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The Butte daily post. [volume] (Butte, Mont.) 1913-1961, April 26, 1917, Image 2

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85053058/1917-04-26/ed-1/seq-2/

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Says Nervous
People Should
Read Testimony
M*ny People Gladly Tell About
Benefits Derived Prom
fadomene Tablets.
Interesting, Sensational Facts
A Rheumatic Convalescent write.-«:
Oct 9. 191«.
Gentlemen : Last September 1 was
taken with what the d«>ctor culled Rheu
inattam. 1 tried to eure m ru elf with all
kliula of Rheumatic Medicines, bvit the>'
did no good. \ aot a doctor and ho cam«
all laat winter and by the ftrat of June l
was able to get about after a fnahfon. 1
aaw about that time an adv er tier tuent In
the Huston Globe of Oadometif Tablet*,
and It read Juet about Ilka I felt —except
the pain and I de cided to try It 1 took
one tablet after each meal for a week
with the Rheumatic Medlcin« and then
•topped the latter and Juet took th«
Cadomene Tableta and I have «rotten
well. 1 am now on my sixth tube People
atop me on th«' attest and want to know
w hat 1 got hold of to make me look eo
well. I al\va\* tell them "CadomsnsC*
There are eeveral taking Cadomene n«»vr
In Needhnm ami It le doing good for all
Respect fully you re,
Peter Krauther.
8J9 Highland Ave . Needham, Maas.
Oct. SI. 191«.
Pear Sir 1 am now on inf fourth bo*
of Cadomene Nerve Tableta and
them very much. etc. Reepe.- 1 full
J M. Cain, R. S. Rax S9 Atlanta, Oa.
Peo S. 191«.
Pear Sir: Having used eeveral boxes
of your Cadvuuene Tablots, thought 1
would writ# and let you know I have re*
celved great benefit from them. Your
ad In our paper la a good thing and I
hope you will keep It up. eta Y«»ure
truly, Prank 1 Murphy.
3521 Foeter St . Ptttaburg. Pa.
Note— Thousands have been benefited
and cured by Cadomene Tablets when all
•Ise failed They are the prescription of a
great physician for nervous Ill-health and
the manufacturers guarantee every pack
age satisfactory or money back
all dj u^alaia.
214 Daly Bank Bldg.
Bold by
Tweets, homespun* ami other fa
\ « red fabrics cut in »prlng » laies:.
Add owe vf og» , * HATS—Don
mp or a Trimble—and >«>u have
s correctly clad man.
Cou My Superintendent Miss dalla
Rhea is conducting examinations for !
tiret grade school teachers certificates
today There are only iwo applicant»,
probablv the smallest number which
has ever Appear# l for the first grade
examination Tomorrow Miss Shea
will hold examinations for second
■rade evrttfleate«. Th» claw tomorrow
l> expected to numier at least 45
•Take Ihiv advice," says wise
"And you'll avoid a fight :
Think twice, and then if vo
Ju<t keep y our mouth dost
»nt »mi,
' a
a tight."
Another Way to Save Waste:
in Preparation for the
Family Meal.

A very Interesting hint I» now given i
l»\ 1'rof. Perry G Holden. agri«-ultural I
expert, who says tlmt seed pot a tort
may l»e eaten and planted at the mine [
time, thus saving much waste. "It is,
a thing that should he done," lie says. .
"in this time of high-priced poetoea
"F\ei> one should know that there
is a 'seed end' of a potato. It takes
no skill to find It. for that Is the end ,
from which moat of the sprout# come. '
"Cut that end off. plant It, and cook
the rest Rut It can he carried even 1
further than thin. All of the 'eyes' of |
a potato can he cut out. with enough
of the meat of the potato to give I
growth, and the remainder eaten.
"Save the seed ends, save the eye
of all potatoes eaten during the plant
lug season and the nation will hav*
a tnighfx supply of 'seed' that other
wish would he wasted"
"Lucky Strike" Newest Thing
in Smokes—Result of Years
of Experimenting.
As the
[leriiiients con
»her of \ cars, the first I
niitg toasted tobacco
market in Unite yes- :
ic the munufacturei>
believed they have l*een lucky In slrik
a formula that gives perfect satis
faction. the new cigarette will be
be known as "Lucky Strike.
The new cigarette ia made of Bur
ley and Turkish tobacco. The Burle)
comes from Kentucky and Is subjected
to a special treatment.
During the past two weeks sample»
have been distributed about the city.
Smokers who have tried mit the n
article have been bothering local mer- 1
chants for days, asking for the new ,
cigarette. Shipments were delayed, j
however, and despite pleas from the
merchants, the travelling agents for I
the cigarette company have been un
able to make deliveries. Yesterday I
3.000.000 of the new ctgarettea arrived
and were distributed. The packages
contain 29 cigarette» and retail for 10
«ent s in other places, owing to high
expenses In Hutte the price will prob
ably be 12 H rents here
I Violin Obligato. Mr
The Humming Bird..
! **« heroin©. opus I«
\ consolation in D «at
At St John's parish house tomorrow
I evening at 8 to'clock the Butte College
j of Music will present 1'rof. Ernest
Howe in ptano recital, assisted by
|«le©rte Ranaome The program fol
l Fugue in C sharp ma
. rtottsi ha lk
John Braden.
. . . . . Kroeger
. . Moszkowski
Spinning Scene
» Dutchman"
i Vntil
! whore tit» Undena Hloon
| yj r Ranaome.
r 1 '" 0 ' opu " s
from the '*Hying
...... Sanderson
....... . . Homer 1
. Buck
Moszkotvski i
Th« "Quality First
Apro n Day
Continuing Our Great Sale oi
For Women and Misses
At Fifteen Dollars
Street, Afternoon and Sports Models
In Georgette crepe, crepe de chine, taffetas, wool jersey, serge, silk jersey,[
serge and Georgette combinations, taffeta and Georgette combinations, f
crepe meteor, pongee, crepe de chine and serge and taffeta and serge com
binations, pussy willow silk, Rajah silk, pin silk, etc., developed in over one hundred dif
ferent new styles; every one smart and up-to-the-minute in every detail of line and finish.
In colors the variety is really wonderful, including as it does all of the popular solid col
ors and combinations and patterned effects of every possible kind. This is a sale that
we are proud to offer, knowing the great values and the high quality of the merchandise.
Regular Prices to $29.50, Now For $15.00
Specials for Friday Only
Aprons Worth $ 1,25
For 89c
Splendid new
"P"»is in II nr«,
large assortment, im imii
New Wash Goods SurpriseSale of Silks
NET PERCALES —In a variety of light, medium and dark
colors and patterns; splendid values at, yard.... ....... 10 c
NEW GINGHAMS—In a great assortment of patterns and
designs; yard............ 15*
NOVELTY SILK A very dainty wash fabric, shown in colored
stripes and figured patterns; yard........ 75*
NEW VOILES—In a pretty selection of stripes and floral
designs; yard ............. 50*
COTTON PONGF.F. An excellent fabric for service, carried in
plain colors and dotted patterns; yard...... ............ 35*
NEW FLAXONS—In a dainty, sheer quality in stripe and floral
designs; yard............. 15*
NEW BEACH CLOTH—Palm Beach cloth of a splendid quality,
carried in a variety of conventional and khaki kool patterns;
56 inches wide; yard........... 35*
ng model),
princess, elastic hc | t
empire, fitted and slip ,,ve, stylo,!
made up of ginghams, chambrjy
and percales, in white, pink, blue
and innumerable patterns ,,f
stripes, checks and figures, j n
light and daik colors.
50c A splendid new line ( ,l n lt
popular style aprons, mostly
good serviceable ginghams, in
checks and stripes; hut also j»
percales, in light and dark figure»
and patterns, and pink blue and
tail chamhrav with colored trim,
mings. The styles include nc<
models in bungalow empire and
filled effect; ull si/es; salues to
$1.00. Specially priced fur to
morrow oulv
$1.00—A large and splendidly»»,
sorted offering of tin popular
Breakfast Sets in a number of
very attractive styles, d. seloped in
ginghams, percales, cliambray md
linene; in plain colors and a sariety
of pretty combination values to
$1.75. Specially priced tomorrov
l only.
A sale that will astonish you by the great varieties
and the splendid values offered. Included are over
1,000 yards of fine silks, easily worth $1.50 to $1.75
per yard, in 86-inch silk poplins, 32-inch fancy fig
ured shantungs and pongee, 27-inch all-silk, plaid
and stripe silk, 24-inch black and white stripe, fancy
Dresden and Roman stripe patterned silks.
$1.19 A YARD
For Children
In a new showing, including
the characters of "Father,"
"Mother," "Little Bins" and
" Little Girls, " all fully
dressed and perfectly fin
ished. Prices
75c to $1.50
v__ J
Silk Hose Sale
Great special sale of beautiful silk hose
in black, white and all colors, including
assortments of the famous KAYSER,
LILY OF FRANCE and other well
known makes; regular prices $2. $2.25
and $2.50
Now for $1.89
Smart New Neckwear '2^X52
showing of the new square and long back shapes, finished plain
with hemstitching or with beautifully embroidered designs and
tucks. Prices .............................$1.25 to $2.00
made in a number of attractive new shapes, trimmed
with laces, hand-embroidery and hem
stitching ...................... $ 2.00
—With the favored long back or round
collars, nicely made and finished; set 70*
Smart new collars of fine pique,
) shown in large shapes; priced
at, each ..... ...........65*
Special Sale of Kid
Gloves for $1.50
An offering for Friday morning of a
great odd-lot assortment of imported
and domestic kid gloves for women and
misses, including models in om and two
clasp white pique; three-clasp black
overseam, two-clasp tan and brown
over-seam and 1-clasp washable styles.
^ Regular prices $1.75 anti $2, j
Sheriff L. II. Korners of Cascade ,
county is here today, returning to !
Great Falls after taking an insane
person to Warm Springs. He was ac- j
comp an led by Mi6* Mary Hanson, one j
of the few women deputy sheriffs in j
the United States, who Is one of the
('ascade county officers.
Frank G. Jannev, one of the prin
cipal stockholders In the Butte and
Superior, arrived here yesterday after
noon from Garfield, Utah.
Mrs F Moore left last night for
Grass Valley, Cal., where she will visit
for several weeks.
Mrs. C. M Johnson and son of
Whitehall are visiting with friends In
the city.
r. and Mrs. Frank Tompkins of
Helena are the guests of friends here.
James Ellsworth was a passenger on
the Short Line yesterday for Denver.
[r. and Mrs. John Weston of Liv
ingston are guests at the Leg g At
Wiliam Scott of Twin Falls. Idaho,
a guest at the Leggat hotel.
G. R. Anderson of White Sulphur
Springs Is at the Thornton.
Mrs. Harry L>. Kremer of Bozeman
is among the arrivals.
W. H. Baugh of Shoshone. Idaho.
ame over this morning.
Mr and Mrs. R. C. JoWnston of An*
aconda are here today.
A. Miehner of Idaho Falla, Idaho,
la among the arrivals.
Mrs. Violet McKenzie of Austin 1«
among the visitors.
Rdmund P. Hobr-a of Conrad Mm»
here on business.
W. U. Williams of Three Forks la a
guest at the Butte.
Mr. and Mrs Frank M. Totten of Se
ttttle came here to attend the funeral
of Mrs. Rlokter, nee Mamie Barry, a
niece of Mrs. Totten.
E. C. Bryan of Three Forks is a
guest at the Grand,
C. B. Askew of Great Falls came
here on business,
Mrs. J. T. Flaherty of Piedmont is
among the visitors.
Haley Graam of Greqt Falls is
among the arrivals.
C. M. Tucker of Havre is among the
business visitors
Lee Stephens of Hamilton is a guest
at the Finten.
L. C. Nichols of Missoula is here on
a business trip.
H. D. Rlakeslee of Livingston came
in this •morning.
W. M. Weir of Divide is among the
business visitors.
Rlalns ft Rinner of Blackfoot, Ida.,
came In today.
Ix»ren A. Hyar of Whitefish Is at
the Flnlen.
T. F. Jenkins came in from Twin
Henry Melton cams over from Dil
lon today.
C. M. Crafton of Anaconda is among
the visitors.
and Mrs. L. A. Ptivty of Menard
are here.
3. Owen of Poison came in last
«Thomas Kane of Alberton Is here
T. J. Murray of Dillon is visiting in
the city.
W. A. Stratton of Missoula is here
W. C. Lange of Hamilton came over
F. E. Dougherty la here from Kllis
Meet m* at the Mint.—Adv.
A. J. McLean of Boulder is here to
Miss Emma May Reese and Edmond
J Dell were married Monday by Rev
H. Levelling at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Tlddy.
George II. Fey der, tra\eling passen
ger agent of the Chicago Northwestern
line, is a guest at the Thornton.
H. T. Orton came over from Billings.
J. A. Crowley of Missoula is here.
Dr. M«*»er«i hmi«it. Osteopath. Dnljr bunk.
F. P. Ogden of Helena Ik here.
It's a delight to read Mary McLanc's
description of the back of a magazine.
It's an education to read her descrip
tion of Butte, it's flattering to our
city. Her letter to God is unique. Her
midnight cold potato luncheon is de
scribed in her own inimitable way.
When you treat yourself to her book.
If you give It to a friend, you will
surely buy another. You can read it
any time or place, at any chapter and
find it well worth your while. It is
outselling any hook that ever came to
Butte. Get your copy today at The P.
O. News Stand.—Adv.
County Attorney Joseph R. Jackson
today filed an information against
John Hturltno charging him with as
sault In the first degree on Peter Ber
toglio with n loaded gun. Hturlino
wue in court and In reply to a question
of Judge Dwyei said that he thought
If given a few days' time some of his
friends might secure an attorney for
him. The time for his arraignment
was fixed for Baturday morning.
Cicrn» of l>i«<««« should b« promptly ex
pelled from the blood. ThU is * time when
the symiem H raperislly »imeeptibl* to them.
Get rid of all impurities in the blood by taking
" nd fortif y y™*
«hole body and prevent illness.
Subaerib« for th« Butte Daily Post
No "Hurrah" Session Will Be
Held, But the Delegates
Will Assemble.
The Hucinl end of the Imperial eee
Rk>n of the Shrlnere et Minneapolis
In June has l,een eancelled because of
threatened war conditions and the
necessity of conserving money, and
consequently the special trains which
brouKht thousands of gay-feezed
Hhrlners from all sections of the coun
it Is not necessary tu shampoo your
heir so frequently If it entirely and
properly cleansed each time by the use
of a really good shampoo. The easiest
to use and quickest drying shampoo that
we can recommend to our readers is one
that brings out ail the natural beauty of
the hair and may be enjoyed at very
little expense, by dissolving a teAspoonful
of canthrox. which can he obtained from
any druggist. In a cup of hot water. This
makes a full cup of sharnpoo liquid,
enough so it is easy to apply it to all the
hair instead of Just the top of the head.
This when rubbed iuto the scalp and onto
every strand of hair, chemically dissolves
ull Impurities. It Is very soothing and
cooling In Its action, as well as beneficial
to both scalp and hair. Alter rinsing
out the lather so created, you will find
the scalp is fresh, clean and free from
dandruff, wdiile the hair dries quickly and
evenly, developing a bright luster and a
soft fluffiness that makes it seem very
try to the annual glad consffH
i t- «liiiwnd W
cation of thin has not e«*n re " *
Hutte, It is exp- i*" 1 ,i;,ilv
the local flhrlners
elded to abandon their Eperisl
the east for the session. ^ 1
business meeting «ill be bebl.
and the official delegates from
temple will attend.
Thia Is In keeping th * 11
campaign for econon» " "
sweeping the states lil< H a B (
sen re and enlisting ' v ® rv n '®"'
an and child In the greatest *
and conservation movement —
tory has ever recorded
unanimity which extend»
crowded cities of the rast to
1 Mages of the «est. 'tom
to the farm. Iron. *r«»' ^ jn ,
tranizations to womans ^ c
state and in evory
conservation is the witc * 1 . re!0
vatlon of the national too
not because It Is neces»*«- of pr0 |
ent time, but through a ' ' (ur t!
"preparedness." and "' ,je»|
reason that 11 It dereM*
course was not neeessa . ■ . er , .
will at least have learned^ ^ „
A O. Levlngood ■« ' 1
thorltles awaiting lar^
an-, court on . har«~ 0 ,
It Is alleged he stol • gan)
goods valued at M« 'tom
on Feb

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