Newspaper Page Text
Allegation in Mining Suit for $2,000,000. COPPER TRUST CLAIM Anaconda and Washoe Com panies Defendants—Said to Be Taking Ore. Burdette O'Connor brought suit against the Anaconda and Washoe Cop pi' Mining companies in the district court today to recover judgment for $2,000.000. In his complaint O'Connor alleges that he now is and has been for a long time the owner of and entitled to the posses sion of the Copper Trust lode mining claim, located in this district—lying in the immediate vicinity of the Anaconda and St. Lawrence mines and overlapping these claims in part—and of all the veins and ore bodies belonging thereto throughout their entire depth; that while he was the owner of the Copper Trust the defendants, without his con sent, by means of und« rground workings made in ami from the Anaconda, St. Lawrence and Never Sweat claims, en tered certain v«-ins and ore bodies of the Copper Trust and mined and carried away from them and converted to their own use large quantités of valuable ore containing gold, copper and silver, amounting to more than 200,000 tons and of the value of $2.000,000. For a separate cause of action the plaintiff alleges that there are several mineral-bearing veins of quartz which have their apices within the exterior boundaries of the Copper Trust and the apices on their downward course ex tend in an easterly and westerly direc tion through the entire length of the claim, passing through both end lines; that these veins so far depart from the perpendicular in. their downward course as to pass beyond the south side line of the Copper Trust and to enter the Parrot lode claim, the Rob ltoy, the Grant lode, Cuespo claim, Leggat & Foster placer, the Gladstone and the Bald Eagle, which the defendants claim to own; that plain tiff is the owner of these veins through out their entire depth; that they have been entered via the Anaconda, St. Law rence and Never Sweat and $2,000,000 worth of ore taken by the defendants; that defendants are still taking the ore. The complaint is accompanied by an affidavit made by Thomas Rooney. In the document Rooney says he is ac quainted with the ground in controversy and that the defendants are mining and carrying away large quantities of ore from it through the workings of the St. Lawrence. Anaconda and Never Sweat. Plaintiff asks for an order temporarily restraining and enjoining the defendants from further alleged encroachment until the matter can he liearil in court. malignabYsmallpox. BEN DCDDEN OF SILVER BOW THE R EPO RT ED V1 CTI M. Ben Dudden, a young man residing at Silver Bow Junction is said tit be ill of malignant smallpox of the most virulent form. The young man is between 17 and IS years of age. ami has been living with his parents. His father is an employe of the Nissler brewery. Dr. O'Leary! th physician who superseded Dr. Monroe ii looking after the county smallpox eases left for Silver Bow this afternoon to in vestigate the case. LUCKY STAR CLAIM. BUTT AGAINST B. & B. TO. QGTET TITLE. John M. Trapp, formerly a justice of 4he peace in this city, ami J. H. TrevNe, a mining engineer in tite employ « .r the M. O. P. Co;, is suing the Boston & .Mon tana Mining company t<> «inlet till«- to th«' Lucky Star UkIc claim, tit** complaint l> ing filed .in the district count to-day. They allege that tlte I.uck y Star adjoins the Comanche. Tramway. Smelter. Johns town. Copper Trust and Minnie Healey, and tintt it belongs to them, together with nit veins having the apifes within its The King of Epicureans Santa Claus, himself would smile with delight in seeing the many choice deliea des and seasonable groceries that are being exhibited in the While Front Gro cery 220 N. .Main street. As it is im possible to enumerate these articles in this space, it will not be attempted unfit out marketing, visit the store; you will find tlte goods that you need 'tlte prices right and the service fait.ifui and prompt. Here are a feu articles of every day us- that are highly recom mended by patrons. NEW YORK FULL CREAM CHEESE. U\£ U est domestic cheese on the market usual price 25o. pèr lb............... 9 ft,. *-lVVM CHEESE in foil, usual price ................................. SOUP, any variety, usual price, 15c- one pound «-an.................... pj,. GILT EDGE BRAND CEYLON TK \ usual price. 75c. per lb.............Jjki COFFEE, Fifth Avenue M. & J., the best M. & J. blend on the market, per ,b .................................. CTDER, per gallon................. 4 tt P TN AVINES— Sherry. Port. Burgundy. Claret, Medicinal Tokay, Gutedd, Ries ling. Zinfandel, California champagne.— Whiskys. Brandies. Gin and Rum. Spe cial prices are being made by the WHITE FRONT GROCERY 120 N. Main. T. F. COURTNEY. Tel. 185 lines: that the Boston & Montana has asserted and claims an interest in the Lucy Star, but the claim is without any right whatever; that plaintiffs are in formed and believe the claim of the de fendant arises out of its claim of owner ship of several alleged quartz lode loca Bons which are partly or In whole in conflict with the Lucy Star. Plaintiffs ask that the defendant com pany be required to set forth In court what right, title or Interest it may claim to have in the Lucy Star, and that they, plaintiffs, be adjudged the owners of the property. COURT NOTES. Judge Lindsay tried two or three ap peal suits today, but the winners did not gain much save the satisfaction of achieving victory. Tn the action entitled Peter McCabe vs. Alike Fleming, an action involving $22, tlie plaintiff was given a verdict. An amusing incident occurred during the trial. In cases of this nature neither side is allowed to submit testimony until the costs are secured. E. O. Jackson appear- ed for tile plaintiff and when called upon by tlte clerk to pay ltis proportion of tite stenographer's fee promptly responded, but B. J. English on the other side was not so prompt. The plaintiff put in his testimony and tlte defendant went to the bat. \iut the judge would not allow hint to go ahead until the fee was paid. - The Joe Klaffi company was given judgment for $98.75 against Bernard. Shanahan. There was no defense. I j Judge Clancy \\ ill not again until the 28th. M>nven<> his court In the suit of the city of Butte against James Davidson and others. Judge Clancy made an order to-day giving the" plaintiff the right to take possession of tip- north 20 feet of lot 43. block 37 and, pay Ike Morehouse $1.050 as damages. | Frederick Loeber is accused by Dr. P. j J. S-lieerin with being mentally ttr.bal- , «need and ltis cas«- will be heard before I a commission and Judge Lindsay. In Judge Lindsay's court to-day E. T. I Colby was given a legal separation from his. wife, on the alleged ground of dev >r- i tion on the 11th of February, 189s. Mrs. I Colby is now in England. ATTORNEY FEES ÖF~$16,000. AN APPEAL SETT INVOLVING A TOTAL OF $4.25. The bill of Forbis & Forbis and Forbis &• Mattison for legal services rendered in tbe Davis estate was presented for settlement in tlte district court today and signed tty Judge Lindsay, it. aggre gates $15.000. The administrator was ordered to pay it. An appeal suit involving $4.25 was tried before a jury in Judge Lindsay's oourt this afternoon, its title being G. W. V!n yard vs. John Estey, but at a late hour it was not finished. COAL WASHERS. Engineering & Mining Journal: An evi dent disposition exists in the west to in trodin-c improve monts in the coal mines as well as In other mines, and especially to provide for a local supply of proper fuel for the smelters anil other metallur gical establishments. Tito high cost of transportation has always made coke an expensive fuel, and to this Is now added Die high price of tin- fuel in the east and tlte difficulty of securing sufficient sup lilies promptly. An institut of this ten dency is found in the establishment of a large coalswashing piant, at tite Belt mines in Montana, Which arc owned by the Anaconda <'opper company. The ad vantages of w ashing coal before cooking it bate been sufficiently established. The putting of the coal Into better shape for the coke-ovens, and freeing it to a gn*nt extent front sulphur and other impurities which detract from üs valu«', have been shown to pay well where it lias ho"n done, in the south, especially in Ala bama. a V« ry large pnqiortion of 111 - roil is now washed—including nearly all that which is to be made into coke—and the process is accepted as a necessary opera tion in coke making, and to a consider able extent also in preparing coal for the market. Its extension still further would pi obably prove very beneficial 1 ** the coal mines of the northwest. Tiler»* tti>* toys and »lolls l»y th» anils at Hennesy's. You can mak» children happy »1 very little cost, ea rly. Sl "btig m case, elver brushes and combs. I . I Hunts- j Shop PERSONALS, J. B- Toole cam«* over front Aatteonda today and registered at the McDermott. W. L. Hewitt, f. M. H ewitt an*l Louis Sponheim came in from Basin yesterday and registered at the Butte. Attorney General Nolan c Hi-b-na yestt-rdav. over from 1 »iatnond $350.00. rings, from $5.00 to THE AETNA SAVING'S AND TRUST Company offers for rent the offices on tlte upper floor of the Noyes block, cor ner Main aud Broadway. Building will be renovated, and alterations made to suit desirable tenants. LODGING HORSE GUISE TN. GOfiD condition. Rent only $25. Clears $40 a month, for $400. A bargain. Gall at once. Room 30. Silver Bow block. S M. Wade. $750 BUYS A NICK THREE ROOM house, rents for $15. Corner lot 50x69. Room for two more houses. This is a bargain. Investigate. s. M. Wade, Room 30. Stiver Bow block. A NICE LITTLE FRUIT RANCH FOR sale «-heap. Address Ranch car-.; of In ter Mountain. FOR SALE 27-ROOM LDOGING HOUSE Steam heat, electric light and bath. Clearing $250 a month for $2,200. Case & Holmes, 26 E. Broadway. LOCAL BRIEFS Dr. Reed. Dentist, 115 North Main. * See Might & Fairfield's add. Page 8. • Picture frames cheap. Simons' 236 S. Main. * Born to the wife of Mr. Joseph Lutey, Jr., of the firm of Lutey Bros., a son. J. G. Bates, tuner, Montana Music company. Tel. 504. * Carnival at Holland Street Skating Rink Thursday night, j child's lamp, 75c up: gold pens. $1.00 up. 1 Rubenstein & Co., 73 E. Park, | Horses Wintered. Inquire of II. 11. Ash i ' vol 'th at Reed's Stable, 224 S. Main. * ] p. o. S. «if A., dance at the Auditorium Christmas night. Tickets, $1. Tinware, roofing, eavetroughs, smoke stacks made to order. A. E. Jones, 265 East Park. * Butte ®love Repair company for fix tures and Home Comfort ranges. 'Phone ; 529, 216 E. Park. ' * j i | Chemicals and assayers' supplies. Fail Drug and Assay Supply company, 115 East Park street. * Tlte four men who were recently in jured at the Silver Bow mine received their injuries on the tramway and not in the mine, as has been erroneously stated. Boucher. 45 East Park. Five hundred nice fat turkeys will be given away for the next three days at Boucher's. 45 East Park. * Storm serge skirts from $5 to $7.50. latest styles; also broadcloth, crêpons, etc. Orders for Williamson corsets taken. Miss Johnson. 131 West Broad-I way. * ] v ... . rot Christmas presents, toys, etc., see | our ad on Page 5. W Ail holiday presents bought at the Heilbrontier Cigar company will be pack- ed and expressed to all points free of charge. * carry reliable goods and large assortments, at lowest prices. Palais Royal Company, 73 East Park. * E. .T. Brown and bis wife, the former colored, the latter white, were arrested today on complaint of a Mrs. Coleman. They are charged with having stolen a lot of bed clothing. Only a few pretty books and calendars left at Calkins'. * ns silver Children's knives, forks and spoons; silver-plated and sterling . $1.50 to $7. * See those Calkins'. beatutiful writing sets at Stocks Were Firm. London. Dee. 20.—On the stock ex change today the gt-neral tone was de cidedly firm. Business opened better and there was a more confident feeling. After a temporary relapse prices rallied, and there was a distinct recovery in almost all departments. Stabbed By Italians. Chicago, Dee. 20.—John Nicholson, a special policeman employed by the Lake -bore night. Tn return for their valor they were attacked by the Italians, all of whom carried knives. A struggle followed dur ! , ... and Michigan Southern railroad, j and James Henderson, employed by the* same company as a switchman, saved Italians from being run down by a switch ' engine at the Polk street crossing last on the special policeman, stabbing him the back and check ing which Henderson was knocked down by his assailants. The Italians were about to stab him when Nicholson went to his assistance. The Italians turned . . , special po'lk-e-tpd man ami switchman then ran into a freight house nearby, pursued by the Italians. Later tlte Italians departed anil when the police were notified they enuid find no trace of them. It seems th- Italians were standing upon track on \\"i»,h a swhich engine was approaching and when they were pushed off in time to j sa\f' n«*n resented the act and • Ul n u Up ° n . lheu ' ! ' escu ' ers - Nicholson is seiiottsly wounded. | Cq J J lr^rnptl ÇlJAfl V.(4lllvilil.ll OuvU. _ «'hiengo, Dec. 20.—Two suits have been ] instituted in the sunerior court here ! against ('. J. McNamara and Thomas A ! , , . J , 1 nornds A • M.nlow. members of the Montana Cattle Dealing and Herding firm, for $225,000. | The suit is filed by the Home Land and «'attic company of Montana and is brought in the courts here in order. It is said, to get service on one of the de fendants. believed to be in this city. <>f tile two actions one is against Mc Namara and Marlow inilividua.liv for Slut'. (HO damages: the other against the firm ef McNamara «$- Marlow for $125 Oflft. i | I Funeral of Brumbv. Atlanta. Dee. 20.—The body of Flag Lieutenant Brumby arrived from Wash ington early this morning and was es corted bv a special military guard to the stnm csnifnl where it was viewed by thousands of people. The funeral will lake p:a-e this afternoon from the Cathedra! an,T will be conducted with militarv hon ors. Loaned by Russia rails. Dee. 20.—Tt is rumored here that the Bank of Russia has advanced the Bank of England eight million pounds. Wisdom of Health is the wisest of all wisdom. The quick est way to make weak stomachs strong, to make sickly people well, is to use Hns tetter's Stomach Bitters. It is the b-s; medicine in the world for indig stion. dyspepsia, also liver or weak kidneys. It cures all stomach ills. Tt makes an.i keeps people well. A private revenue stamp should cover th«- neck of the bottie. Beware of n STOMACH Imitations BITTERS COPPER SHARES Advances Today in the Boston Market. OPINION OF AN EXPERT A Lake Superior Man's Encouraging View of the Situation. A break in th«' slump in copper share's was reached today, and tlte market showed a. tendency for recovery. Frac tional gains were recorded in some of the securities, and others held firm at the points of the preceding day's quota tions. Lake Superiors were the feature. Amalgamated opened at $80-1V. points above yesterday's close, and quit trad ing at $79. No dealing in Anaconda; $34 % being bid at the close, with $36 asked. Butte &- Boston touched $45 and dropped back to $43, and Bingham held steady at $10. C'alumbt &- Heela, closing at $710 yesterday, recorded an advance of 10 points. Mohawk touched $16, and Old Dominion fluctuated between $21 and $20. Osceola readied $70 early in the day. Parrot opened at $37 and closed a half point off. Santa Fe gained a frac tion. and Tamarack made a spurt from $175 to $179.25. Utah ('on opened at $25 and closed a point lower. Following are today's closing quotations: AMALGAMATED ................$ 79 00 ANACONDA ..................... 34 50 BOSTON & MONTANA .......... 265 00 BUTTE & BOSTON .............. 43 00 BINGHAM ........................ 10 00 CALUMET & HBCLA ............. 720 00 MOHAWK ....................... 15 75 OLD DOMINION ................. 20 00 OSCEOLA ........................ 68 Oil PARROT ......................... 36 50 TAMARACK ...................... 179 25 UTAH CON ....................... 24 00 Tn an interview with President John Stanton of t'he Atlantic anrl Oliver Lake Superior companie.s regarding the copper situation, the Boston News Bureau quotes him as saying; "I anticipate the price of copper for 1899 will be found to have averaged a lit tle over 16 cents a pound, as compared with a trille over 12 cents for 1898. The outlook for 1900 is in no way discourag ing, as the consumptive demand contin ues without abatement. "The entrance of new and strong finan cial interests into the copper industry should have a steadying effect. 1 do not expect to see the Amalgamated people relpeat the mistakes of Secretan. If they cannot get 17 cents for copper they will probably take 16 cents. "Looking at the situation from a broad standpoint, there is nothing to be fi-lgiht jened over. Stocks have been forced on the market by those unable to respond to the calls for margin. This naturally six'causes uneasiness in the speculative situ altinib but the investor and the matt in position to pay for ltis stocks outright, has nothing to fear, as general conditions are sound." The same paper says: Banking houses declare emphatically that President Bigelow and his associ ates have sold 15,000 shares of Boston & 1 Montana to the Standard Oil Copper J ■were arranged and a satisfactory price * established, and that Boston & Montana j will go into the Amalgamated Copper Co. | or be consolidated w ith Butte & Boston, j News Bur people -who thereby become the largest stockholders, that Mr. Bigelow wanted $250 per share, and that Mr. Rogers wain to pay but $225, that finally matters or both, in due season, ] n the succeeding issue, th MU remarks: The advance in Amalgamated is now! due to the increased holdings of rhe Ain-! a I gaina ted people in Boston A Montana. 1 Boston & Montana Is a richer property! than Anaconda. The copper or s from which its 75,000,000 pounds of copper per annum are produced are neat ly twi« > as fiich as the copper ores from which Ana- ! «•onda yearly produces above loo, 000 . 00(1 pounds of copper and $3,000,000 worth of silver. I Anaconda at 40 is selling for $48,000.000. land Boston & Montana is selling for $45,- . 1000,000. On a high copper market by rea son of the larger output and its j arger 1 production oil* silver. Anaconda makes more money. Tn fact Anaconda on th« present price of copper is making nearly CHRISTMAS PRESENTS W HILE you are looking for Holiday pres ents do not forget to look at our stock of Fancy Slippers--just the thing for a Christmas present. There is nothing that is more appreciated by a man or woman than a nice pair of slippers, which you can find at our store in all the new designs for men, wo men and children. We have the Felt, Fur Trimmed Romeos in all colors. Prices from 85c to $2.50 a pair. Men's Slippers, 50c to $3.00. Chil •dren's Sjippers, 50c to $1.00. Our winter Cents' Fine Shoes is more complete than GcJ ST IAS w line of Ladies' and --------------------- ever before. We have just received a car load of Stacy & Adams' celebrated Fine Shoes. A big lot of Skating Shoes for Ladies. Anything in the shoe line you can find in our stock at prices which are always the very lowest. We are sole agents for Excelsior Shoe Co.'s shoes for boys. Red Boot Shoe Co. 36 North Main Street Butte, Mont. per a . nini,Tn - while B«>ston & $8 000 000 buT a ifThe b e»n een * 7 000 - 000 anrf $8,000,000, but if the copper market were cut in half and Montana copper brought I only 8 cents per pound in the markers ! of the world. Anaconda would b™ found : making less money than Boston & AioV, tana, although Anaconda might be prol i ducing more copper, Butte lias been the great hoodoo of the' Amalgamated. If Boston & Montan« goes into Amalgamated and Butte is left out until it demonstrates its value Am alga mated will stand a good deal better . v* -7> -7> 7 ^ 7^ HOLIDAY^ 4$ % DISPLAY Don't Miss Seeing DAVIS & WEIiM ESC Alt Y CO.'S Holiday Display of Fine C liina, ( ill Class, Lamps and Art Ware. Nothin«; exceeds in novelty articles in CHINA, CUT GLASS and TOTTERY W Allh for unique gifts—quite different fiom articles in other lines. Many of them are not made in duplicate and are «reins of art in themselves. Out 1 fmporfationn are all new and 1 >'.»!) patterns, ami are not seen in other stores. DUSTIN'33PI SETS We carry stock patterns in a number of different decorations and can make up sets of any number of pieces. Decorated Library Lamps In Metal and Pottery........ .From $1.50 to $100 OTJT GLASS Mine Sets, Water Sets, Decanters, Whiskey «fu<;s, Tobacco Jars, Berry, Salad and Nut Bowls, Olive and Tickle Dishes. Davis & Wcimescary Co, Mrr'tV'feY'C. 'i 20 Main Street, Butte, Montana ' • '• * * h '<■ - v ' 5 '• . w- v III m * r FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. With every Ten Dollar purchase in our store get à n zw suit 2 nd 2 , Free Turkey for Christmas. ^ ^ % # BOUCHER 45 East Park Street, Butte, Montan. than it dites now, and the Boston & Mon tana vvl11 itiaure stability for Amalgamat ed in a lower copper market. -_—___ * T tt , . .. H ,f Ve Henn , esay 8 tailoring department make your " inter sult and overcoat, then you ' n get the best ' "--------- g„. A diamond and a glass of chant pagne are alike in one respect— both sparkle. There is an extraordinary sparkle to those $25 diamond rings shown at Leys. *