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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. <£ a H Ü £3 £ □ D 0 □ L I C-ii EKALAKA, (CUSTER'COUNTY) MONTANA, FRIDAY, APRIL 38, 1909. NUMBER 18. WANTS Some time ago petitions were sent out from Marmarth asking that the Department of the In terior create a new land district to be known as the "Marmarth Land District" with the office at Marmarth. The people at Mar marth who are seeking the es tablishment of ihis office have started out by trying to segre gate the Lemmon, Dickinson and Miles City districts and if their petition is granted Ekalaka will come in the new district. The following is the proposed new district: Beginning on the state line be tween North Dakota and Mon tana where the line between Dawson and Custer counties in tersects the state line; thence west along the county line about 39 miles; thence south to the Wyoming state lino, about 136 miles; thence east to the line of South Dakota; thcnce north along the state line to North Dakota; thence east along state line to the line between ranges 100 and 101; thence north 43 miles; thence west to the Montana line; thencc north to point of begin ning. Petitions of were sent" from this and other territor ies in the proposed new district giving numerous reasons why we should still remain in the Miles City district and it is hoped by nearly everyone in this territory that the petition asking for the new district will be turned down. The Miles City land office is in every way capable of handling this territory and the men who look after the a;fa rs of that of fice have alwa;v, 1 ..-en kr.own to De just and obliging in tLwir en deavors to serve the many peo ple who have been obliged to call at that office. The Eagle for one is not in favor of the creating of this new district, for the reason that we do not believe there is any special need of it at this time. Y.VrPT'?* JL wilH The following letter received by Dr. <$. O. Colvin of this city is self explanatory and of inter est to his many friends here who are glad to hear of his success. "Board of Medical Examiners, Helena, Montana, April 22, 1909. Dr. E. O. Colvin, Ekalaka, Montana. Dear Doctor: 1 am instructed by the Board of Medical Examiners to inform you that you reached the general average required to pass, at the examinations held on the 6th, 7th and 8th instant, and that a li cense will be sent you by express in due time. Please keep me ad vised of any change in your ad dress. Very Truly Wm. C. Riddell Secretary." I. 0. 0. F. LODGE CELEBRATES Sunday, the Odd Fellows, as before arranged, met in their Hall and then marched in a body to the Christian Church to hear a sermon by Rev. John Oliver in commemoration of the 90th An niversary of American Odd Fel lowship. The text Gen. 4-9, Ro mans 14-7, was handled in a mas terly manner and was greatly ap preciated by the general public as well as by the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. Rev. Hainer of Camp Crook S. D. also assisted in the services. The different branches of the Order were well represented, the Rebekahs espe cially presented a fine appearance and turned out with a strong de legation. Canton Custer, in full dress uniform with two-thirds of its entire membership in line, presented a spectacle seldom seen outside the large cities and when we learn that this Branch of the Order wears the same uniform throughout the world, and has Cantons in nearly every country on the globe we cease to wonder at the pride and interest taken by its members in this, the great est modern Fraternity in the world. In the afternoon the Canton in fatigue dress uniform, took a long practice march and drill. In the evening services were con ducted at the church, Rev. Hai ner officiating and the church was taxed to the limit for seating the audience, and the Odd Fel lows and Rebekahs may well be proud of the showing made by them on theirs, the passing of ir 90th Mile-stone on t'hci^ I misrion of Friendship, Love and! Truth. We join hands wiih 1 them and wish them God Speed. ; _ _ : iV John Hirz was in Ekalaka Saturday. Mable Gross visited on Box El der la3t Sundry. Ada Gross is employed at W. I. Maxwell's at present. Ott Newbary was hauling grain from Buck's this week. Angeline Johnson called on Mrs. Arpan Saturday evening. Lou Arpan and wife called on John McNarie and wife Sunday. Rev L; M. Plainer stopped at Mr; Sweeney's Monday enrcute for Camp Crook. Willis Johnson and Harry Gill man were out fishing Sunday. They report fishing as dull sport. Messrs Sweeney and Mowbray attended lodge Saturday evening and also took in the meeting Sunday at Ekalaka. Joe Arpan celebrated his birth day the 23rd. The 24th he was caller at Ott Newbary's and from all appearances Joe is now old enough to go about alone. (Subscriber.) LOCAL LODGE ÇNTERTÂINS Last Friday evening was the scene of much enjoyment by the old and young folks at the hall. j In the fore part of the evening I the Modern Woodman lodge held their meeting which was visited by several outside members, among which were F. T. Reily, 1 A. O. Gullidge and Prof. C. W Grandey of Terry. After the meeting of the lodge an excellent lunch wes served by the ladies in honor of their presence, many outsiders being invited to attend. Following the "doings" in the lodge room the crowd decended to the hall below where a dance had been planned. Those present enjoyed themselves in this sport until nearly 2 o'clock when the "Home Sweet Home" waltz w r as rendered. L KNOWN COUPLE MARRIED The news of the marriage of Miss Grace Shreve formerly of Ekalaka and Mr. Fd. Burke of Arvada, Wyo., at Sheridian, Wyo. on Wednesday, April 14, was received in town last week, j The groom is a young man who is well and favorable known among the people of Arvada as an industrious and upright citi zen. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Shreve of Boots and is a young lady of ex ce P tiorial ability who has many in this territory. The happy couple who arrived at the home of the bride's par en - s - Boots on the 17th inst for a few days visit left last Fri day for Arvada where they ex pect to make their future home. The young couple have the best wishes of their many friends and relatives in this section, who all join in wishing them a bright and prosperous future. TO BE OPENED FOR SETTLEMENT U. 8. Land Office. Miles City, Mont. April 22, 1909. Notice is hereby given that plats of the below mentioned townships have been filed in this office, and will be opened to entry on Tuesday, June 8, 1909: T. 5 N., R. 58 E., T. 5 N., R. 59 E. t T. 5 N., R. GO E., T. 5 N., R. Gl E., fractional, T. 6 N., R. 58 h 1 ., T. G N., R. 59 E., T. 6 N., R. 60 R, T. 6 N., R. 61 E., fractional, T.7N., R. 58 E., T. 7 N., R. 59 E., T. 7 N., R. 60 E., T. 7N„ R. 61 E., fractional. A. Kircher, Register o ^ r E HAVE a full line of the Towers Fish Brand Slickers, slicker suits, black or yel low, and the slicker hat, mens, youths and boys rubber boots, rubbers for men, women and children, and this is the time of the year you will need such kind of goods. Come in and look our stock over. Have you seen our line of Got zian boots, shoes and oxfords? All new styles and at prices that will please you, We are the exclusive agents for the Gold Medal Flour, the flour that has the guarantee of quality and ex cellence behind it, the best Known and most used of any flour in the U. S. A full line of sta ple and fancy groceries always on hand. YOURS FOR BUSINESS "*1 J o 'Phcue No. 4, On A3 Lines. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. TERMS: All accounts must be paid on first of the month. Positive ly no deviation from this rule. SIT "sS. ZL 3^77 v ft B Jmm -JTV j«-."* çxi iwts i r *vT'. rtrz it TO? K - a Yi p ID Is % » v m 'I TS 1. W"»l We still continue to handle the best grade of S I »cur, made from our Northern Grown Hard Wheat I that den 't need bleaching, ït cozis a litlle more J te y™ cet the Value. Cur Red River Valley Early Oiiio Potatoes v/iil be here in a few days. Seed Corn, ; Wheat, Oats, Barley, Timothy and CTcit en hand. Ccrn Planters, Hew s and all kinds of tools. Cur prices are always right. • Va y äimqs E fcver GESTS» Charters Company.