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Montana Historien! Ubeetrg, 5 G 65 OTO Daily Inter Mountain. VOL. XIX. NO. 226 BUTTE, MONTANA. MONDAY EVENING. JANUARY I. 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS 20 cWILL jj DO IT AT J.H.Leyson's Annual Clearance Sale »21 N. HAIN ST. « DO WHAT? * Just as much as 35c would do last » week, and 35c last week would do I more here than any place in Butte. Sterling Silver Handled I Curling irons.............Now 20c Rolling Blotters..........Now aoc Shoe Horns...............Now aoc Darning Balls.............Now aoc > Cuticle Knives............Now aoc 9 Nall Brushes..............Now aoc Button Hooks — ........Now aoc Nail Files.................Now aoc J ' The above are only a few hints of actual reductions made, without regard to cost, in order that our annual clearance sale shall really make a clearance. I For One I Dollar... Jt A great variety of useful and $1 Ç ornamental articles for Christ- si mas presents are displayed in % jf our North window. The line v consists of I Dressing Cases Hanicure # £ Sets, Hand Decorated | I China Figures, Vases, j I Etc., and a great varie- ür f ty of Perfumes in fancy p £ packages. J I Any Single Package I Ifi.ooi I - * % FINLEN-MEDIK DRUG GO. f -il Successors to Parchen-D'AcheueL J I 32 North Main Street, Butte Jj j;ON SATURDAY! We will present each Lady Customer with a Handsome Sou venir. ■ ! Sliced Peaches (In heavy nr.j syrup) per can. .............COCl Ritter's 1 pound cans of Jamoc«» 1 2 cans .......................cOC j Old Plantation Molasses, per nn. ) can ................... ......ZUCf Walnuts (this year's crop, pernft— pound ...................... CU C Walnuts (this ye«ar's crop), per i/%_ pound ......................IUC Shaw's Pure Malt Skey, perOi nr quart.................... 4 >l.c 0 Canadian Rye, perfi ra quart ...................4)1. OU McBriar's Cedar Brook, perOi nr quart ....................4>I.C0 Old Kentucky Whisky, per^| QQ Live and Dressed Poultry, fruit and vegetables In season. A. n. TURNER. Tel. 333. 349 S. Hain St. j Orders Promptly Delivered KID M'COY IS VICTOR He Defeated Peter Maher in the Fifth Round. LITTER SEEMED TO BE OUTGULSSED Superior Science of the Kid Proved a Great Help in the Battle—Long Wrangle Over the Selection of a Ref eree—Both Men Were Confident of Victory—Rec ords of the Two Pugilists—There Were Several Knockdowns During the Encounter of Today. Ringside, Coney Island Sporting Club, Jan. 1.—The Maher-McCoy fight which is to take place here this afternoon has brought a fairly large gathering of the sporting element to the island, but the cold weather made a great many late In arriving. There was a generous sprink ling of out-of-town sports abong the crowd. Maher was a pronounced favor ite in the betting at 100 to 70. The betting has fluctuated a little slightly In Mc Coy's favor. Several bets were made on Maher at 100 to 80. The seconds for the men will be as fellows: For Maher Pet er Lowrey, Spike Sullivan and Jimmy Maher. For McCoy, Homer Selby, Jimmy Deforest, Mike Sullivan and Frank Hart. The betting is now even money, McCoy money being so much in evidence as to forree the price to this point. It is now 3:40 and the crowd is becom ing Impatient. It is 11 minutes afte>r the scheduled time for the men to enter the ring, and there is no sign of them. The squabble over the referee is probably the cause of the delay. Another reason for the delay In the appearance of the men is being circulated. It is to the effect t,hat the purse money has not been put up as yet, although the club officials claim that it was put up yesterday. McCoy is now the favorite at 10 to 6. Wm. Brady and two other representa tives of the club where both McCoy and Maher are stopping have made good the purse. The men are ready to come to the club house, the only deterring factor be ing the dispute as to the referee. Charles White has been selected as referee. Both men enter the ring. Mc Coy gives his weight at 163, Maher 172. The men have agreed to fight for the grass receipts of the house, about 316,000. The principals are wrangling over the gloves. McCoy insists on wearing his own gloves. The referee is determined both men shall wear the gloves furnished by the club. The spectators are very impa tient. The announcer has explained to the multitude that McCoy refuses to wear other Chan his own gloves and that Ma her will not. consent to fight unless the kid dons the club's gloves. The referee gave MtcCby ten minutes to comply with his orders. McCoy backs down und dons club's gloves. Round 1.—The men shook hands at 5:17. The Kid Immédiat el y took offensive. The Kid feiinitcd with his left. Then led a left hook to tihe jaw, flooring Maher. Maher was up in two seconds. The Kid sent a left to the body and Peter in an attempt to return the blow, slipped and ft'll bult regained his feett quickly. They clinch. Maher forced the Kid to the ropes where he put a niglhlt on the Kid's body. Round 2.—Both came up laughing. They mixed it up. Miaher landing right and left to the body. In breaking away Maher put a leflt to the body. COming together again the Klid landed on the ja.w, putting Mother to his hands and knees. Maher was up in four seconds. Maher forced the Kid to the ropes and the Kid slipped to the floor. As soon as he got up he sent a left 'to Maher's face sending his head back. The Kid sent two leflüs to the jaw. following with a right which turned Maher's head side ways as the gong sounded. Round 3.—Peter forced the Kid to the ropes but the latter hooked a left to the Jaw and escaped a return. Twice the Kid jabbed the left to Maher's stomach. They came to a clinch, each landing light rigti.lts to the ribs. The Kid sent two left hooks to the Jaw which sent Maher back and forward with another which knocked the big fellow three yard's back. ' They came to a clinch but in the break the Kid secit a straight right to the face and beEy. Muher tried to mïx It up and force the Kid to the ropes but the Kid ; foughit back. I Round 4.—Maher forced McCoy to a neutral comer and landed a left on the face, jarfling McCoy. McCoy stepped to the left and Peter struck out with his left but fell short. In the mix-up peter got a light to the head and McCoy was cau- ' Honed for ho'ding. McCoy hooked a left to the face and Peter followed with a left on the body. Maher Jabbed.a left straight in the face at close quarters without re turn. The Kid broke ground repeatedly. 1 Peter chasing the Kid sent a left to the face, but Peter hooked two 1'fts to the head and then used Vs left twice more to the Kid's head while McCoy Jabbed the 'eft to the wind. They carne to a clinch in which Peter was cautioner] for holding, but at the same time he sent a left hook to the Kid's face. This was maker's round Round 5.—Peter forced the pace. Both landed lefts to the head. Then Peter sent another left to the face, the Kid countering. Peter shot a left to Ithe throat and tried to cross with the right but missed. Maher led, McOoy landed two hard lefts on the jgiw. McCoy crossed the right over <to the point of the Jaw. Peter was fofleed to a clinch. McCtoy dropped the big fellow with a left swing on the jaw. Maher was counted ouit. Time of round two minutes 22 sec onds. New York, Jan. 1.—For their battle at Coney Island, which means so much to each in a pugilistic way, Charles, bet ter known as "Kid" McCoy and Peter Maher of Ireland were in perfect physi cal condition, the result of six weeks of training. Both Maher and McCoy con cluded their preparations for the battle yesterday with mild exercise. All the box seats were disposed of. While the crowd was as large as that which wit nessed the Fltzslmmons-Jeftries and Sharkey-Jeffries fights, the receipts were not so large, as the prices asked tor the tickets were much smaller. Maher left his training quarters near the Morris Park track at 10 o'clock this morning and immediately went to Coney Island, where he remained until called to enter the ring. McCoy started from White Plains for Coney Island at 9 o'clock. He made his headquarters at a hotel near the Coney Island club house. This was a fight concerning the pro bable outcome of which any of the ex perts would speak with any degree of po sitiveniss. There is nothing in the past to throw any light on what may happen today. Mahar is a new man, a cleverer, strong er, better conditioned man than he ever was at any previous stage of his ring ca reer.. McCoy, the most skilled fighter in the world, lias gained what he thinks he al ways lacked—weight. The Maher of to day is not the Maher who was beaten by FRzsimmons and Goddard. For the first time in his life, Peter has trained hard for a fight. He is married and he has settled down to work seriously. He has not been burdened with facts, fancies or theories, and he has not worried about his weight. Over McCoy. Maher had whatever ad vantages go with greater weight and height, but the kid outreached him and this alone in the reach, coupled with his superior skill, he counted as a winning combination. But he was no more confi dent of the success of this combination than Maher was of triumphing by his greater weight and strength and what he believed to be his harder hitting powers. When it comes to punching there are not many men, if indeed there be any, who can punch harder than Maher. It w'as McCoy's constant endeavor to guard his Jaw- and body carefully and try to Jab his opponent to helplessness. In looks Maher and McCoy wore fit to fight or a kingdom. Each was confident that he was in condition to battle for the purse of 320,000. In a statement last night Maher said: "I will defeat McCoy In about ten rounds of our battle at Coney Island tomorrow afternoon. This is a pretty confident pre diction to make but I don't really think It will be necessary to battle any longer than that time to prove my superiority over the kid. I suppose If other boxers were as confident of winning as I am they would probably call the turn on two or three rounds. "One reason that I predict that It will be a short battle is because I expect to score a knockout. It may come off in the first few rounds, but it is safe betting that the story will be told before the tenth has been reached. "It is the general opinion that I will have difficulty In reaching the kid. To me it Is not a question of the number of blows. One blow will be enough and I think I can afford to take one of ihe kid's light taps to send a good one home. I Intend to force the fighting from the start. The kid does not like to fight fast. He would rather stand off and do some of his pretty Jabbing. There will be no Jabbing In this fight. McCoy will have to fight me. 'I intend to mix it up and if McCoy can defeat me at that game he Is welcome to the fight. I know McCoy will try to k< e;i away from me by his ducking and side stepping. but he cannot keep this up long. I will give him more than he can send, no matter what methods he may employ. If I defeat McCoy I will be ready for Jeffries or any of the other heavyweights. But I suppose they don't want any of my game." Kid McCoy said: "Well, It will be all over in a few hours and we will know who was correct in their predictions al though in my mind there is no doubt as to the result. Those who have bet on me will surely get a run for their money be fore the battle is over. I feel more and mare confident of victory as the time for ns-to enter the ring draws near and, bar ring accidents, I think I will win in a walk. "I am trained to the hour and prepared to put un a hard battle. I don't, however, bank on an extended argument, as I am Of the opinion that the bout will be short, decisive and in my favor. "The fact that I expect to defeat Maher should not be taken that I underestimate Ohe Irishman. I know what he can do and taJce him for what he is worth. I have studied his methods and have come to the conclusion that I am the better man and only long for the tap of the gong to call us to the center of the ring. '"Phis talk about Maher stopping me by a punch is all well enough, but better fighters than the Irishman have failed to dc^ the trick. While Maher may be fairly clever and a terrific hitter, he is not what you would call a scientific fight er. He is more of a slugger and today I will prove to him that he Is far from a champion when it comes down to real elevej fighting." MEASUREMENTS. MctfOY MAHER. ..............age................. 30 6 ft. 10% in........height.......5 ft. 11% in 158 pounds .......weight.......175 pounds "J jn -..........chest, normal.........40 in 41 in.i........chest, expanded........42 in \ n * ..............waist..............31 In l* »"v.............biceps.............13 In 76 * n i'.............reach..............73 in !*)••......;.......neck..............17 in JJ W..............thigh.............23 in 7% 1*K.............wrist..............6'/4 in ll'/4 *0 ...........forearm...........10V£ in .t'ETER MAHER'S RECORD. Rounds Knockout— Martin O'Hara, Dublin, Ire......... 2 Won- Tim O'Doherty, Dublin, Ire......... 3 Draw— Robert Hair, London, Eng.......... 4 Knockout— John' Seenan, Dublin, Ire.......... 5 Exhibition Peter Jackson, Dublin, Ire......... — Knockout— Alf Bowman, Dublin, Ire........... 6 Gu» Lambert, London, Eng........ 1 Won-, '^Bubbles" Davis, Philadelphia ..... 4 Jim-Daly, Philadelphia.............. i Jack Fallon, New York............ 2 Jack Smith, New York.............. 1 '■8ailor" Brown, New York......... 1 Knockout— Joe Godfrey, Philadelphia......... 1 Losl— Fitzsimmons, New Orleans.......... 12 Knockout— M*k& Monohan, Philadelphia ...... 1 Lost . Jpe poddard, Coney Island'.......... 8 Knockout— Val Flood, Rdby, Indiana........... 4 Ike Hayes, Helena, Mont........... 1 Toni Johnson, San Francisco...... 1 Nick. Burley, San Francisco........ 1 Draw Joe MeAuliffe, San Francisco...... 4 Knockout— George Godfrey, Boston ........... 6 Frai»k Craig, Boston.............. 2 Won-* Pettjr Courtney, Hoboken.......... 3 Exhibition— Bitty Smith, Lynn, Mass........... 3 Dra w—— Jim Hall, Boston.................. 6 Woa-v Jerry Mattery, Baltimore........... 1 Knockout— Bob' Marshall, Coney Island........ 1 No (j fir is ion— MeC,'iffrey, College Point......... 3 Knockout— Ste\\ O'Donnnell, Maspe th, L. I.... 1 Knockout by— Fitzsimmons, Langtry, Texas....... 1 No dc-tision— Fitztjimmons, Madison Square ..... 3 Won— Frafjk Slavin, Madison Square..... 4 Knockout— Joe Choynski, Broadway A. C....... 6 Steve O'Donnell, Coney Island ..... X Won— C. $ Smith, Buffalo ............... 6 No decision— Steven O'Donnneil, Philadelphia.... 6 Drawjr TonV'Sharkey, New York......... 7 Won— Miki Morrissey, New York........ 1 Draw Gus Ruhlin, New York............. 23 "KID" M'COY'S RECORD. Won— B!ll£ Steffens, Cleveland........... 10 Knockbut— AI };ob*rts, Cincinnati............ 5 W on*- Shadow Maber. Memphis........... 10 Jack Wilkes, Boston............... 2 Draw— DickhO'Erlen, Boston.............. 25 Won— Charlie Smith, Louisville........... 2 Joe Sheer, Louisville.............. 3 Knockout Dick Moore, Louisville........... 6 Abe Ultman, Baltimore............ 13 Lost— * Ted White, London............... 10 Knockout— T«tnmy West. New York.......... 2 Tommy Ryan. Netw York.......... 15 Frank Rosworth, Memphis......... 2 Won— Jhn Daly, New York.............. 3 BUJv Smith, Boston................ 6 DMc Moore, Brooklyn............ 10 Knockout Bill Doherty. Johannesburg........ 9 Won Dick O'Brien. New York........... 10 Jack Bonner, Philadelphia......... 6 Knockout Dick Moore, BufTalo.............. 2 Draw Tommy Ryan, Syracuse............ 5 Knockout— George La Blanche, Dayton ........ 1 Won Beacli Ruhie. Dayton ............ 1 Ausiralian Bill Smith, Chicago..... 2 Dan Creedon, Long Island........ 13 Knockout by Tom Sharkey. New York......... 7 Won— joe Choynski, San Francisco ....... 20 Knoakout by— Vaek McCormack, Chicago........ 1 Kiiockooi— Jeff Thorne. New York............. 3 Stcv" O'Bonnell. New York....... 8 Jack McCormick, Mew York........ 7 SCOUTS WERE CUT OFF But Were Later Rescued by Their Comrades, ONE OFFICER WOUNDED And His Men Refused to Leave Him —The Success ol This Little Party Raises the Hopes of the British People. London, Jan. 1.—Owing to the lack of news from important points, interest in the war centers on the comparatively un important skirmishing near Dordrecht. Captain Montmerency's sortie with a pa trol of 120 men of the Twenty-first Lanc ers and his retreat December 30th, were followed the next day hy a successful British engagement and the rescue of a. small party supposed to be men Captain Montmorency left behind him. Under Captain Goldsworthy a force of 12-5 men with four guns accompanied by Captain Montmorency's scouts sallied out of Dordrecht during the morning of De cember 31st, to relieve Lieutenant Turner and twenty-seven men left over night at Laonshagns. The Boers were driven back and Lieutenant Turner's party was res cued. Eight Boers and thirteen horses are known to have bien killed. The Times in its second edition pub lishes a dispatch from Sterkstrom, dated December 31, which says: "Captain Montmorency's scouts are cut oft owing to their refusel to leave a wounded officer, Lieutenant Warren, of Brabantshorse. These men under Lieu tenants Milford and Turner of the fron tier mounted rifles defended themselves most gallantly against the repeated at tacks of some 800 Boers. The enemy re sorted to snipping during the night but were repulsed with loss. At 5; 15 this morning Captain Goldsworthy with the Cape mounted rifles arrived and the ene my fled to the hills. Turner's party, whose horses had nearly all been killed, were ) rescued. They displayed splendid pluck and the brilliant manner in which Cap tain Goldsworthy effected their relief on I his own responsibility is deserving of tile highest praise, dur loss was two j men wounded. The Boers loss about thirty men including eight men killed." I Another account says: "The success of this little i>arty will arrest the progress ; of the enemy's recruiting in that vicinity. , A dispatch from the Modder river says ' December 3i the naval guns planted a few ! excellent »hells without reply. The ene J my's position on the left is apparently i considerably weakened." j But neither Modder river nor the Frere camps send any news tending lo show an impending change in the. existing im passe, nor confirming Hie impression created by yesterday's dispatches that General Huiler meditated an immediate i forward movement. : Count Gleichen of the Grenadier guards land a distant relative of men Victoria, who was wounded at the battle of Modder river, has recovered from his wound and has left Capetown for the front. A Capetown dispatch dated Sunday December .'list, published in the second. , edition of the Times says: "For the moment there is a general lull in active military operations pending the arrival or General Roberts. It is general ly hoped that he will, for some time at hast, direct the op nations from here. I The absene of General Huiler, however! unavoidably, lias left the colony without that central organization and vigorous j control at headquarters essential to the» conduct of a campaign along so vast a frontier." I The same correspondent says: "i n view of the fact that D>\ I.eyds and other Boer agents seem able to cable freely to Pre toria the British censorship will be even stricter henceforth." A De Ear dispatch dated December 31st, says a mounted patrol has gone from there and that other arrangements have been made to prevent looting in that ! neighborhood by small Boer forces. ! WAS GREAT VICTORY. GENERAL FRENCH ROUTED THE j BOERS BY A FLANK MOVE J MENT YESTERDAY. | __ i Reinberg, Cape Colony. Jan. 1.—General French has completely defeated the Boers und occupied Colesburg. The general continued to keep the Boers on the move and pressed them closely Saturday and (Sunday, giving them 110 time to make a prolonged stand, ami when day broke he was within striking distance of the ene my. Last night all the cavalry, artillery and infantry, the latter riding in wagons to increase, the general mobility, started upon a night march, with the object of turning the Boers right. The flank op erations were successful. The infantry and field batteries immediately made a feint attack on the Boer front, oml while this was preceding the cavalry and light artillery got completely around the ene m.iy's right tlank as arranged. The pro gram worked without a lilt oh. The Boers were utterly surprised, and finding their re:: at thr<atened, lied in disorder to the eastward, leaving Colesburg in General French's hands. Hennessy s *7 sa s so 200 SS 26 SI 80 Closing Out Several Lines of Fine Cloth and Plush Capes At Bargain Prices Believing You've had time to recuperate after your Christmas shopping and the gay festivities of that day, we offer some magnificent values in Women's Gar ments, a fitting send-off for the closing days of 1899. CLOTH CAPES BLACK BOUCLE CLOTH CAPES_ -4 inches long, lined with serge high storm collar, and down front trimmed with Angora fur; sizes 36 to 44 inches. $6.50 and 27,50 Values Only $3.95 each BLACK BOUCLE CLOTH CAPES— Extra heavy weight. 24 and ^7 inches long, lined with heavy serge, large storm collar and front of cape trimmed with Angora fur* u sizes 26 to 44 $10.00 and $12.00 Values Only $6.75 each A LARGE LOT ODD CAPES—Made of fine Boucle, Flush, Beaver Cloth etc. Length 22 to 27 inches. Snipe are trimmed with fur, others with Jet and narrow braid. Some of these Capes are very choice. The 313.50 quality for 3 K.75 315.00 quality for 3 9.75 318.50 quality for 311.50 320.00 quality for 315.00 325.00 quality for 315.95 PLUSH CAPES PLUSH CAPES, GOOD QUALITY— Lined with serge, length 22 inches, high storm collar and front of cape trimmed with Angora fur; sizes 34 to 42 inches. $6.50 and $7.50 Values Only $4.75 each PLUSH CAPES—Same style as the above, but 27 inches in length, lined with serge, high storm collar and front of cape trimmed with Angora fur; sizes 36 to 44 inches. $10.00 and $12.00 Values Only $6.75 each BEAVER CLOTH CAPES—Extra heavy weight, in black only: I'ninga of heavv serge, storir collar and h* cape 11 ' '. .'...»ui-» Th-se Cepes are very warm an strictly serv iceable; all sizes, 36 to 42 inches. $10.00 and $12.00 Values Only $6.75 each A « At Half Price Some 50 or 60 Trimmed Hats. large and small shapes, with trimmings of wings, plume velvet, etc., worth from 36.50 to 310 and there's quite a bunch of prr attern Hats, too. These all go at ».•* price. JERSEY WAISTS We have Just opened up a lot of Jersey Waists for women. The qualities are ' generally of the higher grade, and there tire no two of fh.e Waists alike. These are merely a sample line of the latest fad sc-nt to us with the expectation of receiving a general order. CoJors. red, navy blue and black; sizes, 34. 36 and 38 inches. Prices from 34 to $18.50 each. AT HENNESSY'S Butte, Montana.