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Daily inter mountain. [volume] (Butte, Mont.) 1881-1901, February 03, 1899, Image 6

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Anaconda News
A Garnet Man Was Set Upon
By Four Others.
But Never Made a Whimper--His
Assailants Are Now In the
Jail at Philipsburg:.
The cutting affair at Garnet, which was ,
mentioned in the Inter Mountain of last
Saturday, is given in full in the Garnet ;
News as follows:
The most serious of the rather too nu- ,
merous personal encounters in Garnet
occurred on the morning of the 25th in
the street near the saloon of Connors &
Harwood. Thomas McGuire was called
out on the street, set upon, beat, bruised, j
kicked and stabbed, and those interested !
and engaged in it were Dan McPherson, j
Jack Lavelle, Mike Lavelle and Joe
Erwin. There were several witnesses to
the fracas, but no one interfered, and i
McGuire was permitted to take the awful j
punishment without a chance for de- j
fense, which ho did, never whimpering, j
until with a groan he fainted from loss j
of blood. He was stabbed, evidently !
with a pocket knife, in the back seven ,
times and once in the arm. the most seri
ous wound being directly over the kid- j
neys. He is now at the Garnet hotel j
under the Charge of Dr. Palmer, who be- I
lieves that without some unforseen com
plications he will recover.
Constable Elkins arrested the parties '
charged, and they were immediately ;
placed under $1.000 bonds each by Judge
Childs. Not being able to furnish the
amounts they were taken to jail in j
Sheriff Conley received a telegram from
St. Paul late last night to the effect that
the postal authorities had arrested
George M. Roe at Lincoln. Neb., and
would return him to Montana at once.
Among tile money taken when Roe
robbed the agent at Warm Springs was
about $30 of Uncle Sam's money, and this
gave the united States authorities an
oj.ening. Roe will be prosecuted by
United States District Attorney W. B.
Rogers on his (Roe's) return to Mon
The ease of H. P. Leek et al. vs. Frank
Striekfaddfln, which was called in the
district court yesterday mornig, is still
on trial, and may consume the remainder
of the day.
The case of the State vs. Charles W.
Levin, charged with bastardy, will come
up this afternoon for the defendant to
In the estate of A. G. Wilhelm, de
ceased. thi sale of property was con
firmed and an order made conveying the
same and directing the conveyance.
James Gallagher, employed at the up
per works, was badly burned at 2 o'clock
this morning by molten copper. His
worst injuries are about the eyes. He
was removed to St. Ann's hospital. At
first it was thought he would loose his
eyes but he was not as badly burned as
expected. His left eye is badly injured
but can be saved.
OF *T\r
is due not only *o the originality and
Simplicity of tha combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fig Svrup
C o. only, and we wish to iirr ress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy, Aj the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup Co.
only, a knowl idge of that fret will
assist or.« in a roiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by ;ther o, or
ties. The high standing of the C„iA*
forma Fig Syrup Co. with the rr.di*
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs lias
given to mi:lions of families, makes
the rame of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company —
-VM7MVU.UE. kr. «ui voHir. H.ti
For rent—Furnished rooms, steam heat,
baths free, Parrott block. *
C. P. Connolly of Butte scent last night
Jn the city, the guest of friends.
The latest delicacies in candies at Pen
dleton's on East Park avenue. *
F. L. St. Jean, physician and surgeon.
Office, 212V4 E. Pail: avenue, over Stand
ard drug store. •
The A. O. H. will give a grand ball in
their new hall on Thursday evening, Feb
ruary 9, 1899.
Mrs. George F. Hyman went to Putte
last evening and will remain a week visit
ing friends.
Gregor A- Co., stock now on sale at
Strain's department store. MaeCallum &
Cloutier's old stand. •
Mrs. E. H. Shroader of St. Paul has ar
rived in the city and is domiciled with
her husband at the Iceland.
W. W. McCracken. Frank Bullock. F. E.
Lehman and Joseph P. Halpin. prominent
citizens of Hamilton, are in the city.
The Gregor & Co., stock of $'i,'>00 and
another stock of $5,000 now open for sale.
This does not include the new goods of
about $10.000 just received at Strain's de- j
partment store. * j
W. E. Shandrew, secretary of the 1
Standard Publishing company, has re
signed. He will, it is claimed, be succeed
ed by William A. Bowers, the olhce book
keeper, and Mr. Bowers is to be succeeded i
by a man from the cast.
The county appraisers, C. H. Williams,
A. D. Peck and H. Davis, appointed by
Judge Napton, will meet at the court
house February 20 and continue in session
nmn the> ha\e transacted the duties ror
which they were appointed. ;
The city council will meet In regular
monthly session next Monday, Februai y
6. It has leaked out that it will be an '
- !
Cosh Buyers should visit Strain's de- '
partaient* «tore and get some of the Ore- ;
or & Co stock- 50 to 50 per cent off on his
tU < K ' ' * j
' < ' t ' ____ I
_ _ „ w MGTWPP I
THE N10Ut.hN IVlUIntn
Has found that her little ones are un- j
proved mete by the pleasant Sytup or
Figs, when in need of the laxatue effect i
of a gentle remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy it an-d it benefits them. ;
omy '___I
interesting meeting over several meas
ures that will be brought up for discus
sion relative to the city in general.
Rev. J. W. Werdein. assistant pastor
of St. Paul's church, appointed pastor of
the Catholic church at Lewiston, will
leave for Helena this evening where he
will remain fo: some time before continu
ing to his destination. He came to Ana
conda at Christmas time and has made
hundreds of warm friends who mourn his
being removed away to Lewiston or else
The worst of the blizzard has passed
away. Still it remains extremely cold.
The thermometer at 6 o'clock last night
registered 18 degrees below zero: at 9 a. m.
17 below and early this morning from 28
to 30 according to the locality. The steam
pipes in the Prescott school froze up last
night. There is no school there today.
Steam and water pipes are frozen all over
the city. The plumbers are unable to at
tend to the calls for repairs of pipes.
Word has been received in Anaconda
transferring J. W. Werdein, pastor of St. j
Paul's church, to Helena, from whence j
he will be sent to Lewiston, in Fergus I
county, to take charge of the church !
there. Rev. A. R. Cooper of Livingston |
will take charge of St. Paul's church in
Anaconda. Rev. John Pernat of this city
will go to Livingston. Anaconda will
have two parishes, St. Paul's, composing :
that portion of the city west of Aider j
street, and St. Peters, all east of ^lorn
street, including Carroll
The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is manu
factured by the California Fig Syrup Co.
The better house in Manilla differ In I
gome way from any other in the world.
Always of two stories, there is a high
stone basement, with a carriage way to j
the court, where are the servants' quar- 1
ters and domestic offices. The upper
story is of wood, being complete in itself.
Sit that in case of an earthquake it will
settle together. The ceilings are covered
with cloth instead of plaster. A wide
stairway leads up from the carriage way.
Between three and four feet above the
floor of this story is a wide window ledge
with grooves running the whole length
of every side. In these grooves slide
blinds and also frames In which :
small squares of oyster shell
"concha''). Both blinds and conch
the full length of each side. Either or
both can be closed at the same lime, and
both tan be slid 1
at each end, leaving t!
and allowing the
freely as in a shed
merly made of heavy
i galvaniz- ,1 iron-is
i creases the chance i
j ing an earthquake,
age if it does. On the other hand th
roof is much more lit
by the terrible typh
i houses are built
I thatched roofs, made
; nipa palm and eleval
feet on bamboo poles
rk til
- the
i• 1 1 h nl
•' one
g the
fie side <
? as
. Th
e roi
d's w
y y cur Vf i
1 tiles
. as
it vasllj
' tie
r»f tlu
■ run
f falling
din -
. .111(1
ins the
to b
■ 1 olown off
n.; live
i 1 >oo.
OL l lie
to lull
A good remedy, and there Is r.ot anythin*
r.n the market that equals French Tansy
Tablets for the relief and cure of painful
and irregular menses. These tablets re
move all obstructions, no matter what
the cause. Manufactured by A Augen
dre. Paris. France, and for pare only by
the Newbro Drug Co., Butte. Mont., sois
agents. Price. $2 per box; sent by mail,
securely aealed.
They've discovered fever microbes,
There are microbes n the air,
'Tin indeed, the age of mior >bt s,
There arc microbes everywhere.
There arc deadly microbes lurking
In the things we have to eat,
There are microbes in the leather
That we wear upon our fet.
Vher. a man's lips meet a maiden's
There are microbes present, and
There are microbes in the money
That is passed from hand to hand—
Microbes everywhere and always
Bringing sickness and distress,
And I wonder if they'll ever
Find the microbe of success?
Instructed Ilis Chief of Police to Meas
ure Them by the Bertillon System.
The Emperor William is an enemy to
anarchy. He has decided to stamp it out
of Germany; and with that end in view
has adopted the Bertillon system of
measuring anarchists. The measure
ments are to be carefully placed on file
an(J as soon as a suspect crosses the bor
der he will be measured by the system,
and, if his lines are found to correspond
with those on record, he will be arrested.
The emperor has introduced the Bertil
lon system throughout Germany and has
instructed the police authorities to famil
iarize themselves with it. Other coun
tries may make anarchists feel at home, j
but the Fatherland will expel them.
In adopting the Bertillon system the
emperor has taken a step toward the in
ternational identification of criminals
which was founded by Alphonse Bertillon
1SS3. Bertillon in that year invented
a system of man measurement which ho
called Bertillon's anthropometry, a sys
tent by means of which prisoners could be
,d ^'. ified and arrested be>mnd all mistake
Th.s system was soon made general in
France where it was found of the utmost
P 1 aotical benefit, but it was
^ 01e °iYiei countries adopted it
sometime be
It was immediately taken up in a lim
ited way in the Fnited States and was
used by private detectives in connection
with foreign criminals. They applied it
upon suspected persons who had been
measured by the Bertillon system abroad, ,
ant j care fully following out its details
they were able to do a great deal of skill- ;
ful detective work. Between 1883 and 1S90
private detectives worked so skillfully!
upon the Bertillon system that the private ;
detective service of the United States be
0 P
...... :
A private detective, it may be stated, is
a man who works upon what the Yankees
call "his own hook." He engages officers,
is employed upon private cases and makes 1
his living just like a lawyer, or any other
professional man.
Private detectives are often employed
by the government to render a service,
in which ease they are paid for the work,
The government gradually adopted the
Bertillon until now it is used in nearly all :
parts of the country—and to some extent
in every section of the United Slates. •
M- Bertillon at the time of his discovery
j n is$3, declared that his system would be
of little use unless it could be adopted by
a n countries as an international method
r) f identification. His system was found
e( j U p 0n (he physical peculiarities of tha
cr j m j na ] He made manv measurements
Qf thp hPa( , hands> heish t and physical
peculiarities of the man. all of which were
recorded under the proper classification. If
th o prisoner disappeared, a record of his
j measuiements was to be forwarded to
] every foreign country in the world. As
soon as a suspected person appeared he
was to be measured by the same system
and if the figures agi eed there could be no
doubt of his identity.
Bertillon admitted that he was guided
to this scheme by the works of Peter Paul
Rubens and Sir Joshua Reynolds, wli
came known all the world over,
made anthropometry a study. These two
great painters found a close survey of
the family traits of the utmost import
ance m painting family portraits. Both
Rubens and Reynolds observed the shape
of the ear, the tip of the nose, the height
of the check bone, the size of the chin and
the development of the forehead. They
also looked closely at the length of the
head, which in families, is strikingly alike,
They found that the more they studied
the general shape of the famil
better they could paint picture
From being a student
Bertillon gradually
knowledge to the identification of crim
inals. He i ou nd i hai he could measure the
human head so accurately that mistakes
were out of the question: and having con
vinced the police department of France of
head ihe
lent of anthropometry
began lo adapt his
-» of
t lu*
well as
the accuracy of his discovery he had tho
f seeing it adopted in his own
io class of
Bertillon sy
i the anarchists. Th
well developed heads from a
criminal upon
tem works as

appiy the
tillon standpoint: with
characteristics; and it is easy
measurement to them.
Another business which might b
benefited by the Bertillon system is that
of life insurance. One of the chief offi
cials of the criminal department of the
United States suggests that if life insur
ance companies would adopt the Bertil
lon system in their examinations they
would never be deceived by the bogus
deaths which often disturb life insur
ance companies.
The system could fie used in many
ways where identification is desirable.
A gentleman traveling in a strange
country such as Russia, where a pass
port is so necessary, could take along
his Bertillon measurements, which in
case of arrest as an unknown stranger,
would be found to correspond with the
measurements held by the government.
Dr. Bertillon in explaining his sys
tem to a reporter of this newspaper said:
"In the other branches of human ac
tivity, especially in electricity, con
gresses have, in proportion to the neces
sity, supplied this want of a uni - ei sal
understanding. It is thus that the elec
trical units—watt, ampere, volt, etc.—
have been created and unanimously
adopted. Why should not the police of
civilized (or policed« for it is all one)
A* t
Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt is
never sold in drug stores nor by
traveling agents; only at our office.
that you have regained your old vig
or to feel again, as you used to. the
warm blood flowing through your
veins, to note the sparkle in your eye and
the firmness of your nerves and muscles.
It makes a man happy, makes him see
everything in a bright light and makes
life a nleasure.
A New Man
•lour Belt has made me q new man
and is better than medicine. I am per
fectly cured and recommend your belt to
all weak peop^."— E. J. Schormerhorn,
Custer, Ida., December 17, 1S98.
Electricity is life." If you are weak
try the Dr. Sauden Electric Belt. It will
restore the old energy and make you feel
like o new man. Call or send for the book
Three Classes of Men," closeely sealed,
112 N. Main St., Butte. Mont.
Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.; 7
p. m. to S p. m.; Sundays, 10 a. m. to
1 p. m.
countries do as much for the description
ant * notation of the different shapes of
forehead, nose, color of the eye, etc?"
The Hon. Mr. Asquith was the first to
U P the study of the Bertillon sys
' 1
tern of England. He appointed a eom
mission for comparing the methods of
identification and description. This coni
lit i s ss i o n found anthropometry by far the
best method of identification. Bertillon
in describing the system sriid :
"One is able, by means of the metrical
information supplied by it, to classify
several hundred thousand individual
notifications. But let me hasten to say
that these notifications should themselves
always be accompanied by an abstract
of particular marks found upon the per
son examined, and it is this last document
much more than the agreement of meas
urements which is appealed to to give
judicial certainty to an ulterior identifi
Photographs of the person in profile
and full face are now added, which
greatly assist the certainty of identifi
cation. Bertillon goes so far as to say
that a photograph or impression of the
ear would alone establish the identity;
but this is more than the general detec
tive world is willing to admit.
Finger tip impressions have now been
added to the system, but the finger tips
are only supplementary.
In England they have a science called
hippology which treats of the coat and
the points of the horse. By hippology
a man who has lost a horse can identify
him before the police with perfect cer
tainty. There are many books upon the
science of hippology, which in England
is very thoroughly studied.
The machinery for the Bertillon sys
tern is so complicated and so extensive
that a measuring room is required for
its operation. Th e measurement is done
by means of geometrical instruments and
the criminal is obliged to stand up. and
sit doyn; he must stretch his arms out
and lie down fiat upon the floor, as he is
bidden. Every city now using the Ber
tillon system has its measuring room and
a most elaborate one has been ordered
by the emperor for the use of the chief of
police of Berlin.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The Manhattan cocktail is a delightful ,
appetizer when properly prepared," said
a local connoisseur in the art of living,
,. but it is easily ruined bv unskillful
. , . .. , ,,
hamls ' U IK tho lrlventlon ' tho way '
a native of New Orleans, and the story
of its origin is rather curious. Years ago
colonel Joe Walker of New Orleans was
in New York, and went on a little yacht- ;
ing D ip with a party of friends. By
«orne ov.Tsiirht tbo liouid refreshments -
som< U1L U1U ' U !
; in the icebox were confined to Italian .
'vermouth and plain whiskey, and it oc- j
curred to the colonel that a palatable ;
drink might be made by mixing the two.
The result was so good that he experi- J
rncnlcd a little on his return to New Or- i
leans, and soon perfected the Manhat- j
tan cocktail, as it is known today. It
hristened in honor of his friends
on Manhattan island, and the fame of the ;
decoction soon spread all over the conn- !
^ try. The true Manhattan cocktail is al
. ways made with Italian vermouth, but
at half the places where they undertake;
to serve them French vermouth is sub
' stituted, and tho fine flavor is altogether
: destroyed. French vermouth is a sot t of
I wine,while Italian vermouth is a cordial,;
pure and simple. They are as different |
[ting U P entire crop of
Good Jersey
Milch Cows
For Sale
Stock Taken to Winter
Driving Horses for Sale.
BircMale Stout Fra
29 W. Broadway.
Will let contract for irrigating and puk
as milk and molasses. A cocktail made
from the French brand is no more a
Manhattan cocktail than it is a Spanish
. . _ . i I**
Air. Polwag (goaded into the reckless
action by the impetuous Mrs. P.)—'T— I—
I shall report you to your master, con
duct, for not putting us down at the cor
Conductor Lor' bless yer 'art, it ain't
my master as I'm afeard on. I'm like
you—it's my missis."
Be sure and use that old and well-tried
remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
for children teething. It soothes th*
child, softens the gums, allays all pnt'n
cures wind colic and Is the best re:-;«tl i
for diarrhoea. Twenty-flvs cents a bot
A recent British consular report from
the far east describes a suspension bridge
of 300 feet span, made of bamboo. The
cane ^is split up into fibers and twisted
together to form the cables. Considering
its span the material of the structure is
quite remarkable.
°T tlle sa *^ section^ i>OWFI T
To John F. McEvoy. your heirs or
signs: You are hereby notified that we
have expended one hundred dollars
($100.00) during the year 1898 in labor and
improvements upon the following quartz ' of
lode mining claim situated in the Summit
Valley mining district, Silver Bow countv
.. . , * * » i . I r
Montana and recorded on page 12, book L
K, records of Silver Flow county, Mon- j
tana, known as the Tdlewild quart.? mill- j
ing Haim, a more particular description
of which is found in the location notice "
of a,. „„U i.j it ix _,
of the said lode claim, as recorded, n the
office of county recorder of Silver Bow
county. That the said labor was per- :
formed, and the said improvements were ,
made for the purpose of holding said
claim, under the provisions of section
2324 revised statutes of I nitel States and
the amendments thereto; concerning an
nual labor on mining claims for the year ;
1898; when said labor and improvements
were mode Tf within nine-d„... otter
were made. II w ithin nine. y da>s attei „
the publication of this notice you fail i r ,
refuse to contribute your portion,
amounting to sixteen dollars and sixty
five cents ($16.65) and costs, of said ex- !
nenditures as a co-owner vnur imerest
penuuuies as a co ownei your inlei.st
in the said claim will become the prop
erty of the undersigned, yoiir co-owners,
who have made the above described ex- ;
penditures according to the requirements ;
Notice Is hereby given, that In pursu
ance of an order of the district court
... , . Tt « r « i i !
of the County of Park, State of Montana, ■
; mac i e D n the 10th day of January, 1S99,
in the matter of the estate of Harry Gas- I
- sert, deceased, the undersigned, the ad- I
! ministratrix of the estate of the said I
. Henry Q asser t, will seii at private sale, !
j t 0 the highest bidder, for cash, and sub
; Ject to confirmation by said district
court, on Saturday, the 2Slh day of Jan
J uary, 1899, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the law
i office of J. P. Shropshire, al Butte, in the
j County of Silver Bow, all the right, title,
interest and estate of the said Harry
Gassert at the time of his death, and all
; the right, title and Interest that the said
! estate has. by operation of law or other
bounded and described as follows, to
| ^
wise, acquired other than or in addition
to that of the said Harry Gassert at the
time of his death, in and to all that eer
taln lot, piece or parcel or land situate,
lying and being in the said County of
Silver Bow, State of Montana, and
An undivided one-fourth Hi) interest
in and to a portion of Lot Five (5), in
Block Twenty-nine (29), of the City of
Butte, Silver Bow County, Montana,
said property being what is familiarly
known as t lie Clarendon Hotel property.
Terms and conditions of sale: Cash,
which is to be paid to the administratrix
on confirmation of sale by said district
court, and the delivery to the purchaser
of a deed which conveys a gooC title to
said purchaser.
Administratrix of Estate of Harry Gas
sert, deceased.
To Benjamin Armstrong, your heirs or
assigns: You are hereby notified that we
have expended during the year 1898 One
hundred dollars ($100.00) in labor and im
provements upon each of the following
quartz lode mining claims, situated In the
Divide Creek Mining district. Silver Bow
county. Montana, a more particular de
scription of which Is found in the location
notices of the said lode claims as recorded.
, The Silver King, recorded in Book F, page
206; the Sage Hen. recorded in Book F. page
I 207; the Tacoma, recorded in Book J, page
J 70i the Goodwin, recorded ln Book J, page
411; the Golden Bell, recorded ln Book I,
page 89, In the office of the county recordetf,
of Silver Bow county, Montana; that the
said labor was performed and the said im
provements were made tor the purpose of
holding said claims under the provision*
of Section 2324, Revised Statutes of the
Un'ted States, and the amendments thereto
concerning annual labor on mining claims
for the year 1898, when said labor and im
provements were made. If within ninety
days after the last publication of this no
tice you fail or refuse to contribute your
proportion, amounting to one hundred and
twelve dollars and li ty cents ($112.50), of
said expenditures, as a co-owner, your in
terest in the said cl litns will become tha
property of the u /.der 'signed, your co
owners, who have made the above de
scribed expenditure» according to the re
quirements of the s .id section.
Dated this 6th (' ay of January, 1S99.
Sealed proposals will be received at tha
office of the Holland Irrigation Canal
Company at Wormser City, Montana, un
til 10 o'clock a. m., of Saturday, the 28th
day of January, A. D., 1899, for the con
struction of an irrigation canal in Sweet
Grass county, Montana, according to
plans and specifications, in the office ot
said company and in the office of W. L.
Holloway, in Bozeman, Montana.
Said bids must be accompanied by cer
tified check or cash in the sum of $500.00
to be forfeited to said company in tha
event that the successful bidder does not
within ten days öfter the acceptance of
his bid, enter into a contract in fo.m as
furnished by said company and execute
a bond in the sum of $25,000.00, sat sfac
tory to said company for the faithfv 1 per
i formance of such contract.
By A. WORMSER. President.
Gans & Klein, plaintiffs, vs. Charles 3.
Warren, defendant.
To be sold at sheriff's sale, on the 2Gth
day of January, A. D 1S99, at 2 o'clock p.
m., at the front door of the court house,
in the city of Butts, county ot Silver Bow,
I** lUC Lll.y Ul J.»Ul\c f bUUlllj UI »OllNcI I>UW»
state of Montana, the following described
real property, to-wit:
An undivided interest in and to the Black
Placer Mining claim, lot number one hun
dred and ten (110), in Silver Bow county,
Montana. Also all Interest in any and all
lots in blocks numbered 54 and 57. of the
Butte townsite, Stiver Bow county, state
of Montana, belonging to the above named
defendant, Charles S. Warren.
Sheriff Silver Bow County, Montana.
By JAS. M. REYNOLDS. Deputy Sheriff.
Dated January 5, A. D. 1899.
....... ....
designated by the surveyor general as lot
American National Bank of Helena,
plaintiff, vs. Eli D. Bannister et al., de
To be sold at sheriff's sale, on the 2fitU
day of January, A. D. 1899, at 2 o'clock p.
m., at the front door of the court house in
the city of Butte, county o): Silver Bow,
state of Montana, the following described
real property, to-wit:
That certain mining claim or promises
known as the "Valley Lode Mining Claim,'
number 216, embracing a portion of Sec
tion 24, in townslitp three, north of ranga
eight, west of the principal meridian in ilia
Summit Valley Mining district, in tha
county of Silver Bow. state of Montana,
and more particularly described as fol
Beginning at Corner No. t, a granita
stone, 20x12x3 inches, marked 2 M. C.
171. 1-214 and 1 -21C. with mound of earth,
being also Corner No. 2 of Lot No. 171, tha
Feeumseh Lode claim and Corner No. 1
' of Lot No. 214, tlie Despatch Lode claim,
from which Corner No. 6 of Lot No. 93 tha
etar West 1 ' 0<le c 'laim bears north 68 deg.
I r \ min. west seven feet distant; thence first
L ours . „lagnetic variation 20 deg. east,
j south 1 deg 1 . 45 min. west 60S feet to Corner
j No. 2.; thence second course, magnetic va
riation 20 deg. 30 min. east, south 74 deg.
" min ' p „ aRt J 8 Jl T'' '° a R?'; 1 - . from n , wnl .° t J 1
discovery shaft bears north 15 deg. 03 min.
eas t 300 feet distant; three hundred and
fifty feet intersect Ihe north side line of
: Lot No. 174, the Pike's Peak Lode claim,
, at north 84 deg. 15 min. west. 601 feet, from
Corner No. 2 of said claim, 971 feet intersect
» m.m'^st" Äuro«
Corner No. 2 of said claim 1,412 feet to Cor
nrr No. 3; thence third course, magnetio
; variation 20 deg. 30 min. east, north 12 deg.
min. east 299 feet lo the Corner No. 4{
,hence fo ' ,r,h course, magnetic variation,
„ 0 30 mln east nort h t deg, 45 min., east
, 234 f ee t, intersect the south side line of Lot
No. 175, the Shonhar I,ode claim at south
81 deg. 30 min. east 413 feet from Coiner
! No - 1 of saU1 claim 274 feet. Intersect the
south boundary '.me of Lot. No. 103 B, a
placer claim at north 89 deg. 45 min., east
4S0 feet from Corner No. 4 or said claim 309
feet to Corner No. 5, a granite stone 16x8x5
; inches, marked 5 At. C. 216, a mound of
; ear, h alongside from which the
! fiitm LUI. AN II. 1 UO D, U.I I 1 UILII *IU mill. WCai 1 W
■ feet from CornPr No . 4 of said c i aim 1,467
quarter corner of Section 21. In Township
three, n.,rth of Range eight, west of lha
principal meridian, bears north 5 deg. 6
min., west 1,290 feet distant; thence fifth
course, magnetic variation. 20 deg. 30 min.
east, north 75 dog. 14 min., west 405 feeet,
intersect the west end line of said Lot.
No. 175, and the east end line of said Lot.
No. 171, at north 8 deg. 53 tnin., east 119
feet from Corners Nos. 1 of said claims 447
feet Intersect the west boundary line of
paid Lot. No. 103 R, at north 40 min. west 149
feet to Corner No. I, the place of beginning.
I Expressly excepting and excluding all that
I portion of the ground hereinbefore de
I Bcrlbed, embraced In said mining claims on
! Lots n os . 103 B, 171, 174 and 175, and also
,hat portion of said Valley vein or lode
t°h e fr eÄ Ä.Vhe 'tops"or IÄ
of w4l j 0 j, jj e inside of such excluded ground,
said Lot No. 216 extending 1,167 feet In
length along said Valley vein or lode, con
taining 10 80-100 acres of land, more or less.
Sheriff Silver Bow County, Montana.
By JAS. M. REYNOLDS, Deputy Sheriff.
Dated January 5, A. I>. 1899.
*• Ghlche.tar 1 . Kne'Xb diamond Brai d.
W •K (Iniil 0**4 Only Qenutne. a
safe, t .waj» reliai-le. laoi es «sk lYrugpist Æ\
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Will quickly cure you of norrou*
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hausting drains, Impotency end *11
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Manufactured by A Augend**. Parlât
Address all asall ta D. li. Nawbiq
pru* o*. ** Aatffn *uus «1». --

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