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WEATHER FORECAST W'TTl* Tonight: Unsettled. continued coM. ruin or «now. iüutte J&äilv $oöt. WEATHER FORECAST MONTANA Uns«ttb*d und r until »id tonlKin. probably inm or «now « ' VOL. 5. NO. 100. BUTTE MONTANA. THURSDAY APRIL 26 1917 PRICE FIVE CENTS. Ill »ILL VOTE expected before 1 OF TIE HEEK The House Will Proceed Under 4 rive Minute Rule 'omorrow. Senate k agrees TO CU I VN DEBATE Reflection Upon . \ dent by Representative ureeted Willi Hisses. Washington, April 20. The jriny bill continued to thread its »ay through debate in both houses o( congres-, today under a con stant lire of attack front those who tppused selective conscription and ardently del tided by those who Lpport the administration plan. First prospect of a vote appeared the house where it was agreed at general deha e should close iih adjournment oday and leave nly the summing up speeches by aders of eac i side. Then lh« Ml Will he conNblerOfl by <• house und* i th« fi\n mliiuto rule Il h rnip«ci • a Vf in probably Fil ly night or H f hi di y. An ngr*fni« it to Vota it (him ami nally • if Ihn hill not Im ! i ban Hatur.iii i* Ir. h t wan reached In Hisses for Mason. IliHflfM fron. Hu* gullerlcH gieeled •-pr*-M«-nta ! . Mas« h. rnpuhllnan of Il nul*, today hen 1 i» HHHSlIed Pronl »nl Wilson f.. ftlll iK to accept Im ftlltttfly C7ol«, -1 K< onevelfs offer to xlh" It .llvlHlol for ci vic« in Franca. ft-W II -I 'm-i Joint • i in the demon •The man li white Iiouhu ha« nt th« 'Oui.ik > or mlltical sagacity i |M*rmlt th*: • oloi '1 to enlist for utr h<* will i roflt politically/' wan If fi«*nt»nct* vt ilt -h H tew the hls«en. Henator l|*!< in Hpeeeh In the Uinle opposed the oluuteer Idea of It ing an nur y an 1 urged that an [nierlcan fou-i *nt to Kurope at k*. If on i y 1 -a uFo of It« moral ef Ifiris Saxhany 3adly Injured 1 by Automobile Driven by William Turner. iChrle Haxl. .i, pi saloon ut . serions •My 1 the result o ,nt last night ' |*lll be ton t I •>« able to *r of the n : vlth * a upon ht, prom when ■ho own« the Ox South Main Htreet, Ion sit the emer both legs broken n automobile accl I tab avenue. One ■louble fracture and eks before Haxhang k William Turner, ha« been re to return for kn .. 'd Turner, after J ng the man down, returned and «nt SaxL.i jjg to the hospital. ih.r!i le Walt#M " ntl1 assured that the t d man w Id get every possible THU LEAVE GERMANY fes-îlÂrÂS L,. d ,.. '*1 bstag committee " i th * u,t ,l,at Qer - tfcr, h |* now »"l>mlt to kv, being: permitted to Ku th? "". r> '' «<> to block the J** ha, . , w hlch disagreeable ■kiUrv* 4 ton ** * ar " At it i, ., " r 'nerts, pointing out lc , n °r the so. lal demo te,,,,, ai 'I>olnt a chairman of *■ hoi„ ' nt ' ommlttee of the ", ,l "* t Phll, "> Schelde 1 he „ 0f . th ® m <Oortty socialists, hte thl, ' The ''orwaerta re 1 " . , ", beginning for o' the constitution. FARMERsTn NEARLY EVERY COUNTY CALLING FOR HELP I Council for Defsnso to ft»® SVI W Tnrt Thr °l Jgh 0rderS M& Mppfe ' • L n b0r C ° m ' Flans! Mee s 0 Devise the » tr,?' Apr11 2» L 1 th « »ar In co-operation t ,V'" u « i todaJ , r ' m ? nt th rou*h or K <«te r- 0l . ' 'h* >»b° r committee thi, sft.rn ° f Def * n " met In ' Uln « the Purpoee methods for ob BLACKLIST UPON Balfour and McAdoo Reach an Agreement on Big Com merce Problems. u. s. will not adopt the ENTIRE BRITISH PROGRAM No Steps by This Country That Conflict With Interna tional Law. London, April 20. — The British blacklist of shipping has been with drawn, so far as it ooncarna ths United 8tates. The following an nouncement was made today by the foreign office: 'Now that the United 8tates have entered the war against our common enemy and are adopting safeguards of thair own, it has bean decided to withdraw the statutory list (blacklist) from the United 8tates." BALFOUR AND M ADOO IN AN IMPORTANT MEETING WiiHhlngton, April 2») HriLtuh For eign Miniator Balfour and Herrirtary McAdoo have arrived at a compléta understanding on (jUMftlona affecting finance, trade «hipping, banking, ex change and kindred problem«, It wax announced today. The working out of the details of tho broad principles outlined will form the major portion of the next 10 days* work of the commtaalon. Tho forernoHt point of difference be tween the American and the allied government« relates to trade both with the enemy and with neutral gov ■I urn« ut«. Where U. S. Stops. There Is a gap between the extreme which thl« government believes Jus tified under International law and the practice« of the aille«. Ah a result, the United Hinte« will pa«« un «trtet law« a« poMHihlo and allow the en tente to carry out other roHtrlctlon* which they have found necessary. The British connut«« loner« received a letter of g renting from M Vtvlant. Mr. Balfour lunched at the lirltish em bassy and paid an offb lal call on the French cmniniHNion. I.a ter he received a cull from the ffhlnene mlnlHter. FRENCH COMMISSION MEETS THE PRESIDENT Plans Afoot for the Leaders of Foreign Missions to Ad dress U. S Senate. WttHliington, April 26.- The French cornmiHHlon began its day In Wanh Ington with a round of official call«. Ths flr«t was at the «täte, war und navy building. Former Premier Vlvlanl. head of the mission; Marshal Joffre, Admiral Co cheprat and Viscount De Cham brun called flr«t at Hocretary Banning's of fice. The clerks of the great building lined the hall« and gave the French men a reception of almost continuous cheers and handf lapping. After spending a few minutes with Secretary Pausing, M. Vlvlanl. Marshal Joffre and Admiral Choc hep rat went over to the white house to he formal ly received by President Wilson. Cheered on the Streets. The visitors took motor cars for th» «hört ride from the state department to the white house. Hundreds of auto mohlllen decorated with the French trl-color sounded their sirens and peo ple lining the streets added to the cheering. At the main entrance of th-. executive mansion a large party of the president's army and navy aides In full dress uniforms met the French men. Salutes were exchanged and the guests w'ere ushered Into the blue room, where President Wilson was waiting to receive them. The white house reception for the French commission differed from that accorded Foreign Minister Balfour and his British associates In that it In cluded all the members of the French mission. To the Capitol. Since neither Minister Vivian! nor Marshal Joffre speaks English, M Hovelaque acted as Interpreter After (Continued on Page Eight.) taining more help on Montana farms In increasing the food production of the state. The war department has taken steps to provide work for every Idle man in the country and this corps in Montana in addition to thousands of available high school boys will be utilised. Already many youths have left the state agricultural college and taken up the work actively. Reports of sub-committees from all parts of the state are coming in slowly today to the office of C. D. Oreenfleld, com missioner of publicity and agriculture, who is secretary of the State Council of Defense. They show that about 25 (Continued on Page Eight.) WitKTK ousands Slaughtered, Wtast^NTomentous Struggle of ar on ,A.rras Line Has Not Yet C ome to a Decision TIMES ARE CHANGING Thèse war. \ PPef'ABATlON» I MOST kND! ^oc/ApSrj he's^Y COMING 1 1ENACE I TO USÎ, Before the War. * VawT PtA« ! •• - OOR Salvation HR r -H . YOU ARK HOPS ft* Now. fOeerrlfM ItlTi By* IT Ü/O.MU1I 33,792 RECRUITS HAVE BEEN SECURED FOR ARMY; 183,898 MEN CALLED FOR Only Two States, Nevada and Oregon, Have Raised More Than 45 Per Cent of the Quota Allotted to Them by War Depart ment. Montana Volunteers to April 24 Number 137 Men, 18.2 Per Cent of the 752 Called for From This State. New York State Has Given 14.4 Per Cent. Vermont 2.5 Per Cent. Nevada Has Filled Her Quota of 162. Washington, April 20.— Nevada has more than filled her quota of recruits for the regular army. Today's official statement shows that with a quota of 162, the western state furnished 20 men yesterday, bringing the total up to 173 and making it the first state to reach or pass its quota mark. Pennsylvania led yesterday lor the second time in the number of recduits supplied, 181 men having been accepted as against 167 in Illinois. The total gain for the day in all states was 1,684. Delaware, Maine, North Dakota and Vermont were the only ' states in which no recruits were obtained on April 25. Oregon was the second state in the union up to yesterday in proportionate recruit ing, contributing 58.3 per cent of her war quota, which is based on ap proximate population. California was the second Pacific coast state with 21.5 per cent, and Washington third with 15.5 per cent. ' " " Vermont made the poorest showing with a percentage of 2.5, while other low states were Delaware, 2.λ; Mary land. 3.8; New Mexico. 4.5; New Hampshire, 5.6, and North Dakota. 5 7 Ilinols gave the largest actual num ber of recruit«, 3.192. and Pennsyl vanla was second with 2,841. New York contributed 2,677; Indiana 2.463 Recruits acepted numbered 33,792. AMERICAN SCHOONER SUNK WITHOUT WARNING Captain and Crew Were Res cued by a British Pa trol Boat. Washington. April 26 —The dentruc tton without warning by aubmarine gunfire of the American achooner Percy Birds«» of New York was re ported today to the state department. Time and place were not announced The Bubmarine fired 10 ahots. »even of which «truck the schooner below the water line, some of them while th« captain and crew of nine were taking to the boau. The survivor« were res cued by a British patrol boat after be Ing In the boats about an hour and a hglf. j The Birdsall was of 1,127 tons gross. J ne I 'll U «A 11 man Ul i who 6 i built tn Wilmington. Del., tn 1S90. ami was owned by Edward L. Holmes. - —......- - - - --- AS SISTER STAADS BY Man Breaks Into Bedrooms, Shoots Woman, Clujis Her to Death. St Paul, Minn., April 26 — Mr* Aie» M Dunn, former wife of Frank J. Dunn, was murdered early thi» morn - ing by a man who broke into the home of her parent», entered the room tn which «he and a younger «uter were sleeping and »hot her twice and finally clubbed her to death with hi* pistol. The screams of her sister. Katherine, awoke their parents and a brother too late and the man escaped Her sister Is said to have told the police that when the man entered her room he commanded her to "keep cool. 1 don t want you. I ju*t want j to do a little shooting." • Frank J Dunn, from whom Mrs Dunn more than a year ago was granted separate maintenance and _____ __________ ____ granted .separate maintenance and a » mon y of 170 a month, wa» taken to po»« headyuarter». but released after „„»«Honed. ' ---- - — j DRAFT EXEMPT8 FOK i /»vt>lwrA1g prvr T> AVPVTPP UBIlfflAXl nAI aU DhÄVlbL Amsterdam. April 24 (via London).— | {A Berlin official announcement says | I that a great number of exempts have 'been drafted for field service. ■ THAT U-BOAT IS President of British Board of Trade Says Submarines Not Yet Curbed. I Jxmdon. April 26 that th* «ubmarim i Important factor ir 'trim ijf the war j by Kir A;b*i th* British B I ing a lur. ht Albert »aid: K*.an f Trade bUMiri* th* ... ..... ... .... , Jln * ' I', .:'y ri mining th* effec*. of the submarine warfare the British empire Is «imply thl» Ae cannot >ntlnue to bring in* country a!l the supplies and ma 1 required fur our existance, to continuance and f >r the ac' dal of our industries " AMERICAN IS TAKEN AS PRISONER OF ill an Ar man» merchantmen sunk rlneg. In view of thi» »»patch may mea- tha e»**! ha» ht*i. «unk. ---- -- Washington. April 24— S ecretary Me Ad*, is considering another offer in * of ff40.000.4d4 in treasury certifi cates due Jua- 3') to the banks of the -- t London. April 26 —The tax r.g of the first American prisoner of» war was 1 day through the A marte an consul at 1 Glasgow. I — ■ It is us .ally the practi' e of the Lier- 1 take prisoner captain* by their subma the ; M'AOOO MAY OFFER MORE TREASURY CERTIFICATES _ ______ ____ ____________ cate« due Ju«e iê to the banka of the country within the next ten days. The »«tond offering of traas .ry cer t.ficatea. if made soon. prot»bly wi;i follow the same course as lhat tn the first offer of lt».«N.M from which $204.(H) 4 ),000 was loaned to Great - Britain. Debate as to further loans to en - i tente governments was continued to- i ....... u • day. the immediate necessities of Italy being especially considered. Ja ANOTHER OUTBURST OF GERMAN WORKMEN IS EXPECTED SOON May Day Demonstration is Planned Against Berlin Government. THE WAR SUMMARY Th# fourth day of the terr ifie • truggl « on th* British front in France hss opened with both si de* • till st riving vainly for a decis ion. It w Ould seem as if the révolu t.onsr, muttering* which v. rer e onunou '•*/ swelling through Cur op* prior t o the inception of the gi eat battle wer* drowned in th* thu nd «' * of the battlefield, but indi ICS tion« • re not lacking that , ■no n-ientot. is events are about to oc cur behind the fighting line*. The summary adjournment of the r*ich*t*g, opened, press that th# strike agitation (»•rmany may bure» forth • aliet holiday. fact which has gi /an fr rent report of tailing stories of thi wrought by O tease a n the Ottoman en-.pir NEWSPAPER Pills« CONDEMN ESPIONAGE BILL They Declare it Imperils Free Speech and Menaces Rights. WANTS NO LAW THAT WILL SHIELD OFFICIALS President Writes to Noted Ed itor About Proposed Cen sorship Law. Washington, April 24.—-President Wilson in a latter to Arthur Brisbane of New York declared today that he is opposed to any system of censorship t that would deny to the p^,p.*r ,,f United State« "th^-ir !ndtsp,-tab> 1 light to criticise their own publie of fell la *.. v .a*. *hat9vcr action 1 congre— may decide upon he u,: I expact or permit any law to shield ! :!m against criticism. j 1 -■ — ........... - . Tm~ ----- BUTTE AUTO PARTY IS RUN DOWN BY TRAIN AT NIMROD Mr * B:rd.e 1-angle) aged ** >eare. f --ojth Main street GUman. of th« f, man auto machine But:«? w*-re e*».-: fei an automobile a dent near Nimrod 00 Northern Pacific and brought *he Vlurra> hospital here for i»xat-!'-* nient. George Ralph, also of Butte. jumped fron, the car and es -ape 1 They were on a hurry c*i* fr.^m j place near Nimrod to Potomac. ' E. L. Gilman. F. H. Traparisb and Mrs. Langley Are All Badly Hurt When Milwaukee Crashes Into Auto on Grade Crossing. Tra parish. 21% Butte; Eiford U Potomar ' ~w Jury Ja pi TEUTONS SENDING GHEIT MISSES IF MEN TO BE MOWED DOWN Bt One Command of Thousands Annihilated by British Drumfire. GERMAN LOSSES TERRIFIC SAYS A BRITISH OFFICER If Slaughter Continues the Foe Soon Will Be Ex hausted. London, April 20. Tho out standing feature of the second phaec of the battle of Arras is the definite establishment of a , u periority in artillery by the British and it is du<- to this superiority that they have been able to main tain a successful offensive, said F B Mauri« with the avioc British Losses Not Heavy FIERCE FIGHTING WILL BRING GERMAN ARMY TO EXHAUSTION SOON Ixmdon. Apr.; 2« T«d*;"*Lh»nx to BOOT HEADS AMERICAN COMMISSION TO RUSSIA Former Secretary of State Has Accepted Difficult Dip lomatic Task. EUiv RtroL t* after wn ■Sdent W.1 sm preside ** bv; Rc a hi*v* w.* ~aUoa The pres ully »hat h# des.re4 la oBunittaa will b* oca vr *««r prtr. ipa nuw ■ of aecreiarW a r.4 u npe red to depart tor * three bers and a »*% Notant» !» *s » . a t* *■ da-» needs of Ruasta as o.t.lnad v Pree.fer.t V. - ?. ar» p<> ties f r 4* dal, tranxi-ortstlcm and eoaufartia advice and ase-eta*. s. jh* hoaptt.. s..e < t e » f* o. George I^ngla|r of Potonc «r p h Trapalish •>»> '■ to «-« ho»i tai with » fracture f The right leg, and B. L. imAn »u »ta. red a fra tu re of the arTn aevere lacerations of face. Oilman was 4ri% ;ng the car and (Continued as Pigs Threw) train where Mrs Lax-g>> srat ca .ed by the r.ese of a relati e. and were hi*. > f a Milwaukee train at 6 o'dock U-»C evening on an extremely dang*mu gTsde crossi r.g rear N'mrod Th» topped after the tr idewt and they were all put aboard sad rushed to tf-e hospital in Butta An examination of tbelr njurie« »homed that Mrs Langley sustained a of the right arm 8ba is n