GARDENSEEDS Don't Pay More Than We Ask. We Guaran tee the Contents and Value of Each Package to Contain Full Assortment. A few of the v«risties are: Cucumber. Cabbage. Peas. Radish, Corn. Tomato. Letture. Watermelon, Carrots. Beets, Beans. Onions and Parsnips. All Fresh New Crop Seeds at Lowest Prices EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN And Home House Cleaning. For 50 Feet of --y 11 ■iii.jr- * Garden Hose. GARDEN HOES GARDEN RAKES Best make of garden C A ^ Extra well finished O* . ms vit üvv garde OÜL POULTY NETTING . ... ' tting fj C for onh t t)L Step Ladders Here's sn e\:-« coed bi size >:er *. $2.25 /ffif 45c For Cedar Pol ish Mop with Long Handle; a 75c Value 7 Extra good qua! tv poltsh mop :r. tin mop :s complete v letu . - {ft 45c W/ This One for $2.25 >4. Sale of a Carload —of— Garbage Cans Emarge Sue Galvanized Garbage lan.-; Spetiallv !TA E*nced at O—.OU — ar; the\ are bette- than cans - id usus!!> at Sc.00 and S-?.50 Full gauge reinfc-ced with steel Heai 1 . bottom u :th dou t'ver ar ex" Sam Shiner. Ure-.dent and General Manager. S0ÜTH SIDE NOTES Staple ire fancy groceries: prompt de«. very. Taylor Grocery. 1€ÎS Harr: ke avenue Pbcr.e BIL—Adv. wa* *r. Butte yester*!*} to hear the Vew York sympt r.y concert a / • * . - ming street 8he ret ed to Wh-te had this morning Mrs Byers at 241? Y aie street .s ili at her home - The I-adie* Aie of the ^ elsh church erfll hi —frtilwmj Tbursday afternoon a: the house of Mrs Aug-*: Miller i£4 Dakota street Mr* Georre Geiser ar.d daughter of' Helena are at the h*me of - 1 - Dawes on South Colorado street T~ _ ~ • j Kidneys Retain Poisons Wn*3*ver the excretory prod- t the htflasyt •.« ist promptly r.«: mm Er p*Ä»ed you nav be »bf^luraiy sure you are *Jiï iocr ryewm TU» by terrible bea ds: -__________ » by d u; a m , dry. harsh and by failure to void the poi se ra although the dWfr* is strong by Irrttited cord.t.on of the passage, etc If you Will take a great physician s prescription, to-a it. you will relle-N e your system of the. poison», allay Irritation, restore nor ma! and natural urination, and get on the quick ROAD TO HEALTH! Bold by ak druggets. v . ^ w .. . a s : wa« t*c-rr. t \*n McDonald 1114 H. ^ ,-• e &• _____ - was er.terta rec Saturday - *• Mrs O J Larwon. 1921 Harris r __ Joseph Ree«« 1J« PhiUips ivi gone tc ; _ I F. B Smith of 212t 1 >• confined u h:> home from an atta the grip. The teacher« and officers of Loweil Avenue Methodist Episcopa. school i . - the home of P. H Wearne l»l| Rob - • The LadW A d of the Grace Meth •diet church have planned to gl%e a serial in the church parlors the Wednesday r. < Lpal# pttle df « seperted to be ?» *Jiï Tile avenue is Wile- Mount Joy of Helena the Bennett hotel last night a bile his iray to Twin Bridges. i,r8 Turner of Emma street was I ^ r,!rTe ** night to a number of her friends at an Informal party. --* I THE POST FOR THE NEWS Mrs Fr«5 Goforth «r.d nor. of H»rr:« h'jr*. Or*_ sr* to arrive in Butt, tonight and will make their home for the summer at 1715 Love'.: ave Mrs. C. A Rexroad ia a sister of Mrs Goforth. Mr Goforth arrived in Butte several weeks ago to prepare for the coming of his family. BRITISH SWEEP OVER THE GERMAN LINES, BIG SUCCESS (Continued from Pa** On« ) ture of th* high ground northwest of St. Quentin tightens the x'hain which the Anglo-French forces are drawing around that town Near St Quentin the Germans have boon driven from the high ground be tween Yerguier and Hargicourt. light ing continues along the entire little front. Diversion Fails. The British have s*i**d the village of Fam poux and the neighboring de fenses north and south of the Scarp* :i\er The German* made a strwic at tack as a diversion or. a n»nv* front southeast of Y pres and reached the British support Unes The> were * driven from the British trenches hv a ounter Vttladh , .The announcement, w ' ich »s timed li a m 4* as fol Puring the night there was severe • »ihtlng at the northern end of Yim> .ige. where the epemy had retained . foot ng He was ejected and ar. at tempted counter attack failed to ma terialise The eastern slope of the ridge has !»een cleared cf the onem> and counter attacks repu sed •'Our troops adv anc*d and seised the n . tee o? r»mp'U\ and neighboring tense« ' - Sea Nine Thousand Prisoners. "Th* number cf prisoner» taken ye»- | terda> exceeds V C. . a: d over 4 guns have beer, captured In the neighborhood cf St Quentin . the ftier.'.) has been driven from the high g'c* id between Yerguier and Harric. . rt Fight « continues ! ! * ! 1 i A t rhout the whole battle fro made a strong attack las I : K (U1 -• 150 Officers thus far the Prisoners. > »nil II* «h» «•!-*» these including nd*r* Although the official count ■> expected tc ' qua cs of tr.a destroy* great quan * sv. i a: the 'as: minute to : hr capture The weather -- *trt > cold with snow flur • the British forces are clad lr. sk-.-« and are kept wel! fed. • : • CLEAR CUT VICTORY FOR BRITISH FORCES ON SOMME FRONT don. April l (—The news of the cessful crer.-ng of the new British >-> has stirred gh h pe among j-e«. ; '.e throughout the country. ,Ate\rr the enemy may have claimed to the retreat r. the Somme sector c t-ex- t«?d and strateg. it is contended that their recoil , î re the blow «delivered 1n the Ar -I-ers region car.r.ot t»e explained ! a; :n &n> s.: h It is urged ; t there ,s no possible volur.tarj'j "'•-•■■*- t* - ret rement and that re can be r.x dispute as to who took j initiative j Important Positions i r.ew chapter :r. the conflict on the stern front has «gun and whether net it is to prove the beginning a decisive battle, it is bound, ac- ding to the prevalent opinion here, -ad to results of the highest im » G /ur s torn focussed .s the capture of ny r:dg€ The immense value of - »er.- r is of the great- j I 1 •• - ..Eh: I i i , ; Going Strong! t^-50 and f ^ Bov in the Back M. BRINK AND SONS | . ! fiercely for control of the ridge in the j ! summer of 191 o. both sides suffering «heavy loss**. but in the end the Ger ma:« held the main portion of the po- | sltion. 1-ater the British took over the French line and were ousted by the | * Germans from the parts of the ridge i vrhicl had beer «a y their 1 re !•« ! v essors, On* military critic, com menting upon the present battle, thu 1 described the importance of the \ im i heights: Bastion of Enemy Line. of "The> are admittedly the u the enemy's western line AY hat ever I else has been allowed to go he held : Yira> ridge with grim c-g nc and iaNished upon St all the arts in forti fications and defens e ski", that the war has taught him Upon it hinges the whole atrategy of the enemy'« re treat In the west With A ni> firmly K h*W he nan swir.c h> line further south slowly back, until ♦ ich part of it reaches the position when he has a mind to stand and he can con er the French districts, on >\h h lie depends much for supplies- I t with Yimy gore, the defense of these districts cun hardly l»* maintained The pivot of the whole retreat shifts and gives backward and is ir «tant risk of fracture.** Battle Continues Fiercely. The issues depend »: up«, n British ability to hold the ridge are therefore immense At the nv inert there is nothing to suggest a c. t the ridge will be held but the battle is still fiercely continu £ and there is little disposition N re Tnfldent predict io - N evert* the opinion is expressed that Germans are definitely d ve the ridge, without • 'pe they are likely er g' :. to acknowledge defe. t . Nx hat is called the Mev.s«. from Verdun thrv - be.: ire and Lille. In the meantime ,v e on over a front of . roughly, from Lens i >* • core of attack being aro : cf Arras. As far as (everything is gom*. \g ish and justifies :h- s. but the comments v. àay • elude a warning n -t tv hopes to run too Î «.'• known to have got res« and ar. iron eompu's make every effort to a v papers warn the - should aw ait the e\ er.t sober expression ar.d t time for boast inç if the from «.impelled I deft .u The ! i v .»t r j s iri: of „ . . GERMAN REPORT OF l I THE GIGANTIC BATTLE Hrlt ihese 1 Berlin. April 10 British." »ays tl statement today, '.rating our positions ing from Arras* . London).—"The German official •ceeded in pene • u the roads lead bm did not break our divisions suffered es The battle con RUSSIANS ARE AGAIN ON MARCH AGAINST TURKS Petrc Apr , Russian ! in Persia ; Mesoj*ota °* ^<*e ar.r j hav« bee j they had _ BRmSH MARCHING j Uon4»n Air jo.— The British have I made a furthtr advance north of Bag- lad the ffi e anneunce». The 10 (via l^ondon).— « ? the northern army -•gain on the march into Bnneh. just south b xf Mosul, the war of ed today. The Turks • out of the defenses • holding there for some I time ar.d the Russian offensive is be ing cx-r.t:r . • S uthwe«: Khanikin the southern i .x .umn : Ri an», w hich recently i effected a , from Kg - ; Robat > ir have eaptu: Bagdad-?a HerV-e : n with the Britisn had occupied Klzll northeast of Bagdad, NORTH OF BAGDAD the BalAd station on the : h railway and the town FRENCH FORCES ALSO REPORT AN ADVANCE Paris- Apr:. 10.—A further ad vane w-as made s th of the Oise by the) Frer h last eht, the war office an- 1 ncur.xed The statement follows: North of the Oise the enemy's art il - ! lery show..; activity than on pre ceding days. S Uth of the Oise we made prog- I ress east of the lower forest of Coucv. The artillery fighting was rather i ^r s of ar Ä' southeast of Rheims we repulsed a surprise atti. k Fighting with gran ades oc urred west of Maisons do Champagne." 5 : NOTED AVIATOR IS REPORTED MISSING I.ondc.n. Arm 10. — The Evening Nev.s say. that Lieut. William Leefo Robinson, the first aviator to bring dow n a Zepj eiln in England, is Te l: orted missing. Lieutenant Robinson earned the Vic toria cross and became a popular hero In England last September by shoot ing down a Zeppelin at a height of 10/,00 feet The Zeppelin, which was taking part in an attack upon the London area was brought down in flames at Cuffely. The lieutenant Is 21 years old. SWEDEN TAKES ALl MAIZE AND RICE Stockholm. April 10 (via London).— Miuae and rice stocks have been ex propriated by the government. THE POST FOR THE NEWS Can You Fill the Bill? Are you prepared for a successful business ca reer? Have you the training demanded by big business men? Big business will want yon— will need you—WILL DEMAND YOU. In vestigate the superior advantages offered by this school. Telephone 1240 RICE & MAY, Proprietors IT NO NEW UNITS IN TOE STUTE Mill! (Continued from Page One.) points ....... _,ut that the present emergency is one which cannot be met by the | re.ular force» and the national guard : a'a ne and adds that the existing law J docs net contemplate that the federal government shall rail on the states to form more national guard troops in j order that thc\ ma> be called into the i federal service." For Efficiency. The laws the circular continues, places this responsibility of organis es more troops for strictly federal use upon the federal government, where It properly belongs. Both from the stand of justice to the state and of ef I llclenev of the forces, the federal gov ! eminent should have the duty and the ■ ''.erponsIMlity of organising all forces j additional to the national guard after :he guard has been called into the United States service." The circular then affirms the state l n ' ,v: f by Secretary I Baker: New Regulations. 'No new national guard ....... ,a,ei State authorities and national guard vers should concentrate their ener «gnixed which do not have (1) suitable armories; (2) personnel grouped by locality so as to insure the possibility of attendance at drill; (9^ pivbable permanency. "No new units will be authorized in addition to those needed to complete the divisions outline in the orders of the war department and such army corps troops as may hereafter be desig- pies and attention upon organizing, properly equipping and training their existing organizations and recruiting them up to maximum strength author ized." LITTLE GUATEMALA MAY JOIN IN STAND OF U. S. Washington. April 10. Reports that President Cabrera has proclaimed law in Guatemala strengthens ; the belief of state department officials j that Guatemala may soon join the* l nited States in tlie war against Ger many. PORTUGUESE PRESIDENT CONGRATULATES WILSON I.islon. April 9 ivia Taris, April 101.—President Machado has sent a cablegram to President Wilson con gratulating him on "America's noble oluti a r as held today gation opular demonstration uitside the American ! I which cone, interests " i ___ proclamation warns RUSSIN WILL NOT ASi AN (Continued from Page One.) ms her requirements and PEOPLE OF THE DANGER Petroprad. April 10 (via London). 1 !.•- pn,\ isional government lias issued a proclamation directing attention to the grave danger of a German effort and tie" 11 d r ,,lve Wow »« Russia and the necessity of immediately con centrating all of Russia's f urce s f" r the defeat of the enemv "The provisional government." gays the proclamation, "feels that It has Ü 0 ir; *° hide ,h< ' truth - The State emiL tr r Bnd " ls to emploj all our powers to save It The old regime left Russia in a sadly Jls organized condition, especially in the Tr Ind f">•■ "rani! port and munitions. "TThe provisional government will devote all l,s energies to repair U,e Thi°n ™ ns ; "On the Banks of the Brandywine"........B\ "When Irish Kyes Arc Siniling"...........By "Where the Hiver Shannon Flows**........By "Mother Machree**......................... r x "My Wild Irish Hose**.....................IK "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere".............M t "Kathleen Mavoureen"............By Thomas ( h -''I Left Her on the Beach at Honolulu".... By "By the Sad I liana Shore".................B\ Monni Ke Ala"............. Tools "Waialae,** Walts Song......................Toot "The Bandolero" .......................... Bn "Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht**................ — "One Day He'll Come" (Madame Butterfly)..., -"Love and Music** (Ln To sea)................. --"Thou Brilliant Brid" ....................... "Louise** ......... luplinm Orchestra mpliony Orchcsln Walter Van Brunt W alter Van Brunt Waller Van Brunt Waller Nan Brunt Walter V an Brunt Walter Van Brunt tropulitan (Jmirtit aimers ami ( horn Walter Van Brunt Walter Van Brunt Pak; liai Paha's Hawaiian? Arthur Middleton »> Marie RappoM In I iiimv Destinn > I inuiN Destinn .Bn An î ÙK .IK Anna Case Hear Them at the Butte Phonograph Co. 126 W. Broadway EXCLUSIVELY EDISON The Only Exclusive Phonograph Store in Montan: liveriynce of the country from the enemj who invades our borders con stitute (lie vital problem before our warriors who are defending the 1 iberl y of tile people in close union with our allies. "The government deems it to be ils duty to declare now that free Rus sia does not aim at the domination of other nations, tit depriving them of their national patrimony or at oc cupying by force foreign territories, hut that its object is to establish a durable peace on rights of nations to decide their own destiny. No Lust for Power. rite Russian nation does not lust after the strengthening of Its power abroad at tlie expense of other na tions. Its aim ls not to subjugate or humiliate anj' one. ln tile name of the higher principles of equity, il lias removed the chains which weighed upon the Polish people, hut the Rus sian nation »ill not aiio»' its father land to come out of the great struggle humiliated and weakened In Ita vital forces. These principles will consti tute the basis of the foreign policy of) the provisional government which will eurtj out unfailingly the popular en gagements entered into with our allies. State in Danger. T lie provisional government of free Russia has no right to hide the truth. The state is In danger. Every effort must he made to have it let the coun try respond to tlie truth when luis told, not by depressions and not by discouragement, hut by unanimous ugor with a view to creating a united national will. This will give us new strength for the struggle und will procure our sal vation. Ill this hour of rude trial, let tile Whole country find it itself Strength to consolidate the liberty won and devote itself to untiring labor for the welfare of free Russia. "The provisional government whicli has given its solemn oath to serve the people is confident that with the general and unanimous support of each one and ail, it will itself be able to do Its duty to its country to the en .?' (Signed) L\0ff, President of the Council." KRONSTADT GARRISON EXPECTS AN ATTACK K~ dt ' AprU 8 (vla L »ndon, April 10).—Kronstadt is feverishly preparing to repel an expected Ger man naval attack when the Gulf of Mnlaud Is fre e 0 f ice . A correa . P ndent of the associated press reached the famous island fastness by whù'h " K er the va8t lce wa »«e ?nd fotmFn: 1 " " from the """''and and h t 6 Karrison working night P-dio!e > d in ess:uR. CiPatl0h °' **" The fortress is entirely controlled by LOi FULTON Go-Carts—Sulkies We Are Exclusive Agents. GALVANIZED GARBAGE CANS $3.50 to $6.00 RANGES Fine line of brand nevv Rjnjjj now beinjr shown. Used - many makes to choose » —low ft* $15 Step Ladders Handy for hou-rcleail'« We have them in all IrnB th ' [-KELLEY « ALU 799-211-213 East Psrk s PHONE 897 a council elected by the tr v Is unanimously resolved Russian freedom and terr . r= _; last. The council is « qua „* , ti o« against fighting for the an foreign territory. One councll said that as long ^ was unwilling to at>and° n , c annexation there was not»*"» but fight. ___ BENT TO WARM under,