VOL- VI. DILLON, BEAVERHEAD COUNTY, M. T., SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1886. No. 29. CIKBEXTXEWS HOTES. iBoilfl Down Irom the Late TeleRranis.1 Choiera is making fearful progress in the provinces of Italy. ' seeding Kansas reports daily the mys fri ous murder of a stranger. ( H. Rivera, the New York merchant «h failed the other day has gone to Can- * a for his health. - ur hundred f)rangemen celebrateil he anniversary of the battle of the Boyne, ea r Chicago on the 12th Inst. (Jeronimo lias taken tiie back trail for Arizona, and is killing a few. Mexicans ,erv day to keep up excitement. \ number of American and British ves are on their way to Gollontn, which s been closed hy the Prussian fleet Uv a mine explosion at Nelsonsvitle, i Chas. H. Johnson and Thomas Wil lBW were killed, and sexiral others un tied. Labotichere, in a letter urges Gladstone otto resign, on the ground that the Un nists will support him in everything else home rule. Herr Krupp lias contracted to supply hina with 150 tons of rails at a price in king freight 25 shillings below the low t English öfter. fivo additional jurors in the Anarchist st >, at Chicago, were obtained Ttiurs r , making eleven in all, after a delay of .early four weeks. Colonel Gilder, a N. Y. lit raid repre tativc will undertake a hazardous^* ; expedition to the North Pole, ac impanied by only one man. At St. Louis Hugh M. Brooks, alias H. Lennox Maxwell, convicted of „urdering Charles Arthur Preller was ntenced to be hanged August 27th. The Grand Trunk train from Kingston ad a nat row escape from a crash by an bstruction on the track, which the ex Zionists on board attributed to Orange en. The northern part of Texas was visited /aheavy rainstorm Monday afternoon hich did thousands of dollars' worth of oc to farmers and cattlemen and puts an r.d to the terrible drouth. Working men in and around Wilkesbnr Pa. are talking of running General faster Workman Powderlv for Governor fPensvlvania. They think he could get ,eavy Democratic backing. Saunders, the convicted murderer who roke jail at Albany, Oregon, on themorn gof July 5th, was captured in the out kirts of Walla Walla on the 12th. lie as camping with a party of emigrants. Last Sundny C. D. Graham, a cooper, accessfully shot the Whirlpool Rapids f Niagara in a barrel, made expressly for he purpose by himself. Me floated live niles and escaped injury. He did it for lory. The inhabitants of Waterford, Racine ounty, Wisconsin, are dying oft' at a start ingrate of a mysterious disease somewhat tumbling typhoid fever. It was intro duced into the village by a Milwaukee la brer who went there sick The display made by the Knights of Pythias at Toronto was the most magnifi ant street spectacle ever witnessed in that ;<%• The next conclave will be held eith tr at Chicago or Cincinnati, with the rtanees in favor of the former. A special to the Galveston -V» :w from Pena, Texas says: Wednesday night L:ring a heavy storm about twenty miles south of here, the house in which four "omen were sleeping was struck by light ing anil all were instantly killed. A'. Santiago De Chili, the small pox epi -enic is becoming worse every day and 'he disease proves fatal to sixty or seventy Per cent of the persons attacked. Satur a,v and Sunday last twenty-seven cases of '"■*11 pox were sent to the hospital. The French Government hat ordered ® oou repeating rifles to be distributed among the troops before August. The ac '«m is attributed to the conduct of Ger ' r ' in y in recently arming her battalion in ■^•ace-Loraine with similar weapons. Setious rioting broke out Tuesday even n 8 at Belfast Ireland, between the Catho and the Protestants. Many stones * tre thrown and revolvers were freely Ul< d- The military was called out to re lr * order. Many persons were injured sent to the hospitals. Wednesday, a Merced, California dis ^tchsay*: A Are to-day destroyed C. H. ,'° m f n ' s warehouse, containing 12,000 °. n * of wheat; also five cars laden with '^'eat. The total loss will be over a quart ^ a million. The principal losers are fcrj M. Goldman, A. L. Beck teiii and Charles Heman. The fire is to be incendiary. MONTANA LUNATICS. TU* War.,, spring* Insan.e Asylum j scriptimi or t!,** II„II<1 I IIR h, (iromulK, «prliiK«, Etc. ,,,, . 1 I lie Insane Asylum and health resort , owner j )rs. Mitchell A: Mussigbrod, lo- j cated at Warm Springs is an institution not as well known throughout Montana as it should be from its established high character and excellent general manage ment. Dr. Mussigbrod conducted us through the different wards of the Asylum in which one hundred and fifteen patients are cared for at present. There is little of the inviting in inspecting insane people who j arc afflicted with di lièrent types of insanity. ! Some are mildly insane and others violent | ami profane, while the dirty habits of others is sickening. In all the wards cleanliness of the most exacting kind was noticed. The buildings used for the in sane and invalid guests are numerous. A large, two-story frame building is used for violent and dirty patients, which has it capacity to accommodate thirty-four pa tients. Another two-story frame has a capacity to accommodate twenty-four pa tients, with the ground floor only used as as a large sitting-room. A new two-storv brick, ju-t completed, will hold 2b patients, ami it is also provided with six new cells A two-story log house is used for feeble and sick insane people. A large two-storv brick is used as the convalescent ward, it is a tine building, well furnished up-stairs and down-stairs, and the patients in this building are under no restraint. In the female ward nineteen woman are under the charge of Matron Mrs. W. 11. White, and constant nurse Mrs. Brown. In this ward comfort and cleanliness were noticed, and also some of the patients were verv violent at times in their language and be havior. In the wards occupied by the male patients Warden Erwie and assistants Burns, Johnson and Flynn, have their hands full in controlling the insane men under their charge. A large swimming tank is provided for the insane. The man agement of the Asylum, in its different departments, or wards, is under the per sonal supervision of Dr. Mussigbrod, whose extensive experience in handling the insane enables him to skillfully control the most violent patients, and likewise those who are simple monomaniacs on some peculiar mania. As a health resort for invalid guests the Springs are becoming wider know every year, and the number ot persons seeking relief is growing proportionately greater. The hotel accommodations are ample and excellent. A two-story building is hand somely furnished for the accommodations of visiting guests, it contains fourteen nicely furnished rooms, with large parlors up stairs and on the ground floor. The The old hotel building is used by Dr. Mus sigbrod as a private residence, office, drug store, dining hall, and the up stairs, of seven commodious rooms, is for guests and employes of the institution. The facilities for bathing are good. The large swimming tank, lor guests, is 2S by So feet, it is carpeted and well furnished, and provided with heaters tor cold weather Four single hath rooms are provided with iron tubs, lined with porcelain. Invalids drink freely of the hot mineral water Eight springs of boiling water are on the premises, and you can take your choice in drinking the water at temperatures rang ing from 115 degiees to 194 degrees. Hot water, when the thermometer registers degrees iu the shade, dont drink well at first, but after a few attempts, patients like it and drink it with ease by the gla*s full with a» much relish as they would wine, whisky or lemonade. This mineral water is charged with iron, soda, magnesia, and a trace of arsenic. Provisions are made to quickly extin guisli any fires that may break out in the many buildings scattered over the grounds. A large force pump is in position, with Loo feet of hose attached, receiving a supply of water from a tank holding 26,00o gallons of water. in addition each building is supplied with Babcock fire extinguishers The buildings are not built close together, and fire can not easily cacth from one building to another. It would appear that the guards against fire are sufficient, and that there is little danger that the insane inmates will run the chances of perishing jn flames. The As vluin'grounds embrace an area of 1,060 acres under fence. The grounds are used to a great extent for pasturage and hav. but all the vegetables ter the ho tel and'Asvlutn are raised on the premises. Manv other buildings are located conven iently a store house for supplies for the Asvlutn, an ice house of too tons capac ity' carpenter shop, tool house, .arge stables, carriage and wagon sheds, granary, gardener's ltou.se, slaughter house, etc On the Mound, which is 44 ieet high, there is a pavilion, in the center of which is a bubbling hot spring constantly boding up. M. E CON1KRENCK. j Distri. , Appointment* for the »xt Tea. Few champ«. —-. 1 I he M. E. Conference met in linal , sion Monday morning at eight j Alter the adoption of numerous and complimentary reso'ution*, j ! | *es clock. j s reports j , Bi-hop following ! Harris rose and announced tin appointments : llKt.KXA DISTRICT—1. \. RIIIUIN, lv Helena— R. E. Smith. Helena circuit—E. A. Stickeimun Missoula—Wilder Nutting. Philipsburg and Drummond—(I. 1). Wadsworth. Stevensville— J. 1). Monroe. Townsend—John Husking. Bl'TTK DISTRICT—IILOII DUNCAN, p. k. Anaconda— G. C. Stull. Blackfoot and Eagle Rock (Idaho — K. J. Bickell. Butte—W. E. King. Dillon—W. A. Shannon. •Salmon City (Idaho)— O. W. Mint/er. Twin Bridges and Fish Creek—J. D. Phinnev. Walkerville—J. W. Bennett. BOZRMAN DISTRICT—OKU. COMFORT, P. K. Billing*--]. L. Guiicr. Bozeman— M. J. Hall. Fort Benton—Joel Vigus. Gallatin Valley— E. M. Tower. Glendive— F. G. Boylan. Judith Basin— W. W. Van Orsdel. Livingston—Upper Yellowstone—W. B. Coombe and Wm. Mali. Miles City— S. E. Snyder. Sun River—J. 11. Little. Virginia Citv—Geo. D. King. White Sulphur Springs—Jacob Mills. The following places were left to be supplied as soon as suitable men can be found and brought to them : Horse Plains, Flathead Lake, Bannack, Glendale, Beaverhead Valley, Pocatello, Fort Hall, South Butte, Great Falls and Meadow Creek. ULENDALE ODD FELLOWS. in at it a of is a Installation of Olticen lUinimieiit, No. of Oeriileiital Ell tl, 1.0.0. F. At a regular meeting of Occidental En campment No. 9, I. O. O. F., ot Glendale, held on Thursday evening, J uly, f>jh, 1S86, the following officers were installed for the present term : t William Gall—C- P. Thomas Martin— S. W. . 4 J. W. Fruit— II- V. W. V. Fisher—J. W. J. W. Miller—Scribe, A. L. Pickett—Treas. I*, il. Dunn—Guide, M. Garr—1. S. M. Garr— O. S. R. T. Noyes— ist W. R. Bolton—2nd W. P. Fox—-3rd W. Clin* Robins 4th W. AUt lDENTS ON THE I .& N. j I j . J 1 ! j ! ! ! Four Aeeiilent* Within I'orty-ElglU Hour*. The Utah and Northern railway ia* had rather more than it* *harc of mishap* dur ing the past week. On Sunday morning two engin» were smashed at the Butte depot. At Silver Bow an engine and caboose were ditched and badly damaged iy being run into by a train ot treight ca s. No body hurt. Sunday afternoon the norti-hound freight ran oil the track :.t a print not far this side of Butte. Section hind* had taken a rail out for repair* and tie train ran into tiie break. Monday afternoon the *outh-baind pas senger train jumped the track tvo miles this side of Garrison, caused by he rail* being expanded by the heat. The engine and mail car were ditched, hut nolody was hurt. The train \va* delaved a bait seven hours. SHORTEN I Mi THE TIME Limited Fast Train te It. I*, ami F. P lie Run tin KiuiiIn. On or about July 25th the Uniot Pacific rail wav will -tart a limited fast Iran carry ing first-class passengers and leter mail for ttirougli and important intemediatc points on their line. The distancebetween Omaha and Ogden will be *horteied four teen hours. Train* going wot leave Council Blufts at to a. tn. The Central Pacific railroad will co-operate vith the Union Pacific to shorten the iverland schedule time, the decrease between San Francisco and Ogden to he one bur east ward and two and a half hours «estward. It is stated the Atlantic and Pcific will meet anv reduction in time madi hy the other roads. CROP CONDITIONS. Cotton, Torn. Wheat and Oats a* .1 fleeted tty the Weather. The July report of the agricultural bureau says: The average condition on July ist of winter wheat lias declined from 94-7 to 91.2, and o.' spring wheat from 96 to 93- The average condition of cotton de dined (rom S7.7 to S6. The average of corn ha* very slightly declined in the tnid die states, and Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina, with some increase in other states of the South, which the largest west of the Mississippi, in the Ohio val ley the acreage is nearly the same as in 1SS5. West of the Missisippi the increase is heavy—in Kansas 20 per cent., Nebras ka 10, Dakota 50. The total increase is 31 '/2 or about two and a half million acres. Corn is late on the Atlantic coast from wet weather and cold nights, and in manv places the seed rotted and replanting be came necessary. Instances are reported ot planting three times, yet there is gener ally a lair standard and the crop is grow ing and healthy and with seasonable July weather will make a full yield. It has suflered quite as much on the Gulf coast, where wot areas are still more unpromis ing. Red lands generally hear vigorous growth, wiiile in gray soils and bottoms the plants are yellow and spindling. Some ot the areas have already been abandoned in some parts of Texas it lias been dry, but the abundant recent rains will suffice for a good crop in the eastern and central coun ties. Arkansas shows a high condition, but Tennessee reports injury from low temperature and excessive rains. The great corn belt of the west reports medium to high condition. The condition is grow ing better from Ohio to Kansas. The Missouri valley averages better than the Ohio valley and lake regions. There is a full stand in Missouri, vigorous and even growth, and ten days earlier than last year Kansas returns .ire equally favorable. In sect injuries have nowhere been serious. The chinch hug is now threatening some localities in the west. The general aver age is 95 against 94 last year and 96 in 1SS4. The condition of spring wheat ha declined from yS in June to S3 in conse quence of high temperature, drying winds and lack of rain. In the principal states tiie decline lias been as follows: Wiscon sin from 97 to 75; Minnesota, 97 to S3; Iowa, too to 90; Nebraska, 97 to S3, and Dakota from yy to S5. The condition of oat* average Sy a de cline of 7 per cent. Rye maintains its posi tion, averaging yr. The average of barley is yo. LAHtiE LOCKOUT. TIin-i- TIiiiiishikI Thu net'* 11111I Currier* <•« Oil x Big strike. A lockout in the tanneries and curl ing shop* at Peabody and Salem, Mass., was fully inaugurated Tuesday morning in ac cordance with the vote of the Knights of Labor at the meeting Monday evening. The men refused to go to work in the shops where a notice of the executive committee had been posted This affects not only tanner*, but likewise the curriers. There are liftv-four tanneries and they em ploy on an average two hundred tanners. The tanners' strike includes journeymen, teamsters and others. There are only three place* a* far a* known where the no tice was not posted. The men all went to tiie shop* in the morning. ■ Tiie bosses were all present in the shop* where they had been in the habit of beginning work at 6 o'clock. They were refused admission, and in the others they found notices post ed and left. The result is that over 3,000 men are now idle. Both sides are firm. »■CYCLE RECORD BEATEN. Howe Lower» the Best Time ill the Pres eure ul a Vast Cruwtl. Over 5,000 people attended tiie third Summer meeting of the Lynn, Mass., Bi cycle association on the 12 th inst. Hosts of bicyclists were present, including nearly all the record breakers. Tiie most inter esting race was ti e five-mile professional between W. A. Woodside and R. A. Neilson, of Boston, Woodside winning in 15:001-4, and the final event was an at tempt of W. A. Rowe to lower tiie ten mile world's record, 28:37 4-5, made by himself at Springfield last fall, as well as all the intermediate records from four miles up to ten. He succeeded in every attempt. During his ride the enthusiasm 01 the crowd grew intense, and tremen dous cheers greeted every additional record broken. His first mile was made in 2 minutes and 44 seconds: five miles in 13 minutes 57 2-5 seconds: ten miles 2S min utes 32-5 seconds. PRIMROSE IN PRISON. Tho salvation Army Captain Belli ml flit Bain tor Ttlganiv. A New Philadelpia, O., dispatch of July 10th says: Capt. Henry Primrose, leader of the Salvation army here, who was ar rested for bigamy on Saturday was bound over to the court in the sum of $1,000. He was unable to procure bail and was sent to the Steubenville jail. It was de veloped that Capt. Primrose was thrice married and hud he remained here ten dav* longer he would doubtless had his fourth wife. He had won the affections of an excellent innocent lass of iS here, and the lay, it is said, had been set for the mar riage. This young lady was a nightly at tendant at the salvation meetings, and thought, as many others did, that lie was a single man. Capt. Primrose was a dash ing young fellow. He could sing louder, pray more fervently, and shout halleluiah with such genuine enthusiasm as to stir up the feelings of the soldiers, and engraft himself into their good graces as a model captain. At Steubenville, east of here, he preached in his own original style, and among his hearers was a beautiful girl, Jennie Stiers. She loved dearly to hear the gallant young soldier sing and pray, and her innocent heart went to him in its entirety. Capt. Primrose was her model of everything that was good and true, and in his presence she felt she was filled with good. The young officer proposed to Jen nie and they were married at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage by Rev. Mr. Hollings head. Matters went smoothly for a tew weeks, when one day ere the honeymoon was over, tiie bride, on reading a Salva tion army cry, happened to notice the name of a Mrs. Primrose, of Wilmington, Del. The thought struck Iter that her husband might have anotlter wife, and she sat down and wrote to the Mrs. Primrose at Wilmington, making, inquiry if she was related to Henry Primrose. The crushing reply came quickly back that she was his lawful wife. It subsequently developed that another wife of his had died at Har risburg, Pa. On consulting with the authorities she concluded to prosecute Primrose to tiie full extent of the law. On her complaint a warrant was sworn out and he was arrested here while doing sonic work at tiie rolling mill. He does not deny the much marrying business, but defends himself witli the statement that his Wilmington wife had procured a di vorce. 1 lis statements being so contradic tory he was held for trial at tire common pleas court. This wing of the army lia* been completely broken up since the affair came to light. BEECHER BANQUETED. How Henry Ward is Treated liy Hie Eni; llsll. At London, on theyth, Charles A. Gil liggave a brilliant banquet to Rev. Henry Ward Beecher at the Metropolitan Hotel. U. S. Minister Phelps, Justice Stanley Mathews, Consul General Waller, Dr. Parker, Rev. Mr. Hawes, Canon Fleming and a distinguished company were present. Mr. Beecher, who was in fine health and spirits, made an eloquent speech, which was enthusiastically applauded. In con cluding he proposed a toast to the -'A tigli can Pastorate," which was responded to by Mr. Fleming and Rev. Messrs. Ilawes and Parker. Justice Matthew* responded to the toast "Internationa! Intercourse.'' Eighty persons sat at the tables. Toasts to Queen Victoria and President Cleve land were proposed and responded to. Beecher in replying to the toast to his health gave an account of his own careet. He said lie rejoiced that he had lived to see ail difference* disappear between the North and South. He euolgized the mis sionary work in the Southern States, and expressed the opinion that nowhere were the masses so conservative as in Demo cratic and free countries. lie made no response to Ireland. Mr. Beecher will deliver his tirât lecture at Exeter Hall on tiie tyth inst. the subject being "The Reign of tiie Common People. ' The application for seats is enormous. ruunilmaker Deail. A Winnipeg special from flic- headquar ters of the Biackfec-t Indian* at Gleichen, says that Poundtnakcr, who was associat ed with Louis Riel iu tiie Northwest re bellion, died suddenly at Crow Foot camp. He had not been very well for several days. Saturday lie broke a blood vessel and died shortly afterwards. Pound maker felt deeply the humiliation of being imprisoned for participating in the rebell ion and since his release from tiie peniten tiary has been in ill health and depressed spirits.