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fHennëssy's I "^TTOMEN S Kaysor Knit Union Suits or vv sleeveless vests; regular $1 <-r r quality ; special Thursday at.... /-) CeiTtS In the Knitwear Section, Third Floor. ^^*0 NTANA'S GREATEST 8TO R^'^^""""S I Hennessy's1 All Purchases Charged Tomorrow^ Thursday, Placed on May Accounts ExquisiteN ovelty Suits _% Sport Suits, Three-Piece Models, Tailored and Semi-Tailored ™ ere f° r ^ e Choicest of the New Spring Styles r N O N GREATEST 1 O RE^ PAINT-UP SCRUB-UP RAKE-UP BURN-UP Everybody in Butte's Help Great CLEAN-UP Heanessys 1 TW" ITH prices on metals and cotton steadily ad " vancing and manufacturers charging more and more for their products, we offer right now our mammoth stock of fine Bed rin^s and Mattresses m AND HERE for the greatest variety. In all Butte there is no other L 1 Tl û 1 Tr- Q _ ^ such wonderful array of new and beautiful suits as awaits the A -*■*'>-' cyl-LJN^o pleasure of your inspection at Hennessy's. Silk suits in the nov elty weaves, in silk jersey and Kayser silk and cloth suits in every fashionable fabric and in all the new shades and the staple colors. We invite comparison—in no other way will you be quite so impressed with the really wonderful array of new spring suits now on display in our fashion salon or with the moderateness of our prices. -/ Tall Can of Milk Slips Into the Introducing Indian Threadcraft A New Idea in Crocket By which the beautiful designs, svmbolic ot the legends of various Indian tribes, are reproduced in simple crochet. Easy to learn and quickly made. Our Art Needlework Section has all the necessary materials for this new craftw'ork— also complete in- structions without extra cost. Our regular free class in art needlework and cro- chet tomorrow afternoon from 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock. -Ait Needlework Section, Third Floor. SEE THIS NEW Milk Can Server In Actual Use in Our Gro cery sir. , Section T^E MILK CAN server ib a new, simple device • v which canned milk can be seryed directly from the original container and is ™<? enough to grace any jaule. In addition it keeps " e nnik sweet longer than was ever possible with the wa .v of punching holes in T;. to P °f the can, thus en „ ln £ the small family to t lIS ? '■* 1e ^all-can size, "hich holds 25 per cent more milk than 2 cans of the baby size, at a great saving. Special Demon stration in Our Grocery Equally Ready Will You Find Us With the New Coats , Dresses Separate Skirts and Fine Waists In the Fashion Salon, Hennessy's 2nd Floor f ------- 1 ---^ Hats for Young, Folks C HARMING creations for girls' and young misses' school and dress wear, including an exclusive showing of the famous "Lids for Kids," are ready in our millinery salon. Styles that speak youthfulness and daintiness in every line and in such variety that every young miss can easily choose just the sort of hat most becoming to her. Prices start low as $1.50 Two Special Lines of Women's New Spring 1 (£»7 CA Hats, Ready to Put on, Priced at $5.00 dll Cl / . J v/ IN THE MILLINERY SALON ON HENNESSY S SECOND FLOOR. N ew Dresses-N ew Coats N ew Headwear In the Children's Shop, Second Floor. Children's Dresses—Smart new tub frocks in sizes 2 to 6 years at all prices from.. 65c to $3.50 Girls' Tub Dresses—All new, in sizes 6 to 14 years, at from .........................$1.00 (o $6.00 New Headwear, Tailored Styles, L i4. i\°\ and Dainty Little Dress Hats, at All Prices from 35c to $5.95. New Coats—For children of 2 to 6 years at $2.95 to $8.50; and in the girls' sizes, 8 to 14 years, at from .......................... .$3.95 to $11.00 Boys' Fine Blue Ser^e Suits FOR FIRST COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION WEAR. In the new pinch-back and plaited Norfolks with full-lined knickerbocker pants; all sizes from 6 to 17 years, at very special prices........$4.95 to $6.45 And Fancy Norfolk Suits for Boys of 6 to 17 Years—Many With Two* Pairs of Knickers, Special at only $3.95 and $4.95 New Wash Suits For Little Men. Sampeck Norfolk Suits for Boys. Of fine blue serge and hand some novelty mixtures, in smart, individual styles for boys of all ages from 6 to 17 years........$8.50 to $15.00 IN THE BOYS' SHOP, On Hennessy's Second Floor. Of 2/i to 8 years; fine linen repps, galatea, Jap crepe, etc., at all prices.. 75c to $5 Special—Hoys' blouses, white or colors, military collar with links, tapeless style ............... 29c Boys' blue scree and fancy turc caps, special ......... .. 35c Wonderful Values in Women's Fine Dresses A f <£-1 /f AC In th Down Stairs Store X xl wD 1 J TA RESSES new and fine, in such beautiful materials , -*-• y —* U as crepe de chine, silk taffeta and silk crepe or taf thp 1 ^ r,rt )Nnations—and in the very newest of the new spring styles and shades as well as in hindi P e colors and white. Styles show the fashionable coat effects, full gathéred and shirred sell cl nd plaited dresses. In this new shipment are about 30 different models such as would m the regular way up to $22, all on sale in the downstairs store at the one price, only $14.9o. Another of Those Weekly Millinery Shipments Added US ,l C u me in —not a week out of New York, and featuring the very last word of Fashion in Spring Milhnery 10 this, the prices are fully one-fourth less than the same smart styles can be had elsewhere— starting at $3.95 for regular $5.00 values on up to $5.95 for regular $10.00 hats. 3G-inch figured pongee......$1.50 36-inch striped pongee......$1.50 36-inch poplin in the new blue or gold shades, yd..$1.50 36-inch whitehabriter, yd... .$1.50 36-inch tub satin, white or flesh, yard .............$2.00 Black Taffeta, Very Special at $1.25 a yard. *---—--* Wash Weaves For Spring Frocks—All the New Fabrics Are Here. Sport Suitings—In the coin dots and plaids; also fine peach cloths and poplins at only, yard.....35c Lady Silk—A sheer silk fabric for dainty party frocks or for street dresses, in a wide range of color ings; specially priced, yd.....50c French Gingham—In checks, stripes and plaids, all fast colors, yard.....35c 1 nde pink. wear Crepe —A i hiue or white, 27 ured Dimities—In , patterns, yard . ...........35c arid of pretty ...........20c Gii afea Cloth—In the sport range of solid colors tripes a ml 27 inches ide, yard ........................20c Ginghams—Botes or F. C. makes, in fast color plaids, checks, stripes and solid shades, 27 inches wide, priced, yard 15c Mercerized Table 58-inch, special, yard. 64-incli, special, yard. Sheets—72x90-1nch muslin Fine Linens For the Table and House hold—Specials Cluny Lace Centers—36-inch size, all linen, specially priced at $2.50 and $3.00 45-inch si/e. special at $3.50. $4 and .$5 Dresser Scarfs—All linen, Cluny lace dresser scarfs, special at $1.75 and $2.25 Damask. .....25c .....45c sheets, spe cial at ............................65c Scallop Pillow Cases—Size 15x36 inches, special, each ......................25c Crochet Bedspreads—Three-quarter size —splendid quality, special at ....$1.00 Ironing Board Pad and Cover—The set, special at ........................$1.00 *------* Main Aisle —NEWS— Of New Arrivals in Wom en's Dress Accessories. New Collars of Crepe Georgette or Khaki Kool — Hand-embroid ered in white or colors; priced at from .............$1.50 to $7.50 New Spring Ties—Japanese novel ties are specially priced.......35c New Buttons—In shades to match the spring fabrics; also in black or white, dozen .....................75c to $2.25 New Hair Bow Ribbon—All silk, five inches wide, plain or fancy, special, yard .............................25c Fancy Silk Hose—In all the new shades and in novelty plaids and stripes at $1, $1.25 and $1.50 a pair. Washable Kid Gloves—The famous Bacmo, made in white, canary or New port, with contrasting embroidery and one or two clasps.......$2.25 and $2.50 s r At Pr ices to 30 Per 20 Per Cent Cent Lower Than the same good qualities can be had elsewhere, with many special items at even greater reductions. Simmons Brass Beds (Exactly as Illustrated.) i 1 Immu imau. , Special at $37.50. u—U-k-U-A One of the new Simmons' designs fi Ü —with a massive two-inch poster frame and two-inch fillers; the 1 fraiIlc ant * fillers banded together Htjjjjjl if) ,n the satin ribbon effect; the bed 11 < • • fj tte( j w jth extra large husks and cap mounts. Sale of Fine Simmons Hand-Decorat ed and Wood Grained Steel Beds Is a new idea in bed-making, exclusive with the Simmons factory, and one that is very popular, for it is now possible to have an all steel bed light in weight and as endurable as steel itself, in any finish you wish to match your bedroom furniture or woodwork, with the added advantage of choosing from amongst many unique designs far different from the old-fashioned, heavy iron beds, and the prices are very moderate, starting as low as $13.50 and ranging in easy steps to $60.00. Ono of these novelty hand painted beds is done in old ivory with a scene, "Spring in Japan," painted in oil colors. Another decided novelty is a brown mahogany steel bed with panel in oil colors depicting the "Dancing Girl.'' EXTRA SPECIAL—White enamel iron bed, 4-6 size, with one-inch frame and three-eights-inch filling rods, complete with angleiron frame springs and full sized 45-pound mattress built up thick from Lunder fiber and cotton. Regular price of bed, spring and mat tress is $15.06. Extra special this week only..............$9.85 CHILDS' BED, Oxidized Steel Frame $4.75 I m special this week...... High sides, as shown, with close-set filling rods and fit ted with a Simmons Ideal link fabric springs and easy running castors; size of bed, 22x40 inches. Special this week only .............$4.75 Simmons Bed Springs at $7.50 Built with pipe side rails and angleiron ends and with double pencil wire woven tops, supported by extra heavy coils anchored to both sides and ends, elevating the fabric six inches above the sides and giving the effect and comfort of a box spring. Any wated size special this week at only...................... $7.50 Simmons Bed Spring, extra special at $3.95 Heavy angleiron frame and a woven wire top supported by two rows of coil springs; any wanted size extra special in this sale at ..................$3.95 wsmswsz Here Are the Helps Here for everything needed to make the task easier— for cleaning up inside the house as well as on the out side. Just phone our house-furnishing section and our scheduled deliveries will have them out to you in a very short time. O'CeHar Mop»—The handy tri angle shape that reaches into the y corners, in two sizes, 75c and ...............$1.50 ^ O'Cedar Oil in bottles and cans, priced at 25c o .................$2.50 / PAINT-UP SCRUB-UP RAKE-UP BURN-UP Everybody Help in Butte's Great CLEAN-UP Johnson'» Floor Wax for hard wood floors, pound for ..........50c Curtain Stretchers, easel$2.25, $2.50 and $3 Feather dusters, carpet heaters, garden rakes, rubber hose, window brushes, mop pails, stepladdcrv, window rubbers, paint brushes, galvanized pails, mop, wash tubs, washboards and wringers. Gilt Ed&e House Paint At Very Special Prices Alabastine — The cold water wall tint; easy to mix, easy to apply and drys out with a smooth, even finish. All colors, package ...........50c Silver Polish The fa mous electric lustre sil ver polish, specially priced. Regular 15c bottle for only ...............10c Regular 25c bottle for only ...............15c Regular 50c bottle for only ...............25c J V J Gallon ....... Regular Price. ......$3.00 Cleanup Sale Price. $2.25 Half Gallon . . ...... 1.50 1.15 Quart ........ .......75 .60 Pint ......... .......40 .25 Half Pint .... ....... 25 .15