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VOLUME I. w. S3 □ PN S 3 S3 u 0 EKALAKA, (CUSTER^COUNTY) MONTANA, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1999. NUMBER 17. BIRD GETS IT'S TAIL SCORCHED Saturday afternoon at about 3 o'clock fire was discovered in the rear end of Philip Bootsma's building which was occupied by himself and this office. The alarm was turned in at once and nearly everybody responded. The chemical engine was brought out and it was not long until the fire was under control. Ever thing was saved from the build ing and the only damage will be that of the building and the loss of stock type, etc caused by the excitement. A heavy wind was blowing At the time and when it was first discovered no one would have believed that it could be saved and had it not been for the heroic work of several of those present we doubt if it ever would have been. The damage in all will be ap proximately $400 with no insur ance. We have moved our office into the restaurant building where you may find us at any time. Although our feathers were badly scorched and our nest nearly destroyed you will find us till endeavoring to give you a ood local paper. The past week as seen us sorting out the "pie" hat was caused by the "quick ove", and if you know anything bout the business you will know hat we struck a job. The paper his week may not be up to the tandard but we can assure you hat 'ere long you will see the 'bird" soaring higher than ever nd still boosting for the best in and town in the west. HOW DRAWS GOOD CROW U Last Friday evening a good zed crowd of town and country eople attended the "Old Maids onvention" in the I. 0. 0. F. all. The performance started out 9 o'clock and from the art until the finish it was one ntinuous laugh. The play represented a meet ;g of the "old maids" of Eka ka and at the gathering it was oved, seconded, and "thirded" at their sole object was to catch husband. Each one related eir personal experience with rtain batchelors around town id gave their opinion on his yle and manner of courtship, ring the "rush" hours of their eeting June Olsén as Prüf k eover endeavored to trans rm them from "olcl maids" into eet yoyng maidens, by simply nning them through his wond ul machine and from the re ts he obtained he "made good' ' "guarantee. As a whole the formance was well rendered, h and everyone rendering „ir parts in excellent shape, the close of the show every went home well pleased with entertainment. he show was given by the dies Aid Society and it is need s to say that they were well 'TEEPEE DICK" APPREHENDED "Teepee Dick, " otherwise known as Richard Leswell, and who has been a fugutive from justice since last fall, was recent ly apprehended in Oregon by Sheriff Hugh Wells, and is now safely ensconsed in the Custer county jail. Leswell is charged with grand larceny in connection with the theft of a horn- from Joe Yale an Ekalaka citizen, the animal being afterword sold by nim to Robert Aitchison, the liveryman, of this city. The prisoner maintains that he bor rowed the horse, but a defense of this character is not always regarded with favor by gentle men called upon to serve as jurors.—Miles City Messenger. TO BE NOTIFIED OF THE LANDS The Independent has received a communication from the de partment of the interior in refer ence to the entry of lands under the new act allowing parties to take an additional 160 acres or to take 320 where they have not used their rights. The instruc tions are given to receivers of land offices in this and other western states and the gist of the matter is this. "From time to time lists designating the lands which are subject to entry under this act will be sent you, and immediately upon receipt of such lists you will note upon the tract books opposite the tracts so designated, "Designated—Act February 10th, 1909". Uutil such lists have been received in your office, no application to en ter should be received and no entries allowed under this act. ' ' —Independent. LOCAL ITEMS ABOUT THE CITY A deal was made this week through A. W. Lucas the live stock broker whereby John M. Holt of Miles City became the owner of the band of sheep be longing to John Laney. The band numbers about 3100 and the price paid is said to be $5.75 per head. Robert W. Newman of Mis soula, Mont., and eastern Mon tana Representative of the Amer ican Sunday Schpol Union Was in town Sunday. While here Mr. Newman established a Sunday school with John Oliver as super intendent. The 90th Anniversary of the I. O. O. F. will occur on April 26th 1909. The local lodge of this town have made preparations to observe this day on Sunday April 25 by having services at the Christian Church at 11 a m. Rev. John Oliver will conduct the services and the members of the lodge will attend in a body. The Canton will' àppear in full dress uniform, DAILY MAIL UNE WANTED The Stockgrowers and Business Men's Club met in the restaurant building last Tuesday evening and £ransacted considerable im portant business. The commit tee appointed at the last meeting to draft the by-laws reported their work and the same was ac cepted by the club. The first and third Tuesday nights of each month have been designated as the time for holding the regular meetings and the hour set was at 8 o'clock sharp. After the adoption of the by laws, the same committ#e was appointed to draw up a petition asking for a daily mail line be tween here and Baker, giving the reason why we need it, the ben efits that will be derived there from and also the numbeç of peo ple who would be interested in it's establishment. It will show the pressing need of a daily serv ice between these two points and will be sent to Congressman Pray with the expectations that he will act at once on the matter and use his earnest efforts in getting this done. Senator H. N. Sykes, and many other prom inent men interested in the fut ure of this country will use their influence in the establishment of this line and if we go at it right and show the government why we must have this service there is no doubt but that we will get satisfactory results. It is ex* pected that the commercial club at Baker will aid us in this work and the petition will be circulated in that thriving town b£ them. Geo. Boggs was appointed by the president to consult with, the county commissioners at Miles City this week with a view of having the road repaired on what is known as the "Conger" hill southeast of town. This road is now in an unfit condition to travel over and is in such a shape that it is a disgrace to the coun try. President Hedges appointed W. H. Peck to look over the chemical engine and have the same repaired where it was dam aged during the fire last Satur day. After this the meeting ad journed until the first Tuesday evening in May which will come on the 4th. SIXTY DAYS TO FILE A communication from the de partment of the interior to the register of the land offices, states that any entryman who has filed upon land heretofore classed as non mineral or thought to be non mineral, will have sixty days in which to file upon the land, ex clusive of the mineral rights, or to file a denial that the land con tains coal of a workable value and request a hearing upon that question. The burden of proof will be upon the United States to show that thä land does contain coal of a workable value, at such hearing. — Independent. I [OX They Keep On Eating \ You don't eat one meal and make that last a month. You keep on eating Van Camp's Pork and Beans. We have them in the No. 1, 2, aud 3 size, plain Tfy ^ <w ^ or with tomato KuowIlawGoodBeansCMiBe. sauce. Van (imp's ~s> Pork »'"Beans G o YOURS FOR BUSINESS PECK. 'Phone No. 4, On All Lines. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. TERMS: All accounts must be paid on first of the month. Positive ly no deviation from this rule. YOU TO USE THE BEST We slill continue to handle the best grade of Flour, made from our Northern Grown Hard Wheat that don't need bleaching, It costs a little more but you get the Value. Our Red River Valley Early Ohio Potatoes will be here in a few days. Seed Corn, Wheat, Oats, Barley, Timothy and Millett on hand. Corn Planters, Plows and all kinds of tools. Our prices are always right. I We Carry Almost Everything. The R. C. Charters Company. L J