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The Supreme Dessert Try Pineapple Flavors In Vials You never have tasted true Pine apple flavor in a quick jelly dessert. For Pineapple flavor fast disappears when mixed with the gelatine pow der. And boiling water changes it entirely. In Jiffy-Jell the flavor is made from pineapple juice, very carefully con- r densed. Then the flavor is sealed in \\ y, a vial, so it keeps its freshness until used. You add the flavor when the jell has partly cooled, so the flavor isn't cooked. You get the same result as from a fresh-fruit jell, at less cost and less trouble. Note the Economy Note the economy, both in time and money. You can use fresh fruit with Jiffy-Jell when you wish to. But the vial alone gives the fresh-fruit flavor. And your dessert is thus made in a moment. Serve it often in summer. It is light and deli cious, easy to digest. And it is always served cold. WAUKESHA PURE FOOD CO. WAUKESHA, WIS. pi$H VIZIER ON A VISIT TO BERLIN ki ' ' i:< |via i w i t), 1 ' ,l the Tula , ' l ' l '" ed ol > 'he ■U. Bert;,, ' s minister, Talaat I In Bus ■ , 1 1ls announced as km?. . developments. " ' '-P .T, !'""wT lKli ' Vl M «ui, T Hkely to be eon I 1 troubles and in I * ■» an appeal for help. P T EXCAVATING ON SISTERS' HOME I' Ml, 1 ' ", Vi '""'■''"d this week f tle'vury If* new Sign, \ a " e *' hospital. I «»»U " ■*** wl, > T 1, ' , 1 " Sisters and t V, ' ««*«. the ad ' -1 jU„ , . np «' building P*' 1 »na »m '.'J 00 " hen com }?"" »ml i.r,v k 1J V. U three-story. I'» tm Mnv J",* di « cp which will Severn', t ï' e ..."f 1 * hbor - t *h're „ v to 'he neighbor - ■ ' **T. Mar. "" buildings are f a '» ' r . *h an 5» rooms will and th, „ , I1 * Bnpl i 1* the . ,y 'Xmnin waH let to iS**«* BURNED. ' 3 Fi " -r« h this morning to tally destroyed the main business block. causing an estimated loss of 9200,000. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS WILBUR HAS A TILT WITH THE COOK. BY ALLMAN j Row A 17 E Vou leEtTiHC ALOMÛ WILBUR.? ok.AURi^nr- I M A5-S16«E0Tc>| -me COOK' TENT I 1 TOPAS I— rv -4 T : THIS IS WHAT I GET P0R shea mug awaV To GET A «SOPA I WATER- HURRY UPj PAH, SAN, IF VOU'P PUT THAT LID OH,\OU WOULDN'T «ET So MUCH post in The AoUP 3 c rt, am PAT so? , Look HEArt,&oV, >3 BUSINESS IS To SERVE Vo' COUMTRV I Yes, 3 or HOT TO EAT it! L' mm items if GEHL INTEREST Many Families in Great Falls Send Their Sons to War. Mayor's Son Goes. Great Fulls. April 25.—Near y every one of Great Falls' prominent families has been affected by the var and many haye sent their sons way to war. The following from uell-kno vn 1am Hies have enlisted; Albert J. Fousek, Jr., son of Mayor and Mrt - A. J. and Mrs. O. S. Warden, who joined the naval reserves at Newport, R. I., going from Dartmouth college; Wallace Kingsbury, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kingsbury, «ho joined the naval re serves at Ne«- York, going from the t niversity of Pennsylvania; Harper Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. E, A Jones; Robert Harker, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. E. Barker; Frank Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Roberts; Walter Hillstrand, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hillstrand; Frank Dibb, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dibb; James T. ambert, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. ambert of Roundup; Walter l.ux, lÆwrence Vidal, son of Dr. Hnd Mrs. id. K. Vidal; Walter T. Neubcrt, Carl Stihr, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1,. W. Suhr; Carl Anderson, son of Cnpt. Marcus Anderson of the police force, and Mrs. Anderson; Ernest Steele, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steele; John Krieger, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Krieger of Stockett ; Maurice McNinch and Jeff Olson. TO ASSIST FARMERS. Great Falls, April 25. — To assist ranchers near here In their effort to break as much ground as possible dur ing the coming few weeks, Project Manager Charles P. Williams of the on river district yesterday bought a big tractor. The machine will be kept going 24 hours per day. operated by three crews. An offer was also made to lease large tracts of land for 25 cents an acre to those who agree to glow foodstuffs. ON BLUE SKY LAW. Helena, April 25 Attorney Genernl Ford yesterday advised State Auditor William Keating that before it can be permitted to do business in Montana, • stock of the Consolidated compan ies should he submitted to n scrutiny see whether their operation is for bidden by the state Blue Sky law. klr. Keating hnd asked the opinion SQUIRREL FOOD DON'T WORRY, WE LL PUT BALMY BENNY IN THE FIRST TRENCHES. AHERN 'Hert! iteil' 6toKoe. 1 OUST TTSKf-P A ^lUie STORE MAN IIOvO MUCtl HIS & 8 A iVMK SHOE5 VJERC TOLU (HE # q f\ foot ! ^ CT, ■C ' vAWWS Art Bit. IDE«, STUPID --rf U&Ô TAKlM tyT parrot out FOR A WrtLrt ! WrtcREö Th' PARRoT 1 SH H H H n « H IT'S a park •III C Al f VJOoOMnnl e, ( WAgt ItonT \ iaee-rfS \ S unkiot uniformly good Oranges are freahf ,om California today and every day. Phone now for a supply. Every first class dealer sells them. Sunkist Uniformly Good Oranges CalifornlaFroift Growers Exckacgo before permitting the company, whirl was formed to deal in the securities o insurance companies, to operate in tlii state. BIG REALTY DEAL Helena, April 26.—The largest real ty deal In Helena in many years was announced yesterday with the pur chase of three and one-half acres of city lots within the henrt of the bus iness district by J. IT. Empson of Denver, who will erect several busi ness blocks, a garage and other build ings on the ground. The lots were bouRht from the estate of Joseph Horsky for a consideration stated to be "In six figurea" Mr. Empson's total investment hero, it is said, will be $600,000. LUSK IS A DELEGATE. Helena, April 25.— F. S. Lusk, pr ident of the First National bank of Missoula, was named yesterday by Governor Stewart ns delegate from this state to the conference called by the federal trade commission at Wash ington, D. C.. April 80. Heal Skin Eruptions Painful eczema is more active in spring when the blood is over-heated, the burning itching torture is unitear able, relievo it at once and heal the eruptions with Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. This antiseptic remedy is promptly effective in all skin troubles. Pimples, blackheads, acne, tetter, ring worm, scaly blotchy skin, all respond to Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. Get it today at your druggist, 60c. gunr eed. HU 6 BY WOKE BABY ID HEAR IT CRY Wife. Seekincj Annulment, Ac discs Her Mate of Many Eccentricities. New' York, April 25-—"My husband was so eccentric that he would wake the baby up in the middle of the night just to hear it cry," Mrs. Johanna Ca hane. a violinist, said in the suprer court She was seeking an annulment of marriage from Barnett Cahane, in ventor. Justice Finch reserved deci sion. "Immediately after our marriage I found that he was peculiar," the wife said. "We came from the clergyman'* house and Mr. Cuhano turned to the driver of the carriage and said: drive us to the cemetery.' " Didn't Laugh a Bit. "But he laughed when he said that, did he not?" Justice Finch asked. "No, sir. He said it in all serious ness, and that is one of the reasons I began to think him eccentric.'' Mr. Cahane liked to hear both his wife and huby cry, Mrs. Cahane said. "He Insisted that it was good for chil dren to cry—that it sounded well and developed them." Sees Ghosts for Protection. The only thing the wife found to be a check on her husband was taking advantage of his fear of ghosts, ac cording to her story. She said they moved into an apartment near a cem etery and that she could prevent him from bothering her by saying that she could see ghosts hovering over the graves. "At times," she said, "my husband would sit for hours not noticing any body. When I wanted to help him he would get angry and throw down dishes from the sideboard. He always talked about patents. When the wit nesses of our marriage, signed the reg ister he said patent lawyers must sign it, too, or else the marriage would not be legal.'' GUN CREW OF THE LOST ARMED SHIP RETURNS New York, April 25. Lieut. William ! Gresham, U. S. N., and 11 blue j jackets, survivors of the American ' armed ship Aztec, destroyed April 1 b> a German submarine, arrived here to day from a foreign port. Lieutenant Gresham declined to discuss the sink O o, m & SS * 4 ■K 1 * A Pur® and Reliable F ROM the largest, most sanitary Baking Powder factory in the world—from a factory full of fresh, pure air, plenty of sunshine and daylight, whereevery em ploye is healthy, happy and content — from a factory where spotless machinery takes the place of human hands— where cleanliness, sanitation and purity is the goal—from such a factory Calumet Baking Powder enters your home with all its purity and genuine good ness kept intact in sealed proof cans. In the great Calumet factory there is only one standard—and that standard is excel lence. Excellence in process of manufacture, excellence in ingredients, excellence in goodness and excellence in bakeday results. To maintain that cherished standard is the pledged aim of every employe, and to insure uniformity in the quality, whole someness and purity of Calumet, an infallible method of testing is used. The final result of all this watchfulness, this care, this sanitation and excellence in Calumet ingredients is manifest in the The light, tender, tasty bakings — everyone as genuinely good, wholesome and pure as the others —have made Calumet America's most popular Baking Powder. Tasty stad Wholesome 1 % . ^ r I n I y 11 7 ' ff '/.. I i » -, n&M ' uirurcT quality rilbflL J 1 AWARDS DAYTON TO MOVE CLOCKS , AHEAD, BEGINNING MAY 1 I - j Duvton, c*.- At a meeting of manu- 1 facturera and merchants, approval was | given the flan to set the clocks of Dayton forward one hour. In accord- ance with the eastern time method. The proposed change, If made, will be effe* live from May 1 to Oct. 1.