Newspaper Page Text
m ITT mm Your Liver Is {he Best Beauty Doctor A dull, yellow, lifel®« »kin. or pimple* and eruption», are twin broliiers io constipation. Bile, nature'» own laxa tive, is getting into your blood instead of passing out of your system as it should. Thi» I* Iti« treatment, in iuc ce „ful use for 50 years: on® pill d.Vtly (more only when necessary). :TTLE IYER PILLS btars 5/gnatura Colorless faces often show the absence of Iron in the blood. Carter's Iron Pills «.nil help this condition. Vulcan Weldiiifl Works Weld n. v part nbuut your Automobilo Kraii<> « ( v linder», Crunk Case, Broken Machinery in Mill or Plant. We ren.ove Cmbon from Auto Cylinder«. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED « Ean! (»alena Phone 251 You ma> 1 «e a shift If you» wate!» i** not running right. Let Ziglash, lat • of the Waltham ttafh Fart »rv. repair it. Kea sonable prie •s. 121 Pennsylvania Block. 1304. 54 \\ Strictly Fresh Eggs ira nt red eggs. delivered twice i week the year round. Phone my side Poultry Farm, L. James A Canty. Expert Watch Repairing—Watch cleaninj, $1 TO; mainsprings, $1; both rnaranteed for one year. BRODIE, the Jeweler, People's Theater building, 40 Last Park street. DR. RINCKEL TI1E DENTIST Over Clark'» Bank CORNER BROADWAY AND MAIN I.ady Attendant TELEPHONE POLE WABBLES NERVOUS WOMAN DIES Gary, ln,| Air I.ouiH Hmirher, tin a nervous collapse "lieu she » , telephone pule wabble "hi!e tt was beinu erec ted. She died thortlj at'u-rv ti-,i sentries fire on boat approaching naval base San n April 23.—Sentries '> "n a boat approach 1 naval base in a Cal Six shots were fired, »cd in the darkness. Main springs Jl.Go, guaranteed. May 2 i' west PHced Jeweler in Montana. 21 West Park.—Adv. fired earl ng too I* if»mia boat show." re ' he^put his glas.H then it happened "Well, It just "»fM the Run U,k »a the but. laI nsked the Barkeep, as reache,I fnr t i, e seltzer bottle. ' ked waist." replied the headed for the door. B'irnnr. St Ops that touches an! t ( ' a , t - t le momen * SJ 8 »! usually ston.a !a' lng skin ' lhe i" less "ic trouble , d >d hM mg "! ern >I condition i, ?? some se nou » ^'«fucaem' ?- U,CklyClMrsawa y U^urtorni *™*', ngWorm - Pimple», /w" 18 lhe skin g ', unsi ^i l *iy eruption, l lavf k,n clear and healthy Î^Ï Yeiïrï^ Retinol for J?*»' usinai tenu!? W , len Y 0 " *ry it, w remedy of proven value! fesi in druggUt, HOMELY SPUD TO _ . N. P. Lawns and Flower Beds Will Be Turned Into Veg etable Tracts. | Northi Pacific trains this summer will «lame from their carriage windows and behold waving gardens oi the homely but use ful potato and other table vegetables growing on every foot of what was formerly charming lawns, flower beds and ornamental floral decorations. Word has been issued by the North- I ei n Pacific instructing till agents on | their line to seed potatoes and other! vegetables on till station grounds, parks and flower gardens of thej Northern Pacific this summer, along [ the lines of the-national campaign for food fi.lal atin r»f the l.ivinj fact Pig Pakcd PotKH >it of the dining » ula. Bo ema "tie beautiful lawn: uch stations ai Livingston an* this state ill Im take their which was turned over and potatoes place. Whether the lawn started a couple of years ...... will ho similarly dealt with has not ; et been decided on But it is the. general belief that thC sight of every available foot or spare ground being ■ * foi the tables "ill h <' great inspiration to travelers and will be one of the greatest ad vertisements that could possibly be conducted to bring to the attention of the citizens of the nation the necessity for conservation of our food resources and in contrast show the great waste fu! vstoi r>f lr gone GIRLS' PLAYTHINGS THE INNOCENT CAUSE ! Mother is Held on Burglary 1 Charge. Blft Quickly Dismissed. Mn avenport. aged Florence, aged aret 10 years, and lier sist eight years, entered and took a frying pan, some dishes and other trash with which they made a remarkable doll's house and played for several days, their mother, Mrs. Loretta Davenport, was arrested on burglary charges. She was speedily dismissed yesterday, however, after the two little girls went on the witness stand and one of them told the court; "Mamma did not steal tlie pictures and the dishes and the frying pan. Little sister and I found the house had been vacated and that there were a few things left behind. We took them to the attic of our house and went to housekeeping in grand style. We h%d lots and lots of fun playing all day while mother was out working. And now the men came and broke up • >ur little house for our dollies." DAVEY DAVIS BOUND OVER TO GRAND JURY Davey Davis, a local motion pictur machine operator, wps bound over t the federal grand Jury to await in veatigation of a charge of lmpersonat Ing a government officer by I'nited States Commissioner L. M. Van Et ten last evening. The hearing devel oped the fact that Davis had repre rented himself to be a secret service operative to Clayton Parker, doorman at the Orpheum theater, and had asked Parker to accompany him to Groat Falls to do some government work there. A jeweler testified to making a badge bearing the letters "U. S. S. S " for Davis. CHARACTER CARDS FOR PENNSYLVANIA MOTORISTS Philadelphia—Philadelphia motorists y are members of the International Motor club are given ''certificates of charact* which aid the motorists In any trouble which may arise between them and offi cers of the law over questions of traffic legulation. The certificates are addressed to departments of public Safety, magis trates and police officials. In one corner at the top of the certificate is a photo graph of the person to whom Issued, and the certificate reads: "This is to certify that Mr. John* Doe, member No. ir»:> of Philadelphia, Pa., as a member of the International Motor club, lias received the personal indorsement of liis hank as a cltl/.en of responsibility who would not intentionally violate any law or ordinance governing traffic safety regulations." The certificate further states that the association fl|rees that the member will appear In person, or by attorney. In any court of Justice in the United States or Canada when required, upon receipt of proper notice of such action, and will pa> any fine or costs "imposed upon ad judication of any charge for a violation of the law governing the operation of an automobile." On the back of the certificate appears ihe member's signature and a description of his car. It is issued good until a cer tain dAte and is signed by the club's secretary. Sprains and Strains Relieved. Sloan's Liniment quickly takes the pain out of strains, sprains, bruises and all muscle soreness. A clean, clear liquid easily applied, It quickly penetrates without rubbing. Sloan's Liniment does not stain the skin or clog the pores like mussy plasters or ointments. For chronic rheumatic aches and pains, neuralgia, gout and lumbago have this well-known rem edy handy. For the pains of grippe and following strenuous work, it gives Quick relief. At all druggists. 25c. ANNOYING SYMPTOMS How Heat Flashes, Dizzy Spells and other Bad Feel ings at Change of Life | may be Relieved. I | [ Richmond, Va. -"After taking seven bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound I feel like a new woman. I al ways had a headache during the Change of Life and was also troubled with other bad feelings com mon at that time — dizzy spells, nervous feelings and heat flashes. Now I am m in better health than I ever wa3 and recommend your | remedies to all my friends. M —Mrs. LENA 1 Wynn, 2812 E. O Street, Richmond, Va, While Change of Life is a most crit ical period of a woman's exist* nee, tba annoying symptoms which accompany it may be controlled, and normal health restored by the timely use of Lydia EL PinRham's Vegetable Compound. Such warning symptoms are a sens® of suffocation, hot flushes, headaches, backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, *rregularitie9, constipation, variable ap petite, weakness and dizziness. CloJc -In Jpection» w not only - charming'-Jtyls .Ootrscit -rUape*nd-individuality-b\at that • they - aife - de pendable ■ and j'ei' • [Ihay doJl-no 1 -more • (kan-in/eriov ■ brand/-] V 0. S. L EMPLOYES TO CULTIVATE GARDENS Instructions Issued by Heads of Union Pacific System. Official instructions were issued to day by Vice President and Geueral Manager H. V. Platt of the L'nion Pu cific to all employes to enter heartily ! into the home garden campaign this j season and not alone to do everything in their power to raise vegetables on encourage their neighbors in a I undertaking. The circular received by E. A. Shewe of the local office today authorizes employes of the lines who are not blessed with gardens of their own to enter on the right of way and use whatever ground Is necessary for po tatoes and vegetables. IRRECONCILABLE. They had just finished their first quarrel, subsequent to the honeymoon, and she was in tears. "If," she sobbed, "if you had had the tiniest spark of love for me you would never have married me!" TIKE YOUR MEDICINES REGULARLY—Hood's Sarsaparilla Bofois Mcà s—Peptiron Pills After This combination is naving wonder ful success everywhere. It is sweeping poor health and fear of mental and physical breakdown out of many homes. It is restoring lost appe»ite, giving the glow of health to the cheeks, mak ing faces bright and complexions clear, and literally giving worn-out, brain fagged people the strength of iron. For it combines that most useful of all metals—iron—in a course of medi cine that is peculiarly effective. Hood's Sarsaparilla is made from an unsurpassed formula of blood-purify ing and stomach-toning remedies. In cluding sarsaparilla, marmrake, dan delion, yellow dock, wild cherry, gen tian and other valuable alteratives and kidney and liver reme iies. Peptiron Pills, named from pepsin and iron, include these w.tb nux and other blood and stomach tonics- just what physicians prescribe. FOIL CLAIM Ell Miss Loretz Scores First Place in Central High School Contest. 1 me of the most int closely contested ts ever held by Ha ine M. Loretz of lh. home won first honors in th. senior class - of girls at the ( cut Pal higi i school last e the veiling. The event took , »lace at St. Patrick's sein» »1 iiudi itorium. 1 here was a large uu< lienee present land . each number heart. ly ap s'ent to plaudi id. The .second h oiiors > .Miss Mary If. McGurtln . The judges were Mrs. M. A. Hoc »öd. Mi s. U. C. Monahan and Miss Agatli judges based their deeisio lion, interpretati I he excellence shown by the pupils re ,lett /-d the highest credit lows The progi I . .no solo, "Witches' Dance* (Mc Dowell), Janet McDonald. "The Painter of Seville 'Wilson*, Lvu Gingrus. "Emmet's Vindication," M.u\ H. Mc ( laith/. "In the Palace of Hu King" Craw ford), Gem use A. McGonigh "The Littlest Rebel" iiVpd>. C.nther ine M. Loretz. Male quartet, "Little .Mother of Mine'» (Ncvui), C. Canty J. (»ilniore, I). Duffy, J. Fleming. "The Sign of the Cross" |{ ; Abbie E. Casey. "Pauline Pavlovna" (Hard\ . K. Sherman. "The Lion and Hu* Mon c" Genevieve C. Lavelle. Violin solo, selections from "II at ore" (Verdi), Kdna Macke-.. Accompanist, Anna .Murray. TO HOLD RIG SOCIIL HERE FfllfllY EVENING Reunion of Church of Latter Day Saints in South Butte. Member* of the rhur- h hr Jes t'hrlst of the Latter nay Saints v hohl a bln reunion of the members a friends of the institution in Butte, tie held In the Stevens and Manley hall In South Butte on Friday pvenin«, April 27. The evening will be devoted to a social and will he the occasion for a dance. The music will be fur nished by Slelaff's orchestra. Refresh ments will be sen-ed. A big committee of the member» are making the prepa rations and taking every possible step to Insure the success of the entertain ment. 11. : Kelly. tlculiltloll detail iul SOLDIERS TO BE EXEMPT UNDER AMENDMENT The I*. location, in fits of this ington Bureau. Washington, D. C., April 25.—Sena tor Walsh of Montana hus introduced the following Dill of interest to the mining states: "Resolved by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America in congress assembled, That the provisions of section 2,324 of the revised statutes of the United States, which require that on each mining claim located after the tenth day of May. 1872, and until patent has been issued therefor, not less than $100 worth of labor shall he performed or improvements made during each year, shall not apply to claims or parts of claims owned by officers or enlisted men who have been mustered into the military or naval service of] the United States, so that no mining claim or any part thereof owned by such person which has been regularly located and recorded shall be subject to forfeiture for nonperformance of the annual assessments until six months alter such owner is mustered out of the service or until six months after |iis death in the service- Pro ided. That the claimant of any mining der to obtain the bene fits of this resolution, shall file, or cause to be filed, in the office where the location notice or certificate is recorded, within 90 days from and aft er the passage and approval of this resolution, a notice of his muster int*» the service of the United States and of his desire to hold said mining claim under this resolution." PRODUCTION BY SAWMILLS The production of the sawmills of the United States in 1916 was approximately 11.2 per cent ureater than in 1915. This table, compiled by the forest service, gives the reported cut of lumber in 1915 and 1916 by 704 identical sawmills, ar vr&nged by principal producing states. Bach one of these mills cut more than 5,000,000 feet of lumber either In 1916 or the preceding .ear. In the last column of the tabulation is shown the increase the reported state cut So. of Cut 1915. Cut 1916. Mills M feet M te. l Louisiana ... 95 2,386,656 2,493,1 «y Texas ........ . . 47 1.065.156 1,121,702 Arkansas . .. . 43 S37.IWS 89 4.454 Mississippi .... ... 45 990.930 1.152.137 Alabama ...... . . . 23 332,646 401.S12 Missouri...... . . 6 53.264 48,994 Florida....... .29 496.068 510.894 Virginia...... 92,642 98,709 North Carolina ...24 237.098 /0.163 South Carolina . . . 15 267.21 1 281.657 Michigan ...... 592.581 589.902 Wisconsin ..... .. 53 suS.431 337.445 Minnesota . 18 493. S03 607,570 Maine . .. n 202.705 229.911 Oregon ..... .. . 51 1.265.712 1.381,634 Washington . . . 97 2.431,742 2.>2*.50i Idaho ......... . . 18 516.452 589,720 Montana ....... ... 7 213.862 259,508 California ...... .43 976,410 1.221.742 Arizona..... 4 74.023 S8.S70 New Mexico . ■ • 4 37,194 51.434 Taking the estimated total production of 53 . 000 , 00 i*.000 feet in 11» li and applying the computed per cent of increase to the output of 1916 the cut for year becomes 45 , 600 ,000,MK) feet, or within 3,7ö0,000.t»00 fe«t of the record production of 46.000. 000.000 feet In 1917. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE BUTTE DAILY POST J. D ., .."iX SXi —rmr- y n M,'-"iw—■ >■,— .yrj Slip I '•ctkX-V ■ "■ : ü! Hiji *i'bi;i■ iji!ji! ' MiLHlU :■ j ii MEN AND M'l-'.N 'A II < àSTAYl I Y O D, N C; ÉOnliŸb.UNG mmm . - -A m s .-■ ■. '■ j® mj » ■■■■( «va. ! V ß I % :'SUf Ê*: ' m-r\ W m h Hi' 1 aft CONS find Society Brand Styles a ^ help in winning their spurs. And fathers wear them to conquer age with dignity. These and other exclusive models for 1917 are ready at the authorized store in your town, and are pictured in our large-size Style Book of color paintings front life. Send your address for a complimentary copy. ALFRED DECKER & COHN, Makers, Chicago For Canada: SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES, LIMITED; Montreal -*■ .....cxrear.. v ■.rsrmr: nux o'S.vjusu rT r. : < j s F ,. ; „ lï iH i !| I d 111 fîÏÏTÏTUi ( iTJTFIiinTïïrîTiT i ] î qTnTïnïïîTI Si' i Î »! !*l iihi !lf » If; ' :! II-'!! ; HillUiiii) if Ihlifi! lil i iii üil — il! Come to this store and slip on one of our new Society Brand models. See jj! the vigorous air that these clothes give to your appearance. BRENNAN'S! STORE THAT SELLS SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES RUSSIANS READY TO MEET ATTAGK OF TOE TEUTONS Message is Sent to Allies That AI! is Harmony in the Baltic Fleet. London, April 25.- The council of army and navy delegates at Sveaborg has decided to send a wireless message to the «allied fleets saying that the Bal tic fleet and the army defending its base are in complete readiness to fight TOO WEAK TO FIGHT The "Come-back" man was really never down-and-out. His weakened condition because of overwork, lack of exercise. improper eating and living demands tjtlni-t ulation to satisfy the cry for a health-1 1 PP , e ,Tr essential to strength. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the national rent edy of Holland, will do the work Thor are wonderful. Three of these capsules each day a ill put a man on his feet be fer© he knows it; whether his trouble comes from uric acid poisoning, the kid neys, gravel or stone in the bladder, stomach derangement or other ailments that befall the over-iealous American Don't wait until you are entirely down and-out. but take them today. Tour druggist will gladly refund your money if they do not help you. 25c. 50c and 91 per box. Accept no substitute®. Look for th® name GOLD MEDAL on every box. They are the pure, original imported Haarlem Oil Capsule®. Farm Hands Wanted WESTERN CANADA FARMERS REQUIRE 50.000 AMERICAN FARM LABORERS AT ONCE! Urgent demand sent out for farm help by the Government of Canada. Good wages. Steady employment. Low railway fares Pleasant surroundings. Comfortable homes. No Compulsory Mili tary Service. Farm hands from the United States are absolutely guaranteed against Conscription. This advertisement is to secure farm help to replace Canadian farmers who have enlisted for the war. A splendid opportunity for the young man to investigate Western Canada's agricultural offerings, and to do so at no expense. Only those accustomed to farming need apply. J. L. PORTE, I)unn Block, Great Falls, Mont. Authorized Canadian Government Agent to the lust in defense of free Russia. UCC ording to* a Helsingfors dispatch. The meeaase will add that the sol .. , . ___® _ dl « ,s a,,d 8al,or9 are ln P« r(e « unlun wlth their offleers. This action is tn tended as a reply to reports that the Baltic fleet was disorganized and in c apable of fighting. _ _ . _ . . n t . Dispatches from Petrograd during the last few days hav® reported great activity on the part of the German fleet in the Baltic. A Monday dispatch said that German transports had left Libau for an unknown destination. Other reports declared that the Ger mans were planning a land and sea attack on rear of the Russian line at Riga with the hope of Isolating turing Petroarad. Sveaborg cap th® great Russian fortress defending the gulf of Finland. Prior to the war it ranked with Cronstadt as a supposedly impregnable stronghold. Petrograd dispatches received here yesterday re ported an exodus of civilians from the Russian capital because of fear of a German attack. ANOTHER IMPOSSIBLE TALE "Tour Honor," announced the chauf feur in Police Court, "tt was my fault, and the pedestrian was not to blame in the least." Rut the Judge had dropped dead, and the Proaecutor had fainted