking. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS J. J. P. HON 1)1' KANT. PrriUlcnt J. A. TIIOMI'HON, PMhltr II. V ItAMAOK, Attt Chlr Mrs. May Wyatt, Ashland, Ky. Thero are probably hundreds of thou sands of women in tho United States Mill located on Dresden Road ? I ? ;ic , f U.Vl, i 7DrB"rerl,?an7waypTa" wnovo been benef.ttcd by this famous Z l-Z miles east or Hickman. lent, although a few have appeared on Lu ,i ut.u ...-i.i i t ,'r, r, f or.,,il,; tho Bwns of extremo designers. They j. ,, i'h. .. tMJv nrtnhv are so far from pretty that they bare not caught the American taste. Har per's Bazar. if you are in need of anything in this line, see Dr. J. M. HUBBARD C DO IT NOW ? Subscribe r THIS PAPER O D Move On Nowl says a policeman to a street crowd. and whacks heads if It don't. "Movo on now," says tho big harsh mineral pills tooQwel congestion and suffer ing follows. Dr. King's Now Life Pills don't bulldozo tho bowels. They gently persuodo thorn to right action, and health follows. 25c at Helm & Ellison's. Large can Lemon CTlng Peacke. 25c. Betters worth Prataw. Subscribe for the Courier. roots and herbs over thirty years ngo by a woman to relievo woman's sulTering. Rend What Another Woinnn HiiyHt Camden, N. J. "I had female trou ble and a serious' displacement and was j tired and discouraged and unable to do my work. My doctors told me I never could be cured without an operation, but thanks to Lydia B.Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound I am cured of that affliction and have recommended it to more than one of my friends with the best results. " Mrs. Ella Johnston, 324 Vino St If you want special ndvico write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confl dentinl) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will bo opened, read and answered by a woman and hold lu strict coulidcucc Tho government of all tho world fowU.T tho lovo of borne. Liberal laws ar enacted with this emf In vlow. Tho public domain Is generously bo owed upon bouafldo settlers. Tho various states, without, wo believe, a aingio exception, have exempted the homes from seizure from oven n Just debt. In short, tho protection and sacrcdncss of tho homo goes sldo by aldo with that of tho person. It Ib itho coramendablo deslro of every wor thy citizen to bo tho ownor of his own homo in feo slmplo, and to en courngo this dolro hnvo all Uicso bo neflclent laws been onactd. (r i CHANGE- H When Friendship Is Most Dear. As tho years succeed each other we begin to find that thero is nothing la Mfe so valuable as friendship. i 33 OEI ST J GROCERIES Phone 4 C. H. Moore Z We arc installing machinery for the purpose of changing all of our electrical system to the al ternating current. The "direct current," which has existed in the business district for the operation of electric fans, will be abolished. All fans, lights, cooking and heating devices motors, etc., can be operated twenty-four hours per day. Parties owning (direct current fans will do well to list them for sale, as they will not operate on the new current. All current will be measured by meter. Hickman Ice & Coal Co. J. T. DILLON, Manager Try our Heinze baked beans with tomato sauco good any thlme. Only 10c a can. JBettersworth ft Prataers. FOR SALBj AT ONCK One million extra tine cypress shingles. C. M. Yates Uhlngle Oe. ... tUi