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Ä WEATHER FORECAST BTTTTR —Tonight : Unsettled. Tomorrow. Unsettled. Œj je Putte 3Satlp $oöt. WEATHER FORECAST MONTANA F* VOL. 4. NO. 309 BUTTE MONTANA. MONDAY. JANUARY 1. 1917 PRICE FIVE CENTS. J. F. O'CONNOR IS ELECTED S- AKER OF THE HOUSE AT Oh. M G OF THE ASSEMBLY No Contests Develop and Caucus Nominees Are Chosen After Associate Justice Swears In Members Speaker Outlines the Work of the Session— J. E. Edwards Chosen President of the Senate by Republicans—Organization Effected Without Special Incident—Joint Session Will Be Held Tomorrow When Governor Will Read His Message. pi lai to the Post. Helena, Jan. 1.—Both houses of the fifteenth legislative ssembly were organized at noon today. The proceedings ere not marked by contest and were entirely formal and rief. The usual number of spectators crowded the gal eries as the members of the house and senate were sworn Each house adjourned to 11:30 o'clock tomorrow orning, when the real work of the session will be com enced. Gov. S. V. Stewart will read his message at noon a joint session dt senate and house. At noon today every member of the "use except one was present when dney Banner, associate Justice, ad *nistered the oath. The exception n Frank Eitel of Beaverhead, well own republican, who is ill In Chi In some quarters a contest had expected over the office of -Aker. As a matter of fact the ocrats to a man stood by the eus nominee, Judge J. F. O'Connor Park, who received 4R votes and declared elected. The republicans a complimentary vote for Ronald 'gins of Missoula for that office, received 45 votes. hree democrats who did not at yesterday'a caucus voted for the These were members of the tana Society of Equity, and in » quarters it had been said that proposed to act indei**nd«ntly, tn jeh case there would have been a elected a republican "ker. 'I .«publicans hud not nted on ^..oh action ' d the vote ceded today without Incident, fol Ing the choice of the party organl as expressed yesterday. Outlines Its Work. Speaker O'Connor made a brief in Suctory speech in which he said L re were three issues thut demanded particular attention of the law kers at the present session. These "(Continued on Page Fight.) THE» DIE THIN INFORM THEN OF HIS IRREST n 0 Ma^stortTHims.11 »I though He Insists He is Innocent. id a y Harbor, Wash.. Jan. 1.—Al Blancett. aged 23 years, is in hospital here suffering from a nd he inflicted upon himself yes "y after he had been arrested on rmation from Albuquerque, N. M.. ging him with murder and the al d theft of an automobile, lancett was arrested Saturday and "erday asked permission to visit mother at Richardson, Lopex is On arriving at Richardson, ac panled by the sheriff, he entered a house to unpack some gifts. A ent later a shot was heard and young man was found on the floor wound In his neck. He had i shotgun In the room and at ipted to commit suicide. God. I could not tell mother." cried, as the sheriff entered the m. lancett declined to discuss the rges against him except to say they untrue. It is not believed that his dll be fatal. NEIN HOSPITAL AND MANY INJURED IN HEAD-ON CRASH > s . Elizabeth Paxson is Cut and Bruised When Autos Collide. One Machine Going at Rate of 70 Miles an Hour. Glare of Light Blinds Driver. Mr*. Elisabeth Paxson. proprietor the Stevens block and who for a conducted the Dorothy and Vir ginia apartments, is in the Murray hospital with minor injuries and many bruise« sustained in an automobile oolllsion about 4:10 oVloek this morn ing. Two big privately owned tour ing cars are practl* liy a total loss gnd the occupants oi both removed to their hoifes eore In every musole ft >m Which they a minor nature. th< the bruise* While Mrs. , injuries we> : declared t» be extant has hot THE NEW YEAR USHERED !N ON BATTLE FRONTS British Fire Salvos From All Guns to Mark Advent of 1917. With the British Armies In France. Jan. 1 (via London).—The arrival of 1917 was W« loomed on the western front üÿ the British and French sol diers as a beginning of the end of the great world war. There inay he vary ing views and theories as to how the end is to be brought about, but there is no question that throughout the British army there is a conviction that the next 12 months will bring a vic torious peace to the allies. Opinion among the British and French fighters as to how the wai will end is divided into two schools. One believes that Germany will be willing to grant extreme concessions and the other that only military pres Page Eight.) (Continued > MYSTERY SURROUNDS THE DEATH DF IRTIST'S MflOEL Young Woman Discovered Apartment With Skull Crushed. Philadelphia. Jan. 1.—Although score of detectives are working on the mystery surrounding the murder of Grace Roberts, a young artist's model In her apartments here last Saturday no definite clue to the Identity of her slayer had been found early today The girl's body was found late Satur day night by a janitor at the apart ment house where she lived. Her skull had been crushed, apparently with an electric flat iron, and a silk stocking was tied tightly about her neck. According to Captain Tate of the detective bureau. Mrs. Roberts, was aliout 23 years old. was a widow. A dozen or more photographs of men were found in the room, but whether any of them had been Identified the police decline to say. A man's silk shirt and collar, both blood stained, were found in a closet in the room. ,been <1e "' rmined deflnltely Mrs. Paxson sustained a cut over the right eye and many painful bruises. The accident occurred on the Harrison avenue pike, about a mile east of the old Regan roadhouse. The automobiles met head on while one of them was travelling 70 miles an hour, according to an eye wit ness. "The big car came tearing up to us with the glare from the lights making it impossible to see anything and crashed into us. That car must have been travelling 70 miles hour," the witness said. He _yefused to divulge the names of the occupants of either car, but it was determined that none were seriously injured ex cept* for Mrs. Paxson. Both machine* were demolished, the forces of the collision being suf ficient to break th* front wheel* into j matchwood. The radiators I glam of both oars were ______ and en- I I Unofficial Text of Entente ^Note Received In Berl m Germans Consider It a Flat Refusal to End the "SVar HE WAS GLAD TO QUIT. ' Ss \G • I ' | COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ORGANIZE; SIMONSON IS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Peter J. Kelly Takes Charge of the Assessor's Office and Sam L. Anderson Assumes the Helm as Clerk and Recorder. Other County Officers Will Assume Their New Responsibility To morrow Morning. O'Rourke Will Be Present on Crutches. Only part of the new courthouse administration took possession of the respective offices today, the remainder waiting until tomorrow morning on account of the holiday. The county commissioners met at 10 o'clock, as required by law, with Chairman McGrade presiding, and after electing Otto Simonson chairman took a recess until tomorrow morning, when it is expected the appointments :o the county board of health, law librarian and janitors of the building will be made. The meeting of the county commissioners was purely formal in character, and when the recess was declared the members of the board, with re tiring Commissioner Gus J. Stromme, showed the new commissioner, Joseph M. Fabian, through the building, after which they made a trip to the poor farm for the purpose of making an inspection of the insti tution. Retiring Assessor P. 3. Sullivan WM in hi* office promptly at 9 o'clock and soon after Peter J. Kelly, the new county assessor, with William Malloy, his chief deputy, arrived. Mr. Sullivan wished both gentlemen a happy and prosperous new year and. In handing \ over the keys of the office to Mr. Kel- j ly, he expressed the hope that his two years of service would be eminently | successful. Sam L Anderson, the new clerk and recorder, with a number of his depu- j ties, was on hand soon after 9 o'clock ; and the keys of the office were turned j over. County Attorney Joseph R. Jackson and his chief deputy, N. A. Rotering, also paid a visit to the courthouse, but they will not formally take possession of their offices until tomorrow morning. At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning the keys of the office of the clerk of the court will be turned over to Otis the new clerk i The old officials have already moved out of the building. | in Sheriffs Office. Sheriff John K. O'Ruurke an d hie Page Ten.) (Continued ■ DUSY START FDD NEW POLICEMAN - I -OS Angrlra. Jan. 1—H. A Span.^w who was sworn in as a patrolman last _ . . , , h „ „ llc . r .„_ r , n the bv tninulng two mf'i Tnan auTo^bUac^^tt«Them to; UthecTlaw^h Attempted, v •___us,— .» --' —j to escape, knocking down with his fists and capturing the two men while on* of them kept taro revolver* trained on the offleer They ware riding in an automobile.listed as stolen, and accord I Ing to a a itne*», had held up a motor - I cvrlist NO MEN TO HELP WHENFIRESWEPT CANADIAN ASYLUM Forty-five Women Inmates and One Sister of Charity Lost Lives. Quebec*. Jan 1.—Sister* of charity were without 'Utside aid in rescuing inmates of the 3t Ferdinand De Hali 'fax insane asylum at St. Ferdinand De Halifax, when fire destroyed the build ling late Saturday night, resulting in the death of women inmates and x ne sister. The old building was In ai remote district far from other habt - tation and not a man reached the place jthe inmates. gg vicn rrchrd until after the destruction of the in stitution. A high wind spread the flames quickly. The sister who lost Hier life was trying to save one of, ratw' tlwu the low would not -o*od. *166.000 Th* cause of the fir* wn not known ^ wae much suffering a. the night was Intensely cold. here today indi i BRITISH SHIP BLOWS UP. Ju. L—The cutter tector has been biosn up. The nun her of men tarn is unknown. TWO GOVERNORS WITH BUT SINGLE STATE TO GOVERN Campbell Inaugurated in Ari zona, But Hunt Holds the Office. I by Courts. j Question Of 3 Few Votes Being Threshed Out EXECUTIVE CHAMBERS ! UNDER GUARD OF DEPUTY bouse «bout 14:30 o' Phoenix. Ariz., Jan. 1.—Thomas E. j Campbell, republican, was inaugurated governor of Arison* todny. There were no inaugural ceremonies for Gov ernor Hunt, incumbent, who claims the office, but when Governor Camp bell went to the executive offices he found them locked. Governor Campbell delivered his in augural address to a great crowd that filled the capitol ground». There was ! no serious disturbance. 3 '-»res of | armed deputies were scattered , throughout the assemblage. Great crowds assembled tn the ^ap ol grounds early in preparation for possible clash between the Hunt and j Campbell adherents. Governor Camp 1 bell, accompanied by counsel and a group of friends, reached the state The main entrance was locked but hammering on the doors by one of the party brought a raretiker who adiritted th, r.ew executive. Cheered by Crowd. In hi* a-Mr e*» Governor Campoeil • Continued on, Pag, Eight. J j 1 mui COLUMN NETS DEFEAT NEAR GKIHÜAHÜA ' ; Six Prisoners Taken by Car ranza Forces Are Put to Death ___I _ 'arrant* forces ami jefrat«! * Villa column. 3« j mll „ west of Chihuahua CMy on the .Mexican Northwestern railroad on t>*c 27. to ano«c-. of the .Carranta government fn»m Chihuahua f Oity who arrived here today The Villa force was commanded by Juan Jaurez. Jan. Murg*. who ha* be*n .>p**r»t r\g north Pro-fend weet of Chihuahua City. Six l VUAe prk^»*er* wrrr taken and ex Aecute«. the Cerranra officiai El TAXES WENT INTO EFFECT Tl Revenue Officers in Vigorous Campaign to Secure Early Returns. HIGHER LEVIES ON INCOMES AND ESTATES Munition Makers, Corporations and Some Businesses Must Pay Special Tax. • Wathington, Jan. 1.—New federal I taxe* on income*, entâtes, munition manufacturer«, corporation stock* and certain butine**«* became effective ' with the new year today and revenue | collector« are making vigorous effort* to obtain early raturn*. The taxe* are providsd by «h« emergency revenue bill enacted by concrete on Sept. 8. ' Unmarried persons with riet income* I r 13.0 0» or more and bead» .f familier 1 villi Income* of if,ooo or more ar< j ubjeci to per a normal 'ux of ent, tn.eteafl of the present rate of| it the prenant rate of additional tax**« e* of mor« than $ 20 . 000 by a graduated scsi* running fr on* to th!rt<-«*n per e*ftt. A tax two f»«r cent I* made on the iwom corporation* with wt#v*k valued at I' 000 or mot«, the former rate < par cent. On Estates. A graduated rax of from one to l**r cent 1» laid ori esrates of I »o or mor* when they ar- transfert Munition mar ubetaran ar» ra 1 2 1-2 per cent of their net pro! O .rporatlon» are »object to » npe exclue tax of ente a year for each 11.04« of fair value of capt'al »took in OXCMR of t»0 006. An,or. y the n*v annual taxe., or. »pedal businesses at* three : Tax on Business. r», »34: pawn broker*. 116; „hip ». »25 to »146, ae paclty. with rater "ö-curicte* bro broker*, ISO; cue'' I brokers, !2o the» 1 rording to Heading a* greet i^*BH circuses, .amuiw-rnrnt »hoi | | I 1 fowl *IO of «.•#* or !«r public (Con tin uad NEW YEAR CELEBRATORS LOSE THEIR AUTOMOBILES ! In Los Angeles 21 Cars Were Stolen—Two Youths Tow Away Four. j ! | , a Los Ana* J* 1—T»*-wt; - • '* happy New Veer eiebrators took street car* hom* earl- tod*:- after re porting to the police the theft of their • ctrs from the downtown district. Eleven cars parked in a row a* Seventh and olive streets »er» taken, j Police four times stopped two youths towing away automobiles later listed * as stolen, but accepted explanation* that the "disabled' curs ere he-.,' taken to garare* BUTTE FOLKS ESCAPE INJURY IN NEW YEAR S ROW IN SAN FRANCISCO j (>ther m<m j lniory Year s cafe party ended here ear day with J. R. Bu* k;ey. a 3p salesman, ir. a hoepttai likely t of a fractured skull and Ms fellow celebrant. Ed ard Lafrertv. of Port land, ore- paint Liy injured in an at tack made upon them uy a mar w bo was 'ejected from the cafe. Mr and Mr* Guy R. Starrett of Butte. Mont f the party, escaped die F IRST ARREST MADE IS THAT OF ALLEGED BOXCAR ROBBER William Knittinen is Taken to Jail at 9 o'Clock This Morn ing. Closely Followed by Bathhouse Keeper. Who Gets Second Honors. j William Knttrtr^n has the distinc tion of being the first man arrested during th* new year He «u taken I to jail at »:« o'clock thi* morning by Detective Cmm, The charge agw.n* | him is burwt.ry Knitr.nen is said to have een i caught tn the act while trying to |v<reek into a box car j L H*>«p. keeper ot a bath ! on East Broadway *a* given second \ honors. Five minutes after Knlttiaec. i»as sent below {•rua», X« in WASHINGTON ' STILL HOPEFUL THAT EFFORTS ARE NOT VAIN Exchange of Conditions Yet is Possible. Says British Newspaper. REPLY TO WILSON NOTE MAY SHOW WAY TO PEACE British Press Not Entirely Sat isfied With the Reply to Berlin. Berlin Sayville) Jan I (by wireless —"The text of the cn tente note replying to the peace of fer 0 f (he centrJ ] powers.' saw the . vr ,eml " official O \ e r s e a s New* agency, "reached Berlin as trane mitted from Paris by the Havas ^j cws a g CnC y The general impres sion here is if this version is cor reef—that the entente answer to the sincere German offer while verbose, nevertheless is a flat re fusal to end the war. This i% ev pecially regretted for the sake of the neutral countries suffering from the consequences of the war. "It is point*o out '-tn u»ii re markable that th« entente not.« rn* - Th#r | the G« -A. e * | page th*- war Wi! of rh!a ? w«. Ing :t confer I 'itrt - , he right of n»t 'iiaatitl—. 1 though one of th*- avo* ed war pur p<— 0 f the entente is th- onque.dt Lantlnopie and t a* strait. OFFICIAL TEXT MAY GO FORWARD TOMORROW 54LYNCHINGS IN U. S. DURING THE YEAH 191$ ^ State: made * per» \r* t Fourteen of Them Occurred in One State—Four Whites Among Victims. i hom were were e narked pf. 1: Misse or 4 Oklahoma. *: 3* 3. and 1 nun*, i; Xfrtfc Carol a. ~i h Câiei un. t. Tew -itng of L. A his piace who say* be in * poker easse le Hosp s pvaue. .* tie first cft*»kk •ng witness of the year. Thtrd pwue went to John Meyer, who was arrested about I# o cäock hr Special <>®e^r Frank O'Brien at rh* B A. 4 P freight yards Meyer was capture« ahile dragging a btg **ck .* corper Saluted a* th* ra Molen seven, days ago at Three Kork«. Mont. ► now until this mortsmg aitat ^ the last man arrested in 1»!0, He was take* to Jeff a boot I* o clock met right. He alept pocehiflT du ring the -entire nsght and eot uetil this n xi did he leer® that Ujaurt about.