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1 Ft Peck Dam in the Missouri River Here Costs $72,000,000 Send in Your News, Please—We Appreciate it. Be a Constructive not a Destructive Critic. Co-operate with Us i the Fort Peck Press I CITIES DON'T GEOW - BOOST SES BUTLD 'EM A Voice for Agriculture i j. nq. i ^ n u is o Application made for entry at the For* Peck, Mont., postofHce. as 2ml class matuo Act. 3-3-79. Pub. Tin r-ifloys Volume 1 FORT PECK. VALLEY COUNTY. MONT. AUGUST 2, 1934 M. D. Eastly, Pub. $2. Per Year la AdvaqiM —;-:— uT'rn' , MMWWMMWWWWWMWWMAfMAMM To-Day By PARK ANDERSON Special Contributor to the Homeland Herald WUVUWMMMmAAfUUVWWVWVIMI New Deal Strong That public sentiment in Mon tana is running strong toward the administration and the New Deal is evidenced by the primary elec tion returns of July 17th. The congressional candidates on the democratic ticket are all avowed progressives and three of them, Wheeler, Ayers and Monahan ha\e already given ample proof of the faith that is in them. One must scan the returns from the cepub' Ifcan primary to find any signs of reactionary sentiment. Ex-Cong ressman Scott Leavitt who stood in high favor with the Hoover ad ministration and who has since shown no repentance had an easy victory over Wellington Rankin whose platform was lifted bodily from the principles for which Sen ator Wheeler has long been con tending. With Judge Bourquin running for the long term and Scott Leavitt contending for the short term in the United States sen ate the republican party in Mon tana— what's left of it—stands hand in glove with the Fletcher-Mills standpatters who recently reorgan- ^ ized the national republican com n mines. Republican progressiveism 1 in Montana gasped when the del-j egation sent to the national repub-1 iic.a ' cj> ■c'U-Tp '928 d Louden and feiTTor Hoover. ^ J lily 17th will be remembered as the date when the Bull Moose finally became extinct in the land of shin ;urd ing mountains. -THINK IN INTEREST—SAVE Calm before Storm Now that the primary is over and tickets are made up politicai movements will subside for a little while. Most people are busy just now with their own affairs and rur al folks will he elbow deep in the harvest and threshing for the next six weeks. About the second week in September candidates will begin to show life and from then on to the final on November 6th there will be action Political sentiment in Montana has drifted so emphatic ally to the democratic party that much of the campaigning upon the part of republican aspirants will he little more than a formality This is especially true of the state' and national tickets. It is not at all likely that any thing can happen in the meantime to alter this con dition but if the republican nation al or congressional committees con clude they might pick up a senator or congressman in Montana to add to their waning quotas in either branch it would add zest to the contest. One of the most interest ing future events will be the speech es of the "Keynoters" who will de fine the lines upon which the pol itical jousting will be waged. INK IN INTEREST-SAVR- The Heat Wave The unprecedented heat wave that has belted the country from Utah to the Carolina capes has taken a toll of human life, scorched crops and pastures and created a shortage of water in many localities. for July 1 estimates the total wheat The Department crop report which will be released August 10th of exceptional interest to the farm ers of eastern Montana. It will give definite figures on the season's production of all major crops and will widely influence market quot ations. The government bulletin crop for 1934 at 500-million bushels j which is the smallest since 1893. Oats, barley and rye will all sfiort crops and there will be an i acute shortage of hay in many states. The prospect for prices is better than the prospect for crops This shortage of grain and hay will qery likely he reflected in the mark et for Montana feeder cattle. Committees on Schools The following members of com mittees were appointed on July 20, to promote schools in their respec tive territories. Their work is to see that a tentative census is tak en of children of the elementary grades; to suggest suitable locations and to do any other work that may come up before these commit tees. This work is to co-operate with the trustees of the district in which the town is located, in deter mining the school needs of their towns and to help find au approp riate solution for any problems! that may arise. WHEELER: R. P. Friedl, Wheeler, via Glasgow Dan Oakland, Wheeler, " Glasgow Frank Beachler " " " PARK GROVE: Floyd Richter, Fort PecK, Box 16 Fred Mehrer, Morris Hald crSoren Nessen, Nashu NEW DEAL; Chas Whissenand, New Deal A. J. Gilman Bess Honey PARK DALE: Mrs Carl Thorpe, Chm., Nashua irk Donahue Douglas O'Keefe MIDWAY: Mrs L. B. Vangsness, Ch, Ft Peck Wra. Canay, Box 28 ! 4. Ft. Peck rVituuis »i. biowu ox i'o/d v c.recK A. Jerome Wall, Co Supt. of Schools, Glasgow, Mont. *l>r>ITTO\Ali M:\V8 ITKMS W. Guy Norman, the Jeweler, Park Grove, Mont.—Give us a call. Riley Tunnison from Froid has a new building under construction in Square Deal. Ed Thorkelson was the first busi ness man to locate in Square Deal, which is on the old Glasgow-Ft.Peck road 3 mi. from the dam. The Wheeler Inn is the original business house on Wheeler town site in the north end of town. A popular entertainment house. T he Rogers General store of New Deal have a growing business and promises to rival Henry Field in the near future. Watch them grow. The Nessen Filling Station in on the main corner of the town just at the railroad crossing. Drop in and fill up. The Country Club opened for busi ness July 28 and have a popular entertainment parlor Snd club, just north of Wheeler on the Glasgow road. Gilman & Muus are the big hard ware dealers of New Deal who moved with the townsite from old Fort Peck when the government ordered the exodus. Mr Hedge of Glasgow is putting in a filling station near Wheeler Inn and will he readt for business in a short time. He will carry ac cessories, grease, etc. Chinook News Subscribers The subscribers of the Chinook News who are paid up will receive the Fon Pecx Press to fill out their unexpired term, unless decide to resurrect the C: inook News, in which case you will re ceive the News as formerly. Those subscribers to ChinooK News who are in arrears or are unpaid will be discontinued, so if yon fail to get your this week we will you behind on subscription, or else we overlooked you for some other rea be,son. Please let us know if you want the Ft. Peck Press. ! Welcome to the President! Bird's Eye View of Ft Peck L. E. Barnard & Son, Garbage Hauling & Shower Baths are on the job, having built here with the first comers in June. They also sell garbage cans and 20-gal. water cans The Blue Moon Cafe, Urban Riede prop, moved here from Ft. Peck in July on Friday the 13th and en joys a good patronage. They are open from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. Your patronage will be appreciated. Joseph K. Simmons, a promis ing young lawyer from New Eng land, N. D. and Dr. Reichert of Dickinson, N D. were Wheeler vis itors on Wednesday looning things over with a view to locating. This office acknowledges a pleasant call. The Taylor Boarding House, pio neers on the dam site, have sold to Sig Cusker of Wolf Point. Mr Cus ker will build next to Mrs Kearney and will continue the same up-to date service. Mrs Wright, consid ered the best cook on the project will have charge of Mr Cusxer's kit chen and you can expect the same delicious eats as heretofore. The Northwest Service Store Robt. Brown, Mgr. has a nice loca tion opposite Wheeler Inn. They have been in business in Fort Peek j s i nce early spring and keep a I fresh stock of groceries, vegetable* fruits, soft drinks, and cold meats They are already enjoying a good business and wish to serve old and new satisfied customers. j Newbury and Barscher, from Poplar, have platted the new townsite of Lakeview just above the dam and when the highway across the dam is completed you can see clear across the top of the dam from Lakeview. The back end of their lots will front on the laxe when it is filled. They alreeady have over a dozen build ings built, one of w hich, a beer parlor, is 20x40 ft. and an addittion is up aud enclosed, doubling the size, and a dance hall 40x80 ft There Buttrevs have two lots leased, et al. There are also two restaurants operating already, one by Bilden Bros, who came here fro n Malta. Shorty's Lunch is operated by L. B. Markell, who is from Wolf Point. Special Contests, Exhibits Feature Fair Farm Week m ■ jm mm m : i m mm Wmm v.f •• •:' < m üli m . ■ >>• * « : : 4 : • ? V & mm m - SMI V0M & & ■ -, Hi ■ w m ■ ; I® .. 1 ■ ■ m ÖF m ■tm g V il i - S *• ill Mji'K : u\ mi «9 . : j M 4 ■■ m > •• M : : i % I 1 m •a pi : ;■ 0 l%mm % JW**a**a» m mmm ip mm : .y": m •v W:* m i & m M m - : *sps & M •p. mi c?3fi '•y > feg Y ■ üü .. ■ ' ü V:, -V: m mmm nn ■M; m m v - mmmSm m m He-.iy Ford's Industrialized Barn, shown here, a new exhibit at the Chi .'orld's fair this y(?ar, demon cage strat: ; how farmers can effect their own rtiief by raising and processing * The new towns on the big dam project extend a hearty welcome to our chief executive and party, as they stop off to look us over. It is a privilege which we highly appreciate to meet our big men from Washington, and an equal privilege to know that our great gov ernment is spending its millions in our midst not only to protect lives and property down the river but to give us the wonderful benefits of irrigation, navigation, fishing, boat ing, summer resorts and electric power. The latch stung is out at each and every one of our little bergs, and we invite yon not only to stay as long as possible but to come again. Watch these columns next week for a write-up of New Deal. Frank Lewko is the proprietor of the Wheeler Shoe Repair Shop and Laundry. See him when in need of anything in his line of work. The Star Meat Market and groc ery opened last Saturday July 28. E L Ross, formerly of Opheim is prop, and Chris Gamrath is butcher. Bilden Bros., proprietors of the Lakeview Cafe have just opened up and will serve you day or nite. See ad. in another column. Jim's Inn, las. Lawrence, Prop, has been doing a thriving business in Fort Peck for the last 7 weeks. Jim is from Frazier where he has successfully operated a restaurant for the past swen years. J. W. Delaforce from Seattle and Annond Jacobson from Bainville ; are contractors & builders who are putting up an addition to the Press office this week, for our landlord Mr. Norman in Wheeler. Bert Sammons, of the J. R. Sam mons &. Son, Fyr-Fyter Distribut ors, is making Wheeler his home, while working the Ft. Peck territory. He is interested in getting a large tank located here, which will help in controlling fiire hazard. The Polly Pie Shop, Mrs Wede ward, prop, moved her building up from Ft. Peck on July 14 and brot her business with her and is kept busy day and night She puts up excellent lunches for working men or campers. You will get a friend ly look and a smile when you come to Polly shop. soy beans. Left inset: John C. Dam eron, Woston, 111., whose hog-calling championship will be a mark for farmers to shoot at during Farm Week at the Fair, Aug 11 to 18. Right inset; Miss Bergh of Opheim is starting a Ladies Ready-to-wear shop in Wheeler. Call and look over her stock. The Scherrer Confectionery store E W. Scherrer. prop, moved in from Ft. Peck among the.first business houses in Wheeler. They handle confections, patent medicines, not ions, etc. T he City Market, L. B. Smiley manager, Wheeler, has operated a delivery route since April land has seen Ft. Peck grow from not even a p. o. to several thousand people. They have fresh meat daily from Glasgow. Give them a call. The Kearney Confectionary was moved he^e from the dam site to Wheeler townsite in July and have the same thriving business as there They are building a fine new store with basement which will be com pleted as fast as carpenters ean work. It is situated next to the Ft ! Peck Press ofiftce on the south. See their ad in this issue and give them a call. The Ft. Peck Coffee Shop, Mrs 0. H. Baylor, prop, is the first busi ness house who moved from Ft. Peck p.o. to the Wheeler townsite. They enjoy a thriving trade in ser ving lunches, candies, fruit, soft drinks, and ice cream, etc. Phelps Grocery was the 2nd store to locate in old Fort Peck and the first store in Midway, which was among those scattered to the four winds when the government ord ered the exodus from Ft, Peck, See their ad in this issue. The Fort Peck Press is located in W. G. Norman, the Jeweler's building in Wheeler next door to Anderson's garage and we appre ciate the business that has come to our door already. Some have been to see us to get handbills and meal tickets etc, printed and we have been unable to do the work as yet on account of getting out the newspaper first. We expect however by next week to be able to meet all comers so bring us your job work, ads and news. Send sample copies of Ft. Peck Press to your friends elsewhere as they will want to see the newspapper printed right on the hundred mil lion dollar government project, the largest artificial body of water in the world, longer than any lake except Lake Michigan. Mrs. Nick Qwcnga, Blue Island, Ul., last year's husband-calling champion, whose title is also at stake. The milk maid's championship arjd other similar titles wjl! also be contested. Clyde Flint came here from Frazer in .July and opened up a beer parlor on the west side in Wheeler. He calls bis place the Hiway Bar. Bilden Bros, of Lakeview whose ,ad appears in the Ft. Peck Press are the first big firm to pay cash for advertising in this new paper at the Ft. Peck dam. Jondahl's Bakery has a neW building enclosed this week 18X26 in Wheeler and will be open for business soon. Harold Eliason of Glasgow is the new manager. J. W. Doherty formerly of Men ominee, Wis., a shovel operator, has just finished a job with Inland Construction Co. Mr. Doherty has been on the works since Feb. 1. The Comfy Cafe, Mrs. Jud Peter man, prop, has had it's doors open 2 weeks. The family came to Wheel er from Sherwood, N. D. Give 'em a call when you are hungry and get acquainted with this new fam iiy. The Moose Market, Frank Beach ler, prop , handles meats and groc eries. They have ajgood business and a fine large building 24x<iO though only one week old in Wheeler. They came from Rich land. The Thoeny store moved an old building to town and are filling their shelves with a nice stock of groceries & general merchandise. They are old store-keepers from the town of Thoeny north of Hins dale and will treat you right. D. C. C. Lull is a graduate of Kansas University, School of Med icine & Surgery and practiced there. He is located in the tourist temporarily but is building an office and will receive calls next week when his equipment arrives. Bacon & Hendrickson are the promoters of the new townsite of Roosevelt, 3 mi. from the dam on the old Glasgow Hiway. They will rent X sere lots at $1 per mo. for residence lots, and business lots will be given free of rent. Ft. Peck Tourist Camp, R. W. Cowden, prop have cottages to rent by day or month, opposite the Wheeler Inn The Ft. Peck Ham burger stand is operated on the same property by two nurses» Gladys Doiven &'Esther Baldwin. The Buckhorn Club poolroom and beer parlor in Wheeler is now open as an entertainment center, size of building 30 by 40 ft. Paus and Keefe are the proprietors who come from Opheim. Full line of candies, to bacco, and soft drinks. They solicit your trade. The Delmonico, Wheeler, neai Wheeler Inn, Mr and Mrs Leslie Sharp, props., came here from Glas gow where they had a hamburger wagon the past season. They will build a residence on the back of their lots and serve Chili, hamburg ers, lunches, etc. The Motor Inn Garage, Tony Kapus, prop, has the frame up and enclosed and will be open for busi ness in about a week. They are putting in filling station tanks, free air and latest up-to-date equip ment. near the Wheeler Inn, A complete line of radiator equip ment and a good radiator man is here. Give us a call. Dr. E V. Bethel has been active in Montana enterprise for the past 40 years. He origionally practiced his profession in Butte, Lewistown, Great Falls, and Mal ta, came from Phillips Co. to Fort Peck in March and opened office the Tavlor at Ft Peck near the Post Office and now is at Parfc Grove, tie is a Montana man for Montana enter prise