r SPRING AND SUMMER Excursion Rates VIA To Eastern Points ROUND TRIP From Butte and Anaconda to Denve^ Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo.. $37.50 Omaha, Neb.; Kansas City, St. Joe, Mo. . . $45.00 St Paul, Minneapolis, Minn..... $49.70 Des Moines, Iowa........ ................$51.85 Dubuque, Iowa........ $56.20 St Louis, Mo...........................$56.20 Peoria, 111..............................$60.60 Chicago, III.; Milwaukee, Wis.............$64.00 Memphis, Tenn..........................$65.00 And Proportionate. Rates to Other Points. Dales of Sale: May 16. 19, 23, 2ft and .'{0: June 2, ft, !). I!, 1ft, 20, 23 and 27; July 3, 11, 18 and 25; August l, 8,15, 22 and 29; September 5 and 19, 1917. Going l.imlt 15 Days. Upturn l imit, Oct. 31, 1917. Stopovers Allowed Both Directions. Pullman reservations, information r.s to diverse routes, stopovers and other particulars, call on or address E. A. SHEWE, General Agent, Butte KELLEY & ALTON "The Home of Daily Specials" Two Timely Items lor Clean-Up Days PRINT LINOLEUM—Choose among several bright, new, Spring patterns, excellent grade linoleum. Per 55c square yard GARBAGE CANS—Heavily construct ed, covered ash or garbage cans, 1ft inches wide, 24 inches high. Brand new, extra good grade; regular $2.45 $3.50 values. POULTRY NETTING—GARDEN SEEDS— GARDEN TOOLS. KELLEY & ALTON 1 urmture—Hardware—Electric Supplies—Plumbing 209-211-213 East Park St., Butte. Phone 897. "Uw Yo.r Credit—W. Chirr. No Inter««" Sh, / 7 P in the Post Before You Shop in the Store sirs THE RESULTS Prosperous Farmer Never Re ceived Any Relief Until He Took Plant Juice. Many men unit women who have heen suffering from stomach disorders ■vlth the accompanying: distressing lymptotns have felt th« sunshine of health, as their numerous testimonials show. Mr. W J. Gibson, who resides In Willoughby, Ohio, and is the mi**, ager of the Treadway farms, covering an area of about 200 acres, stated: I had suffered with stomach trouble for some time. 1 also hHd kidney I rouble, was nervous and restless and could not sleep at night 1 bad abso lutely no appetite and had to live on baby food. My liver was sluggish and torpid, and whatever food I did eat old not digest, causing fermentation I gases to form. I had lost In weight, t had tried different kinds of medicines, hut nothing seemed to help me. My wife had been taking 1 1 iant '•e and I noticed that it had helped wonderfully, so I thought I would It After taking a feu bottlei felt Imiter than I had In years. I < now sit dot urn to a hea rty meal and relish It, in • fact 1 can eat anything put before me, and feel no ill effects afterward. My ache s ar id pains have all disappea red and I nin 1 UR limber as an athlete and can do a d ay's work with great enjoyment. My wife and myself are very tha nkfill fo •r our re oovery to health." i Ma nt Juic •e is sold in Butt< b at New* lu«» Drug U o and in i Air a cor ida at the Her ne, April 25 (via Paris).— Turk *y'« breaking o T diplomatic rela tiens with the Unit *<1 Stat is is scath iugly condemned by the Ne le Züricher Zeltu lg. The paper exp esses fear that Turk •y, now isolate! from ; 11 neutrals, TURKEY'S ACTION IS CONDEMNED IN ZURICH will devastate the district» in Pales tine and Armenia, where American money and assistance have helped to keep order. "The saddest of all," concludes the editorial, "is the loss of ail these thou sands of Armenia children, who even though irregularly have been able to U* cp their agonized souls and bodies together thanks to America." posed suicide from the Full River lino steamer Priscilla last vtober was ex plained when Abrahan l 1.. Hoffman, a salesman, was locked u the Tombs on mi Indictment charging him with abandoning his wife a old baby. id eight-month FAKES SUICIDE, BUT WIFE LOCATES HIM Hof I man, employed by a firm of .'.liiR manufacturers, left his office at 103 Fifth avenue Oot. 28, saying he intended to take the boat for Boston. His wife, Amelia, learned that his sample case and clothing had been found on board the Priscilla. A few weeks ago she received a letter from a friend In Akron, O., saying that her husband had been seen there. She sent a photograph through which Hoffman was Identified. GREAT LINER IS BEING USED AS FREIGHTER New York, April 25. -The 32,120-ton passenger steamship built for t lie 1 loi land-Anierican line in England under the name of "Statendum" and taken over by the British government in 1011 for war purposes readied an American port today under u White Star lit name. The arrival refutes reports from Ber lin in March indicating that she had lieen torpedoed and sunk. The vessel is being used as a freighter. ADMINISTRATION OF LUXEMBOURG RESIGNS Amsterdam (via London), April 25.— A telegram from Luxembourg says that the administration has placed it* resignation in the hands of the grand duchess. The action was based on the ground that the government no longer enjoys the confidence of the people and that neither producers nor consumers were doing their duty. FRED WALTERS SECURES DECREE OF DIVORCE The taking of testimony in the con tested divorce suit of Fred Walters against Agnes Walters, which weis commenced before Judge MeClernan yesterday morning, was concluded yesterday afternoon when the court gave Judgment in favor of the plain tiff and ordered that a decree of di vorce issue. TO FIND HOW WOMEN'S WORK WILL COUNT MOST Washington, April 25.—An advisory committee of woman's defense work, headed by Dr. Anna Howard Shaw as chairman, has been appointed by the council of national defense to consider and advise how the assistance of the women of America may be made avail able in the prosecution of the war. NOTICE! The whole world faces a shortage yf food supply. The United States must furnish double its normal c^-ops oc food prices will reach such a high level as to mean the starvation of many people of various countries. To help prevent this calamity the undersigned will furnish ground on the Pipestone bench as long as It is avail able. with the water for irrigation, en tirely free of charge. IKK K. O. PACE, Member of Council of Defense for Jef ferson County, Whitehall, Mont. A SPECIAL PURCHASE AND SALE —OF— Reed Furniture For Sun Parlors or Silting Rooms AT $15.00 A large size reed settee of the latest Spring design ing in the dark golden finish. AT $10.00 large size best grade A large size reed arm chair in the dark golden finish. Ö* "I pT for Reed Rockers, tpAO All New and are Worth $22.50. Also a special purchased large size reed rockers with wide arms in the golden or ivory finish. Up holstered seat and hack in figured tapestry The seat has the loose cushion style; $22.50 values at SI 5.00 Our Stock Was Never Before as Complete as It Is at Present. Six floors completely filled with new furni ture, rugs, draperies, linoleum and lace cur tains. All oui' floor coverings were purchased early last Fall, before the rise in prices, and are all marked at last season's prices. We Are Showing Over 1,000 Rugs on Our Drapery and Rug Floor. Everything to Furnish the Home From Kitchen to Parlor. OECHSLI (OXLEY) 4244 West Broadway The Only Six-Story Furniture Store in Butte. FORMER BANK PRESIDENT HELD BY THE POLICE Dallas. Texas, April 26.— H. C. Poe. former president of the Temple State bank and chief witness at the legis lative investigation of Gov. James R. Ferguson, was held today by the po lice on tlie request of the sheriff of Bell county, who said he had an af fidavit charging Poe with embezzle ment. The charge had no connection with the Temple bank. It isn't often that the sort of girl a fellow falls in love with makes th.» rt of wile he admires. Hair Often Ruined by Washing With Soap Soup should be used very carefully, if you want lo keep your hair looking its best Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle and ruins it. The best thing for steady use is just ordinary mulsiiied cocoanut oil (which is pure und -ireaseless), and is better than the most expensive soap or any thing else you can use. One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing e\ery particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsifled cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap and a few ounces will supply every member of the fandl> for months. ENLISTING STITE IN »IT PROBLEM Ramifications of Council Ac tivities Taking Broad Aspect. Special fo the Post. Helena. April 25.—Ramifications of the activities of the state council of defense which include campaigns for greater crops, more finances, farm labor and home gardening, as well as conservation of food products, and es pecially meats, have extended to every section of the state through the num erous sub-committees which are now sending in reports of the work. Many helpful suggestions are embodied In the reports which. It Is believed by the members of the state council, will be of untold value to the workers in other sections. Food Committee. Luek of Missoula will appre nant Montana at a conference Called by the federal trade commission to he helil at Washington May 2. Mr. l.usk has been appointed l«y Gov. 8. V. Stewart and will attend. The governor recel vetl the following telegra m from the » >m Mission : "You are tn\ ited t o d irect a repre sen tati ve of yo ir foo 1 a id market de partme ut to at tend nforence with the t'e ieral tr ide c >mi ilssion at its office » Wash! lgtOll Mr id ay morning, April : 0, U»17, it 10 »•k. The gen oral si bject of food ai ii fuel supply und pri Meantime ment to t local St El Hin •ou direct us fully b> uvesttgatk the • • t and food artid my recent investigations? fb leant food and manufactured if alimentation." Rotarians Busy. The Rotary club o:' l.ewistown will do all possible to assist the tanners in planting tin- largest acreage i ossllile tills year. The orgsidzation will pro cure farm lands and in other ways heli> out. It Is said that there will l>e only a ttvo-thlrds crop of winter wheat in 1917. The farmers haw Plenty of seed and are well supplied with implements, hut the shortuge of labor may prove h great disadvan tage. The Rotary c lnb w ill have a sort of employment agency for farm helj) and will send out farm hands as applied for. On Gardenias In order to -;et good crop» it is •essary first of all to have good d." said \V\ it. Hanco- U, garden ex pert, engaged by the Helena Garden ing associa tii n, and w ho is at present making a sm vey of tl e city. "The only wav o insure good seeds," he sa id. * is ti patronize a ro liable concei n. It ots not matter much where the set. ds are grown. Don't put an v faith i i cheap m iil or der companle s claiming to have prod ucts that will reach unusual propor lions or ma short time. ure in an unreasonably Time to Plow, "li is high time that people were : :■ « - iitup : ieir lota m ■> e the p 1 ind : rked t things a» lett i -e. radishes and tHe like • un be put in right away. Potatoes and beans should not be planted until about May 15. for the temperature In the daytime should be about 70 de rees when these are planted, it being wsential that the ground bo warm. "Unless you are an expert, don't fool with fancy stuff. The common vegetables are not only the more val uable as food but are also easier to raise. Cucumbers, while they may ripen here in some cases, take up so much .space that it hardly pays to handle them. Tomatoes will be satis factory only when they are covered up :it night during the spring and fall frost periods. Cauliflower produces u profitable crop provided one knows v to handle it. Makes Some Suggestions. "Lettuce, radishes, peas and vege tables that do not last long should be planted from time to time throughout the season to Insure a steady supply lor the table. A row of peas may be planted every two weeks, for instance. Some people plant too many of these things at a time, just because they hsive the seeds. It does not pay." The Gardening association has raised practical!*' all the money need ed to carry out its work for the sum mer. A check for $25 was received from Senator T. J. Walsh. If conditions are normal in Broad water county this year a million and one-half bushels of wheat will be pro duced there this season, besides a big yield of other small grains and many more potatoes, according to a compre hensive and detailed report the State 'ouncll of Defense has received from the Broadwater county advisory com mittee, composed of J. E. Knnouse, Hugh Brotlerick and W. L. Oronk. This is the first complete rejiort the State Defense council has received from any county in the state, and the members of the state council are hop ing reports from other counties will, be as complete and detailed. Makes Detailed Report. -1 The Broadwater committee did not content itself with glittering gen eralities. Personally and by messenger it made a complete canvass of every part of the county, divided the county into six districts and made a detailed report on the conditions in each dis trict—the acreage under cultivation, the additional acreage that could be cultivated, the wheat yield last year of each district, the acreage seeded to winter wheat, the condition of the crop, acreage that will be planted to spring crops, and the condition of the farmers and their ability to increase their operations. The report closes with a summary on the county as a whole. This is as follows; Expect 1,500,000 Bushels. "Under normal conditions Broad Baye rTa blets Asp Accept only Genuine Aspirin sold as follows: Dsycr-Tafcîeta of Aspirin eoM in pocket bcrceu of iii—botlica of £4 and bottle* ol 100. Bayer-Capsuloa of Aspirin sold in o r v »«»lod package» of cne end twodoien. 1 I he Bayer Cross—four Every packug« nnd over y tablet Guarantee of Furily" hear» the Bayer Croae. The ^de-mark " Xrpirln" 'Rr,.U.S Pat.Offiç- U • r ,«r ■ni'-e that the mon ncc rtici -jdnt*t*r of Mlicyl* aciH n iIicm U bieo and capauica u of (he reliable Bayer nauuf * ;ur*. Bayer-Capsutes Ék • • Aspirin il vf m ''•T-'W-.rif The Clothes We Make r ~\ The clothes tve make meet all the requirements of the most fastidious dressers, as well as those who demand the greatest service for their money. The Jonas way is to make the clothes fit the man—not try to make the man fit the clothes. The ten- best tailoring talent lo be found anywhere spends its efforts in the Jonas shop. The line of fabrics contains all (hat latest fashion decrees. V._____ J HENRY JONAS & SON 11 EAST GRANITE ::—-J « ' EVERY DROP ?00%PURE Clean Up Paint Up Phone 62 Our Fstimator Will Do the Rest. RIDDELLS 131 West Park a ter county should produce the com- j ing year one and a half million bushels of wheat besides a large percen the increase of the other small grains ; il farm products There will lie a large increase in the acreage of po tatoes the coming year—we feel safe in saying that the gain in acres will be at least 100 per cent. •led f..r im- I "More tractors are net mediate < Deration in this tractors billed fi ir this awaiting transpor tatlon o. The •ailroad ing no c ars aval table. Tc eport It is fair presume that every county in the state is also awaiting the shipment of tractors. This is a case where the government can help the farmer in getting action on the congested freight conditions regarding all lines of business activities -especially that of farming. To Increase Crops. "Some of the Broadwater county scouts, in from the northern part of the state, report seeing townships of first-class wheat land belonging to the state. This land, if properly han dled, would Increase the crops of the state 100 per cent. It' the state or national government would help in this matter by leasing liberally end assisting the tenants. It would be a valuable asset to the state and na- j tion in the way of more food." Red Cross Organizes. A Helena chapter of the Red Cross society was organized Monday after noon at a meeting at the House of the Good Shepherd. About 100 women What Is Rheumatism? Why Suffer From It? Sufferers Should Realize That It Is a Blood Infection and Can Be Permanently Relieved. Rheumatism means that the blood has become saturated with uric acid poison. It does not require medical advice to know that good health Is absolutely dependent upon pure blood. When the muscles and joints become sore and drawn with rheumatism, it is not a wise thing to take a little salve and by rubbing it on the sore spot, expect to get rid of your rheumatics You must go deeper than that, down deep into the blood where the poison lurks j ; I wore present. Another gathering will bo held at the Good Shepherd home next Monday afternoon. T. A Marlow, whom Gov. S. V. Stew art appointed as organizer for this state, being unable to serve. Mrs. F. J. Lange has been appointed organ izer. Mrs. C. B. Nolan was elected supervisor, to succeed Miss Margaret Sieben, resigned Mrs. E. W. Bach was chosen chairman of the member ship and Mrs. F. J. Lange chairman of the flnance committee. It is hoped soon to have downtown quarters lor the organization, where the meetings may be held. PLEDGE FRIENDSHIP. 1.0 j April 26.—'The kings of Denmark and Sweden exchanged Pledges of friendship at a banquet on Tuesday night, says a Stockh-. m dis patch. BIG DIAMOND SHIPMENT. New York, April 25.—A shipment of diamonds \alued at more than $2.000, 000 arrived at an American port to day on a Dutch ship from Rotterdam. The stones are ■ unsigned to American dealers. NOTICE. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of a young man named Forrest Walters, last employment Badger tel. Walkerville. Mont.—Adv. THE BUTTE DAILY POST POSTS YOU ON THE NEWS and which is not effected by salvos and ointments. It Is important that you rid yourself of this terrible disease before It fines too far. S S. 8. ts the blood purifier that has stood the test of time, bavins been In constant use for more than fifty years. It wtll do for you what it has done for thousands of others, drive the rheumatic poisons out of your blood, making it pure and strong and enabling tt to make you well S. S. S. is guaranteed purely \ •'KCtable, it will do the work and not harm the most delicate stomach. V) rite the physician of this Company and let him advise with you. Advice is furnished without charge. Address Swift Specific Company, 41 Swift Laboratory. Atlanta. Oa.