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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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GRIFFITH'S $2,000,000 TRIUMPH, "INTOLERANCE," A WONDERFUL DRAMATIC SPECTACLE, NOW BEING SHOWN AT AMERICAN THEATER m mm m — ~ ■ * - " ■ •~r , ' . . . •s? ~iS' ■■ y -■ ■ ■■■ ' ■ .Vr' C ■HU V: AMUSEMENTS EXCELLENT WEEK END PROGRAM AT RIALTO Manager-Jensen of the Rialto, for the end-of-the-week program, has se mred a variety of subjects all so good that It Is hard to say w hich is the best. The bill is headed by the first authentic film to reach this country of the landing of General Pershing iU France. That Americas entrance Into the aient world war is welcomed 1 .he French nation Is plainly shown ,n this film. From the time of G ..... il Sr lt dlff j' , 'J - j that he and hin nd ree tion committee made any pr«>hj.^., a *11 through the dense crowds, x cn the bill comes ''Skinner s Bubhl helng a picture version of the st« by that name and n sequel to "Sk ner s Dress Suit," whic h all readers the Saturday Evening iv.-t rememl The Et< ry deal- with tlie u; s at i I BENGAL TIGERS AND LEOPARDS EDUCATED TO PERFORM ARE FEATURE OF BARNES CIRCUS & yyr ! J ÊÊ J. ... —. -fclSUi Most fearless woman animal educator in Circus that she MABEL STARK. 'kV' WiW Animta ------------- i Among wild animal trainers It is considered a difficult feat to tret lions to work with leopards, or bears to art with pumas. So far as having wild animals, particularly of the cat spe cles, work harmoniously with domes tic animals, such as dogs or horses, has always been considered imprac tloaMa. It remained for A1 O. Rarnea. whose four-ring wild animal circus will exhibit in Butte on the afternoons and evenings of July 7 and g. to accom plish the remarkable feat of training admit, that couple n will ! shion »recta The j Henry s clevprnww a» a short story l l ' r j iTl transformation to pic The* iZZZT j hlghb interesting program almost an number of which would be "n Use» feature " The .h„.e rubllc Is still a Id, mx, J tifled In Oliver o Wallace and the 1 „„ '! Z« h Is XVa,?a « ani^me^L îhat It Is the on ■ ■ '' 0rld , 8 ,a "" s ' orchestral organ and AmeriCP ** m.»c ♦ iliaa.oM ----- I .1 To appi foremost theater organist. ate th most u ne ver sa till t knowledg und al f music uld hear how, and Wallace tin she bill will be sh, I i ' I I ÄT "• gether. JthT;:;,grrm: ; .x;iLT^rr t.: Thrlty full-grown Afrean lions In one act a b| g arena with Louie Roth. orld famous trainer. In command. Caravans of camels, elephants, sa cred cattle, troupes of seals, sea lions, chimpanzees, orang-outangs, apes monkeys, kangaroo«, zebras. Rocky monntain goat*, lions, tigers, leopards Mary ! ond EXCEPTIONAL BILL AT PEOPLES HIPPODROME "T mahT" rleLef Harvard, nr ' n « Th ? n..r..«r<,s . ,he headliners, and their "T and " eXCe,lem « ot '1 1 much favorable comment as is Iper _ - pram .Vewell and Most are tv veri er thei sine in and dancers and pu» ! delightful manner. J > and Benjamin, billed ats. have an act that 1 ent from any ever se Joe Rolley is I comedy entirely bv himself, and his harmonica is imme m the Jazz led ford and j ....... I piFrl 2°cS- b nc,uding grown-ups as well. Two trains of double-length cars carrj the circus over the road Six : concert and military bands and four ; calliope, help to make the two-mil. èa?h mo7n d in. 8 n en „ at 1# * # it® If morn n * a ^Uttering event In The doors open at 1 and 7 p. m and the bill opens at 2 and 8 o'clock. I Gardiner offer a * Murray and Love Just Xonsenso.' tion is a Triangle The Paws of the j Desmond and Clai ! tured. The Pathe versai cornedv cot best hills ever pre. SENATOR CLARK'S Fill! ,__ Mrs. Clark and H,r Daughters Will Motor Through the Park. ! Mrs. W. J ters. Andre Saturday cv, from where th ing trip of se low stone Nat through the motor, ami Mi Clark and two ciaugh nd Huguette, will leave hing for Yellowstone. w in start on a camp eial weeks in the Yel onal park. The trip vill be ma vi 11 nrk and her daugh anted hy Miss Aim camp cook, ohauf on to prepare ram a ill a ■'•ses c whet Mr ark as fa he will ! tSlderfln J lows to ne ment. S establishe terest in that the four wee! s Angele through the park two automobiles and a transportation of the f " »11 be taken. YV. C. t vccle the l arty to Yel the automobile equip •■11 >>e made and camp ,M of <bv places of In u-k. And lt is proba!'»'" will last for three A NATURAL CONCLUSION. J? Wif v—Isn't that your eye doc The Husi and -I thought so until he sent in his bill. Now I know he's a skin specialist. CRISIS OF WOMAN'S LIFE Change Safely Passed by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Warner, Okj a ._"l never K „ t tir . Cf praising l.y,i, a K. Pinkhatn's \W tab! m " V *K gÄs rxiîSFr - . ege- ----Compound because ouring Change cf Lifo 1 xxas in bed two years and had two operations, but s!l the doctors and op erations did me no good, and I would have been in my fn-ave today had ft î° tSn for L ï d <» E ; PJnkham's Veg etable Compound * an ) in e symptoms as sens- ,1 < ?° n j ho - tfl " has . heAdaches back* ,m P endin » «*1 timWite' h^t snar^. ^"' P^P'^on of ^i ««KU r.-TIj oeioro the eves i ipl »"ddttzines* should b-hrrd?J THE HIPPOBROl OUR OPENING BILL IS A CORKER! LOOK IT OVER— • THE" SIX HARVARDS— A Dainty Musical Offering LAYPO AND BENJAMIN—Comedy Acrobats. NEWELL AND MOST—Musical Comedy Favorites. JOE ROLLEN' —In a Class By Himself. BEDFORD AND GARDINER—Whirlwind Dancers. MURRAY AND LOVE—Just Nonsense. The Pathe Weekly ANY SEAT Timely Topiis Tersely Told 'UNEA SY 1 1 MONT ' A Universal Conudv THE PAWS OF THE BEAR" A Fixe-Part Triangle Production Featuring WILLIAM DESMOND and CLARA WILLIAMS A Picture— Well Worth Your While Judge Will Pay Reward for Capture of the Man Who Stole Tag. Judge YV. I. Lippincott believes he has | discovered the meanest thief in Butte-- ; tiie man who stole a collar and license from his grandson's dog. ' Anyone who will rob a dog is pgçHi i ■ w in my opinion." said Judge LlppUi-u cott. • This dog belongs to my grandson I H-' followed me to the postofftce this j morning and while 1 was inside the build- ! mg someone stole the tag. If J hadn't noticed he loss at once the dog might have he. n taken to the pound and killed. Tlu-n there would have been a broken ' hearted little fellow in Butte." .bulge Lippincott says ho will pav a rd for anyone who will locate Th* umb< ? the ju ig to take nd of his store long enough for the sale I liar. A new lif.-r. A „ ^ ,f Ln,U!l 1 th< ;! alla , ¥l,er "" d d "UBhwr s Tuestlay and are visiting nom»- of Mr. and Mrs Willis— 1« Main street. W iiliam Treloar from Missoula, wh Fourth of Jul pede. Rayr returned today .•here he spent the »ending the Stnm "Vl. V . ra ° f Mnln ^et. who „.,, 1 . , , ' Rn automobile last toon he dlMharg^^f^om ^the hospital! Mies i, Mercantil. vacation ; zzi r l„ R " raan °f Bertogllo's Boulder' 8Pendl " g her n°h7^ Alulrews an 'l a week « visit h wi,b r, returned from Idan. ' " l,h frionds »t Sher " t I-vatherwood street ,0 a , ' ,ral hospitu, ZZ thlR m o^lng" for C^X ated ° n from r vork V in S '"° k his ,irst off Fourth and spem^he 1 d Ce, r'" ate thp Glen. P * ,he da 5' fishing nt Mrs. L. ,x Street and MrCiaskev of 147 a.,, Afr« m Main Clarence Mart hey have gone to Rundup to vi« it , nh " y ^ ur some time. ' " ^ friends and Mrs Will: family and Mr . an ,, l ' am Randle and and children motcr, i* ?' ^°*man I yesterday, where ^h ? *° Phil 'r8burg d ay picnicking. h 5 the holl °a»yon. * ln ^*ne-Mile companied by'' "jl' 1 ^ildron, a P - h »'e gone to Poison In B»tcad, «pend the vacation ' wl » A WONDER ' A bcatth we qua(r , Matthew Morie« H ,aUïrh At h,s own storiejs. V ANS 0 NI For Today, Tomorrt and Saturday R0BEK WARWifl -IN "The False Friei V. SUPPORTED BY CHARMING GAIL KANE f SPECIAL VAUDEVILLE FOR THREE DAYS BURR & LEE HARRY Comedy Singing and Talking IE Streams Were High and There Was No Encouragement tor Nimrods. Jr—" ' vere disappointed yes ror '" y . °. n al1 Montana streams, ac nteh, n8 mw S,0rleS broU8ht ** ck > a *' "he nshllg* f T mB are verv hlKh and poor 8 * he pres - nt «me Is very men h dld la not rlty ° f the expert flsher - „7" dld n . ot oast a bait yesterday," In the "city ™ !t expert "'mroda It would he ea,y t0 * ee thftt would be all waste of time.» 1 'or".'' he "ald \ I ^ ,he strea "> that he wi,« th * outc om« xV*a onsnocessfunv . ** ed fnd «" T ort«ti ■ullx to catch that fish Jack Turner and f»®* 1 ' ( but were unable 1 ^ dinner by ;> roeSS ' NOTICE I Carriers » re " j.titrtl payment of wavffl orders for ' » ncel ,' p* All such order* ' SNATCH GIRLS j death jn. In/J.'-H l.awrcncrhurf, ^ If general manager ® ^ j. Lumber company. ^ | rescued Ma r ** r ^ [J. W mers, aged 16 r and Mrs. 1 " j burning automobil Mr. Dan, and ? ^r fl returning to ,h ■ •„ tlr*l covered *Fo «'U' lD J veloped in fl«»? Both men weJV „ the hand« scorched on Subscribe f° r ****